#мy rooтѕ мy rooтѕ rυn deep ιnтo тнe нollow [drabble]
malumxsubest · 17 days
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this was not suppose to happen. not under her nose. not within the vicinity of her club. never.
amelia always headed down into the acid coffin's private lounge that she had designated solely for them right after she had hired them. tonight was no different. she openly smiled as she strolled into the room, waving her fingers at dusty in greeting before informing the band they had done well, as per usual. she was still a little cold towards cassius since she cannot quite place as to why he smelled so familiar to her. but she nodded in greeting regardless. and she had the same for kristoff, too. lia didn't mind him, either.
though, she had specifically set her sights on raven, the pads of her fingers grazing his hand while she held a teasing grin plastered on her face. oh how she lived to witness his reactions... it pleased her greatly when she heard how his heart never failed to pick of speed; the sound of his heart racing made her feel giddy. lia spoke to the gentlemen, teasing and joking with them only to turn her head towards dusty when she decided to join their conversation.
amelia was engrossed into the delightful chattering amongst them all, but she took note how raven appeared to be pale as a sheet, looking past her. and for dusty to look where he was looking, only to utter a frightful and concerned ' oh no ' finally made amelia to steadily turn her behind her. amy was leading another man into the lounge...
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she took note of the vip lanyard and furrowed her brow, seeing no issue to have this man here considering she had always offer some sort of vip tickets for patrons to meet the band for a simple chatter. however, she didn't enjoy that certain look that this person had. amelia stepped in front of him and prowled forward, briefly noting how dusty inched closer to her brother, and stood in front of the patron with a customer service smile.
amy slowed to a stop right behind the patron, his brows furrowed as he read the room before settling his gaze on his sibling. amelia kept her eyes firmly on the patron, denying him entry. " are you fucking kidding me? i bought to meet the band. " the person snarled to her face. she raised her hands, palms up. " i apologize for the inconvenience sir. but it seems the band no longer wish to see patrons at this hour. i'll be glad to refund you. " lia could see the rage fester behind his eyes and the way he grinded his teeth. especially with the way she noticed how his kept flickering over her shoulder. it almost made her bristle.
while this was happening, she didn't sense raven leaving the room...
" no i have every right to be here. i paid for the goddamn ticket. " he contested, taking a step closer to her and sneered down at her. " who the hell are you, bitch? " amy tensed with a sneer of his own and took a step forward only to stop when he felt his sibling to stop through their bond. his nose flared but kept his fixated on the back of the human's head. amelia simply offer a smile that was all teeth. " so sorry. i am the owner of this establishment, who you called a bitch. now that wasn't very kind of you sir. so i must have you escorted out. " amy took that a sign and snatched the man's bicep with a firm grip, his fingers digging into his skin.
amelia observed intently how this man dared to jerk his arm, trying to move past her. she took that as a threat and immediately strolled off to the side and grasped a hidden crowbar while amy kept his grip on him, refraining from openly grin at the prospect of the mortal being harmed. lia stalked forward and raised her weapon threateningly, readying to strike his head if need be. " i really suggest you leaving. and i will inform the authorities since you are harassing me and my staff. "
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honestly, after that, it sort of became a blur... one moment she was threatening a patron with amy forcing him to leave. and the next she was in her office, running to raven's fallen side. the scent of his blood almost knocking the wind out of her. she was blessed to have fintan helping her, no matter how brief it was. amelia took her time tending to his wounds, being mindful to his pain. yet, he winced regardless and that made her all the more agonized for him. when she was finally done and with him finally sleeping ( her eyes narrowed when he apologized ), the rage finally reared its ugly head and crashed into her in waves.
amelia quietly but quickly stepped out of her office into a more secluded room near hers. as soon as she entered, amy and myrk stormed in while she stood in the center, her chest heaving and shaky breaths coming out in sharp stutters through clench teeth. it felt as though she couldn't breathe. her heart felt like it crawled up to her throat and into her ears with how violently it pulsed in those areas.
" sister. " " mother. "
the air in the room was deathly cold, the lights flickered and died out as void shadows steadily crept and devoured the space from around her. it appeared it wanted to snuff out the life from everything it touches. even the aura and colour seemed to dull and wither with how her rage was consuming her.
she had her back towards them as she spoke, her voice not in its usual lighthearted tone. " πρέπει να βρεθεί το παράσιτο. " it sounded ominous. like it was an abomination, inhuman. it was entirely disembodied like multiple voices were speaking all at once in different pitches and timbre. " that mortal. " she spat, swiftly turning around to face them with a snarl. gone with the emerald colour of her eyes. it was entirely overtaken by her essence.
it was a sight for them to bare witness. it was rare, now, for amelia to lose her restraint. she wasn't one to snap so easily. so something had to have happened to warrant such a reaction. that night she informed her family about the startling state of which raven was in. and myrkos was quick to offer his services to track the human for his creator. it took him roughly a day or so, but he caught him that's for damn sure. they all agreed to take him - daniel - into a warehouse that amelia and amy own. and they left her be to do what she wished.
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amelia stalked towards her bound captor with a smile, the sounds of her heels reverberating through the empty warehouse. once she stood in front of him, she ripped the sack from his head and waved her fingers at him playfully. he couldn't speak. his mouth was taped shut and his body bound firmly to a metal chair.
she could tell daniel was afraid - how dare he - with how violent he was breathing through his nose while he peered up at her in fright. she mockingly frowned at him, her lips forming into a pout as she tsked. " now, now.., none of that. where did all that energy go when you laid your hands on him. " with lithe fingers, she tore the duct tape from his mouth with a sneer, causing him to yell and curse out in pain.
he begged for his life... typical. and she didn't even start. how dull. lia peered over to the side, letting out a soft hum as her eyes met an array of items for her to use. her brother was so very sweet. her lips stretched ear to ear maniacally when her eyes finally settled on a sledgehammer and plucked it up easily as if it weighted nothing. " you're fucking CRAZY. " he screamed, tugging at his bound limbs desperately.
it was proven to be a fruitless attempt.
" oh honey, you don't know anything yet. we're going to have such fun, you and i. " she raised the weapon high, and with a hiss, she swung at the side of his knee. lia purred while he yowled in agony when it make contact with a sickening crunch. eugh, pity. he won't last long if she continued to be too aggressive with her methods.
he was openly sobbing. tears, snot and spittle pouring out of every orifice he had. and it was disgusting. it made her extremely upset. she lunged forward and snatched the hair on the back of his head, pulling it back until his neck was taut. daniel could only wince and stare up at her while she glowered down at him.
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" i hope you enjoy being here for a year, sweetie. you and i, we're going to know each so well by the end of it all... "
oh yes, she will know everything. spoilers: he's not going to make it. she took her time torturing and killing him at the end of the year. taking small breaks here and there to be with raven since she doesn't want him to worry about her business too much. she desired gifting daniel's death for christmas in the form of a case of an unidentified, mangled and butchered male that ultimately went cold...she would kiss him, whispering assuredly that he needn't to worry about daniel ever again. amelia would worship raven and revered him intimately because that was what he deserved. the only thing that would potentially mark his skin would be her love bites and hickies. oh and lipstick. and the only way blood of his be shed would be via his consent. whether it be from her teeth or nails. after all, she loved him.
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a drabble for @theknifeinyou cos lia loves raven too much //
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malumxsubest · 19 days
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he was seething. nose flaring wide as myrkos breathed in only to exhale aggressively through gritted teeth while he strolled into his creator's humble abode - his home. he had pressing matters to speak to her about. she needed to know what he had discovered while he watched over tor as she slept.
it was the next day when tor completely passed the fuck out suddenly in front of him while she was at work, right in the middle of their usual banter... he remembered being genuinely alarmed when he witnessed her crumble and had to quickly lurched forward in order to cradle her head within his hand, protecting it from being cracked opened before she crashed onto a solid surface. his creator - amelia - urged him to take her to one of the private rooms that were meant for paying patrons and to watch over her, ensuring tor would have proper rest. and to make sure she didn't fuckin' die right under her nose...
so that was what he had done: fulfilled his creator's demand and made sure torrance wasn't harmed in any way under his watchful eye. though, he, unfortunately, learned new startling realities in the dead of night where she was screaming her head off for an hour straight. names. pleas. begging. if he closed his eyes, myrk can recall all the grueling details of her nightmares. it wrought such rage...
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he found amelia in the library of her manor. he stormed in only to frown to himself as his concealed molten gold coloured hues took note that she was peering up at the canvas painting that was hung above a french baroque fireplace mantel with velvet blackout curtains that was pulled apart on either side. he swallowed thickly, reining his anger and stood quietly in front of the doorframe. the painting was of her, his uncle amy and his twin siblings who he never met. his eyes observed the painting, taking in the details of it all. amelia was seated upon a wooden carved throne chair, donning early 1500s duchess attire. the family portrait perfectly captured her regality with each brushstroke and refined details. he can practically feel and see her grandeur and power permeating from the painting. and it was very much the same with the other three subjects.
this was the only way where myrkos can see when his family was complete...
he peered downward with a faint sigh, slight cant of his head, and waited patiently for his creator to finish reminiscing the past. thankfully he needn't to wait any longer because amelia turned towards him with arched brow, steadily loosening her hold on the rope that kept the curtains apart to eased them back over the painting. concealing it once again from prying eyes.
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" my son. to what do i the owe pleasure of your visit? is this about torrance? " she inquired gently, strolling forward until she was in front of him within arm's length. myrk raised his head and met her gaze with his concealed one, jaw locked firmly as he took a deep breath. amelia's smile transformed into a worried frown, patiently waiting for her creation to speak that was ailing his mind.
" may we sit? i have pressing matters to discuss with you. preferably away from the doorway. " he replied finally, the tendons in his neck taut as he spoke through clenched teeth. she blinked once, twice before inclining her head and turned to make way towards a particular area of the library that was more secluded and away from the door. myrkos followed suit after he had shut the door and locked behind him, hopeful that it would deter the manor's staff from entering.
amelia made herself comfortable on one of the plush chairs and gestured for him to sit beside her only for him to descend to one knee before her with his head bowed. even though it was a sign of utmost respect and loyalty to her, her brows furrowed in deep confusion at the sight. " myrkos. " she started, her viridian hues transfixed on him with an unwavering stare.
he sighed through his nose in response. " forgive me. i am... merely enraged in this very moment. it's difficult to keep it at bay. " lia frowned, leaning forward and placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it tenderly. " inform me as to what has happened last night. is torrance well? " myrkos kept his head bowed yet replied without issue. " she is well... physically. however, i've learned unsavoury information about your dearest barkeep. " his creator leaned back into her seat, hands curled upon her lap. " what have you discovered? " she asked, her countenance devoid of emotion besides curiosity. " forgive me, but i much rather show you than speak of it. my mind is opened to you. " he offered, tilting his head upward slightly as an invitation.
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amelia reached forward with lithe hands outstretched, black painted nails glinting beneath the synthetic light until they cradled the sides of his head with a hum. the moment she made contact, the warmth around them immediately was sucked out as void shadows encircled them with welcomed embrace. however, the instant the connection was made, it was quickly severed when she witnessed what myrkos saw and heard hours ago. she all but bared her fangs with a dreadful sneer and hissed, disgusted at the revelation about tor.
amelia shared her son's anger, her eyes wide in indigitation as they burned bright into a lighter shade of jade. " as you saw, i have their names. the vermin..." he commented, swallowing thickly for his tongue felt like lead within his mouth. he finally met his creator's heated gaze with a frown of his own. yet he kept his eyes hidden from her. not because he was afraid of her judgement... moreover, the pained look in his eyes surely reflected exactly how he felt. myrkos wasn't one to give a fuck about anyone else outside of his immediate family. humanity revolted him. he loathed that he must share the air he breathed and walk amongst the mortals; feigning pleasantries for the sake of being undiscovered by anyone or anything.
but tor - trouble; the nickname he frequently used - rattled and uprooted the sanctity of his nature with her damn snark and volatile personality when it came to people, including yours truly, who didn't respect her boundaries. she was a joy to be around; to get under her skin and laugh when she does the same to him. she was practically toe-to-toe with him when it came to pissing someone off for the fuck of it. their banter was unique to them. it may be harsh to outsiders, but between them it was enjoyable.
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he eased his sunglasses from his face, methodically tucking them into his breast pocket and finally regarded his creator with his molten gold eyes exposed for her to see. to see the rage. to see the pain he felt. " i wish to find them. and since tor is your employee, i've come to ask for your permission to pursue my hunt. " amelia studied her creation's face, her own anger simmering beneath the surface. she was quiet at first, but she could feel a small snort leaving her which made myrkos gap at her in confusion. lia shook her head at him, a grin forming as she cupped her son's face. " you needn't ask me for permission, my son. you and tor have... an amusing relationship. you respect her. i can see that quite well. " she mused teasingly in which myrkos huffed at but made no move to pull away from her hold.
" but if i must... then yes. hunt them. bring them here. in the bowels of this home. oh- " she stopped herself, suddenly grimacing as if that was a terrible idea. " no, never mind that. perhaps somewhere secluded. away from prying eyes and ears. we mustn't taint our home with their filth. " lia nodded to herself, preferring that idea much more. myrkos could feel a wolfish grin beginning to form, the prospect of hunting prey giving him a particular thrill. the ethereal glow of his golden eyes glittered and wreathed in wisp-like smoke at the potential bloodlust. it made his fangs ache with anticipation.
they will know suffering only glimpsed in myth. they will be in his death grip and they will beg for death until even it knows his name.
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his loyalty to her was boundless. he respected her greatly the moment of his creation. he had always taken her words and advices to heart. myrkos was grateful towards amelia and his uncle, amadeus. he eased her hand away from his cheek but brought the appendage to his forehead with such reverence before stepping up to his full height effortlessly. his statuesque form towering his mother. the scion of the void then placed her hand back to her lap with a faint, albeit genuine, smile, pleased with their meeting and how it all turned out. amelia returned his smile with one of her own and stood up from her seat. she widened her arms and he snorted to himself but stepped forward into her embrace.
" be safe, my beautiful creation. "
" aren't i always? "
this drabble was created for the heck of it. and i had muse for him for this moment. this drabble was meant to be tied to one of my threads with my friend @theknifeinyou 's and one of her muses, torrance, that myrkos has associated himself with. i hope yall enjoy o:
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malumxsubest · 1 year
doin' a massive tag dump for the main tags cos apparently tumblr on desktop decided to just wiped the history of my tags... sooo WELP.
#ˢᵗᵉᵖ ᶤᶰˢᶤᵈᵉ ˢᵉᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ᵈᵉᵛᶤˡ ᶤᶰ ᶤ [vanity]#ʷᵉˡᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵐʸ ᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ˢᶤᵈᵉ; ʰᵉˡˡᵒ ᶤᵗ'ˢ ᵐᶻ ʰʸᵈᵉ [vanity – young!lia]#ᵇᶤᵗᵉ ᶤᶰᵗᵒ ᵐᵉ ʰᵃʳᵈᵉʳ ˢᶤᶰᵏ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵗᵉᵉᵗʰ ᶤᶰᵗᵒ ᵐʸ ᶠˡᵉˢʰ [desires]#ᶤ ʷᵃᶰᵗ ᵗᵒ ᶠᵘᶜᵏᶤᶰᵍ ᵗᵉᵃʳ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃᵖᵃʳᵗ [dark fun]#ᵐᵃᵏᵉ ᵐᵉ ᵇˡᵉᵉᵈ ᶤ ˡᶤᵏᵉ ᶤᵗ ʳᵒᵘᵍʰ [kinks]#ᵍᵒᵈ ᵈᵃᵐᶰ ʳᶤᵍʰᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ˢʰᵒᵘˡᵈ ᵇᵉ ˢᶜᵃʳᵉᵈ ᵒᶠ ᵐᵉ [aesthetics]#ᶤᶠ ᵇˡᵒᵒᵈ ᶤˢ ᵃ ʳᵉᵈ ᵈʳᵉˢˢ [wardrobe]#ˡᵘˡˡᵃᵇʸ ᵒᶠ ᵈᵉᵃᵗʰ [playlist]#ˢᵘᶰ'ˢ ᶜᵒᵐᶤᶰᵍ ᵘᵖ. ᵇᵉᵗᵗᵉʳ ᵍᵉᵗ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ ᵗᵒ ᵐʸ ᶜᵒᶠᶠᶤᶰ [ooc]#ᵗᶤᵐᵉ ᵗᵒ ʰᵉᵃᵈ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ ᵗᵒ ᵐʸ ᵠᵘᵉᵘᵉ [q.]#ʷᵉˡᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵗʰᵉ ᶰᶤᵍʰᵗᵐᵃʳᵉ ᶤᶰ ᵐʸ ʰᵉᵃᵈ (ᵐʸ ᵍᵒᵈ!) [open starters]#'caυѕe нer red lιpѕ нave a ғιlтнy prιze тнaт'ѕ мυrder 'n нer paradιѕe [musings]#and ι'll ғear no evιl вecaυѕe ι'м вlιnd тo ιт all [headcanon]#мy rooтѕ мy rooтѕ rυn deep ιnтo тнe нollow [drabble]#all тнe тнoυgнтѕ тнaт rυn тo мy нead gonna dance тιl мy eyeѕ go вlacĸ [wishlist plots]#ʸᵒᵘ ᵇᵉᵍ ᶤ ᵈᵉˡᶤᵛᵉʳ [answered asks & memes]#ᵒʰ ᶤ ᵈᵒ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᵃ ᵍᵒᵒᵈ ᵖᵃʳᵗʸ [memes]#ᵃᶰᵈ ᵏᵉᵉᵖ ʳᵒᵒᵐ ᶤᶰ ʸᵒᵘʳ ʰᵉᵃʳᵗ ᶠᵒʳ ᵗʷᵒ [elijah & ruvik]#ʸᵒᵘ ˢᵘᵇᵐᶤᵗ ᶤ ᵖᵒˢˢᵉˢˢ [submissions]#ʸᵒᵘ’ˡˡ ʳᵉᵐᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ ᵐʸ ⁿᵃᵐᵉ; ᴵ ᵃᵐ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵍᵒᵈ [ alt fc - vanity ]#;; young!lia#;; self#;; red eclipse#ʷᵉˡᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵐʸ ᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ˢᶤᵈᵉ ʰᵉˡˡᵒ ᶤᵗ'ˢ ᵐᶻ ʰʸᵈᵉ [vanity – young!lia]#v; can't wake up; this is not a dream#v; outskirts of freedom#v; yearning of the blade#v; the one true god#ᵗᵉˡˡ ᵐᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᵐᵉ ⁱⁿ ᵖʳⁱᵛᵃᵗᵉ ( rand & amelia)
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malumxsubest · 1 year
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➤ soft, delicate hands grazed the ornate pillars of a neo-gothic mausoleum within the grounds of her private estate where it was surrounded with gorgeous jacaranda trees. it provided shade to the memorial as well as some privacy. Amelia greeted her sons as if they still living as she entered inside with great sorrow. her heart felt as though it were filled with lead considering how heavy it felt within her chest. the woman sat down on the stone bench facing the engravings on the walls which held her sons' names --- Elijah & Ruvik Hart.
it appeared to be well taken care of; hardly any dust and debris within the mausoleum saved for a bouquet of flowers: red anemone, lily, dandelion, & iris. despite their deaths had happened centuries ago, it was still fresh in the forefront of her mind. she had never thought in her long, eternal life she would be grieving; mourning for lives that are not her own. and yet, here she was weeping for the lives of her beloved children that were stolen from them.
they were murdered by the very humans they hunted...
her hands shook as she wailed at the sight before her: her children dead at the center of town as nothing but as cinders of their former selves. with one, tentative graze to their cheeks, they crumbled into a pile of ash. her vision blurred with more tears were wrought from her eyes by the sheer agony she felt. " my babies... my children... " the townspeople were cheering, thrilled that the spawn of the devil woman perished by their hand. they thought it was a triumphant defeat as if they can easly do the same to her. but with her gut-wrenching cries and whimpers, they were at a loss. faint murmurs arose among them; confused at the scene. could devil spawn mourn or can they merely mimic it perfectly? their question would not be answered that fateful night. a shimmer formed around their town, sealing their consequence of their actions as the void creature took it upon herself to steal their lives. none were able to escape. her barrier kept them still. it akin to what a predator would do if it was unleashed into a room full of its prey without an exit. none lived that night. and the town was leveled completely to the ground.
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like what i had posted eariler, Amelia loathes mother's day. it makes her feel the emotions she kept at bay for so long bubble and boil within her. she is envious that the other mothers are surrounded with their loved ones whereas she was alone. her sons want for nothing and they perished in the end regardless. she is hurting because she knows she's never going to experience motherhood again. she doesn't want to because it brings out an unbearable emotion she once thought she was above from.
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malumxsubest · 6 years
мeмory ѕnιppeт [Part 1]
                                                             “ Look momma! ”
      It has been a year or so since Amelia adopted the twin boys, lovingly named as Elijah & Ruvik, from that tragic yet blessed day. They absolutely refused to leave her side, even clutching both of her legs, one on each, which made her chuckle and quirk her lips upward as her eyes gleamed with mirth. She believed they are roughly four or five years of age by the way they speak such as asking why or what are you doing? The tiny woman hummed faintly as she recalled that day only for her to open her eyes to see the present.
         Amelia and her sons were in a clearing of the luscious and dense forest where the woman sat at the base of the tree, under the shade and observe her sons from afar who are running around playing and squealing with joy. Such contentment... She sighed once more and leaned further back until her shoulders bumped against the tree trunk. It was a beautiful day. It was sunny yet cooling, perfect for the boys so they won’t sweat immediately. The wind gust through the trees, rustling the branches and leaves -- several leaves cascading slowly -- then the flowers that littered the clearing. 
           Speaking of flowers, the vampire grinned as she observed the boys gathering flowers, a little bundle in each tiny hand. So adorable. She mused to herself, her shoulders shaking from her giggle. Not a scent of humans or creatures near by... It should be alright for a little while. The vampire decided to close her eyes for a moment and relaxed, keeping her ears on high alert as she bask beneath the shade. 
        “ LOOK! Look what we made! “
           A small ‘oof’ escaped her when Elijah & Ruvik decided to pounce on her lap, excitedly shoving their craft in front of her face. Her eyes snapped open, pupil constricted for a split second before resuming to their regular size. On her lap, her sons broadly smiled up at her showing their flower crowns with such pride. “ Look momma! We made dis! “ Elijah exclaimed, waving his around while Ruvik placed his on top of his head. Amelia giggle wholeheartedly before her breath hitched within her throat, eyes widening when she realized what the little one had said. Momma. M o m m a. It echoed within her mind, seeping in with a startlingly realization. 
             A few tears welled up to her waterline threatening to spill over before finally it did. Small streams of tears carved its way down her cheek. Her sons, not expecting and knowing what was happening, began to panic as if they were at fault only for Lia to lean forward and engulf them in such a loving & motherly embrace. Realizing everything was fine, they immediately embraced her back, extremely thrilled about their gifts and her hug. 
                                                   I like the sound of that... Momma.
To those who liked the post:
@daevour @maalab  @forsaken--lullaby​ @j-virusqueen​
@damntragedy , I know you didn’t like it, but i thought hey why not have Jay see this cute shit and have Richard know that they weren’t always asshats. 
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malumxsubest · 6 years
ᵉᵛᵉᶰ ᵐᵒᶰˢᵗᵉʳˢ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᶜʰᶤˡᵈʳᵉᶰ ᵗᵒ ᵖʳᵒᵗᵉᶜᵗ [part 1]
—[ preѕenт ]—
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 Amelia steadily knelt down on one knee, propping her right arm on it while the other hung loosely at her side, a bouquet of white carnations within her grip. Remembrance… The usual stoic mask she always placed over her face cracked until her vision was blurred as she read the names on the well-kept tombstone before her.
                                                      { Elijah and Ruvik. }
                                        Forever Loved And Never Forgotten.
 The tears accumulated on her waterline before flowing down her cheeks like a river as she wiped away any dirt from the grave and tombstone before placing the bouquet upright against the curved stone block. There was a tree a foot or so away from the hidden grave and it created a shadow over it with its massive leaves and branches… as if it was notifying her it would protect it from any hail or rain… Standing upright, she sauntered over towards the trunk of the tree, sat on the base with her back against the trunk and stared at the grave silently. Soon, she closed her eyes and she immediately was met with memories of them…
—[ ғlaѕнвacĸ ]—
  Amelia was hunting on one particular afternoon, she walked through the foliage of a forest near some village. Soon she grinned maliciously, crouching low like the predator she was, and narrowed her now demonic-like orbs at a lonesome human female bathing near a river bank. ‘Hm, perfect. What a perfect insolent morsel…’ She hissed mentally to herself and quickly made her way towards her until she heard shouts from a distance, which caused her to stumble a bit in her footing.
             “Burn them! They’re evil incarnate!                           B U R N them alive! They’re not human!”
 The vampire heard, causing her to cock her head in interest. “Burn them? What savages they truly are. Hn, they’ll burn whatever their little brains cannot comprehend. Let us see what you all are doing…” The red-haired female hummed, flinting towards where the ruckus was happening only to stop and hide behind a couple of trees away from the center of town. Her wild emerald orbs scanned the scene before her, only for them to widen in shock when she saw albino twin boys huddled close to one another at a stake, crying harshly as they gazed around in a panic. They had surprisingly striking powder blue eyes. ‘So different, yet so unique…’ Something or somewhere deep within her heart snapped; Amelia immediately burst through the clearing, shoving a harlot out of her way as she walked over towards the twin boys and knelt before them. Everyone around her seized their shouting and watched the strange woman near the m o n s t e r s. Their puny minds desperately grasping anything that would make the scene before them any sense.
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 ”Hello, little ones. You two are the most beautiful creatures in this entire world…” She cooed, an odd mixture of accents seeping through her voice, so very thick and exotic. The boys stopped their sniffling and peered up at the kind woman with watery eyes. ”They’re going to kill us… Mum and Da won’ save us… We-we’re monsters, the’ say.” One of the twins whimpered out while the other continued to sniffle, trying to get rid of his tears and snot.
 Amelia was torn… Normally she would not give a damn about what humans do with one another as long as she could feed off of them, but these two children tugged some unknown string within her heart. She fell in love with them as a mother would when witnessing the birth of her children… ‘A mother…’ Her breath hitched, in awe of this sort of revelation. She reached forward and wiped their tears with a motherly touch, ignoring the shouts as they started up once more. “I’ll protect you, forever and always. Now, close your eyes, cover your ears and bow your heads. Children should not see or hear what I’m going to do…”
 The twins nodded and quickly heeded the kind woman’s words. The vampire slowly stood up and swiveled around on her heels and stared down at the pathetic humans in her line of vision. So much raw anger and thirst to shed some blood coursed through her veins, and all she could do was let herself go and slaughter every single human there was within the village. With the exception of children, whom she knocked out before wiping their memories. Their screams and feeble attempts of staking her fueled her to her core until she finished her bloodied task.
 She sighed aloud, cleansing her bloodied hands in some random bucket near a woman’s dead body before making her way towards the children, once more only to stop in her tracks as she realized they were standing and staring up at her in awe. Not even an ounce of fear shown on their tiny faces. “You saved us… You really saved us… We-we’re so than-thankful, miss.” Amelia shook her head and placed both of her slender hands on top of their white-haired heads, caressing them in a motherly way. Silently, she gestured for each of them to take her hands. When they did, they walked away from the village... Never once looking back at the massacre she had done...
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malumxsubest · 6 years
ᵉᵛᵉᶰ ᵐᵒᶰˢᵗᵉʳˢ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᶜʰᶤˡᵈʳᵉᶰ ᵗᵒ ᵖʳᵒᵗᵉᶜᵗ [part 1]
—[ ғlaѕнвacĸ ]—
   Elijah and Ruvik... They were hers to protect and care for. The bloodthirsty monster laid dormant within the void of her mind as she took them under her black wings, giving them the life and the love they needed to grow as children. She took the role of mother and the twins happily called themselves her children. With every coo, embrace, smile, laugh and so on, a very special bond formed between them and nothing will ever separate them.
    And a mother that protects her children is the most vicious being of all because she will do whatever it takes to have them safe, even if she has to kill to do so.
   They are her light in the world and vice versa. The twins sought out their mother as soon as they hit the ripe age of twenty-four to become like her, to stay at her side for all eternity in order to remain as a family.
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   Oh, it was such a beautiful sight to see her children hunting for humans to feast upon, quenching their thirst with delicious blood. Amelia felt pride swelling up within her chest as they come up to her, bloody-faced, and grin sheepishly as she wipes their faces with a handkerchief. While smiling proudly at them, she plants a kiss on their foreheads.
   And so, the twins lived with Amelia for at least two-hundred years… That was until they died protecting their precious mother. A mob ran rapidly towards her humble abode, which was on the outskirts of town. Amelia had barely entered in her mechanical sarcophagus (where it contained gallons, upon gallons of blood) and it locked herself inside while she slept, but as soon as the mob neared her home, she snapped her eyes open and tried to force her way out of the casket. It ignored its mistress and her pleas. Her twins, however, stood in front of her chambers as soon as the mob became rowdy.
   And they simply took them away… and Amelia could only feel a burning pain in her chest, and then emptiness, which could only mean one thing - the bond had perished.
   After what felt for like hours, the sarcophagus had finally released its mistress from her confinement and she rushed to bathe and dress before flinting out of her abode, only to collapse on her knees in shock at the scene before her. In the center of the town were two piles of ashes at the stake, freshly burned… She crawled on her hands and knees, for she no longer had the energy to walk. Amelia shakily reached out and tentatively hovered her hands over the ashes before leaning back on with her hands on her lap, releasing the heart-wrenching scream of a mother’s heartbreak.
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   The town’s people stood around in shock as they witnessed the female vampire crumbling before them, finding it surprising to see her reacting this way.
   Once she was done screaming, she could only whimper and sniffle. As silent sobs wracked against her frame, she desperately tried to form the ashes into perfect domes. Her eyes were red from the crying, tears were dripping from the apples of her cheeks and onto the ashes.
   She cannot… will not accept they are gone. Her children, her life, her everything.
   Soon, all her sobbing ceased as the air grew still around the town. The female vampire slowly stood up and faced the crowd with an indescribable rage on her features. On that dreadful night, that town became a ghost town. It was stained red with blood and the ashes were gone. Amelia even burned her home to the ground, as she felt pain when she gazed upon it after her little rampage.
   And the only thing that those people from the town learned prior to their deaths was that a mother is deadly when she has her children to protect, but she’s even deadlier when they are stolen from her.
   Amelia had the ashes into two separate urns and placed them in a vacant area with a fairly large tree towering over it, which leads to the present...
—[ preѕenт ]—
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   The redhead's head was bowed when she was reminiscing the times with her children, even their deaths… Releasing a shuddering sigh, she stood up from her spot beneath the tree and made her way over towards the tombstone, placing her hand on it.
   “One day, I shall see you and we’ll be a family once more.”
   Inclining her head, she kissed her hand and placed it on the stone slab before turning around on her heel and sauntering away.
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