#τ::|| aletheia
ofspvrta · 1 year
"You are not alone, Kassandra. And now, neither am I." A soft smile adorned Aletheia's face as they sat atop a cliff watching the beautiful sunrise across the sea. A sight still so beautiful after so long.
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θ::|| @singofus
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Kassandra leaned her arms against the ledge of the large rock before her. It was beautiful, the sunset. She wondered now how long before that beauty lost its shine. When would the fantastic become mundane and things stop holding majesty and meaning? Would that time ever come? Or would she manage to retain a sense of wonder and delight? Kassandra sighed at Aletheia's words.
Alone. No one truly wants to be alone, do they?
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"I guess I'm not." But everyone else would eventually leave her, just as Aletheia had warned. She'll outlive them all. Every last one of them. And that would still wear on her soul. "How did you handle being alone for so long?"
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ofspvrta · 1 year
"It worked. You can see me, can't you?" Aletheia checked behind her once again before approaching the screen a little more. To Kassandra she would appear almost like she did from the Staff, except with a look of wonder and excitement on her face. "Have you seen one of us before?" She wanted to know if Juno had contacted this one who had been seen in the calculations. Something had drawn her to this moment in time and space. {That's...me. Before I...before I died. Say nothing of me or this Staff. I knew nothing of this. I...}
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θ::|| @singofus | aletheia
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Kassandra was practically frozen at the moment, watching the lifelike projection of Aletheia before her at the Gateway to Atlantis. She seemed so different... so full of life. Kassandra never got to see Aletheia in the simulations of Isu society as she was put in Aletheia's role, so to see her now, she was certain the look of wonderment on her face couldn't be hidden.
"I can..."
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"I have... how am I seeing you?"
Admittedly, none of the Isu technology made any sense to her. She was but a simple misthios with a grand destiny ahead of her. This stuff was well beyond the comprehension of any human (or hybrid) living today. Heading the Aletheia of the present's words, she mentions nothing of the staff. There were so many questions about the Isu, about herself, and she wanted to find out everything she could.
"I have so many questions."
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ofspvrta · 2 years
θ::|| @shadxwcd​ (Aletheia)
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Kassandra remained perched at the top of the old cathedral, dark eyes scanning the flickering street lights of the nighttime streets of London. The older sections of the city still had the gaslights and she enjoyed the way they made the shadows dance on the cobblestone paths that carved the capitol. 
It wasn’t her first time visiting the heart of England, she’d been here centuries ago after her time on the Isle of Skye but it was a drastically different world. Gone were the specters of the Roman Empire towering over the city like stone guardians. In their place stood the footholds of industrialization, factories billowing thick plumes of smoke like a dragon’s exhale. The air was pungent with heavy metals and chemicals from the textile plants, combining with the stale scent of fish from the docks along the Thames. Even the air felt oppressive against her skin. The verdant forests weren’t as plentiful to soak up the unpleasantness of rapid production.
She heaved a sigh, swinging her legs over the wider base of the spire she had made her observation spot. “One thousand years and still I’m surprised by how much this place has changed.” She stood, using the needle of the spire to maintain her balance as she leaned forward to truly survey the streets below. “I wonder how much it will change in another thousand years. Maybe mankind will finally catch up with you.” Kassandra let out a chuckle as she directed the comment to her Isu companion who remained invisible to the rest of the world... much like she had.
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ofspvrta · 2 years
"What is this?" (from Aletheia for our verse where she gets a body)
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μ::|| meme:   Reblog this to have people go into your inbox & ask your character questions! . [ Ξ ] accepting
θ::|| @shadxwcd  
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        Kassandra placed the plate in front of her, a proud smirk on her face as she pushed the food across the counter to the Isu. It was Kassandra’s turn to explain everything about her world... or at least the one she’s inhabited for the last two millennia. The sizzle of grease on the pan still popping behind her while the second patty cooked. During a mission in North America she tried a hamburger and had fallen in love. She had even gone out of her way to get them whenever she could. She didn’t need food, but she enjoyed it. The smell of cooked lamb and goat wafted through the rental she and Aletheia were staying in while investigating a nearby Piece of Eden. “It’s a hamburger... or at least my version. It’s really more of a gyro in a burger format. Lamb and goat with tzatziki sauce, dill, a squeeze of lemon, arugula on a ciabatta bun.”
         She turned to put her own patty on the stove. “I think you’re going to like it.”
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