#ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ i am going to go insane
yuyu-bubu · 2 years
shoutout to helplessness, gotta be one of the top ten worst emotions fr fr. i am but a poor Webkinz plush a child has decided to pour milk on and throw against the wall
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10hourshift · 1 year
So, Bonnie, right?
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this thing is really long and might not make sense, idk, I'm not proofreading that, I spent a day and a half on it
Ok, before I get to the point I'm trying to make I have to say this post doesn't come from hate, on the contrary, I've said before that I really like his character, but to be honest I like him more in the sense of "putting him in a petri dish and studying him🧫" rather than "this character is just like me fr" or smth like that (just let me explain it will make sense later I hope)
So, here it goes
Bonnie is a really fucking weird character
And one of the weakest overall imo
First of all, I'm comparing his character to others like him. Since not all the characters are treated the same.
The way that I see it, there are four types of characters in the series
Wow, they are really going thru it. These are the characters that have a lot of development throughout the series (like Freddy, Fred or Bon) and, more importantly, that had some visible growth onscreen (< this is important)
Hey, you got over it really fast. Unlike the first type, these characters don't have a lot of development in the story (or they had it off screen and just reappear w all their problems solved after), but are part of the story (like Chica, Joy, Fox, and Bonnie)
They sure are there, huh? These guys appear somewhat regularly and have some development, but aren't as important to the plot like the first two (Mai, Puppet, Springtrap, idk)
Haven't seen you in a while. These are the characters that barely get any attention, appearing in one episode for like every ten. Bc of this you wouldn't expect them to have any development at all (the nightmares, the funtimes)
Ok, so the category that I put Bonnie in is mainly formed of those characters that are necessary to the story, or to some characters stories. Like Joy, because she's important to Fred and Bon at some point in S2, so she gets some development, but gets thrown to the side for other things, even with that, her character is important for the plot, since she wasn't there for the contest, and she needed to be rescued by Freddy and Fred.*her character is also done so dirty, but that is for another time*
But anyways, back to Bonnie. He's relevant to the story in two ways. He's a member of the main band, and he's the romantic interest of Bon** and he doesn't have any big problems of his own w anything.
**I know that the whole bon thing is not part of the main plot, but it takes a significant part of the whole series that I'm counting it (the AUs will not be counted on the main analysis, maybe I'll cover them in here idk)
Let me do a quick recap of his role in story to make things easier 4 me.
Staring w the 1st video on fnafhs, we see what kind of person is Bonnie on a surface level
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Description taken from wikifandom, this is supposedly a transcription of what edoochan says in her video "como serían los animatrónicos de FNAF si fueran adolescentes", this is not the full section of Bonnie btw, it's missing his relationships w the others, but ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
During the beginning chapters we just see him getting dragged along to the situation, being knocked over by Freddy and Fox, showing that he was sleeping in class, forced to clean the classroom w the others, and pretty much manipulated to be part of the team, assigning himself as the guitarist of the band. In them, Bonnie is just a smartass and apathetic to the world around him, to the point of sleeping in class and mentioning that he gets beaten up so much that he is inmune to it, maybe bc of his stereotypical nerdy look, and the whole "he's a little quirky and strange" bit he has going on. It's not until chapter 9 "el Bonnie oculto" until we see his ability w the guitar, and that he has like a whole different personality that he has when playing, given that the chapter is mainly the guitar cover w pictures of Bonnie and bon playing the guitar, we can only assume what this personality is. He seems to be more confident, and happy while playing, showing that the guitar is something he's really passionate abt, and that he likes to show his abilities off.
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At this point we have a somewhat solid idea of who Bonnie is at the start, and of what we can expect from this character and what his role in the band will be.
Me: Boy am I excited to see how Bonnie finally gets to beat his apathy w the power of pop rock anime covers and friendship by his side :3
This gay mf:
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Look, this is where my "problem" starts, bc from this chapter forwards Bonnie's character is changed drastically. Whatever type of development he has gets put on the side just to make space for the whole "is this love or friendship? 🥺 I love my tiny gay babies". In this chapter Bonnie is looking for Bon because he wants to practice w him, and invites him to do so when he finally finds him, and doesn't wait for him to respond, assuming he will be there. Being from Bon's perspective, we don't really have any idea of what does Bonnie feel for him, y'know, besides admiration, and considering him to be better than him, also we see that Bonnie changed some parts of his personality in this chapter, he doesn't have any sarcastic or smartass comments, the "weirdness" of his actions is more prevalent (reading upsidedown, surprising Bon from a branch) and he gets his recognizable "hehehe" laugh thing.
The next chapter he makes an appearance in is "la pesadilla de Bonnie" where we see him getting beaten up by the nightmares, and defended by Fox. Later we see him in the park practicing w bon, when asked about the bruises he claims again that he is inmune to them, dismisses Bon's concern and talks abt what to practice. The next day, he is threatened by the nightmares again, but now Bon and Fox stand up for him, and he also puts a stop to the abuse, when Fox asks him why he decided to defend himself, he says is because of his friends.
He showed some development here, finally starting to take care of himself bc others care about him, and fighting against the apathy towards life in general, though since we only see Bon's point of view we can't really see how he decided to change, and how this affects his life. This means that whatever growth Bonnie has, it will be as an incentive for Bon's growth as a character, making Bonnie nothing but an objective for Bon, because "we"* as an audience are expecting these two to end up as a couple (imagine that Bonnie is that romantic interest girl in movies/books/etc. that doesn't get any development and that you're supposed to ship w the male protagonist, when he has more chemistry w his rival). Another thing that I noticed that supports this idea is the changes that were made to Bonnie's personality to fit the romantic trope. He stopped being a smartass sarcastic dude and changed into an oblivious "uwu" boy, where his funny comic relief comments play around these new characteristics, AND, on top of it all, the apathy he shows to everything, like getting his ass beaten, is changed to an "aw that sucks :/" reaction to the things that go wrong.
*"we" in this case, is the audience that was pushing the bxb ship when the series aired, since fnafhs was really influenced by what the fandom wanted, specially at the beginning, it's necessary to recognize the parts that had more influence from the fans, rather than what edoo wanted. Like, clearly, the huge amount of bxb content, both in the mainline series, and the AUs.
One funny thing I wanna mention is that from this chapter on, Bonnie and Fox are stablished as Friends™, given that it was mainly Fox the one that motivated Bonnie to defend himself, and in later chapters Bonnie is shown to be closer to Fox than the other band members (Tbh I think these two are easier to ship than the bxb imo), without leaving the others behind and showing that he cares abt the band.
His last "main" appearance before the "camp arc" (yeah that's how I call it) is in chapter 21 "Bon, amor o admiración" where he is w the band worrying abt golden, and then going to practice to Bon, giving him a personal song of his, just to be rejected by bon and him humiliating him in front of the toys. Again, we don't see his reaction to everything that just happened to him, like, imagine that the only person that you shared your most important thing with just pushes you away one day w no explanation. That is something really big that would have been an interesting character moment. But whatever, this is not what this is about. I'll just keep pointing out the moments that keep being shown as "big shipping moment 😱!!" Bc is the only time that Bonnie gets some attention, that only focus on one side of the story (mainly Bon's) anyways.
Uhh, during the "camp arc" Bonnie is just, kinda there, again, bon is the one going thru it, we see that Bonnie misses Bon, but REALLY brushes off what Bon did to him as "he's mad w me but idk y :(" and he helps out Bonsoir even after discovering that is Bon, now, when confronted by him on why he isn't mad with him, he basically answers with "dude you are really weird, but so am I, we weirdos gotta stick together" and the moment ends up in a friendzone joke.
😐 this resolution has always felt wrong for me, mainly for the way that Bonnie was handled (obviously), and the implications that the only conflict that was between him and Bon is that the later just kept avoiding an akward conversation w Bonnie. I know this may be nitpicking from my part, but I do believe that this takes away any agency that Bonnie has in the situation, not only is he not mad abt the papers, and humiliation that he got from Bon, he also brushes off the fact that bon was avoiding him during the whole camping trip, like, I'm not expecting him to go to Bon and tell him to fuck himself or smth, but at least that he mentions that he was mad at him at some point, or disappointed, it doesn't even need to be a full on chapter, some comment can do well enough, idk.
I finally got to season 2 (!!) In this one Bonnie doesn't do anything else than his usual comic relief comments (now is a mix of bluntness, misunderstanding of the situation, and tiny bit of sarcasm). Now he and bon hang around as friends, and he decides to help Bon w his issues w joy (ig he's just there for moral support, bc he doesn't do much in there). During the whole "oh no we're eliminated" thing there's nothing of interest, up until chapter 16 "verdaderos sentimientos", where Bon finds him and goes w the whole "let's find our friends, as friends" and this bitch responds like this
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Let's unpack that later, please let me finish the series recap.
Ok, in the last chapter Bonnie thanks BON for helping him to get friends, and the band and stuff, letting he know how much he appreciates him, and before gets to respond he goes to help the other w the thing that is happening to Fox.
Aight, now that I showed Bonnie's development throughout the series (and gave my analysis and opinion on it) I will just point out the general issues that the character has.
First, there's the lack of clear development and growth. Even though he is necessary for the story of Bon, he doesn't do anything in the series, as I said before, he, such as other characters, lacks a conflict, and the ones he's in are related either to Bon or the band (one way we can see how much attention a character gets is w the amount of solo songs they sing in series, Bonnie doesn't have any)
The second thing is that the only way we see Bonnie is trough an outsider perspective (mainly Bon's), so any development he gets, it will be incomplete bc we never see his journey to whatever resolution he gets.
Then there's the thing that makes Bonnie so interesting to me, his character, unlike the others that are like him, is being constantly changed to fit Bon's conflict,* this makes him really ambiguous of "who" is Bonnie. When the Bon subplot was introduced he was changed to fit the uwu romantic interest, then, his carefree (or apathetic) personality is used to excuse Bon's actions*, and THEN when Bon finally starts to accept Bonnie as only a friend is shown to us that now is BONNIE the one with the crush to create more conflict between them(I hate the "will they, will they not" trope)* that will never be solved bc the series is cancelled anyways. These changes make Bonnie a less defined character, and since he is mainly used in Bon story, other interesting aspects of his character are put aside and ultimately forgotten.
*other characters like Chica, for example, that are less developed are still well defined, even if it is shallow, chica is pretty much the same throughout the series, this is the case w Joy and Fox, for example.
*not that Bon is without guilt, he is really the one who gets development of all this mess, but that the fact that Bonnie doesn't give it much thought to Bon's actions pretty much gives the idea that "it wasn't such a big deal". Tbh, I want to make an analysis on Bon later but he is SO MUCH MORE messed up than Bonnie, if this thing is long I can't imagine how will the Bon analysis turn out 😵‍💫
*that last scene really bothers me for a few reasons, does it mean that Bonnie has feelings for Bon?, If so, since when?, Did he go through the same inner conflicts as Bon?, If the feelings are recent, what started? Are the feelings romantic? Was this supposed to be more bait for the viewers? Who knows, I'll try to not think too hard abt it
Well, I guess that's all I had to say, of course it looks really negative, but I really like him, I enjoy his funny comments in the series, his whole relationship with Fox, and I'm very fond of the "weird, probably autistic coded" trope, I find him relatable at times, uh what else? I liked the route they took for him on zer0* and he's always been one of my favorites, even when I first started watching the series and hadn't developed this opinion of mine, and even now, these things that I do are one of the way that I interact w my interests (why couldn't I be satisfied enough with just drawing characters in solid backgrounds? unu)
*I'm making this quickly, but I think it's neat how they took on Bonnie's apathy and developed trough it, I don't think it was necessary to make a whole new character to justify it or whatever they wanted to do tho. I also want to dive into the zer0 series later lol
That's all now, for real, this thing was really long, I speedwatched the series to make the recap, uhh, what else?
Box (BonnieXFox) > BxB
Thanks to anyone who read this post to the end, if you have anything to comment or to add please feel free to do so, I want to see what other people think
Ok bye now
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unmotivated-student · 4 months
Now, liveblogging something that I do like :) [I decided to throw everything in a single post just because:)]
"you are here to play a game on which your lives depend" getting serious and we're just getting started ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ
"what did you do to us?!" "nothing in particular" "then what is this pain?!" "I was very clear... in this game your lives are on the line" i kinda love Decim (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
"Sorry! My hand slipped!" [👁️👁️liar]
I had forgotten how dramatic this episode was [i kinda love it tbh]
"of all the emotions that humans exhibit, which is the most primal?" "i don't know" "fear"
"pain is a part of this game"
"everyone makes mistakes. but people's feelings can manifest through the most subtle of expresions. you're an arbiter, don't brush them off"
i remember about this episode :D
"and so it starts.." "how so? what does that mean?" "nothing" (...) "as such, the two of them may not be facing a favorable outcome." "no way..." "however, whatever the outcome may be, we must accept what happens"
Decim my beloved showing his sense of humor🫂
"Life really is a mysterious thing... Each and every life spins its own totally separate tale, yet they become intricately entwined in each other and no one knows how they will end up" "that´s true, you´ll never know until you die... you may not even know after you die... but you know what? that´s what makes it interesting, right?"
I honestly don't know how to feel about this one, because if we ignore some details it could be considered cute, at least the ending imo but idk
Lady... what kind of tv shows are u watching? [I know she's confused and in denial but still]
"How is that fair?!" "Life is never fair. I´m sure you´re aware of that" Decim triggering trauma ◉⁠‿⁠◉
i didn´t remebered this episode at all and now i'm like o.o
this is the saddest one so far to me. am i weak? maybe
"You did everything you could... both of you... did everything you could." okay, now i'm crying...
why did i forget about this one?
edgy ed
i'm starting to realize that from ep 4 onwards my memories about this show are a blur (i´ll take that as a good thing)
yep, definitely a good thing that i didn´t remembered all of that, it made me go "wtf's going on here?" all over again c:
dude, do you really want to do that?
see? u got ur ass kicked and for what?
that makes sense i guess
oh we´re on Jimmy again
wait, i do have memories about this one (not many but)
Ginti looks so done and the game hasn´t even started
mmm... if only you knew..
show off
no. what part of freezing to death is romantic to u? at least in titanic there was a love story before the freezing to death part
show off
u piece of trash
so this guy has feelings after all
such different ways to go
Claviz looks so excited about this xd
Oh wow, I was i hater during most of this xd
She remembered!!
Maybe he's not there much, buut i kinda like Claviz, he's just a little guy 🫂
"third: arbiters cannot feel emotions, for they are merely puppets" neat...
edgy ed makes more sense now
how are u still here?
"not that different" huh?
oh, it's over and i didn't write anything about this one... uhm... well... it was good...
"I bring out as much of the darkness in their souls as possible and take it in, then i pass judgment... that is what it is to be an arbiter" damn
oh now they're serious
sir, u are disgusting
fuck, this guy is insane!
i hate this guy
nufofnhdiewwwwww *dies*
wowuwhihweeirundu *dies again*
this one was heavy...
i-.. i don´t have much to say
he's just messing with her, isn´t he? [I genuinely don't remember]
this scene is making my skin crawl afsydrs
i'm trembling idk how i survived this the first time
definitely one of my favorites
Decim... no... that... no...
cryiiiiiing agian
it's 3 am btw i should be sleeping rn but instead i'm here sobbing
I love this anime so much ♡
I definitely recommend it!!! [If you are comfortable with the mention of themes like death of course:D, i mean it's called "Death Parade" xd]
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