#˚ ˑ ₊ ❛ interaction ₍ ₀₀₀ ₎
It’s so, so, so stupidly quiet.
Nothing seems to move. Which is normal, considering it’s The Void™ that they live in. But this is just a different kind of boring.
Until there’s a (literal) demon child, standing a good 50 meters (roughly 165 feet for the 🦅freedom unit🦅 users out there) away.
~ @demonsparks ~ [BB AU]
"ew what the fuck"
Both of these guys say in unison, do you know how much they hate children. Okay Kanako and Clover from that one rpg game universe Schnozz visited once is an exception but STILL.
Schnozz and Bozz looked at Aria from afar, a good fifty meters. Why is. Why is she here. She's not supposed to be here. AAAAAAA.
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mnstcrbnll · 3 months
[ arceus give her strenght ]
"Yes. It's my job. Sometimes." Note to self actually punch her face in as soon as the cameras are off.
It's Sirio's crappy way to force her to interact more with people. Learn to open up. Be more social.
"fun. okay."
it's not working, Sirio.
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"Well" she leans in as well, whispering in return "then tell your pack that our crew is made of Etna's friends. The cameraman is a fan of explosives and the girl holding the mic is into poisoning. So do me a favor and behave for five minutes."
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osaumu · 2 months
pulling into the lot, dazai caught a glimpse of that obnoxious motorcycle sitting in opposition to his own car, it put a sour taste in his mouth wherein previously he had been in good spirits. there was something to be said about loyal dogs coming when called, or something, but dazai disliked that he had been so obviously ignored in favour of chuuya's innate talent for getting underneath his skin and seething there. he thought about it as he entered the building, pulled out his phone during the elevator ride up, and when he strode into the office to see him standing there, he let go of a lengthy sigh, light in nature but deep in tone. “ you know, i'm beginning to think you can't actually read. ” he came to stand beside him, the opposite side of the desk currently void of their boss. “ the request was a courtesy, didn't want you feeling left out. didn't you see my sign off? ” he shoved the screen of his phone into chuuya's face, on it dazai's request for extra hands, and truly anyone would have sufficed, but at the bottom, tacked on and bolded - ANYONE BUT NAKAHARA CHUUYA.
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heiilari · 1 day
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I think I am in danger with this one-
Danger doesn't scare me
But this girl
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she scares me
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nifretane · 10 months
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"I ain't no Saint I am a god damn sinner. now pay attention and keep your eyes on me , ya' pretty lil' thang"
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intcritus · 10 months
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inbox raid call ❤️
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kellm4n · 1 year
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the problem of course, with family run businesses, is the family part. she'd learned that early in her career. ( though really it may be that family is the problem in general. ) gerri doesn't think too hard about it, doesn't ponder on the things she'd lost, or people she's hurt in her time at waystar. most of the time her thoughts only go so far as to question if logan meant to create such a fucking mess. how he's still managing to cause one from the grave .
" work kept me late. " an excuse @heartsbreaking has no doubt heard before as mother sets her bag down. the tailgate party had gone just as horribly as gerri expected, she'd only meant to stop by, a favor to frank and perhaps herself. the discussion with roman was needed, and she'd had to wait for him to seek her out.
shit happens. (from vivian maybe?)
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deep breath. gerri hates this, the lack of confidence, she is usually good on her feet, used to the feeling of a rug ripped from beneath her. apologies do not come naturally, but she is trying to get better, at least with the girls.
" i'm sorry. we can reschedule . . . " offer is made as olive branch. she's still in fight or flight mode, stomping on egg shells, and the callousness of it shows. perhaps this particular discomfort comes from a lack of energy. she hasn't been this exhausted since baird.
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zbloodwhisper · 7 months
bit of a ramble but i decided to go through my old kin blog and tbh i have many mixed feelings abt that time
don't get me wrong, i am kin, i will never not be, i didn't stop being kin, and i still feel like my kintypes affect my life and all, but i definitely feel like I've lost a bit of that connection i had with my past
it's more of a bittersweet thing, because at the time i remember it consumed too much of me i lost things I valued in this life as well, and I'm truly glad I'm more in touch with the people around me than before, i feel like I finally found people that make life worth living instead of making it hell and wishing for my other loved ones to come back. part of me used to focus on the past so much because i didn't like the situation i was living in, and as much as it was good for me, to remember the good times and discover more and more of myself, i was wishing to live in a life that already had its time.
i guess what im trying to say is that i want to make this life and my memories as beautiful as the past, so my next life will remember them fondly, as much as i remembered my past lives in this one. that i want to carry on my legacy of everything that i ever lived, and make the best out of every life i will ever live.
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nervocat · 7 months
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conheaded-a · 1 year
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there are animals in the wild that evolved blind because of the darkness of their environment, he feels that now. the rarity of father’s attention, it burns like the sun on his skin, he flinches away from the light. there is something about his father that makes him shrink, something about the harshness in his gaze, the air around him even, that adds weight to the rock in the pit of his stomach, darkens the void of want until he feels it may swallow him hole.
"suit yourself. you'll regret it tomorrow."
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" i'm not, pa. " he protests, but it's weak. no confidence in defiance, connor is the peacekeeper, the one who wants it to be nice, for everything to workout. he's not sure if he's trying to convince @rvolving or himself.
" willa is good, you don't have to believe it, or . . . or agree, but she is. she's good, and you'd like her, if you'd get to know her. " and he believes that, no matter what, he believes that. " and yeah, maybe i'll have some regrets, but what relationship doesn't have it's quirks ? " son asks earnestly, he'd never gotten parental advice, everything he knows about relationships is stored in waystar productions films, in what glimpses he got at his father and mother when they were happy, if there was ever a time when they were.
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krakean · 1 year
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how long have they known @n1atruc ? ed isn't entirely sure, they've known one another for quite some time anyway, far before stede and the crew of the revenge had stumbled into his path. they'd gotten up to quite a bit of mischief in their time. that's the thing about pirates he supposes, chaos often brings people in and out of their lives like the tide, and much like the ocean waves there are times they are swept away, swept under, never to be seen again.
where the fuck you been?
“ 's a long story mate, don't know if you've got the time for it. ” there's hurt there, hidden behind the casualness of their demeanor. why would crowley care ? and then, why would edward care to tell him ?
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“ though i've got quite a few tales to tell. . . ” don't leave. edward offers casually, asking him to stay without saying, he doesn't beg, blackbeard doesn't beg. doesn't fear people leaving . . . he's used to the tide by now.
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mnstcrbnll · 2 months
"Shame about the show." Rika why are you here- "Guess you can't find out my number that way." Don't ask how she knows things she just does. Now she's using it to be a gremlin. At someone specifically. "Shame someone didn't ask someone else if she was free." Oh she's being like that.
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--oh. Oh??
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"Weeeeell. You're not being very vague, here, huh?"
She's going to leeeean a little closre. We're doing this, fellas. We're making this happen.
"Is a certain lady free? Maybe later? I do have a ticket" read: she owns the place "for one hell of a battle in a small little town in Eternia tonight, sooo"
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osaumu · 3 months
dazai wasn't even supposed to be there, mori had dished out their respective tasks in a way that surely an attempt to keep them out of each other's paths — almost throwing them halfway across differing sides of the city, at a stretch. but it had taken him all of three seconds to decide that where chuuya was headed, that would be where the fun was. he signalled as they exited that neither of them would be going solo and they had bickered about it even as the doors to the office closed, obviously. chuuya aimed a kick at the back of dazai's knees, growling with murderous intent, dazai dodged with a small bout of laughter and an airy taunt, so on and so forth.
akutagawa promised to give a full report once he'd completed the job dazai graciously tossed to him. after snapping his phone shut, he stretched up into the night air, in the process dropping his hand onto the back of chuuya's head and using it to push himself up to peek over the wall into the industrial site they'd come to, under instruction. the brief description saw this as a small ring of somewhat talented gifted, trying to steal a patch of the port for themselves. not the first time something like this had occurred and definitely not the last, but these guys had worked their way through three separate teams and didn't seem keen on budging. a shame for them that the port mafia weren't taking lodgers.
the sea breeze rippled through his coat, and an impatient puff of air worked its way past dazai's lips, which then pursed when he'd settled back onto his feet, releasing chuuya's head with a benign push. no movement, but a flicker of light from one of the warehouses. “ hahh, still nothing. better get started before . . . what. ” chuuya's glower interrupted his order, and he matched it instantly as their gaze met, blinking incredulously at him in silent question.
@chuyua : no, you're not coming in with me.
“ huh, that so? ” head cocked to the side, always in challenge, almost saying — when did you get to start giving me orders? under the harbour's lamplight, he studied the other's expressions intently, in time he had come to read him well. “ such a shame, chuuya. i didn't come all the way here just to let you show off. ” dazai stood tall again, shoulders lifting in noncompliance. he definitely hadn't come to take a back seat, worse somehow than if he'd simply allowed chuuya the space to close on the job alone. “ what, afraid you're not gonna get your hands dirty? ”
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flykept · 1 year
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“ what do you think you are in the Grand Scheme of things ? ” violet gaze finds @n1atruc , though whether this is genuine curiosity or malice is yet to be discerned : at least not by gabriel himself. he thinks himself to be holy, above the rest of the flock of heaven, their temporary shepherd in this trial, and so he acts it. sitting on his high horse.
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“ where exactly are you meant to . . . ” they make a loose motion toward crowley's body, vague and up for interpretation as to what it might mean before gabriel clarifies. “ fit ? ” as a demon, the simple answer would be amongst the legions of hell, for all the wrong doings the demon crowley has committed. but then, his source in The Below tell him that perhaps aziraphale has had more than a hand in quite a few of the aformentioned misdeeds.
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osgoblins · 1 year
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ㅤ  an old friend. ( if you could call him that. ) emerald gaze dances over octavius, taking in every wrinkle, every feature that may have changed with the years. the caution in it's observation should not be mistaken for timidity. there is calculation in his approach. he is trying to find something, see something, to read him.
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  " you know something. " he speaks without such caution, the statement is pointed, more an accusation thrown at @0cktis , hardly a moment passes before he seems to catch up with himself, corrects himself with friendly smile, though something's changed, it doesn't quite reach his eyes. " planning to share with the class, doc ? "
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slaughtyr · 1 year
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the clinic is hidden, abandoned houses are aplenty in small towns, often looked over, ghosts of homes they used to be. large cities are much the same with abandoned apartments, sprawling towers, ugly things no one wants to look at. her occupation often calls for her to look at the ugly, to see the monsters hiding under beds. she does not doubt the medic does the same, though catching the monsters and bandaging them are two very different things.
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“ you're a good doctor, @nightmdic , but i think you need to realize when a line needs to be drawn. ” she cannot yet prove what marie is doing, and part of her doesn't want to, people don't deserve to die on the streets, good or bad that is no way for justice to be served, but allowing them to leave after is another thing entirely. curiosity shines in the agent's eyes, sparks in her mind like wildfire.
“ doesn't it concern you ? that one of them could come back with a not so friendly motive ? you stitch up the wrong person it could make you a lot of enemies. ”
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