#« aries kiki : hc »
• Saint Seiya - Autistic/ADHD Headcanons
Pegasus Seiya : ADHD
Cygnus Hyôga : Autistic
Dragon Shiryu : Autistic
Saori Kido : Autistic
Kiki : Autistic/ADHD
Aries Mû : Autistic
Aquarius Camus : Autistic
Freya : Autistic
Pegasus Tenma : ADHD
Sagittarius Sisyphus : Autistic
Leo Regulus : Autistic/ADHD
Scorpio Kardia : Autistic/ADHD
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hxdrostorms · 3 months
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Anonymous has sent: To all Saint Seiya muses: Why are you loyal to Athena? How loyal are you to her? Are you only loyal because she is a goddess? What if Athena were to lose all her divinity and cosmos and become a normal human, will you still serve her as your goddess? (Only asking out of curiosity haha, in Lost Canvas, there was a moment when Sasha lost all her divinity and cosmos and became a normal human but she was still determined to fight Hades and the saints were still very loyal to her)
Unprompted ask
From least committed to her -> The most loyal saints
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"Well, my answer to this will be brief. My brother is the one who has sworn his life to her, whereas I've pledged my soul to serving Poseidon. Despite that, I knew very well I had to redeem myself to her somehow. So, that's why I served her army. It was the very least I could do for all the trouble I caused, and for the fact she spared my life all those years ago... Do you get where I'm going with this? If Athena ever lost her powers then, I wouldn't have anymore reasons to stand beside her and the Saints. If anything, Hades wouldn't be the only thing she would have to be worried about."
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"Listen, if she lost her divinity and powers then we uh...... We would all be dead. I don't think it would make any difference if I still were standing, or not. I'm loyal to her but, I'm also realistic. I wouldn't stand around, waving my arms, and pretend like everything would be sunshine and rainbows."
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"I won't lie, I have questioned myself on that matter a handful of times, over the years. But I always felt stumped whenever I got to the question: Would I be able to just walk away? Where else would I go? Those questions are very easy to shut me up, and make me push forward. The idea of Athena's reincarnation somehow returning to being just a common human is... Scary. And it might even be infuriating, given all the sacrifices we had to do, in order to be recognized as saints... I would keep fighting however, she no longer would be the main driving force. She isn't the only person, I want to protect and fight for."
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"That could be a problem, a serious one even. It could even bring down the army's morale... I wouldn't go anywhere, and I would still keep fighting despite all the odds. Perhaps, if I were younger, I would likely question my commitment to the cause and my faith in her. But, as I keep saying it: I'm no longer the same person I once was. I have had my awakening, and remembered the real purpose of my life. Which is serving Athena, and that's final."
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"My master has taught me very well this lesson. Life has also served as further proof of it. Don't forget! I had first-hand experiences and even witnessed, the miracles Athena and her saints have pulled off. I may have been just a kid back then but, that changed everything for me. Especially, when she bestowed upon my fathers a new life. I know very well my role and the importance of never losing faith, in her."
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"What kind of questions are those? Do you think I would ever develop any form of doubts, in regards to my loyalty to Athena? Although I have once been on the wrong side of the story. That's now long in the past. My raw power should be seen as the biggest evidence of my loyalty and desire, to serve her. Even if she somehow loses her divinity, Athena's reincarnation is still our Goddess on Earth."
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"Because there is no other option. As part of our rite of passage to wield the Gold cloths, we must procclaim our vows of serving Athena. Not even Death could possibly prevent me, from fighting for her."
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straykidsnerd255 · 4 years
I feel i am abusing you, so only write if you feel like it please! I would like to request fluff headcanon for Mu and s/o please? Bonus points if kiki runs away from training and hiding with s/o! Thank you!
You’re not abusing me. I love getting lots of requests even if its from one person. It makes writing that much more fun! Hope you enjoy the request. Sorry for the long wait!! My internet died!
•Adorable Mu. This boy would be on you when you were not training.
•“Why are you not training?”
•You running off when he wasn’t looking
•Wandering around town and found sightseeing before hearing a familiar laugh.
•“Kiki? What are you doing here?”
•“I ran from Mu. He wanted me to do more training and I didn’t want too.”
•You laughed and patted his head.
•The whole day was spent at the village before an angry Aries saint was heard.
•“You two. What are doing?”
•“We wanted a break! Training is boring.”
•Mu signed before rubbing his forehead.
•Mu taking your hand and placing a kiss on your forehead.
•“Alright fine. Lets go shop for a while. Then, we can go back.”
•You smiling and leaning your head on his shoulder.
•“You two are gross.”
•“Kiki, shut up.”
•You laughing as the two bickered and fought as you walked through town.
•“Mu. I love you. You know that right?”
•Mu smiles softly. “Ya, of course I do. I love you too.”
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Hope you enjoy and again, sorry for it being late!
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hxdrostorms · 4 months
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// Don't reblog this post, I don't want it being spread around!
Kiki awakened his cosmos at the age of 3 years old. So, for about an year or so, Mu and Aldebaran really assumed he was a "common" muvian. Dohko was the one who first picked up on the hints, of the baby's hidden potential.
With that said, as a muvian, he started showing signs of his natural special abilities much sooner. Something that is expected, for his kind. His first accomplishment came in the form of levitating small objects, and even teleporting himself to short distances.
Muvians start developing memories a lot sooner than humans. Which means, Kiki HAS really vague memories, of taking his first few steps. And even his first word ever spoken.
It's important to remember that the shtick of master/pupil came to be, as an attempt to cover up the fact, Kiki was actually taken in/adopted as Mu and Aldebaran's son. At the age of 4 Mu started subjecting him to the Gold saints training, with the same severity that Shion did to him. However, given the nature of their bond, he was actually struggling to maintain the harshness like that for long. Aldebaran definetely had a hand in Mu, toning down a notch, with the lessons. Given how uncertain their future at the time was, there wasn't a necessity to rush through things, in the same way their former masters had to do things with them.
Although Kiki was able to manage and handle the gold saint training. He would be liying, if he ever said he took everything well and smoothly, without any hitches. As a very young kid, he couldn't fully grasp why his own father would demanded him to treat/address him as a master. And some time later, fall back to the role of tender and affectionate master. It confused him a lot. And in a way both of them, convinced themselves it was necessary. It was a turbulent training to say the least, which just so happened to pay off in the end. Kiki concluded his training at the age of 13, which meant Mu truly changed his approach to his formation as a whole.
In a way of speaking, Kiki and Genbu were the last ones to receive proper traditional training and lessons, directly from an actual gold saint. One quick look at the 21st century's line of gold saints (at least those that didn't perish in the battle against Mars), and that distinctive detail becomes blatantly obvious.
I'm aware that in canon, the process of fixing cloths is an entire magical process. Something that is mainly tied to the use of stardust and blood sacrifice, in specific cases. BUT, I love the idea of cloth repairers actually having to do, some real iron smithing work. As such, Kiki has shown a natural talent for it very early in his life. He always enjoyed watching Mu work on it, and it was the first thing he mastered.
While Mu's smithy in Jamir's tower may have been VERY antique-esque in style and vibe. Kiki had no problems in modernizing it, when he inherited it and became its primary user.
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hxdrostorms · 4 months
》》BOLD all that applies to your muse!
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• EYES: blue | green | brown| hazel  | grey | grey-blue | other (Lavender)
• HAIR: blond | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey/white | multi-color | other
• BODY TYPE: skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | muscular | chubby | overweight
• SKIN: light| medium | dark | freckled | discolored | tanned | olive | ruddy
• GENDER: male | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels
• SEXUALITY: heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other | doesn’t like labels
• ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic |aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels
• SPECIES: human | undead | shapeshifter | demon | angel | witch | ghost | incubus/succubus | werewolf | alien | mutant | vampire | other (muvian - an ancient humanoid species, which have long running ties to serving Athena and her army. Very little is actually known about them. Muvians are mainly known for being responsible for the creation of the cloths, they are their artisans and the only ones who can repair them. They also have psychic abilities [ranging from telekinesis, teleportation, reading people's minds, to communicating through telepathy]. Muvians also have a much longer lifespan than humans.)
• EDUCATION: high school | GED | college/university | master’s degree | PhD | other (he was subjected to the gold saint training, he was taught the skills to fix the cloths as well)
• I’VE BEEN: in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | brainwashed | shot
• POSITIVE TRAITS: affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | attractive | charismatic | calm
• NEGATIVE TRAITS: aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure| irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic| self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin-skinned | overly-dramatic | argumentative
• LIVING SITUATION: lives alone | lives with parent(s)/guardian (appendix/classic series setting) | lives with significant other| lives with a friend | drifter | homeless | lives with children (aries saint/Omega) | other| depends on verse
• FAMILY (EXTANT/KNOWN): mom | dad (s) [Aldebaran & Mu] | grandmother | grandfather | sibling(s)| foster | adoptive [& daughter as well - Raki] | other | none
• RELATIONSHIP: single| crushing |dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated | depends on verse
• I HAVE A(N): learning disorder | personality disorder | mental disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder (insomniac) | eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance related disorder | PTSD | mental disability | physical disability
• THINGS I’VE DONE BEFORE: had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self harmed (Technically speaking, the old way of repairing the cloths required him to give his blood to revive them. He would use his own blood as an offering to it) | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one night stand | gotten into a fist-fight | gone to the hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | killed someone | had someone try to kill them
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hxdrostorms · 4 months
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// Don't reblog this post, I don't want it being spread around!
I will come up with an elaborate meta post about muvians down the line. In the mean time, all you need to know is that they are going to be interpreted sm as cryptids.
Muvians don't come close to being considered as humans, not even in the slightest bit. They may be humanoids, but they are an ancient specie with a declining population;
Refer to this old post about the flight or fight instincts, they may instigate on people. Kiki isn't an exception to it;
Kiki, similarly to Mu and Shion also had very little contact with the culture and his muvian roots. His main form of contact with his true origins came in the forms of whatever tales Mu shared with him, or books he found within Jamir's tower;
One of the most notable/obvious differences between Muvians and humans, can be found in their dental arch. Muvians have a very different configuration and even come packed with, very different set of teeth unique to them. This means, their teething process is considerably different, and tends to last a lot longer as well. Kiki stopped forming new teeth at the age of 3 years old (for reference a baby human should have all of its teeth at around 6 months). A muvian's bitemark is very glaringly different from a human's one.
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hxdrostorms · 4 months
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// Don't reblog this post, I don't want it being spread around!
I'll properly sit down and write a more elaborate post about this, when I get deeper into Omega. But I feel like I should mention that with Kiki's introduction in my roster, that means it will affect my other gold saints' post-canon verse's plotline. More like, it may make me split up their development. Bc after I'm done with Omega, I'm looking into start reading ND.
OFC it's all up for debate, and I'm aware how both series take very different directions with the source material. Needless to say this is going to get very canon-divergent/compliant.
Anyway, real quick sum up on how I'll be connecting my stuff with Omega:
It's worth pointing out there's a 25 years gap between the series events, so there is a relatively large window of space to work with.
Golds are granted a new life after battle against Hades -> Aiolos + DM leave the Sanctuary/Shaka is appointed as the new Pope -> For about 5-8 things stay like this with the other golds maintaining their duties
During these 5-8 years period:
Ionia was brought back by Athena to assist her as another counsellor for her future endeavours;
Kiki is promoted as the new Aries saint at the prime age of 13, officially taking the role that was filled by Mu;
DM (once he rekindled his connection to the Cancer cloth) was granted an apprentice Berenice / Aldebaran was granted an apprentice Harbinger (he was still found by Ionia, but Aldebaran personally trained him). However, they wouldn't get to see their pupils become full on saints, for reasons I'll be explaining very soon;
Shaka ruled as the pope and fulfilled his new duties. However, he would go down in history as the shortest reign of a pope;
Aiolos returns to the Sanctuary after spending +5 years away from it.
On the subject of Palaestra.
It comes as no surprise that the Golds would oppose the creation of anything, that remotely came close to resembling it. Accusing it of being an attempt to water down, and minize their traditions. Shaka also spearheaded a strong opposition against it. However, the discourse around the topic would drastically change, once the looming threat of Mars approached them. It only got worse, when the first few confrontations with the new threat appeared, and it forced drastic changes onto the cloths.
Ultimately, Athena's word was final on the matter, and the Sanctuary would move on to make it into a reality. Choosing to prioritize the chance of maximizing quantity over quality. This proved to be a breaking point for the Gold saints. While they respected the Goddess' decision, they couldn't work anymore under those conditions, thus they have all "prematurely" retired. Shaka stepped down from his Pope position, at the same time and walked out alongside the others.
Even Kiki saw himself removing himself from the picture, he also stood by his parents views on the matter. Despite that, it didn't stop him from having to study and learn new set of skills to fix, the new wave of cloths.
Following this massive rapture, it meant that the old generation of Golds were at last, truly free from their ties to the Sanctuary. To a degree. Because, despite them no longer officially being recognized as gold saints, they were still hunt down by Mars and contracted the same curse that prevents them from properly using their cosmos. Rendering them as not as helpful as one might have hoped for.
Nobody knows that the previous Golds are still around, during the Omega series. At most, there are rumors suggesting about their whereabouts. But not much else.
I'll be later properly writing in their about pages, more specific details.
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hxdrostorms · 4 months
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@eternalstarlights has sent: ELEMENT, PRIDE, HUMBLE, FEAR (All your Saint Seiya Muses)
“DAMN.” Questions for Muses. [Accepting, SPECIFY MUSE]
there is a LOT LOL so I'll try to keep it relatively brief
ELEMENT. -What is your muse “made of”, what is their character like? Courageous, loving, scared, etc.
// Highlighting their primary character traits, the first thing that usually comes to my mind when I describe them -
Aiolos: Inspiring Aldebaran: Tenderness Deathmask: Wicked Kanon: Wordsmith Kiki: Frisky Milo: Impetuous Shaka: Faithful
PRIDE. -What is your muses biggest flaw?
Aiolos: Lack of leadership skills, despite the fact he was practically chosen for that purpose from the very start. Which isn't helped by the fact that's pretty much how, others tend to look at/perceive him as that; Aldebaran: The fact he hates direct confrontation, while in most cases Aldebaran will assert himself. There are many other instances, where he will let people walk over him, in order to not escalate things; Deathmask: His own inflated ego, which blinds him for obvious danger and other oversights; Kanon: "Chews a lot more than he can actually handle" Kiki: Some times his playfulness can get in the way of him taking matters, with the seriousness it requires. Can come off as tone deaf or disrespectful as a result of it; Milo: Easily gets carried away by the emotion of the moment, he genuinely struggles to hold himself back in that regard; Shaka: Doesn't quite pick up on other hints, he can be dissuaded or manipulated to do things, fairly easily. Saga sure had no problems, in using him as a form of cover up for his actions/rumors.
HUMBLE. -How does your muse handle praise?
Aiolos & Milo: Shows gratitude in return and quickly brushes it off; Aldebaran & Kiki: Depends from whom they are receiving praise from. In most cases they show gratitude, and tend to devalue it in an attempt to come off as humble or level-headed. But if it is their S/Os or someone they deeply care about (Alde from Kiki, Kiki from Mu), they indulge in it. Deathmask & Kanon: Eats it right up, they LOVE receiving praise especially if it becomes worshipping-esque Shaka: Brushes it off and barely reacts to it at all, may come off as arrogant. But the truth is that, in many cases he doesn't register the things he does as worth, receiving praise over.
FEAR. -What are your muses biggest fears?
Aiolos & Aldebaran & Kiki: Anything bad happening to their families [ Aiolos - his brother. Aldebaran - Mu and Kiki. Kiki - Raki and his fathers]; Deathmask: To be yet again abandoned by his cloth Kanon: In search of power, he obtained knowledge that his mortal mind struggles to process and handle; Milo & Shaka: Good old failing at his life's purposes
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hxdrostorms · 4 months
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hxdrostorms · 5 months
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@eternalstarlights has sent: ⊱asks for muns with a multimuse or more than one muse⊰: 1-5, 9, 10, 13, 19.
⊱asks for muns with a multimuse or more than one muse⊰ [Accepting]
is there a muse that you wish gets more attention?
// OKAY SO it is kinda of funny bc, at the same time I'd love for it to get more attention, I don't have the time to properly offer more interactions and whatnot like I used to. SO, I most certainly would love to give the spotlight to Aiolos, who is my most "recent" addition to my roster of muses. It would be neat but also, I don't want to end up overwhelming myself, and letting my partners down.
2. if you HAD to choose, who’s your favorite muse?
// Deathmask! In general, I have such an EASY time writing asshole/villain-esque type of characters. In my experience, these are the types of muses I have the most fun playing. Even if admittedly, I can recognize how that may be a turn off to ppl, who are looking for smoother rides.
3. which muse is the trickiest to get into character for?
// Shaka's muse at times can be such a bitch LOL. I absolutely love him as a character, and I enjoy writing him. But given how much backlog I often have to double-check on. It can tire me out, but it's all in order to keep him in-character with my interpretation.
4. is there a muse that not a lot of people roleplay with?
// Look @ my first question's answer and come back here, bc that's one of the main contributors to this. Aside from it, I feel like there are some other aspects that may dissuade ppl, from interacting with the Amazon version of Scorpio Milo.
I love genderbend types of AUs, too bad the general tumblr RPC decided to declare war against them. Even though in Milo's case, I'm specifically playing a canon genderswapped version of the character. So, I don't blame ppl avoiding her out of fear of some kind of nonsensical retaliation.
Another thing that doesn't help her case is also... Myself. I may have her as an established muse, but I always struggle to maintain consistent female muses.
5. if you HAD to choose, who’s your least favorite muse?
// Unfortunately, that would be Scorpio Milo. I think he is my most mid-portrayal. I definetely enjoy worldbuilding with him, especially his amazon counterpart. But at times I feel like I struggle to write him, bc he lacks a firm basis, like my other muses.
9. why were you drawn to each one of your characters?
At first I started off with only Aldebaran (brazil baby), DM (cancer baby) and Shaka (pretty baby). These three were my favorite characters, during my watch through.
Then, I added Milo and Kanon. Bc I liked the prospect of worldbuilding they brought to the table, especially Kanon. Milo's Amazon ccounterpart came some time later.
Then, I added Aiolos to the mix. After reading through EG, and the Zero chapter I felt like it would be genuinely fun to write him. Especially bc, he is the only one of the bunch that is still a minor.
Then, for discord only stuff, I picked up Aries Kiki and Cancer Deathtoll. TBH I'm mainly holding onto them as future additions. Bc I have yet to watch Omega, and read Next Dimension respectively. Admittedly Kiki would be SO canon divergent, bc I'd be basing off so many personal HCs & Aldemu indulgence. And Deathtoll is just all around, such an unique and different kind of character, I'm used to writing, so I think it could be interesting (I'm just waiting for Kuru to finish Next dimension, before I start reading it).
10. which muse is the most fun to write for?
// DM still takes the crown here. As I mentioned above, he is the type of muse I have the easiest time getting into the swing of.
13. what’s a weird headcanon you have for each of your muses?
// Weird more like fun......
Kanon and Aiolos picked on DM, who would pick on the much younger saints (Shaka/Aldebaran/Milo). Although, it is worth mentioning that Amazon Milo, would be spared from DM's shit wrath.
19. for each muse, is there a character you wish had a blog so you could interact with them?
// Spare more classic series canon muses KJDNFKDLJBD
UHHHHH MY MOST WANTED CHARACTERS FOR SURE INCLUDE and aren't limited to (from most wanted to least): Gold saints (I'll gladly interact with any, but I'm always open and on the lookout for: Aries Mu, Pisces Aphrodite, Gemini Saga, Aquarius Camus and Leo Aiolia) > Marina Generals (Chrysaor Krishna, Siren Sorrento) > Gods & their incarnations (Saori Kido/Athena, Julien Solo/Poseidon, Hades) > Bronze saints > Saintias > Silver saints > Spectres/Judges > God soldiers (I have skipped watching the classic Asgard season OOPS-)
Reminder - I'm not duplicates friendly, when it comes to my primary muses (it's not a matter of duplicate anxiety, BUT I've had some really awful experiences with them in other fandoms and since then, I've been avoiding them).
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