#« saggitarius aiolos : ic »
hxdrostorms · 8 months
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@acquarius-saint has sent: Camus pats Aiolo's head "Calm down child."
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He takes a deep breath. "Tell me, Camus. Was I too naive to assume you guys would grow up to be good people?"
"No need to bring up Saga. And cut that out. I was once older, than all of you."
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hxdrostorms · 2 months
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Anonymous has sent: To all Saint Seiya muses: Why are you loyal to Athena? How loyal are you to her? Are you only loyal because she is a goddess? What if Athena were to lose all her divinity and cosmos and become a normal human, will you still serve her as your goddess? (Only asking out of curiosity haha, in Lost Canvas, there was a moment when Sasha lost all her divinity and cosmos and became a normal human but she was still determined to fight Hades and the saints were still very loyal to her)
Unprompted ask
From least committed to her -> The most loyal saints
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"Well, my answer to this will be brief. My brother is the one who has sworn his life to her, whereas I've pledged my soul to serving Poseidon. Despite that, I knew very well I had to redeem myself to her somehow. So, that's why I served her army. It was the very least I could do for all the trouble I caused, and for the fact she spared my life all those years ago... Do you get where I'm going with this? If Athena ever lost her powers then, I wouldn't have anymore reasons to stand beside her and the Saints. If anything, Hades wouldn't be the only thing she would have to be worried about."
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"Listen, if she lost her divinity and powers then we uh...... We would all be dead. I don't think it would make any difference if I still were standing, or not. I'm loyal to her but, I'm also realistic. I wouldn't stand around, waving my arms, and pretend like everything would be sunshine and rainbows."
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"I won't lie, I have questioned myself on that matter a handful of times, over the years. But I always felt stumped whenever I got to the question: Would I be able to just walk away? Where else would I go? Those questions are very easy to shut me up, and make me push forward. The idea of Athena's reincarnation somehow returning to being just a common human is... Scary. And it might even be infuriating, given all the sacrifices we had to do, in order to be recognized as saints... I would keep fighting however, she no longer would be the main driving force. She isn't the only person, I want to protect and fight for."
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"That could be a problem, a serious one even. It could even bring down the army's morale... I wouldn't go anywhere, and I would still keep fighting despite all the odds. Perhaps, if I were younger, I would likely question my commitment to the cause and my faith in her. But, as I keep saying it: I'm no longer the same person I once was. I have had my awakening, and remembered the real purpose of my life. Which is serving Athena, and that's final."
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"My master has taught me very well this lesson. Life has also served as further proof of it. Don't forget! I had first-hand experiences and even witnessed, the miracles Athena and her saints have pulled off. I may have been just a kid back then but, that changed everything for me. Especially, when she bestowed upon my fathers a new life. I know very well my role and the importance of never losing faith, in her."
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"What kind of questions are those? Do you think I would ever develop any form of doubts, in regards to my loyalty to Athena? Although I have once been on the wrong side of the story. That's now long in the past. My raw power should be seen as the biggest evidence of my loyalty and desire, to serve her. Even if she somehow loses her divinity, Athena's reincarnation is still our Goddess on Earth."
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"Because there is no other option. As part of our rite of passage to wield the Gold cloths, we must procclaim our vows of serving Athena. Not even Death could possibly prevent me, from fighting for her."
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hxdrostorms · 2 months
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@eternalstarlights has sent: Leo looked up at the human in front of him. He looked almost like his owner but he did not smell like him. He didn't know where Regulus was but that is okay. He will play with this human for now! He quietly sneaked behind the human before pouncing onto him, demanding attention and pets. (Aiolos, this is relating to the Leo headcanon I reblog, I just want to throw a cute kitten at your muses)
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The cat caught Aiolos off guard. Albeit, in the best way imagineable. He was trying to rest, get his mind off his current predicament. When the answer to all his problems had just arrived, all of the suden.
A chuckle escaped the Sagittarius saint, as he playfully grabbed the feline and brough it much closer to himself. He searched for his best scratching spots with his digits, all while trying not to provoke it to scratch him back.
In no time, he would have the small cat laying on his lap, while he mindlessly petted and combed through his soft fur.
As it turns out, he needed a small distraction like that, after all.
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hxdrostorms · 7 months
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@acquarius-saint enviou: Camus passou o dia fingindo ter esquecido seu aniversário, mesmo nas vezes em que se cruzaram no santuário, Camus não mencionou uma só "parabéns" e ele era ótimo em esconder emoções, como por exemplo o tanto que estava ansioso para a pequena surpresa que havia preparado para Milo. Ao fim do dia, Aldebaran deveria dar um jeito de levá-lo à casa de aquário, onde Camus e os outros cavaleiros estavam esperando. Uma linda mesa com um bolo, flores e balões estava posta, e com a chegada de Milo, um coro de parabéns pra você tomou conta da casa. Camus não era do tipo que demonstrava muito afeto em público, mas caminhou até Milo e envolveu seu pescoço com os braços, beijando-o.
"Feliz aniversário!" Camus sorria de forma travessa, como uma criança orgulhosa por ter conseguido ocultar uma surpresa.
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Shaka e Aiolos já estavam na casa de aquário ajudando nas preparações fazia algumas horas, seguindo as orientações de Camus. Eram raros os momentos em que os cavaleiros de ouro desta geração, realmente pareciam uma equipe em harmonia e que genuinamente importavam-se com seus colegas.
Ao longo dos anos, Milo não foi uma das figuras mais controversas, ainda mais quando ele tomou a responsabilidade de ser o único com um amplo conhecimento da medicina, no Santuário. De alguma forma ou outra, a maioria dos cavaleiros estavam em débito com ele pelos seus serviços. Então a proposta de Camus foi bem recebida pelos convidados, até o Shaka não demorou muito para dar a sua resposta. Aiolos convidou-se para a ocasião, ele agora é o mais jovem de todos, claro que ele seria atraído para uma celebração como esta.
Milo estava bem confuso pela maneira que o Camus estava agindo naquele dia. O cosmo dele não revelava nada para ele, e como sempre, era impossível decifrar as expressões faciais dele. Talvez ele tivesse esquecido que dia que fosse, isso não importava muito. Afinal, não seria a primeira vez em sua vida que ele não comemorou a sua data. Tiveram muitos aniversários que ele passou solitário, enquanto Camus estava preso na Sibéria treinando seus discípulos.
Pelo menos, ele tinha bastante serviço na forma de tratar de outros guerreiros e cavaleiros, que estavam enfermos. Até que chegou a vez do Kiki, aprendiz de Mu, ser tratado por ele e que estava sendo acompanhado pelo Aldebaran. Algo que estava tomando tempo de mais, era quase como se os dois estivessem fazendo ele perder tempo com eles.
A criança muviana parecia normal, para sua espécie, tagarela até de mais (como ele teria tornado-se o aprendiz do Mu, ainda permanece um mistério para ele). E o Aldebaran também era mais um, do qual ele não conseguia decifrar. 'Sou casado com um muviano há uns bons anos, nem perca seu tempo com isso, Milo.' O cavaleiro de touro comentou com ele, em um tom de brincadeira mas que carregava uma verdade e um fato.
Porém, as coisas não pararam por aí. A consulta acabou, o Sol estava se pondo no horizonte. Mas os dois não saiam da cola dele, e o Aldebaran não estava disfarçando o fato de que ele estava levando-o até a casa de aquário.
"Não estamos a caminho de Jamiel, Aldebaran. Eu sei muito bem o caminho até o meu amante. Esqueceu-se onde a casa de Áries fica?" Milo comentou enquanto subia as escadas, acompanhado dos dois. Aldebaran manteve o seu andar lento e calmo, enquanto Kiki curtia a vista proporcionada pela altura do homem, ao sentar-se nos ombros dele. Ele simplesmente levantou os seus ombros, e fingiu ignorância.
O quanto mais eles aproximavam-se da casa de aquário, a cosmo energia do local aumentava. Como se tivesse uma aglomeração lá dentro. Isso chamou a atenção do cavaleiro de escorpião. Eventualmente eles chegaram no destino, e assim que eles atravessaram a entrada do templo.
'Parabéns, Milo!'
As vozes pegaram ele de surpresa. Ainda mais pelo abraço carinhoso e afetivo do Camus. Aldebaran rapidamente juntou-se aos outros dois convidados, dando espaço ao casal. Milo retribuiu o abraço e o beijo nos lábios de seu amante. Uma leve rizada escapou dele, enquanto ele não largava do cavaleiro de aquário.
"Eu não esperava menos de você, Camus." Ele sussurrou bem baixinho somente para o outro ouvi-lo, enquanto ele sorria docemente para o outro homem.
Sua coração tinha batida altas, seu amor por Camus realmente é a coisa mais preciosa que ele tem.
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hxdrostorms · 4 months
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@eternalstarlights has sent: 👄 Hades (For Aldebaran, Deathmask, Milo, Shaka, Aiolos and Kanon)
send a ‘👄 + character name’ and my muse will talk about that character [Accepting, SPECIFY MUSE]
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"I couldn't even come close to realising, he has always been so deeply tied to my life's history as a whole. I don't like the fact that for a period of my lief, he was everything I truly had on my side. I can't get rid of this bitter taste in my mouth, knowing that my vast knowledge is all because of his doing. He and his army will pay the price, to get my revenge for interfering and toying with mine and my brother's destiny. But at least, knowing that I also carry a certain sentimental value to Hades, makes everything a lot more bearable."
mentions @hades-kami's Hades <3
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"I'm not concerned at all about the outcome of this battle. By which I mean, whether or not I also get to walk out of this battlefield alive, doesn't matter to me. I'm more than ready to serve Athena in her true battle against him. I'm at peace with myself, knowing I'm no longer the same Shaka from awhile back, and was blindly believing on Saga's cosmos."
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"I understand it is my life's purpose to fight in this war against him and his army. I won't hesitate or even hold back when the time comes for it. Hades is nothing more than an end goal to me, he should fall like all the others. He is a deity, I'm not ignoring that fact and even less, underestimating him. But at the same time... I'm no longer looking forward to confrontation, as I once did years ago. Maybe the years of peace have softened me, after all. Or maybe, I shouldn't be thinking about what comes next the battle."
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"Well, I'm most certainly not in Hades' realm. I was certain that would be my resting place. But alas, my soul is bound to the Sagittarius cloth. My cloth has saved me, from falling into that land. I have been eagerly waiting for the time to come, for all of us to face off against him and his army in the battlefield."
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"What do you expect me to say or even think about the exact thing, we were all trained and prepared to slay in a battle? Our goal should be ensuring Athena's victory, and nothing else... I've been trained to say it like that, my entire life."
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"If people could stop assuming I'm going in and out of his realm, that would be really cool. Don't insult Yomotsu as if it were that guy's little backyard. Even though, it could be, on a technical level."
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hxdrostorms · 5 months
Continued from x @shouxryuuxha
                                                         𝗛𝗢𝗪 𝗗𝗜𝗙𝗙𝗜𝗖𝗨𝗟𝗧 𝗜𝗧 𝗠𝗨𝗦𝗧 𝗕𝗘 𝗧𝗢 𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗚𝗥𝗔𝗧𝗘 𝗔𝗚𝗔𝗜𝗡. For them, it was alreay proving to be hard, but to the once DEAD, he could not imagine that confusion. The few times he had perished, it was not long enough for the reserrection to be jarring. To be quite honest, he was curious of it all. How it felt to be GONE for the long just to be brought back. To have more or less be told YOUR WORK IS NOT DONE. He was appreciative? Upset? Apathetic to it all? This was their life after all. When did it really end? 
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                                                               No need to overload the man & unload on him a complex. It was not of his own making anyway. ❛ I believe the children are looking for SNOW BUNNIES. They come out around the church at this time of the year. They'll chase them for a bit but not to harm. ❜
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Aiolos still had a long way ahead of him, for him to adjust to his new reality. Time had passed for everyone else but him, the world around him also went through drastic changes. If that wasn't enough, now it was up for the other gold saints to settle, on a new leadership.
That fact was merely a concept in the back of the boy's mind, as he kept observing the small group of children in the distance. It was something entirely new to him, even though the whole scene reminded him of his time looking after his younger brother, back then.
"Hah. That's new to me. I mean, they should start practicing it as early as possible, after all." A chuckle followed his words, as he spotted one of the aforementioned critters. "Let's see how long it takes for them to see that one, over there."
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hxdrostorms · 7 months
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@featherchan has sent: Examine + Plushie of Aiolos /  For Aiolos
Send “Examine!” and an item or person and I’ll write an RPG description of it/them. [Accepting, SPECIFY MUSE]
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He isn't quite sure how this wound up with him, or even who in their right minds would have made it. After all, his name was only cleaned fairly recently. He can tell how the doll also nailed his looks, Aiolos can't help but feel like someone must be taunting him, with it.
"Man, this was either going to be burned to a crisp. Or its former owner liked taking risks, by making something like this."
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hxdrostorms · 8 months
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@acquarius-saint has sent: "Thoughts on" + Camus -aiolos
Send me "Thoughts on" + a Character name and my muse will give their opinions of that character. [Accepting, SPECIFY MUSE]
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"I guess I'm way more out of the loop, than I anticipated."
"I remember perfectly when the younger saints arrived, and I was genuinely surprised to see the way they turned out to become. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see much of Camus in specific, since he was the last one to arrive. He was being trained by someone else, and perhaps it was better for him to stick with those from the same age group."
"Aiolia likely has a lot more to say about him than I ever could."
"He seemed to be a good kid though. And maybe he did become just that, with the way he defended the Sanctuary, going as far as to give his life for it. Hopefully, Saga's reign didn't affect him, while compared to others."
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hxdrostorms · 8 months
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