#но в мире есть не только днд и средневековый сеттинг
ulysses000 · 5 months
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I have a new rpg started. Annotation from the master:
Gamers, Announcing the Gathering!
2019, Russia
Famous British scientists discover a new type of particle, later named Azur. After a brief investigation, wave activity emanating from a "new layer of reality" is detected.
As only writers, astronomers, philosophers and the military did not imagine the first contact of mankind with extraterrestrial intelligence. And the receipt by Earth's observatories of meaningful signals from deep space. And finding space artifacts or even living aliens in the excavation of ancient mounds and pyramids. And the appearance of ominous alien starships over the largest cities of our planet. The fall of celestial bodies, the crash of all kinds of UFOs. Meeting with "brothers in reason" on distant planets. Invasion. War. Extermination of all life….
However, what was happening was more like someone's stupid joke than anything else. On the screens of the Internet appeared intrusive and unconcealed advertising, where in all languages of the world some furry humanoid said: "People of Earth, by right of the discoverers, the Shiharsa civilization declares its power and jurisdiction over your world. We guarantee one tong of safety to your home planet, but beyond that, the fate of the human race will depend solely on yourselves. People, you have already reached the threshold of development from which it is possible to participate in the big game. So take part in it and earn the right to join the ranks of the great space races!" Soon this advertisement disappeared, and the government blamed it all on a group of hackers.
A couple months later, cutting-edge IT companies announced a revolution in the gaming industry and released the first VR glasses. Lots of people entered a whole new world, and existing games were re-released in virtual reality.
You are the gamers. Those people who have dived headfirst into virtual worlds. Perhaps a student of an elite university, or a simple working professional, but definitely an expert in any VR-game. Somewhere in the shadows, in secret from society, the government has already plunged into the big game. And while the world's forces are sorting out this game, the countdown timer is ticking down. And it's not clear what will happen when the protection of our planet comes to an end.
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I really like my character and the characters of my co-players.
Lika grew up in a military family and followed in their footsteps. Even though her parents were against it. She participated in military conflicts as a radio operator, which made her disabled. She retired and immersed herself in gaming to brighten up her life. Lika is very good at shooters and military strategy games.
Denis is a student programmer, he has his own gta server. He is a dubious guy who is involved in bullying in games and extorting money. He also uses cheats a lot.
Ora is in her final year of chemistry, a part-time lab tech, an intuitive genius who occasionally steals reagents. She also sometimes records her Minecraft games for youtube.
Ilya was born in Ukraine in a village, but managed to enter the university on a budget in Moscow. He is one of the best carry in Europe. His favorite character is Shadow Fiend. He likes to work with data and has good strategic thinking.
Lyubov' (that's literally "love" in Russian. Faith (Vera), Hope (Nadezhda), Love (Lyubov'). I don't know if these names have analogs in other languages) is the daughter of a criminal authority from Kazan. Her father was lucky not to be caught during the "purges" and became a "respectable businessman". She is a financial fraudster, helping to launder money. But she's also an avid gamer. She often plays Dota 2 with Ilya. She goes mid. Favorite hero is Invoker. Also likes rhythm games.
Lyuba's father learned through connections that the government had some new secret program for gamers and decided to send his daughter there to learn more so he could use it somehow in the future. Lyuba came to Moscow to Ilya to organize a big tournament so that the government would notice her and take her into this program. Also, so that the government would have leverage over her, the tournament was illegal betting. The goal was to get her noticed as a good player and under threat of jail for illegal things, she was sent to participate in a secret program for gamers. (that's how it worked out) Almost all tournament participants were raked under this program. Everything went according to Lyuba's plan and she was satisfied that everything turned out as it should, but the others didn't really want to get involved in some secret government program. Because of that Lyuba and the others tried not to advertise to the other players that they were the organizers and because of them it all happened.
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(I'm bad at landscapes, but it's something like this.) Everyone was brought to a closed base. It was a large dome the size of a multi-story building. The introductory lecture began, where they told us that they had discovered a new layer of reality, on which all the states were now trying to develop new lands and technologies. Humanity was now in an alliance with one race, which gave three years of patronage to settle in. But during the lecture, a "call to arms" alarm occurred and all the recruits were left unattended. Lyuba knew that she would most likely be placed in the accounting department by her connections and then she wouldn't be able to get to the game. During the lecture it was announced that upon entering the game there would be a labyrinth test that could give bonus attribute points. There was an analog of this maze at the base. Taking advantage of the situation, Lyuba and Ilya ran to this maze in the hope that there would be a map there. But there was no map. With little time left, Lyuba tried to persuade Ilya to join her in the game without preparing for the maze, but Ilya refused. At that time Lika was leading the rest of the guys to the rest rooms, but Ora fought them off and went to the "corn", the area with virtual reality capsules. In the end, out of the five, only Lyuba and Ora entered the game illegally. The game offered a choice of avatar, nickname, and three classes to choose from. Ora made herself a scar in the form of a star on her shoulder (actually there is a Jewish star there. my mistake) and long white hair. She had a choice of biotic-geneticist (she chose that one), architect and chemist. Lyuba made a cute anime girl avatar. She had a choice of the classes rogue (she chose that one), knave and assassin. Lyuba completed the maze in 18 minutes, Ora in 22 minutes. They both received five additional attribute points each.
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They talked a bit with a diplomat of another race they met when they first came out of the labyrinth, and ran towards the battle site. Their path took them through the forest, they armed themselves with sticks to have at least a semblance of a weapon, climbed trees to see where to go, and came to a wheat field. In this field, they spotted a level four bug about the size of a dog. They were both level four at that point, and decided that the two of them could beat this beetle to death with sticks. They crept up on it, but only at the last moment did they notice that the beetle was far from alone. Eventually a whole swarm of beetles pounced on them and they died. When Lyuba came out of the game and recovered from the death shock, she noticed that her skin had become lighter, and when she went to the mirror, she realized that her appearance was the same as her avatar's. Also, all the items that were with her disappeared (they remained in the game). Lyuba went to bed with mixed feelings, because she is on a military base without a passport and with an appearance that is not in any database.
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(I didn't know that our characters would immediately change their appearance to that of their avatar. And I'm so sad that my Lyubov' lost her colorful little Tatar appearance……)
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I love the last version of her so much….. My half little Tatar….. (when daddy called to meet his friends.) (when, uh. well, when)
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We've already had three sessions. We managed to pass the quest with murlocs, kill an enemy saboteur, we were told off by Uncle Slava (a friend of Lyuba's dad), fought with centaurs and dryads, got captured by the Dark Faction.
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Also, we learned that I don't have a brain tumor, I just have a new sense organ that responds to magic. We also found out who the traitor was in our faction and found the Dark Faction's secret passage into our territory. Yes, we're all prisoners, but we'll be returned…. Anyway, we're trying to fight off the Dark Faction hard right now.
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Ilya has the nickname Leader and the diplomat class Denis has the nickname Hare and driver class Lika has the nickname Wolf and the class of space paratrooper
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