#ლ  We were pushed to hell and back before now it is time to go again «Group Verse 1»  ლ
nabigeshonidol · 3 years
@edgyearring asked: Kicks down door. "Did you laugh at Maruki???" (sotfd verse but also very cracky/joke so don't feel you gotta reply)
Maruki was a sensitive subject and she assumed someone would eventually call her out on her actions that day. She's torn on how she should feel about the incident. Part of her knew that she felt bad for having such a terrible reaction to seeing Maruki tied up like that. However, there was something about the entire absurd situation that compelled her to laugh.
"I did."
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The reply was short as her expression remained neutral. She knew that there was a chance that her relationship with Adachi might get brought up against her. However, there was something drastically different between Adachi and Maruki. She's had years to come to terms with what Adachi did. Maruki she's only had about two months and part of that time was spent recovering after the entire ordeal.
"I feel bad about laughing, but it was probably some form of coping mechanism. It's only been about two months since I finished dealing with the mess my version of him caused. I know that it's not the same person... but those wounds are still far too fresh."
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Hi! Can i ask for an hc where mc doesnt show much emotion? Like, her mom would gets mad at her when she cried, saying things like 'you dont have anything to be sad about' eventually mc didnt show emotions much in fear no one would care and fear of everyone is just putting up with her? She would break down alone. Im sorry, this is one placei can think of to have my heart comforted. I would be thankful for all warlords, if cant, i would like nobunaga, mitsuhide, kenshin,shingen and hideyoshi. TY💕
Hi love! Sorry for taking sooo long with this HC (>ლ)! I hope you are doing well! Sending you all the loves and hugs (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) ♡ ! And just know for anyone who needs to hear this... that its okay to show emotions, no one is going to think less of you, and trust me when I say there are people who care about you and would be there for you to wipe away every tear and listen to every complaint during your breakdowns! You are not alone dear! And for all those who feel like they have no one and need to vent I'm always here for ya loves (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*。 don't be shy to pop me a message even if ya just wanna chat (◕‿◕✿)
Okay so onto the headcanon, thanks so much for the request dear! I hope you have a wonderful day and I hope you enjoy it! ❤🌼
Headcanon: MC afraid of showing emotion/too scared to cry in front of Nobunaga, Kenshin, Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide 
Nobunaga absolutely loved you (。◕‿◕。)
He loved everything about you, from the way you walked to the cute way you scrunched up your nose when you laugh, EVERYTHING
When it came to emotions the two of you didn’t show much to the world but when your were together it was easy to drop the mask and be yourself
Except, what Nobunaga didn’t know was that you had to endure years of mental and emotional abuse from your mom
As a child you never cried cause, heaven forbid, that tear slip from your eye in front of her, all hell would break loose
She would lose her shit and scream at you that she would give you something to cry about if you did not stop
As of late you have been feeling a little down, and you were finding it harder and harder to push down those feelings bubbling up inside
You quickly retired to a secluded part of the garden, and made your way to your favourite bench
You weren’t even sitting there 2 seconds and the tears started to stream down your face  (ಥ﹏ಥ)
Gosh if your mother could see you now she would have a field day
Nobunaga’s meeting had ended early, and he was eager to spend some time with his beloved fireball (◠‿◠✿)
He spotted you sitting in your favourite spot in the garden and made his way towards you
As he got closer he heard and saw something he had never in the year of knowing you, seen or heard before
He was by your side in a flash
He crouched down in front of you and took both your hands in his
“Tell me fireball, what is the matter, I will make the problem disappear in an instant.”
What Nobunaga didn’t expect was that you would remove your hands from his and cover your face. “I'm fine, don't worry about me.”
“You cannot lie to me my dear queen, now tell me why do you insist on hiding your pain from me, have you already forgotten you are mine and I am yours. Our hearts beat as one. So tell me fireball what had burdened that sweet heart of yours”, Nobungas voice was as demanding as ever, but it held a kind and comforting warmth and in his eyes, you could see nothing but love and worry for you
You had told him the reason you never cry or show emotion to the outside world and in an instant you were in Nobunaga’s arms being carried to his room
He gently cradled you face in his hands and whispered against your lips “I am not your mother and to me you can cry freely” he then kissed you
It was a kiss filled with so much love and emotion
“Whenever something is troubling your fireball or whenever you feel like crying come to me, so I can kiss away your tears.”  (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )
Nobunaga spent the rest of that night showing you just how much he loved and adored you (¬‿¬)
He saw the look on your face during the banquet
The way your mask had faltered and slipped for a split second (¬_¬)
He knew you were hiding something from him, a painful detail of your past
He told himself he would wait, wait for you to open up to him on your own, but the look you had on your face during the banquet was breaking his sneki boi heart  (>﹏<)
He could see you bite your lip in frustration to keep the tears from falling
He knows you had, had a long week, there was always so much work for everyone to do when important daimyos came to visit
As princess of the Oda forces, it was your job to keep the cups of the guests full, however these were particularly nasty guests, who had flung rude comment towards you for the whole duration of their stay
And TBH Mitsuhide was getting sick of it, in fact, all the warlords were fuming on your behalf (ಠ ∩ಠ)
Mitsuhide stalked over to Nobunaga and whispered something in his ear, out of the corner of your eyes, you saw him give a small nod
Mitsuhide in a flash was now beside you, he gently took the bottle of sake from your hands and placed it on the table
He then carefully took hold of your wrist and lead you out of the banquet hall
He leads you onto the balcony and closed the doors to give the two of you some privacy
Golden eyes stared down at you, he could see it in your eyes, the pain and sadness you felt, his heart broke at the sight of your quivering lips tying to chock down and mask your emotions  ( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ)
You tried to say that you were fine, but the second you moved your lips to speak a tear slipped out from the corner of your eye
You turned around and covered you face with your hands repeating over and over how sorry you were  (つд⊂)
“Please, Mitsu, please don’t hate me.”
Mitsuhides heart broke, hate you? Why he loved you more than anything in the world
He snaked his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulders whispering in your ears “Why would I ever hate you, my dearest little mouse, for you are my light in this dark world, you are my soulmate and the keeper of my heart. I could never ever, ever hate you little one.”
He gently turned you around in his arms and rested his forehead on yours
He gave your nose a little kiss, an action which makes you chuckle a little
“My dearest little one, would you dare to tell me, why it is that I would ever hate someone as wonderful as you” he said while nuzzling his nose against yours
You hid your face in the crook of his neck and took in his warm scent, and quietly muttered what your mother had been telling you your whole life
Mitsuhide quietly listened, taking in every word, dropping smalled kisses on your cheek and hair   (´•ω•`)♡
His tightened his embrace on you the second you mentioned that you were scared that he would hate and leave you if you cried in front of him, or cause him unnecessary trouble 
When your story was done Mitsuhide cradled your cheeks in his hands, he urged you up to meet his eyes, he then kissed your forehead, nose and finally lips  (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )
“My dear, you have been caught by a kitsune, and I’m afraid you can never leave, I will never hate or feel inconvenienced by you, my dear, and I would never leave you. To me crying or showing emotion isn’t a sign of weakness; it is a strength. You have no need to fear showing your emotions around me, my love, especially the sad and bad ones, for wherever you are feeling down, I will wrap you in my arms just like this” and as he said that, he moved to snake his arms around your waist once more, and leaned in close to whisper in your ear, ”And then I will do this”
He then started to shower your face, neck and shoulders in small ticklish kisses, while his hands moved to tickle your sides (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
You bust out into laughter “Stop Mitsu, haha, mercy, haha, mercy.”
He then gave your lips one final kiss and traced his fingertips on your tear-stained cheeks
“I truly love you, my dear, please never hide your emotions from me again.”  (/^-^(^ ^*)/
Kenshin was away fighting and you were left with Sasuke and Yuki to hold down the fort
You were feeling a little sad and upset lately and you were definitely missing the bunny warlord (⁎˃ᆺ˂)
You were hanging out with Yuki and Sasuke at one of the tea houses and you just couldn’t shake the feelings of loneliness and sadness
You could feel your eyes begin to sting, and you knew you needed to get away (つд⊂)
You quickly excused yourself and said that you weren’t feeling well
Sasuke and Yukimura gave each other a worried look
“Should we go after her?” “I think its best if we leave her be, besides I heard lord Kenshin will be home this afternoon”, they gave each other a nog and continued to chat over tea
You wandered back to the castle, your heart was feeling heavy, you kept your tears in until you made it to your room
You walked through the door of your and Kenshin’s shared room and the second the door closed behind you you bust into tears
‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
You slid down the door and curled yourself up into a ball and cried
How many time have you done this before, quietly breaking down and sobbing in the silence of your room  ๐·°(৹˃̵﹏˂̵৹)°·๐
Careful not to make a sound, even though your mother was 500 years in the future, the words she would say to you when she caught you crying, stilled ringed in your ears
“Stop it, you silly girl, or I'll give you something to cry about. If you keep it up no one will like you. No one likes people who cry they are annoying. If you don’t learn to toughen up, you will never have any friends.” ☜(`o´)
You covered your ears hoping to block out the noise
Kenshin had come back early and quickly made his way to your shared room to change
He was so excited to see his little bunny
He heard the door of your room open and shut
He was about to step out from behind the changing screen to surprise you, when he heard the sound of your soft whimpers  ∑(ΦдΦlll
His heart broke into pieces, why were your crying, how dare hurt his beloved goddess of war, whoever caused his beloved upset will pay with their lives  ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿
He strode out from behind the changing screen to see you huddled into a small ball with your hand covering your ears  (ノ′Дヾ)
He quietly made his way up to you and before you knew it you were enveloped in his warmth ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
He held you tight pressing your head into his chest
“Hush, my little bunny, I’m home, what has caused you so much grief, for I vow to cut down anyone who dare hurt the love of my life.”
You tried to calm yourself down, to stop crying but the more you tried to put a lid back on your emotions the more they came pouring out
You and Kenshin had a very open and honest relationship and just as you have destroyed and chased away his demon, it is now his turn to do the same for you
He soothingly pulled his fingers through your hair and kissed the top of your head “It’s okay, I’m here, I’m here, you are okay, just listen to the sound of my heartbeat”
When you managed to calm down a little you told him about your mother and how you were never allowed to cry as a child, as that was perceived as weakness  (つ﹏<)・゚。
Kenshin simply remained silent as you hiccuped your way through the story, he traced soothing circles on your back as you continued to speak and he gave you a few small pecks to encourage you to keep going
The bunnies must have sensed that you were feeling down as sometime during your story, an avalanche of fluff huddled around the two of you
Each nuzzling their little noses against you as if to try and comfort you in their own way  
“My love your mother is wrong, it is not a weakness to cry or show emotion and no one will think less of you if you do.”
He then like his bunnies started nuzzling his nose into your hair and kissed the top of your head “I love you with my whole heart and soul, did you already forget the promise we made my love.”
Kenshin gently wiped away the few remaining tears and kissed the tip of your nose
“Ahh I see my sweet goddess of war has forgotten,.” He rested his forehead on yours and gave you a little Eskimo kiss
“Remember when I was still battling with the demons in my head, we made a.. what do you call it again… a yes, a pinky promise… to always hold and listen to one another problems, to envelop each other in a comforting embrace, to face all challenges together and to love each other for eternity no matter what.
Kenshin the gave you the biggest brightest smile and carried you to the futon where the two of you spent the rest of the day cuddled in each other’s arms and surrounded by the love of your fluff army 
♡。゚.(*♡´‿` 人´‿` ♡*)゚♡ °・
You were having a horrible day
Everything just seemed to be going wrong
As you started walking back to Hideyioshi’s manor, Nobunaga could sense something was off, so he dragged you with him on one of his candy runs
THB the candy did lift your spirits, but all of that was in vain the second your lover stepped into the kitchen, to catch you and Nobu crunching down on candy
When you turned to look, Nobunaga was gone without a trace leaving you to deal with being lectured on your own
As Hideyoshi lectured you about sugar and the dangers of eating too much of it, all the memories and troubles of the day started coming back and burdening your heart
You could feel the tears start to well up and your throat start to constrict
You needed to get out of there
Halfway through the lecture, you started running, you didn’t want Hideyoshi to see you cry, you didn’t want to burden him with your feelings
And you most definitely didn’t want to trouble him
You ran all the way back home locking yourself in your shared room
Hideyoshi knocked on the door, to your shared bedroom ಠ╭╮ಠ
You forgot that you had a spare key in the pot pant down the hall
Hideyoshi slowly made his way into the room
He saw you in the corner of the room hugging your legs, tear streaming down your face 
“I’m sorry if I was a little harsh on you love, most of that lecture was actually meant for Nobunaga”, Hideyoshi made his way towards you and eyed you apologetically
Although the second you locked eyes with Hideyoshi, he could see that it was more than just the lecture on your mind
He sat down beside you and pulled you into his lap  (>^_^)><(^o^<)
“Tell me what’s bothering you love, I may not always be able to read your expressions very well, but I can always tell when something is bothering you”
You had told him of your past and why you don’t give away much with your facial expressions 
“You know you can always come to me with any problem right, I would never judge you for crying or showing emotion.”
You gave Hideyoshi a small nod, but his MOTHER MODE had been activated and he was now determined to do whatever it took to bring that smile back to your face (◕‸ ◕✿)
He picked you up and walked you to the bathroom where the two of you had a nice warm bubble bath together
He then cooked you your favourite meal and held you in his arms the entire night (◕‿◕✿)
That night in his arms you allowed yourself to cry, you had bottled up your emotions for so long, but with Hideyoshi, you felt safe.
You allowed yourself to show him you every sadness and insecurity, and he accepted all of it ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
He would sit and listen to you while gently rubbing your back
Whenever new tears would stream down your face, he wipes them away leaving a trail of kisses in their wake
Finally, with Hideyoshi, you allowed yourself to drop the mask and show your true emotions, as you felt safe and warm and his arm, and most importantly with Hideyoshi, you always felt loved (⺣◡⺣)♡*
Thanx for the request love! I hope you enjoyed it! (*^.^*)
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lxstnavigatxr · 4 years
ლ 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 ლ
It started out with a vague dream here and there, and grew until she was having the same dream every single night. A dream of a foggy TV studio lot, of a path that leads to somewhere. Rise found that her senses were constantly being bombarded with the smell of cheap perfume and sweat but, there was always something under all of that. Struggle all she might, she can never discover what she was picking up under that. The dream always seems to end before she can get her answers.
She’s kept the dreams a secret from everyone for a week and a half now. Though by this point, Rise could tell that it had to be something important if they would not leave her alone. Which lead her to her current situation, finally talking about these constant dreams she’s been having. There aren’t many people that she can confide in right now. There’s Inoe-san, but telling him about the strip club seems wrong, the same with her grandmother. She thought about the backup dancers from her summer show, but quickly brushed that idea away. They only talked during practice... right? Which left one group of people, the teenagers who swore to help her recover those missing memories.
So she called the person she felt most comfortable talking to, Ryuji to her house. She waited patiently and anxiously on the couch for him to arrive. Hearing the knock on her door, Rise sprung to her feet and ran to the door. Upon opening it, she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that it was the blond haired rebel. “Thank you for coming on your day off, I hope I didn’t wake you.” Rise finally spoke as she stepped aside to let Ryuji into her home.
“’Tis not a problem at all. Ya know we made a promise to help ya, and I’m gonna keep it.” Ryuji responded with a huge grin on his face as he took his shoes off and went inside. If this was normal circumstances, he would be freaking out that he’s inside of Risette’s house. However, how Rise sounded over the phone, this wasn’t a social call so he had to get serious. Shoving his hands into his pockets he made way to her living room. The first thing that drew his attention were all the photos hanging up on the wall. He recognized a few of the people in the photos as those dancers that appear during her summer concert. “So whatcha wanna talk about?”
Rise let out a quiet sigh and shut the door once Ryuji was safely inside. Walking over to her couch she sat down and motioned for him to join her. It took no further prompting from the Chariot to join her on the couch. She glanced towards him for a few moments before her attention returns to her hands. “I don’t know if this is supposed to mean something, but I’ve been having the same dream this last week.” She started out as shook her head trying to get her thoughts into a straight line. “It always starts out with this weird area, almost like a television studio. However, I’m the only one there and there’s just this thick yellow fog. I can barely see through it and I just instinctively know that it’s slowly sapping away at my energy. I wander around that area for a little bit before I find a path and I start to follow it. The deeper I go into the fog, the more disoriented I get. I can barely see a few feet in front of me at this point. There are sounds in the distance and the smell of cheep perfume surround me. I start to see the entrance of something, but I can’t tell what. By the time I walk enough to find out where I am, I always wake up before I get any more answers. Though the last thing I remember before waking back up is something about a TV screen. If I had this dream once or twice I would just brush it off. However, I’ve had the same dream for almost two weeks now.”
Now that Rise has a chance to think about what she’s actually saying, her entire dream sounds absurd. There’s a part of her that expects Ryuji to burst into laughter at her explanation at any moment. So when she turns her head to see his reaction, what she’s met with is no laughter. Rather, it seems like Ryuji is deep in thought about something. “I think this means something important.” A quiet sigh escapes the younger male’s lips as he thinks about it. That sounds like something akin to a Palace. Yet when the team checked Rise’s name in the Metanav when they first met. Nothing came up, hell, he checked her name in the Nav again before coming over. There’s still no hits on the app. “You’ve mentioned something about a TV twice in you dream. Could be somthin’ important?”
“I don’t know, maybe?” Rise shrugged her shoulders as she looked at the TV she owned. It was one of the largest ones on the market, she knew that much for sure. However, what she didn’t understand is why she would pick such a large setup. She doesn’t have friends over that often and between all of her idol work, watching TV isn’t something she does often. “I don’t watch TV that often, so I’m not quite sure why I own such a large set.” She mumbles out loud, eyes locked on the reflective screen.  She digs deep into her memories, trying to find some indication on why she owns it. Yet, despite her efforts all she comes up with nothing.
“What about the screen could be important? You talked about the environment a lot, but that’s different.” Ryuji suggested, pushing himself off of the couch. He strolled towards the TV and looked at it closely. He didn’t watch a lot of TV himself, but he knew enough about them. Like how for a screen that large, it is typically mounted on the wall, not sitting on an overly large stand. “Normally you mount TVs this large, but you have it on a stand.”
Joining Ryuji by her TV Rise let out a quiet sigh. “I couldn’t tell you why it’s arranged like this. I don’t do a lot of home improvement myself, so if I wanted to mount it to the wall I would have to call someone to do it for me.” 
Rise couldn’t figure out why the TV screen was so important. There was naturally some variation in her dreams, but this one of the two constants. She always saw a TV Screen mere moments from waking up. She gently placed her hand on the screen, expecting to hit the glass it’s made out of. To her surprise and shock, her hand passed right through. “Ryuji! Are you seeing this?”
“Like hell I am! How did you do this?” Ryuji’s attention was focused solely on Rise’s hand inside the television. He pulled out his cellphone to make sure he didn’t accidently trigger the MetaNav while they were talking. As expected, the Nav wasn’t active so the Metaverse had nothing to do with what he’s seeing. “Dude, you could probably fit your entire body through this!”
Rise pulled her hand out and the screen returned to normal. She looked back to Ryuji who put his hand on the screen. Though this time, nothing happened. Looking at her hand Rise curled her fingers into a fist. So it seems like this is something only she can do. “Maybe that TV studio is on the other side?” She was thinking aloud at this point. If her dreams were pointing her towards this TV screen, then maybe the rest of her dreams were true as well. “I don’t know what’s on the other side though.” 
“This hasta be the breakthrough you were looking for Rise!” Excitement filled the blond haired rebel. Rise’s memories were a touchy subject for the idol, this much he was sure about. However, this has to be the best lead they’ve gotten on recovering them since they’ve met. Personally, he wants to charge head first and see what’s on the other side. He didn’t vocalize it thought, this was Rise’s mission and his job was to be by her side and to support her. “If you want to see what’s over there, I’m right behind ya.”
She looked at Ryuji for a few moments before turning her attention back to the TV. She’s been searching for clues to her missing memories ever since she became aware that they were missing. This new information could be the key to unlocking her past. There was a thought of her past being filled with information she’d rather forget. Shaking her head violently, Rise pushed those thoughts out of her mind. She needed to know the truth to her past and she wasn’t about to back down now. Especially not with Ryuji and the rest of the Phantom Thieves backing her up. “I do. If only I can open the way, then it has to be important.”
With that being said, Rise put one hand on the edge of the TV set and the other through the screen. Just like before her body easily phased through the screen as she entered the unknown world. Ryuji was as close behind her as the screen would allow.
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utopianvoices · 5 years
limerence | h.hyunjin
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↭ genre: friends to lovers au; fluff
↭ word count: 1.9k
↭ a/n: uh, so this isn’t my best? but idk i felt like i needed to give y’all, my babies, something T^T hope y’all still like it xx (p.s also not proofread) 
↭ prompts: “I want my best friend back.” - “Kevin is over there.”
“For the well-being of my ears, stop honking so many damn times. I heard you the first time,” you shouted, as you rushed down the steps of your house to get to the black Mazda parked in front of your house. Just as those words left your mouth, another blare rang in your ears, signifying your best friend’s defiance to your words.
That little piece of shit.
"I swear, Grandma moves faster than you,” Hyunjin called out, rolling his eyes at your disorganised self. 
“Okay, Grandma is in a whole different league. That woman still goes for marathons, for God’s sake. I can’t even run a mile without wanting to cough a lung out,” you defend yourself, as an image of Hyunjin’s grandmother flashed through your head.
“Pig,” the boy beside you scoffed, as he pushed down on the accelerator after making sure your seat belt was on — a habit he had formed over the many years of friendship with you.
This was your normal morning routine; your best friend screaming at you to hurry up as you both drive to school, taking turns to play your favourite songs. No words exchanged during this ride, unless one of you had to absolutely insult the other’s choice of songs. It was a time of peace and quiet for the both of you before school hits you full force — and it was your favourite part of the day.
Even on the weekends, when you are free from the horror of slamming lockers and sweaty jocks, Hyunjin is almost over at your house all time. So much so, that it’s weird if you don’t see him every waking minute of your life. 
"Oh yea, you know there’s a new transfer student joining us today. Apparently, he’s going to be in your class,” Hyunjin broke the silence, as he turned into the school’s carpark. 
“Oh? How’d you know?” you asked, curious. This wasn’t just some information that would be pinned up on the notice board for the whole school to see. But his answer explained everything to you. 
“Ah,” you say, disbelief filling your voice. Lee Minho was captain of your school’s dance team, the one Hyunjin was one. Although being a senior, Minho was really close to Hyunjin, therefore growing close to you as well. That boy was the epitome of a gossip girl, just that he wasn’t a girl. He was the first one to obtain any kind of information that he deemed interesting. Always managed to charm anyone into spilling any kind of information, that boy. 
“Anyway, I’ll meet you by your locker after school. We can go get ice cream. My treat,” the boy beside you states, not expecting a ‘no’ as an answer. Not that you were going to deny his invitation for free food. You would never deny free food.
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
“Class, today we’ve got a new student joining us. His name is Kevin Lee, and he’ll be part of this class from now on. Let’s welcome him,” your teacher drawls out, soullessly, as you look at the boy standing in front of the class smiling awkwardly. Hmm, cute.
Once the sound of half-hearted claps died down, your teacher instructed the boy to take an empty seat anywhere, causing his eyes to scan the classroom for potential seat candidates. Front seat? Nope, too intimidating. That empty seat on the third row? An ideal place, but the boy sitting next to that empty seat didn’t look like someone who had much patience. The only available empty seat was next to you, and you looked kind enough to throw him a smile as you made eye contact, so his legs carried him towards you, causing your smile to grow wider. 
As he took a seat next to you, you lean over and whisper a “Welcome to hell” to him, causing him to let out a soft chuckle and shake his head. 
Over the next few periods, you opened up more and more to Kevin, and him to you, and you would be lying if you said that you weren’t enjoying yourself. As the school day came to an end, and everybody was rushing out of the classrooms, your new friend and you were having the time of your lives, laughing at each other’s lame jokes and puns.
“Wow, you’re seriously one of a kind, Y/n. Wanna go get some coffee?” he asked, wiping any stray tears that had escaped his eyes from laughing too hard.
“Sure!” you replied, as you took your phone out to contact your poor best friend who was waiting by your locker, after denying Minho and Jisung’s invitation to play Mario Kart over at Minho’s place.
lil shit: yoO jin, can we get ice cream another day? the new guy’s in my class and he’s super hilarious i’m about to go get coffee with him! tol shit: wtf bro, it’s friday and it’s always ice cream day! ლಠ益ಠ)ლ lil shit: aww c’mon jinnie, it’s just one friday!! i’ll definitely spend more time with you tomorrow! tol shit: you better
A sigh escapes Hyunjin’s lips as he slips his phone into his pocket, and turns to walk towards the exit when he hears a distinct laugh coming from the end of the hallway. Looking up, he sees you and your new friend, laughing and seemingly having the time of your lives. A new feeling he had never felt before filled his body, making him feel a hundred times warmer, and he had no idea why.
All he knew is that he didn’t like that boy.
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lil shit: hyunjin!! sorry dude but i can’t make it today! kevin wants to go see that new horror movie that’s coming out! i know you don’t like horror movies so i’ll just see ya tmrw at school! love you x
It was the fifth time. The fifth time that you had ditched Hyunjin to go spend time with Kevin. It was simple, really. All Hyunjin had to do was open his mouth and tell you what he had been feeling the past few weeks, but it was an impossible feat for him, for fear that things would go really wrong and he’d lose his precious friendship with you. So he turned to Minho for help.
“Man, you really got to speak with her about this. It’s gonna end really bad if you keep hiding everything within you,” Minho says, chewing on a piece of french fry as he sees Hyunjin tugging at the ends of his hair in frustration. 
“I know I do, I know. But it’s not as easy as you say it is! Every time I see them together, my blood just boils and I don’t even know why. It’s like I wanna punch something,” Hyunjin despaired, as words — describing what he didn’t even know he was feeling — spilled out of his mouth.
“Do you like her?” 
Hyunjin froze, his hand hanging in the air as his fingers hovered inches away from the nugget he was just about to pick up. Confusion grew in him, as his heart started hammering against his chest, each beat resounding clearly in his ears.
Did he like you?
The possibility that he had a crush on someone he had known for the majority of his life never crossed his mind; all he knew was that he clearly didn’t enjoy seeing you with some guy that he knew almost nothing about. He also knew that he loved seeing you smile, and he hated seeing you cry, doing anything he had to see your beautiful smile again. He knew that you were the first one he would reach out to, even if it was the simplest most trivial thing bothering him, and you that you would never judge him. Maybe he did like you, after all. 
With a resigned sigh, he left out a soft “maybe”, causing a smirk to blossom on his friend’s face.
“Well, it’s time you told Y/n about it,” Minho said. “What? No, I can’t. She might end up hating me,” was what Hyunjin countered with, causing Minho to roll his eyes.
“What does this look like? A sappy romance movie? Get yourself together, Hwang Hyunjin. She hasn’t run away even after seeing you in the morning, she definitely isn’t going to run away now.” Minho retorted, earning him a hard smack on his arm. 
“I’ll see about it,” is what Hyunjin says, before gathering his things and leaving Minho alone in the booth. 
Walking home alone, eyes darting here and there to distract himself from the thought of you, he spots two familiar figures sitting at his and your favourite diner, seemingly having the time of their lives as they laughed at a joke. Subconsciously clenching his fist, he marched home, all thoughts of confessing to you erased from his head as jealousy took over him. 
Let’s see how she’ll take this silent treatment she’s going to get. 
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A few days later, the fact that you hadn’t been spending as much time hit you, as you made your way over to his locker to finally see your handsome best friend.
“Hyuuuuunjin, it’s been so long! I missed you,” you said, throwing your arms around the boy in front of you, expecting him to return your hug. But all you received was silence.
“Hyunjin? What’s wrong?” you asked, concerned, because Hyunjin never ignored you. 
“A-are you ignoring me?”
More silence. But it didn’t last long.
“You are the one who started ignoring me first,” he finally replied softly, hurt evident in his voice. Your heart painfully ached at his tone, as it finally dawned on you that you had, in fact, been ignoring your best friend.
“I... I don’t know what to say, Hyunjin. I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to ignore you? It’s just that Kevin had been helping me with something that I was worried about and you know-”
“Yeah, I get it. Don’t worry about it. You can go back to him now,” Hyunjin replied curtly, going back to organising his locker.
You let out a sigh as you wrapped a hand around his wrist. “But I want my best friend back.”
“Kevin’s over there,” is what you got as a reply.
Although caught in an upsetting situation, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at his pettiness. 
“Do you want to know why I was talking to Kevin? It’s because I had feelings for my best friend and I didn’t know what to do about it,” you stated, finally letting go off his wrist.
“Yeah yeah, I get it, you love spending time with- wait what?” Hyunjin questioned, as he spun around, surprised by this news.
“You like... me?” he asked, pointing to himself for extra confirmation. 
“No, I like that locker behind you. Of course it’s you, dipshit.” You said, rolling your eyes once again at his stupidity.
Without any control, the words spilled out of Hyunjin’s mouth. “I don’t know, it could’ve always been Kevin,”
You stared at him, irritation growing in you as you give up and turn away, spitting out a “You know what? Forget it. I don’t know why I even trie-”
But you were cut off by your favourite boy pulling you into his arms, wrapping himself around you as you automatically melted into his arms, almost by instinct. 
“Well, your best friend wants you to know that he likes you too,” he said, leaving a soft kiss on the top of your head and pulling you even closer to him.
“Who? Kevin?”
∞ end ∞
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nabigeshonidol · 3 years
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Rise yelled to herself as she stared down at the training dummy, a staff in her hand. Sitting still and thinking about things was never her thing. She knew that if she stayed in her room her thoughts would wander and start deviling into the realm of “what ifs” and “it could have been”. So here she was with a bow staff in hand viciously beating the dummy through sets of moves she learned back in her own world.
While she personally didn’t get to attack the Shadow due to being under the spell so tightly, she still had that pent up anger and disgust at the Shadow and herself that needed to get released. Which is why she’s going so hard at the poor training dummy.
She cried out as she finished the final strike of this set, breathing heavily. It’s quite clear that she’s been here for at least a few hours by the sweat on her shirt and the one and a half empty water bottles set off to the side.
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nabigeshonidol · 3 years
Rise looked at the paper in front of her a relived smile on her lips. She didn’t know how long it took her, but finally her work was done. This was probably long overdue but she felt accomplished being able to write this. Discarded papers surrounded her, attempts that didn’t quite satisfy her requirements for this. After all this was a very important letter that would hopefully clear up some confusions. She read it over one more time to make sure she didn’t miss anything.
To Maruki Takuto,
     I want to start this letter off by apologizing to you. I am sorry I am unable to give this letter to you myself or explain this to you in person. I will explain why a bit further into this letter. I also want to apologize for avoiding you and not trying to explain myself to you earlier. This has to do with what happened within my own world and nothing to do with you. I know that you and the Maruki who caused me so much pain are two different people. However, the wounds I harbor because of him are very fresh and it makes it very difficult to separate the two of you in my mind. I am working on that every day and hopefully sometime before we all go home that I will be able to keep the two of you separate and see you for who you are and not as the man who hurt me.
    The main reason that I have been avoiding you is because of what happened in January, 2017. I won’t go into too many details just in case you have no clue what I am talking about. But as someone who has the power of a Navigation Persona, I am more connected to those under my watch and to the collective unconscious. So for the whole month of January I was being bombarded with the voices of the collective unconscious almost dragging me to join them. I’ll admit, I almost slipped and gave in a few times. However, because I was connected to the others as well, I feared that I would drag them along with me if I fell. 
     The thought of being the direct cause for those who I cared falling terrified me. It still scares me, the various “what ifs” of the situation keep me up to this night. I will be honest, if we weren’t having a shortage of Navigators... I don’t think I would be Navigating right now. I’m terrified of something happening again where I won’t be strong enough to protect my friends or even worse... be the reason they are unable to fight for what they believe in. 
     So seeing your face brings back all of these terrible feelings and sometimes cripples me with fear. That is why I’ve been avoiding you, because I’m scared. I’m  scared of the “what ifs” and I’m afraid of these thoughts getting too loud that I can’t focus on what I need to do to help protect those under my watch.
I don’t know if this will make sense to you or if this even helped at all. But it felt like you deserved to know why I’ve been avoiding you so much.
- Kujikawa Rise
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nabigeshonidol · 3 years
‘Communications stable, signals tracked, and everything is ready to go from here.’ 
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Phoenix reached out to her team from a safe distance away. Hands were interlaced over her chest as she saw people’s status come up on her display. They were short on Navigators for now, hence why she was hanging to the back of the group. This was the feeling that shook her to the core right after the earthquake. Instincts were telling her to run and hide, yet she stood firm.
This is what it meant to be a Persona User, to look death straight in the face and tell it no.
‘Take the lead, I’ll support you as best I can’ 
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nabigeshonidol · 3 years
Given everything that’s happened in the last few days, one would assume that music would be the last thing Rise wanted to hear. Except here she was, with a guitar in hand as she hummed to herself. Music was still her biggest source of de-stressing, even after music is what caused her to be chained to the Shadow. She had assumed that most of the group wouldn’t want to hear more music, she was located at the edge of the compound focused on the sheet of paper being held down by her foot.
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“Have you ever felt lost  like you don’t matter at all  like you were born just to be scared 
 All this fear deep inside  does it burn to the surface leaving you gasping for air”
She tried to match the sound of her guitar to the lyrics she was singing. But there was just something wrong with each attempt she made. Something didn’t feel right and the idol couldn’t tell what it was. She repeated the lyrics over and over trying to get the guitar to match with what she was thinking and feeling.
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nabigeshonidol · 3 years
Being inside her room was the last thing Rise wanted after she got some much needed sleep. Sitting alone in the area where the group played paintball gave the idol the fresh air she needed and the solidarity she needed to get her thoughts sorted out. While she was able to navigate the mess of her thoughts right now. 
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Hearing Futaba’s confession made the idol’s heart jump for joy, and the confirmation from another that she was able to stop herself from dragging the others down with her.
She fiddled with something in her hands,  it was her TV World glasses... the one from her timeline.  It was a habit she developed after the Izanami incident. It was a way she could ground herself and remind herself that there were others who had her back even if they weren’t right by her side.
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nabigeshonidol · 3 years
Rise seems to be scribbling furiously in the corner of the room. Crumpled up paper was scattered around her. She was fully absorbed in her work as a set of pink headphones blocked out the noise of the room. 
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nabigeshonidol · 3 years
@chibitantei​ said:  "No fighting against this Shadow or I will punch you in the face."
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“I know! I know! I can’t even hold my weapon like this. But I’m not going to sit in the dorms doing nothing while I know people are out there fighting!”
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nabigeshonidol · 3 years
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Despite technically not needing the casts on her arms anymore, Phoenix’s arms weren’t completely free. Instead of those big and bulky casts, she was down to only needing to wear forearm splints to ensure that her arms continued to heal properly. It didn’t take the masked idol to find Wolf. Thankfully Phantom Thief costumes stuck out in this group like a sore thumb. 
She held her naginata awkwardly in her hands and she had a small backpack full of supplies with her. 
“There you are Wolf. I have some supplies just in case we run into trouble looking for him.”
@nexusofmuses​ @tricksteroffate​
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nabigeshonidol · 3 years
Rise signed out of the instant messenger and threw the phone onto the bed. Her back rested against the wall as she shut her eyes trying to clear her thoughts. This entire situation they were in... it was hard. The only people she truly knew were Kana and Naoto. Everyone else were complete strangers to a certain degree. She knew from past experiences that getting down on herself in front of the others would do no good. She was an idol after all, people looked to her for hope and inspiration. What good would she be doing if the others saw her in such a state.
“Rise. Look at me.”
Rise didn’t need to open her eyes to know who was calling to her. It was Kouzeon standing across the room in her true form. After Maruki’s reality collapsed, Kouzeon was able to create an astral form while they were in the real world. Which was a double edged sword sometimes, like now when all Rise wanted to do was to be left alone with her thoughts.
“What is it Kouzeon?”
“I don’t know. You tell me, you were the one who said you were going to leave to talk to me anyways.”
Rise finally opened her eyes and saw that it was indeed Kouzeon. A frustrated sigh escaped the idols lips as she sat up properly to face her Persona. She was well aware of Kouzeon knowing exactly what was bothering her. However, this is how the conversation usually goes when she talks to her Persona about issues. Kouzeon asks questions that Rise has to turn around and figure out how to answer. Most of the time this just leads Rise to feel more frustrated about the situation then better about it. 
“It’s Yosuke! Something is obviously wrong since he brushed off my question! I know that we weren’t there for when he first awakened but what happened back during the P-1 Grand Prix, we saw a glimpse of his Shadow Self. I want to go ask but I don’t feel like I have the right to!”
“What makes it so that you don’t think you have the right to ask?”
Rise just sighed as she ran her hand through her hair. It’s because they weren’t from the same world, let alone the same age. Yosuke was still in high school as far as she was aware, and here she was almost 22 years old. She’s not even sure if he went through the P-1 Grand Prix/Climax or the Midnight Stage! She isn’t even sure if he has Jiraya or any of those evolutions.
“It’s because we aren’t from the same worlds Kouzeon! I don’t know what he went through! What if I say something that makes everything worse not better?”
Tears pricked at the idols lips as she pulled her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. She saw her Investigation Team as a second family. The last thing that she ever wanted to do was hurt them. It was at this point that Kouzeon walked over and sat next to Rise and put a hand on the idol’s back. 
“I don’t want to risk hurting him anymore than he already is! But it hurts me to just watch him suffer! Even if we are from two different worlds, he’s still Yosuke! He’s someone I consider family and I would do anything to help him! But, I don’t know what I can do.”
“You know that I don’t have answers you want to hear my other self. What I can do is tell you to trust our instincts, they’ve never led us astray. This situation is hard on all of us, but don’t forget... we’ve always gotten through the toughest of times side by side, hand in hand.”
Rise looked up from her knees to see Kouzeon sitting beside her with understanding in her golden eyes. Rubbing the tears out of her eyes, Rise nodded in understanding. Her instincts are telling her to treat him like nothing changed. 
“Yeah... your right Kouzeon.. thanks. I’ll go see him later once I’ve calmed down a bit.”
Kouzeon nodded in agreement before letting this astral form fade back into nothingness.
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nabigeshonidol · 3 years
Rise called to him out of habit, and it wasn’t until the words were out of her mouth did she remember her situation. There was a strong chance that Akira wouldn’t even recognize her, besides being Risette. There was a good chance that this was going to get really awkward really quickly as she puts on a small smile.
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“Uh... sorry, it still hasn’t fully sunk in that people are from different timelines.”
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nabigeshonidol · 3 years
Permanent Starter call for SotFD
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If you your muse to be bothered by the idol who’s been through way too much bs due to deities being a pain in the neck. Hit that like button!
For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, here’s a link!
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nabigeshonidol · 3 years
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The minute the Dark Hour strikes, Rise’s outfit is replaced with her Phantom Thief one. A frown was on the idol’s lips as she looked herself over, nothing seemed to be different there. Though the tremors snapped her out of her thoughts as she spread her feet apart to steady herself. Once the tremors were done Rise’s mind shifted into Navigator mode. She grabbed the naginata resting in the corner of her room and ran to the common area, it was large enough to accommodate Kouzeon. 
“Come! Kouzeon!”
She wasn’t sure if her Persona would come due to not having an Evoker on her, and to her pleasant surprise her Persona manifested behind her. She gave Kouzeon both her phone and weapon. She could see the chat log in the corner of her HUD as she swapped to battlefield mode. 
‘Phoenix here, establishing communication links.’
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