macile · 4 months
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Au-dessus du ruisseau
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bdslab · 8 months
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philoursmars · 11 months
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Je reviens sur ce mois de septembre passé en rééducation après mon opération du genou, à Roncq, près de Tourcoing (Nord).
Maxime, jeune collègue et ami, me propose, le dimanche suivant, une autre balade dans les Flandres Françaises, cette fois à Wambrechies , en bord de Deûle.
Ici le Jardin de la Comtesse, aux allées concentriques. Je ne peux hélas pas citer toutes les plantes visibles ici (à part peut-être, des aconits bleu-violet et des orpins à la fin ???)
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moulin-girault · 14 days
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Gratte culs
0 notes
vilandel · 5 months
Silver Cats & Black Roses
Chapter 15 – Determination
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A/N Luck and two Blue Roses are already aware of Yami and Charlotte being in a relationship 💙 Meanwhile, Nozel can't help but daydream about Vanessa, making the Silver Eagles worrying about his health 💜 Shall I mention that this chapter was one of my favorites to write?
Ao3 link
“I think I need more of that.”
“Shut up, Yami.”
The captain of the Black Bulls just let out a loud laugh at the tired protest of the beautiful woman lying beside him. Honestly, he was tired too, so there was no way he had enough reason to make fun of her. At least, not too much.
No wonder actually that they were both still tired, the sun only started to rise and they didn’t had a lot of sleep last night.
Well, Yami took Charlotte three times last night, which was the reason why they were still tired when they woke up. To be fair, if his body and more importantly her body, wouldn’t have been exhausted after three times, he would have taken her at least one more time.
Yami couldn’t help but smile as the memories of last night started to dance in his mind. Okay, it hadn’t been the plan to actually sleep with his Prickly Queen, but he would rather stop to drink booze before he would regret it. Damn, that was the best night in his life.
If he had known how wonderful it would feel to have Charlotte in his arms, to love and make love to her, he would have given up on his pride a long time ago.
Gosh, he really had been stupid and dense all this time. Kaiser had been right, Charlotte actually loved him back. This woman had proven him enough last night.
Yami turned his head to look at the woman he loved. Charlotte lied on her belly, eyes closed, head lying on one arm, the hair undone except the cute little braid, naked and the blanket only covering down her knees. Which was good, so he could look at her sexy butt.
He put a hand on that specific body part and laughed as he heard Charlotte groan. It sounded frustrated and flustered at the same time. What a woman.
“Must you always be so vulgar even in your gestures?”
“Don’t act like you dislike my vulgarity, woman. You more than appreciated last night, each time I took ya. Besides, there is honestly nothing I haven’t seen already during our night together.”
She was protesting, but he could hear the smile in her voice.
Honestly, who would have thought that Charlotte Roselei, captain of the Blue Roses and the woman with the coldest behaviour he knew, would actually take the initiative and gave herself to him, body and soul?
Yami thought he had known her well for years and yet, Prickly Queen always managed to still surprise him. Her Ki was still so unique and practically impossible for him to read, but Yami didn’t care anymore. He was in love with her and this was probably the reason why her Ki wasn’t easy for him to understand.
“I… I love you.”
“I know.”
“Seriously, that’s all you have to say to me after everything?”
Yami laughed at her reaction. “I know you love me and you said it yesterday, I’m more a man of action and I think I show you more than enough what you are to me. This is enough for yours truly. Although, I wouldn’t mind to give you another proof.”
“You… You brute,” Charlotte laughed, trying to look falsely offended.
“Your brute, please use the right word, my Prickly Queen.”
Charlotte blushed, making her cheeks look like rubies. At least, Yami assumed that the colour was the shade of those kind of gems, as he never seen rubies in his life.
“Well, I don’t know what I expected from you, Yami. But you haven’t changed your personality and that is actually a relief, so don’t get me wrong,” Charlotte said as she sat up on her side of the bed. But as soon as she tried to stand, she fell back on the mattress, groaning.
“You seem a bit wabbly on your feet, Prickly Queen. Quite the unusual sight, actually, don’t tell me I was too harsh last night,” Yami laughed. Dang it, he haven’t been in such a pure good mood for way too long.
“Not that much, even though we did it three times,” Charlotte mumbled. “It’s more that… well… it was my first time…”
Yami stopped laughing abruptly.
Wait… that was her first time?
Yami immediately took the blankets, eying them carefully before throwing them away to inspect the mattress.
If he had knew that, he would have at least tried to hold back, to be soft as much as he could manage. And maybe he wouldn’t have taken her from behind on their second turn. Charlotte was a strong woman, but this doesn’t mean that he would hurt her, even unintentionally. She meant too much for him for that.
Thankfully, he found no trace of blood on the blankets or on the mattress. Either he actually did hold back on instinct… or Charlotte was also the strong woman he knew on this particular domain.
Okay, could he stop loving her more and more for a moment? He started to felt overwhelmed by all this new open emotions.
“I wouldn’t have thought that it was your first time, Prickly Queen.”
“And how so?”
“You were taking initiative. You didn’t blush in offense like a prude old girl and well… I honestly don’t know how to explain it, ya were just that amazing.”
“Would you stop teasing me?”
“Hey, that wasn’t teasing this time, ya truly were amazing!”
Charlotte blushed again, turning her head away. And still, Yami had time to see  the little happy smile on her lips. Yep, she really wasn’t prude, that was just the normal old Charlotte he knew and love.
It was somehow weird. He discovered many sides of her only lately, especially during their common investigation and even more during their night. But all those sides of Prickly Queen seemed so familiar, as if he already knew them.
How could he knew already things he just discovered.
Charlotte turned back to him, giving up on standing on her feet for now, bringing her legs back to her and putting her arms around them, while her head lied on her knees and she looked at him in the softest smile he ever saw.
That wasn’t a sexy position, more like a cute one and it was enough for him to get all thirsty for her again.
Did she even realize what effect she had on him?
“Will you cuddle? Or is this not badass enough for you, captain I-Surpass-My-Limits?”
Yami laughed loudly. She wasn’t the best teaser as she was a newbie on that domain, but her attempts were actually pretty good. At least, he loved them.
“You know that I have a reputation to hold. But who gives a fuck, you’re the only one I wanna show my softer side.”
“You have a softer side?”
“Just come here and enjoy your privilege, woman.”
Charlotte chuckled – why the hell did he never realized how lovely that sound was – and practically half lied down on his chest, while Yami put an arm around her, the other one behind his head.
It was peaceful. Really peaceful…
Yami used to make fun at those kind of fluffy things, to make fun at corny shit like that. Maybe it will still don’t change, knowing him. But he didn’t find it ridiculous anymore right now. He also never would have thought that Charlotte would be so hopelessly and deeply in love with him and he was still having a hard time to believe it. But still, there she was, in his arms and despite her still complicated Ki, Yami could tell how happy she was.
He slowly started to understand Finral, when he was almost singing a hymn about how beautiful the quiet, peaceful moments were he shared with his wife. There was no way Yami would ever admit it, but having Charlotte in his arms and just enjoying the moment together, it was indeed precious. Maybe Finral became smarter in romance shit now that he was married to the love of his life.
It was like being a bubble, as if it was just the two of them. As if nothing else was important, as if the world outside was far away.
Yami sighed deeply. He kinda wished that it would be like that forever or at least for very long.
And he hoped that he wouldn’t have the urge to take a dump soon. For the first time, this perspective would clearly piss him off.
“Yami…” Charlotte whispered after a while.
“What will come next?”
That was a good question, actually. A damn good question and clearly something they needed to discuss one time or another. Yami might not care that much about nobles and all their shitty complication in their status, but it wasn’t like he didn’t catch up on a thing or two. Especially during all those time he spend with his Prickly Queen.
And Charlotte was actually the reason why he started to care more about the world of nobility. He wasn’t that dumb, he knew that she was one of the best matches by noble standards and she had mentioned here and there that her family were planning to marry her off to a douche.
That thought of course didn’t sit well with him. In fact, it was pissing him off just as much like when Asta had been set on trial as a scapegoat – another proof about how important his Prickly Queen was for him. He just couldn’t handle the simple thought of Charlotte being chained into a loveless marriage to an asshole who would just see her as a trophy or as a tool for his own goal. Heck, HIS Prickly Queen deserved far better than that! Charlotte Roselei, captain of the Blue Rose squad was the most amazing woman she knew and even though he still had no idea how nobility worked behind the scenes or what would happen in the future, Yami was already decided to not give her up without a fight.
But he didn’t want to think about all those details and hurdles right now. In this very moment, everything was so far away and peaceful, he didn’t want to spoil this new sweetness. And he didn’t want Charlotte to lose her mind about it right now. Yami knew very well how she was when she was stressed and stress was undoubtedly the last thing she needed right, after what she had to deal with after Spade.
“Prickly Queen, let’s just say that for now, those will be future Yami and future Charlotte’s problems.”
“Haha, very funny. You do realize that sooner later future Yami will be present Yami and the same applies to future Charlotte. It’s not something we can just continue to ignore until it’s too late.”
“You worry too much.”
“You relax too much.”
“Yeah, true. But trust me, Prickly Queen, it’s not like I don’t give a fuck what all those noble bootlickers would think about us. Okay, I don’t really care about their opinions. But I know that it won’t be easy and this I care about. Because you’re worth it to me.”
“Yami, I…”
She was clearly flustered, having no idea what to say and Yami would lie if he would say that it didn’t meant the world to him. He put his other arm around her, holding her closer.
“We’ll deal with it, I promise you that. But I just wanna enjoy the moment right now, it’s the best way to spend my time.”
“Okay. But still… Would you agree to keep our, well… to keep a secret what’s between us? Even from our squads? Just to have some more time in peace. I know my girls and I know the members of your squad, it won’t be calm once they find out about us. Especially Luck.”
“Oh yeah, that’s the best idea. I don’t want to deal with ups and downs right now. Now, can I have a kiss or something more?”
“Kiss is enough for now, I’m still exhausted from the three times you took me.”
Yami laughed deeply before Charlotte shifted a bit and to put her lips on his. Yami gave in to the kiss, enjoying her unique and rosy taste. Despite being softer than what he was used to give and get, the kiss still felt full of passion and burnt in his body just as much as the wild kisses from last night.
They continue to make out for a while. Minutes or an hour, maybe more? Yami couldn’t tell and honestly, he didn’t care about it. Nothing seemed more important to him right now than the beautiful woman in his arms.
Both lost all notion of time, almost as if time itself decided to stop for a while, just to give them more moments together.
That is, until there was a knock on the door, pushing them back into the normal timeline.
“Captain Charlotte,” Pulis voice came from behind the door, sounding slightly mischievous. “Most of us will have breakfast soon and we decided to make a common breakfast all together in your little brothers honour, since he’s our guest. Would you like to join us? We can ask captain Yami what he wants, since he’s here as well.”
The last sentence made the lovers jump apart in shock.
Wait, how…
Charlotte jumped from the bed with a squeak, her legs suddenly not all wobbly anymore and she somehow gathered a bathrobe while jumping around and yelling “Wait, Puli!” or something like that.
Yami just groaned as he himself got up and tried to gather some of his clothes from around the bedroom. No, they weren’t in the same place, he had to grab each one from another corner of the bedroom and to wabble to each piece of clothing like a dumb dude with a hangover who somehow got drunk again.
Did he throw his clothes at different corners or was it Prickly Queen? Yami couldn’t recall and both were highly possible, given how thirsty Charlotte was, especially for her first time.
And why the heck didn’t focus on that except on the fact that it was more than probable that the Blue Rose knights already known that he and Prickly Queen slept together?
Oh. Oh! OH!
Now Yami didn’t wabble, he run across the room, trying to at least put his pants on while finding himself in a rare situation of panic.
This was bad, this was really bad.
How much did Prickly Queens girlies know? And more importantly how much did they hear?  Yami didn’t gave a fuck last night that the Blue Roses might or might not came to hear him fucking their captain and now this was coming back to bite him in the ass.
Damn it, he and Charlotte did just talk that they wanted to wait before telling their respective squads about their still very young relationship. Just to have some peace, was that too much to ask?
Not to mention that those fricking Blue Roses were always high on gossiping and even worse, Luck was present…
Oh fuck!
Luck was present. Luck was present! One of his own brats! And even worse, Luck happens to be the brat who is also Prickly Queens long lost found little brother! Not to mention that Luck was already very overprotective over his big sis and for some reason, especially when Yami himself was involved.
Wait… Does this mean than Luck already knew about Prickly Queens feeling for him? How did he even found out about it before his own captain? Yami couldn’t believe that he had been so dense about Charlotte that even one of his dumber brats knew about this obvious secret. Who else of the Black Bulls knew about this as well, then?
While Yami just stood there, thinking about problems that should have been future Yami’s problems, Charlotte actually managed to get her royal blue bathrobe on and opened the door. He felt her Ki tense for a second, before she actually sighed deeply, frustrated and relieved at the same time.
“Puli, this is NOT funny!”
“I apologize captain Charlotte, especially for having plopped your happy bubble. But you know, Luck, Églantine and I really had done our most to keep this spicy little secret safe from the others, especially Sol and we agreed that we should better warn you.”
Wait! Does this mean that the whole Blue Rose squad didn’t know after all?
But before Yami could join Charlotte at the bedroom door, some kind of blonde lightning bold made him fall right back on the bed.
“Can we fight, captain? Can we fight? Since you’re here, can we fight?”
“For fuck’s sake, Luck, we are NOT fighting in your big sis’ bedroom, have some decency!”
“But you had a beddance with her, captain Yami and as her brother, I can’t let that pass, you know. Gauche told me that.”
Damnit Gauche, why did gave Luck some lessons about being a good brother? And where did he learned such a word like beddance? Did that word even exist? If Vanessa started again to invent some words, he would put her on Astas cleaning duty for the next ten years!
“Luck, please, I did consent and actually, it was in fact me who took the initiative,” Charlotte immediately protested. She was blushing a lot – to be fair, which older sibling would want to admit their sex stories to their younger brothers and sisters – but her voice was still firm. Damn, not losing her authority while embarrassed? No wonder she became such a strong woman.
“But big sis, he hadn’t realized you’re head over heels for him for ten years, I still have some beat up to do with him, please!”
Woah, that long, huh?
Wait, THAT LONG! Ten fucking years? Prickly Queen had feelings for him for ten damn years and he hadn’t realized it all this time?
Yami groaned, closing his eyes. He would never hear the end of it.
Could he please get back into the nice bubble from before with Charlotte? Gosh, how mushy did he became to actually wish for something as corny as that?
“Don’t worry, captain Charlotte, you and captain Yami don’t need to came down for breakfast with the whole squad. As you see, Puli, Luck and I brought you something you can eat here.”
Eat? Now that sounded like a good idea. Not as much as going back to the corny bubble, but still a good one.
Yami opened his eyes to see to whom that third voice belonged. A Blue Rose, of course, not older than twenty at most he’d say, with big turquoise coloured eyes and azure blue corkscrew curls. Typical noble hairstyle, he’d say, although he couldn’t tell if those curls were styled or actually natural.
Corkscrew put a silver tray with lots of food and some things to drink as well on a table, before turning towards him. Yami immediately frowned, trying to determine if this Blue Rose was hostile or not.
But Corkscrew just smiled at him and put a hand in front of him. “I’ve already heard about you, of course. But still, I’m happy to finally make your acquaintance properly, captain Yami. I’m Églantine Évantail and as you could guess, I’m a Blue Rose.”
“Um, nice to meet you,” Yami just mumbled, shaking her hand. Églantine Évantail, huh? Such a typical noble name, why were those always so elegantly complicated and difficult to learn by heart? He would call her Corkscrew still, it worked with her hair.
Évantail did she say? Wasn’t this also the family name of that old noble fart that tried to court Charlotte in this restaurant weeks ago? When she told him about her long lost sibling? Well, Corkscrew had the same eye colour as that Reggie guy or whatever his name was. Who could forgot people with turquoise shade in their eyeballs?
But unlike Reggie, Corkscrew’s eye colour wasn’t dull and from her Ki, she seemed like a genuinely nice girl.
“Ah, here’s the man of the hour,” Puli laughed, one of the rare Blue Roses Yami already knew. Actually, maybe he needed to learn about the whole squad than just that nice fatty and that earthy amazon that was fangirling over Prickly Queen. The Blue Roses meant so much to Charlotte, he was only fair that he should get to learn her girls.
But this was something for future Yami.
“It’s really a good thing that you finally got a grip on herself, captain Charlotte waited very long for you,” Puli continued, Yami couldn’t define if she was subtly warning him or she was just very happy. “You should be happy that it was just us three who woke up that night and heard you busy being busy. If it would have been Sol, Wainsley or Galgaria, goodness, the whole kingdom and even the three others would know about you right now. Maybe the far away land of the Sun as well.”
Puli, Luck and Corkscrew laughed as if it was some kind of joke, but Yami and Charlotte were more embarrassed. The thought that not only Clover but also Heart, Diamond and Spade would know about them… That was actually kinda scary.
After a while, Charlotte coughed a bit. “I’m grateful to the three of you for keeping the secret. You might understand very well that Yami and I would… like to be in secrecy for a while. You know… The nobles, everything… So, can we count on you three to guard our secret until we’re ready to make our relationship open.”
“Of course, captain Charlotte, you can’t count on us.”
“Hey, I know first-hand how my house has their eyes on you, so don’t worry, you have my support.”
“That’s mean I know something Magna doesn’t? That is actually cool, I have your back, big sis! Just a question, will I be soon an uncle?”
Puli and Corkscrew laughed, while Charlotte blushed heavily. As well as Yami.
“Geez, you brat, do you wanna die so badly? Just because we’re fucking doesn’t mean we intend to make babies already!”
“That’s right, we’re… we’re not even married!”
“Well, not being married doesn’t stop from making babies, you know,” Corkscrew replied, before actually bursting into laughter again.
“Églantine is right, but yes, it is way too soon to talk about babies,” Puli chuckled, before actually passing through the door. “We’ll leave you alone for now, sorry for having bursting in. Captain Charlotte, captain Yami, we see you later. Do you come, little Lucky? You can have breakfast with Églantine and me, if you want.”
“Hell yeah!”
Luck gave Yami one last punch and hugged Charlotte before jumping after Puli and Corkscrew, leaving his sister and his captain alone again.
Once the door was closed again, both lovers sighed deeply in relief.
“Well, that went better than expected,” Charlotte muttered as she came back to him on the bed, literally falling on the mattress.
“You really think so, Prickly Queen? Our secret is out in the open.”
“But it’s not our two whole squad who are aware. Just my brother and two of my knights. And we can trust them to keep the secret until the time is ready. Puli knows better than anyone how I feel about the whole situation, Églantine will always help me against my unwanted suitors, especially coming from her family and Luck is just happy about us, of course he’ll keep the secret.”
“He still tried to beat me up every time, especially when I’m close to you.”
“He’s just protective of me, that’s all. I think that’s what brothers do usually.”
“What a pain in the ass. I actually have question.”
“Go ahead.”
“Is Corkscrew-“
“Cork- Yami, please, her name is Églantine!”
“- related to Reggie or something? The one who bothered us at that restaurant weeks ago.”
“Actually, yes. I think it’s her great-uncle or something like that. House Évantail have one of the most complicated family tree in the whole kingdom. But don’t worry, Églantine is one of the rare nice Évantails out there.”
“Is she also the one with the bastard sister she wishes to know better?”
“Yes, that’s her.”
“Okay, then. Well, she’s a nice gurl in that case.”
They went silent again. Not awkwardly, it was like the comfortable silence of their bubble was coming back.
Yami was honestly relieved about that. But if he could fill the silence with moans and groans and cries of pleasure again, it would be even better.
“Shall he have breakfast?”
“Later, Prickly Queen. For now, I’m hungry for something else…”
He didn’t wait for her answer as he rolled over her, already getting rid of his pants and her bathrobe.
Charlotte wasn’t even surprised by his actions, on the contrary, she seemed quite appealed. Damn, how much could he love this woman?
Yami pulled her in a very deep and passionate kiss, barely noticing how he entered her again, making love for her already for the fourth time.
“Are you sure he’s not dying or something? Or at least sick?” one of his junior knights, Aurelius Or, asked quietly, sounding almost like panicking.
“Trust me, kiddo, he it was that, he won’t be there working in the first place,” Julia Ambrosia, the oldest Silver Eagle in his squad, replied, sounding really amused by the whole situation.
“He’s not working right now, Granny. Captain Nozel seems more like… dreamy, somehow,” Alysanne Dragonstone replied.
“Yes, but that’s Nozel Silva, captain of the Silver Eagles and Head of house Silva we’re talking about, he was never dreamy before, so why now.” This panicking voice belonged to Nils Ragus.
“Well, there can be a start for everything, even for captain Nozel,” Curtis Warren said, although he sounded quite unsure about his own statement.
“So, there is something wrong with him?” Aurelius asked again, almost panicking even more.
“I wouldn’t say something is wrong with him, but something is definitely happening to him lately,” Simon Vivaldi said.
“Not even lately, I think something changed within him since he came back from Spade.”
“Alysanne is right,” Rob Vitesse replied, sounding as if he just joined the group. “There was a change with him since the return from Spade, but it was only more obvious since two months and especially since a few days.”
“Good observation, young man.”
“I’m not that young anymore, Granny.”
Julia had a cackling laugh. “Compared to my old age, you’re all young. But let this old and weak lady knight tell you this still.”
“Old and weak?” six voices asked quietly, knowing better than to argue with Julia Ambrosia.
“Well, you hatchlings, I can’t be entirely sure. But from my long experience as a knight and in gossip as well as in observation, I firmly believe that captain Nozel is in love.”
“In love?”
“No need to look so shocked, you hatchlings, it happens even to the best of us. And if captain Nozel comes even halfway after his late mother on that matter, he is even deeply in love. Come on, you can trust the frail old lady I am.”
“Well, it would definitely explain his attitude lately,” Alysanne said thoughtfully. “It’s just… You have to admit that it’s difficult to imagine captain Nozel of all people being in love.”
“Especially since he’s so stuck on his duty, more than anyone else I know,” Nils added.
“You know, silver hatchlings, even the most disciplinary people like captain Nozel can be fed up at some point. And trust me, given how most nobles and royals treat him behind closed doors, even some of our good for nothing squadmates, he has every excuse to finally screw them.”
The other six only nodded at Julia’s little speech. Aurelius, Alysanne, Nils, Simon, Rob, Curtis and Julia were all nobles, but each of them belonged into the rare category of Being A Knight Before A Noble and who also didn’t appreciated the common attitude of nobility in general.
“But who would captain Nozel be in love with?” Aurelius asked naively. “Do you think it could be captain Dorothy Unsworth? She is always so familiar with him.”
Alysanne immediately shook her head. “The captain of the Coral Peacocks is always familiar with practically everyone. And according to my friend Gisela who is a Coral Peacock, captain Dorothy might be interested in the love stories of others, but not into having a love life herself.”
“Oh, then what about captain Fuegoleon Vermillion?”
This made Simon laugh. “Goodness, Aurelius, you’re really green still. Don’t you know that captain Fuegoleon is courting and maybe even properly dating a member from his own squad, Lital Lys? It’s practically an open secret at this point.”
“Not to mention that captain Nozel knows this two colleagues very well for long years already,” Julia added. “If he was in love with one of them, he would have that kind of dreamy attitude LONG before the raid in Spade. No, it’s most certainly someone he met afterwards or at least getting to know better.”
“But who could captain Nozel be in love with?” Nils asked quietly.
“That is a good question, he is not of the most easy people to read,” Curtis said with a shrug.
“Not to mention that he’s like vice-captain Agatha when it comes to his private life,” Alysanne added. “A closed book with three locks and four other locks for each one of them, just to be safe. We should think twice or even trice before considering investigating about his secret lover.”
“Ah, but doesn’t stop us for at least speculating, silver hatchling,” Julia cackled.
Nozel could hear them very well while he was more or less discussing some reports with his vice-captain. In fact, she did most of the talking and while he was well aware on every word that came out of her mouth, Nozel couldn’t help but let his thoughts wander away.
Those last two days – or was it three, he couldn’t tell – he spent with Vanessa had been the sweetest and happiest he ever knew since the death of his mother. In fact, he had been in such a dreamy state that real life felt at best like a harsh slap in the face.
First, the investigations about the thievery acts in the Common Realm all ended to be dead ends and he knew that even the Wizard King was starting to be fed up with this affair. But honestly, Nozel could live with that.
Then his most wannabe knights, also known as those who never got the job done, leaving their squadmates to overwork themselves, were making a fuss. Lucinda Sandler already asked six times in the row of two days for a maternal leave, despite not being pregnant. Nebra made her a visit last week and confirmed what every Silver Eagle already suspected. Linus Gem had the audacity to demand a raise of his salary, despite never coming to the Headquarters when it wasn’t pay day. Samuel Évantail became more and more a pain to the whole squad by refusing orders at best and attacking his squadmates in rage over stars he never got and deserved at worst.
And that was just three knights, but Lucinda, Linus and Samuel were pretty good examples of every Silver Eagle who were just knights by title and not by work.
But this was also something Nozel could deal with.
No, the most difficult task he got today sadly had nothing to do with the Silver Eagles. It has to do with his so-called duty of an arranged marriage.
As if the urge of nobles to marry off into royalty and to marry off in general wasn’t already such a pain since the war with Spade was over. But these last few days, many nobles houses, be it from high, medium or low nobility, seemed to have the very specific goal to marry some of their members into house Silva. And for some reason, he became their principal target.
Nozel wasn’t stupid. It was more than probable that his father was behind this. To make him yield or to make his life miserable or maybe even to just mock him, he didn’t know. It didn’t matter anyway. Lac Silva always got what he wanted in the past and he always knew exactly what to do and who to use, to manipulate to obtain what he wanted. Nozel didn’t know what his father said to the nobles to make them believe he was the most eligible candidate to marry right now. His ways were diverse and Nozel didn’t believe he wanted to know them.
He hated it, he hated so much. It reminded him of all those years he denied himself any kind of happiness, just thinking about following his duty so that his siblings would be free. Now looking back at those time, Nozel find himself so pathetic. Being with Vanessa gave him a sweet happiness he was now clinging on.
Being away from her, like in this moment, wasn’t doing him so much good. When Vanessa was with him, in his arms, it was so easy for Nozel to forget their rather complicated situation, their different status and worse, how most people of this society of prejudice would view their relationship. Love wasn’t important in their eyes, it has nothing to do with marriage, it was an inconvenience when potential alliances between noble or royal families were considered.
And Lac Silva was practically the embodiment of this mantra.
Nozel knew more than anyone how his world was. He was swimming or more like trying to not drown in this sea since his mother died and all he saw for years were horizons with nowhere to land.
Until Vanessa…
When she wasn’t with him, Nozel wondered sometimes if there was a future for both of them, for their relationship. He knew how royalty was like a golden cage and he refused to put her in any cage. There was something about her, about how free she was, that just make it not right to put her in a cage, literally or not. Nozel couldn’t do that to Vanessa, he loved her so deeply.
When she wasn’t with him, Nozel wondered if Vanessa would be better off and happier without him…
But he refused to give in to those doubts. He always done that for years and where did it brought him? It might be selfish, but he refused to give up on her, at least not without a fight. Giving up on Vanessa… and Nozel was certain it would kill him one way or another.
He wanted to be with her so much right now. Everything seemed so simpler in her presence, it was so easier to forget their situation, to not overthink and to not worry. He couldn’t stop doing this alone yet, he still needed her.
Nozel sighed silently. Was this what Fuegoleon felt when he was with Lital Lys? Was it what his poor mother to have with his father?
He was tired. It had been a while since he overworked himself like that, even forgetting to have dinner. For a long time, this had been always how he followed his duty, as a captain and as a royal Head of House. But then Vanessa came into his life and now, Nozel found this kind working day really despicable.
If only nobles would be more cooperative, knights or no knights.
“I think this is all for today, captain Nozel,” Agatha said, getting him out of his thoughts.
Nozel just looked at her, her eyes in the colour of old parchment and her ink blue hair as always hold together in two low braids. Agatha Austen had become a Silver Eagle around the same time as himself and was now his vice-captain for as long as he was captain himself. There weren’t many people he could really trust but thankfully, Agatha was one of them.
Nozel sometimes wondered if he should tell Agatha about Vanessa. His vice-captain was someone quiet and very understanding. But at the same time, she was also as private as him and his relationship with Vanessa was still very young, so Nozel didn’t know if he should tell Agatha already.
But if he wanted a future with Vanessa, no matter how still blurry and unsure it was right now, he would need allies. And this was a subject that was still unknown land for him. Having people willing to help him of all people. Was that even possible?
“Um, captain?”
Agatha was looking at him, frowning. Oh. Of course. She was still waiting for an answer from him.
“Thank you, Agatha. This will be enough for today. Will send this reports to the Wizard King first thing the next morning. You can go home now, it’s rather late.”
“Good night, captain.”
Very late indeed. He was exhausted. Nozel had decided to sleep at the Headquarters for this night. That hadn’t happened since very long. Would he still be able to properly spend time with Vanessa tonight? He had written her, to tell her he was drowning in work and that he might won’t be able to come back to the palace.
But all Vanessa did was calling him – thank goodness at a time when he was alone in his office – ask him were his usual room was at the Silver Eagles base and telling him she would be waiting for him.
It was a bit of a risk, meeting at the Silver Eagle’s base, given that some of his knights were either on night shift or had their chambers here.
But Nozel didn’t care. The perspective of seeing Vanessa was the first wonderful thing to look forward to this day.
Agatha left, but Nozel stood where he was, looking out of the window. But he didn’t see the already dark sky, the last lingering small lights of the sun, the first stars, the whole landscape.
All he saw was Vanessa…
He closed his eyes, smiling at all those memories with her. How she talked with him about everything that could came to their mind. Her naked body under him or on top of him. Her gorgeous smile, her hugs, all those kisses they shared…
A soft, happy smile escaped his lips.
“Oh, shoot!”
Nozel turned around, realizing he wasn’t alone, as the seven Eagles were still there. Aurelius, Alysanne, Rob, Curtis, Simon and Nils all froze when he lied his eyes on them. Julia wasn’t frozen, she was way too old to be intimidated by him, but she still looked at him as if he cut his braid or something.
Did his cold mask work so little lately? Probably, otherwise they wouldn’t be gossiping about him and his so secret love life.
And for the first time in life, not only did Nozel Silva not care at all about his own knights gossiping about him, he was even rather amused by it.
Vanessa must have bewitched him by how wonderful she was, he saw no other reason for that.
What would mother say if she saw him like that?
“Does anyone of you have to take night shift today?”
The words fell of his mouth before he could even think about them. A question any normal Magic Knight captain would ask almost automatically.
And still, his voice seemed so much softer than usual when he asked this question.
“No, captain.”
“Good. You can go home now or back to your chambers in this base. Good night.”
His voice was still soft. And the eyes of his knights were still frozen and shocked.
Nozel passed them by and couldn’t help but put a hand on Aurelius’ head. He heard the gasps and still, he smiled. Now it was already enough to think just of Vanessa to be at ease again, not worrying anymore.
She made a better person out of him. Did she even realized that?
He went away, walking through the halls he had known for years since he became a Silver Eagle. He reached the night quarters pretty soon.
But Nozels own room was a bit apart from the rest of the chambers. Of course it was. He had free choices of rooms when he joined the squad and the grieving, chained boy he was back then had to choose a chamber that was not only away from the rest, making him even more lonely, but also the same chamber his mother had when she was a knight and later captain of the Silver Eagles.
Different from his room back in the Silva palace, smaller but more cosy, green tapestries with simple gold yellow embroidery, an atmosphere as like his mother never really died…
This was his room when he slept at the Silver Eagles base. He never shared it with anyone. Not even his siblings, it was just too painful. But today, he wasn’t alone in this room that keep his guilt and loss alive, despite all the cosiness.
He wasn’t alone.
“Hey there, handsome eagle. You took your time, I was so lonely while waiting,” Vanessa greeted him as he entered the bedroom.
She smiled brightly while she put something on the table. Nozels eyes widened as he recognized the smell of roasted duck.
“Yep, I brought you something to eat. Knowing you, you certainly haven’t eaten yet. Come on, jumping a meal because of too much work is never a good idea. I asked Charmy to prepare your favourite meal, I think you deserve it.”
“I… thank you.”
“You’re welcome, stud. Now, come eat.”
He knew that tone. When Vanessa used it, there was no option to decline, he learned that pretty quickly. According to her, some of her squadmates still haven’t got the lesson and that made him laugh.
So, Nozel sat down and started eating his roasted duck, while Vanessa stood behind him, making sure that he was eating and hugging him at the same time.
It was strange, somehow. Everything right now seemed so domestic, so calm and serene. Was this normal for a relationship, especially still a young one?
Nozel never asked himself how domestic life would feel like. Such a bliss was not required when nobles and royals married, only the alliances mattered. He remembered how his mother tried to have some domestic bliss with his father, only to have that hope shattered every time until she gave up.
If this was how domestic bliss should felt like, then he definitely wouldn’t mind having it.
Nozel was finishing the dessert Vanessa brought as well, a slice of orange cheesecake, while she took a proper look at the chambers.
“This is a very cosy room. And a very unusual style for you, I have to say.”
“It was already like this when I took it. It belonged to my mother.”
“Oh, I see.”
Her voice was always so soft, so full of compassion when they talked about Acier Silva. Sometimes, Vanessa asked questions about his mother out of curiosity and the more he told stories, the more his pain seemed to soothe.
Maybe he needed that from the start.
Nozel remembered that Vanessa mentioned she never had a nice bond with her own mother and still, she was never envious when they talked about his memories of Acier. Was it possible to be this kindhearted?
Vanessa took a framed picture in her hands and Nozel blushed as he realized which one it was.
“Oh my gosh, Nozel, is that you? Aw, you were such a cute little boy, look at those chubby cheeks. And you already had such a serious look, so adorable.”
Since when where serious glances adorable?
Nozel finished his cheesecake and walked up to her, hugging her from behind. A hint of sad nostalgia pierced his heart as he looked at the small painting. His mother smiled, not much older than twenty, while a two or three year Nozel was in her arms.
“Your mother was really a beautiful woman.”
“She was. Noelle got really lucky to get most of her looks from her.”
“Don’t be so harsh on yourself, you’re one of the most handsome people in the kingdom. And you got a few looks from your mother as well.”
“Oh, really?”
“First off, you got her eye colour, I love that metallic shade of purple, it’s so unique. And the smile. Noelle has a very different smile than this, but when you’re happy, you smile just like this as well.”
Nozel scoffed, but her words touched him very much. He couldn’t recall that anyone ever pointed out the similarities he had with his mother. Being the only one of his siblings who was perfect mix of his parents, he never got that.
But Vanessa was doing it. Because she seemed to see all the smaller details most people would ignore.
He hugged her more tightly, diving his face in her rosewood curls. The scent of rosewater filled his nose.
Was it too much to ask to have this in his life, in his still blurry future? Was it bad to wish to do the most simple things with her, like…
“Can I brush your hair?”
“Oh my, handsome eagle, I know no one else who has such simple wishes. Well, except maybe Gordon and Finral in a way.”
They both sat down on the canopy bed, Nozel took his brush and started to entangle her beautiful curls. It was such a soothing task to do. He vaguely remembered doing this to Nebra once when she was four or five years old and his sister had seemed to hate it, preferring to have mother brush her hair.
But Vanessa seemed to love what he was doing.
When he was finished, Vanessa turned around, smiling so softly at him that Nozel forgot everything around him for a second.
“Alright, now it’s my turn, captain eagle.”
She started to undo his braid. A habit she took just yesterday, but she seemed to love to undo his braid and then later, braiding his bangs again. Nozel let her do it and even came to enjoy each time she touched his hair, no matter if it was to play with it or to try something.
Vanessa took her time to brush his hair, she clearly enjoyed gliding her fingers through it, along the brush. But when she finished, she dived both her hands fully in his thick hair and started to give him a scalp massage.
Nozel didn’t except this gesture and at first, he had no idea how to feel about it. But it was so relaxing he stopped caring about it very soon.
“Just enjoy it, honey. I know you had a hard day today and you deserve to finally relax for this evening.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
By the heavens above, he loved this woman even more each day. Was this even possible? Well, for him it certainly was and he just wished he could find a way to properly show it to her, as she deserved it.
“I want this for the rest of my life.”
He hadn’t meant to tell those words aloud, but his mouth rebelled, like always when Vanessa was with him, actually.
“Me too, Nozel. Me too.”
They both stared at each other, full of emotion but also full of understanding. Vanessa wasn’t stupid, she was also pretty much aware of the situation they were in and even though she had a carefree attitude, she understood more than most people would probably gave her credit for. And yet, they loved each other.
Nozel sighed as he pulled her into a deep kiss. He didn’t want to keep his relationship with Vanessa secret. When he was with her, he wanted to show her to the world, to show everyone what a wonderful woman she was and how lucky he felt to love her so deeply.
For now, it wasn’t possible. But despite all his worries when she wasn’t with him and the burden he still carried with him, Nozel found herself more and more determined to fight for her. The future was blurry and he didn’t know yet what Vanessa wanted for later in her life. But she always told him to stop worrying from time to time and enjoy the presence more often and right now, it seemed like the best thing to do.
Their kiss deepened, became hotter and both of them knew what would come.
It didn’t took too long until they got rid of their clothes. Like every time, they lost every sense of time and place, only knowing each other, only loving each other.
As their bodies were completely intertwined in their lovemaking and Nozel kissed Vanessa again with all the passion he could manage, one certitude became clear to his mind.
He was too far gone already, as he knew he would not hesitate to give up his royal status to be with Vanessa.
For once since long, Nozel felt completely free.
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blue-madd · 2 years
I made the bi girls league of the Cuple :
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(From left to right: Manon, Églantine, Felicia)
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edgysaintjust · 2 years
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calpurnia612 · 28 days
Des rosiers et des ronces
Dans mon jardin j'ai planté avec audace des roses incarnates aux fragrances libertines mais elles ont été dévorées par des limaces dans la nuit à la place des ronces ont surgi tant pis mon rêve était une chimère de toute façon je n'aime pas les églantines trop amères et puis les mûres sont bien sucrées lorsque l'été part à marche feutrée
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the-cricket-chirps · 9 months
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Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Troupe de Mlle Églantine, 1896
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i-am-not-a-super-hero · 3 months
And here's what I got for chapter 5 so far!
Edit: Now complete!
Ysaline: …
(Menos mal que no todos hacen como Thomas.) /
(En principio, estoy bastante de acuerdo con su método.) /
(Quizá debería avisar a Thomas los días en que todo el mundo vaya a estar esperándole.) /
Ysaline: …
(REBELDE) (Personalmente, me da igual. ¡Mejor para él!) /
(DULCE) (Pero al mismo tiempo, creo que no le interesa a nadie más…) /
(ENÉRGICA) (En parte, los entiendo. No es justo.) /
Devon: ¿Estás de acuerdo en quedarte con el cumpleaños de la niña?
(ENÉRGICA) ¡Sí! ¡Será perfecto para coger práctica! +Devon -Thomas
(REBELDE) Bueno, creo que no tengo elección… +Thomas +Amanda -Roy -Devon
(DULCE) Sí, muy bien… ¡Me adapto a todo, no soy exigente! +Roy -Amanda
Ysaline: …
Thomas, ¿crees que podrías echarme una mano además de gestionar el torneo? /
Hm… Roy, ¿aceptarías ser mi compañero? /
La verdad es que si pudieras… supervisar un poco lo que hago… /
No hay problema. Me siento capaz de hacerlo sola. IMAGEN JASON
¿Crees que podrías ayudarme, Amanda? /
Archibald: Podemos decir que sí… Precisamente, pensaba si continuar con mi paseo junto al mar.
¿Ah, sí? No es mala idea. ¡Ya me dirás si te ha gustado! /
¡Deberías hacerlo! ¡Es muy bonito! Y romántico… ROPA TAKI
En tu lugar, yo haría otra cosa.
Vestido azul: Devon, Thomas / Pantalones: Jason, Roy, Amanda
Thomas: Hola. No me he dado cuenta de enviarte un mensaje antes. Pensaba llegar después de ti.
(REBELDE) Es comprensible. ¡Debe de ser la primera vez que llegas el primero! +Thomas
(DULCE) No te preocupes. De todas formas, solo he esperado un poco.
(ENÉRGICA) ¡Pues me he dado prisa!
Thomas: Lo celebré con mi madre y mi hermana.
(DULCE) A mí también me encantaba celebrar mi cumpleaños solo con mi madre y mi hermana. +Thomas
(ENÉRGICA) ¡Genial! ¿Por qué cambiar un equipo ganador?
(REBELDE) Ah, vaya. ¿No tenías amigos?
Ysaline: …
¡Ah, sí! ¡Estaba en la fase de Marie Curie!
¡Lo recuerdo! ¡Me había disfrazado de Gisela, de “Érase una vez”! /
¡Sí! ¡Estaba en la fase de “caballero”!
Thomas: Ahora, la cuestión es: “¿En qué fase está?”
Salvo que de aquí a su cumpleaños, podría cambiar de nuevo, así que es no nos ayuda mucho…
De hecho, deberíamos preguntárselo directamente. +Thomas
Podría llamar a sus padres para preguntárselo.
Thomas: Tengo previstas otras partidas esta tarde...
(REBELDE) Ah, vale. ¡Me mandas a casa para jugar a los videojuegos!
(DULCE) Oh... Pensaba que pasaríamos el día trabajando juntos... +Thomas
(ENÉRGICA) ¡Definitivamente, estás decidido a examinar el juego a fondo!
Roy: No dejo abierto cuando no hay nadie o casi nadie en el edificio.
(DULCE) No, si la culpa es mía. Debería haber llamado.
(ENÉRGICA) No, si la culpa es mía… ¡Qué tonta! +Roy
Tienes razón, imagínate que vienen a robar en el armario de la mujer de la limpieza…
Roy: Lo siento, no ha resultado muy útil.
(ENÉRGICA) No te culpo. Cuando se tiene una afición… +Roy
(REBELDE) No, no mucho… Pero bueno, no pasa nada.
(DULCE) ¡Quizá sí! Si Églantine tuviera también una afición…
Ysaline: …
¡Me disfracé de Marie Curie!
Tenía un disfraz de caballero… /
¡Me disfracé de Gisela, de “Érase una vez”!
Roy: Y entonces, ¿qué crees que debes hacer…?
Debería llamar a sus padres; ellos sabrán decirnos algo más. /
Pues no lo sé, porque podría cambiar de fase de aquí a su cumpleaños…
Crees que debería preguntárselo a ella directamente, ¿verdad? +Roy
Roy: ¿Te molesta si lo dejamos aquí por hoy? Creo que has progresado mucho.
(REBELDE) Al contrario, me viene muy bien.
(DULCE) ¡No hay problema! Me has ayudado mucho. Te dejo libre.
(ENÉRGICA) ¡Y a mí que me hacía ilusión pasar la tarde trabajando contigo! +Roy
Devon: Y como no había casi nadie en el edificio…
(DULCE) Tendría que haberlo pensado, sí. No perdía nada por llamar… +Devon
(ENÉRGICA) No, si la culpa es mía… ¡Qué tonta!
(REBELDE) Si tuviera las llaves, esto no habría pasado…
Devon: La verdad es que es extraño lo que nos gusta cuando somos pequeños.
(ENÉRGICA) Sobre gustos no hay nada escrito…
(REBELDE) Pero estarás de acuerdo en que era algo muy anticuado, ¿no?
(DULCE) ¡Debías de estar adorable, con tus tirantes! +Devon
Devon: Tienes razón… Entonces, ¿qué quieres hacer?
Creo que lo mejor sería preguntárselo directamente. +Devon
No deberíamos cambiar de rumbo. Si la fase no dura…
Debería llamar a sus padres, ellos sabrán decirnos algo más.
Devon: Y podrás empezar a ponerte con los detalles el lunes.
(DULCE) Si no me necesitas…
(ENÉRGICA) ¡Oh! ¿¡Ya!? Pensaba que pasaríamos el día trabajando juntos. +Devon
(REBELDE) ¡Estupendo! ¡Temía pasarme aquí todo el día!
Jason: ¿Puedo preguntarte qué te ocurre?
(ENÉRGICA) Supongo que lo harás de todas formas…
(REBELDE) Preguntar, sí que puedes. Este es un país libre… +Jason
(DULCE) (No respondo nada. ¿Podría tener peor suerte…?)
Jason: …
Bueno… Digamos que me gustaría oír tu opinión. IMAGEN JASON
Vale, ayúdame, por favor.
Ni hablar.
Jason: ¿Has dicho: Jason, ayúdame, por favor?
(REBELDE) No he sido yo la que ha venido a darte conversación, ahora ayúdame o vete.
(ENÉRGICA) Ya te vale. ¿Y quieres también que te llame “señor Mendal”? +Jason
(DULCE) Pfff… Jason, ayúdame, por favor.
Jason: No dudo de mis capacidades. Y me has estrechado la mano. El pacto está sellado...
(DULCE) Si quieres... Pero no te daré ninguna información sobre Devenementiel. +Jason
(ENÉRGICA) Bueno, vale, como quieras; digamos que te debo una. /
(REBELDE) Vale. A cambio te ayudaré el día que te encuentre llorando en el parque por un proyecto.
Jason: ...
(Tengo la impresión de que conociéndonos mejor, podríamos entendernos...) /
(No sé por qué, tiene algo... fascinante.)
(Cualquier información sobre nuestro rival es buena...)
Amanda: Pero tenía algo que hacer y se me ha olvidado.
(DULCE) No te preocupes, lo entiendo: estás muy ocupada.
(ENÉRGICA) ¡Tranquila! Acabo de llegar, apenas he tenido que esperar. +Amanda
(REBELDE) Pero, ¿por qué no has dejado sencillamente abierto?
Amanda: Y… eso, básicamente, nada más.
(REBELDE) ¡No está nada mal! Debía de ser genial, ser tan rica… /
(DULCE) ¡Ah, debió de ser encantador! +Amanda
(ENÉRGICA) Pero, ¿fuiste tú quién pidió esa temática?
Amanda: Solo tienes que preguntárselo, y así lo sabrás.
Tienes razón. Voy a llamarla directamente. +Amanda
Podría llamar a sus padres para preguntarles…
Salvo que de aquí a su cumpleaños, vete a saber, quizá le apasione otra cosa…
Amanda: ¡Perdona, pero tengo que irme!
(ENÉRGICA) ¡Vete, vete! Yo también me voy, y así cierras cuando salgamos. /
(REBELDE) ¡Oh, no! ¡No se disculpe, señora Ministra! +Amanda
(DULCE) ¿De verdad? Pensaba que pasaríamos el día las dos juntas… -Amanda
Devon: Como es tu proyecto, Ysaline, es lógico que elijas tú la primera…
Yo me ofrezco para ir a comprar los accesorios. IMAGEN AMANDA
Iría de buena gana al acuario. No he ido nunca desde que estoy aquí. IMAGEN DEVON
Confieso que siento curiosidad por probar a nadar como una sirena. IMAGEN ROY
Me gustaría mucho ver cómo es “El Nautilus”… IMAGEN THOMAS
Amanda: ¡Pero me encanta esa tienda!
Pero si no tienen lo que queremos, ¿para qué ir?
Ja, ja, ja, nos vamos a pasar del presupuesto, ¿sabes?
¡Muy bien, pues vamos! IMAGEN AMANDA
Devon: ...
No te preocupes, creo que puedo andar sola.
¡Te lo permito! ¡Vamos! IMAGEN DEVON
¡Ja, ja, ja! ¡Eres un poco anticuado!
Roy: Entonces, ¡Ysaline tendrá que hacer de sirena por los dos!
Lo siento... ¿De verdad no hay forma de...? IMAGEN ROY
No te preocupes, volveremos otro día, te lo prometo.
¡Casi que lo prefiero! Así, si me ahogo, podrás salvarme.
Thomas: ...
¿No te interesa el fondo marino?
¿Qué hay más interesante que el fondo marino? Siento curiosidad... IMAGEN THOMAS
¿Va todo bien? ¿Tienes miedo que el techo nos caiga en la cabeza?
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bdslab · 8 months
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philoursmars · 11 months
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Je reviens sur ce mois de septembre passé en rééducation après mon opération du genou, à Roncq, près de Tourcoing (Nord).
Maxime, jeune collègue et ami, me propose, le dimanche suivant, une autre balade dans les Flandres Françaises, cette fois à Wambrechies , en bord de Deûle.
Ici, le Château de Robersart et le bord de Deûle, avec cynorrhodons (fruits d'églantier, donc, ou encore moins classe : des gratte-culs !) tortues et un agrion.
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chimairasden · 3 months
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Célestine ☁️, Églantine 🌙, Méline ☀️ and Séraphine ⭐ group chart!
The template is not mine but @m-oshun's and the original one is from @gladiolusly. The girls are often fighting, but at the end of the day they love each other <3
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seadolph · 2 years
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Fankid Week 2023 Day 6 - With Other’s Kids!
Inspired by Syd’s really cool parent + fankids pictures, here’s a Cynthia + the first five kids (+ my own) that came to mind. From left to right, top to bottom:
- @pkmn-future‘s Andromeda (Cynthia)
- @pokemon-legends-and-legacies‘ Églantine (Cynthia/Diantha)
- @celesticflower/@auroraphy‘s Canna (Cynthia/Steven)
(- Cynthia)
- my Cassia (Cynthia/Lucian)
- @charsfx‘s Ava (Cynthia/Lance)
- @pkmn-nextgenadventures‘ Lena (adopted by Cynthia)
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vilandel · 5 months
Silver Cats & Black Roses
Chapter 10 – Hearts Longing Silently
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A/N Charlotte stands up directly to a member of her family... Now three out of four might realizing what's going on with their hearts. One of them actually knew it for a decade and the fourth one is known to be dense 💜💙
Ao3 link
"Hey there, handsome. Missed me?"
Nozel just looked at her blankly, like always when she was flirty with him. Vanessa giggled. After all those meetings, he still didn't know how to handle her teasing flirts or how to take her compliments and she find that side of him wonderfully adorable.
They met again under Aciers willow in the parc, at the water lily pond. One of Vanessas favourite places to meet up with Nozel, alongside the café.
"Good evening, miss Eno- … Vanessa."
"We're making progress, I see. As much as I love how elegantly you call me miss Enoteca, it's so much nicer to hear you just say Vanessa," she laughed as she sit down right next to him. Maybe closer than she needed to, even for a friend. But Vanessa didn't care, she enjoyed Nozels company way too much. And she loved his subtle lavender scent.
Nozel blushed again, like every time. But instead of looking away, his eyes still rested on her. Which was unusual coming from him.
His glance was more intense on her, but not in a bad way. New, sure, which could made Vanessa uncertain. But so caring and something else she couldn't pinpoint. No one ever looked at her like that and coming from him, it was so welcoming.
What was that strange and new feeling? Was it really new?
Ignoring it, Vanessa asked in a laugh, "So, what's new, stud? Did you got the gift?"
"I did. Thank you, it is really a masterpiece."
"Oh, thanks for the compliment," Vanessa smiled. Now, she was blushing. Which was strange enough to be noted. Usually, she only blushed when she was drunk, which was pretty normal. But right now, she was sober.
It never happened before. Even when she was crushing on Yami or having those dates and flings a long time ago… Vanessa never blushed back then.
But with Nozel, she did. She had no idea what it could mean and wasn't sure she wanted to know why it was with him of all people. Or because she was afraid somehow of that specific truth? It wouldn't be the first time she would ignore something pretty unpleasant she didn't know how to handle.
Like the cage…
Or the memories of the cage…
Chasing away those unpleasant memories, Vanessa asked with a smile, "I hope the colour's fine. Just thought that you needed a little change in your clothing."
"I highly doubt that I would have been happy with a stronger shade of red, like scarlet or crimson. Burgundy is fine."
"Oh, even I wouldn't have been that bold. Besides, darker colour suit you so well. I already thought that at Finrals and Finesses wedding. Why don't wear darker colours more often? Is it a family thing? I tried so often to make Noelle more darker colours as well, but she flooded the whole hideout at every attempt."
"She did?"
"Yes. The only dark thing she's wearing is her Black Bull robe and she claimed that dark colours are unfitting of royalty or that it would make her look like an old lady and take her youth away. Your sister is very talented for ridiculous arguments when she's flustered or when she panics. You at least seem more open for darker clothing."
"I see… The traditional Silva clothes are always white, bright grey and silver, with pastel colours or cold shades like blue or purple as secondary colours."
"Oh, the kind of clothes you were every day?"
"Yes. Royalty has some kind of royal dress code. It was more strict before, each royal family were only allowed to wear their own colours."
"Geez, that sucks. Even peasants have more freedom with clothing than that."
"I guess it's true. The dress code became more flexible over time. Today, the Silvas, the Vermillions and the Kiras still have their traditional colours, most of our clothes are still more or less traditional. But we're not bonded to those colours anymore. The ancient dress code was too contradictory in the first place, which actually made it difficult to follow."
"How can it even be contradictory."
"It's difficult to explain. But in a simple example, Silvas had blue as secondary colour and Kiras had green. So far it was clear. But it never had been specified in which category teal and turquoise had to be put."
"Never? But aren't those just shades of both blue and green?"
"True, but back in old days, no royal wanted to wear the same colours as the other two royal houses. Especially the Kiras, of course. If a Silva dared back then to wear teal or turquoise as a secondary colour, house Kira would have made a state affair out of it."
"Geez, all that just for a so-called secondary colour. Couldn't the Kiras just let it go."
"Sadly no. As the reigning house, they always believed their decisions and choices to be the priority. And of course, it still didn't changed today."
Nozel said it with such a disgusted face, it was really adorable. Just like Noelle when she was upset or disgusted about something.
But the whole problems with the Kiras and such, that was something Vanessa had no idea about and to be honest, she didn't want to know more about it. She didn't need to, it wasn't her world, she had the Black Bulls and her job as a Magic Knight, she didn't need more.
But… It was Nozels world. He dealt with that every day and more than his siblings, since he was the head of house Silva. It probably wasn't easy to deal with.
Maybe she still should learn more about royalty? To help him, to make his burden not as heavy anymore? Vanessa had no idea if she was able to understand the complex of royalty and as such, if she could really be of any help for him. But she wanted to help Nozel, that was certain.
That thought just came so simply it surprised Vanessa. She cared about people, true, but this… it felt so different and deeper when it was about Nozel.
"Thank goodness that royal dress code became more flexible," Vanessa continued their conversation, holding her thoughts for herself. "Maybe I should have try a dark blue-green shade for your shoulder cape, but I didn't have any fabric in that colour."
"I'm sorry. Should I have taken more rolls of fabric?"
"Goodness, Nozel! No, you didn't need to. You already gave me so much with that new sewing box and all those fabrics! You were so thoughtful, it's one of the greatest gift I ever got, if not the greatest!"
Nozel blushed again slightly, but still didn't looked away. This intense glance again… Vanessa decided that it would be a crime to look away. She already knew that his eyes were gorgeous, but never had it been more obvious than right now, in this very moment. His eyes were purple just like hers, but a different shade. They had some silvery highlights depending on the light, making the purple more metallic. Which made sense, he had magic with a metal affinity.
He was handsome, that she couldn't deny. His profile was perfect in her books, an elegant jawline, soft traits but he still looked imposing. He wasn't buff, but not a bean pole either. When he crossed his arms and the fabric of his clothes went tight over them, she could his muscles who were mostly hidden under those layers of clothing. Fine, softly chiselled muscles, not obvious, but here still. Often, Vanessa wished she could see more of it, without all those layers.
Come to think of it, this was probably the first time she was truly and deeply attracted to someone. How ironic. Since Yami, she only wanted to be attracted to buff men like him, while most of the time, she really wasn't that much. And the first time it really happened to her, it was someone who wasn't buff, who's muscles weren't that present but still there and more… elegant, in a way.
It was fascinating. He was fascinating.
Vanessa just had been curious about him since their talk in Spade. But now, she was fascinated and she didn't if it was sudden or if it grew slowly step by step without she even realized it.
But… was it attraction?
Because even though Vanessa was unable to ignore how handsome Nozel was, her curiosity and now fascination was now pointed towards who Nozel Silva really was behind his cold mask. And the glimpses she got since they got to meet each other made her care for him even more.
Did she like him now? Or did she actually…
"That gift was very welcoming," Nozel said suddenly, looking away, interrupting Vanessas thoughts and breaking… whatever was between them right now. "I… had a difficult day. So, it was comforting to get it."
"You're welcome," Vanessa simply replied. She couldn't help but worry about him again. Nozel never often told if something was bothering him or making him worry, so Vanessa needed to push him sometimes a bit in order to make him spill the beans. If he was saying that he had a difficult day without any push, it must have been really hard for him.
"What… happened? If I may ask."
"Well… I got nobles trying to bother me. At the Silver Eagles headquarters, despite the common knowledge that I DON'T treat the affairs of nobles and house Silva together with affairs concerning my squad. They weren't that bold before Spade. And then, a problem with one of my knights."
"Lucinda Sandler, Linus Gem or Samuel Évantail?"
Nozel looked at her, completely stunned. Vanessa almost gasped in awe at this sight of his. He was almost cuter than Noelle when she was surprised.
"How… how do you…"
"Know that those are some of the knights you have the most problems with? Well, remember the first time we got to your mums favourite café? Just before we went, you were upset about Lucinda and Linus. As for Samuel, you even mentioned him to me directly, so…"
Actually, it was surprising that she remembered those three specific names exactly. Was she more interested about Nozel and his world than she imagined?
"So, which one of the three?"
"Samuel. Lucinda and Linus are never there to begin with. To make it short, Samuel had been on a mission with Rob, Alysanne and Grenadine."
Vanessa quickly made a mental note to herself. Alysanne? Didn't ring a bell, she certainly never met that Silver Eagle. Grenadine was the nice Silver Eagle rookie she met the day Nozel and her went together to the café for the first time. Rob also made a bell ring, wasn't he the one that lost to Luck during the Royal Knights Selection Exam? That was a while ago…
"While Rob, Alysanne and Grenadine did their duty and fulfilled the mission, Samuel went away for the whole time and only came back when everything was over. But for some reason, he believed that he deserved a star as well, just because he's from high nobility and from a very old, renown noble house. He refuse to see that without actions and doing his job, he has no chance to gain a star."
"What a prick. And he dared to complain about that? Geez, that audacity. You're his captain and by that, his superior. He should know better than demanding you something like that."
"He should. But he doesn't. Not to mention he insults everyone he considers less, like his bastard half-sister or even my vice-captain."
"What, really? Can't you kick him out."
"Sadly, it's not that easy, as much as I wish it was. The Silver Eagles is an old squad and a royal one at that. We have century old agreements with different noble houses, including the Évantails, to take one of their members as a knight. I could exchange him, but most Évantails are true jerks and lazy, not caring about the true meanings of being a knight. I would certainly exchange one useless knight for another if I go that road."
"That's a stupid agreement. It's like there for nobles to use your squad as a trash bin for family members they don't know what to do with."
Nozel chuckled a bit. "That's a very true description. Honestly, if Samuel continues with this horrible attitude, all I can do is to report to the Wizard King. He's very aware of the problems those century old agreements have for the squads. The Grey Deers, now Aqua Deers, have those too, but not as much as the Silver Eagles. But it takes a lot to change this kind of system, especially since nobles refuse to let go of agreements which arrange only them."
Vanessa pouted. Nobles, really. Why were most of them such jerks? It was really pissing her off. Especially since Nozel had to deal with them, as captain of the Silver Eagles and as head of house Silva. No wonder he worked a lot, in order to navigate his squad and his family. Not with always much success, but dealing with that for almost seventeen years… It had to take a lot of inner strength.
"But that wasn't the worst."
"Really? What could be more of a pain than jerky nobles?"
"I got a letter from my father."
Vanessa knew instinctively that this should be more painful for him than dealing with standard noble jerks. While Nozel was always sad but also happy when talked about his mother, his father was completely a different story. He didn't say much about that man, but when he was, there wasn't any happiness in his eyes. It was easy to assume he didn't have any happy memories with his father.
From what Vanessa could tell, the father of the Silva siblings did married into royalty, was pretty absent for most of them and when he had been at home, he might have been rude, distant and even frustrated with his children.
It wasn't much, she'll admit. But since her talk with Nozel back in Spade, Vanessa learned that behind the appearances, the truth could be more complex and anything but simply black or white.
"Weren't he out of the country for years? At least, you told me that."
"He still is. I mean, he loves his diplomatic missions and he always took them as an excuse to not come back home. Among other reasons. He wasn't even there when my mother passed away or at the funeral."
"Excuse me, what? He wasn't at the funeral? But that was his wife! I mean… I suppose it was an arranged marriage, but still! It should have been… decent or polite or whatever, to show up at her funeral!"
Vanessa found herself flinch when she realized what this implied. It would mean that this man left his four children alone on one of the most difficult days in their lives, the funeral of their mother. No father to be there for them, just Nozel, a too young, grieving teenager who didn't even had his grimoire yet and was burdened with a task too big for his age, Nebra and Solid, two little children who must have been confused and sad and maybe didn't even understood what was going on, and Noelle, a little baby who had completely no idea she just lost her mother.
For a man she never met and hopefully never will, Vanessa felt so terribly angry towards the father of the Silva siblings. Not only because of Noelle, but also Nozel, who needed a father back then. Heck, she even felt angry for the sakes of Nebra and Solid.
"Like you said, it was an arranged marriage," Nozel replied, his voice terribly bitter. "For him, it was just a stepping stone towards his goal, whatever this might be. He never loved my mother. All this years of her trying to be there for him, to hopelessly love him and he just… didn't care, throwing in the mud what my mother gave him."
He was more talking to herself than to her, his eyes pointed at the pool with the water lilies, but his glance so far away. Nozel loved his mother dearly, he must have hurt him as well that she had been treated like this by her own husband.
What he just said, it reminded Vanessa of something. Didn't Nozel told her something similar in Spade? About a woman who had an arranged marriage, fell in love with her husband but who didn't loved her back…
Vanessa internally gasped when she realized that Nozel most certainly was talking about his mother back then! Had it been the first time he told anyone about his parents marriage? And he did told her that in an attempt to comfort her about her realization that she didn't love Yami, even though the situations weren't quite the same.
He told her about a topic that surely wasn't easy for him, in order to comfort her. Vanessa looked at him with a new glance, as if she just saw another crack in his cold mask, showing a new side of him, more vulnerable and still strong.
Nozel surely didn't appeared like it at first glance, but his heart was definitely at the right place. Maybe he just never got the occasion to show it.
In an attempt to comfort him, Vanessa placed her hand on his. It was a soft touch, but she still saw Nozel flinched. He still wasn't used to kindness towards him, wasn't he?
"Will… will your father come back to Clover?"
"No, thankfully not. This is the only good news I got with his letter. Except the fact that he subtly insulted me again, he… he wanted to have a word about… my potential future marriage."
Vanessa flinched again. Another thing she remembered from Spade and which she just couldn't forget. The fact that Nozel would not hesitate to sacrifice himself for an arranged marriage, so that his siblings would be free to choose their partners.
She didn't liked that thought back then, that for Noelles happiness, her older brothers happiness has to be the price.
Today, she disliked that thought even more. Of course she didn't knew everything, but at least Vanessa knew that Nozel went through a lot since he lost his mother and even with his past mistakes, she was convinced that he deserved happiness. His own happiness. He couldn't have that in an arranged marriage, even more if his jerk of a father wanted to meddle as well.
And… she personally wouldn't be able to bear it to see him married and sacrificed, living a marital hell. She wanted him to be happy and she wanted to be part of his happiness!
Did she… did she just thought that? That she wanted to be part of his happiness? Wouldn't that mean…
"You won't let your father decide on that."
"Never. He would marry me off for his own scheme and I refuse to be a chess piece in his game. This still should be my decision."
"It should be. But… I still hope that you won't be in an arranged marriage. Your siblings wouldn't be happy to know you're unhappy for their sakes. At least Noelle certainly wouldn't like it. Nebra probably too. And I… I wouldn't like it either."
He didn't answered. He just looked at her. Surprise, shock, somehow gratitude danced in his eyes, as if he couldn't handle those emotions very well. There was also something else in his mesmerizing purple orbs, something she couldn't name and somehow, that mysterious emotion relieved her.
Nozel opened his mouth, probably about to protest. But Vanessa didn't let him. She didn't want to hear that he didn't deserved kindness. Because he did. She just hoped one day he would realize it and be able to forgive himself. She surely did.
"I'm glad my gift helped you to feel better after a difficult day, especially with your father. It's just… all I ask right now is to not dwell on that letter and your other worries. Just for this moment. I… care about you, since we meet up and talk almost every day. Seeing you worried and unhappy worries me. Just like with the Black Bulls. So, as I do with them, I wanna make sure you're able to rest from your worries."
Nozel still had the same look in his eyes, but now he was blushing too. Vanessa giggled as he let her push him softly back, so that he was laying and resting on the grass.
"And don't you dare protest. No one can say no to a witch and live to tell the tale. Just ask my squadmates, especially your sister. Noelle has quite a few examples to share."
Nozel still looked at her, stunned and with that mysterious feeling in his eyes. Vanessa could almost hear the gears turning in his mind, trying to search for an objection. But of course he couldn't find one. Maybe he didn't want to find one.
He finally relaxed, lie down on the grass and closed his eyes. How peaceful he looked that way. So much more handsome than he already was.
"Thank you…"
"You're welcome, sugar."
Of course Nozel blushed again at the nickname. He blushed quite easily, just like his little sister. Must be a family thing. But unlike Noelle, Nozel just blushed slightly, nothing more than a pale pink on his cheeks. For him it was certainly a lot, but Vanessa wondered how much it would take to make him blush in a stronger way.
It was so calm right now, the evening sun shining on the pond and through the leaves of the willow, giving everything a subtle golden touch. The water lilies, the grass and him… She wished that it could be more often this way.
That Nozel could feel more often this way. It suited him so well to be without any worries for a while.
Vanessa smiled, as she looked at him. She still didn't know a lot about Nozel Silva yet, but so much more since their talk in Spade. The more she learned about him, the more she cared about him, the more she was longing to spend time with him and…
I love him…
It almost sounded so random, but not to Vanessa. Actually, it made perfectly sense, with everything that happened. Not only that, Vanessa just knew that it was true.
It was so different compared to the time she had a crush on Yami. This right here wasn't a crush, it was deeper, truer. She wasn't blinded by gratitude and admiration, she was well aware of Nozels flaws and cracks. And she embraced all of them.
Vanessa had feared that because of her past crush, she wouldn't be able to recognize if she would fall in love or not. She was able to see it for other people, but herself? She'd been a bit afraid to be dense.
But she wasn't. She fell truly in love for the first time and was able to recognize it. So simply even.
It was way better than everything she ever imagined before.
Still, a soft but sad smile appeared on her lips.
Because… what would happen now?
Vanessa had been convinced that she'll never care for her partner's status, rank and anything and that said partner wouldn't care either. But that had been at the time when Nozel wasn't part of her life yet. Just a presence far away in the background, as another squad captain and Noelles distant older brother, nothing else.
But he wasn't in the background anymore. Almost four months since Spade and in this period of time, he became such an important part of her life. She didn't even realized it, it just… happened.
With everything new she learned about him, with every moment they spent together, even their talk right now… Vanessa couldn't help but care more about status and duties and all those complex details she thought to never deal with in her life.
Nozel was captain of a royal squad, but also the head of house Silva. He was dealing with nobles who looked upon him like starving vultures, he needed to face the other royal house head who probably didn't respected him. He had to take care of Nebra, Solid and Noelle, helping securing their future within royalty. He had so many issues, was trying to make amends, especially with Noelle, was probably still grieving his mother and probably was harsher on himself than anyone.
And his reasons to agree to an arranged marriage wasn't even for his status or house Silva. It was for his siblings, for them to be free. Did Nozel even allowed himself to be in love, to love anyone romantically?
He probably thought he was unworthy of it.
Vanessa sighed. She wanted to help him, so much. But she had no idea how she could help for the bigger picture. Small relaxing moments like right now, that was easy to provide and Nozel couldn't protest long. But what about the more complex issues?
To be fair, the royal system was very intimidating. No wonder Vanessa ignored it in the past. But Nozel was part of it and he was now part of her life.
Vanessa sighed. She had no idea how royalty works as a whole, she doubted she would fit in. But Nozel…
She refused to let her fears be stronger than her love for him.
And yet, she still had no idea what to do next. And adding a more classical fear, Vanessa had no idea if Nozel would ever love her back.
Damn, since when was she so timid?
Vanessa looked down at Nozel, mesmerized by how peaceful he looked like this. Then, slowly, she lied down beside him on the grass, nearer to him than was probably proper for even for siblings.
Slowly, almost shy, she touched his hand. Nozel moved his, just as slowly, and taking hers in his. Even interwinding their fingers.
Vanessa turned her head towards him, but Nozel wasn't looking at her. His eyes were still closed, there was still a little blush on his cheeks. But he was slightly smiling, so soft that you needed to look closely to see it.
Now, Vanessa felt herself blushing. But still, she smiled as she hold his hands just a bit more tightly and closed her eyes.
She has no idea what the future had prepared, for him and for her. She still wasn't sure if Nozel would love romantically one day. But at least Vanessa knew that she meant something for him. If their time spent together wasn't enough proof, this simple hold of her hand surely told her so.
That wasn't what Vanessa imagined when she decided to put her love life onto a new path, but despite all that uncertainty, she was glad it went that way.
She just won't be bold on this topic and take it slow. She loved Nozel and since he was so much like a bird, she didn't want to take any risk and scare him away.
"And I have to say that even though it was slightly unfair to kick me out of the Silver Eagles, I have to admit that living as Magic Knight was really not as wonderful as young people think it is. Even in a royal squad your title is respected and if you don't… work, ugh, you have no chance to actually stand out and climb the ranks. I regret that gaining ranks isn't based anymore on how long you're part of the squad and from which noble house you are. Now, you can only gain star to your work and your actions. All in the line of duty. Well, it seems that duty and work are overrated things and the glory of Magic Knights as well, don't you think, lady Charlotte?"
Said the ex-knight to the squad captain.
Charlotte fought the urge to roll her eyes and instead, replied as politely as she could, "You forgot that I'm a Magic Knight and even a captain, lord Aquarius."
"Ah, yes, of course, of course," her discussion partner replied, flicking his hand, clearly not caring about her point. "Which means that you're one of the only Magic Knights who doesn't have to work. Please, could you tell me which kind of relations you used to get that poste? After all, earning the captains place through work only sounds really ridiculous, don't you think? I mean, a foreigner and a legitimated bastard became squad captains, only because lord Julius took a liking to them."
Charlotte did her best to not spill her drink into lord Aquarius' face. He had no idea. Even though Yami and William were indeed Julius' proteges, but if they hadn't earned merits already as Grey Deers, none of them would have been become captain in the first place.
"You're not a Magic Knight anymore, lord Aquarius, so I doubt that this kind of knowledge would be of any use to you," she simply said instead, in the coldest way possible.
"Well, true. It would have been surely quite the privilege to have my own Magic Knight Squad, though."
And the kingdom should be grateful that you're not a squad captain, Charlotte thought, but of course, she still had enough policy and endurance to not tell those words out loud.
She sighed, wondering again what she was doing here. Except attending a soirée organized by her mother, her aunt Florence and her aunt Rosamund and trying to not flee this golden hell. The official reason for this was to strengthen the bonds within relatives and noble houses the Roseleis are mostly in terms with.
But the unofficial reason for this hell of a soirée was of course to find a potential future wife or husband for some Roseleis. Mostly her, of course. Charlotte wasn't stupid, as she noticed that a lot of her potential suitors had been invited. Heck, it was why she currently had to politely had to do small talk with lord Aquarius Seashell right now. Even lord Reginald Évantail was present, with all of his children. There were many Évantails present today. Of course.
Charlotte was at least relieved that Nozel and Fuegoleon declined the invitation. That whole situation would have been awkward to the three of them. The only royals invited were half a dozen Vermillions Charlotte didn't know and a bunch of Kiras. Or maybe also just members of secondary branches to the Kiras, it was never clear with this royal house.
There weren't many Silvas present. Of course not, there were only four Silvas left and no secondary branches. In fact, the only Silva present was Solid and he already fell asleep on a couch, next to two chattering old ladies. Charlotte pitied him, maybe she could wake him up later and allow him to leave early.
Charlotte had been a bit surprised that Nebra Silva didn't come, as she was the Silva who dealt the best with the nobles. But she probably also was in the radar of suitors who were desperate to marry into royalty and certainly wanted to avoid this. Charlotte couldn't blame Nebra for this. Hopefully, she found herself a far better occupation than a noble soirée.
"But as I said, lady Charlotte, I'm actually glad to not be a Magic Knight anymore. And a Silver Eagle. Lord Nozel has no real respect for nobles titles. And honesty, now I have more time to go the club and um, well, spend my money in a much better way."
"You mean, gamble and risk to lose more than you have on the gaming tables? Isn't that one of the reasons you search for a wife who happens to have a very large dowry?"
The words fell out of her mouth before Charlotte could even think straight. But honestly, she was on edge since the start of this soirée and was right now pushing past her limits. How long before she will actually lose it and leave this suffocating salon?
Lord Aquarius looked genuinely shocked by her words. Maybe because he didn't expected that anyone would actually be aware of that specific reason about his search for a wife.
Or maybe he was shocked because Charlotte Roselei, captain of the Blue Rose Squad, called by many the Beauty of the Clover kingdom and most renown party on the marital market would actually snap at him so coldly.
Well, in fact it was more a scolding, but within nobility, those two terms were pretty often considered as synonyms.
Another unwritten noble golden rule.
Charlotte nodded to lord Aquarius as a goodbye and left the stunned and stupid man where he was. She noticed that some young girls immediately went towards him with heart eyes. Well, lord Aquarius was quite handsome with his long lilac hair and dark red eyes. But that was honestly the only good thing about him.
Leaving that idiot with his admirers, Charlotte walked through the Roselei salon, with anywhere specific to go. She saw her father talking and laughing with a bunch of nobles his age, as if everything was perfectly fine.
Charlotte quickly clenched her fist as she saw her father having undeserved fun. As if he never cheated on her mother, as if he never got a poor girl from the Common Realm pregnant before leaving her without a word, as if he never denied help to that girl and his bastard son, chasing them away.
Did he forgot he had another child beside her? Was he even aware that his son was also a Magic Knight? And even a Black Bull… the very squad lord Fidel Roselei claimed that none of his blood would accept to become a member. What an irony, really.
Charlotte sighed. She was still dealing with that new knowledge. That Luck Voltia, the cheery berserker of the Black Bulls and by that, a knight of the man she was hopelessly in love with, was actually her long lost half-brother.
All this time, she wondered what his fate would have been, where he could be… And all this time, he had actually been more or less near to her.
Did Luck knew anything about who his father was? Did he even care? According to Yami, the answer to both questions was no, but since Luck was rather special within his mind, no one could be sure.
Yami had been such a good help and support while she was dealing with this news. Well, he was shocked himself and even blamed himself a bit for not connecting the dots.
I mean, it should have been obvious. Your eye colour is just the same as his and even the fricking blonde shade of your hair is similar. Heck, the two elves that possessed you back then were even bro and sis! The elves who took over Gauche and his lil' sister were also siblings, it makes fucking sense!
Except the cursing words, Charlotte definitely agreed with him. Yami also suggested that she should gave her some time before deciding what their next steps are going to be.
Honestly, Charlotte had absolutely no idea what to do now. Did she even have the right to barge into Lucks life like that, after their father did to him and his mother, and by that, what house Roselei practically did to them? Not to mention, Luck has a family with the Black Bulls and he was happy with them. Would he really need an older sister who only learned about him very recently, who was a complete stranger to him?
On the other hand… Yami told her that Luck also deserved to know. Which was true. Besides, it wasn't like she wanted to take Luck from the Black Bulls. Haven't Yami told her as well that her being Lucks sister by blood didn't meant less for the Bulls, but more Luck?
Charlotte sighed again. Yami hadn't teased her one bit since they went to visit Grace Voltias grave. It was unusual for him and while Charlotte suspected that it was also mostly due to the shock of the revelation, her inner feelings that something else was also bothering him.
She knew him now for ten years and now, after spending almost a month on their common investigation, she'd liked to think that she even got to know him more. It was a selfish thought, she knew. But she still liked to think that she came to know Yami a bit better.
What a situation, really. Not only Charlotte had no idea what do to next concerning her almost found little brother, but her love for Yami went deeper every passing day. Spending so much time together for their investigation had as consequences that she longed so terribly for him when they were apart.
That was so pathetic, they weren't even together yet and Yami still had absolutely no idea about how she truly felt for him. Each next step was blurry and if the longing wasn't enough already, she now even had… dreams about Yami. Very specific dreams, in ways she never did before who were unproper for a noble lady to even think about, especially when she wasn't married.
"Screw nobility," Charlotte mumbled, considering if she should get drunk for once or not.
"Captain Charlotte?"
She turned around and managed a smile as she recognized Églantine, one of her girls and one of the rare nice Évantails out there.
"Églantine, nice to see you. The first pleasant guest I meet this evening."
"Thanks, captain," Églantine replied with a giggle, playing with one corkscrew curl of her azure hair. "Actually, basically everyone who isn't either sick or on Magic Knight duty is here today. Which sucks, for once I would have liked to take a night shift."
"I'm sorry. If I knew, I would have arranged it that way."
"Don't be, captain, you couldn't know. Besides, I only learned about this soirée like since… one and a half hour? Something like that, certainly. My great-grandmother wanted our presence and well, no is never an option with her on this topics."
Églantine made a face and Charlotte also made one in return, although for different reasons. Lady Bianca, the head of house Évantail, also happened to be Églantines great-grandmother and she was still more energic than many young people out there. Not to mention that the family tree of the Évantails was thanks to that also a pretty mess.
"So, I might have overheard lady Rosamund talk to one of my aunts just a minute ago. Or cousins, whatever. Is it true that my great-uncle Reginald is trying to court you and make you his sixth wife?"
Charlotte nodded. She would have preferred if her knights wouldn't hear about her family trying to find a match for her, but the one thing nobility and the Blue Roses had in common were the fast gossip.
"Yes, sadly. And for some strange reason, aunt Rosamund seems very determined to make this marriage a reality."
"Don't accept, captain Charlotte!"
"I won't, don't worry."
"I don't worry about that, you're not that easy to manipulate. It's just," Églantine cut herself, looking around which made her azure ringlets dance around her, before whispering, "what about the captain of the Black Bulls?"
Ah, yes, the never ending project of the Blue Rose knights, even after Spade. Charlotte couldn't help but smile. As flustered it made her, it was so nice to have the support of her girls concerning Yami.
"That is one of the reason I don't want to be wed off, you know. But… we're still not together and I don't know if he ever realized what I feel for him."
"Well, Puli said that he is on the stupid and dense side. But don't worry, captain Yami has a good heart, one day he will realize and I'm sure he would never allow that anyone marries you off against your will."
Charlotte just nodded. It was true that Yami would not let her get trapped into an arranged marriage. But… ah, why did her love for him made everything look simple and complex at the same time?
"I'm actually glad that I met you, captain Charlotte. You're far better company than my older brother. He couldn't stop but complaining about a star he neither got nor deserved and that was really getting on my nerves."
"Oh, which brother?"
"Samuel, the one who's with the Silver Eagles. Well, he had a mission lately and of course, he disappeared until everything was over, but he's still upset that he didn't got a star like the other knight who were on that mission. Even worse for him, our half-sister Grenadine got a star."
"My goodness, you brother has quite the audacity," Charlotte said in a sigh. "And you, are you happy for Grenadine?"
"Yes, because from what I heard, she deserved it. Gosh, I wish I could already use fan magic like she does. My family of course doesn't allow it, but I hope to soon be on better terms with my sister."
"Which won't happen, Églantine. You shouldn't wish to get along with the shame of our house."
Both Blue Roses turned around to the newcomer. Prudence Évantail, one of Églantines many relatives and the second daughter of lord Reginald, also known as one of Charlottes unwanted suitors. So, if Rosamund would succeed, Prudence would be Charlottes stepdaughter, despite the two of them being around the same age.
Prudence was a true beauty with her long, straight pale pink hair and the typical turquoise coloured eyes of the Évantails. But that was honestly the only positive thing Charlotte knew about her.
"You and your little brother Candid are really naïve," Prudence continued, taking Églantines arm slowly but still firmly. "Grenadine shouldn't be considered as your sister. After all, she is just a bastard. It was wrong of lord Nozel to make a Silver Eagle out of her. We Évantails are standing strong and we don't get desperate about scandals. Unlike some other… noble families."
The last words were subtly pointed towards Charlotte, that much was clear. But even though she had no idea what Prudence was exactly implying, Charlotte had no intention to be intimidated.
"Those are some high words from you, lady Prudence. You shouldn't underestimate Grenadine. She might be a bastard, but I'm certain that won't stop her to be a great asset for the Silver Eagles and the Magic Knights in general."
"Oh, lady Charlotte, we all know the Magic Knights aren't as trustworthy as- Ouch!"
"You're not very prudent, Prudence."
Églantine just punched her distant cousin with the elbow and was now looking at her in a way that should have killed Prudence, if glares could kill.
The pink haired Évantail tried to search for a venomous reply, but still decided against, before turning towards Charlotte, "Friendly advice, don't try to hide your families scandals."
"Lady Prudence, if you think that I excuse every mistake the members of my house are doing, then you're not as smart as you think you are."
Prudence blinked, but was still clever enough to not reply. She just went away and pulled Églantine with her, who gave her captain a sorry smile.
Charlotte took a deep breath, before putting her still full glass on a small table and left the salon.
She clearly had enough of this nonsense. Dealing with those unwanted suitors was the last thing she wanted. What she wished was to think calmly about what she could do with Luck, how she could be a good sister to him if possible and… well, the thing she wanted the most was to be with Yami, to stop being so uncertain with him, to be in his strong arms and… to finally live everything that made romantic love the way it was.
That wasn't for soon, she perfectly knew that and the only one she had to blame for her impatience was herself. If only she had told Yami what she felt all those years ago.
But maybe she could still call him and talk? Hearing his voice, even Yami would be teasing, even if he was getting on her nerves again, this seemed so much better than nothing for Charlotte.
But just as she started climbing the stairs to get to her room, she heard her mother calling her.
"Charlotte my dear, where are you going? The Soirée is not over yet."
"For me, it is," Charlotte replied, not hiding anymore that she was exhausted and done with all of this nonsense.
"Oh, sweetie, I know it's difficult, but you have to consider-"
"No, mother, I won't consider any potential suitors. I don't want to get wed off, I don't want to be the victim to an arranged marriage. It's just… I can't do this, okay? I… want to marry out of love, that's the only reason for me to consider a wedding. I don't care even if it's with someone out of my circle! I know that you at least still consider my happiness, but what about the other Roseleis? What about father, what about aunt Rosamund, what about all the other Roseleis? You and I both know that they don't want my happiness, but reaching whatever their goals are. I am not a chess piece, mother! I'm a Magic Knight, a squad captain and I overcome many threats and danger along with others. Marrying someone I don't love, to fulfil the ambition of someone else entirely… that's not me. It will never be me. And I think you understand that already."
Charlotte looked back at her mother, actually awaiting to get scolded, to have her mother's anger fall upon her.
Which didn't happened.
Lady Orchidea just looked at her daughter, shocked, somehow hurt and sad, but… was there also some understanding in her green eyes?
Charlotte sighed deeply, before she said exhausted, "I love you very much, mother. You're probably one of the rare ones in our family for whom I truly care for. But what you do, trying to marry me against my will… it hurts. It hurts because I love you. I respect your choices and wishes, but please, don't marry me of. Also don't fight me if I fall in love with someone who could be considered unworthy for a Roselei."
That last sentence wasn't probably needed, but Charlotte still had the urge to say it out loud. She still stood still a few seconds, hoping her mother would say something.
But Orchidea remained quiet, frozen. As if that declaration was too much for her to handle.
"Sorry to hurt you," Charlotte whispered, before turning away and run towards her bedroom. She didn't know if her mother heard her apology, but she didn't care. It was just too much emotion right now to handle.
She needed Yami right now. To call him. Oh, Charlotte wanted more from him, more with him, by him. But that wasn't possible, since all of the things she wanted were only possible in a relationship and they weren't a couple. For now.
But calling him, that was something she would have immediately. Her beloved knight of darkness, hearing his deep, rough voice…
Charlotte reached for her communication device and immediately called him.
"Who dares to call me while I'm taking a shi-"
"Yami? It's me."
"Prickly Queen? Gosh, you sound ugly. Something happened at that stickass party?
"Well, it was too much for me to handle and as you know, I had other things in mind."
"D'you wanna talk about Luck."
"Eventually, but not yet. I'm exhausted and not calm enough for that. I just… would you please just talk to me? About anything."
"As you wish, Prickly Queen."
For the first time today, Charlotte had a genuine smile on her lips.
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subiysu-chan · 1 year
Flower prompts
Ancolie: How my muses betrayed their first love or a melancholy starter
Anémone: When did my muse felt abandonned, or a catch the attention of my muse starter
Aubépine: How my muse lost their virginity ? Or ask for a torture-related starter
Boutons d’or: Ask for my muses tastes in food ? Or a light-hearted starter ?
Bruyère: Ask for what my muses do when alone ? Or for a marsh-set starter ?
Camélia: Ask for what my muses find beautiful. Or maybe you want a fancy-set starter ?
Capucine: Ask for my muses sense of humor and what they find fun and amusing.
Chrysanthème: Ask for my muses about their current love. Or maybe you want a graveyard starter ?
Colchique: How my muses deal with envy ? Or maybe you want an automn-related starter ?
Dahlia: Is there something your muse is most grateful for ? 
Églantine: Is there something that made your muses happy, but only for a brief time ? Or a spontaenous and sweet starter ?
Géranium: Ask for how my muses snuggle ? Or for a sweet, comforting starter ?
Iris: How do your muses conceptualize trust and love, and is it something that make them happy ? Or maybe a steamy starter ? 
Jacinthe: How do your muses show kindness ? Or ask for a starter where my muse helps yours. 
Lilas: What was your muses’ first love ? How was it ? Or ask for a starter where my muse is mourning ?
Lys: Ask for what my muses think of innocence ?
Muguet : How do your muses groom themselves ? Or ask for a spring-themed starter. 
Myosis: What was your muses true love ?
Narcisse: How arrogant are your muse (s) ?
Nénuphar: How emotionally distant are your muses ? 
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