#путин - социопат
tomorrowusa · 8 months
Thanks to House Republicans under orders from Putin's puppet Donald Trump, Ukrainian forces are being starved of ammunition. Despite that, they are still outfighting Russian invaders in the east of the country.
Putin is desperately sending mass waves of cannon fodder dubbed "meat waves" against better trained Ukrainians.
Russia's 'meat wave' assaults leave frozen corpses uncollected as Russian soldiers 'just go and die,' Ukrainian sniper says
Russia's "meat assault" tactics on a key battlefield are leaving frozen bodies that Russia isn't collecting, a Ukrainian sniper said. The sniper, a special forces officer with the call sign "Bess," told CNN that the dead soldiers "just lie there frozen." "Nobody evacuates them, nobody takes them away," he said. "It feels like people don't have a specific task, they just go and die." Bess, which means "demon" in Ukrainian, spoke to CNN from Avdiivka, a town in eastern Ukraine that for months has been the scene of some of the most intense fighting in the war. The tactic deployed by Russia involves sending wave after wave of generally poorly trained and unsupported soldiers at Ukrainian positions, to try to overwhelm them so that other troops can then progress. The tactic, which experts say has been used frequently in the war, is one that Russian elite soldiers — paratroopers and marines — have recently been refusing to take part in, a Ukrainian official said.
Putin is a sociopath who has as little regard for Russian lives as he does for Ukrainians. In the past ten days, estimated daily Russian fatalities have ranged from a low of 740 to a high of 1,070. At that rate, cumulative Russian fatalities could reach 400,000 as soon as Valentine's Day.
To Putin the war is just a board game with lots of blood.
The next time there's a mutiny in Russia, I hope its leaders don't foolishly back down like the late Yevgeny Prigozhin did. Giving Putin a break will only result in them ending up like Prigozhin.
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nebrizkiy · 2 years
Херсон фильтруют
Айяйяй, маляров, перекрасившихся под оккупанта, активно фильтруют СБУшники.
Ойёйёй. Они же всего-лишь сотрудничали с оккупационной властью. За што жы их так.
В очередной раз повторюсь. Я не считаю правильным и никого не призываю "всем сердцем любить" Зеленского, Бендеру и т.д.
В то же время я неоднократно говорил, что Путин - социопат и сказочник, и довериться ему - себя на#бать.
Потому для меня фильтрационные меры - это не способ насильно заставить полюбить Украину, а плата за приспособленчество. Наказание за перекрашивание. Перекрашивание под оккупантов ради своего жирного пуза, ради хлебной должности, ради плюшек и лояльного отношения оккупанта.
У этих людей нет принципов. У них есть только корыстные интересы, за которые, увы и ах, нужно платить.
P.S. более чем уверен, что часть из тех, кто сегодня машет желто-голубым флагом, встречая ВСУ, также хорошо полгода назад махали и триколором.
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