#слов нет
dmmyring · 8 months
я могу дату двинуть на завтрашнюю, чтобы наебать систему?..
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bshm · 6 days
Только что прочел слово "иностранка" как "инстосранка".
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superconductivebean · 6 months
С одной стороны, ура намечается новый сматфик про Имельду!
С другой, пишет его райтер, который на мой пристрастный взгляд всирает ей характер и представляет её большей сукой, чем на самом деле.
Имельда высокомерная и язвительная, да, но ей не свойственна какая-то вот, нарочитая грубость и напыщенность, предвзятость и прочие черты характера, которые описывают завистливую дрянь, а не селф-мейд имедж.
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mrsfitzgerald · 1 year
all i want is a giant paulchard hurt/comfort fic with happy ending.. 😫
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stellesappho · 2 years
well. thank god i already had a breakdown yesterday and now back to fully dissociating, so i feel nothing about it.
but still, i want to say that i hope putin dies a fucking painful death :)
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pinkberryblog · 1 month
Лера,что за дела?
Ну бля,короче
Ненавижу влюбляться.
Мне хватило лишь случайно увидеть его во время уличного концерта. А потом провести с ним вечер за уборкой в студии. Всё,процесс запущен.
А самое дерьмо это то,что я теперь всё додумываю
«Вот я поеду на урок,а вдруг он тоже там будет..»
«А может записаться на урок попозже,вдруг он меня пригласит погулять..»
И какого-то хуя я сталкерю все его соцсеточки.
Короче,уже неделю эта хуйня продолжается. Думаю о нём постоянно блять.
Спустите меня с неба. Я заебалась.
Просто пиздец.
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myname-isnia · 5 months
12 hours later, still snowing
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bi-moonlight · 1 year
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gonna start using the lycanthropy memes to tell people about music i feel a Very Specific Way about
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lina-vas-dom · 2 months
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Время собирать и собираться, Нет, не уходить, а оставаться, Даже если ангелы скупы. Слов не оставлять, не расставаться, Нет, не остывать и не сдаваться. Нет, не умирать, а растворяться В драгоценном воздухе судьбы. /Рина Левинзон
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It's time to pack up and pack out, No, not to leave, but to stay, Even if the angels are stingy No word to leave, no parting, No, don't get cold and don't give up No, not to die, but to melt away In the precious air of fate. /Rina Levinson
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reareaotaku · 7 months
Run Away
Summary: Boris has taken a weird interest in you and you're not sure why Pairings: Yandere! Boris Pavlikovsky x Reader [Slight! Theo Decker x Reader] [Trigger/Content warning/Notes: Summary might be a little inaccurate.] I really enjoyed writing this
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Boris liked you, like a lot. You were so different from him- nice, respectful, happy, and you had loving parents. He wanted to be like you so bad, because he craved loving parents. Maybe it was jealousy that caused him to lash out on you, but he hated this feeling.
You could feel his heavy gaze on you, but you ignored it. He was new to the school and the country, so you just assumed he was struggling to adjust. You didn't mean to be judgmental, but a part of you knew he was bad news, and you didn't want to get dragged down with him.
When the teacher's back was turned, you decided to finally turn towards Boris and side-eye him. Unluckily for you, he was also looking at you, so you made direct eye contact with him. It was the kind of eye contact you couldn't break- You were drawn to it like a magnet and your eyes burned from the urge to blink.
You finally looked away when the bell rang and packed up your things.
"Who are you looking at?"
Boris doesn't answer Theo. His mind was on Y/n and Theo was on the back burner. Theo realized he was being ignored and followed Boris' line of sight to see you eating with some friends.
"Oh, Y/n? Do you like her?" Theo asks nonchalantly.
"Like her? О, ни на одном языке нет слов, чтобы описать то, что я чувствую.¹" He sighs, leaning on his hand. He was enchanted and it was to late to drag him out.
Theo rolls his eyes before sighing. "You know I don't understand what you're saying..."
Theo's voice bleeds into the background as Boris' continues to watch you. He was hoping you could feel his stare and knew it was him.
You sighed, slamming the book shut. You leaned on your hand, before tapping your pen on your desk. You slowly blinked, clicking your tongue. Suddenly, there was a tap at your window. You quickly looked back, before hearing the tapping again. You slowly get up, before heading towards your window.
You slowly pull up the panel before looking out at the dark night. You try looking out, but it was to dark, so you turn around to get a light- Until you hear your name-
The voice was vaguely familiar, and you turned back out to your window. "Hello?"
"Y/n! Come down."
Your brows scrunch together as you try and look to see if you can see who's calling to you. "Who the hell is that?"
"It's Decker! Theo Decker!"
You slightly jumped back as you tilted your head, "Theo? Blonde guy with glasses? What are you doing at my house?"
"Just come down- Please."
You sigh, before shutting your window and putting on a robe and house shoes. You slowly open the front door, trying to be quiet as possible as you looked towards where Theo was standing on your walkway.
"What are you doing here? My parents would kill me if they saw a boy-"
"I know- I'm sorry, but I need your help-"
You groan and look back at your house and then up to your room- Your warm, cozy room. "Fine. Whatever."
You stand awkwardly in Theo's bedroom as he packs a bag. You look over at Boris, who was already staring at you. You feel a heavy tension, so you look back at Theo.
"You know, Theo, I'm still a little confused why you asked for my help- We're not... well, exactly best friends."
He doesn't look back at you, just closing the zipper, "Your dad's a cop, right?"
You roll your eyes, "So I've heard. He never shuts up about it."
He finally looks back at you, "And you hate your dad, right? You'd enjoy rebelling against him, right?"
"Where are you going with this?"
"I'm running away and I don't want anyone coming for me."
"You're running away. Why?"
Theo groans, before looking over at Boris for help, but he [Boris] didn't see his friends looked. He was too focused on something else; Something much better. Theo rolls his eyes, before looking back at you. "I can't... I can't stay here. It's complicated."
"How complicated can it possibly be? If you want me to help you commit a crime, you better tell me why or at least where you're going- You know, just in case."
"New York-"
"New York? That's all the way across the country! How do you plan on getting there?"
"It doesn't matter," He sighs, "Just know... I'm getting there."
"Why New York, specifically?"
"That's where he's from."
You finally look at Boris, nearly forgetting he was there, "Right... I get that, but like- It's so far away. What is waiting for you there is my real question."
Theo sighs heavily, "You just have to trust me."
"I barely know you and you're asking me to commit a misdemanour contributing to delinquency of a minor. If I was 18, that would be a felony."
"Good thing you're not 18."
You turn towards Boris, giving him a dirty look. He shrugs and you hear Theo groan, yet again.
"You don't have to do anything- I just, want you to... possibly give him inaccurate information," He gives you a pleading look and you sigh.
Theo smiles, but you hold your hand out.
A frown starts to grow on his face at a condition being tied to your promise.
"You have to call me when you get there. If you don't call me in at least 3 months, then I'm going to assume something bad happened and tell my dad."
"Fine!" He holds his hands out in surrender, "I'll call you."
"Okay, I won't say anything." You turn towards Boris, "Are you going with him?"
It seemed you weren't the only one wondering about that.
"And miss that face, who'd want that?"
You roll your eyes while shaking your head, "Well, I hope you find whatever you're looking for, Theo."
"Thanks Y/n."
"So, why is he really leaving?"
Boris looks towards you before frowning. "To skomplikowane."²
Your brows scrunch together as you stop walking. He notices and stop as well, while looking back at you.
"Why did you stop?"
"What did you say?"
He smirked, before etting out a small laugh. He tilts at you, making direct eye contact, "Nie jesteś dwujęzyczny? Myślałem, że jesteś jednym z tych mądrych Amerykanów. Ci, którzy mówią więcej niż jednym językiem; Nie ten głupi amerykański stereotyp."³
You groan before glaring at the male, which just causes him to laugh again. "I don't know what you're saying. Whatever language you're speaking, I don't understand."
His smile grows as you continue, and you frown when seeing it.
"Oh, you're doing it on purpose. Speak Russian- I understand that."
"No. I like messing with you. Łatwo wpadasz w złość i to jest zabawne."⁴
You sigh, but ultimately decide to drop it and just shake your head. "Whatever." You click your tongue, before looking at the ground, "Are you leaving with him?"
Boris frowns, for the first time, before tilting his head to get into your vision, "No."
A loud ringing sounded throughout your house, causing you to groan and cover your head with your pillow. You thought if they really wanted to contact you, they'd call again. The phone suddenly stopped and you sighed in bliss... Until it started to ring again.
You groaned, before getting up and heading downstairs, picking up the phone, "Hello?"
You were taken a back when hearing Theo's voice. You had nearly forgotten about him, but now it was flooding back to you. "Theo?"
"Yeah," He laughs on the other end, "Yeah, it's me."
"God, I nearly forgot about you. You got to New York?"
"Yeah, I did."
"How is it?"
You can hear him sigh and you imagine he probably closed his eyes as he spoke.
"It's incredible, Y/n. You'd love it. You should come up here some time- Boris, too. Speaking of Boris, have you heard from him?"
You click your tongue, before looking at your couch, where said male was knocked out, "You know... It's funny you mention him."
Oh, there are no words in any language to describe what I feel.
It's complicated
Are you not bilingual? I thought you were one of those smart Americans. Those who speak more than one language; Not that stupid American stereotype.
You get angry easily and that's funny.
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bshm · 1 month
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очень хочется никуда не ехать и ничего не делать, опять этот экзистеншал дред преследует. я ведь наболтаю и наболтаю неплохо, только мне жеж
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kisakk002 · 4 months
Хочется отдельно поделиться фестивалем тюльпанов на котором я сегодня была, блять это так красиво!!!!!! причём такая красота находится в спб в свободном доступе, я в ахуе, у меня слов нет, тот кто это все вырастил- легенда 🌼
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ausd · 3 months
Я стою на коленях, это так горячо у меня нет слов. Можете пожалуйста кинуть отдельный кадр с раздетым рейджи....🥺🥺🥺🥺😭
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tridenopmoth · 1 month
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