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tarsinat · 10 months
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pharaohgargamel · 8 months
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Зимние ядовитые грибы✨❄🍄
Winter poisonous mushrooms✨❄🍄
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zavilinskiy · 2 years
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#зима❄️☃️🌨 #winter❄️🌨️🏔️☂️🧤🧣 #חורף❄⛄☔ (Теремки) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmH_sYSjCQ6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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akutasoda · 5 months
hellooo, I saw your event and congrats!
I was wondering if r1999 slots still left? If it's still available, can I have Zima x fem reader? I heard his b'day is on April 28. ❄️
Where his significant made him a poem about him on his bday? Even they tried their best to write a poems to their love for Zima.
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a poet's gift
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synopsis - where you write a small gift for his birthday
includes - Зима (zima)
warnings - fem!reader (no pronouns mentioned), fluff, wc - 761
a/n: thank you! yes his bday is the 28th so i guess this is an early present :)
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zima was a talented poet and that much was obvious, the only issue was that not many knew nor got to hear his poems. one of the poets biggest downfalls was the fact that he was quite socially inept, preferring to recite his works to animals that all seemed to enjoy his works as well - you had seen many kinds of creatures flock towards him as if they actually understood him.
your lover wasn't exactly open to sharing with you at first either. if you caught him writing or reciting his poems, his normally expressionless face would crumble and he'd avoid you for a couple of hours out of sheer embarrassment. you felt rather bad that he had such a reaction and so you came to peace with not hearing any of his poems - sometimes you could find a few laying around when he was out and as long as you put them back exactly, you could read them.
you'd know when he became more comfortable sharing them with you. it wasn't really him sharing them but it counted as the bird that normally perched upon his shoulder would come to find you with a rolled up piece of paper containing zima's newest work that he wanted to hear your opinion on. it was rather cute but you knew if you brought it up to much he'd stop.
eventually he'd start handing them to you in person, ready to receive your opinion immediately and in person. zima would also come to develop the habit of allowing you to tag alongside him, if you weren't too busy to go read his poems to some animals - atleast you got to hear him read it outloud. it was nice, seeing how passionate he became over his poetry.
it would take a while but eventually he would allow you to sit beside him as he wrote from scratch. zima wouldn't confess it to you but your presence was very calming to him and it actually helped him focus, so he did prefer you to be by his side nowadays. naturally from watching your lover write a couple of times, you wanted to give it a try. you may not be an exact master of words but that's why you had zima to help.
a rather nervous coach but he tried his best to give you a few pointers and ideas to improve the small piece you began drafting alongside him. it was a nice change. a warm, quiet room filled with the scratching of pen against cartridge, it became oddly calming after a while. you would come to notice the extra pens and paper that resided on his desk, it didn't take a genius to figure out what he meant by leaving them there.
one day you had happened a glance at the calendar and saw that the upcoming event was in fact zima's birthday. a gift hadn't really crossed your mind yet, you didn't really know what else he liked that could be gifted apart from poetry and animals. you figured you still had a few days until his birthday and so maybe the perfect gift would cross your mind before then.
it didn't take long before the sight of pen upon paper to make up your mind on what to get him. zima liked poetry and so why didn't you compose him a personal piece? sure you weren't exactly the greatest poet but it was the thought that counted. as much as you would of preferred to write beside him, you knew if you did that your surprise would be spoiled and so for the first time, you started writing completely on your own.
all the hours you spent toiling over words had finally paid off. the day of zima's birthday you gave him a scroll of cartridge that was neatly tied over with a small bow. while he normally referred to his birthday as 'the begining of misfortune', he doubted it could be today when he felt weirdly optimistic at the sight of you and your gift. he carefully unrolled it and observed the contents for a while before he brought his hand to cover his face as he muttered out a small thank you.
zima really never had the habit of preserving his work, but this was your work. a beautifully written proclamation of your love that he would keep forever.
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akutasoda's 1k event
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dmitriy-rusanov · 8 months
❄️ Сказочно прекрасная зима в Севастополе у Георгиевского монастыря. Russia
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wesna09 · 6 months
⛄❄️ Зима вернулась в Забайкалье! ❤️ Любит она нас... 🤭😁
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pixelsimili · 9 months
Как мои персонажи празднуют Рождество? Tag
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Спасибо за отметку @maaaryyyyx!🤍❄️
В моём сохранении, пока ещё не наступила зима и вряд-ли я успею до реального нового года сделать посты с праздником в династии, так что вот небольшие зарисовки на эту тематику (возможно даже больше, чем требовалось x))
• Сьерра и Лютер
В виду своего уже пожилого возраста этот праздник особенно любим и ценен для старшего поколения. Это чудесное время, когда их дети и внуки, разбросанные по разным уголкам света, собирались в одном доме. И как у истинных жителей Комореби, ни одно Рождество не обходилось без прогулки к подножию горы, где уже их ожидала праздничная ярмарка. Здесь можно было найти забавы на любой вкус: от поедания традиционных блюд и спуска со склонов, до купания в горячих источниках. Вечером же из кухни доносился приятный аромат специй и пряностей, пока Сьерра занималась приготовлением праздничного ужина. А в гостиной под уютное потрескивание камина, Лютер, усадив на коленки свою внучку, читал истории про Санта Клауса, разносившим подарки в рождественскую ночь детям всей земли.
• Сэйери
С взрослением Сэйери и переездом в другую страну, праздник как-то утратил своё волшебство и смысл без дорогих сердцу людей рядом. Окружение зелёными пальмами и непривычно теплой погодой зимой совершенно не прибавляло Сэй рождественского настроения, выросшей в снежном Комореби. Поэтому для Сэйери это был такой же день, как и все предыдущие, разве что вооружившись миской до верха наполненной мандаринами и бутылкой шампанского, девушка устраивала марафон любимых рождественских фильмов. В итоге она так и засыпала на диване перед телевизором, вместе с прибившимся к её ногам Аресом, окружённые кожурой от мандарин.
• Даллас и Яэль
Молодых супругов приближающееся Рождество вновь возвращало в детство, в то время, когда эмоции были неподдельными, а чудо - настоящим. И всё это они старались перенести уже во взрослую жизнь. Закинув топор в низенький пикап, они отправлялись в еловую рощу за одним из главных символов праздника. Это стало их небольшой традицией из года в год. Украшение рождественского древа сопровождалось звонким смехом Далласа и сосредоточенными движениями Яэль, тщательно подбирающей игрушки. Парня веселила дотошность любимой, что приводило к мелким, но недолгим разногласиям. Закончив с украшениями, возлюбленные устраивались в кресле, укутавшись в теплый плед, и наблюдали за мерцанием огоньков, в ожидании собственного чуда.
Передаю: @ibarbidoll, @cubzikbuilds, @edyavtostopom, @figure-it-out-later , @divanstrawberry и всем желающим!☃️
* Думаю, стоит сделать пометку, что я за использование искусственных елей и не стоит воспринимать, как реальную историю, это всего лишь симс и максимум, что бы они срубили это несчастные пиксели x)
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Как красиво…
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tarsinat · 10 months
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pharaohgargamel · 8 months
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✨❄Winter of the Sorcerer❄✨
✨❄Зима Чародея❄✨
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lblogamy · 9 months
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Зима 💙❄️
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19711967larisa · 10 months
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Доброго морозного дня!!! У нас минус восемнадцать! Солнышко светит! Настоящая зима! ❄️👌💠
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marina-carbonarovna · 11 months
Пока заваривается чай, к концу октября в Петербург и его загород ворвалась зима ❄️
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Стоит признать, что я в восторге и довольна, как Роберт де Ниро в фильме «Сердце ��нгела» 💛
P.s. все фотокарточки сделаны за одну неделю, представляете?
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ignorethisatyourperil · 9 months
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Що ж воно таке, що кожен маленьки дух так йому радіє?✨👻
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✨З Різдвом усіх і нехай вас оточує трохи дивна, але добра магія!✨
✨Merry Christmas to everyone and may you be surrounded by a little strange but good magic!✨
#украрт #ukraineart #art #MerryChristmas #illustration #fantasy #fantasyart #Christmas #winter #winterart #christmasillustration #xmas #spookychristmas #Різдво #Christmascarol #нечисть #зима #українське #фентезі
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wesna09 · 2 years
Зима))❄️☃️🧑‍🎄 Забайкалье ❤️
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