kistereva · 7 years
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Berlin, Böcklerpark / Landwehrkanal in spring
A4, pastel on paper
There are more pictures of mine in instagram and fb: www.instagram.com/eugenia_pic www.facebook.com/kistereva
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kistereva · 7 years
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Sima in her garden. Pastel on paper, A4.
See more on:
www.instagram.com/eugenia_pic    www.facebook.com/kistereva     
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kistereva · 7 years
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Русскому языку посвящается.
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kistereva · 7 years
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Berlin, Monbijoupark 
Find me also in instagram: eugenia_pic and in fb: kistereva
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kistereva · 7 years
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Easter, so longed for, is gone in a day. Only music stays. Кому пасха, а кому йоу-йоу.
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kistereva · 8 years
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"The Far Side". France, Chamonix Mont-Blanc. Pastel, pencil, paper, 14 x 9,4 cm
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kistereva · 8 years
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Cine. Paper, pencil. 21 x 29 cm
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kistereva · 8 years
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Bookmark “Canard”
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kistereva · 8 years
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Тетя Мотя 10 х 15 см
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kistereva · 8 years
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Спасаю скучную чашку и свой послеобеденный чай.
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kistereva · 8 years
Иду я к косметологу...
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kistereva · 8 years
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kistereva · 9 years
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"А теперь мне пора бежать. Бр-р! Как холодно! Как на Северном полюсе! Откуда ветер дует? С этими словами мистер Бэнкс высунул голову в окно и посмотрел в сторону дома Адмирала Бума". П.Трэверс, "Мэри Поппинс". "Now I must be off. Whew, it's so cold as the North Pole. Which way is the wind blowing? And as he said that, Mr.Banks popped his head out of the window and looked down the Lane to Admiral Boom's house at the corner". P.Travers, "Mary Poppins".
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kistereva · 9 years
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Тетя Трот и кошка Сели у окошка, Селирядом вечерком Поболтать немножко, Трот спросила:-Кис-кис-кис, Ты ловить умеешь крыс? -Мурр!..-сказала кошка, Помолчав немножко.
Dame Trot and her cat Sat down for a chat; The Dame sat on this side And Puss sat on that. Puss, says the Dame, Can you catch a rat Or a mouse in the dark? Purr, says the cat.
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