bluesunsdusk · 4 years
Molten gaze is veiled beneath her lashes as it follows the motion of her fingertips, trailing idly up and down his chest. She lays beside him, head resting on his shoulder, breathing in his scent. Everything about him puts her at such an ease, and she finds that there’s nowhere else she’d rather be at this moment, encompassed in his warmth. “Thank you,” she whispers after several more moments of silence, nosing into his neck and smiling against his skin. “For finding me worthy of you.”
Magnus blinked his eyes before turning them slightly towards Lorelei. “That is an odd way to thank me for liking you,” he noted, letting his fingers drift over her hair as they rested beneath the stars, protected by a blanket of arcane warmth that kept the cold from nipping at anything not touched by his natural heat. 
“I should thank you for accepting me as a person.”
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generalofthenorth · 4 years
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Here’s @kvvatch‘s badass oc Lorelei
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oneremains · 4 years
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“ DID YOU KNOW THEM WELL? ”   the query came sudden, spoken without warning from the silence the warlord had been brewing in.  their head canted upwards, and fingers drummed restlessly upon the nearby desk.  “ THE OTHER ONE.  VANE.  ”
@kvvatch​   ♡’d   for   a   starter.
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marshfirc · 4 years
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     “ Imagine being so bothered by two people getting engaged that you’ll actively try to sabotage it. ”
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mundusarchitect · 4 years
"I'm uncertain that I'll ever adjust to this," she says, gaze of light setting upon him as she keeps herself barely balanced above the ground, wings struggling against the air. She's never realized the extent of her own weight until now, when she's forced to keep herself airborne with only a pair of appendages that she hasn't quite grasped control of. Her movements are awkward and sharp, and she flails occasionally with every loss of stability.
“That is how I felt about having a body,” Magnus noted, his far less humanoid winged form floating before her. He was but a vague light with appendages, some folded over his luminous form, others splayed out.
Admittedly, he found her struggling amusing, but he had to focus on helping her learn to use this new gift. Slightly parting his wings, he outstretched a hand for support. It glowed with the pure energies of Aetherius, only darkening when touched by the world outside, like cooling magma. 
“I have far less to carry. Magic has no weight.”
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leondxs · 5 years
the more I write leo the more animal-like he becomes pretty soon he’s just going to communicate solely through growls, snarls, and various ear movements and none of y’all can stop me
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inerevarine · 5 years
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“ anything but wedding ayem again. ”
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acesfight · 4 years
kvvatch replied to your post: oh yeah i forgot to announce that hircine is going...
// if i can actually get off my ass and complete this blog’s conversion into my multi lmao
blyn pls
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dagonfel · 4 years
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“this room,”  he says, gesturing to the dark, scarcely lit interior around them-- his eyes glitter strangely in the firelight.  “certainly you’ve seen it before  . . .  how long have you lived in this palace?  you can’t have missed it.  it has always been here.”  his pale hand resettles in his lap, curled tight around its twin.  he does not mention the great ‘i’.   “but, ah, perhaps you have not been willing to see it.”
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yivohn · 5 years
@kvvatch sent a courier : A faint hint of warmth graces her eyes as she greets the fellow warrior with a dip of her head. "A fair day, is it not, dovahkiin? Where are you headed? Shall I offer you a ride?" She asks, gesturing to her stallion at her side.
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SOMETIMES, THE WORLD FELT RATHER SMALL. or skyrim did, at least. there were some people she just seemed entwined with, with how often she came across them. it was like she was drawn to them-- other heroes bound by prophecy and fate. indeed, she knew it was lorelei the moment she laid eyes upon a head of salmony hair, and a set of armor so bright that is gleamed white in the sun.
valvossa slowed her steps as she padded along the cobblestone road, eventually coming to a stop in front of her fellow hero. leaves of red and orange and yellow drifted from the deciduous trees that lined the roads of the rift, AUTUMNAL GLORY THAT SHE WOULD NEVER TIRE OF. the comfortable atmosphere of the hold was far more home to her now than the ashy, snowy slopes of solstheim.
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❛ oh ---- ❜   she hesitated, THOUGH NOT FOR LACK OF WANTING. it just wasn’t often that it was she who was offered a ride--- it wasn’t often that a chivalrous knight swept her off her feet. she smiled. ❛ i would love a ride. i’m headed to windhelm, unfortunately. ❜  with a noise almost like a giggle, she patted herself down and added;  ❛ fortunately i’m not wearing my daedric. i feel bad making any steed put up with that.❜
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nghtilk · 4 years
⟨   @kvvatch​   ———   gained the curse of the hunt ⟩
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        the  hunt  was  always  a  craving.        pumping through his veins    ,    however    it wasn't just the thrill    or    the beast that laid buried underneath him.        it was a way to escape his pain   ,   war.        the things he had done and the sins he had committed.         it was his own way to make peace with that.        arm drawing back as his arrow laid perfectly against it's rest.        awaiting for owner to release   ,   awaiting to taste   red.        but his ears caught something far different    ———    something that told him to lower and stick to the shadows in the trees.         s i l e n c e.         far more important to keep than the urge to break bone.         his jaw tightening with a hard swallow as head pressed against the trunk  ,  slow exhales through his nostrils.
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bluesunsdusk · 4 years
♨ // Lor introducing Mags to hot chocolate
Magnus had been working on the updated projection of the Aurbis. As difficult as it was to have everything build with the ease it took when the Mundus was still malleable, the limitations were amusing obstacles. Defeating Lorkhan in such small victories was welcome, even if he needed to bear in mind that this too could be a trick from the dead god. 
Everything was forever shifting. Some parts had been lost, due to both the Greedy Man and the Leaper demon, but they weren’t the only ones that had chipped away at reality. Entropy was a slow killer, and he needed to track it to slow it. Mundus had made this task difficult, and he accepted the responsibility. Without this plane, they could have lasted longer. 
Watching as the new map was constructed, as the parts put into place moved and changed based on real-time events with echoes of past and present shadowing around them, Magnus took a step back. He would let a fraction of his Mundus-bound being be occupied with something else. 
He blinked and turned his gaze when he felt Lorelei approach. He had his face turned towards her before she had even entered the room, a soft smile playing on his lips as she walked into view. She was holding something. Cups? Mugs.
“You have brought something,” he noted, stepping closer. 
Most mortals didn’t prepared two cups of something for themselves, so he felt it safe to assume one was for him. Upon inspection, he saw it was something brown and cloudy. He blinked and turned his eyes to meet Lorelei’s.
“...This is?” 
He didn’t know, but it smelled pleasant. 
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cursedmenagerie · 5 years
@kvvatch // cont’d.
The Bosmer lifts a brow, slightly taken aback by the other’s offer. It isn’t often that her hand is requested. Too many people, too little confidence. Aloy has always been different, however, Lorelei notes – the younger woman much like herself.
A small smile tugs at her lips after a moment, and with a nod, she sets her current drink to the side and rises to her feet to take Aloy’s hand. “All right then. Lead the way.” There’s a slight tease in her voice, amusement littering those amber depths of hers.
   For a heartbeat Aloy worries she may have overstepped a boundary she was unaware of. Maybe they aren’t quite at that place in their relationship. But that hint of a smile on Lorelei’s face brushes away that doubt. Aloy leads her out into the throng of festival-goers with a bright smile and a firm hold on her hand, and all seems well until they take their places, the music swells, and the young huntress is confronted by the ugly truth.
   She has no idea how to do this.
   "Haha, hmm... A word of warning before we start,” She says, cheeks flushed. “I’m probably going to end up stepping on your toes. A lot. I’ve never danced with a partner before.”
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generalofthenorth · 4 years
“Come with me!”
       Confused and unsure if he should really do as she said he hesitated in following her. 
     “What? Why?” Tullius didn’t bother to hide how perplexed he was until he suddenly heard the clash of metal on metal a few rooms away and shouting that he couldn’t quite make out. His first reaction was to run towards it and lend a hand to help what must have been his guards fighting with someone, but remembering the womer’s order he stopped himself and turned to her.
     “What in Oblivion is going on?”
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knightbleed · 5 years
🌻 // *chanting* knights, comrades, sister & brother in arms
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mundusarchitect · 5 years
@kvvatch​ [x]
She’s begun to know his very essence like the back of her hand; feels his approach before she sees him. A smile slides across her features before she realizes it, not that she would hide it if she had. Quickly, she finishes the current page of the book she’s occupied with, marking it for later, before setting the book aside. She turns around, honeyed amber eyes settling on lambent blue, and her smile widens – delighted to see him, as usual. It’s evident in the low, melodic timbre of her voice as she greets, “Hello, Magnus.”
She moves forward to meet him the rest of the way as he nears her, allowing arms to wrap around her petite frame and returning the favor as much as his broadness will allow. She leans into the embrace and sighs contentedly against his all-encompassing warmth. “I’m starting to think that you might be spoiling me,” she chuckles. She feels the soft rumble of his chest, indicative of his own amusement, and it nearly makes her forget to breathe. Laughter isn’t a sound she’s treated with too often, and hearing such a sound in his velveteen voice draws the hairs up on the skin of her arms and neck.
She feels him nose into her hair; mimicking a gesture that she’s done plenty a time prior, and she can only hope that she smells of something more pleasant than dirt and sweat at the moment. He doesn’t seem to be appalled, and she takes it with relief. After a moment, she pulls back from him to look at him directly, searching his face – mere inches from her own.
What she does next takes even herself slightly by surprise, but as a hand raises to find purchase against the crook of his neck, she swallows and all but whispers. “I’m going to try something… Let me know if I should stop, all right?” She waits for him to register her words, waits for the curiosity and expectancy in his gaze, before her eyes fall to his lips. Slowly, she shortens the gap between them, hand on his neck moving to curl her fingers gently into his white hair. She only pauses with but a breath left in between them, giving him ample time to react or pull away from her, should he want to.
He doesn’t, and it almost makes her heart skip.
A second later, and her soft lips are pressed to his. It’s light and warm and very shy, initially, but once she’s crossed the boundary, she’s emboldened by it. Her eyes flutter closed as her other hand lifts, cupping the side of his face, and she deepens the kiss.
Stars above.
She’s definitely not breathing now; doesn’t do so until a few moments later, when she finally parts a few inches or so from him, inhaling and suppressing the shiver that wants to course down her spine.
“Was… Was that all right?” She manages, eyes searching his once more.
Seeing Lorelei was a delight, in any moment, even those where he felt less sociable. She was an unexpected, though very much welcome, addition to his direct existence. They had grown very close, closer than Magnus had been with any mortal before. He had, of course, observed the things she had done, as he did with any mortal. He had mapped out possibilities, as had many of the other Magna-Ge, but those all did not involve himself.
Thus, this development took him by surprise, so did this current situation. Her lips on his... He had thought about it in fleeting moments he let pass with the breeze, leaving barely an impression that the consideration had entered his mind at all. It was different now that it actually happened. He could feel his cheeks warm slightly when she deepened the kiss, but he didn’t pull away. He leaned into her, all other context drowned out by the moment. 
It was softer than expected. 
He didn’t pay attention to how long it took. All he knew was that he was reluctant to part once it ended.
Magnus uttered a low hum, carrying with it the song of Aetherius itself, as he rested his head on hers as comfortably as his stature would allow, his eyes half shut and a light closed-mouth smile resting on his lips. He pulled away, and dipped his face closer to her ear. 
“I think we require more executions before I can reach a conclusion..." he jested, a glint of his sharp teeth showing in a crooked smile. Raising a hand from her waist to rest long fingers under her chin, he finally answered her question with a gentle kiss of his own.
It was short and sweet, but he found it was hard to keep it at a mere one, delivering another soft peck before finally deciding to give something longer, something deeper, lowering his hand again to pull her more firmly against him. 
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