#« gemini kanon : hc »
hxdrostorms · 3 months
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Anonymous has sent: To all Saint Seiya muses: Why are you loyal to Athena? How loyal are you to her? Are you only loyal because she is a goddess? What if Athena were to lose all her divinity and cosmos and become a normal human, will you still serve her as your goddess? (Only asking out of curiosity haha, in Lost Canvas, there was a moment when Sasha lost all her divinity and cosmos and became a normal human but she was still determined to fight Hades and the saints were still very loyal to her)
Unprompted ask
From least committed to her -> The most loyal saints
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"Well, my answer to this will be brief. My brother is the one who has sworn his life to her, whereas I've pledged my soul to serving Poseidon. Despite that, I knew very well I had to redeem myself to her somehow. So, that's why I served her army. It was the very least I could do for all the trouble I caused, and for the fact she spared my life all those years ago... Do you get where I'm going with this? If Athena ever lost her powers then, I wouldn't have anymore reasons to stand beside her and the Saints. If anything, Hades wouldn't be the only thing she would have to be worried about."
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"Listen, if she lost her divinity and powers then we uh...... We would all be dead. I don't think it would make any difference if I still were standing, or not. I'm loyal to her but, I'm also realistic. I wouldn't stand around, waving my arms, and pretend like everything would be sunshine and rainbows."
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"I won't lie, I have questioned myself on that matter a handful of times, over the years. But I always felt stumped whenever I got to the question: Would I be able to just walk away? Where else would I go? Those questions are very easy to shut me up, and make me push forward. The idea of Athena's reincarnation somehow returning to being just a common human is... Scary. And it might even be infuriating, given all the sacrifices we had to do, in order to be recognized as saints... I would keep fighting however, she no longer would be the main driving force. She isn't the only person, I want to protect and fight for."
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"That could be a problem, a serious one even. It could even bring down the army's morale... I wouldn't go anywhere, and I would still keep fighting despite all the odds. Perhaps, if I were younger, I would likely question my commitment to the cause and my faith in her. But, as I keep saying it: I'm no longer the same person I once was. I have had my awakening, and remembered the real purpose of my life. Which is serving Athena, and that's final."
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"My master has taught me very well this lesson. Life has also served as further proof of it. Don't forget! I had first-hand experiences and even witnessed, the miracles Athena and her saints have pulled off. I may have been just a kid back then but, that changed everything for me. Especially, when she bestowed upon my fathers a new life. I know very well my role and the importance of never losing faith, in her."
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"What kind of questions are those? Do you think I would ever develop any form of doubts, in regards to my loyalty to Athena? Although I have once been on the wrong side of the story. That's now long in the past. My raw power should be seen as the biggest evidence of my loyalty and desire, to serve her. Even if she somehow loses her divinity, Athena's reincarnation is still our Goddess on Earth."
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"Because there is no other option. As part of our rite of passage to wield the Gold cloths, we must procclaim our vows of serving Athena. Not even Death could possibly prevent me, from fighting for her."
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straykidsnerd255 · 1 year
hello! could you make a headcanons of (saga,mu,shaka,aiolia,milo and kanon) with the readers on the beach please 🌸!!
Here you go! Sorry it came out so late! 
Warning: Reader gets catcalled in Saga’s and Kanon’s HC’s, protective boyfriends
Saga is a big man, both in height and muscle wise. When you mentioned wanting to go to the beach, he smiled and agreed to your idea. 
Saga had on normal black swim trunks and a white t-shirt while you had on a dark navy blue bikini with a flower print on it. 
You had your hair pulled back into a ponytail and sunglasses on with a wide smile on your face.
When you and Saga reached the beach, you climbed out of the car and ran towards the water. Saga just shook his head with a soft chuckle. 
He got everything out of the car and found a spot to put everything down.
As he stood up to go and meet you in the water, you ran right to him and hid behind him. He turned to see you slightly shaking but there was something else that seemed to have scared you
A loud whistle brought the Gemini’s saint’s attention to a group of men who were catcalling his girlfriend. 
“Hey beautiful! Come with us and we can show you a real good time!” 
Saga felt his eye twitch in annoyance before he shuffled over towards the men. Before they could even protest, Saga landed punch after punch towards their faces. 
“Don’t ever catcall or whistle towards my girl again. You hear me!” Saga snarled. 
The men nodded in fear and raced away from him and you. Saga returned to your side and wrapped his arms around you. “That will never happen again.”
You had begged Shaka to take you to the beach for days now. He finally caved and said that he would take you. 
You had on a one piece spring yellow swimsuit with a swim skirt that had daisies on it. 
Shaka just wore white swim trunks. A soft smile sat on his lips as he watched you climb out of the car and race towards the water. 
“This girl is going to be the death of me one day.” Shaka said, chuckling as he pulled the beach chairs, and lunch cooler from the car. 
Shaka had just finished putting everything up and had the umbrella situated behind the chairs to block the sun when he heard you running towards him.
He turned around to find you with sand in your hair, a red mark on your face and tears falling down your face. 
“What happened?!” He whispered, pressing his hand to your face while you cried into his chest. 
You pointed towards a group of girls laughing and mocking you. Shaka grew angry. He intertwined his fingers with yours and walked towards the water. 
Once in the water, he gently cupped some water in his hand and got your hair wet before giving you a gentle smile. 
You moved to your knees and allowed Shaka to dunk you under water. 
One of the girls swam over and tried to pull him towards their group but he threw her off and grinned in satisfaction when he heard her splash in the water. 
Aiolia decided to surprise you with a trip to the beach. A smile on his face as he watched your excitement turn into pure joy when the beach came into view.
When the car pulled to a stop, you jumped from the car and ran towards the water. However, you stopped and walked back. A smile on your face. 
“I need the sunscreen first.” You mumbled, causing Aiolia to chuckle before pulling the sunscreen from the bag. 
“Would you like me to get your back?” he asked, genuinely worried that you would get sunburn in random spots on your back. 
You smiled and nodded your head. You pulled your hair up into a ponytail before turning around. 
Once the sunscreen had been applied, you then ran towards the water. The white bikini with the blue flowers and hearts looked so pretty on you. 
Aiolia quickly got everything from the car and began setting things up when the sound of laughter, splashing, and a submerged cry for help caught his attention. 
He turned around to find a group of girls laughing as one of them held you down in the water. 
Aiolia raced towards them and pushed the girl that was drowning you away causing her to cry out. 
“What the hell is your problem?!” He snapped at the girls scaring them. One girl tried to pull you from his arms but he just pushed her away from him, anger emanating from his person. 
The rest of the time Aiolia never left your side. He glared at anyone that came too close to you or him for that matter.
You couldn’t contain your excitement anymore. You hadn’t been to the beach in the longest time.
Mu smiled at you and watched you with a soft smile on your face. “Are you ready for our date hon?” He asked. 
You smiled and nodded your head. “I’m so excited, I can’t even tell you.” You said turning to face him with the biggest smile on your face. 
Once you had gotten the car parked, everything on the beach, you darted for the water. 
Mu was just about to pull his shirt off and join you but grunted when you ran into his back. 
“Baby, what’s wrong?” He turned to face you but all questions flew out of his mind when he saw you crying. 
He looked towards the water and found a group of people looking towards them laughing and pointing. He narrowed his eyes. 
“What did they do sweetheart?” He asked, before noticing a tear in the new swimsuit you had bought. You had bought a pretty dark pink one piece with black and white polka dotted swim short shorts and now the swimsuit had small holes and tears in it. 
Mu and you walked down towards the water only for Mu to scare the ever living shit out of them before a giggle left your mouth making him happy. 
The group glared at him but decided to leave the spot and never came back to bother you again.
“Thank you Mu, I can’t believe I almost let them ruin our date.” You mumbled softly. Mu leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours in a gentle kiss. “It didn’t ruin our date at all.” He whispered.
Milo is definitely not one to go out and about especially if the place has a lot of people there. 
However, when it's you that asks him to go with you to the beach, he can’t really tell you no. He loves you too much.
“What do you think?” you asked, walking out of the bathroom in your bikini. It was a red top with a black and white polka dotted swim shorts.
Milo smiled softly before walking towards you. “You look absolutely stunning my dear. Shall we go?” He asked. 
You smiled and nodded your head. You quickly pulled your hair in a ponytail and then braided the ponytail.
Milo was bound and determined to give you a good time and decided that he would wear his swim trunks in case you decided to drag him into the water with you. 
When you reached the beach, you helped Milo get everything from the car and on the sand before you took his hand in yours and pulled him towards the water. 
He shook his head but chuckled as he followed you. 
While you and him were splashing around in the water, a group of girls made a crude comment about you causing you to become really self conscious. 
“Let’s leave.” You told Milo, tears threatening to fall down your face. 
Milo didn’t let what those girls said slide. You turned your head at the sound of screaming and found Milo splashing the girls and not letting up. “Don’t ever say that about my girlfriend ever again.” He snapped.
“Please!!!!! It's so hot outside and going to the beach sounds like so much fun!” You pulled at your boyfriend's arm in hopes that he would give and go to the beach with you.
He sighed but smiled up at you and nodded his head. “Alright. Go get in your swimsuit and I will change into mine.” He mumbled. 
You darted for your room and smiled when you quickly got into your swimsuit. 
It was a black bikini with white, pink, and purple polka dots. Smiling, you braid your hair while humming. 
When you finished, you helped Kanon get lunch prepared and get the beach chairs in the car. A smile present on both of your faces.
When you both arrived at the beach, you couldn’t contain your excitement and Kanon couldn’t help but smile at you. 
“Go and have fun, I’ll get the chairs and things up and then join you.” Kanon said, pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
You smiled at him before racing towards the water. You dove into the water and Kanon let a loud laugh ring out.
Kanon stretched out his back when he felt you ram right into his back. He turned around to see you shaking like a leaf. 
His head snapped up when he heard a cat whistle from a group of boys walking towards them. “Come and hang with us, beautiful!” one of the boys called out. 
You had tears falling down your face and Kanon was pissed down. He walked towards the boys and your head shot up when you heard punching and yelps. “Don’t ever come near my girl again, or there will be something much worse that happens.” Kanon spat out towards the boys who nodded and ran away.
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• Saint Seiya - Aro/Ace/Both Headcanons
• Confirmed (In My Hcs)
Pegasus Seiya : Aroace
Phoenix Ikki : Ace
Aries Mû : Ace
Virgo Shaka : Aroace
Libra Dohko : Aro
Sea Dragon/Gemini Kanon : Aroace
Pandora : Ace
Unicorn Yato : Ace
Pisces Albafica : Aroace
Leo Regulus : Ace
• Stand By/Not Sure
Cygnus Hyôga : Ace
Capricorn Shura : Aroace
Pisces Aphrodite : Aro
Sagittarius Sisyphus : Ace
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elencelebrindal · 4 years
hi friend, i would love to see some hcs for the gold saints (lc too if you want!) on how they would be if drunk, what types of drinks they would like and maybe some fun/silly things you can think of in that regard? love what you write!
Would you believe me if I told you I already have the “drinking” headcanons for them? I was messing around with various stuff for my fanfic series, and ended up whipping out a legitimate list for their favorite drinks (most of them after researching the most common drinks or most famous drinks of their country).
Also, obligatory major headcanon coming your way: I don’t think Saints can easily get drunk. They’re basically superhumans, so good luck in your drinking competition against them. 
Aries Mu He doesn’t drink alcohol and mostly avoids coffee and tea, but makes (moderate) exceptions if he’s out with friends. This also means no one has ever seen him drunk. 
Aries Shion (as a bonus) Even though he doesn’t drink anymore, a couple times when he was young he just said “screw it” and drank his mind out. As one witness (Dohko) still remembers, he would sit down and be sad for a while, and the next second he’d laugh and dance all around. He also liked to answer any questions Dohko might ask him, but luckily no one of his other fellow Goldies ever saw him. 
Taurus Aldebaran He often drinks a pint or two, but he mostly enjoys drinks with Cachaça mixed in them (most popular spirit in Brazil) like the famous caipirinha. He tried it for the first time during his training in Brazil, and always loved it since then. Though, it’s extremely difficult to make him drunk. And when it happens, he’s just a happy drunk laughing at everything and making horrible jokes. He’s also known for switching back to his native language without realizing it. 
Gemini Saga Do you think this man can even get drunk anymore with the amount of alcohol he consumed during his tyranny? He doesn’t drink as much anymore, sure, but he’s definitely not going to refuse one more glass of wine. Between Greek, French and Italian wines of all kind, he’s singlehandedly supporting that piece of economy with no effort. 
Sea Dragon/Gemini Kanon He drinks more than his brother, but instead of Saga’s beloved wine he mostly sticks around Mythos and some other brands of local beer. He doesn’t refuse a bottle of Elgood’s Black Dog either (you can thank my fanfic for this, because Rhadamathys). Though, when he’s drunk, it’s almost unbearable to be around him. There’s no way of predicting if he’ll just be safe-to-be-around drunk or run-for-your-life-or-he’ll-punch-you drunk. His fellow Generals/Goldies always make sure to avoid giving him too much alcohol. 
Cancer Deathmask Opposite to what half the Sanctuary believes, he doesn’t drink all that much. He also appreciates his country enough to almost always drink only Italian brands. Homemade beer and wine coming from small Italian restaurants and farmhouses (I hope it’s the right term, I triple checked it) are definitely his favorites. He doesn’t get drunk very often, mostly just tipsy at best, but he’s fun to stay around. 
Leo Aiolia Not a big drinker, and he generally sticks to craft beer made at the Sanctuary. If he goes out, unless he’s with his brother or a close friend, he orders a cocktail or two. He only got drunk once, so much that Aiolos had to bring him back to his Temple carrying him bride-style. Never again.
Virgo Shaka He cannot drink alcohol at all, and also tries to avoid caffeinated soft drinks. He only drinks a bit of coffee before meditation, because it helps concentrating. 
Libra Dohko Probably one of the worst at the Sanctuary, a dedicated drinker that never refuses a pint of beer, a glass of wine, or any kind of cocktail. Also, give him liquor, doesn’t matter what it is, and he’ll be happy. He’s a happy drunk as well, and hanging around him is exhilarating. Though, too much and he’ll flirt non-stop with anyone. One time he got caught flirting with himself in a mirror. No one dared to tell him. 
Scorpio Milo Oh, you know he’s a hopeless drinker, just as much as Dohko. Drinking competitions? He’s down for it. A drinking game while reading a book/watching a movie/playing a videogame? Hell yeah he’s gonna do it. Casually drinking during the day? He’s the man. Getting him drunk is almost impossible, and it’s easy to catch him shamelessly flirting with someone (in my case, Camus). But be careful with Milo: if he ends up drinking too much, flirting is not an option anymore. He’ll just start to mull over his past and be sad, to the point of breaking down crying at the slightest inconvenience.
Sagittarius Aiolos One might think the most perfect man of the Sanctuary never drinks, right? Wrong. Give him any kind of European alcoholic beverages and you’ll see him gobbling down glasses and/or pints with no hesitation. But, and this is not surprising in the slightest, he never got drunk. Just slightly tipsy and too giddy for his own good. 
Capricorn Shura Although it might come as obvious and stereotypical, he loves Sangria. He’s not that big of a drinker, and he doesn’t fully stick to that one particular cocktail, but if he’s offered one what’s he gonna do? Refuse it? Nah. When he’s drunk he turns into the complete opposite of his normal self, and it’s hilarious. Memorable is the night Deathmask and Aphrodite had to get a very naked Shura down from Camus’ roof. 
Aquarius Camus The most hardcore drinker of all the Sanctuary, and the only one that never gets drunk no matter how much he gulps down. Wine? Sure, what is a bunch of bottles for him? Beer is nothing but a drop in the ocean that is his tolerance. Cocktails? A fun little addition to his habits. Straight liquor? Bring it on. He once drank enough Spirytus Rektyfikowany (his favorite) to kill a man and didn’t even flinch. 
Pisces Aphrodite He’s more of a casual drinker, mostly refusing alcohol and sticking to non-alcoholic drinks when he’s out. Though, he does have a good taste in wine, and has a glass or two if out for dinner or sometimes even more if he has guests at his Temple.
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oopsbirdficced · 7 years
@regina-del-cielo asked: *barges in* Hello dear! I heard you were out of prompts! So… romantic Aiolos/Saga with #37 “You didn't think I'd let you spend Christmas alone, did you?”, romantic Rhada/Kanon with #6 “Christmas doesn't have to be about family, ya know?”, friendship Minos/Aiacos with #5 “That's not how Santa Claus works…”, friendship Deathmask/Shura with #13 “Ho ho ho, bitch.”, and romantic Milo/Aiolia with #44 “You've never had a New Year's kiss?”! Hope you don't mind having so many - if there are, just choose the ones that inspire you most! :D thank you lots!
(Sorry about the wait! I wanted to spend time with my mom, she lives three hours away and doesn't get to visit that often, nor do I get to visit her that often. Even if it was just an overnighter, it was really nice. You can HC that Kanon got married to whoever you want, except obviously the two people appearing in this fic. :D also this is 2/5)
Saga hummed softly as he puttered around Gemini, picking the place up and decorating quietly. It almost seemed too quiet, in Kanon’s absence, but his little brother was off on a holiday with his new spouse. After years of celebrating together, Saga hadn't begrudged him some time alone with his love.
It just meant a quiet Christmas, as Kanon was the one who was really into celebrating. He had a small chicken and some fixings, and the gifts Kanon had given him before he'd left, as well as gifts from everyone else in Sanctuary who celebrated or observed the holiday.
It would be a good day. He went to bed, contented and pleased.
It was still early on Christmas morning, and Saga was face first in his second cup of coffee, before he registered the fact that he wasn't alone. He looked up blearily, and realized Aiolos was presiding over the stove, cooking something. He was talking too, a low stream of chatter that began to actually filter through his brain.
“Aiolos?” He muttered, confused. A soft yawn beside him drew his attention to the subject of Aiolos’s soft conversation, and he saw Aiolia, still pajama-clad, like Aiolos. “Aiolia?” He mumbled in bewilderment. He took a moment to check and see if he was wearing pants- he was, and Aiolos must have coaxed him into them when he was still mostly asleep, because he'd gone to bed in the nude, as usual.
“You're finally awake!” Aiolos said brightly, leaning over the table to kiss him good morning, even with his inevitable black coffee breath. Aiolia cheered softly, before making an obligatory noise of disgust over kissing at the breakfast table. “We're opening presents after breakfast, is that good with you?” He asked brightly. “I would have asked you earlier, but I'm pretty sure you were sleepwalking when you let us in.”
“I- yes.” Saga said, still vaguely bewildered. Aiolos seemed to catch on to his confusion, because he frowned just a bit.
“You didn't think I'd let you spend Christmas alone, did you?” He asked gently, and Saga flushed.
“I didn't want to intrude,” he protested lamely. Aiolia rolled his eyes.
“Now I'm worried we’re the ones intruding, silly.” Aiolos did indeed look concerned. Saga relaxed, smiling warmly.
“No, never. I'm glad you two could be here.” He assured Aiolos warmly. “What are you making?”
Today would be an excellent day, it seemed. Aiolos told him the morning menu, and assured Saga that they'd brought over enough dishes to pad out his small chicken.
The morning passed by jubilantly enough that he barely had time to miss Kanon, which he knew Kanon would be glad for. The rest if the day followed suit, even if Aiolia kept being silly and dramatic every time he and Aiolos kissed.
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ayameyumesaki · 7 years
since i’m bored i guess i’m going to join the game (lol)
that’s Saint Seiya’s Ladies Fest! This week’s theme is Ladies OC!
I’m just making one two days ago and still didn’t have a formal art for her so yeah just going with the hcs
- Daughter of Demeter, or you can called her “Persephone”.
- If you’re familiar with Demeter’s story than you must know about her. Yes, Persephone is Demeter’s only daughter whom she lamented for being kidnapped by Hades, who happened to fall in love with her, causing her to be depressed and created Winter.
- Mira is a human, but still living inside Demeter’s Palace. She decided to be reborn as a human every single time Hades’ reincarnated. In hope for once Hades’ ambition is cleared, she will be present to stay by his side.
- Hades is the one who decided to give Perse back to Demeter until his ambition cleared. This is why there’s no Perse in Hades Arc (of course it’s a headcanon okay don’t kill me yet). Apparently since Hades was defeated by Athena, Mira also went into a good deal of depression. She’s fine and still living with Demeter. But sometimes she will cry suddenly out of sudden, and of course, created a shock to her mother.
- Despite being a human, Mira possessed both Hades and her mother’s power. She can do cultivation like her mother, but also taking life away like Hades. She also can revive deaths.
- She ever met Kanon between the 13 years of him outside the Sanctuary. She often idling around after all. In search of Hades’ vessel of course.
- Mira takes interest in Kanon, as she saw Kanon’s ambition for conquering the world is similar to Hades. She even followed him basically everywhere in his time on the Earth before actually knocking her out and went back to Atlantis. When she heard Kanon’s alive and became the Gold Saint of Gemini, she couldn’t help but felt happy since she knows deep down, Kanon isn’t an evil person. She said, “he became one since the conditions requiring him to” (lack of love for being the shadow of Gemini Saint and from his twin himself).
- Mira is looking similar to Pandora if you wondered. Instead of Pandora’s purple eyes, she owned blue ones (similar to Hades’) and used a bandana like Lyfia, but she didn’t bundled it like Lyfia. She often used white dresses.
- She has a sensitive sensing for Cosmo. She knows the change of Kanon’s cosmo, from one full of hatred and anger into ones full of pride and justice. But she often mixed up Saga’s and Kanon’s cosmo, since they’re similar in power and aura term. (She happily told her mother than Kanon’s alive at Inferno Arc, eventually it was Saga who was revived by Lyfia lol)
- Demeter often questioned her, whether she actually fell in love to Kanon or what since since the day of their meeting, all Mira talking about is Kanon and not Hades. Mira replied by saying, “it’s her human heart and not her actual heart that’s changing.”
- Actually Kanon survived his own attack (Demeter’s intervention ofc for her goddamn daughter sake) and fell into Styx River. Demeter and Mira saved him and brought him into Demeter’s Sanctuary. Kanon questioned why he’s still alive, but Mira doesn’t tell him the truth. In the end Kanon roamed around Demeter’s Sanctuary before while wondering if there’s gonna be more Holy War. He actually learned more about Olympus, from Mira, and their anger for Athena killing Hades.
- But apparently Hades didn’t die and still wondering somewhere Mira doesn’t know. God can’t die and can only be sealed  so all Athena does last time is destroying his real body and Hell only. Kanon wondered if Hades still has any thoughts about another Holy War.
That’s it, this is getting so long (lol)
anyway there’s more headcanon reasons for why kanon is revived by mira. Remember this is 100% pure headcanon and ofc the whole stripped thoughts aren’t real
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regina-del-cielo · 7 years
Hi! The biggest of your personal headcanons about each Gold Saint, Specter and Sea General, please!
I don’t know how to define ‘biggest headcanon’, tho, so I just… went with the feel? Hope you don’t mind!
Another thing: I put Kanon under the Marinas just for the sake of… giving him more space? Don’t know, just felt right this way!
Answer under the cut! Enjoy and thanks for asking! :D
Gold Saints
Aries Mu: he has the sickest sense of humour EVER. He could burn you with words with a straight face, looking perfectly innocent, and it’d take you five solid minutes to notice he just insulted you. Probably a meme master before it was cool.
Taurus Aldebaran: our sweet giant is the king of perfect gifts.He always knows what you need, even if you didn’t yourself. Gifts given by him are greatly cherished.
Gemini Saga: he’s got a thing for order – slightly bordering on obsession. His desk is always perfectly neat, pens ordered by colour or degree of ink consumed, this kind of thing. Nothing’s out of place after his passage.
Cancer Death Mask: he sings. A LOT. From opera’s arias to popular Italian songs. Especially if he’s dusting the faces hanging on his House – he keeps himself company with his own voice. It’s amazing and also bloody scary that he’s actually really pleasant to listen to.
Leo Aiolia: he’s the laziest cat that ever lived. Unless he’s on service, trying to get him out of bed is basically a herculean feat. No way he’s leaving his mattress without a very good reason to do so, no sir – ‘good reason’ being something along the lines of ‘Athena was kidnapped’ or ‘the world is exploding’.
Virgo Shaka: he could probably blackmail every single member of the Sanctuary with some ridiculous thing they did five years before on a random day. He’s got a damn fine memory and has no qualms in using it.
Libra Dohko: he’s a romantic dork and has no shame in admitting it. Literally waiting for Shunrei and Shiryu to marry and have ninety children to play grandpa with.
Scorpio Milo: he’s a literal magnet for animals – the grumpiest cat or the most antisocial dog turn into adorable cuddly balls of fluff when he approaches them.
Sagittarius Aiolos: the purest cinnamon roll on the planet but if you hurt one of his loved ones you better run, or else you’d find yourself pinned to a wall by his arrows. Takes him a lot to get angry, but when he does, it’s bad.
Capricorn Shura: give him some tequila and he’ll become the sexiest dancer on the stage – nobody can resist his tango moves, trust me.
Aquarius Camus: he wants to act like he doesn’t care but give him a sad movie or an emotional book and he’ll become a hapless ball of tears. It’s even worse with music.
Pisces Aphrodite: has the biggest sweet tooth in the bloody Sanctuary. He’d eat sugar directly from the spoon if on abstinence. Do not – repeat – do not take his sweets away. Death Mask and Shura got scars over this.
Bonus! Pope Shion: Dohko and him played chess through telepathy for centuries – Shion says it’s because he wanted to help his friend keep his mind awake while sitting on those rocks for weeks on end, Dohko says it’s because ‘he’s a competitive bitch that never wanted to lose’.
Sea Generals
Sea Dragon Kanon: he’s left-handed. One of the many reasons he was considered ‘the bad one’ – left-handed people were considered ‘demonic’ and‘deviant’ until the seventies or something.
Siren Sorrento: he’s an albino – and spent most of his childhood safely kept inside his house, looking at the world outside only through a curtained window.
Scylla Io: he’s got a Maori-styled tattoo on his back representing the six animals that make up his powers – thought it was a good way to bond with the South Pacific he’s supposed to protect.
Lymnades Caça: his monstrous appearance is completely made up –he used his shape-shifting abilities to conjure up the scariest face he could to look menacing to his opponents.
Chrysaor Krishna: he’s the healer of the group – his Cosmos can re-align chakras on other people to bring back equilibrium in their bodies, accelerating the healing process.
Sea Horse Baian: he fell in love with the sea by watching killer whales swimming in the bay of Vancouver Island, where he lived as a child.
Kraken Isaak: his ‘fanboying’ over the Kraken wasn’t casual –he’d always been supposed to be a Marina General, an equal in rank to his master (assuming that Sea Generals and Gold Saints have the same role in different armies) – no wonder Camus thought he was stronger than Hyoga.
Bonus! Mermaid Thetis: being a Nereid – a nymph of the seas, the incarnation of Achilles’ mother, sister to Amphitrite - she’s the keeper of the memories of Atlantis, the only one apart from Poseidon himself to remember its greatness and beauty in mythical times.
Specters (only the ones I actually have hcs about, obvs, they’d be too many otherwise)
Wyvern Rhadamanthys: he won’t admit it even under torture, but he’s kind of a mama dragon. His God, his lieutenants, his brothers– he’s going to chew up anyone who dares hurting them.
Griffon Minos: he sews, mends and weaves like a pro. Got a hole in your socks? He’ll make them as good as new – if you actually have the guts to ask him, that’s to say.
Garuda Aiacos: Biggest Bollywood fan EVER. He sings the songs from their movies non-stop, and even dances their choreographies half-naked in his house in Antenora.
Balrog Lune: he goes in full-raging paranoia when somebody gets inside his archives without his supervision – ‘it took me decades to bring order to it, don’t you dare touch my books!’
Necromancer Byaku: chilliest Specter in the whole Underworld –never loses his cool and is the only one who can calm down Lune when he becomes a bunch of frail nerves.
Harpy Valentine: BIGGEST DRAMA QUEEN with a ‘mother hen’ tendency – always checking if everybody’s alright, if they need something, etc. Obviously this intensifies to epic proportions when Rhadamanthys is involved.
Alraune Queen: the human definition of ‘smol and angry’: he always quarrels with Fyodor for “who’s the real mandrake in here”, and Valentine, Sylphid and Gordon must drag him away every time.
Basilisk Sylphid: being Belgian, he’s the greatest beer expert inthe Underworld. Better not argue with him about that beverage!
Minotauros Gordon: Just wants to do his job and not be bothered by anything else – although he has to stop Queen from charging head on and chew people’s faces out for the silliest things.
Papillon Myu: his metabolism is extremely fast – too fast for a human body, to the point that he has sudden droppings of energy. He stays in his ‘blob’ form to avoid wasting strength when it’s not necessary.
Behemoth Violate: in a ‘no Cosmo, no Surplices’ brawl, she’s strong enough to actually bring Aiacos down – or at least get a par out of the fight. You don’t mess with Violate.
Sphinx Pharaoh: he’s got a thing for snakes and helped Pandora deal with her ability of conjuring them – they get along pretty well thanks to this.
Acheron Charon: he gives great emphasis to his talking by throwing Italian and Neapolitan words in it, and doesn’t give a shit if they don’t understand him – after some time, his colleagues have somehow learned to get the gist of what he means.
Bonus! Pandora: She seems all prim and proper, but actually knows lots of swear words. And being them in German, they sound very, very menacing coming from her mouth.
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hxdrostorms · 5 months
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@eternalstarlights has sent: 👄 Saori Kido (For Aldebaran, Deathmask, Milo, Shaka, and Kanon. If you need me to separate the asks, just let me know)
send a ‘👄 + character name’ and my muse will talk about that character [Accepting, SPECIFY MUSE]
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"I'm glad to be given a second chance, to repent for what I did while blindly serving Saga. Even though I recognize it wasn't a simple mistake, one would make. Miss. Saori is so forgiving, no matter what..."
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"Admittedly, it took me a bit... Actually, a lot more than I wish to admit, to convince me she was our Goddess. I've always heard from Mu that something wasn't with the Sanctuary, but at the time I couldn't possibly imagine what exactly, he was referring to. I got an earfull from Mu that night, that's where I'll leave it."
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"I don't think it's a wise thing to ask for one of the guys that died, opposing her and her those bronze saints. I may be a tad guiltier, than just not believing her. Listen, we all ended up in Hell, we didn't even come close to reaching Heaven so that should speak by itself."
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"I won't stand here and act as if I knew all along, that the real Athena wasn't amongst us. But at the same time, I was trained to trust my gut instinct at all costs, and I always got the impression that I wasn't meant to ever lower my guard. In the end, I'm just glad the truth came to light, it's a shame a lot of blood had to be spilled along the way. It's an honor to serve her."
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"I didn't really imagine I would ever find myself having such a deep and complex connection to the girl. To this day, I'm not quite sure what make of it, or even how to process it. All I'll say is that: I'm in debt with her. However, I've long since pledged my legiance to Poseidon. I don't respond to her call to action. But I'm sure she has her reasons for keeping me alive. Gods rarely do anything without expecting anything in return."
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hxdrostorms · 6 months
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Headcanuary 2024
Day 3 - Technology
The Sanctuary is completely alienated from any and technology, from the common world. There is something about that realm which causes anything tech-related, to malfunction. As such, it is pointless to bring anything like that, to this land. Which seems to be eternally bound to ancient times, as if it were in a time bubble of sorts.
Those that grew up within the Sanctuary face a harsh whiplash, whenever they visit the common world. Mainly due to how drastically different the world around them, truly is.
Kanon, who spent about +10 years away from the Sanctuary, got a taste of that feeling when he set foot for the very first time in the common world. Not only did he stand out amongst the crowd like a sore thumb, but he couldn't hide his sheer ignorance to technology.
Eventually though, in a matter of a few months he managed to adapt to this entirely new environment. Going as far as to develop a modern world music taste (he developed a knack for rock), to even learning how to drive vehicles. Compared to the gold saints, Kanon is the one who's the most well-adapted, to thrive amongst commoners.
It is worth reminding that when I'm referring to technology, it's technology available throughout the 70-80s time period.
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hxdrostorms · 9 months
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Just a quick meta, on what I take to be canon/relevant when it comes masters wise for my gold saints:
Seeing how it is kinda of left in the open and up for grabs.
The main theme for them is that, it is up to the previous cloth's wielder, to train the next generation. However, seeing how only 2 out of the 12 gold saints survived the last holy war. The saints that died in the last war were somehow brought back to life, only to specifically train the newest saints. They were also the ones who found and brought the new saints, to the Sanctuary (Saga and Kanon being the only exceptions to this).
It's important to note that the series has 2 different takes on the previous holy war (Lost canvas [spin-off] vs Next Dimension [Kurumada's take on it, the "official" sequel]), the roster of characters changes a lot between both versions. Personally, I'm leaning way more towards Next Dimension's roster of former gold saints:
Taurus Ox -> Aldebaran
Cancer Deathtoll -> Deathmask
Virgo Shijima -> Shaka
Scorpio Ecarlate -> Milo (this also applies to his Amazoness version)
Gemini Kain -> Saga & Kanon (Kanon doesn't officially become a gold saint until the Hades arc, BUT he is still put through that training)
Saggitarius Gestalt -> Aiolos
So that's what I'll be defaulting to for character development. WITH THAT SAID, I'm not closing the door on Lost canvas. I'll be more than glad to interact with characters from it, that would like/happen to be interested in establishing a Master/apprentice relationship.
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hxdrostorms · 7 months
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So, this is a thought that just crossed my mind about muvians. Needless to say, anything said here won't be applied to other muses in threads:
The whole theory explaining the origins for the uncanny valley feeling we have, which suggests that it probably came to be as some form of flight or fight instinct to something that could possibly share similarities with a human way back in time. I like to imagine that could be a thing for muvians, since they are established to be an entire different species from common humans. Meaning that the likes of Shion/Mu/Kiki could trigger those instincts, in certain people.
With that in mind--
Milo and Shaka had no such reaction towards Mu (he is the first and besides Kiki, the only muvian they have seen), until they were informed about he really was, both of them assumed he was just another human like the rest of them. In a somewhat similar vein, Aiolos also never felt on edge around Shion, same thing applied to Mu when he arrivedsome years later;
Deathmask was almost instantly put off by Mu's appearance, almost from the instant he saw him. Although, he isn't quite capable of pinpoiting what exactly about him, instigates such visceral reaction out of him. He never saw Shion's face, which means Mu really is the only Muvian he has ever seen;
Kanon has always been put off by Shion's appearance, despite the fact he and his brother practically grew up with him orbiting them. Needless to say how much teasing he was subjected to by his twin, because of it. That sensation never truly goes away;
Aldebaran is a mixed response. The first muvian he has ever seen was Mu, and he was genuinely garnered a visceral reaction from him, in their very first few interactions. But it didn't scare him off, and over the years he grew out of that sensation. Out of all the gold saints, Aldebaran is the one who had the most contact and got to see more muvians, than the others. As mentioned in the past, he got to see Shion's face, once. And by the time Kiki came into his and Mu's lives, Aldebaran had become quite knowledgeable about most quirks that came with interacting with muvians.
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hxdrostorms · 8 months
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Some more thoughts I've been having, bc of Re-rise:
Hopefully the manga may elaborate some more on how the marinas are picked. Because, as it currently stands, it is kinda of in the open. I'm chalking it up to being a mess during the 20th century, as a result of the fact that Poseidon was prematurely awakened by Kanon. Every marina seems to be some kind of pariahs/rejects to society, who happens to be cosmos sensitives.
While I'm often talking about how Kanon's relationship with Saga fell apart. It doesn't mean, his love and affection for his brother is gone. As evident by the fact that Kasa, transformed into Saga (Kasa's shapeshifting abilities are tied to his opponents' most special person in their lives). Deep down, Kanon truly hoped for a chance to try talk things out with Saga.
The lonely twin. That is just Kanon truly coping, and piss poor attempt to mask, how much weight Saga still carries to him.
It's possible that when Kanon tells Kasa how, he relates to his story, he is actually referring to the sentiment of loneliness. But I'm also looking at this, as a possibility that his childhood at the Sanctuary was anything but Sunshine and rainbows.
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hxdrostorms · 10 months
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On the subject of kinds of relationships, monogamous x polyamorous x open relationship:
TLDR: strictly monogamous - DM and Aldebaran Polyamorous: Milo (is open for the idea) and Kanon (strictly) Open relationship: Shaka
Longer answers below:
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Given how I've set up Shaka to be a singleship muse, this is up for discussion and plots, so this may change depending on who I end up settling with. Shaka is kinda of in the open in regards to this subject, given his priorities in life, the last thing he would want is to be some kind of hassle for his partner. As such, he would encourage his partner to seek out anything they require from others, things that Shaka can't provide them with (such as sex). As such, the most fitting relationship dynamic for him would have to be, an open relationship. The idea that Shaka's partner seeks out other people to fulfill their needs, doesn't bother Shaka in the slightest bit.
Shaka would never try to force himself to do something, he can't really experience. And ideally, his partner wouldn't pressure him into putting him in a situation like that. So long as there is a mutual understanding of where they stand, things will work out for them.
With that said, Shaka wouldn't be open for the idea of a polyamorous relationship. He just feels like he wouldn't be all that happy, in a dynamic like that. He can barely provide for one partner, he feels like he wouldn't be able to give another person the same degree of affection and attention.
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Kanon is strictly into polyamorous relationships. He wouldn't feel fulfilled or content, in a relationship that "bounds" him to a single person. He is very unlikely to settle for a single person;
As such, his dating experiences have strictly consisted of flings or one night stands. He never got to develop anything, beyond a shallow/quick thing. He just hasn't had any luck, in finding the right people to mesh well with him.
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In the other end of the spectrum, Deathmask is strictly into monogamous relationships. He doesn't like at all the idea of romantically sharing the person, he commits himself to. Although, if he is drunk enough, he could be convinced to join a threeway fling. But it would never, evolve into a poly relationship.
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In a similar vein, Aldebaran is also strictly monogamous. The idea of anyone flirting or even looking at his partner in a certain, deeply unsettles him. This shouldn't be mistaken with him being possessive of his partner, that's not really it. But hearing those kinds of comments from third-parties about Mu, is one easy way to get under Aldebaran's skin. And it isn't as uncommon as one may imagine, after all, not everyone is aware of their relationship.
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Milo stands in a middle ground of sorts. He doesn't seem to show a bias on where he stands on the matter. This means he would be open for either a monogamous, or a polyamorous relationship. However, he wouldn't settle for an open relationship. As, he would take immense offense, at the idea of his partner seeking out others for whatever reason.
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hxdrostorms · 10 months
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Woe Headcanons galore -
DM's real name is Vittorio, as mentioned in previous posts he still keeps it as his top secret. Where only a select few people in his life, know about it. As such, he treats his nickname as his name. Which needless to say, sounds really off or even silly to anyone who's out of the loop (happens to be just a normal person). No matter the mockery, DM doesn't budge in revealing his name.
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I can't recall if I've already written this on here or not, BUT. I'm mainly addressing this, because it feels like there is some kind of confusion: sex and nudity aren't taboos for Shaka, in fact, given his religious belief. Those things are pretty commonplace for him, it gets even more so, as he keeps studying/reading about many other mythologies/religions across the world. Even in his free time, he may even read an erotic novel. It's just THAT normal subject for him at this point in his life. And it obviously, doesn't change a thing about his sexuality.
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For my personal take, Shion wasn't the one who raised the gemini twins, even though he was the one who witnessed their birth. Simply because his priority was to care for Mu, the one from the same clan and the next in line to inherit the aries cloth. Which meant, the gemini twins' care were kinda of in the hands of many people, who served the sanctuary. It was a cumbersome upbringing, which was quickly merged into their trainings. Kanon and Saga never looked at Shion as a father figure to them, they only had one another, as a resemblance of a family.
So much so, Kanon never saw Shion's real face underneath the pope's outfits.;
Despite everything mentioned above, I'm not against RPing with Shions, who would like to write him being the primary caregiver to the twins;
Being the younger brother, who showed signs of being unruly and a naturally born troublemaker, Kanon was often at the receiving end of comparisons to his brother. Who was quickly put on a pedestal, and treated as a golden child by everyone around them.
This is kinda of obvious, but still worth bringing it up: Kanon had next to no proximity with the other golden saints. He could potentially recognize most of them, but he never really bothered with learning much or getting to know the others. He preferred to observe it from the sidelines. Whereas, most golden saints weren't even aware that Saga had a twin brother. It wasn't uncommon at all for them to mistake the two, the fact both brothers had similar cosmos, only made matters worse. Kanon's natural troublemaker nature shined, as he loved pretending to be Saga.
By any and all means, Kanon shouldn't be seen as a poor-victim-woe him. He is very similar to Saga, even when it came to the heinous things he did. The big difference is that, he managed to be forgiven and seek redemption in life, unlike Saga.
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hxdrostorms · 8 months
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@featherchan has sent:🎶 / Kanon n Aiolos 
My muse in a relationship ?s [Accepting, SPECIFY MUSE]
🎶Do they have a type?
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// Technically speaking, Aiolos is STILL figuring that out about himself. While he was alive, he was still in the process of questioning his sexuality. He already knows he is attracted to those of the opposite gender, but what about other men? (Very delicate and feminine presenting) He always found Saga (or was it Kanon?) to be beautiful in his eyes back then, this was his first hint that there was something else going on. Due to his premature death, any progress was halted right there. At most, he can be considered Bi-curious.
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// Kanon isn't all that picky, when it comes to men he has flings with. Because, as I've hinted at in some previous posts. Kanon can be very picky , about the people he commits himself to. Especially considering, the type of relationship dynamic he seeks out.
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hxdrostorms · 4 months
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@eternalstarlights has sent: ELEMENT, PRIDE, HUMBLE, FEAR (All your Saint Seiya Muses)
“DAMN.” Questions for Muses. [Accepting, SPECIFY MUSE]
there is a LOT LOL so I'll try to keep it relatively brief
ELEMENT. -What is your muse “made of”, what is their character like? Courageous, loving, scared, etc.
// Highlighting their primary character traits, the first thing that usually comes to my mind when I describe them -
Aiolos: Inspiring Aldebaran: Tenderness Deathmask: Wicked Kanon: Wordsmith Kiki: Frisky Milo: Impetuous Shaka: Faithful
PRIDE. -What is your muses biggest flaw?
Aiolos: Lack of leadership skills, despite the fact he was practically chosen for that purpose from the very start. Which isn't helped by the fact that's pretty much how, others tend to look at/perceive him as that; Aldebaran: The fact he hates direct confrontation, while in most cases Aldebaran will assert himself. There are many other instances, where he will let people walk over him, in order to not escalate things; Deathmask: His own inflated ego, which blinds him for obvious danger and other oversights; Kanon: "Chews a lot more than he can actually handle" Kiki: Some times his playfulness can get in the way of him taking matters, with the seriousness it requires. Can come off as tone deaf or disrespectful as a result of it; Milo: Easily gets carried away by the emotion of the moment, he genuinely struggles to hold himself back in that regard; Shaka: Doesn't quite pick up on other hints, he can be dissuaded or manipulated to do things, fairly easily. Saga sure had no problems, in using him as a form of cover up for his actions/rumors.
HUMBLE. -How does your muse handle praise?
Aiolos & Milo: Shows gratitude in return and quickly brushes it off; Aldebaran & Kiki: Depends from whom they are receiving praise from. In most cases they show gratitude, and tend to devalue it in an attempt to come off as humble or level-headed. But if it is their S/Os or someone they deeply care about (Alde from Kiki, Kiki from Mu), they indulge in it. Deathmask & Kanon: Eats it right up, they LOVE receiving praise especially if it becomes worshipping-esque Shaka: Brushes it off and barely reacts to it at all, may come off as arrogant. But the truth is that, in many cases he doesn't register the things he does as worth, receiving praise over.
FEAR. -What are your muses biggest fears?
Aiolos & Aldebaran & Kiki: Anything bad happening to their families [ Aiolos - his brother. Aldebaran - Mu and Kiki. Kiki - Raki and his fathers]; Deathmask: To be yet again abandoned by his cloth Kanon: In search of power, he obtained knowledge that his mortal mind struggles to process and handle; Milo & Shaka: Good old failing at his life's purposes
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