#ϟϟ make new friends ϟ v. main ϟϟ
screvvedloose · 6 years
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Being home alone is... exhausting. More exhausting than she’d expected it to be. After a couple of days of just meandering the long, empty hallways, she finally made a decision, and one evening a couple days after the incident, she finds herself at the sportsball field, sitting in the bleachers to watch the team practice.
She even gets some cheers out - she had promised - despite the little shots of pain through her side where her seam had torn loose. And when they were done, she waved a little at Scott. Her intention had been to slip off before he could make his way up to where she was sitting, but things rarely ever worked out that way, did they?
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screvvedloose · 6 years
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“Sometimes it really is nice to just take a break.”
And it was. For once, there were no shenanigans, no disasters, no existential crises. Just lunchtime, and sitting with a potential new friend. It was rare Vicky was the least bit deterred when it came to figuring out a way to make nice with other students, and honestly, this was no exception.
Besides, Leo had tried to help her out during the whole crisis with her missing arm, right? He certainly seemed like a nice enough guy, if a little on the awkward side. But at this school, when did that matter?
“Can you imagine? It’s almost afternoon and somehow, nothing’s exploded!”
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screvvedloose · 6 years
@purpleshopkeep || from here
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[ text : cattitude ]
[ ... ] I had to get some stitches fixed pretty quickly. It wasn’t anything too serious I mean [ ... ] I’m still walking, right? [ ... ] Any fight you walk away from [ ... ] Not that I was in a fight or anything 
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screvvedloose · 6 years
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“So long story short, I’m missing a hand, and I’m not really sure where it is.”
The stitched together monster hadn’t really meant to corner some poor random student in the hallway. ...well, she had. She needed to find that missing part before heading home. Her pops could only have so many hands laying around to use to replace ones she lost during particularly spirited marching band practice sessions.
What could she say? The band was very energetic.
“Anyway, I was looking for someone who might’ve seen it. Or could help somehow. It’s no weirder than anything else here, right?”
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screvvedloose · 6 years
“Hey Liam, do you have a minute?”
The little construct was bubbling over with energy today, but who could blame her? She had something tucked away behind her back, barely hidden considering how petite she was, and was rocking a bit on her heels.
“I know it’s not cool to be so bouncy but seriously? I think you’re gonna love this.”
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Without any further ado, she reached forward to place a small black box on the cafeteria table near the vampire, still beaming, cheeks flushed.
“It’s a daguerreotype camera! Pops said it belonged to his very-great-grandfather Victor Frankenstein, and that I could have it. I know you like kinda weird obscure things, so I figured it’d be right up your alley!”
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screvvedloose · 6 years
If there was one thing almost everyone at Spooky High seemed to know, it was the gregariousness of the little construct. Vicky always seemed to know just about everyone in the school, so when it came to someone she didn’t know, well...
She would likely not be far behind.
And today, she just so happened to spot someone unfamiliar! A living marionette? Cool! So with all her usual pluck and enthusiasm, she trotted her way over, flashing a brilliant smile and holding out one hand.
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“Hi there! I don’t think we’ve met before! My name’s Vicky. What’s yours?”
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screvvedloose · 6 years
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Honestly, there were few things more stressful than band practice. After the last fiasco with her hand- and, as it was attached, half her arm- going missing, she found herself a bit more distracted than normal, and by the end of it, she just plunked down on the bleachers to put away her instrument, first checking that all her limbs were still present or accounted for.
It really sucked that it felt like she could quite literally lose her head if it wasn’t screwed on tight enough.
It was during this limb check that Vicky noticed that aside from the filtering away band, there was someone else apparently hanging out up here that she hadn’t noticed before. When had he gotten here.
“Scott? I... didn’t really expect to see you up here. Do you come watch the band practice a lot?”
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screvvedloose · 6 years
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“You guys are looking at it all wrong. I’m not short.”
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“I’m travel sized for your convenience!”
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screvvedloose · 6 years
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Not being at school was stressful. She should’ve stopped by herself to get her schoolwork, but honestly? She didn’t want to. She wandered town for most of the first day, stopping at some shops to get things they needed around the manor. After that, she wandered over to the park, plunking herself on one of the benches, to watch the blurry after-images of bare-fronted hoodwinks as they flitted by.
She must’ve been staring pretty intently, as it took her some time to notice there was someone nearby. Blinking, startled, she looked up to see just whose attention she’d attracted. Hopefully the shiner she’d gotten a couple of nights before wasn’t causing someone to gawk.
“Oh hey. Sorry. Didn’t notice anyone standing over here.”
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screvvedloose · 6 years
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[ ... ] mira???? [ ... ] mira can you come back to school pls i know youre probably busy but [ ... ] something happened i need your help [ ... ] im in the bathroom ok just pls come quick
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screvvedloose · 6 years
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“Hi! I don’t think I’ve seen you around before! Are you new?”
It was always hard to get around Vicky’s almost aggressive cheer, and wh en it involved someone she somehow had yet to meet, that was multiplied ten fold. And right now, she was absolutely beaming, her hands folded behind her back as she leaned forward.
It never hurt to make a good impression, after all, even here.
“I’m Vicky! If you’re new, welcome to Spooky High! And if not... well, it’s great to meet you all the same!”
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screvvedloose · 6 years
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She was exhausted. There was so much, too much, to do. And sure, there was plenty of time to do it, but still. It felt like her only feasible breaktime was lunch... and for once, she didn’t feel like bothering an y of the usual suspects. Besides, it wasn’t like she needed to eat. She could just sit with someone, maybe have a nice conversation...
Or she could sit with someone who may not ask too many questions as to why one of the most enthusiastic, go-getter students in the school appeared to be running on fumes.
Whatever her reasoning, that was how she found herself plunking down at Valerie’s table, a few seats down, trying not to disturb her wares... and just dropped her head down onto the table, forehead resting against the smooth surface.
“Sorry, not here to buy today. Unless it’s advice or like, twenty five hour energies.”
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screvvedloose · 6 years
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[ text : string bean ]
[ ... ] Key’s under the gear-shaped mat if you wanna come by [ ... ] I can explain in detail then, okay? [ ... ] I’m home alone anyway. Wouldn’t mind the company [ ... ] And I know where Pops keeps the good homemade pălincă
That was the last text she’d sent, an hour or so before. She wasn’t necessarily upset about it, if he left her on read- he was probably busy. But sitting in the large living room, flopped onto the couch, eating pretty much every cookie she could find in the house wasn’t helping her mood much.
She’d just about given up, and flipped her phone over to Pokemans, messing around with a few of her scientist characters with the volume low... just in case, so if the door opened, she would be sure to hear it.
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screvvedloose · 6 years
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“Man, I am so glad to be back from break!”
Vicky paid absolutely no attention to who, exactly, she was sitting with when she plunked down on one of the makeshift benches next to the tree out back of the school. Sure, she was skipping class, but she had much more important things to do! Like hanging out with other classmates.
“I was going absolutely stir crazy at home. There’s so much to do! Anyway, hi! Have a good break?”
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screvvedloose · 6 years
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Vicky honestly didn’t often contact her friends to come over to her place. Seeing as how she still lived with her creator, she knew it could be awkward, considering he was only living here on special permits. Humans, even mad scientists, could be weird where monsters were involved.
So it may have been a surprise when Vicky dropped a text to Oz that she wanted him to drop by, if he had time. The text lacked her usual style, free of the cute emoji and smilies she usually peppered her messages with.
And it was pretty vague. Just a plaintive request for company, since she was home alone for the time being, and just needed someone to talk to.
After she’d sent the text, the small construct had made her way out onto the porch, plunking down on the creaky old swing with a chunky blanket wrapped around her to wait, sending one last text.
[ text : spoodle ] [ ... ] I’m on the porch [ ... ] can’t miss me
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screvvedloose · 6 years
For the most part, Vicky prided herself on being on top of most of the shenanigans at school. There was very little she didn’t manage to catch when it happened, even if she wasn’t necessarily preventing it. Keeping death and mayhem to what passed for a reasonable minimum was really one of their many goals.
It was boring, and it was no lie she wanted to do shenanigans of her own, but such was the state of things. At least at the moment.
She had been working on assisting clean-up after the last pep rally (which, as usual, had resulted in a considerable amount of property damage... all in all, a pretty good turnout!), when she spotted someone she didn’t recognize wandering into the area.
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“Whoa, hey, watch your step! I’m pretty sure that a gelatinous cube was wiggling over there earlier, and there might still be acid! And not the fun kind!”
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