#i luv stress headaches
yuyu-bubu · 2 years
shoutout to helplessness, gotta be one of the top ten worst emotions fr fr. i am but a poor Webkinz plush a child has decided to pour milk on and throw against the wall
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emilyscartoons · 1 year
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New Patreon comic about Belgium, being a Capricorn, and absurdism. Revisiting these quiz questions for the comic genuinely gave me a stress headache 
As ever this is an excerpt of a longer comic, which is available to read on the $2 tier! I publish one long comic per month. 
There's tons of my work up there already to read through too, that isn't published anywhere else:
Luv ya! Xxx
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fadingdaggerr · 2 years
all bark, some bite - l.w.
pairing: larissa weems x gn!reader (no pronoun or name use for reader)
summary: parents’ weekend is a time of stress, especially when an addams is now a student, and her mother and the principal have a fun little history behind them
warnings: fully using morticia as a plot device (sorry tish baby i luv u), suggestive ending
note: i have no idea what happened to this fic
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the closer parents’ weekend grew, the more antsy larissa became. she typically has gone over every little detail three, four, five times by now. every year she takes great consideration into everything, wanting the parents to see the nevermore in all her glory, down to having every knickknack in every common space dusted and polished to perfection. but this year felt different. the tension in her shoulders was tighter this year, her pacing more pointed, her sleep dwindling by the day, and if none of this was enough, the now eight rechecks of plans was starting to look a little crazy.
when the day arrived, she was somehow more tense than she had been for the last two weeks. usually once the day began, she had been confident and excited, but today, she fiddled with her wedding band nonstop, watching as parents arrived and greeted their children.
walking up beside her, i lean in so my voice only reached her, “everything looks great, baby, relax a little bit. the students look happy, the schedule’s fun, you look stunning as always, everything’s in order.”
“you have got to stay close by me at all times,” is all she says.
“as much as i would love that, i have to be in my classroom to answer parent questions for the first couple hours. but, i would love to sneak in a visit my favorite girl,” i smile to her, pressing my lips to her clothed shoulder, and i can see some tension reduce a little.
“i will be holding you to your word on that,” she grabs my hand, pressing a kiss to my knuckles. i pull her hand to my own lips, returning the favor, not missing the way her eyes light up.
in their mini tours, many of my students brought their parents to my classroom. most got a full report of the class from their children, meaning i was just there to deliver pleasantries, admittedly spruce up the behavior of some students when parents asked, and accept compliments on my book collection.
tall floor to ceiling bookshelves covered the west-facing wall of my room, a rolling ladder allowing me to reach the very top shelves. the top shelves were reserved for only the greatest of my collection, the rare and beautiful ones. books the students enjoy were closer to their reach, the ladder being a no-go for any of them. i always kept books larissa loved at her own eye-level, she had yet to notice it was on purpose, so her little excitement was a special treat whenever she gazed at the shelf.
after two hours of meetings that ended with a lively conversation with eugene’s moms, i thought i would finally be able to retreat back to wherever larissa may be. as i started to head out the door when a familiar, dark presence blocked my path to the hall.
“hello, wednesd-”
“principal’s office, now.”
“i’m doing great, thank you so much for asking wednesday,” i say monotonously, “and why am i so kindly being summoned to the principal’s office?”
“i’m saving her, and by proxy, you, a headache,” and she leaves. a hefty dose of ‘no context’ from wednesday addams, no day is complete without it anymore.
i make my way to larissa’s office, knocking gently before peeking my head in, “riss?”
“darling, what are you doing here?” she asks as she moves from her desk and makes her way over to me, both hands grabbing mine, pulling me closer.
“wednesday addams. she sent me here to ‘save you and myself a headache,’ whatever that means,” i say with a shrug, placing a sweet kiss to her cheek.
“i hope we don’t find out,” her hands moving, arms wrap around my waist, my own going around her neck.
“me neither. a nice, headache free day sounds phenomenal,” i say while adjusting the chain of her necklace, “how has your day been, my angel?”
she lets out a deep breath, “probably about as interesting as yours so far, but i would say it’s much better now,” she finishes her sentence with a short kiss to my lips.
i hum in agreement, and just as i go to pull her back in, there’s a knock as the door. we jump apart before larissa calls for whoever knocked to enter. the door opens, and i see a woman, dressed in a long, black gown enter the room. she’s smiling with adoration at the shorter man next to her, love for the woman evident in his gaze.
larissa’s eyes widen as she freezes in place. this is what she had been dreading, morticia addams.
the woman looks back towards the room, “larissa!”
“morticia! lovely to see you.”
ah, the headache, i think to myself, just as she begins to approach me. wednesday looks more homicidal than usual, and i can’t help but share the feeling.
“why hello there, morticia addams,” she sticks her hand out for me to shake. before i can introduce myself, she speaks again shutting me down, “and this is gomez, my husband,” gomez grabs her hand, kissing up her arm, muttering terms of endearment in spanish, “and my son, pugsley.”
“well, it sure is certainly nice to meet all of you,” my smile is fake, but morticia doesn’t seem to notice the insincerity, so i continue, “wednesday is fantastic in my literature of the macabre class. she has been at top of my class since she started, which has not been unexpected.”
i almost feel as if i’m bragging about how well my own child is doing in class, and i can see as larissa smiles softly at my words.
“that is fantastic to hear, our little viper is a master of the macabre,” gomez praises his daughter, the action making wednesday scowl harder, but making me smile slightly.
the addams’ sat across from larissa, i stood to larissa’s right, offering her support with my presence. discussions of wednesday’s academics and extracurriculars continued for a little bit. i stayed quiet for most of it, happy to be with my wife, also hoping i could be a buffer between her and morticia. i had been filled in, well before we got married, about how cruel morticia was to larissa later in their academy years. i also stayed for wednesday, who wouldn’t admit that she needed someone else in her corner when her parents were around. all conversation came to sudden halt when morticia let out a gasp.
“how could i have not seen that? larissa, you never mentioned you had gotten married,” she grabs larissa’s left hand, pulling it close to look at her ring. a shudder moves down my back at the contact.
“it wasn’t relevant the last we spoke, and before that we hadn’t seen each other since we graduated, so why when would i have said anything?” larissa is calculated in her response, letting me know this interaction had been something of worry to her.
“goodness, when did this happen? must not have been long ago, or else i would’ve heard, i’m sure,” morticia responds, and i almost laugh at her certainty.
“it’s been seven years as of september, as a matter of fact. and we were together for five years before that. it was a very private ceremony, we only had our closest loved ones in attendance,” larissa answers as she pulls her hand back, looking at her ring with a soft smile, a light blush painting her cheeks at the memory. i bite my tongue to hide my own smile.
“private ceremony, private answers, not even a photo in here larissa,” morticia gestures around the office, and the anger in me grows slowly.
“with students, staff, faculty, parents, and even law enforcement regularly in my office, i would rather not have my personal life on display. what’s mine is private,” she says the last part lowly, a warning to morticia that she must tread lightly, but her tone ignites a fire in the pit of my stomach.
this warning is noted by a raised brow, but is violently ignored when she looks larissa in the eye with a pathetic frown and says, “please don’t tell me you settled?”
larissa’s face immediately grows dark, her hands flattening against her desk, she starts to rise out of her seat. to avoid a small war in the middle of the office, i take a step forward and speak in her place, “i believe ‘settling’ is more of a subjective concept,” my eye contact is sharp and unwavering, “in my opinion, she most definitely did settle, outrageously settled. but from her words, at the very least, i would say she does not share the same sentiment as i do,” the emphasis on ‘very’ has larissa’s head whipping my way at the innuendo, “some would say marrying your high school sweetheart is settling, but i’m not one to judge,” pugsley snorts, wednesday’s eyes shoot to him in a playful manor, clearly enjoying this just as much,“well, not one to judge often, as my mother used to say, ‘everyone has a taste, whether or not they should have be pickier is up to the heavens.’ quite the phrase, don’t ya think?”
morticia’s mouth shuts immediately, her eyes shooting to larissa’s to ask for help. she has nothing to offer her former roommate, other than holding back her own laughter.
“anyways, i should be on my way, poetry club meeting starts in 30 minutes, and i have to get the room set up for the parents,” i say with a smile towards the addams. “it was lovely letting you mister and missus addams, you too pugsley. i will see you in class next week, pretty please remind enid to read the chapter, do not give her the gist of it,” i point to wednesday as i speak, “and you,” i turn to larissa, “i will see you at home,” i kiss the top of her forehead to end my goodbye, my left hand on her shoulder, matching wedding band on display.
i pat her shoulder once more before walking towards the door, i turn to look at her, right as i’m about to close the door and blow her a kiss. she smiles softly and rolls her eyes at my antics.
“anything else you would like to discuss?”
— — — — —
my day, thankfully, ended after the poetry club meeting. a side road only a couple miles past the campus gates brought me to a dark green, two story house with brown trim. a wrap porch with vines growing up after years of free roaming, but neat from snipping and reshaping them when they got unruly. this wasn’t just some house, it was the home larissa and i now shared.
getting home, my shoes slid off before i even unlocked the door. keys were on the hook, bag on the seat by the door, jacket on the peg, shoes thrown on the floor. i make my way go our bedroom, purposefully going to her closet for a sweatshirt, grabbing a light grey one, and a pair of my own sleep shorts from my top drawer.
larissa comes home silently while i was a focusing on not burning the vegetables in the pan. she follows a similar pattern to me, only neater and quieter. i don’t notice her presence until i’m adding the vegetables to the sauce, and two long, pale arms wrap around my middle. i continue my task with her draped around me, stirring the vegetables in, spinning the spice rack in search of oregano and red pepper flakes.
“you are trouble” i laugh at her opening line, “at the very least, huh?”
“children were present, and in my defense, those particular ones have definitely heard much worse from those horn-dogs,” i say like it’s nothing, making her laugh this time. “and you’re one to talk. ‘what’s mine is private’? good lord, riss,” i jokingly fan my face, and she laughs harder.
“i stand by my statements,” she pinches my side, “especially the one where i disagree with you on me settling. i don’t settle, if i wanted to i could’ve long ago, but i waited for the right person and found you,” she whispers the end into my ear.
“and look at you now, with a much better last name,” i add the noodles to the sauce, “could’ve been missus larissa antoinette weems-fru- LARISSA!” i squeak as a hand smacks against my ass, laughing immediately.
“don’t even start, gods you even brought the middle name into it,” she laughs with me, her head resting against my shoulder.
i pick up a sauce-drenched noodle on a spoon, raising it to her lips, she gladly takes the bite, groaning happily at the taste. biting back a comment about the noise, i start to prepare dishes to serve on. larissa stays glued to my back, following each of my steps around our kitchen.
“i may need you around for more parent-principal meetings, especially ones involving… particularly difficult cases,” larissa says into my neck, avoiding the use of morticia’s name, as if it would summon her if spoken.
“you name the time and place, i’ll happily be wherever you need me. i can be like your guard dog,” i laugh a little at the notion.
“perhaps a ‘beware of dog’ sign outside my office may be needed,” she jests as she pulls away to set the table.
with dinner finished, and a bottle of wine later, larissa and i lay on the couch together, my fingers weaving through her hair as her head rested on my chest, her hands wandering every now and then from my abdomen, down my legs, and back up. i scratched my fingertips against her scalp, a noise just short of a purr comes from the back of her throat. we stay in this silence for a while, relaxing from the day, knowing tomorrow still had a slim chance to be incident free. loving her and being loved by her was all there was at this moment.
her head raises from my chest, i also pout at the loss of the comforting weight against my chest. tired, larimar eyes find mine, and i feel my heart skip a beat, her beauty has never failed to surprise me. someone like her, someone this beautiful, chose me.
she stares a little longer before sweetly saying, “you’d make a horrible guard dog,” and my jaw drops slightly, i’m utterly gobsmacked. i had been expecting a loving comment, or even a lustful one, not whatever this was.
i look at her for another moment before gathering my thoughts. i piece together the only thing that feels right to say at a time like this, “what the fuck?”
“you’re awfully cute, darling. i don’t think they’d find you scary,” she leans down to kiss the middle of my chest through my (her) sweatshirt, then looking back up at me. she made a point, i was not nearly as intimidating up front as she was.
larissa was intimidating just to look at. she’s gorgeous, tall, and clearly professional. she could talk her way out of anything, and just as easily talk her way in, just with her wit. all of this, this perfectly sculpted image, could be brought down by a little beetle crawling on the wall. a beetle i would be called in to crush, but instead would end up being guided onto a paper towel and released back into nature.
“well, they’d be mistaken then. and apparently so are you. you’d think my own wife would know me better,” i scoff, but the smile on my face betrays the feigned attitude. she laughs, and smile grows wider and wider. “i’ll let this insult on my character slide, only because of the wine, and definitely not because i love you so much,” i continue, and she groans playfully.
she puts her head back down on my chest, arms giving me a squeeze, “i love you more, and seriously though, thank you for being there today. and just so you know, for the rest of this weekend, you are not leaving my side.”
i chuckle, “as if i could even dream of it,” wrapping my arms around her snugly, “you know stuck with me forever, you’re the one who put a ring on it,” i pepper the top of her head in kisses as she tries not to laugh.
her head nudges up, she buries herself in my neck. i hide my own face in her soft hair, inhaling her scent. i feel her lips pressing along the column of my throat, moving upwards. little nips marked the trail to my jaw, kisses as she moves to the side more. one final tug of my earlobe by her teeth brings me back to full attention. her voice lowers, “how about i show you at the very most how much i love you?”
bit of a longer fic to make up for the lack of them in the last week. feedback is, as usual, appreciated greatly :)
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yn-honeybun · 1 year
Simple Headcanons I have towards the main four comforting you after a long day. Miles Morales X reader, Hobie Brown X Reader, Gwen Stacy X Reader, and Pavitr Prabhakar X Reader.
Miles would see the frown on your face and make a lighthearted joke. He’s only trying to brighten your mood, but when that doesn’t work he walks up to you and asks you if you’re okay. Probably would be a bit awkward at first but then once you start to open up he simply nods, adlibing every now and again to assure you that he was listening. He’d say he understands what your going through then suggests you guys get something to eat. If his mom cooked he would invite you over for dinner.
After your snobby comment to Gwen, she would turn to you asking you what’s up. You groaned out a reply telling her how Miguel was getting on your nerves and how frustrated you were with him. She would nod her head agreeing with you and your attitude towards him. She offered to go to the gym or if you played an instrument she would suggest you guys take it out in a song. Taking turns getting all of the anger and frustration out from the man child who was your boss.
When you didn’t respond to Pavitr’s texts, he knew something was wrong. Next thing you knew you heard a knock coming from your window. Soon as you opened it, he jumped inside shoving a gift basket into your arms. “Hey I’m sorry if I did something to offend you. I know that last mission was a lot, but I promise-”You cut him off with a tight squeeze. You told him that he did nothing wrong and that he was correct however about the last mission being stressful. He told you that it was okay then suggested you guys hop into his world and get a cup of chai. You spent the whole day ranting about the last couple of missions over chai and naan.
When it came to Hobie, he automatically knew when you had a bad day. Just from the way you groaned after Miguel dismissed you for the night. You had been a minute late to a meeting and all of a sudden you were being chewed out. He followed you after opening up a portal into your room. You hadn’t noticed him until he cleared his throat making his presence known. “ ‘Ey luv, what’s got ya down?” He asked knowing the answer. You ranted about how stupid Miguel was being and the pain he was, Hobie nodding to your words. “Seems like he keeps giving everybody a bloody headache.” Rolling your eyes in annoyance you agreed with him. He suggested you guys get something to eat to take your mind off of things. Then he would swing you guys onto the rooftop of a building overlooking the city. You wake up the next day still on the rooftop, Hobie’s arms wrapped around your body squeezing you tightly.
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svt-rosalie · 3 months
I've been thinking...mainly because i've been left without work to do for too longg (my summer break has started from where I'm fromm) hehehehe
how would rosalie handle periods being in a all boys group with intense and i mean INTENSE choreo...
Because for me the cramps kill me before i can even get out of beddd...i only get up to change my tampon or bed otherwise you can consider me on my deathbed waiting for the next 4 days to pass quickly...
Also I'm in luv with this oc and I want to see moree
lots of luvv
tw. talk of periods, bleeding, pain ect
so with rosalie’s period, she doesn’t get one anymore. she hasn’t had one since 2019 — the reason being is because of the amount of stress she’s gone through and due to the fact that she’s on birth control.
BUT! when she did have her period that shit sucked, her symptoms were horrible, cramps that would shoot from her stomach to her thighs, headaches that turned into migraines, she would throw up sometimes because of the pain, she had really bad symptoms and her period was completely random. it was never a set period monthly, sometimes she would have a period for 2 weeks and then it would stop for 3 months and then come back full force.
it was very hard for rosalie to deal with especially like you said with the choreography but sometimes she just had to push through it. pledis is not good to rosalie, they over work her and make her do things she does not want to do, the only reason she stays is because of the boys. so even when she was having a heavy period that week and had to change her tampon every two hours, rosalie still had to go out there and perform that’s what she signed up for.
but the boys tried their best to help her through those times, knowing how bad it can get for her. they basically became her butlers those days and she would laugh about it constantly. most of the boys were never grossed out with the idea of rosalie having a period due to the fact that they have sisters and mothers so it kind of came naturally to them to help her out when she was in pain. but it never stopped them from making fun of her in certain situations.
( you know those pranks on tiktok where the female is like “babe my tampon is stuck in me, i can’t get the string, can you” and then boyfriend is extremely grossed out but is willing to do it because it’s their gf/fiancee/wife. yeah, that’s jihoon 1000% )
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lincolndjarin · 11 months
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little bks rant under the cut sorry
+ this teaser as an apology for the rant //
feeling a little better today. in all honesty i just haven’t been doing great for a while. writing helps a lot when i get anxious the only downside is a separate anxiety that comes with writing.
bks 26 is the chapter i wanted to write for so long. its literally what ive been working towards. ive written all previous chapters rather excitedly knowing i would eventually get to write this one.
and i love it. i love how its turned out. i love what ive worked hard to create and i loved writing it. it has some of my favorite stuff to come out of bks.
and im still not happy with it.
im convinced people are will hate it. bks was just mine when i started it and this is the ending that i love but bks isnt just mine anymore. other people read it and they like it and they tell me that they like it and they tell me to give din and princess a happy ending and it stresses me out bc if im being honest im worried that it isnt happy enough or its too happy and all this nonsense and its nobodies fault but my own that i feel like this because everyone (for the most part) had been so kind to me about this story and youre all so wonderful and patient when i cant get a chapter out as often as id ljke.
so im just worried.
im worried that i did all of this and right at the end ill let everyone down. and people say theyll love it no matter what but thats not always the case, maybe it will just be bad and something only i love and i suppose thats fine but also the thought of letting down people who care about this story gives me an actual headache because i want desperately to make everyone happy.
all that being said. bks 26 will be out tomorrow. i need to edit and write the last scene then it will be done. im going to bed now so luv yall <3
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redheadspark · 2 years
Visiting a pumpkin patch and 'your hands are cold' with oliver wood please 🦊
A/N: I'm SO sorry for not doing this earlier, dear anon! Life got in the way and I had to deal with like headaches, but I would LOVE to write this for you! I really hope you like it!
Summary: Oliver takes you on a stroll through Hagrid's Pumpkin Patch to get your mind off of your studies.
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Warnings: Just some cute fluff and a hint of angst!
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"Come on, luv,"
"Where are we going?"
"Just on a stroll,"
You walked hand in hand with Oliver, going down the beaten path that lead to Hagrid's hut that was in the outskirts of the school grounds. It was a cooler day, more of the orange and yellow leaves were scattering the ground as you both were in your boots and thick coats since the evening was supposed to be beyond chilly. Oliver thought it was the perfect time to get out of the castle and get some fresh air, and since the Quidditch Season was at a stroll thanks to some Magical Creatures terrorizing the quidditch field, Oliver had a break from being the Gryffindor Captain.
Where as for you, you were studying hard for your exams.
You were one of those that studied hard and had some of the best marks in your year, one of the best in Hufflepuff House. Although Hermione Granger was far smarter than you, she was two years below you and didn't have to count. Still, you loved making sure your mind was sharp and you were ready to take on any exam or quiz that was thrown your way. You wanted to be a Healer at St. Mungo's just like your mother, seeing her her magic in potions and with charms at her fingertips to ease the pains of her patients. That was your goal, and even after seeping your OWL's, in your mind that wasn't enough.
But sometimes you had to take a break, that's where Oliver came in.
He loved you dearly, you two got together as third years and have been together ever since. You both seemed so opposite: you being a bookworm and Oliver being the Quidditch fanatic. The way it appeared, it never should have worked. But it did, you two being one of the longest relationships in all of Hogwarts in your year. Even the Weasley twins were surprised in how you two interacted with one another.
"How do you put up with him and not be sick of his constant Alpha personality?" George asked you once as you were perched at the practice stands after one session with the Gryffindor team.
"Shove it, George!"
"Sorry Wood!"
Oliver was an amazing boyfriend to you, always seeking you out to find some time with you when he didn't have practice or when you had study break. You loved his company, he would make you smile all the time and make you feel loved in your lower times. You made sure to go to his game, keeping your books in your dorm to venture over to the Gryffindor side of the stands to cheer on Oliver and see his face light up in adrenaline and in triumph as the team one.
But when your House when against his, that was another story.
So now, as the mid-term exams were around the corner, Oliver sensed that your stress was getting higher and higher. He decided to take you out of the castle one afternoon, making sure you that afternoon you had nothing planned. You looked to see Hagrid's hut, looking small in comparison to the variety of massive pumpkins that were in his gardena and stretching out to the left down the hill.
"How about a stroll through the pumpkin patch?" Oliver asked as he gestured to the pumpkins. Hagrid turned his pumpkin collection into a pumpkin patch for the students to enjoy on their time off, a treat for all to use and to enjoy since Halloween was only next week and he had a surplus of pumpkins that needed to be taken from his garden. With the help of Professor Flitwick, the massive supply of pumpkins were moved to the side of Hagrid's home and made to look enchanting and enticing.
"Hello you two! Ya'll missed the massive crowd earlier today!" Hagrid said as he was perched on the front porch with his dog Fang by his foot, giving a soft bark as you both waved at him.
"We just want to go a walk, if that's not too much trouble," Oliver explained to him as Hagrid chuckled.
"Not at all! Please, take whatever pumpkin yer like! I'm takin' some of the Magical Creatures Clearin' tomorrow anywho." Hagrid said to you as he took out his tin flute to play. Fang nuzzled against his boot as you and Oliver walked through the pumpkins at a slow pace, the large orange and white pumpkins that seemed to be the size of Hagrid's Hut towering over you two to make you feel so small. Yet at the same time, the atmosphere was calming and inviting as the faint sounds of the flute was floating high above you amongst the wind that picked up from the Black Lake.
"This is nice," You commented as you were seeing a small cluster of pumpkins that size of your palm along your feet, you kneeling down to touch the tops of some of the little squashes, "This is better than reciting the Potion ingredients over and over,"
"I figured it would be," Oliver added in agreement as you took a few smaller pumpkins in your hands to stand back up and face Oliver, "You've been studying a bit more lately,"
"Nothing I can't handle," You reassured him as he was about to reach and take the pumpkins from you when he touched your skin. He hummed.
"Your hands are cold, 'mere," He said to you, take both of the little pumpkins from your hands into his one to shove in his pockets. You felt him lace his fingers with yours, rubbing the fingers along one another to get your hands warm as you watching him with a hint of fondness. Oliver's love language was physical touch: he made sure he had some kind of touch with you when you two were together. Whether it was running his fingers along your back when you were hunched over your book and studying hard, or keep an arm around your shoulders while you two sat together at the Three Broomsticks during a Hogsmeade visit. But when you two held each other hands, it was one of your favorites. His calloused hands from being on his broomstick touching your stained ones from spilled ink or too many long hours of writing on your parchment, it felt like two energies molding into one.
If you could, you could always hold his hand.
"I don't want ya brunt out before we graduate," Oliver explained to you as you were still watching his warm your hands with his. His voice sounding soft with you, the hint of roughness in his tone that you grew to love when he first said your name all those years ago when you two sat together in Potions was always warming to hear.
"Oli..." You were about to explained as Oliver squeezed your hands hard together to get your attention on him. His brown eyes were almost showing the refections of the pumpkins around you, his dark brown hair was a contrast to the gray sky about you two as your eyes were locked and the flushness in his cheeks showed how cold it was getting.
"You've done so much already," He stated, you going quiet as he was talking to you, "I think you're brilliant, and I've known that ever since we both were in Potions and you saved me from a nasty burn from my cauldron,"
You had to smile from the memory, giggling a bit as you spoke up gently, "You did almost burn your eyebrows off,"
"Aye, but you stopped that, and I fell for ya then," Oliver hummed back, bring your joined hands up to kiss your fingers, "I just...I want you to be able to not get thrown underwater and get too stressed, not like before."
You remembered a year ago when you were beyond stressed to the point of being in tears. Your Head of House found you crying on one of the couches in the Hufflepuff Common room, ushering you to the Hospital Wing and having Madame Pomfrey look you over and place you in bed rest. Your head was throbbing from studying, your nerves were shot from being paranoid of failing your Ancient Runes quiz that was coming, it all came crashing down on you and you finally broke.
Oliver was sitting at your side when he got word from what happened. Harry went to tell him, Harry seeing you being ushered to the Hospital Wing and he rushed to tell Oliver at the Quidditch field. Oliver immediately canceled practice, sprinting to you and seeing you curled up in Hospital Wing on a bed with a wet cloth over your eyes and forehead. He took your hand with no hesitation, you breathing uneasily as Oliver watched with a heartbroken gaze.
After a good night's sleep thanks to a tonic from Madam Pomfrey, you got a written note to give your Professors to give you a few days off from your studies. Oliver took you outside one afternoon, making you curled up in his arms as you both were watching the clouds roll by.
"I got ya, okay?" Oliver said against your hair as your head was against his shoulder, "You need to breathe, luv. Ya scared me good, but I got ya now, alright? I got ya, and I won't let that happen to ya again,"
He never did.
"Oliver," You said to him calmly, "You have helped me so much this past year, and I would be in a worst state if not for you. Thank you, for keeping me in check and keeping me sane,"
"You don't have to thank me for lovin' ya," He reminded you, which was what he told you one year ago when he walked you back to your Common Room after being discharged by Madam Pomfrey. You adored his loving heart, the softer side of Oliver Wood that was reserved for you and you alone. Deep down, you knew you would be with him past graduation and beyond.
You didn't know that Oliver was thinking the same thing as you both kissed within the nestled pumpkins that were around you.
The End.
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Tagged: @a-lumos-in-the-nox
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trias-tiny-time · 6 months
Omg I saw this on my feed a min ago @littles-blog-103 this is soooo cute !!!!
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If you call me any of the ones I like I will actually melt into a little puddle :>
M feeling a little under the weather from all the storms goin on in my area (I love the rain but I get really nasty headaches from them) so I thought I’d retreat from my NSFW to here.
Feelin a little fuzzy around the edges from stress anyways :{
Stay safe, luv all y’all !!!
- Tria-cor (╹◡╹)♡ ♡ ♡
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percabethlover3 · 7 months
New Book Idea!!
Give me your 100% honest opinion.
For my book it's about a girl named Belle and she had her whole life planned out to the second, finish high school, go to Air Force Academy, get a job at NASA after eight years of service, retire and teach, make a family for herself. She does battle depression and has had headaches for the last few months, but she brushes it off as stress over midterms. But that all changed on one school day. She had a seizure and went into the MRI, but the doctors found something unexpected. She has a grade four Meningioma cancer. The only way to make sure it's all gone is to have surgery. Her faith strengthens through this difficult time, but the surgery goes wrong, and the only option now is to try Kemo and radiation. She falls in love with one of the volunteers, Owen. She eventually gets to ring the bell and goes back to school with Owen. But she relapses and goes back to the hospital, but eventually dies. The second half of the book is carried on by Owen and how the family and himself cope with the loss of Belle. He prays to God and eventually finds a sense of peace and keeps Belle’s memory alive.
Anyway, honest opinion, I'm an aspiring author and want the best!
I Luv You Guys!
Remember that you matter and are loved by someone.
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xyloophones · 4 years
ive got 32 oz of coffee so strong it tastes like gasoline, ive written 8k and spontaneously outlined a completely new plot line, ive finished my labs 3 assignments in advanced and im pretty sure i can see spacetime gridlines as well as feel every individual cell in my body im on unlimited power rn 
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drella · 6 years
look, ALL i want in life is to b an x-men
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daddyy333 · 2 years
A lot of stories can be very triggering, please do not skip past the warnings they are there for a reason, my intent is never to hurt anyone, I just simply want to put my work out there for the people who can handle it and enjoy it
anything with a (tw) next to indicates it’s more triggering than the others and it’s just extra precaution for my readers
Hi guys, I know that currently almost none of my links are actually working and I swear I’m working on it I just have next to no free time so it really dwindles my motivation to write and then on top of that have the remake my entire masterlist 😭 please be patient and thank you so much for everything I luv uuuuuu ❤️❤️❤️
I know I barely write anymore and am lucky if I put out one story a month, and it’s honestly because school is really just making it difficult to find the time and then on top of that motivation. I don’t have the same drive I used to when it comes to writing and it’s not as exciting or as much of a hobby as it used to be but I don’t want to stop if that makes sense. I love it but at the same time I don’t feel like doing it most days. Idk. I do my best and that’s all that matters. Love you 🫶🏻
Eddie Munson
“Can I do something insane?” (tw)
Panic Attack
Triple Date
Secret | Secret pt.2
Shitty Boyfriends
“Like what you see?”
Gone (tw)
Family (miniseries)
Touch Starved
Broken (tw)
“I love you”
His number one supporter
Take it
Take care of yourself
Joseph Quinn
POV: you’re dating Joseph Quinn and this is your camera roll (part 1 with the rest linked at the bottom
Joey, baby
Dancing in the rain
Touch Starved
Hurt (tw)
It’s not okay (tw)
Jamie Campbell Bower
POV: you’re dating Jamie Campbell Bower and this is your camera roll (Part 1 with the rest linked at the bottom)
🎶cause I’m just a teenage dirtbag baby🎶
🎶cause I’m just a teenage dirtbag baby🎶
🎶cause I’m just a teenage dirtbag baby🎶
🎶cause I’m just a teenage dirtbag baby🎶
Bad Boyfriend
Recovery (tw)
73 questions
Just sex
Beach day
Steve Harrington
Teen dad!Steve Harrington Blurb
His hardworking girl
Shittiest boyfriend ever
Robin Buckley’s Step Sister
dad!steve harrington fluff
Robin Buckley
Tall Robin x short girlfriend blurb
Tall y/n x Robin
Dr. Buckley
modern!mom!robin buckley x pregnant!reader
band kid!Robin x color guard!y/n
Just checking
Maya Hawke
POV: you’re dating Maya Hawke and this is your camera roll (part 1 with the rest linked at the bottom)
🎶cause I’m just a teenage dirtbag baby🎶
🎶cause I’m just a teenage dirtbag baby🎶
🎶cause I’m just a teenage dirtbag baby🎶
Come back to me
Why do you hate me?
Neteyam Smut blurb
No regrets
I like it
Say something
Sebastian Stan
Te iubesc
Bucky Barnes
Bucky, please
Hard day
CW!Bucky Barnes
Chris Evans
In love
Steve Rogers
“I’m scared”
Henry Cavill
Henry Cavill Fluff
Chris Sturniolo
Secrets out
You’re drunk
321 notes · View notes
So I’ve been on a rollercoaster of highs and lows lately and it’s really driving my anxiety to new heights. Which in turn has made my anxiety tics very frequent. (For me, these are full body tics, almost like a sudden chill or shiver that makes my whole body jerk. As well as eye twitches that can last for hours and sometimes cause headaches.) Of course, I have started thinking of my comfort movie and comfort characters as a distraction— but it has me wondering, how would the Triple Frontier boys react to anxiety tics if their s.o. had them? Just thought I’d send it in as a request, if you’re comfortable writing for the situation. <3
TF Boys and a S/O with anxiety tics 
A/N: I have never experienced this, but I tried my best with the information you gave me. I hope this finds you sweet anon and brings some comfort. I am sorry this has taken me a while. I’ve been in a bit of a slump. 
The song below made me think of this prompt, so I thought I’d include it. 
Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales: Frankie can tell when you are getting stressed and anxious. You get a lot quieter and withdraw in yourself a lot more, and when he notices your eye twitch, he starts to get ready. He read about anxiety tics when you first started dating and told him, and he knows exactly what to do. He gets out a bottle of Tylenol and the softest blankets you own, puts on your favorite movie, and orders takeout. The whole night as you shiver, he wraps you like a burrito and holds you close to his chest, being your rock. 
Santiago ‘Pope’ Garcia: Very similar to Frankie, he knows exactly what to do when you get your anxious tics. But he doesn’t keep you home; he loves to take you for a drive through the mountains, his hand on your thigh, the radio playing classic rock as he talks about anything and everything until the lull of the engine and his voice finally allow you to sleep. He drives as long as he needs to, pulling a blanket out of the back seat and tossing it over you as he keeps a steady pace, his hand rubbing patterns the whole time. 
William ‘Ironhead’ Miller: Will is really observant; it’s in his nature to notice everything going on around him, especially when it comes to you. He sees the twitch and shivers start and doesn’t bring any extra attention to it. Instead, he just starts making your life easier in simple ways. He picks up the mess around the house, does the dishes, even runs you a bath with one of your new bath bombs to help you relax. When you emerge, dinner is made, and he curls you close on the couch, soft music playing in the background as he rubs your shoulders and kisses your head. 
Benny Miller:  Benny understands how stressed you’ve been, he’s seen the signs, and when you shiver, he comes over and starts talking about the most random shit. He tells you stories about growing up with Will, his time in Delta Force, one time he goes into explicit detail about the greatest sandwich he’s ever eaten at this diner in Austin, Texas. You feel yourself relaxing and smiling at the utter ridiculousness of his stories. While the tics don’t stop, you aren’t hyper-focused on them anymore, all your attention on the loveable golden retriever that is Benny. 
@gunslinger2000 @omlwhatamidoinghere @linkpk88 @tlcwrites @lv7867 @mudhorn-djarin19 @mssbridgerton @elisabethbathgate @pascal-rascal424 @midnightzonzz  @massivetfsimp @mandorush
@lunarthoughts @jedi-mando @idreamofboobear @aerolanya @rebelliouscat @veracruz-djarin @marvelprincess1994 @thirstworldproblemss @spacelatinoss  @martellthemandalor @kesskirata @waatermelon-sugaar @jitterbugs927 @helga1031  @greeneyedblondie44 @mamacitapascal @oldstuffnewstuff @yespolkadotkitty @heythere-mel @justanotherblonde23 @artsymaddie @anetteaneta @aellynera @lucifer- @houseofthirst @phoenixhalliwell @chicken-ona-stick @agirllovespancakes @ghostwiththemostbitch @the-purity-pen @paintballkid711 @wasicskosgirl @fantasticcopeaglepasta @sarahjkl82-blog @boxdyeblonde @rosiefridayrogersunday @yeah-seems-legit  @mimimi-stuff  @ladyblogger-margie @memyselfandellasworld @peterhollandkait @itspdameronthings @emmy626 @luv-nd-serenity @randomness501  @littlebopper96 @alexmarie29 @hell-is-my-second-home666 @thisshipwillsail316 @madslorian @no-droids-on-sunday @glixxr @sfr99 @pedro-pastel @we-can-be-himbos  @sleep-tight1 @sarhabee @its--fandom--darling @im-an-adult-ish @princess76179 @demoncrypt1066 @the-dendrophile-bookworm @amneris21 @deliciouslydisturbed365 @princessxkenobi @Kirstg42
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nycstark · 7 years
alright everyone im going to bed but i will finish blogrates tomorrow, promise!!!!
and even if you don’t want a blog rate you should vote on my url anyway, thank u
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dreamescapeswriting · 5 years
BTS Reaction || You’re An Idol and Have A Panic Attack
A/N: Contains descriptions of panic attacks/stressful situations that could be triggering to some people. I hope this is to your liking my lovely anon, I’ve been unwell all weekend so I cancelled my plans so I’ve been working on my requests. Hope you like it
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You were at the AMA’s looking for you way around. You were supposed to be performing your new song soon but you were lost and you didn’t have the confidence to ask someone where you should be going, you were new to the whole idol world, you were shy and quiet so you didn’t know how everything worked just yet. You weren’t used to talking to different people all the time and so it was a little hard to get used to everything going on around you, you didn’t know many people in the industry yet except for your manager and crew members, but they were all out front getting ready to watch instead of working, you were a guest performer, your manger was out in a business meeting so you were left alone, you promised her you could manage but now you were doubting yourself, wishing you’d never promised and that you knew more people to help you around. You were sure you passed by the same speaker four times now and you were starting to feel your heart race and your palms were starting to sweat, you leant back against a wall near you when you saw someone coming towards you,
“Shit.” You mumbled ducking out of the way of a group of seven men walking towards you, they all walked past without a second glance but then the second tallest one stopped and looked at you, you were panting now. Your heart was pounding against your chest, your head was spinning and you started to feel sick.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey!” You looked up to see big brown eyes staring back down into yours, you were shocked at first but your heart and mind were racing too much for you to think about it.
“Look at me. Breathe. Breathe.” You nodded along with him and his friends were going to talk to someone else,
“Get me some water Jimin.” The one in front of you said, dropping to his knees in front of you and holding your hands, you looked at his hands and then to his face, you never even noticed how handsome he was until then.
“Okay so, tell me your name.” You frowned shaking your head and closing your eyes, your head was pounding, a headache starting to form now.
“Y/N.” You answered making eye contact with him once again, he handed you a bottle of water and you smiled.
“Where did you grow up, do you remember the street name?” You frowned, nodding your head as you thought about where you grew up, you told him the street and he smiled nodding along and encouraging you to drink the water.
“Okay so…tell me about your family, or why you’re back here.” He whispered to you, you smiled softly at him and then began to explain everything.
“Thank you.” You said to him after your show, he was waiting by the side of the stage for you with a smile on our face, he’d finally calmed you down backstage.
“You did amazing!” He said with a smile, you looked at him and he walked you through the backstage going towards your changing room, he promised you after he calmed you down to walk you around and show you backstage.
“Thank you Jin, I bet you guys will rock it too.” You said as you sat down on the sofa, taking a bottle of water and handing it to him. He was performing in an hour and the meantime you were going to sit and talk backstage to get to know each other more.
“I’ve been watching you perform for a while, you’re always so insane! We’ve loved you since you started on youtube.” You were shocked at his sudden admittance to knowing who you were.
“You know me?” You stuttered out, a little shy that the Kim Seokin from BTS knew who you were.
“Yeah! We’ve all been watching you on youtube, we loved the cover of Boy With Luv you did.” He admitted, taking a bottle from you and drinking from it, you were blushing a bright red colour now and so was he, his ears were turning a bright red colour the more you stared at him.
“I’m glad you liked it.” You said with a shy smile on your face.
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“You’re going to be fine,” Your bandmate said as you paced back and forth in the changing room, it wasn’t your first time performing but it was your first time performing in a new arena, and in front of BTS. THE BTS!  They’d tweeted out about coming to see your band perform tonight and you’d been on edge ever since, you were a nervous wreck, you’d always loved them and now they were coming to see you.
“Look, we’re on in ten minutes. See you out there.” Your friend said, leaving the room. You groaned looking at the clock on the wall and then going to follow after her but once you left the room she was gone, it was packed backstage and people were walking all over the place doing their own thing, you bit down on your lip looking over people to try and find her but it was useless, she was gone.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” You repeated going out into the halls to try and find your way around, why wasn’t anything properly labelled?! You mentally slapped yourself for letting her walk away without you. You were about to turn a corner when you walked into someone’s chest, knocking you back a couple of steps, you fell into a wall and began to panic, everything around you felt like it was starting to cave in on you and the tears started before you could even think.
“Whoa, it’s okay. Look.” You looked up to see Min Yoongi looking at you, he smiled at you with a gummy smile and you felt a little more at ease.
“You okay?” He questioned coming over to you, you nodded, still unable to find words because he was Min-Fucking-Yoongi.
“Yeah…New arena…Not used to it.” You managed to stutter out to him, he chuckled softly and took you over to the changing room again, but you shook your head.
“I have to go on, I don’t have time…Do you know the way to the stage?” You questioned with a small laugh, he nodded and you both began walking towards the stage where your bandmates were waiting for you.
“I told you, you had nothing to worry about.” He said as you came into the changing room after the concert ended, you laughed sitting on the sofa and shaking your head, he was right. Just before you went onto the stage he was talking to you about how well it was going to go, and how amazing you always performed but you couldn’t question him before.
“That was insane!” You screamed looking over at your bandmate who was laughing at something Jin was saying to her, the rest of the members all of somewhere else in the room and Yoongi was sitting next to you, talking to you about how the show went and that’s when you decided to question him on it.
“You said we always do amazing, have you been to a concert before?” You questioned, you had more confidence thanks to the adrenaline rush from the stage and you felt like you could do anything, Yoongi, on the other hand, was shy now, he was starting to stutter over his words and was blushing a bright red colour.
“Oh, he’s had a crush on you since you started!” You heard Taehyung yell from the other said of the changing room, your eyes widened and so did Yoongi’s, both of you now blushing a bright red colour, your crush had a crush on you!
“Just ask her out, it’s obvious she likes you too.” Your bandmate said from behind you, Yoongi just looked at you with a questioning look, too nervous to actually ask you, so you nodded, also too nervous to form words.
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Why did you think this was a good idea again?! Coming alone to a concert to a band you didn’t know personally and now getting lost backstage. Your manager had managed to get you inside with her but now she was off doing something else while you tried to find your way around. Some of the crew for the band you were seeing smiled and waved at you, you weren’t big. Just a small new idol around town and you’d performed a few times with some of the crew members working under you, it was a small world after all. You were trying to get your phone out from your back pocket to try and call your manager, maybe have her find you and walk you around to the side of the stage where you could see the concert but your phone was dead and you had no charger or charging pack on you.
“Shit.” You whispered to yourself, standing near a giant speaker and trying to calm yourself down, you could feel the panic attack coming but you didn’t want it to start, you were doing so well. But your heart was starting to pound against your chest, your hands were sweating and you knew that your breathing was starting to become more shallow by every passing second, you tried to remember all of the different techniques to use in this situation but it was as if your head was empty now and all you could think about was how lost you were and how you had no way out before you knew it. Tears were streaming down your cheeks, and you could hardly stand up, your legs felt like they were being pulled down to the ground so you sat down, dragging your knees into your chest and resting your head on them,
“Whoa, hey.” You heard someone say, you didn’t look up, you didn’t want to, but someone placed their hands on your chin and lifted you up to look at them.
“Y/n.” You looked at who it was, trying to focus on something else, Hoseok. How did he know who you were? Why was he now looking at you with a worried look in his eyes,
“We’ve been looking everywhere for you.” He breathed out, looking at you and realising you were having a panic attack, he sat down in front of you and took your hands in his.
“Okay, look at me…Right. Big deep breath in.” He said to you, you nodded and starting deep breathing with him, and he nodded at you, letting you both exhale before repeating it again.
“You okay?” He asked after you finally got your breathing back to normal, he handed you a tissue from his pocket and you took it, smiling at him and wiping your eyes, your makeup for the night probably ruined beyond repair by now.
“Yeah, sorry. I was just lost and I couldn’t call my manager.” You managed to say, he helped you up on your feet,
“That’ll explain why she couldn’t get through to you earlier.” He chuckled, walking with you along the hallways, greeting people as you walked.
“You know my manager?” You questioned, turning a corner with him and heading towards a set of doors, he nodded at you.
“You wanted to come and see us, she contacted me for tickets. Made me promise to look after you but I guess I didn’t do a very good job.” you laughed along with him, she’d set you up to meet with your favourite member and didn’t even tell you.
“We can blame her, she didn’t tell me she was getting me to meet my favourite BTS member.” You said without thinking, he stopped in his tracks which made you stop.
“Favourite?” He questioned with a raised eyebrow, you blushed and looked down at the ground, wanting it to just swallow you or your manager to come out and rescue you from embarrassment.
“You’re my favourite too.” He whispered to you with a wink, your blush becoming ten times deeper than it was before, and a small blush was appearing on him too.
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You were walking along the red carpet, stopping to do interviews with different people, you were a new artist on the scene so many people were screaming for you to come and talk to them, but you were told by your manager to walk only to the ones she’d given you, and then to head inside to find her. You were dressed in a silver ball gown, your hair was up and your makeup was done by one of the best in the business, you weren’t nervous at first, you only started getting nervous when you headed inside of the building. STAPLES Center, it was huge and packed full of different people. You couldn’t find your manager where she said she would be standing but she was nowhere to be seen, you were about to turn around and go in another direction but a group of paparazzi were walking towards you so you turned forwards again and began walking through the building to try and find her. You cursed yourself for not bringing your phone with you, and for the dress not having pockets to put your phone in,
“Excuse me-” You tried to grab someone’s attention but he ignored you, putting his head down and continuing to walk away from you, you bit down on your lip, everyone you tried to grab was either ignoring you or didn’t hear you.
“Shit.” You mumbled trying not to cry, you didn’t need to cry but being stuck somewhere you didn’t know the way around was making your anxiety worsen.
“You alright? You lost?” You turned around to see where the voice was coming from and you met the eyes of Namjoon from BTS, he was taken back when he saw it was you in front of him, you smiled softly and nodded.
“Lost, I don’t know my way around.” You said trying to calm down your beating heart, it wasn’t the panic making your heart pound it was being this close to Kim Namjoon.
“I can help you out, do you know where you’re supposed to be sitting?” He questioned, coming closer to you since more people were starting to pour in from outside, you were pressed against a wall now and he was a few inches in front of you, you were sure if he listened carefully and the place was empty he could hear your heart beating.
“No, my manager said she would meet me here and take me but she’s a no show.” You said with a nervous laugh, trying to make light of the situation but it wasn’t working.
“You can come and sit with us, we have a spare and empty seat for our manager who couldn’t come with us tonight, or you can sit with us until your manager comes to find you.” You nodded following beside him towards some doors, he let you go first and you thanked him.
“Thank you for this.” You said as you walked side by side towards his band members,
“I don’t know how I can ever repay you.” He chuckled along with you but then he said something that almost made you fall over nothing,
“You could give me your number.” You stared back at him for a couple of seconds, both of you stopped in the middle of the walkway and looking at one another in the eyes.
“I’d love that.” You said back to him, you had no idea where the sudden confidence boost was coming from but you didn’t care, you wrote down your number in his phone and smiled.
“I don’t currently have my phone to prove it’s my real one…but I wouldn’t give you a fake one.” You said looking at him, he was laughing with you as you headed to his seat.
“I believe you.”
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You’d been on edge all day, you were stressed with college work and idol work, you were a new performer but you were still studying, you thought it would be easy to do both but you were clearly wrong on that end. You were currently backstage at the Billboard Awards, you were supposed to be going up in about half an hour but you were late coming in from studying, and now you had no idea where any of your team were or the changing rooms, you were completely lost backstage and you knew you were going to be in trouble by your whole management team for being late, they told you not to keep studying while you worked, it would only lead to unneeded stress.
Jimin was walking backstage when he noticed you leant against a wall, he saw your shoulders shaking and your tears running down your face, he rushed over to you, sitting next to you and pulling you into him, you didn’t even care who it was but you snuggled against their arms as you gasped for air, tears streaming down your cheeks,
“You’re okay, it’s okay.” You heard him whisper to you, you were shaking and holding onto his arms tighter, he then began to sing softly into your ears, so only you could hear him singing, he held you tighter and you began to relax as the words left his mouth, that’s when everything started to come back to you, you were laid in someone’s arms, and not just anyone, you looked up to confirm what you were thinking and your eyes met Jimin’s. He smiled down at you, still singing softly as you stared at one another, someone cleared their throat you both looked up to Yoongi looking down at you both, you blushed, standing up and brushing off your pants.
“Hi, I’m Y/N.” You said shaking his hand, he smiled at you taking your hand and shaking it, Jimin shot him a look and he walked away from you both.
“Thank you Jimin…for calming me down.” You said, suddenly feeling self-conscious about crying and having a panic attack in front of him, you shook his hand as a greeting and he smiled taking your hand in his and shaking it just like Yoongi had done.
“No problem, you looked like you needed the help, you want to talk about it?” He questioned, your hands were still locked together, except now it was as if you were holding hands, your fingers intertwined together.
“Yeah I would Lov-”
“Y/N! Where have you been!? I’ve been calling you! You’re on in ten minutes!” You stage manager screamed at you from down the hall, you nodded dropping your hand from Jimin’s and shyly looking at him.
“I’ll catch you after the show, then we can go and get a coffee and talk about it.” You nodded and he smirked, winking at you and letting you go to your stage manager who looked pissed that you were so late.
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“This is amazing!” Your friend yelled as she jumped up and down, you’d brought her along to one of the BTS concerts you’d been invited to with your manager, you were a new idol on the scene and BigHit wanted to get you involved with them so they were sending you to meet some of their clients, you’d already met Lee Hyun and some of the TXT members but now you were meeting BTS, you knew your friend was a fan so you brought her along wanting her to have fun and be your moral support for the time you were there, which she was…until she ran off promising she would only be two minutes and you didn’t see her for half an hour. You were starting to worry because things were being packed up and you hadn’t found her yet. You walked around but you couldn’t see her, so you were standing against a back wall trying to calm your breathing but it was hard, you started to feel like there was a belt wrapped around your lungs, tightening whenever you took a breath.
“What’s wrong?” You looked up to see Taehyung walking towards you, abandoning his band members and coming to your side, you didn’t even question how he knew you but you knew he was a social butterfly and was trying to be nice to you.
“Talk to me.” He said in a calm tone as he reached you, he took your arms in his and tried to get you to face him.
“Can’t…Can’t breathe.” You panted out to him trying not to choke on the words, he nodded and looked you in the eyes.
“You’re going to be okay, look me in the eyes okay, we’ll breathe together.” He said to you, you nodded and began following the breathing tips he was giving you, breathing in for ten seconds, holding and letting it all out again. Slowly but surely it felt as if the imaginary belt around your lungs was gone and you could breathe again.
“Better?” You smiled and nodded your head, finally feeling better, you leant your head back against the wall, feeling drained from the panic attack.
“Thank you.” You said to him, taking a bottle of water he was handing to you.
“Anytime.” He said with a bright smile, you sat down on the floor and he sat down beside you, the rest of his members were gone now and you were left alone with him.
“Want to talk about it Y/N?” He questioned, you looked at him, a little shocked he knew your name but then you realised you were being recruited by BigHit so that’s probably why.
“Lost my friend backstage, she was supposed to be moral support but I couldn’t find her, not a good look for someone who’s supposed to be getting into this industry,” You sighed taking a sip of the water but he shook his head at you.
“Trust me, you’re an amazing performer so they’ll look past it, probably help you with your anxiety if it’ll make things easier for you.” You looked at him, he’d heard you perform?
“You’ve heard me perform?” You questioned him, he was now blushing a bright red colour.
“I may have shown your work to some managers and influenced them into recruiting you.” You were so shocked by his admittance but you just threw your arms around him and hugged him, he was shocked at first but hugged you back.
“Thank you so much, you have no idea what that’s done for my career.” You said to him, pulling away and smiling at him, the blush still bright as ever on his cheeks.
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You’d just finished a meet and greet and you were beyond tired now, you loved meeting all of your fans and getting to know them but now you were ready for a week-long nap and a shower. You were backstage at the event, everyone was rushing to get things packed up and you were as lost as ever, you hadn’t been to this venue yet and you didn’t know where anything was, or where any of your band members had gone off to, you were alone and didn’t know how to ask anyone anything, you didn’t want to bother anyone they all seemed to be busy and in their own world. You were starting to panic, you could feel your heart racing. You didn’t want to panic about this, it was something so small, it shouldn’t bother you so much, you knew you were going to be fine but your body didn’t see it that way, it was starting to go into fight or flight mode and it was choosing flight, your tears started and your heart was hammering against your rib cage, you could have sworn it was trying to get out of your chest.
“Y/n?!” You heard a male voice ask, but you didn’t notice who it was, you just dropped onto your knees and began to cry, you felt pathetic but your heart was starting to hurt and your head was racing.  The person who had yelled for you was now next to you and lifting your head, he sat down next to you and pulled you into his arms, letting you use his legs as a pillow, he began drawing small invisible patterns into your skin, your hands reached out to his thighs and you clutched onto them.
“It’s okay, I’m here, just breathe. Focus on deep breathing alright?” You nodded as he repeated breathing techniques out for you to follow and you did so, your breathing slowly returning to normal as a stranger held you in his arms, you opened your eyes and looked up to see Jungkook staring down at you, you sat up and bit down on your lip.
“Sorry…You must think I’m some kind of-” He shook his head, stopping you mid-sentence and looking at you.
“No, you were having a panic attack…You’re okay now though yeah?” You nodded a small smile on your lips as he took your hands in his and smiled back at you.
“Good…I just came by to meet you and I was late to the actual meet and greet and someone said they saw you back here and then I saw you panicking and I knew I had to do something, couldn’t let my favourite member get like that.” He said with a sigh in his voice, you looked at him with a smile again and he was blushing a deep red.
“I’m your favourite?” You questioned, your small smile gone and replaced with a huge one, he was shying away from you now and you giggled.
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shittylongcatposts · 4 years
After seeing your day was kinda meh, I felt like writing a little something for you! It’s nothing amazing, but I hope it cheers you up a bit ~ also I did not proof read this in the slightest so I’m sorry if this has mistakes lol would it really be me if I did though lbr lmao
I love you a ton!! Sending lots of hugs and fluffy Luca cuddles your way! You may even touch the butt I’m sure, since baby was in a slightly better mood today!! Still angy tho qwq 
…I can’t believe Tumblr forced me to use my real email address. Criminals! The lot of them!
Enough rambling from me lmao, enjoy yourself some well deserved Juju luv ^-^
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Relieved to have finally made it out of the office, Jumin stepped through the door into the walls of his home. Lately work seemed to be piling up relentlessly. Despite the CEO’s amount of professionalism, the load started to get to his core. It was unnerving. Letting out a tired sigh, he freed himself of his jacket and loosened his tie. Due to all the excitement of the day, it almost felt like it was choking him. 
“Mc? Darling? I am home.” He looked around the penthouse, trying to catch a glimpse of his wife. To his dismay, she did not seem to be around currently. Not even Elizabeth came to greet him. A bit disappointing but not out of the ordinary. At least the absence of his pet assured him Mc was somewhere in their shared home. 
Sure enough, after searching through all the most likely places Mc could be holed up in, he recognized the back of her head in one of the chairs on the balcony. Happy to have finally found her, Jumin smiled to himself as he stepped outside. 
“Good evening, my love.”
Mc turned to him and greeted him with a court smile. “Hey.”
She was leaned back in the chair’s soft cushioning, softly petting Elizabeth and holding a glass of red wine. A glance to the bottle on the table revealed that she hadn’t had many glasses yet, but her eyes did seem a bit unfocused. 
“Did you eat? The wine seems to be getting to you quite quickly.”, he chuckled. 
Shrugging in response, Mc looked back over the city stretching in front of them. 
“Is something the matter? Are you drinking out of frustration?”
“Kind of. How was work?”
Jumin took a glass for himself out of the compartment hidden underneath the table and poured himself, before taking a seat next to her. 
“It was work I suppose. Lately it seems like the requests of our business partners are beyond nonsensical. It is infuriating and gives me a headache just thinking about it.” Not wanting to bore her with details, he kept it short, directing the conversation back to her instead. “What is it that has you reaching for wine out of all things. It’s not your favourite beverage.”
A bitter chuckle swept over Mc’s lips. “Couldn’t find anything else. Besides, it completes my suffering just fine.”
The dramatic wording was quite amusing to him. Yet, he did not dismiss the importance of the problem at hand. 
“Would you like to talk about it.” He reached out to touch her arm, giving it a light squeeze. “You know you don’t have to keep anything from me.”
Mc turned to look at him, her eyes filled with warmth as she took him in. She didn’t have to say anything to let him know how much she appreciated his concern. It was written all over her face and enforced by her relaxed posture. 
“Just the usual. I guess I’m just a bit tired lately, so it strains me a lot more than it would otherwise. There’s no real point at chewing it out.”, she explained calmly. 
Mc took another big sip from her glass, emptying it, before lifting the soft animal of her lap and placing herself in her husband’s arms. Jumin chuckled at her bold move but adjusted his seating to be more comfortable for the both of them. Then, he wrapped his arms around her, holding her to his chest. Closing his eyes he let her closeness wash over him, taking the last bit of stress out of his bones. He could only hope his presence did the same for her. Humming a little melody, he let his hand wander up and down her arm, very slowly and just firm enough for her to be able to feel it through her clothes. Slowly but surely her breathing evened out more and more. 
“I love you, Jumin.” The little yawn she let out as she spoke almost drowned out her words. Even without her vocalizing what she was thinking, he could easily feel it just by holding her like this. 
“I love you too, Mc. Rest. I’ll stay here with you.” His low whisper drew a sight out of her. Smiling softly, she nuzzled her face into his chest. Adorable. 
His wife’s sleepiness seemed to take over him as well. His eyes started to feel heavier. It was a bit unfortunate, for he wished to watch her like this just a little longer. Just before he felt his consciousness slipping away, he tightened his embrace and placed a soft kiss on top of her head. Tomorrow, Jumin promised her in his mind, he would make sure her day would go a lot more smoothly. 
Ahhhhh!!!!!!! @space-kitten-606​ i saw this appearing in my inbox yesterday but,... well you know..red wine and me don’t get along too well... anyways! Thank chuuuu for this my dear, you’re the best!!!! This made my day soooo much better, I cried just a little bit and am still sobbing but i gotta say: THIS IS AMAZING!!! I love your writing! well you already know that too
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