#mcl guides
i-am-not-a-super-hero · 4 months
Here's my answers for chapter 4!! As always, in spanish :D
Elenda: …
(Debo decir que yo también soy bastante fan suya.) /
(Aunque confieso que no es mi estilo.) /
(Está guay escucharlo en una playlist de vez en cuando.) /
Brune: …
(Pero prefiero hace como si nada hubiera pasado. Es más fácil.)
(No sé qué hacer, y además, puede que Roy se lo haya dicho ya…)
(Puede ser una buena ocasión para hablarle de eso…) +Brune
Lynn: …
Un té con limón, por favor. /
Un chocolate caliente para mí, por favor. /
Yo probaría también ese capuchino. /
Amanda: Conozco gente que disfruta mucho más en pareja de lo que les “cuesta”.
(REBELDE) Está claro que no merece la pena: demasiados problemas. +Elenda
(ENÉRGICA) Estoy de acuerdo con Amanda: se supone que es fácil. +Amanda +Roy +Brune
(DULCE) Yo creo que, en la práctica, es más complicado que eso. +Devon +Thomas
Elenda: …
(ENÉRGICA) Una relación penosa. Con un auténtico cretino. +Devon +Roy +Brune
(DULCE) No fue gran cosa… Nada apasionante, al fin y al cabo… +Thomas +Elenda
(REBELDE) En realidad, no me apetece mucho hablar de eso… +Amanda
Elenda: …
(Creo que podría dejarme tentar, si se presentara la ocasión…) /
(Ni hablar de salir con un compañero de trabajo.) /
(Ojalá esto no cree ningún drama en el futuro…) /
Elenda: Si, bueno, sus historias de cama no son realmente asunto nuestro…
(REBELDE) Nuestro, quizá no, pero de eventuales clientes suyos… +Thomas -Devon -Roy -Jason
(DULCE) Estoy de acuerdo. Es su vida privada. +Jason +Roy +Elenda -Thomas
(ENÉRGICA) ¡Eso dice mucho sobre su persona! +Devon +Amanda -Brune
Jason: Yo, por mi parte, tengo trabajo. Supongo que nos volveremos a ver…
(ENÉRGICA) Sí, hagámoslo así. ¡Hasta luego! +Jason
(REBELDE) Estaría bien que no se convirtiera en una costumbre…
(DULCE) (Le doy la espalda. Mejor ignorarlo.) /
Ysaline: …
(Lo dejo sobre la mesa y me froto las manos, preparada para volver al trabajo.) /
(Hablando de solteros sexis…) IMAGEN JASON
(Miro fijamente la pantalla un momento…) /
Ysaline: …
(Tecleo lo más rápido posible en la pantalla.) IMAGEN
(Debería apartarme un poco, por si acaso.)
(Echo un furtivo vistazo.)
Amanda: Vale… Ysaline, ¿tú cómo vuelves? ¿Quieres aprovechar el taxi?
Te lo agradezco, pero yo también voy a ir en bus… IMAGEN ROY
¡Claro, encantada! IMAGEN AMANDA
Confieso que no me importaría ir en el manillar… IMAGEN DEVON
Debo admitir que la idea de probar la moto de Thomas me apetece más… IMAGEN THOMAS
Archibald: ¡Me he enterado de que has conseguido tu primer logro en tu nuevo trabajo! ¡Enhorabuena!
¡Gracias! ¡Es cierto que he empezado fuerte!
Tanto como un logro… Me parece un poco exagerado… ¡Pero me va bien, sí! ROPA TAKI
¡Las noticias vuelan! ¿Quién te lo ha dicho? /
Roy: Pero entonces vamos a ir un poco apretados.
(DULCE) Supongo que no te importará darte un “baño” de masas… IMAGEN
(ENÉRGICA) ¡No me importa en absoluto!
(REBELDE) Todavía estamos a tiempo de ir en taxi.
Roy: …
Pues… Digamos que no cierro la puerta del todo. /
No. Creo que tendría que pasar algo de tiempo.
Sí, supongo… Pero seguro que sería más prudente.
Amanda: …
Bueno, si no quieres hablar de ello, no quiero presionarte, ¿eh? IMAGEN
(No insisto. Me vuelvo hacia la ventanilla.)
Vale, si quieres andarte con secretos…
Amanda: ¿Te has enamorado tú de alguna chica, Ysaline?
Tal vez… /
No, la verdad es que no.
¡Sí, muchas veces! /
Amanda: …
Creo que sí. /
Sinceramente, no lo creo. /
Contemplar… siempre se puede…
Devon: Ya sabes lo que dicen: “Si lejos quieres llegar…”
“…tu hacienda debes cuidar.” IMAGEN
“…un coche potente debes comprar.”
“…no te puedes descuidar.”
Devon: …
Para ser sincera, no lo sé. /
No creo. O al menos, no por el momento.
Hmm… Sinceramente, creo que sí, pero…
Thomas: Entonces, ¿podrías considerar una nueva relación en un futuro próximo?
No lo sé… Puede.
En un futuro próximo, no, quizá no.
Sí, claro. ¡No me voy a quedar estancada así toda mi vida! /
Thomas: …
(REBELDE) ¿Va todo bien? ¿Algún problema?
(DULCE) (No he dicho nada. Sobre todo porque podría estar pensando en otra cosa…)
(ENÉRGICA) (A modo de burla, me giro sobre mí misma.) IMAGEN
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dwenerys · 5 months
Episode 2 Guide
hello! i made this little guide yesterday but only shared on discord since i dont know how to use tumblr anymore (11 year old me was way smarter). this contains all the options i came across while playing, so i don't know if some crushes have special dialogues during their date. hope it helps! (✿◠‿◠)
1. energetic
2. rebel (+5 with jason, -5 with roy and devon)
3. energetic
4. rebel (+5 with jason, -5 with roy and devon)
5. energetic
6. sweet: perphaps its up to me to be smarter...
7. no way am I going to leave things there
1. sweet
2. energetic
3. sweet
4. sweet
1. energetic
1. energetic
2. energetic
1. energetic
brune and elenda
1. if energetic +5 elenda if rebel +5 elenda - 5 brune if sweet +5 brune
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ryujinya · 5 months
Guide for Jason episdoe 3 ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
Here are all answers to get Jason illustration! <3
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you need to pick up the drinks option while deciding what you will buy in the first place for the picnic
choose the answer "Sir, will you come with us"
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mclzandaya · 5 months
My Candy Love New Gen - Episode 3 Guide
This episode cost me 1411 APs on Roy's (+Jason) route with jokers, without Archibald. 1212 on Amanda's route (didn't meet Jason), with jokers, with Archibald. 1431 on Devon's (+Jason) route with jokers, with Archibald.
Negative affinity result: - Neutral affinity result: = Positive affinity result: + Needs to be checked: *
Illustrations: 5 (See at the end.) None of them are automatic, you can get 2 of them in one playthrough if you're on Roy/Devon's route.
Archibald: You can find him at the west end of the shopping mall once you're done shopping. You have to ask him if he wants to come as well. (details at the shopping mall with Amanda.)
Outfits: The yellow jacket one is for Roy/Devon/Jason, the purple skirt one is for Amanda/Thomas.
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The answers for Devon and Thomas are translated from French, Thomas' answers may be incomplete. Amanda, Devon, Jason and Roy's guide are complete! Idk if I'll update Thomas' answers as I won't be playing his route anytime soon, if you have his exact answers (with personality) don't hesitate to message me/leave an ask!
DIALOGUE 1: (Everyone looked at me and applauded again.)
(I stared at the table, a bit embarrassed by all the attention.) 40 + Amanda and Elenda (I modestly nodded as a sign of thanks.) 40 + Thomas and Brune*(I joined in the applause, a smile on my face.) 40 + Roy, Devon and Elenda DIALOGUE 2: (choose the person you want to get the illu with) Devon: You can go with one of us, there will be enough of us to finish things up here...
Roy, how about a walk around the mall? 80 = Amanda, do you want to come with me? 80 = I'll admit that if you accompanied me, l'd feel more legitimate using this card... 80 = Thomas, do you want to go for a walk? 80 =
DIALOGUE 2 (bis): if you choose to go with Thomas You won't let yourself be surprised?* I wouldn't be able to function like that. I'd feel limited.* That's not a bad idea. I might try that. +*
Go to the mall to do the shopping.
OUTFIT CHOICE: Yellow for Roy/Devon/Jason. Purple for Thomas/Amanda.
A little window shopping before you go shopping can't hurt!
DIALOGUE 3 Amanda: With little cups, and everything... It's too cute, don't you think?
Sweet: It is pretty cute! 56 + Energetic: It is cute, but it's really expensive! 53 = Rebel: Funny, I wouldn't have thought that was your thing. 49 -
DIALOGUE 4: Amanda: And you? Is there anything you like?
I could definitely see myself wearing those overalls! = I like that little dress. It's elegant, and simple... = How do you think I'd look in those shorts? =
DIALOGUE 5: [...]
The drinks. That way, we'll have the heavy stuff at the bottom of the bag. = TRIGGER JASON'S ROUTE (see roy's route dialogue 6) The food. That way, we'll choose the rest in accordance. = Things to snack on. It's no use to carry heavy things around with us. =
To meet Archibald, you need to go to the west area of the shopping mall once you bought everything that you need, but before going back to the office! DIALOGUE 6: You aren't going to follow me there, right? 40 Oh, actually... do you want to come? 40 TAKI'S OUTFIT I can't be late. 40
DIALOGUE 3: [...]
Rebel: I'd say children's clothing store? 53 - Sweet: The game store, or the DVD one... 60 = Energetic: I'd say... None. It's the first time you''ve stepped a feet in here. 46 +
DIALOGUE 4: Devon: I mean, in general. I imagine that you haven't had the time to completely explore the shopping mall... 
I like home decor shops! =* Libraries. No shops fascinates me as much. = Any clothing store, I love it. =*
DIALOGUE 4: [...]
The drinks. That way, we'll have the heavy stuff at the bottom of the bag. = TRIGGER JASON'S ROUTE (see roy's route dialogue 6) The food. That way, we'll choose the rest in accordance. = Things to snack on. It's no use to carry heavy things around with us. =
DIALOGUE 3 I know Thomas offers you an ice cream I think?
I think I'm part of those people... * I don't mind at all. Here you go. = Is there a third option? idk*
DIALOGUE 4: [...]
The drinks. That way, we'll have the heavy stuff at the bottom of the bag. = TRIGGER JASON'S ROUTE (see roy's route dialogue 6) The food. That way, we'll choose the rest in accordance. = Things to snack on. It's no use to carry heavy things around with us. =
DIALOGUE 3 Roy: Everything looks good.
Energetic: Plus you can afford it! 53 =* Sweet: Yes, it's always a dilemma... 56 + Rebel: It's funny, I thought that great athletes paid attention to their diet... 49 -*
DIALOGUE 4: Hey! Can't you watch where you're going?!
Energetic: And you?! Can't you be polite?!* Sweet: I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention... = (Roy defends you) Rebel: Why don't you watch where you're going?! *
DIALOGUE 5: Roy: Well, it looks to be out of harms way.
Energetic: We make a good team! = Rebel: Thanks, but I could have handled that just fine on my own.* Sweet: Thanks. It's rather practical to be accompanied by a tall and strapping man like you. =
DIALOGUE 6: [...]
The drinks. That way, we'll have the heavy stuff at the bottom of the bag. = TRIGGER JASON'S ROUTE The food. That way, we'll choose the rest in accordance. = Things to snack on. It's no use to carry heavy things around with us. =
DIALOGUE 6 (bis): Jason: What am I going to do with my evening..? Certainly bore this poor gentleman until who knows when. 80 = I don't want to know. 80 = You, Sir, can come, if you want. 80 = JASON'S ILLUSTRATION
DIALOGUE 7: (this dialogue is slightly different on Amanda's route but it's the same outcome, idk about Thomas.) [...]
(Pizzas and mini-quiches to share.) = (We decided to take various pre-cooked dishes directly from a deli.) = (A whole assortment of little things to nibble on for an appetizer buffet.) =
Go back to the offices to drop off what you bought. (See Amanda's Dialogue 6 above for Taki's outfit before going back.)
DIALOGUE 8: [...]
I really want to have the party at my place. 80 TOWARDS DEVON OR ROY'S ILLU Let's go to the park! 80 TOWARDS AMANDA OR THOMAS' ILLU
Go take a shower.
Just go to your bedroom.
Go to your welcome party at the park!
DIALOGUE 9: Brune: Did you choose the park to avoid upsetting Amanda?
Sweet: Yeah, I thought it'd be best. 56 = Energetic: I found her idea of a neutral space a pretty good idea. 53 - Rebel: That's not really why I did it... 50 +
DIALOGUE 10: [...]
I'm one of the ninety percent of people who loves mini-quiches! = I confess that I am intrigued by the asparagus toasts... = I think I'm going to try your tapas, Brune... = I'll take some raw veggies! I want to save room for the cake. = towards amanda's illu?*
DIALOGUE 11: Brune: Let's say I'm in between... And you, Candy?
It's not really my passion either. = I love to cook! = I'm like you, Brune. =
DIALOGUE 12: [...]
So, Thomas, you have a motorcycle? TOWARDS THOMAS' ILLU Wouldn't it be time for dessert? TOWARDS AMANDA'S ILLU
DIALOGUE ???: thomas dialogue [...]
No, I think it's scary... * It never really tempted me. * I've never had the chance before, but I'd be curious to try! THOMAS ILLUSTRATION
DIALOGUE 13: [...]
What, it's not prestigious enough for you? 80 AMANDA'S ILLUSTRATION Come on! It's no fun alone! 80  Well, I'm going... If you don't come with me, it'll be even more ridiculous. 80
DIALOGUE 14: Amanda: The good times. When everything was easier...
Because things are complicated now? 40 = My mother was the one who took me to the park. 40 = It's true that everything seemed simpler when we were children. 40 =
It's time to party!
DIALOGUE 9: [...]
What do you think of Roy? =* And you..? Well, I mean... tell me a bit about yourself...? = And you, do you get along well with Devon? =* What do you think of Thomas? =*
And you, you seem to get along very well with Brune... = Do you get along well with Amanda? =*
Show Elenda, Roy and Devon around your house.
DIALOGUE 10: [...]
Energetic: I think I'd start by taking revenge on my ex. = Rebel: It's obvious: Id rob a bank. = Sweet: Maybe I could become an investigative journalist? =
DIALOGUE 11: Elenda: No, no, I'm kidding: I don't really want to know more.
Energetic: I wouldn't mind a few more details... 53 + Roy, - Devon Rebel: Me neither, l'm not sure I'm very interested... 50 + Devon and Elenda, - Roy Sweet: (I was careful not to share my opinion.) 55 =
DIALOGUE 12: [...]
I hope that the card is for Devon... 80 TOWARDS DEVON'S ILLUSTRATION (I wonder what this card'll have in store for me...) 40 (I hope that the card is for Roy...) 80 TOWARDS ROY'S ILLUSTRATION
DIALOGUE 13: [...]
You mentioned a wildcard a few seconds ago..? 80 (Delighted, I smiled at Devon from ear to ear.) 80 DEVON'S ILLUSTRATION Isn't it a little... inappropriate? 80
DIALOGUE 13: [...]
You mentioned a wildcard, didn't you..? 80 "Kiss", it can be on the cheek! 80 (After all, it's the game... Roy is attractive, here I go!) 80 ROY'S ILLUSTRATION
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idolcandy · 5 months
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During the first episode of new gen, you'll get a dialogue option with Roy where you get to choose your desk chair and you'll get that item to decorate your room. You choose based on description alone so here's what they look like to help you pick!
*Prices here are from the beta, they may have changed
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magic-belodie · 5 months
I have made a guide for the first episode for MCl: New Gen. For now it only works for Amanda. Later this week I will hopefully be able to update it for the other characters. I will let you know when I have updated it 😉
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sleepingzs · 5 months
mcl new gen ep. 2: where to find our fairy godfather (Uncle Archi) >>
Go to the break area before giving your summary to devon! :>
Correct answer > Yes, but nevermind... are you okay?
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shirasuchiru · 5 months
My Candy Love (MCL) - New Gen Ep.02 - The Law Of The Jungle - Roy & Jason Walkthrough
!!— Please make sure to check the answers and the points they give! Unfortunately, you can't get both of their CGs in a single playthrough.
- Hello, are you the owner?
- (I didn't say anything. He'll end up leaving eventually, right?)
- Hahaha! Yes, thank you, I know. ( + with Jason)
- After your little ditty when I got here, I think I believe them, Jason... ( + with Roy and Devon, / with Jason)
- Maybe we should play his game...? ( - with Roy and Devon, + with Jason)
- (I didn't say anything. Clearly, I don't have all the information...) (If I remember correctly, this should give / with Roy and Devon, - with Jason)
- Don't listen to him, Sir. We know very well what we're doing.
- Don't mind them, Sir. I apologize, they don't know how to behave.
- Jason, maybe you can calm down with the cutting remarks? ( + with Jason)
- Don't speak too soon, and may the best win! ( - with Roy and Devon, + with Jason)
- As long as everyone follows the rules... ( - Jason)
- It is for me, now. We're going to crush you! ( + with Roy and Devon, - with Jason)
(After some dialogue, you can go to the cafeteria to start Roy's chat. I think it doesn't matter who you encounter first.)
- Yes... I would have preferred him to ask me directly if I had any ideas, but hey...
- Yes, it's very nice of him not to leave me on the sidelines.
- At the same time, he didn't hire me to twiddle my thumbs! ( + Roy)
- At the same time, the client seems to have as much ambition as Amanda, right?
- And you don't ever work on anything else? (You can choose this one to learn more about Roy! Except that, it's natural.)
- Yes, I was planning to go see her too.
- So really, your job is to be nice? That's cool! ( / with Roy)
- Cool! I hope you'll help me to meet lots of people! ( + with Roy)
- It's funny, I thought you'd have a much more aggressive approach.
!!— Choose the outfit with tie and black boots. It is the correct one for both Roy and Jason.
After some dialogue and one choice (you can get Devon points with the energetic answer), choose "Great, I'll ask Roy if he wants to help me." if you want to get his CG. It doesn't matter who you choose for Jason.
(You can get a special scene with Roy for 120 Gems. If you have enough affinity and the right outfit, you can get the CG!)
(For to get Jason's CG, please continue to read this thread!)
- I see that someone is a sore loser.
- It seems to me that's still better than having lost. ( + with Jason)
- It doesn't matter, it's still a win...
- ( I restrained myself from hurling a few colorful insults at his back.)
- (Perhaps it's up to me to be smarter for all of us, and hold out a hand to him.) (Choose this one to get CG!)
- (And I did the same, resuming the evening with my new colleagues and friends.)
- (But I swallowed my pride to better focus on the evening.)
- (You pay for everything sooner or later... His turn will come.)
- (No way am I going to leave things there.) (Choose this one go get CG!)
(You can get a special scene with Jason for 120 Gems. If you have enough affinity, correct answers and the right outfit, you can get the CG!)
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selh0ve · 5 months
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The links to the illustrations and dialogues' guides of each character: Illustrations, Amanda, Devon, Roy, Thomas, Other Characters
Keep in mind that this guide is still unsure, if you notice errors or have more infos you wish to share, please do not hesitate!
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🛍️ There are no choice to do regarding outfits in this episode. ➡️ Go to the Living room ➡️ Go to the Residential Area (there is nothing in the courtyard or in the bedroom).
💬️ You will speak to Uncle Archibald, and take the bus. 💬️ You will speak to Roy.
➡️ Go to the Shopping district. ➡️ Go to the Open Space.
💬️ You will speak to Thomas (which can lead to his illustration), Amanda, and Roy. ➡️ Go to Devon's Office after Roy told you so. ➡️ Go to the break room to meet your other coworkers.
💬️ You will speak to Elenda and Brune.
🌆️ Going to the Meeting Room can lead to Amanda's illustration. 🌆️ Going to the Devon's office can lead to Devon's illustration. 🌆️ Going to the Cafeteria can lead to Roy's illustration.
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casfleurz · 2 years
MCL VALENTINES 2023 EVENT GUIDE ♡ sorry for not exactly the same answers as in the game; i play this event on my native language mcl site!!
♡ AP cost; i haven't played the minigame at all and the event cost me 1200AP ♡ all illustrations are at the bottom of the post ♡
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♡ outfits; first two outfits are free and the last one you can get by purchase in bank
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♡ kastiel 1) at the park 2) 1st meet with pancake - at home 3) what we were doing year ago for valentines - parachute jump 4) castiel's fave band - winged skull
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♡ nathaniel 1) check the room 2) white's fave dish - fish 3) flowers 4) something we have never done before - skincare with plant-based cosmetics
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♡ priya 1) go to chani 2) the name of local bar - snake room 3) our first concert - it was in the park 4) our first kiss - next to the gazebo
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♡ hyun 1) what flower am i - dandelion 2) the bar 3) poppy 4) my flower bouquet
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♡ rayan 1) it's navigation system! 2) 32 directions 3) west 4) red rose - the real love and the honesty
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minashiro-mcl-etc · 2 years
Armin Épisode 3 - 418 I’m a teapot
Alexy n°1
Alors, si je te livre le petit déj pendant 1 semaine, tu m’en voudras un peu moins?
A. Vendu! Je t’en veux déjà beaucoup moins! +5 B. Ça me semble un peu léger. Disons... deux semaines? C. Tu n’avais pas besoin de faire ça, je ne t’en voulais pas tant que ça!
Alexy n°2
C’est original comme radio, juste après la pub, remettre du silence...
A. Tu sais, la radio du campus, c’est assez amateur... +5 B. Mais c’est quoi ces insinuations! C. Ok, c’est bon, tu m’as eue.
Armin n°1
Alors pourquoi tu m’as dis de me planquer?
A. Écoute, j’en sais rien, j’ai paniqué, c’est tout. B. Je voulais juste pas donner raison à Alex. +5 C. Par ce que j’ai pas forcément envie que ça se sache pour l’instant.
Armin n°2
J’ai parlé de ton après-midi, pas du mien...
A. Mais je croyais qu’on passait la journée ensemble?! B. Méfie-toi avec tes blagues: je pourrais te prendre au mot... +5 C. Bien essayé, mais je sais très bien que tu blagues encore.
Choix de la tenue: GG WP 190G (Harnais 30G, Robe 55G, Bottes 40G, Sac 25G, Sous-vêtements 40G)
Objectif N°1 - Va au Cosy Bear pour participer au Workshop.
Condition: Avant Cosy Bear Lieu: Sweet Amoris Cadeau: Kitty Lingerie Coût: 20 PA
Hyun n°1
A. On s’est dit que si on apprenait à en faire, on aurait plus à en acheter! B. On est peut-êter en avance...? C. Vos Cupcakes sont vraiment délicieux, c’est l’occasion d’apprendre! +5
Armin n°3
A. Pari tenue! Quand j’aurais gagné, attends toi à passer une soirée très, très pénible... B. Je crois que j’ai déjà quelques idées qui me viennent... C. J’aurais presque envie de te laisser gagner, juste pour voir à quoi tu penses... +5
----------------------------------------------------------                            Choix HOT ----------------------------------------------------------
A. (... Sa petite remarque sur la jalousie m’a piqué au vif. Je n’ai jamais eu l’occasion de le voir jaloux, c’est peut-être le moment...) B. (... Si Clémence le déconcentre, ça me laisse un avantage pour m’appliquer sur ma recette et gagner.)
Hyun n°2
A. (J’ai malaxé la pâte en cambrant le dos et en soupirant lascivement.) B. Hyun, vous aussi, vous avez l’air musclé... C. Hyun, j’aurais bien besoin d’un coup de main moi aussi... +10
Hyun n°3
A. Je peux essayé? Je suis douée avec ces choses-là? B. Hyun, ce glaçage semble vraiment délicieux! +10 C. Hyun, vous maniez ça à la perfection!
Objectif N°2 - Va chez Armin avec lui pour manger vos cupcakes.
Armin n°4
A. (J’ai préféré garder le silence.) B. Ça va? Est-ce que c’est le boulot? C. T’es bien silencieux... Tu penses à ton gage? +5
Armin N°5 (illustration)
A. (Maintenant qu’il est aussi près de moi, je ne suis plus sûre d’avoir envie de continuer le jeu.)
B. (J’en crève d’envie; J’ai le souffle coupé par l’excitation.)
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----------------------------------------------------------                           Choix SOFT ----------------------------------------------------------
A. (... Sa petite remarque sur la jalousie m’a piqué au vif. Je n’ai jamais eu l’occasion de le voir jaloux, c’est peut-être le moment...)
B. (... Si Clémence le déconcentre, ça me laisse un avantage pour m’appliquer sur ma recette et gagner.)
Armin n°4 (illustration)
A. (Je me suis concentrée sur mon mélange.) B. (J’ai tourné la tête vers Armin pour lui offrir un sourire de compassion.)
C. Tu t’en sors, Armin, mon chéri?
Objectif N°2 - Va au parc avec Armin pour manger vos cupcakes.
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Coût de l’épisode: 794 PA et 978 PA (avec tata)
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i-am-not-a-super-hero · 5 months
New month, new My Candy Love chapter! So, here's what I chose in episode 3 (as always, spanish bc that's my server!!)
+positive -negative /neutral
Devon: …
(Miro la mesa, un tanto incómoda con tanta atención.) +Amanda +Elenda
(A modo de agradecimiento, inclino humildemente la cabeza.) +Thomas +Brune +Elenda
(Sonrío y me uno a los aplausos.) +Devon +Roy +Elenda
Devon: Puedes ir con uno de nosotros; para acabar lo que queda nos basta con cinco…
Amanda, ¿quieres venir conmigo? /
Roy, ¿te apetece dar una vuelta por el centro comercial? /
La verdad es que si vinieras conmigo, me parecería más justo utilizar esta tarjeta… /
¿Quieres dar una vuelta, Thomas? /
Amanda: Con los vasitos y todo… Es mono, ¿no?
(DULCE) ¡Es verdad que es una preciosidad! +Amanda
(ENÉRGICA) Es mono, ¡pero cuesta un ojo de la cara! /Amanda
(REBELDE) ¡Tiene gracias, no habría pensado que fuera de tu gusto! -Amanda
Amanda: ¿Y tú? ¿Hay algo que te guste?
¿Crees que me quedaría bien ese short? /
Me gusta ese vestidito de ahí. Sencillo, elegante…
¡No me quedaría mal ese peto! /
Roy: Todo tiene buena pinta.
(ENÉRGICA) ¡Y además, tú puedes permitírtelo! /Roy
(REBELDE) Tiene gracia. Pensaba que los grandes deportistas prestaban mucha atención a su alimentación… -Roy
(DULCE) Sí, siempre es un dilema… +Roy
???: ¡Eh! ¡Mire por dónde va!
(ENÉRGICA) ¿¡Y usted?! ¿¡No puede ser más educado!?
(DULCE) Perdone, tenía la cabeza en otra parte… /
(REBELDE) ¡Mira tú por dónde vas!
Roy: Bueno, lo principal está a salvo, entonces.
(REBELDE) Gracias, pero lo habría solucionado yo sola. /
(DULCE) Gracias. Es muy práctico ir acompañada de un hombretón como tú.
(ENÉRGICA) ¡Hacemos un buen equipo! /
Devon: …
(REBELDE) Yo diría que… ¿las tiendas de ropa infantil? -Devon
(ENÉRGICA) Yo diría que… ninguna. Es la primera vez que pones los pies aquí. +Devon
(DULCE) La tienda de juegos, o la de DVDs… /
Devon: En general, quiero decir. Supongo que aún no has tenido tiempo de explorar el centro comercial a fondo…
¡Me gustan mucho las tiendas de decoración! /
Las librerías. No hay tienda que me guste más. /
Cualquier tienda de ropa. Me encantan.
Thomas: Cuando tenemos hambre, podríamos dejarnos llevar por el instinto y comprar todo lo que nos apetece.
Nunca he prestado atención a eso… Apuesto a que es una leyenda urbana.
Desde luego. Siempre voy a hacer la compra después de haber comido. /
Pero eso es lo divertido. /
Thomas: No tanto, no.
(DULCE) Tiene sentido lo que dices. Tal vez lo pruebe. +Thomas
(REBELDE) Yo no podría hacerlo así. Me sentiría demasiado limitada. /
(ENÉRGICA) Pero, ¿no te apetece alguna sorpresa? -Thomas
Thomas: Las mismas personas que igual dejan a los perros lamerles la mano…
No me molesta en absoluto. Toma. /
Creo que formo parte de esas personas…
Amanda/Roy/Devon/Thomas: …
Las cosas de picar. Mejor no ir cargando con las cosas pesadas hasta el final. /
Las bebidas. Así, tendremos las cosas pesadas en el fondo de la cesta. / JASON
La comida. Así, elegiremos el resto en función de eso. /
Jason: ¡Vaya! ¿¡Y qué voy a hacer esta noche…!?
Seguro que aburrir a este pobre señor hasta las tantas.
Usted, señor, si quiere puede venir. / IMAGEN JASON
No tengo ninguna gana de saberlo. /
Amanda/Roy/Devon/Thomas: …
(Pizzas, canapés y tartas saladas para compartir.) /
(Decidimos elegir distintos platos directamente en un catering.) /
(Todo un surtido de cosas para picar y hacer un aperitivo que sirva de cena.) /
Amanda/Roy/Devon/Thomas: …
El aperitivo a modo de cena es un acierto seguro. /
Platos para compartir: es lo ideal para un ambiente relajado. /
Vamos a comprar platos preparados: así estaremos seguros de comer bien. /
Archibald: …
No debo llegar tarde. /
No me seguirás hasta allí, ¿verdad?
Oh, por cierto… ¿quieres venir? / ROPA TAKI
Brune: …
La verdad es que me apetece mucho hacer la fiesta en mi casa. / DEVON, ROY, ELENDA van a la fiesta, los demás NO
¡Vayamos al parque! / AMANDA, THOMAS, BRUNE van a la fiesta, los demás NO
Elenda: …
¿Y tú…? Bueno, quiero decir… Háblame un poco de ti… /
¿Y tú? Parece que te llevas muy bien con Brune… /
¿Qué piensas de Roy? /
¿Y tú? ¿Te entiendes bien con Devon? /
¿Y tú? ¿Qué piensas de Thomas?
¿Tú te llevas bien con Amanda?
Devon: …
(DULCE) Quizá podría convertirme en periodista de investigación… /
(ENÉRGICA) Creo que empezaría por ir a vengarme de mi ex. /
(REBELDE) Está claro: iría a robar un banco. /
Elenda: No, no, es una broma. No quiero saber nada más.
(ENÉRGICA) Yo no estoy en contra de algún detalle más… +Roy -Devon
(DULCE) (Me guardo mi opinión para mí.) /
(REBELDE) Yo tampoco. Creo que no me interesa saber nada más… +Devon -Roy
Devon: …
(Espero que sea para Roy…) /
(Me pregunto qué me reserva esta carta…) / ELIGE ENTRE LOS 2 ALEATORIAMENTE
(Me gustaría que la carta fuera para Devon…) /
Roy: …
(Al fin y al cabo, así es el juego… Roy es atractivo… ¡allá voy!) / IMAGEN ROY
Hace unos minutos, hablabas de un comodín…
¡”Besar” puede ser en la mejilla! /
Devon: …
(Sonrío a Devon de oreja a oreja, encantada.) / IMAGEN DEVON
¿No es… un poco inapropiado…?
Hace unos minutos, hablabas de un comodín…
Brune: ¿Has elegido el parque para no ofender a Amanda?
(REBELDE) En realidad, no lo he hecho por eso… +Brune
(DULCE) Sí, he pensado que sería lo mejor.
(ENÉRGICA) Me ha parecido bien lo de buscar un terreno neutral. -Brune
Amanda: …
Creo que me dejaré tentar por tus tapas, Brune… /
¡A ver esa ensalada! Quiero dejar sitio para la tarta. /
¡Formo parte del noventa por ciento de la gente a la que le gustan las miniquiches! /
Confieso que las tostas con espárragos me intrigan…
Brune: Digamos que a mí, a medias… ¿Y tú, Ysaline?
A mí tampoco me apasiona. /
¡A mí también me encanta!
Yo como tú, Brune. /
Thomas: …
Entonces Thomas, ¿tienes una moto? / THOMAS
¿No será ya la hora del postre? / AMANDA
Thomas: ¿Has ido en moto alguna vez?
Nunca me ha interesado mucho.
No he tenido ocasión, ¡pero te diré que siento curiosidad por probar! / IMAGEN THOMAS
No… Me da un poco de miedo.
Amanda: …
¿Qué? ¿No es lo suficientemente glamuroso para ti? / IMAGEN AMANDA
¡Venga, ven! ¡Sola no es divertido! /
Yo voy… Si no vienes conmigo, será aún más ridículo. /
Amanda: Los buenos tiempos. Cuando todo era más sencillo…
¿Ahora es complicado? /
Es verdad que cuando éramos niños todo parecía más sencillo. /
A mí me llevaba mi madre al parque. /
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dwenerys · 5 months
Episode 3 guide
hello! this little guide contains all the options i came across while playing the early access of episode 3. i'll add amanda, roy and thomas special dialogues once the episode officially comes out and i can play their routes. i apologize if this guide is messier than the last one, but a lot of the options weren't personality-based this time.
i mostly nodded, as a sign of thanks (+ thomas) i stared at the table, a bit embarrassed (+ amanda) i joined the applause (+ devon, elenda and roy)
i really want to have the party at my place (devon and roy's illu) lets go to the park (amanda and thomas' illu)
pick devon at truth or dare
'i smiled at him…' (illu)
'the drinks. that way, we'll have the heavy stuff at the bottom of the bag'
'you, sir, can come, if you want' (illu)
during truth or dare at the home party: if rebel 'me neither, i'm not sure i'm very interested…' (+5 with devon and elenda, -5 with roy) if sweet 'i was careful not to share my opinion' (neutral) if energetic 'i wouldn't mind a few more details' (+5 with roy, -5 with devon)
uncle archi:
oh actually… do you want to come?
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? Hahah, i just got spoiled with the illustrations for episode 5.
I'm-? It's so not what I expected.
I'm barely at the begining, they're sharing a cozy afternoon, boy is thirsty already somehow (not complaining e.e).
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marthashlyn · 2 years
Never get lost in thought. Keep your thoughts under control.
Any little thing will have people think you’re psychotic.
Also, do not make The Trinity mad. Anger is a crazy emotion.
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idolcandy · 5 months
Tumblr media
This is Archibold, the 'fairy' of new gen. I've marked the correct dialogue which earns you an outfit for Taki! In the beta, you see him automatically so you don’t have to worry about missing him.
*Prices here are from the beta, they may have changed
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