gemsofgreece · 11 months
Greek vocabulary of common farm animals (livestock)
For no reason whatsoever. Let’s go!
Cow - η αγελάδα - i ayeláða
Bull - ο ταύρος - o távros (yep it’s Taurus)
Ox - το βόδι - to vóði
Calf - το μοσχάρι - to moshári (mos-HA-ree)
Cattle (in general, plural) - τα Βοοειδή - ta vooiðí (vo-o-ee-THEE)
Sheep - το πρόβατο - to próvato
Lamb - το αρνί - to arní
Lamb - ο αμνός - o amnós (scientific and biblical)
Lamb / Young sheep - το ζυγούρι - to ziɣúri
Ewe - η προβατίνα - i provatína
Ram - ο κριός / το κριάρι - o kriós / to kriári
Goat - το κατσίκι / το γίδι - to katsíki / to yíði
Doe - η κατσίκα / η γίδα - i katsíka / i yíða
Doe (archaic) - η αίγα - i éɣa
Buck - ο τράγος - o tráɣos
Kid - το ερίφιο / το κατσικάκι - to erífio / to katsikáki
Pig - το γουρούνι - to ɣurúni
Pig - ο χοίρος - o híros
Gilt / Sow - η γουρούνα / η σκρόφα - i ɣurúna / i skrófa (! Both can also be used as swear words !)
Boar - ο κάπρος - o kápros
Piglet - το γουρουνάκι - to ɣurunáki
For birds, check this post.
ð is the voiced dental fricative (th in mother)
ɣ is the voiced velar fricative (kinda like French and Germans saying rrrrr)
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γεια σας🙋 ορθόδοξα☦️🛐 θοτάκια🤪🤪 αφού τελείωσε☑️ η ΜΕΓΑΛΗ🥵🥒 εβδομάδα📆, ήρθε η ώρα 🕛⏳για την ανάσταση😇😇 του κυρίου😏🧔. θα φάμε😋 μαγειρίτσSUCK👅, ΠΟΥΤΣουρέκι🍆🍆, και θα τσουγκρίσουμε💢💢 τα ΚΑΥΛβγά μας🍑🥚🍆💦. ο Ιησούς🙏🧔πέθανε💀😿😿 για τις αμαρτίες μας🤥😷😖, οπότε μην διστάσεις☝️να αμαρτήσεις🥵🥵 ΠΟΛΥ👀👀 και ΒΑΘΙΑ🕳️🕳️⬇️ αυτό το PUSSχα🍑☦️, για να πιάσει✊💦 η θυσία του τόπο🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️. στείλε📲 αυτό το κείμενο🧾 σε 15 χριστιανές✝️ (πεο)δούλες🛐🍆🍆, αν θέλεις ο daddy😩😩 να σε καρφώσει😤😤😤🔨🔨 όπως κάρφωσαν⚒️ τον Ιησού🧔😇 στο σταυρό✝️. αν πάρεις 10 πίσω🔁, αυτό σημαίνει‼️ότι την Κυριακή του Πάσχα🗓️📍κάτι μακρύ🍌🥒🍆🥖 θα σε σουβλίσει😩😩🥵 σαν αρνί🐏. αν πάρεις 15 πίσω🔙🔛, ο daddy🥵😍😍 θα σε κάνει να δεις👀👀 τον αναστημένο Χριστό😇🧔 φαντάρο💂😩😩. καλό PUSSχα🍑🍑💦 και καλή ανάσταση🙌🙌🙏 νεκρών κρεβατιών😏😏🥵
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xeimarras · 6 months
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Overthinking το λένε στο χωριό μου!
Απο τη Στυμφαλία είμαι, έτσι το λέμε εκεί!
Στο δικό σου χωριό το λένε υπεραναλυση ή αϋπνίες!
Είναι αυτό που σε κρατάει τη νύχτα και σε αναγκάζει να πας για δουλειά το επόμενο πρωί με δυο ώρες ύπνο.
Στριφογυρνάς στο κρεβάτι σου σαν βιγκαν αρνί στη σούβλα την Κυριακή του Πάσχα.
Ξυπνάς, πας στη δουλειά και ενώ εργάζεσαι, ο νους σου δεν είναι ποτέ εκεί μαζί σου.
Κύριος άξονας είναι ο ορισμός του "What If..." που λέμε εμείς οι Στυμφαλιώτες.
Είναι αυτό που φτιάχνεις σενάρια στο κεφάλι σου και το ένα σενάριο δημιουργεί άλλο ένα... Κι άλλο ένα... Κι άλλο ένα...
Κι όπως ένα ηλεκτρόνιο βρίσκεται ταυτόχρονα σε όλες τις στιβαδες γύρω από τον πυρήνα, έτσι και η σκέψη σου πατάει σε άπειρα σενάρια ταυτόχρονα, όλα ξεχωριστά και όλα αλληλένδετα μεταξύ τους.
Ξεκινάς με τον κορμό του!
Συνήθως ακούει σε Όνομα, έχει πρόσωπο, φωνή, συναισθήματα και χαρακτήρα, όπως έχει και αναμνήσεις, μουσικές, χρώματα, ηλιοβασιλεματα και ατελείωτες νύχτες που συνδέονται, το τέλος της μιας να είναι η αρχή της άλλης.
Είναι ένα δέντρο.
Ειναι ο σπόρος που πέταξε ένα μικρό φύλλο μετά τη βροχή και άρχισαν να ξεπεταγονται κλαδιά από παντού!
Ενα κλαδί χωρίζεται σε δύο, τα δύο γίνονται τέσσερα και τα τέσσερα δεκαέξι σαν ακολουθία.
Το ένα μπορεί να γίνει τρία και τα τρία έξι, τα έξι εννιά και τα εννιά δεκαπέντε σαν τον Fibonacci.
Σκέφτεσαι ένα και αυτό το ένα έχει έστω δύο σενάρια, το άλφα και το βήτα. Το άλφα με τη σειρά του έχει τουλάχιστον δύο σενάρια και το βήτα επίσης αλλά δύο.
Μήπως αν...; μήπως διαφορετικά; μήπως θα έπρεπε να...; αν είχα κάνει κάτι διαφορετικό; αν είχα πει κάτι άλλο; αν είχα χρόνο; αν δεν είχα χρόνο;
Συγχαρητήρια, μέσα σε δευτερόλεπτα κατάφερες να βασανίζεις τον εαυτό σου με τέσσερα διαφορετικά σενάρια, όλα ισοπίθανα και συνεχίζουν τα κλαδιά του δέντρου να μεγαλώνουν και να πολλαπλασιαζονται.
Μένεις στη ρίζα του δέντρου που έφτιαξες χωρίς να το θέλεις, με κλαδιά πάνω απ το κεφάλι σου, να φτάνουν στο ταβάνι του δωματίου, να μπλέκονται μεταξύ τους, να σε πνίγουν, να πιάνουν όλο και περισσότερο χώρο, να τρελαίνεσαι, να αγχώνεσαι, να μη μπορείς να κοιμηθείς.
Δεν σε κυνηγάει μόνο στο κρεβάτι σου. Είναι εκεί όταν δουλεύεις, όταν είσαι για καφέ, όταν πας σινεμά, όταν είσαι έξω για φαγητό και κυρίως, διαολε... Οταν οδηγάς.
Είναι εκεί όταν σε ρωτάει ο άνθρωπος σου, "τι σκέφτεσαι;" και δεν ξέρεις από πού να αρχίσεις και που να τελειώσεις, τι να πρωτοπεις; ποια είναι η αφετηρία και που καταλήγουν οι σκέψεις σου; σε ποιο συμπέρασμα;
Μένεις να απαντάς ένα ξερό "τίποτα" και ξέρεις ότι ξέρει ότι δεν είναι τίποτα, γι αυτό και είναι ο άνθρωπος σου.
Overthinking λοιπόν και λύνεται προσωρινά, με ουσίες ή με στυλό και χαρτί.
Πονάει το προσωρινά γιατί είναι για λίγο.
Αύριο βράδυ πάλι εκεί θα είναι, να σου κάνει παρέα. Παρέα θέλει τελικά...
Δεν γράφω για δέντρο...
Γράφω για ολόκληρο δάσος που καίγεται ταυτόχρονα απ όλες του τις μεριές και πως να σβήσει η πυρκαγιά...;
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alatismeni-theitsa · 1 year
Τι να κλάσει ο the cake guy μπροστά σε αυτη την τύπισσα με την τούρτα αρνί
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Πάσχα δεν είναι αλλά η τούρτα είναι για όλο το χρόνο 😂
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Μπορώ να σε δέσω όπως δένουν το αρνί
Είναι καλή ατάκα για πέσιμο;
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sebslanguageblog · 2 years
words from street signs + businesses 
κρεοπωλείο - butcher shop ντόπια εκλεκτά κρέατα - local fine/select meats αρνί - lamb μοσχάρι - calf χοιρινό - pork χοίρος - pig κοτόπουλο - chicken οδός - street φακοί επαφής - contact lenses ακουστικά - headphones
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tosatanikofurby · 1 year
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Eurovision χωρίς Βερκα ειναι σαν Πάσχα χωρίς σουβλιστό αρνί
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adyto · 1 year
Μάλλον το αρνί δεν είχε ρίγανη επάνω 👀
How high είστε όλοι σημερα;
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killyourfeelingss · 2 years
δηλαδή δεν τσίκνισες εννοώ να φας κρέας;
Όχι. Σχόλασα, πήγα τζιμ, έβγαλα τον σκύλο, πήγα στο μαγαζί του κολλητού και τσακίσαμε πίτσα μοτσαρέλα οτκ να έχεις φίλους Ιταλούς & δεν με ένοιαζε καν τι αρνί και κατσίκι έτρωγαν οι κλόουν πρώην στην Ελλάδα😂.
mental health bro
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Σε ποια τρόφιμα αυξήθηκαν οι τιμές και σε ποια υποχώρησαν μέσα στο καλοκαίρι
Λαχανικά, δημητριακά και ψάρια αποτελούν τις κατηγορίες τροφίμων στις οποία καταγράφηκαν οι κυριότερες ανατιμήσεις μέσα σε ένα μήνα, δηλαδή μεταξύ Ιουνίου και Ιουλίου του 2024, σύμφωνα με τα τελευταία στοιχεία της ΕΛΣΤΑΤ. Στον αντίποδα, μείωση σε διψήφιο ποσοστό εμφάνισαν την ίδια περίοδο και με βάση τα ίδια στοιχεία, οι τιμές στα φρούτα. Αρνί και κατσίκι όπως επίσης και τα τυριά, ακολούθησαν,…
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christospiperis · 2 months
Μισή φέτα, μισό αρνί, μισές διακοπές, μισή ζωή
Την έχουν βρει τη λύση οι φωστήρες. Η πιο φθηνή φέτα είναι η μισή φέτα, κατά τον Μητσοτάκη. Το πιο φθηνό αρνί είναι το λιγότερο αρνί, κατά τον Κώστα Σκρέκα. Οι πιο φθηνές διακοπές είναι οι διακοπές στο χωριό κατά τη Σοφία Βούλτεψη. Έτσι καταπολεμά την ακρίβεια η κυβερνησάρα μας. Όχι παίζουμε. Κι άμα κόψουμε τους καφέδες από εδώ και από εκεί, τα κινητά τηλέφωνα, τις πλατφόρμες τηλεόρασης, τα…
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xionisgr · 2 months
ISBN: 978-960-360-324-5 Συγγραφέας: Ευγένιος Τριβιζάς Εκδότης: Εκδόσεις Πατάκη Σελίδες: 79 Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης: 1995-06-01 Διαστάσεις: 28x21 Εξώφυλλο: Μαλακό εξώφυλλο
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manpetasgr · 2 months
ISBN: 978-960-360-324-5 Συγγραφέας: Ευγένιος Τριβιζάς Εκδότης: Εκδόσεις Πατάκη Σελίδες: 79 Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης: 1995-06-01 Διαστάσεις: 28x21 Εξώφυλλο: Μαλακό εξώφυλλο
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alatismeni-theitsa · 11 months
Coming out story time, Γρεεκ edition. With a plot twist. Sorry for the long ass rant I just didn't know who else to tell my story who would get both the Greek Thinking TM and also be accepting of queer ppl.
Apologies for crude language (i think)?? I cannot describe it in a way that's as eloquent and beautiful as I want.
A. Μαμά.
I came out to my mother descriptively, because I knew if I said a Big Gay Word she'd instantly connect it to what she associates with Gay stuff, and I wanted to get her honest reaction, not what she thinks her reaction should be. And also because I Do Not Know what exactly I am (out of the whole LGBT alphabet, I could be Gay/Les, I could be Bi, I could maybe sort of kinda be trans but I do identify with womanhood in the Greek TM way so I don't think I can call myself NB? Anyway whatever, labels don't matter to me and only make me feel weird when applied to me), so there's that.
Specifically I said "Ma, I'm not only attracted to boys." Because that's the best I can describe my hauntingly persistent bisexuality as haha.
After the initial confusion, the first question she asked was "so you'd want to have sex with a woman?" A question I chose not to answer, one because Μαμά τι στο καλό θες να σου πω τώρα :/ and also because the answer is neither no or yes. It goes beyond just Mm Yes Pussy Nice for me. Reducing it to just that is making my skin crawl just as much as Mm Yes Dick Nice. That's dehumanising for me, I'm sorry. :/ My answer was literally "δεν ξέρω/δεν απαντώ" lmao.
And?? She may have accidentally come out to me too??? Without realising it?????
Because she said three things:
1. "Oh, when I was at your age I went through this phase as well." Which??????????? What does it mean if not the think I'm thinking of??? Ma have you really been in denial/the closet for 50 years?
2. "I was fiercely defensive of gay people when I was younger." Which, YES. As you should μαμά. Only it has created this haunting fear in me that in 30 years time, with "experience", I'll change too and I'll go against my gay brothers and sisters as Ορθοδοξία seems to want. Which I won't. I hope. I can only hope my heart won't change, even if I marry a guy and go ahead and have children of my own. Like... it doesn't make sense, HOW did she change her mind in the first place??? How does that happen to someone? Will it happen to me too?
3. "It's okay, I love you for who you are." In the end, all is good. Even if she thinks she's a phase that I'll grow out of, and probably would not allow me to think about dating/settling with another woman, she's not cutting me out of the will! She still loves me!! It's a win for me. :D
Also she approves of cute gender neutral nicknames because she's always called me that. Like: το ζουζουνάκι, το μαρουδάκι (εννοώντας πασχαλίτσα🐞), το κουφετάκι, κτλ.
I really love her little habits I'm sorry. :')
B. Αδερφούλα
I'll keep it brief because there's not as much to say. She's younger than me so she used to have a very much "oh ew wtf" reaction.
But recently?? She's been treating it like an inside joke??? Like, refering to me as "το τέρας" ή "το αρνί" because she knows I love being affectionately/jokingly called an "it". Also making gay jokes in rare occasions, which I love.
She's a little insecure about being perceived as Λεσβία for her fashion sense, and I regularly assure her that she can wear whatever makes her feel good and not worry about how others see her. Can she rock a γυναικείο κουστούμι like a boss? Fuck yea. Does that mean she's a lesbian just because she looks masculine and pretty at the same time? Fuck no, you do you boo. I know how much you like dressing like this. Nobody's opinion can take it away. And lesbians are not Bad either, so she has a lot to unpack in the future. But I'm still very proud of her and how far she's come since I first told her (long before mom actually) and I absolutely love her to death.
Also she called me a bottom. Shame on her. Gah, siblings.
Honorary entries:
C. Dad
I have yet to come out to him because he often ridicules openly queer people on TV. Like, οικογενειακά watching Eurovision the Maneskin year (every year really) was both hilarious and terrifying.
But, like?? He's also lowkey kinda Bi too in a repressed way? In the way that he's loyal to the woman he married but also making strong bromances when given the chance? It's so funny to me, because he has such a soft and fond expression when talking about friends he has sort of trauma-bonded with (term used loosely, but you know how Dads are).
I could also be just tripping and trying to seek comradeship where there's none because Parents are the ones a child seeks to relate to, but I'd rather not psychoanalyse me rn.
D. Granny
Also can I just talk about Passive Acceptance. Because granny (without knowing about my identity) sometimes refers to me and my sister as παλικάρι in a Gender Neutral sense ("δεν είναι μόνο τα αγόρια παλικάρια" she says. granny is a feminist icon without even trying to be. slay.) and it makes my woman-in-a-vague-sense-i-guess(?) heart do the little proud flutter thing.
Also does it make sense to be a non-binary when it comes to speaking English but sort of a woman (actually yes a woman but also yes and no at the same time because I look and act really soft cheery and feminine but I'm mentally also a τέρας από την άβυσσο και τα τάρταρα :D) when speaking Greek??? It's so confusing, how can I perceive gender in two entirely different ways at the same time what the everloving fuck. What AM I...??
Again, sorry for the jumbled thoughts, my last three braincells are busy rn χορεύing Καλαματιανό.
Γειαα! Παιδια με σκλαβωνετε με τα μηνυματα σας τελευταια 💗 Ειλικρινα χαιρομαι παρα πολυ που εχω εστω και λιγο την εμπιστοσυνη σας - εγω μια ξενη στο ιντερνετ - και μου λετε τις σκεψεις και τις ιστοριες σας! Το εκτιμω παρα πολυ!
Να ξερετε οτι ακομα και αν τυχον διαφωνουμε σε καποια πραγματα, μπορειτε να μου στελνετε μηνυματα. Γιατι ποτε δε θα διαφωνησω με το δικαιωμα καποιου να ζει με ασφαλεια και να ειναι ο εαυτος του (το οποιο ειναι ανθρωπινο δικαιωμα ουτως ή αλλως)
Επισης: Δημοσιευω το μηνυμα επειδη δεν υπηρχε καποια δηλωση που ελεγε να μην το κανω. Αν καποιος ομως θελει να μη δημοσιευσω καποιο μηνυμα ή να διαγραψω καποιο μηνυμα, ας μου το πει, δεν υπαρχει θε��α!
Οκ switching off to English!
The whole experience is So Greek, damn! Starting with Mother, telling her Descriptively, her saying that she also liked women "one time", then considering that something is off with Dad as well, then mentioning the accidentally supportive Grandma who gives no shits... Πρεπει να εχουμε ενα σχετικο επεισοδιο στις Οικογενειακές Ιστορίες ετσι για την ταυτιση των τηλεθεατων.
Also, just because I am a nosy dramatic bitch, I would DEFINITELY bring back this conversation if this was my mum, and I would tell her "You know that you like women too, right? You can't just... lose attraction for a whole gender overnight. And they also say that sexual orientation is genetic......" Just to see her reaction and try to convince her 😂 (Don't attempt if you think it won't go well for you! 😅)
I'm really happy about how you handled things with your sis! Being perceived as a lesbian is nothing bad because lesbians are nothing bad! She can rock whatever she wants, like you said! There are lesbians out there who dress like "everyone else", meaning that clothes can potentially be a hint but you can never tell just by the clothes. She has a lot to unpack indeed but with more teaching moments by you, I'm sure she's in good hands.
Oooooh that Dad case! I have a theory here, knowing Greek dads. Perhaps he will be more supportive than you think. Not just because of the things you mentioned, but because he loves you and supports you as his child (from what I read). Greek dads can be ride or die, especially with their daughters. So, if you are confident enough when you tell him, if you look logical and self-aware, he actually might back you up and he might be the most supportive! Parents often dismiss their children because they believe that children are doing it for attention, or because of a whim. Greek dads, I've noticed, want things to be told to them with huuuge neon letters, otherwise they don't act on the situation.
For example, you can be like "Dad, I want to tell you something. (diretor hint: play it sad and worried here, he might feel the need to be protective instead of defensive) I like women too, and I have been feeling it for a long time. I didn't feel it because someone else "indoctrinated" me to it. It's a natural feeling to me. It is not a phase. I cannot switch it on and off like it's a hall light. Most importantly, this is not dangerous for me. I know that you might be concerned and we can talk about it. I just want you to know because this is an important part of who I am."
-- Again, assess the situation accordingly. You definitely don't have to do anything I suggest. And you can make the dialogue more or less cheesy :P In any case, when you talk to him keep in mind that he's an older man who grew up in specific decades and you have to make an effort to set things his way otherwise things will be lost in translation and neither of you will notice.
That's how I got an old aunt to support me. 😂This aunt was the type that says "A woman liking another woman?? Ιησούς Χριστός!!" I noticed what things she valued most (being your own person, having fun in life, not allowing anyone to step on you) and I built my case by telling her that the way I live at the moment gives me all these advantages. I also matched her tone, and I tried to see things from her side, which eventually helped guide her to the mindset I wanted to introduce her to. Sometimes many conversations and subtle hints are needed for this guidance. And they also need to like you because the Greek statement "το δικο μας το παιδι ποτε δεν κανει κατι κακο! το δικο μας το παιδι ειναι χρυσο!" will usually prevail over "A woman liking another woman?? Ιησούς Χριστός!!" 😂
What's more, some parents of queer kids already know what their kids are. They just don't say anything out of fear they will encourage this behaviour. Meanwhile the kids get stressed for decades about how the parents will react, and when they finally come out the parents, the parents are like "eh... we already knew, to be honest. We've been watching you hug and kiss girls since you were like... six. We just hoped that you'd grow out of it, that's why we didn't bring it up. We didn't want you to grow up into a behaviour that would separate you from other kids cause they would bully you and harm you."
The grandma is TOP, by the way! I feel like many older people really know what's important in life. The thought of two women getting married might never be palatable to her but she knows that alienating family members for harmless shit is not where it's at. I love her already!
On the "It's so confusing, how can I perceive gender in two entirely different ways at the same time what the everloving fuck. What AM I…??"
It is a fact that people slightly switch personalities when switching languages. English is a more polite, careful, and tip-toeing language, while in Greece malakas is a word of love if said to your friend 😂 And it's true that cultures perceive gender in different ways. So if you switch to US English and get into their mindset, they have another version of femininity. (Well, the whole country is diverse but I'm talking about the generic, permeating WASP stereotype of the preferred femininity in the US media)
I switch behavior in English too and sometimes I find that I'm more polite and "more feminine" there, which for me... eeeh not my style so much. (English makes us dysphoric, pass it down 😂😂😂😂)
Which brings me to another discussion. I am not nonbinary so I won't want to speculate on what nonbinary is and how it feels. Instead I will speak about a phenomenon sometimes seen in women, who, (sometimes!) need to be seen as a person (who deserves full respect) and not "just a woman" they take up the nonbinary label. Being a woman (or a man) comes with certain expectations and baggage and sometimes as a woman (or as a man) you can totally feel like "fuck it, I want to opt out" or "I already don't do these things and I don't want to ever do them or feel them, so I guess am actually not a woman/man".
I want to stress again that I don't imply non-binary people are this. And I'm not saying that's you. I'm just leaving this out there because it's very harmful when society makes you feel like "failing" at your gender and telling you "you are not a real man/woman because you don't do the X stereotypes", and some people fall for it want to "opt out" of their gender without realizing that in the process they're following the logic of... binaries.
Whatever you identify as should come from the inside, not from what society tells you a woman should be. Because, as you noticed, the Greek and the US society have different notions of what a woman "should be". Heck, you might move to Sweden and find out that out there you feel like Barbie while in Greece you may feel like Babis doing the exact same things😂 Don't rely on society and stereotypes, my humble opinion is. Rely on yourself. And it's okay if you don't have a definitive answer to "what you are". Just live and present as you are most comfortable.
One more thought that I have, which you can also take or leave, is about the sexuality part. I'm not family or a friend, and I don't know you well. I'm not an authority and I don't think my words are scripture. My speculation could perhaps help your brain cells stop χορεύειν τσάμικον γύρω απ τη φωτιά στο δάσος 😂
Sooo... have you considered asexuality?
Heeeaaar me out. Your confusion seems a bit similar to that of people who are asexual but don't know it yet. First of all, there's a difference between aesthetic attraction and sexual attraction. Asexuals usually start thinking they are gay or bi because their sexual attraction to men and women is the same. Zero. 0 = 0 after all 😂
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At the same time, asexuals can often feel "off" in their gender and gender expression because automatically they don't subscribe to amatonormative rules and hence, they don't subscribe to gender rules.
An asexual can still have aesthetic attraction to people (just not sexual) and want a romantic relationship. An asexual can have aesthetic attraction to only one gender or many. There's a whole spectrum in asexuality, and there are ace identities like the aegosexuals who are actually not sex repulsed. They are interested in sex as an idea, but they just don't experience sexual attraction for people in real life. (Imagine it like, you like watching football for the rush and the technique, but there's nooo way you want to go down on the field and start kicking a ball.)
Their relationships with their significant others are often "queerplatonic" because the way they perceive gender and companionship (that is not friendship) is queer compared to the rest of society.
I thought about this cause you mentioned the "hauntingly persistent bisexuality", and also because usually the answer to "so you wanna fuck women?" is "eh…yes??" if you are attracted to women in the usual way xD But of course, it might be just your character, that you don't want to focus on sex despite having sexual attraction, and, as you said avoid "dehumanizing" the other. So again, my speculation might be wrong. If you know you are sexually attracted to people, and if you don't have to ask "what is sexual attraction tho?" then that's probably not it😄
Okay, I rambled for too long again but I hope this message has helped you at least in one way. Know that you are already slaying out there and you WILL CONTINUE to slay because you're a cool and kind person with great self-reflection skills.
Generic message: If my posts have helped you in any way consider buying me a ko-fi 💖
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kwstasattgr · 2 months
ISBN: 978-960-360-324-5 Συγγραφέας: Ευγένιος Τριβιζάς Εκδότης: Εκδόσεις Πατάκη Σελίδες: 79 Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης: 1995-06-01 Διαστάσεις: 28x21 Εξώφυλλο: Μαλακό εξώφυλλο
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a078740849aposts · 2 months
ISBN: 978-960-360-324-5 Συγγραφέας: Ευγένιος Τριβιζάς Εκδότης: Εκδόσεις Πατάκη Σελίδες: 79 Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης: 1995-06-01 Διαστάσεις: 28x21 Εξώφυλλο: Μαλακό εξώφυλλο
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