michaelnordeman · 28 days
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Skuleskogen national park in Ångermanland, Sweden (May 20, 2024).
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royalchildreneurope · 2 years
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Princess Madeleine of Sweden and Prince Nicolas of Sweden visit Skuleberget's lookout point during a visit to Prince Nicolas of Sweden's duchy, Ångermanland, at Naturum Höga kusten in Skuleberget, Sweden -June 21st 2022.
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theroyalsandi · 2 years
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Prince Nicolas of Sweden inaugurates Discovery Park in Skuleberget, Sweden | June 21, 2022
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filurig · 5 months
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two character's ive had in mind for a while but finally got myself to design, ylvarg (he/him) and faství (she/her)! they are old friends of gullmar !
ylvarg is a passionate linguist and polyglot (in the sense that he can understand many different languages... due to troll anatomy he cant speak any other than trollic), while faství is a tomte who loves to travel and be all over the place - otherwise, she wouldn't make the trek from her home in ångermanland to gästrikland every year to meet up with her friends during winter!
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charlotte-of-wales · 1 year
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Happy 10th wedding anniversary to Chris O’Neill and Princess Madeleine of Sweden!
The couple tied the knot on June 8th 2013 at the Royal Palace Chapel in Stockholm. They met in 2010 while Madeleine was living in New York City and their engagement was announced on October 25th 2012.
The couple has three children: Princess Leonore, Duchess of Gotland (9), Prince Nicolas, Duke of Ångermanland (7) and Princess Adrienne, Duchess of Blekinge (5).
In February 2015, the Swedish Royal Court announced that the family had moved to Stockholm from New York. In Autumn 2015, the entire family moved to London. In August 2018, the Swedish Royal Court announced that the princess and her family would move to Florida. In March 2023, it was announced that the family would move back to Sweden in August 2023.
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ithinkwehitametaphor · 2 months
.Viking Age Glass Beads.
Glass beads from Hälsingland. Historiska Museet, Stockholm, 2014. Glass beads from Lappland. Historiska Museet, Stockholm, 2014. Beads from Medelpad. Historiska Museet, Stockholm, 2014. Beads from Ångermanland. Historiska Museet, Stockholm, 2014. Glass beads from Västmanland. Historiska Museet, Stockholm, 2014.
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vikingosten · 5 months
basic introduction to my landskap oc’s
Making an official re-introduction to my hetalia oc’s,which are all based off the swedish landskap (aka swedish statetalia),and explaining how it works n shit :D (warning for long post) THIS IS AN INFO DUMP
First off,the 25 diffrent landskap are not actually related,but They act like siblings,or at the very least like cousins.A few are actually related like siblings,and they Will be listed below
Jämtland and Härjedalen (Older sister,younger brother)
Norrbotten and västerbotten (Twins)
Västergötland and Östergötland (uuuuuhhh not sure might be twins tho)
So yeah thats it- Some landskap are also related to other landskap from neighboring countries (And with that i mean Jämtland and Härjedalen are also related to the norwegian Trøndelag).
many landskap are also closer to eachother than others,especially if they share a major city,or if they have a long history together.This might also be the case if They belong in the same ’part’ of the country,either Norrland,Svealand or Götaland.These groups occasionally have ’meetings’ to feel like grownups,but they really just hang out.
In my au,the landskap are children or teens bc i said so <3 but i might make an adult Au aswell bc yes
So you might be asking ’How tf do these children survive?’ And the answer is They have diffrent ways of getting money.Some sell stuff on their own,some work part time,and some have perfected the art of being a criminal :),most of them are kinda broke tho.
They have managed to..Erase themselves from most state records on account that they dont want be publically known,and most adopt common names or regularly change names every 20 years or so.
They also have their own homes,that they either bought ages ago,built themselves or just erased any knowledge of the estate in question.
Physical ages of all of them will be listed below (i have changed these a bit from the of versions for reasons,and dont expect them to make sense bc i value aesthetics)
Västerbotten/norrbotten -15
Ångermanland - 14
Jämtland - 15
Härjedalen - 10
Medelpad - 12
Hälsingland - 15
Gästrikland - 11
Dalarna - 16
Uppland - 15
Södermanland - 15
Västmanland - 14
Värmland -16
Närke - 8
Gotland - 14
Öland - 10
Dalsland- 16
Bohuslän - 14
aaaand that was all the ages! Human names are yet to be decided,but Ill post those together with some characters,and if Anyone has suggestions,feel free to send em in.
i wil primarily post about Härjedalen,Jämtland,lappland and dalarna,But Ill also post about many of the others,and some May get lost bc i dont give a crap abt them <3 How They live,and just are in general
Jämtland and Härjedalen are the closest,and they live in a cottage in the Woods,right at the border between their grounds.Härjedalen is forest boi and he also has a load of scars from bad decision making,and he keeps taking home wild animals.He is also mostly non-verbal,rarely speaking with his sister.
Jämtland is calmer,and quite independent,but She still has her own moments of bad decicion making.They both have autism bc i like to project <3 They make money by either selling handicrafts,old viking relics from their youth or by working small jobs.Both can see magical creatures,but härjedalen can see them better,while Jämtland can only do it occasionally,and secretly thinks shes mentally ill because of it.
Dalarna lives in the mountains,in What used to be a vacation house/summer house.He likes to pretend that he is more modern,and less of a grasstoucher than his northern neighbors,but he too loves frolicing in nature,and he secretly misses the times before his home became one big winter vacation spot for rich city people wanting to ski.
He too enjoys to ski,but he does it uninterupted,in non-crowded hills,and he uses high quality gear.He also illegally owns a snow mobile.He makes money by selling his own stuff,or asking(forcing) Härjedalen to make souvenirs.He’s not proud,but he picks shame above starvation.He also has Adhd (again,projecting)
Lappland is a very quiet girl.She can be a bit aloof,since She is also non-verbal unless in trusted company.She can be anxious,and She lives a bit away from Kiruna.She dislikes testing her boundaries,rather sticking to her own routine.She also surrounds herself with animals rather than people.How She makes money is unknown,but she might get it through illegal means.She also acts like a responsible,big sister to the norrland gang the few times They meet.
-Jämtland is Kinda anxious and is prone to insomnia
-Härjedalen cant read.Or write.
-Dalarna has spent 18 years of his life with atleast one limb in a cast
-Härjedalen has a high af resistance against poison,but will fall Ill like a victorian child from one damn sneeze.
-Republiken jämtland (apparently a micronation) is a ladybug bc i said so.
That was it! Ill add more stuff as time goes by! Feel free to ask stuff bc i like spewing out info!
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21st June 2022 // Prince Nicolas was accompanied by his parents Princess Madeleine and Chris O’Neill for his first official visit to his Duchy, Ångermanland. He inaugurated the discovery park for children which was given to him as a baptismal gift in 2015 by going through a ribbon placed at the bottom of a slide!
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dendro80 · 11 months
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Höga Kusten bron. ❤️
July 2023
Höga Kusten, Ångermanland, Sweden
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icypiece · 1 year
Hoppas de pratar lika mycket om Ångermanland nästa vecka som de pratar om Skåne denna vecka
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theroyalfanzine · 2 years
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Her Royal Highness Princess Estelle Silvia Ewa Mary of Sweden, The Duchess of  Östergötland (2012)
Princess Leonore Lilian Maria of Sweden, The Duchess of Gotland (2014)
Prince Nicolas Paul Gustaf of Sweden, The Duke of Ångermanland (2015)
His Royal Highness Prince Oscar Carl Olof of Sweden, The Duke of Skåne (2016)
Prince Alexander Erik Hubertus Bertil of Sweden, The Duke of Södermanland (2016)
Princess Adrienne Josephine Alice of Sweden, The Duchess of Blekinge (2018)
, Prince Julian Herbert Folke of Sweden,The Duke of Halland (2021)
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princessemadeleine · 2 years
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Princess Madeleine visiting the province of Ångermanland, Sweden, 21 June 2022
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royalchildreneurope · 2 years
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Princess Madeleine of Sweden, Christopher O'Neill and Prince Nicolas of Sweden visit Skuleberget's lookout point during a visit to Prince Nicolas of Sweden's duchy, Ångermanland, at Naturum Höga kusten in Skuleberget, Sweden -June 21st 2022.
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languagestoday · 2 months
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Idag den 12 april är det lakritsens dag! Ett annat ord som har använts för sötsaken är treakel.
Ordet lakrits har funnits i svenskan åtminstone sedan 1500-talet, men förr var det inte det enda förekommande ordet för sötsaken. I stora delar av landet har treakel, treakelse och liknande använts. Uttalsformerna är många. Tera´gelse är vanligt i sydligaste Sverige. Träakelse, treakels o.d. har dominerat i stora delar av Götaland, Värmland och Ångermanland, medan man i framför allt Närke, Västergötland och Östergötland sagt trähackelse. Längre norrut, från Dalarna i söder till Jämtland i norr, är former som treakel och träaker vanligast. Uttalsformen tria´kel har vi bara några få uppgifter om i ordsamlingarna från Jämtland, men den har blivit känd genom namnet på folkmusikgruppen Triakel Länk till annan webbplats.. Gruppens medlemmar kommer från Jämtland och Hälsingland och sjunger ofta visor från dessa landskap.
​Betydelsen 'motgift'
I dialekterna finns bara varianter som slutar på -else eller -el o.d. De är bildade till ordet teriak, som kommer av latinets theriaca ’motgift mot djurgift’. Redan i fornsvenskan fanns treakilse, träakerse med innebörden ’motgift’. Senare har en betydelseutveckling skett, som i dialekterna lett fram till ’lakrits’.Treacle i dagens engelska betecknar däremot ’sirap’. Om utvecklingen från ’motgift’ till ’lakrits’ och ’sirap’ säger Elof Hellquist i sin etymologiska ordbok att den har att göra med att de två livsmedlen förr kunde användas medicinskt. Från Hackås i Jämtland finns ett exempel från folkmedicinen: je ha fått tåkkn krime je jätt kok opp nå mjâlk å fol-ti treakle, innfera å stârk-päpparn (jag har fått en sådan snuva jag måste koka upp lite mjölk och lägga i lakrits, ingefära och stark peppar). Låter som en inte alltför obehaglig kur!
Norska dialekter​
Också i norska dialekter finns treak och treakel. Liksom i Sverige betecknar orden vanligen lakrits, men i delar av Norge används treak om en särskild sorts godsak. Den tillverkas av enbär, vatten, farinsocker och grädde, som får koka ihop till en seg massa. Massan breds ut och får stelna för att sedan skäras i lagoma bitar.
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charlotte-of-wales · 1 year
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Happy 8th birthday to Prince Nicolas of Sweden, Duke of Ångermanland!
Born on June 15 2015, Nicolas Paul Gustaf is the only son and middle child of Princess Madeleine and Chris O’Neill, as well as the eldest grandson of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden. He is currently tenth in the line of succession to the Swedish throne.
Throughout his life, Nicolas has lived in New York, London, Miami and now his family is moving back to Stockholm.
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En el lado oscuro de la luna (Málaga 2) - Mari Jungstedt (2024)
La esperada nueva novela de la Serie Málaga, de Mari Jungstedt. Tras el éxito de Antes de que lleguen las nubes, el inspector Héctor Correa y la profesora sueca Lisa Hagel regresan a la Costa del Sol. En un gélido día de Año Nuevo, una pareja de enamorados aparece asesinada en un jacuzzi en una solitaria granja de Ångermanland, al norte de Suecia. Él es sueco, ella, española. Ambos residían en…
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