#שֵׁירוּת הַבִּיטָּחוֹן הַכְּלָלִי
tomorrowusa · 8 months
MAGA extremists often rant about the so-called "deep state" which apparently means national defense, security, public safety, and regulatory bodies. The wannabe dictators prefer not to have checks and balances which can prevent them from going full-blown fascist. It's easier to get away with shit when you don't have to worry about accountability.
It's useful to see how such an attitude has already played out in another country.
Israel has been weakened by its own rightwingers who have eroded its security agencies with politics. Prime Minister Binyamin "Bibi" Netanyahu is the Israeli version of the so-called "Smart Trump" who many Republicans dream about. His rightwing governments have been running Israel for most of this century.
Bibi himself is still technically on trial on corruption charges. This year he and his coalition partners have attempted to strip the Israeli Supreme Court of many of its powers. And those partners, even more extremist than he is, had been dismissing security warnings from defense and intelligence agencies; of course those warnings abruptly turned out to be credible.
What’s happening in Israel now is a disturbing example of what can happen when elected officials use partisan and personal motivations to warp national security. For years, Republicans in Congress have attempted to sabotage what they call the “Deep State.” This includes placing holds on political nominees and castigating diplomats, officers and analysts employed in the government as captives to “Big Woke.” They might see it as political theater, necessary to boosting profiles and fundraising. But as this week shows, there can be a price. Reporting suggests that the hardline elements of Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing coalition were openly hostile to warnings from the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and security agency Shin Bet that settler violence would increase the security threat to Israel. One Likud member of parliament complained: “The ideology of the left has reached the top echelons of the Shin Bet. The deep state has infiltrated the leadership of the Shin Bet and the IDF.” Another Netanyahu coalition member stated, “We see there is confusion as to who is an enemy.”
Attacking Israel's armed forces (the IDF) and its version of the FBI (Shin Bet) for political reasons has not done a lot for public safety there. It's like being mean to your watch dog for barking a warning.
Hamas’ surprise attack has highlighted further national security dysfunction within the Netanyahu government. There are confirmed reports that Egyptian intelligence directly warned Netanyahu that “something fierce will happen from Gaza.” Allegedly, Netanyahu was indifferent to the warning, explaining that the IDF was “swamped” with terrorism threats in the West Bank. Israeli critics have stated that his coalition repeatedly ignored earlier warnings from Arab allies regarding rising levels of Palestinian frustration. Haaretz editorialized this week that, “a prime minister indicted in three corruption cases cannot look after state affairs, as national interests will necessarily be subordinate to extricating him from a possible conviction and jail time.”
Netanyahu's ignoring of the warnings about a potential Hamas attack reminds me of the infamous 06 August 2001 intelligence brief George W. Bush ignored with the title Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US.
Here’s my question: Is Israel a harbinger for the United States? Are we getting a sneak preview of what will happen if Republicans succeed in their effort to exercise more control over the national security bureaucracy?
I think we all know the answer to that. Americans should worry.
The problem comes when elected officials and political appointees decide that in order to achieve their desired ends, they need to reduce entire national security institutions to rubble. And let’s be very clear: In 2023, all of the U.S. partisans engaging in such behavior are Republicans. Former president and likely future presidential nominee Donald Trump has set the tone here. The number of instances that the former president sabotaged U.S. national security while in office and afterwards is too long to recount in detail. There’s the blabbing of secrets to Russian officials in the Oval Office, the tweeting of classified photos, the refusal to return national security secrets once he left office, and the fact that he shared extremely sensitive information about the capabilities of U.S. nuclear submarines to Mar-a-Lago members, who in turn blabbed it to everyone. His behavior was so egregious that multiple former cabinet members — most recently John Kelly, Trump’s former White House chief of staff — have gone on the record to discuss the danger he poses. Back in June his attorney general, William Barr, warned on Face the Nation, “He will always put his own interests, and gratifying his own ego, ahead of everything else, including the country’s interests.”
It's not just Trump but also his sycophants and the wannabe Trumps.
Trump is the loudest but hardly the only Republican willing to sabotage the U.S. national security architecture. Other GOP presidential contenders have expressed an equally strident desire. Vivek Ramaswamy promised to “use executive authority to shut down the deep state.” His plans included firing 75 percent of the federal workforce and dismantling the FBI and Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has been even more violent in his rhetoric, promising one New Hampshire crowd that “all these deep state people … we’re going to start slitting throats on day one.”
Elon Musk fired 75% (or more) of Twitter staff the way that Vivek Ramaswamy wants to fire 75% of the federal government. We know how that's going.
Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville is currently using arcane Senate rules to damage the US armed forces.
The most obvious manifestation of this is Sen. Tommy Tuberville holding more than three hundred military promotions hostage unless the Pentagon stops funding travel for service women to receive abortions. This includes two selections for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as well as Middle East theater commanders for naval and ground forces. [ ... ] Marco Rubio has placed holds on multiple Biden nominees, as has Ted Cruz. The result is that, at present, the United States does not have confirmed ambassadors in Israel, Egypt, Lebanon and Kuwait. There has been no confirmed USAID official for the Middle East for close to three years, nor has there been a confirmed State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism for nearly two years.
Raise your hand if you think it's kinda important to have a State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism. 🙋🏽
Republicans would like to do to US national security what the far right Netanyahu government has done to Israel's.
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