#° sealke noises !
hegrowings · 1 year
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like this & I'll make a room inspired by your muse / blog in sims ! || accepting
for @oflostinfound !! oh my god, this was SO MUCH FUN to do ! I love clutter and there was so much I wanted to use. at first it was really only Eath's space, but as I was going through I found some stuff I tried to incorporate for Hax. not going to lie, I read through your notes page and based a lot off that ! but I got so many cute ideas as I was decorating the room, so I'm gonna share some of my favorite details ! [read more'd for length !]
first we have the island. that book pedestal fit perfectly within the cabinet so I made Eath a little area to blend her own teas. then there's some fabric, fashion magazines, and other supplies for Hax to tailor with, as well as a little craft cart. I also added a cookie jar; I liked that it had the lid off, I had this cute idea that it was the "hard-at-work" cookie jar, there for idle snacking while Eath or Hax were working on something at the island. I even included a tray of fresh baked cookies on top of the oven to keep it filled !
I wanted lots of kitchen clutter, to make it feel used and lived in. I tried to use every teapot I could find because I feel like Eath might be the person to have teapots for specific moods or occasions. but there's also storage, snacks, dishware, etc. please imagine the postcards are actually selfies of Hax and photos of them with Eath. Hax also has a little basket with stuff for athletics by the backdoor.
then, on the side is more stuff for gardening and creating tea blends. I liked the idea of a woodstove to keep the kitchen warm and dry to better preserve home grown ingredients. like I said, most of the space was based around Eath, but I tried to sneak in some Hax there at the end. owo;
I also added a little easter egg referencing your recent event for Eath. :3 also, below are screenshots with lights ! I actually took those first and then replaced them with smaller lights to get photos of the decorations without them in the way, so the lighting is different.
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hegrowings · 11 months
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like this & I'll make a room inspired by your muse / blog in sims ! || accepting
for @paddyfuck ! not really a room, more of a... place ? I don't usually use any of the tropical or nautical stuff, so this was kind of fun. the bar itself is my favorite thing; I combined the tiki bar with some cc counters, then added the columns and cannons and it looks really neat if I do say so myself. it's kinda gimmicky and eclectic but...
I liked the idea of a bar, full of "ethically" sourced decorations and alcohol that, uh, "washed up on the beach". it's all very above board of course, just a casual hangout spot for all the pirates sailor types. it's a good bar, too. strong drinks, reasonably priced. plus if you know the right codewords you may be able to get more than just a drink out of the barkeep. I hear she's got eyes and ears everywhere.
so yeah I liked the idea of a gimmicky looking bar that's lowkey a pirate speakeasy. anne providing information and keeping a watch. maybe I'll revisit this idea and create an actual speakeasy. this was kind of a quick build. I hope you like it. ; w ;
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hegrowings · 1 year
me just 👀 at all the folks who liked that sims room post. I'm so excited to make them ❤️ already brainstorming !!
please just keep in mind getting around to all of them is going to take some time, and I'll be working on rooms I have the most inspiration for first. but I'm gonna do my best to at least start on every room this weekend !
and if you haven't liked the post yet you should !! prior interaction not required. owo just like the post damn it !
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hegrowings · 1 year
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like this & I'll make a room inspired by your muse / blog in sims ! || accepting
for @butnobodyhome !! does a hallway count as a room ? I actually started with the window seat area (I've included a screenshot of just it below). I found that window then kind of built everything else around it because I really liked it for Anne.
I wanted to use a lot of earthy nature colors and patterns, blues and greens with pink and white as an accent, because I've always associated her with nature and water, but swatches ended up creating white and gold with green and blue as accents... I really didn't know what to do with the space, but then I got struck by this idea of a long hallway with tall windows letting the sun in.
I wanted something grand and elegant. but as gorgeous and grand as castle-like hallways are, they're also kind of lonely, aren't they ? even with that warm sunlight it feels stark and too grand to feel lived in. I could imagine Anne finding a big, empty mansion and slowly redecorating it, claiming it as hers bit by bit. maybe that's what's happened here; she started with the little nook, and soon enough it'll feel less empty. still beautiful, but lived in.
I feel like Anne is the greenery that takes over abandoned places, especially grand ones, like the ruins of castles and mansions and hotels. slowly finding her way inside and then flourishing, turning what was left behind into something beautiful in it's own, new way. manmade things are pretty, but they aren't permanent. then nature comes in to reclaim and overgrow, and that's just as pretty.
I hoped you like my interpretation ! also I won't lie and say I started getting a bit lazy at the end, so I apologize for the clipping !
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also gonna tag you on @theseerhesaid !!
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hegrowings · 1 year
hey ! I love you and think you're neat ❤️ please remember to hydrate today -does a silly little dance and then crawls back into bed-
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hegrowings · 1 year
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like this & I'll make a room inspired by your muse / blog in sims ! || accepting
for @macveigh ! does a courtyard count as a room ? let's just say it does. it all started with the fireplace and the archway; I thought it was kinda portal-esque and magical looking. then I liked the idea of an abandoned warehouse courtyard and using it as a magical practice space, with that big gnarled oak overhanging. then, of course, I had to add crystals and magical knick-knacks.
admittedly it's hard to furnish an outdoor space like an indoor space ?? so it looks a bit odd. but mostly I just wanted the vibe of this being a magical nexus and there was magic leaking through, which I think I achieved ! it may be hard to tell in the pictures but all the crystals are lit internally, and then there are candles everywhere.
under the cut is the "mortal eyes" version, i.e. what non-magical folks see. if I were to stumble upon a place like this I know I would definitely think it was magical.
in general Morgan has always been a magic in the real world kind of character to me; that may sound odd, because duh, but just like. magic seeping into everything normal, if that makes sense. I wanted a space that reflected that. even if you don't know Morgan is a witch, she's got that vaguely magical vibe to her. strange and curious. but also like. mortal and normal and humdrum. nothing out of the ordinary, but also extraordinary.
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hegrowings · 1 year
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like this & I'll make a room inspired by your muse / blog in sims ! || accepting
for @dutyworn !! not going to lie, majority of the time spent on this was arranging the "space" side of the room and picking out the wall decor. I don't usually use the get famous content so it was fun messing around with the sci-fi set pieces to make it look like the room is in a space ship ! the other big part was the wall decor; I had this fun idea that Wren might have some callbacks to her Earth days, namely graffiti, and then I thought it would be kinda fun if she had "acquired" some other keepsakes, like signage. I included the ATM and security camera because I thought it was funny. XD
I also liked the idea of a bar cart and record player. it's been a hot minute since I've played ME so I may be misremembering, or just thinking of Warframe, but I thought those might be elements from Shepard's quarters in the Normandy. that's also why I included the little aquarium wall. and then the rest is storage, because I remember having so. much. gear. while playing ME.
I included a couple nods to Wren's sole survivor background and post-trilogy universe as well, but mostly I wanted a space that looked loved in, not lived in if that makes sense. Shepard is a busy woman, I don't imagine she gets much time to herself, but when she does she deserves to be comfortable. and, if there was one thing I gained from looking through your headcanon tag... she needs a space to represent why she does what she does, why she fights, what she's gone through and what she's capable of. she can be the indomitable commander Shepard anywhere else, but here she can remember she's human, just for a moment. and humans care, especially her.
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hegrowings · 1 year
hey. I just want to say, that if you're here. if you're seeing this. I love you. ❤️ you matter, and I am so happy you're here. it's stupid and cheesy but, I don't lie about stuff like this. I mean it, every word. if I'm following you, if you're following me, if we're mutuals. I love you, and want you to know I care you and support you. you're a nifty individual worthy of love, don't forget it.
I know I'm not always. sunshine and daisies. I know recently I've been erratic and negative. I'm sorry. I do my best. what matters is that if you're here, you matter to me. even if I don't matter in the same way to you, even if I'm just a person on the internet and you don't believe me. you matter to me, and I hope to all the powers in this universe that you never feel alone or unloved or unimportant. at least, not for long.
take care of yourself. hydrate. stretch, take your meds, have a snack, take a nap. it's going to be okay. 🫂
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hegrowings · 10 months
me playing my video games:
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random ideas for original characters:
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hegrowings · 11 months
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I just wanted to let you know I support you ❤️
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hegrowings · 1 year
i wanted to send you an anon telling you that i think you're neat, and you seem very reflective and wholesome, because i was thinking about the crappy anon you got recently, and wanting to send a nice one to balance it out, but your anon is off (good for you for setting that boundary), so like -puts on anon mask- shh it's not off anon, i wanted to give you a lil compliment without drawing attention to myself about it. -slides over a cup of a preferred beverage- take care, lovely person on my dashboard!
at first I wasn't gonna respond to this and just keep it in my pocket for a rainy day when I needed an emotional pick-me-up but. I don't think it's selfish to draw attention to yourself when you're kind or do something nice for someone. of course, we shouldn't do things to be recognized or rewarded for them, but in a place like the tumblr rpc... stuff like this is important. stuff like this, anon or not, encourages people to stay and keep trying and put themselves out there.
plus, love and support on this hellsite can be so hard to find, I think it's worthy pointing out the folks who put the thought to action. folks don't always have the energy or spoons to send messages like this and that's okay, but that shouldn't lessen the value of the folks who do put a little bit of their own energy and spoons into improving the energy and spoons of others. and also, we as a community as a whole should do better to support and love each other, anon or not.
but uh, yeah... thank you random anon. I appreciate it a lot. ; w ;
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hegrowings · 1 year
ever wonder why I stopped responding ?
I fell asleep
I was forced into some kind of real life social interaction that took longer than it should have
I started watching cartoons / YouTube or playing one of my relaxing mobile games (usually both) and got distracted
I started feeling like A Lot and put myself in timeout and then got distracted / forgot
I'm staring at your message / notification right now trying to find the energy / words to respond and hating myself cuz I can't
I'm a friendly folk I do solemnly promise ; w ; I'm just forgetful and anxious and online interactions are easier to hide from when I get shy. if you're ever like oh man I bet I'm bothering selkie when a DM goes unanswered just know I'm cowering behind my hands, blushing and chewing on my lip because I'm nervous and embarrassed.
I love you all so much and I love talking to folks when I get comfy with them, I'm just a bit shy and slow to start. finding words and common footing with folks is hard, but once the metaphorical ink is flowing it's all good. so pls be patient with me while we scribble the pen a bit ! and never be afraid of poking me.
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hegrowings · 1 year
its 3 am, my head is starting to hurt from staring at sims for 4 hours straight, and I forgot I have to be up early to go with my mom to pick my sister up from the airport tomorrow... so time for sleep methinks.
if you haven't already, go give this post a like for me to create a room based off your muse / blog in sims ! I'm almost done with the one I've been working on, and I'll continue working on them this weekend. I love decorating in sims so I'm excited about the challenge and hope ya'll will enjoy my interpretations !
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hegrowings · 1 year
me, pointing at those dialogue starters: look I did a thing !! head pats now
me, pointing at those dialogue starters: what the fuck is that ??? kaey: I think its called activity me: *shocked pikachu judy face*
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hegrowings · 1 year
my to-do tracker has been updated. I've cleared everything owed except my drafts, but while I've deleted all of my old calls I'll be posting new one soon-ish to get things going again. ❤️ as a note, I'll be doing some housekeeping this week as well.
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hegrowings · 1 year
I'm taking a mental health hiatus. ❤️ I just... don't think Tumblr is a good place for me right now, so I'm going to be avoiding it for a bit. I've even removed the mobile app from my phone. just, the way my anxiety has been and my depressive episodes... it's not conducive to anything I'm trying to do here. I quite honestly feel like I am falling apart at the seams, so a break is in order. I don't know how long; I see my therapist Wednesday and will make a plan from there.
If you want to chat or whatever feel free to add / message me on Discord [sealkii#5985] ! While I don't think I'll be doing much in terms of rp, you're still always welcome to poke me. I may also be a bit selective / slow to reply, but know it isn't personal and will depend entirely on my headspace and how I'm feeling. Still, please don't be shy about messaging me. ❤️ I always enjoy talking to folks !
Anyway. know that I love you all, and remember to hydrate. 🫂
update: Jun 1
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