#୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ woozivrse writes
woozivrse · 14 days
ways you show love to svt
it's always ways svt shows love to you, so i decided to do this! wrote it in 40min with some help of a friend :) thank u pooks!
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cheolie— you indulge him
❣︎ okay that may sound weird but, when he's feeling a little whiny? you coddle him and kiss him better. he's dressing up kkuma and calling her his pretty princess? you agree and buy some lil accessories for her! you get the idea.
hannie— opening a bottle for him
❣︎ whether it be a water bottle or some other drink, these things can be a lil tough. it's a cute way to care, opening a drink for someone before handing it to them. he’ll always give you a cute smile when you do, thanking you with a kiss on the cheek.
shua— trying new hobbies with him
❣︎ we’ve seen how much he tries new hobbies, so you join him! he's making beaded bracelets and jewelry? you make some too! trying out air dry clay? you make a lil pinch pot to join his own. whatever it is, you're sitting there with him trying it out and laughing with him at any small mistakes you two make.
junhui— sending him messages throughout the day
❣︎ you know he's busy most of the time, but you want him to know how often you think of him. it could be a small thing, a picture of a flower you saw, or even just an emoji, you'll still send it to him, hoping he can feel all the love you're trying to convey. good morning and good night messages are sent daily, and a “hope you're eating well!” whenever you update him about your own meal is expected.
soonyoung— tucking him in when he falls asleep
❣︎ he's tired from his various schedules throughout the day, so sometimes he just falls asleep on the couch or on the bed, so you tuck him in! you’ll turn off whatever he was doing– watching tv, scrolling through his phone– and pull a blanket over him with a kiss to the forehead, hoping he rests well. it's likely you’ll wake him up within the hour too, just so he can get more comfy, doing his nightly routine with you and also getting into bed. even then, you tuck him in, hoping he knows how much you love him.
wonwoo— you game with him
❣︎ a lil cliche? yes, but i think he enjoys playing calmer, simpler games with you, like animal crossing new horizons or similar co-op games. maybe you two will even play a puzzle game together, as two minds are better than one and he enjoys doing these types of exercises with you.
jihoon— bringing him food
❣︎ he's busy and maybe a lil forgetful at times, so you take it upon yourself to make sure he's eating well. he might be locked up in the practice room– and if so, you’ll bring food for all the members, not just him– or in the universe factory so you bring him some food and company! you're there so often that those working at the company recognize you and give a friendly greeting.
minghao— you watch his little fashion shows
❣︎ with how well this man dresses, i have no doubt in my mind that he likes to create outfits at home and try them on, and whenever he does, you watch him! he’ll put together an outfit and walk out into the living room where you give him your compliments and tell him what you do and don't like, i think he’d like your honesty with it too. shower him in praise, yes, but give him your honest opinion on the outfit along with it.
mingyu— you'll keep him company while he's cooking
❣︎ personally, i don't cook, but i feel like it could be lonely? at times, doing it on your own. so, you decide to sit in the kitchen with him while he cooks! or if you can't be in the kitchen due to its size, you sit near it so you can talk to him comfortably. he likes having you taste test things, trying to make it perfectly to both of your tastes.
seokmin— you write things to him
❣︎ it's usually little notes, stuck in with his lunch or somewhere in his bag, but sometimes you like to write love letters to him. you could be the worst writer out there, or the best, and he'd keep and cherish every single one you give him. maybe this is how you show your affection best, as saying things to his face might make you shy.
seungkwan— peel oranges for him
❣︎ it's boo seungkwan we’re talking about here, so ofc i have to give him a peeled orange hello? it's a small gesture, peeling an orange for someone, but i think it's cute! you care for this person enough to get some orange peel under your nail and give them the fruits of your labor.
vernon— you listen to his music
❣︎ when i say this, i don't mean svt’s music or music he's personally taken part in, but his music taste. he’ll talk about an artist he’s recently been listening to and if you have the time, you'll immediately pull them up on your phone, ready to try them out. if you don't have the time, you note it down so you can listen to them and tell him your thoughts!
chan— you watch him dance
❣︎ yes, this could go for all of them, but i think since chan has spent most of his life dancing, it's a bit more meaningful for him. maybe you even join him sometimes! it doesn't matter either way, just you being there, enjoying the music and his dancing is enough for him. whenever he finishes a routine and you clap for him, he can feel his love for you grow more and more.
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woozivrse · 6 months
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you couldn’t decide if you hated or loved the morning.
mornings were nice, you woke up and the first thing you saw was cheol, sleeping peacefully beside you. on the other hand, the first thing you felt was numb, specifically your legs, because kkuma loved sleeping on your legs. you didn't move too much as you slept so instead of kkuma sleeping on your side or by the foot of your bed, the cute princess slept on you instead.
“baby,” cheol groaned, nuzzling his head into your neck. “stop movin’,”
you hated this part, having to get out of bed for work. cheol was so cuddly, even more so in the morning, he clung to you like a koala and never let go.
kkuma perked up, trotting up to lay on both you and cheol this time, now making it even harder for you to move.
“cheol… sweetheart i have work,” you whispered into his hair. “please let me get up?”
“five more minutes…”
you sighed, accepting your fate. at least you didn't have any early morning meetings.
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woozivrse · 6 months
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“do you ever think about what life would be like if we never met?” you questioned.
“...honey please it's 3am,” jeonghan flipped to face you. “what brought this line of thought up?”
“i dunno, just. what if we never met? do you think there's a universe where that happened?”
jeonghan pretended to think before kissing you on the crown of your head. “i doubt it. i think we’re together in every universe, in every shape and size and form. but in this universe, we should be asleep,”
you giggled. “okay, okay… so romantic up until that last part y’know,”
“honey, it's 3am. i should be asleep and not romantic,”
you sighed, nuzzling into his chest. “gotcha, asleep here and together everywhere else,”
he planted his cheek onto your head. “now you get it. sleep well, sweetheart, i'll see you tomorrow,”
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woozivrse · 1 month
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sniff kiss: seungcheol, jun, mingyu, seungkwan, vernon
this one needs a lil explaining bc it's not super common? but it's just someone smelling you(usually into the top of your head or like your cheek) and it's done in like primarily south east asian cultures i believe?
but like this is really, really indulgent of me but i grew up with my mom and aunts kissing me like this so it feels so??? loving?? and nostalgic to me?? like, it feels like a warm hug and i get transported to being a kid again. it's like being protected, knowing no matter what, there's someone there who will help pick you up and support you.
kiss on the knuckles: joshua, wonwoo, minghao
you two are probably holding hands, maybe walking around somewhere or just sitting down across from each other. either way he can't just kiss you without causing a disturbance(stopping in the middle of the sidewalk) or getting up from his chair, so he kisses your knuckles. this feels like a royal romance movie, the prince is looking at their beloved and they kiss their knuckles without breaking eye contact. he probably does this to see you get shy and you know he does it because you're just so cute when you try to hide your face from him.
kiss on the cheek: jeonghan, soonyoung, jihoon, seokmin, chan
it's quick, these men are busy but they want to show you their love. they're maybe just about to leave but they want to say bye without waking you, or they're taking a break from whatever they're doing and just wanna kiss you quickly so you know they're thinking about you. or, he wants to show you his love and he's peppering kissing across your face, and this is where he starts. either way, it's full of love and adoration, saying “i love you” without the words.
happy svt comeback to those who celebrate :) i had this idea for a lil but i decided to finish it for the comeback! cheers to youth is prob my fav of the new songs but lalali and spell are so good...
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woozivrse · 8 months
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“honey!” you called for your lover, “c’mere, sit in front of me, i want to do your hair,”
jihoon shook his head, sighing. “you’ve been doing this ever since i started growing it…”
“and you always let me,” you sang. “now sit,”
once he finally sat down, you started to run your hands through his hair, gently pulling apart any tangles, kissing his forehead when you tugged a little too hard. tonight, you had decided to braid his hair with ribbons, trying out a cute style you saw on pinterest the weekend before. once you finished, you pulled out your phone camera, intent on showing him your handy work.
“see! look how cute you are,”
he rolled his eyes, but you weren't fooled, “it's very cute sweetheart, thank you,”
you giggled, pressing more kisses onto his face, “i love you,”
“i love you too,”
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woozivrse · 4 months
apple of my eye
um. idk if this counts but kinda a follow up to this? also cw: food mention cuz... apples...
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if you had to pick a favorite date amongst all the ones joshua had taken you on, it was definitely this one.
that's not to say that the rest were bad, but they paled in comparison to this one. your amazingly sweet boyfriend had taken you apple picking, during peak autumn, meaning the wind was cool while the sun lit the orchard you two were at. he knew this was one of the things you’d love to do– along with making apple pie afterwards but, you weren't quite done picking apples– even though you had only mentioned it once a couple years back, before you two were even dating!
the sun was on its way to set, casting the perfect golden hue on everything around you. when you looked at shua, his brown hair turned gold, and he beamed at you.
“darling, catch!” he tossed an apple at you, laughing at your startled face.
you giggled, turning to place the apple with the rest of the ones you picked. you opened your mouth to tease him, something you always did whenever he tossed you an apple, but when you turned around your brain stopped.
there he was, the love of your life, down on one knee. his lucious brown hair, glowing golden in the sunset, his eyes, full of love and looking right at you, and in his hand, a little apple shaped box, and in that box, held the most beautiful ring you’ve ever seen.
he smiled at you, “tossing an apple in ancient greece was a marriage proposal, wasn't it?”
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woozivrse · 5 months
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“excuse me?”
you popped your head up, keeping it resting against your hand. “yes?”
“could you help me? i was absent yesterday and i just, don't know what's supposed to be important here?”
you looked at the boy, vaguely remembering him from your history class. sighing, you pointed at the book. “it's all important, that's why it's in the book,”
he scratched the back of his head. “er, right… could you highlight some things though? like– the important things,”
“sure, i guess,” you grabbed the highlighter from his hand, before drawing a line on him. “there. chan, right?”
his eyebrows furrowed. “seriously? why'd you highlight me, i asked you to–”
“highlight the important things. i did,”
you laughed, seeing the gears turn in his head. you shook your head and wrote your number on a sticky note, before putting it in his book. “here, text me later,”
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woozivrse · 6 months
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“babe look, it's snowing!”
you smiled softly as your overexcited boyfriend pressed his face against the window. “honey, it snows every year,”
“yeah but it's still pretty!” soonyoung whipped his head back to look at you. “you're prettier though,”
you closed your book and waddled over to him, blanket over your shoulders. he was right, it was very pretty watching the world be enveloped in a soft blanket of snow.
“did you know,” you started, putting the blanket over soonyoung and your laps. “that if you confess to someone during the first snowfall, they’ll accept it?”
he looked back at you, eyes wide in wonder. “really? then… i love you!”
you giggled and kissed his cheek. “i love you too, soonyoung,”
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woozivrse · 7 months
pls ignore any typos or grammar mistakes... i wrote this at 1am and finished in like idk... 5-10 min...
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“are you tired?” wonwoo asked.
“not.. really,” you leaned on his chest, sitting on his lap.
he scrunched his nose. “are you sure? your eyes are closed,”
before you got to respond, you yawned. “...that meant nothing,”
he chuckled. “sure, but i’m pretty tired… so let's go to bed?”
“well… if you're tired…”
the two of you walked to your room, wonwoo leading you by the hand. he watched you get into bed before mirroring you on the opposite side.
kissing you on the forehead, he held you. “love you, sleep well,”
“you too…”
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woozivrse · 8 months
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“darling?” joshua’s voice rang through the apartment, “you home?”
seeing your shoes at the door and yet not hearing your voice, joshua was confused. putting his things away, he wandered around the apartment before finding you on the couch asleep. he smiled, crouching down and tucking you in.
“oh honey,” he kissed your head. “i can't wait to marry you, just wait,”
as he walked away, you hoped he didn't see your giddy smile.
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woozivrse · 8 months
prompts: “yeah, you're cold, i'm giving you my jacket” + “you look better in it anyway” found on pinterest!
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you loved mornings. waking up with mingyu at your side, watching the world brighten as the sun rises, it was all incredible. additionally, you loved autumn. the leaves changing color, the festivities slowly coming closer as the year started its final quarter. except for today.
“whys it so cold today,” you whined, burying your free hand into your side. “if i knew i would've never agreed to go out on a walk with you,”
“i told you to wear a thicker jacket,” mingyu sighed, shrugging his own jacket off.
“are you giving me your jacket?” you questioned as he let go of your hand.
“yeah, you're cold. ‘course i'm giving you my jacket,” he led your arms through the sleeves and zipped it up, pulling the hood over your head. “you look better in it anyways,”
he grabbed your hand and started walking a little too fast for your own strides.
“gyu, baby, where are we going?”
“home, you're cold and i refuse to let you freeze,” he slowed down and brought your hand to his lips. “c’mon, i'll make soup for lunch,”
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woozivrse · 8 months
prompt: "you're a big piece of inspiration for this, honestly" found on pinterest!
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“sorry? i- repeat that?” you stuttered. “i'm what? you… what?”
he looked down and rubbed his neck, “uh… yeah? you're a big piece of inspiration for this song, like really big,”
“fuck– that's, dude that's the sweetest thing someone's ever told me…”
his eyes shot open, always one to show emotion. “seriously? dude i have to compliment you more then… im not doing my job right if that's the sweetest thing,”
“you wrote a love song about me. how does it get better than that?”
he took a second to think before going to litter kisses on your face. “like this,”
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woozivrse · 3 months
svt as things i've sent my friend
i will admit some of these aren't the funniest but guess what you get what you get! also jun is something i've done using jun's face, random number texted me and i was bored i guess! and hao's was not me cooking, i hit 3 ones in darts on game pigeon and was cooking fr :)
vocal unit! | hip hop unit! | masterlist
"no peace in this house i want WAR"
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just me "catfishing"(a random number texted me and... jun<3)
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"i'm cooking fr!" + "it may be a little burnt but im cooking fr"
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woozivrse · 6 months
Hiding the Truth, Pretending I'm Fine
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Jeon Wonwoo x gn! reader
Genre: Hanahaki AU, college AU, fluff, usual angst that comes with the AU, happy ending!
Words: 4k and some change!
Warnings: vomiting, doctors, surgery mention(doesn't happen! don't worry<3), implied depression? reader feels down and i kinda wrote it in a way that it could be read as depression..., death mentions(one a joke at the start, and the other being apart of the whole AU thing..., cursing, my ocs Mai and Kimi(ok my friends oc...) use different pronouns, Mai(She/He) and Kimi(She/They), blood
Notes: sooo... if you've read this before you are either 1) a friend i had read this for school or 2) you are my old english teacher, in which, hi. why are you here. please leave. please. aka i am repurposing this for tumblr, because i am pretty proud of it, meaning please be gentle on me. i am just a tiny tiny child. but tell me what you think! tell me if i missed any warnings, and stuff like that! also, stole the title from bittersweet. you'll see why! enjoy<3
You had been in love with Jeon Wonwoo for who knows how long, but you hadn't known it. Until you started coughing. You wish it had been easier.
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“Ooh my baby,” You cooed. “How's my little baby~ Hm? How are you Hoshi? What about you Byeol~~ Thank you for the gift~~”
Kimiko, your high school friend slash roommate, burst into your room. “Stop being a crazy cat person! Get up and out, Wonwoo is waiting for you,”
“Already? I just woke up–”
“Oh, no he's not here, here. He's just waiting for you like, in general y'know?”
“Not how you talk to your bestest friend in the world,” She pouted.
“That would be Wonwoo,”
“Bestest roommate in the world?”
“Fuck youuuu,”
Sitting down, Wonwoo placed an iced latte in front of you. Every Sunday, the two of you met at either the library or the cafe to plan your week out together. This week was the cafe. He stared at you, watching you work.
“Stop watching me, creep,” you grinned, tapping your foot against Wonwoo. “C’mon, I know I’m pretty ‘n all but you really should stop staring at me,”
“So full of yourself,” He teased. “You’ve got something, here I’ll get it.”
You rolled your eyes at Wonwoo pretending to fix your hair. Always trying to “fix” something, your hair, your clothes. You knew you weren't a messy person. What you didn't know was why Wonwoo did it. Sighing, you just let him fiddle with your hair. As he did that, you stole his phone, unlocking it to check his calendar for the week.
“Boo,” you pouted. “We barely match up this month, outside of class. Look! We don’t match this week and next week we match once, on Friday night,”
Seemingly done with your hair, he checked your planner. “Oh, you’re right. Isn’t that during the get together Cheol is holding?”
“Oh I think it is,” you sulked. “No free time for just us! Oh I am in pain, jail for a thousand years!”
He chuckled. “It’s fine, we can sneak some time in,”
“Not at a Cheol party. I’m gonna be tipsy and you’re probably going to be on babysitting duty,”
“Babysitting you,”
Grumbling, you stood from the chair and fell onto Wonwoo's shoulders like a lump of nothing, smacking him a little. Vernon, your mutual friend who worked at the cafe, took a picture and sent it to their group chat without the two of you, followed by a text saying “yo right in front of my salad?”. The group chat exploded with messages with variants of “they’re seriously not dating?” and one text from Joshua, one of the other workers at the cafe, saying “get back to work!!”.
This, you decided early on in your college days, was your favorite part of college. Walking with Wonwoo to whatever class you two shared, was great(unless the two of you didn't share a class, in which he would walk you to whatever class you had after the two of you had lunch).
You looked at him, seeing him staring at you, again. “Hey, what's with you looking at me so often, huh?” You raised a brow. “What, do you like me or something?”
He smiled, “Sure, something like that,”
Your face warmed, you could just feel the heat go to your ears.
You whipped your head away from him before saying. “Oh– oh just shut it! Don't even joke about that, Wonwoo!”
And then you started coughing, which granted, the weather had been getting colder, but you started coughing hard. Leaning down, you started coughing into your elbow before pulling away and seeing… petals? Bloody, purple flower petals. You quickly grabbed them before shoving them into your pocket.
Wonwoo put his hand on the small of your back, rubbing it. “Woah, hey, are you alright? Do you need water, anything? I’ll take you home if you need,”
You nodded, your throat still feeling a little raw. “Um… yeah, water would be nice, please,”
He handed you his water bottle, yours being at home. “Here, just drink from it. I’m fine without it for now,”
You sent him an appreciative look before downing the water. “Okay, I think I’ll be good for class now,”
He looked at you, obviously worried. “If you're sure… but I’m taking you home if you start coughing like that again,”
❀1:47, CLASS
You started coughing again.
There was no reason for it, you had just caught Wonwoo once again looking at you weirdly, causing your heart to flutter just a bit before you had berated yourself, thinking, Stop it, stop it! He doesn't like me…he just doesn't. And then the coughing happened again.
It had been so bad that the professor had stopped class and asked if you had needed to go. Wonwoo answered that question by grabbing your stuff and taking you out of the class. Oh well, you thought, Guess going to that class was for nothing.
Once you had finished coughing, you again found bloody petals. What the fuck…
“Hey, are you sure you're okay?” Wonwoo looked really worried now, placing a hand on your forehead, then cheeks. “You certainly don't seem okay, but you’re not warm or anything,”
You shook your head. “I think it might be the weather. You know I get a little iffy around this time of year,”
He hesitantly accepted your reason, knowing it was true, just usually happened later in the year. He shrugged his jacket off, placing it on your shoulders. “Well, keep this on until we reach your place, I don't want you actually getting sick,”
Sitting on your bed, your eyebrows scrunched up before you sighed. Just, what was happening to you? Coughing up flowers– that's something out of a storybook, not real life.
Your heart fluttered when you thought about Wonwoo, but why. Why was your heart doing this, why, why, why. Wonwoo was so sweet to you, that's why, you reasoned. Right? You…didn't like him, did you? You couldn't.
You started coughing, again. Running to the bathroom, you knelt over the toilet.
Kimi sang. “Your favorite dancer is home~”
Kimi stepped into the kitchen, dropping her bag into the floor, before calling your name. “Hellooo?”
Silence filled the apartment, which left Kimi worried. Walking through the hallway, Kimi knocked on your bedroom door, opening it when no noise happened. Nothing.
“What the…” Kimi muttered. “Ugh, where’d I put my phone… dance practice you thot!”
Dragging herself back to the kitchen, she shuffled through their duffel bag. Calling your phone, rings came from the bathroom. Making her way to the bathroom, Kimi barged in. There you were, in all your shitty, sweaty glory was you, throwing up into the toilet.
“Fuck!” Kimi dropped to her knees, rubbing your back. “You should’ve told us you were sick. One of us would’ve stayed home for you,”
You whined. “Kimi… it’s fine both of you were busy, I couldn’t let you guys stay home. Besides, this happened during class.”
“The one you have with Wonwoo?”
Nodding, you straightened. “Mm… he brought me home,”
“What happened?”
“I… um… started coughing up flower petals…” You muttered.
“You what?”
Sighing, you reached your hand into your pockets and brought out the bloody flower petals.
“What the– Why are they bloody!?”
“I started coughing these up,” You started to explain. “Look, they’re in the toilet bowl too. I… I asked Sayu, before I went into the bathroom, she said they were bittersweet or something like that…”
“You should go to the ER! Or at least the doctor– you don’t know what this is,”
“I will, I will. I was going to call her after this whole…fit,”
“So, what’s the reason for this appointment?” Doctor Kim asked, checking the files in hand.
“Um…so the other day, Wednesday, I uh… started coughing flower petals,” You explained, pulling the petals out. “They were um, bloody.”
Clicking her tongue, Doctor Kim examined a petal. “Oh dear…I see,”
“Why’d it happened? How’d it even get in my body?”
Doctor Kim sighed, pulling up an article on the computer in the room. “I’m afraid there’s not much research on this. I’ve never personally seen it but I know doctors who have diagnosed it. We’re calling it hanahaki, from the Japanese words 花 and 吐く, flower and to vomit. We’ve noticed that it’s from unrequited love,” she glanced at you and then the flower petals, “Do you…do you love someone? Do you believe they don’t love you back?”
You played with your hair, suddenly the floor looking interesting. “Um…I…I guess,”
“You guess?”
“I do. I…kinda just realized it and then spiraled for a little. On Wednesday, when I first coughed them up.”
“I see. I’m going to give you options and I will definitely push you towards a specific one. But I want you to know that it is entirely up to you, what you want to do,” sighing, she leaned onto her knees. “You could confess, and if your feelings get reciprocated the flowers will leave your body through a few days. If they don’t, then your lungs will grow with flowers faster and you’ll suffocate. If you do, come to the ER immediately.
“The last option is surgery, we remove the flowers and any roots in your lungs. But it’s a complicated surgery, and if successful you lose all memories of said person and you’ll never feel anything for them ever again. It’s a last resort for a reason, and if you even think they return your feelings, confess. I mean it, you need to confess.”
Laying on your bed, you pulled your blankets over your shoulders, tucking yourself in. Getting up seemed to take up so much more energy these days, it was so much effort, effort you couldn't seem to put in.
Your phone rang, and you left it. It stopped for a few seconds before ringing again. You sighed as it stopped again. It pinged a few times, two followed by one more before your phone silenced. You couldn't bring yourself to check, even though you knew it was Wonwoo, you set his notifications to have a special ringer. You were just… tired.
Nonu ❙
Hey, are you okay?
??? Hello??? You always answer, are you sick??
??? I’m coming over.
Wonwoo knocked on your door, before opening it. Seeing you still tucked into your bed confused him.
“I know I've asked this a couple times, but are you okay?” He sat on your bed, patting your leg. “Hello? Have you not woken up just yet?”
You hummed lightly. “No…I’m tired,”
He raised an eyebrow. “Do you want to be alone? You seem…well tired,”
You hummed again. He couldn't tell what you were feeling, facing away from him and barely saying anything.
“I’ll go, but I hope you feel better. I’ll get Mai and Kimi to take care of you,”
❀DAY 10, TUESDAY 11:23AM
Knocking on the door, Mai entered the room after a beat.
“You haven’t woken up yet?” She questioned, sitting on the bed. “You ok? I haven’t seen you wake up later than 9 since we were high schoolers,”
“Maiiii,” You whined. “I’m so TIRED, I can't even explain why!”
“The petals?”
“Of course, it's the– How do you know about them?”
He shrugged. “Kimi told me a little, sorry.”
“It's fine. I mean, you would've found out anyways,”
“Yeah, I would've. What happened, like why are they a thing? Kimi only mumbled something about petals and blood and purple– good color by the way,”
“I mean, the doctor said it's this stupid thing called hanahaki–”
“Like, hana as in 花, as in flower?”
“Uh, I think– STOP you're distracting me!” You jumped out from the covers.
“Yeah, but that got you out of bed. That was the goal~”
“You are the worst,”
Pulling you by the hands, Mai led you to the dining room.
“Our zombie lives!” cheered Kimi.
Flipping Kimi off, you pried yourself from Mai’s arms. “What was that for? I was gonna get out of bed eventually, it's only–”
“Only 11:23!” Kimi cut her off. “You are two hours late youngster!”
“To what?”
“To civilization! You have never–”
“Once woken up after 9, yes I am aware,”
“So you are aware we were worried, right?” Kimi huffed. “Now, eat! You are a growing child, no child of mine will starve!”
“I'm 20. We are the same age,”
“And,” Mai cut in. “I'm 21. I say you eat and get yourself freshened up. We are having a roommates day out,”
“What happened to my childhood friend,” you sulked.
“She has gone nowhere, I have always been your mother,” Mai chided. “Now eat, you actually look like a zombie,”
“So, young child of mine,” Kimi started, placing the group’s order down. “Why have you been coughing up a storm, and why are there bloody flowers everywhere? You only mumbled something about them, and I want to know why!”
The three of them were in a small cafe they frequented often, mainly due to your part-time job there.
“Still can’t believe you guys got me here on my day off,” you sighed, playing with your drink. “It’s nothing. I already went to a doctor, she said it was ‘Hanahaki’ or something,”
“Hana as–”
“Yes hana as in 花, as in flower. Why did you both ask the same question?”
“I needed clarification,” Kimi shrugged. “But like, what’s the haki part? Like what even is hanahaki?”
“The haki is 吐く, like to vomit,”
“It’s a disease where flowers grow in your- in your lungs?!” Mai read from his phone, head whipping to you. “And you could die?”
“Not so loud– lord why did we go here,”
“I’m sorry– you’re upset I’m being loud? You could die, do not tell me to be quiet?”
You sighed, “Look, this is why I didn’t want to tell anyone! They get all dramatic, it’s not a big deal. It’s due to unrequited love, so all I have to do is unfall in love.”
“Uh, speaking as the person who’s in a committed relationship,” Kimi injected. “Impossibly hard. Like, I’m talking insanely hard. I mean–”
“We get it,” Mai said, cupping her face. “Look, it even took me a while to get over my first ex, and he stalked me! I’m with Kimi, there are easier ways to do this.”
“Except there’s not! It's either I unfall in love, confess, or get surgery! And, mind you, that surgery will remove all my memories of said person and remove all my feelings. It’s not like I can do that. I can’t lose someone I’m in love with– and I can’t lose my feelings! How am I supposed to live without being happy, or sad, or–”
“Then confess! They’ll reciprocate them, I’m sure.” Mai held your hands. “Please, I can’t lose you. We can’t lose you, you’re too important to us.”
“I am not confessing–”
“Confessing?” A voice cut in, Wonwoo. “Is that why you’ve been avoiding me?”
“Wonwoo! No, no! I haven’t been avoiding you, I’ve–”
“Been busy.” He rolled his eyes. “Look, if this was over some guy, you could've told me. I would've gotten it and backed off,”
You stood up. “It is not! Look, we went over schedules– we were both booked! You cannot say I have been ignoring you,”
“Does that mean you can’t answer my texts? Or calls?” He argued, walking away from you and out of the cafe.
“Oh don’t act like you don’t do the same to me. How come you’re acting like I’m doing it on purpose!” You followed.
“I haven’t ghosted you, never for days on end!”
“Oh sure,” You stopped and rolled your eyes. “I’m not arguing about this, not in public,”
“Oh so you’re running away, like always?” Wonwoo turnt around. “Like you always do when something happens, like the coward you are?”
Your eyes watered as you stumbled back like you were struck. “Fine! Yes, I’m running away, just like you said! Just like I always have, according to you, but don’t you dare try to come talk to me.”
You and Kimi walked into Seungcheol’s party, being eagerly greeted by Kim Mingyu.
He cheered both of your names. “Let me get you drinks, come in! I’m not allowed to help you with your coats, Cheol is worried about me breaking something again.”
Laughing, Kimi pat him on the arm. “It’s fine! I’m here to be sober, drunk watch and all that,”
“Mai forced her to be my babysitter,” You sulked. “Like I’m gonna get drunk off my ass or something…”
Mingyu and Kimi gave each other a knowing look. Like you hadn't been upset since the fight. Kimi pushed you further into the house, hearing the chatter of the others. Mai and Kimi figured it was best to get you to talk to someone, and what better way than to get her drunk with friends?
Bad idea. Mai and Kimi both forgot one important thing about a drunk you. You were an emotional drunk. Meaning, right now? You were sobbing your ass off, drunk, over Wonwoo.
Kimi could barely understand you because you were muffled by–
“Fuck,” Kimi muttered, launching herself towards you. “Spit them out, I fucking mean it you drunk fuck. Spit. Them. Out.”
You listened. Saliva and blood covered petals fell into Kimi’s hand. You fell into Kimi’s arms, still sobbing.
“He hates me Kimi! He does. He hasn't talked to me in 3 days! The longest we’ve gone is probably around a couple hours! Never this long,”
Kimi sighed, petting your hair. It pained them all to see her like this.
“He doesn't hate you, yknow,” Mingyu said, also patting you on the back. “He’s just upset right now. He’s probably also crying right now,”
“I don't want him crying over me!” You sobbed even harder.
Seungkwan hit Mingyu away, clicking his tongue. “Ignore him, Mingyu’s dumb. We know this. Wonwoo’s upset, but he’s not crying. He's probably thinking about what happened and trying to figure out how to apologize to you,”
“But he doesn't have to apologize, I was the one being a bitch!”
“All of you leave her alone,” Jeonghan swatted everyone besides Kimi. “Sweetheart, honey, drink this,”
He handed you a cup of water, urging you to drink. You tried to drink it, but instead a full flower came out of her mouth.
“FUCK,” Kimi shouted. “Fuck fuck- where’s their phone? Hurry one of you, give it to me!”
Kimi dialed your doctor, explaining that you had actually coughed up a flower. “C’mon hun, c’mon. Get up, we have to visit someone,”
“What's happening?” Mingyu questioned. “Kimi– what was that? Why did a flower come out of their mouth? Kimi?”
“Don't, don't worry. Just call Mai for me, tell her we're at the hospital. She’ll know why,” Kimi explained. “Sorry to bring the mood down,”
“Don't be. Now go, go! It seems urgent,” Cheol pushed the two of you out of the apartment.
Your doctor sighed, closing the door behind her and facing Kimi and Mai. “I’m to assume you two are their roommates, meaning they told one of you at least a little?”
“Uhm, yeah,” Kimi fidgeted. “She told me a little, just like, uh she was coughing flowers cuz of something called hanahaki? Uhm.. and that it was a disease caused by–”
“Unrequited love, yes. However, that’s not something we’re entirely sure about,”
“What do you mean, not entirely sure about? Did you tell her something incorrect about a disease that could kill her!?” Mai shouted.
“Yes and no,” Doctor Kim sighed. “Look, ladies, hanahaki is rare– we’re not sure about everything. But, there's a theory, that I have personally searched into, that it’s not unrequited love. More like, insecurity in the afflicted. The flowers, do you know what they are and what they mean?”
“Oh! Uhm, I think I remember our friend saying they were bittersweet? And that they meant truth? Truthfulness?”
“Then, there. They likely need to tell the truth, if the theory holds up. Either way though, one of you should get whoever they’re crushing, or in love with, here as soon as you can. I will make an exception for you three, and only you three, to be here after hours if they have not gained consciousness. The other should stay with them. I don't want any surprises,”
“Where are they!?” Wonwoo bursted into the hospital lobby.
Ignoring the onlooking staff, he went straight towards Mai.
“Mai, you cannot call me, say my best friend is in the hospital, and then not give me context,” he said, holding the dead tired girl by the shoulders.
“You hung up on me right after I said they were here! I’m not calling you back and getting you into an accident– we do not need that! Now, come. I'll bring you to them, your job is to get them to actually tell you the truth. I don't care what it takes, they have to.”
Leading the barely taller man, Mai opened the door to your hospital room. Pulling Kimi out, Mai quickly pat you on the head with a quiet, “Confess,”
“Wonu?” You croaked.
“Hey,” He sat on the edge of her bed. “What happened? Why are you here– why have you been avoiding me? I thought we told each other everything,”
He looks heartbroken, you thought, heart clenching at it. “It- it wasn't your fault, Wonu. I just- if I told you, I’d lose you. I can’t do that,”
“But you're here, in a hospital. Mai said you could die. Why do you think I can live without you?”
“Please. You’re my best friend, I can’t lose you,”
Bursting into tears, you sobbed. “Exactly! I’m your best friend, that's all I’ll ever be! Wonwoo, have you ever thought I wanted to be more than friends with you?”
“It’s you, it has always been you! I just had a shitty way of finding out, and now I’m dying! I don't want to die. I want to live out my life with you, and Mai, and Kimi, and and just– everyone! But if I get the surgery I lose my best friend– the love of my life! It's either I lose you by confessing, or I lose you by forgetting you, or I lose everyone by dying! I don't want this–”
“Hey, hey,” Wonwoo wiped the tears from your face. “Who said you’d ever lose me? Remember, I will always be here for you. Always. Besides, I’ve loved you ‘since forever’. You have nothing to fear,”
Your eyes overflowed with tears, and your mouth, flowers. Calling a doctor, Wonwoo was quickly kicked from the room. Worried, he quickly walked to the lobby.
“Wonwoo!” Kimi exclaimed, bouncing anxiously towards him. “Where- where are they? Why are you out here?”
“Well, I got kicked out. We confessed but then they started coughing again and–”
“You finally confessed? Like, for real none of that ‘I love you, as a friend’ bullshit?”
“Yes– why is that what you're focusing on? They started coughing flowers again, Kimi,”
“I know, I know, but I’ve been waiting for this since I met you two. That was our first year of high school!”
“Stop fighting you two,” Mai butt in. “What happened? Why are you out here?”
After explaining everything, the three of them went to hunt Doctor Kim down. Meaning, they were waiting outside of your room.
Walking out of your room, Doctor Kim turnt around and jumped. “Oh, you three scared me. Sorry, sorry. I should’ve told you to go home. But, they're fine. They’re resting now, you can visit when the hospital opens up again and you can see them then,”
“We can’t leave her!” Kimi whisper shouted, still aware of the fact that you were likely sleeping.
“No, you can’t but you will. I understand you’re scared about them, but they’ll be fine. They’ll have to stay here for another few days, but it’s just so we can monitor them. You can visit, but only during visiting hours. Now shoo, you are college students here on a Saturday,”
Wonwoo walked into the room, with a bouquet of aster flowers. Chuckling Wonwoo put them on the bedside table.
“Sorry, I know it’s a little soon,” Wonwoo sat. “but I asked your friend, um, Sayu? She said you thought they were pretty, the flowers, that is. Aster, she called them.”
You laughed softly. “It’s ok Wonu, they’re lovely. I love them, thank you,”
He smiled. “I’m glad. I know we only just established everything but I want to ask, can I be your boyfriend?”
You laughed, and Wonwoo pouted at that. “Sorry, sorry I’m not laughing at you. Never at you. Yes, of course you can be my boyfriend. Why’d I ever say no, I don’t know.”
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woozivrse · 6 months
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my love ❙
chan chuckled, already waiting in line at the cafe the two of you were meeting at.
my pookum schmookums ❙
don't worry about it!! stay safe<3
by the time you had gotten to the cafe, chan was sat at a table in a corner with your order. your face brightened when you caught his eye, waving your hand excitedly. he smiled back at you, endeared by your actions.
“oh my gosh i’m so sorry!” you sat down, thanking him for your drink. “there was someone filming something? like on the sidewalk, so i had to wait for them to finish, and it was really cool! but it took so long. it was like, a performance thing?”
he chuckled. "that sounds interesting, did you get a video?"
"nope, they didn't let us," you pouted. "i wanted to show you, maybe you knew them!"
"that's alright, i don't mind," he pinched your cheek. "you're here, so that's all that matters,"
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woozivrse · 9 months
svt as things i've sent my friend
IM BACK with more weird shit i've said!!! um also like tw food mention in wonus(i was just a tiny little itty bit hungry when i sent that text to my friend) and cheolie feeling the itties bit under the weather :( also i have realized it was not svt as things i've sent to my friend but more svt reacting to things i've sent to my friend but one is longer and i don't wanna type that all out :)
vocal unit! | performance unit! | masterlist
"poor victorian boy" + "it's the old age" (i couldn't resist. i had to do a joke on him being the oldest.)
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WONWOO(again!! food and hunger mention!!)
"urge to eat the paper"
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"i'm turning into my mother" + "why'd i tell the dog to stop looking at me like that"
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"SQUIRREL" + "i am such a dog"
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