#โ€” แต•ฬˆโ™ก lua writes๐Ÿง
cinnamondumbb ยท 2 years
เฉˆโœฆ โฟป ๐๐€๐“๐‚๐‡๐ˆ๐๐† ๐‡๐ˆ๐Œ ๐”๐ โ€”๐๐„๐“๐„๐˜๐€๐Œ ๐’๐”๐‹๐‹๐˜ : after a clash with the rda, you are left with a wounded neteyam to care for.
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contents. a scenario? drabble? imagine? i really don't know what to call this lol comforting, bit of angst, fluff + gn! omaticaya reader
notes. my first ever piece on neteyam ! i had sm fun writing this ^^ i already have two more neteyam pieces on my drafts :) i hope you like it!
in which you try to not let your emotions affect your duties as a healer tending to neteyam's wounds .
where neteyam is terrified of the idea that he might have disappointed you after he makes a mistake .
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being a healer โ€” even if only in training โ€” meant that serving your people would always come first, so it was crucial that you never let your emotions cloud your best judgement, and you took that assignment very seriously. however, you would be lying if you said that following reason was not getting more and more difficult, as your feelings for a certain member of your tribe only grew stronger.
you tried with all your might to keep yourself from crumbling as you watched toruk makto carry neteyam's body covered in blood and scratches into the omaticayan's hideout in the hallelujah mountains. which proved itself to be a task close to impossible. still, your spirit did not yield. you needed to remain calm and act rationally.
your duty to your people came first.
you rushed to the gathering in the entrance of the camp, promptly offering your services to mo'at. you wanted to help in any way you possibly could. alas, mo'at decided that she and the others could take care of the gravely wounded and entrusted neteyam's care to you, her apprentice and neteyam's close childhood friend.
that is how you found yourself alone with neteyam, sitting across from each other on the floor of your small tent, patching him up. this boy you knew your whole life, your best friend.
neteyam kept his head down as you gently rubbed a damp cloth on his recent injuries, his braids hiding his features completely so you could not read his expression. he was too afraid to meet your gaze. he feared you might despise him now, that maybe he had crossed a line and that it had cost any high regards you once held for him. he knew how deeply you valued your duties, and he had just gone against his, it did not matter the reason. he had brought dishonour upon himself. after all, it was his choice to put himself in danger and now you were the one who had to deal with it. resigned, he could only stare at the tapestries that adorned the floor and let you continue your work.
"i am sorry," said neteyam, much like a plead.
you did not answer, not out of spite, you just did not know what to say.
you had not spoken a word to neteyam since he got back from his missionโ€” in which he was only supposed to participate as a lookout along with lo'ak. instead, he ended up going against his father's direct orders and taking part in the fight, nearly getting himself killed.
he grimaced at your touch, the medicine you were applying in his wounds stung more than he had anticipated, leaving a tingly sensation on his skin. yet, it did not hurt as much as when he finally lifted his gaze at you, taking in the look on your face.
it was only then that neteyam noticed the tears rolling down your cheeks.
"please, don't cry, i am so sorry," said neteyam, quickly standing on his knees to get closer to you. he was confused, why in the world were you crying? he expected you to be angry or disappointed in him, but this was a reaction he did not predict. neteyam tucked a few stray braids behind your ear then cupped you cheek. "i cannot stand to see you cry."
"what you did was so stupid!" you spat as neteyam wiped your tears away.
"i know, i am sorry. i disobeyed orders and have disgraced myself. iโ€“ i just hope you can forgive me."
"what?" neteyam took himself too seriously at times, it was something you frequently teased him about, but this was insane. "what are you talking about, neteyam?"
"that i failed to follow-through with my responsibilitiesโ€“"
"i do not care for any of that, especially not when you could have been killed!"
neteyam's expression was one of sheer confusion.
"wait, does that mean you are notโ€“ disappointed in me?"
"oh neteyam." you took his face between your hands, resting your forehead against his. "i could never be disappointed in you."
you leaned away for the briefest of seconds only to place kiss on top of his brow, before he pulled you into his arms again, squeezing you tightly, as if he was afraid you would simply slip away if he loosened his grip.
"i see you." neteyam whispered softly, his breath brushed against your lips, sending chills through your whole body.
"i see you."
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cinnamondumbb ยฉ 2023 โ€” please do not copy/repost/translate my work without my permission. (โ™ก) + rb! :p
927 notes ยท View notes
cinnamondumbb ยท 2 years
๐–ฆน ห™โ‚Š ๐“‡ผ ๐’๐‚๐‘๐€๐๐„๐ƒ ๐Š๐๐„๐„ โ€”๐๐„๐“๐„๐˜๐€๐Œ & ๐‹๐Ž'๐€๐Š : where lo'ak finds the courage to commune with neteyam at the spirit tree for the first time.
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note: i haven't written anything in a really long time, i know i'm a little rusty and maybe this piece is absolute garbage, but i'm practicing to get better ! tysm for taking the time to read my work, it means a lot โค๏ธŽ + wc 1.8k
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Almost two years had gone by since his brother's death. Almost two years since Lo'ak could not save him.
The Sully boy shifted in his slumber, his thoughts too dark, his heart too heavy to allow him to rest. Giving up on the idea of sleeping altogether, Lo'ak got up before sunrise, sneaking out of his pod, being careful not to startle his family. It would be best to not be there when they all woke up, anyway. He could not stand to be there with them, that day of all days.
After calling for his ilu, Lo'ak dived in the water without making a sound, a skill he had mastered with his time amongst the Metkayina.
Diving always helped pacifying his troubled mind. It made him forget about everything above the surface, concentrating only on his breathing, his surroundings, the flow of energy in and out of him โ€” just like Tsireya had taught him. The boy was able to find peace within, even if only for a short while.
Finding Payakan was a rather easy task. Crossing the reefs to meet his spirit brother had become part of Lo'ak's routine by now. He had grown so used to the path that he did not need to think about where he was going, his ilu would simply take him there.
Payakan rejoiced at the sight of his brother, picking him up with his fin and bringing him closer.
He knew what that day meant to Lo'ak.
"I See you, brother", Was all that Payakan said.
"I See you", Lo'ak signed in response.
Neither of them said anything else, being together in silence was enough. The boy laid down on the tulkun's back, gazing at the stars, his mind lost else where.
Lo'ak did not know how long it had been since he left the village, or for how long he had laid in the dark ocean with his thoughts, all he knew was that the sun was already in the sky when she arrived.
She moved so gracefully in the water towards him. The bottom half of her face was hidden in the water, but he could tell by her eyes that she was smiling. Lo'ak knew that she was insecure about her smile, it was 'too full of teeth', according to her. He disagreed, actually, he could not think of a smile he'd rather see.
However, her pretty smile faded as soon as she saw the grim expression plastered on the Sully boy's face. She rushed to them, greeting Payakan before the tulkun helped her up his back, while Lo'ak sat up straight.
Yet, the boy's gaze was still lost in someplace else.
Tsireya did not speak immediately. She was not sure of what was going on, what pained him so much on that morning. Gently, she reached for his face. He sighed, his eyes fluttering shut as he leaned into her touch.
"Happy Birthday, Lo'ak", Tsireya wished, brushing her thumb across the omaticayan's cheek. "What is wrong?"
Lo'ak could feel his throat tighten as well as his eyes start to burn. He did not wish cry, especially not in front of Tsireya. He reached for her other hand, holding it close to his chest, which was growing heavy as breathing became more and more difficult. All he could think was that he did not deserve this, he did not deserve her, he did not deserve anything.
"Breath." At last, he looked at Tsireya, his eyes full of the tears he refused to shed. "Just breath."
"How did you know I was going to be here?", Lo'ak voiced his curiosity once he had gotten his breathing under control.
"Well, it was not hard to guess", That made him smile, only a little "Your family was looking for you. I thought I'd come here and catch you."
"Catch? Don't you mean fetch?" Lo'ak never missed the opportunity to tease her, it did not matter how somber his mood was.
"Tsk, I can catch and fetch you like fish if I want to!" Now Lo'ak was laughing wholeheartedly as he looked at his enfuriated girlfriend playfully trying to hit him and struggling with it.
He held her arms as she wiggled and laughed, trying to get away from his grip. Payakan shifted suddenly under them, making Tsireya almost slip into the water, but Lo'ak took hold of her before she could fall, bringing her into his arms again, her back resting against his chest. He could feel a part of the tension leave his body. It felt good to be able to just laugh and be silly with his girl.
Her tone was serious when she spoke again, after they had caught their breaths and their laughs had faded, enjoying a comfortable silence for a little while.
"Lo'ak, what is wrong? Today is a happy day, you are fifteen! You begin training for iknimaya, you earn your place with the people."
"Yes, and I'll help you through everything!" Payakan added, in an attempt to cheer the boy up.
Of course Lo'ak knew all that. Theoretically, he was fully grown now, and ready to start the many coming-of-age rituals of the Metkayina.
"I know, I know, guys. I'll get to bond with a tsurak, earn my first tattoo--"
"Exactly! Are you not excited? Oh, are you scared? That's okay-"
"No, it's not that" Lo'ak scoffed "It's not the iknimaya that scares me" He felt choked up again. He was grateful neither Tsireya nor Payakan could see his face. He pulled Tsireya closer, placing his chin on top of her shoulder, building up the courage to finally voice what had been afflicting him. "I'm scared of what this means, I'm scared of becoming-" He could feel tears running down his cheeks as he tried his best to push them back. "-of becoming older than my older brother."
"Oh, Lo'ak..." Payakan hurt for his spirit brother.
Now, that the words were finally out there, Lo'ak felt an empty feeling settle inside of him.
Tsireya turned to face him, her eyes full with tears as well. She cupped the boy's cheeks with her hands, pulling him closer till their foreheads met. Lo'ak weeped quietly, his tears landing softly on Tsireya's cheeks.
They stood like that for a while, eyes closed, breaths intertwined. Lo'ak thought about his family. Would they really like to celebrate his birthday, or would they be plagued by the same thoughts that he was? That his older brother would never reach full maturity, that he was taken from them too soon, that Lo'ak should have been gone, not him.
Tsireya took a finger to his chin, lifting Lo'ak's face, locking eyes with him. All she said was:
"Come with me."
. . .
Payakan swam with them nearly all the way, only stopping at the entrance of the Cove of the Ancestors. Then, it was best to go by ilu.
It took more very little convincing from Tsireya to Lo'ak agree to it. Communing with him for the first since it happened. It had been almost two years and he was not able to talk about the occurred, or even to say his name.
Of course, it was not the first time Tsireya, or a member of his family, attempted to take him there. Lo'ak was the only one who refused to go. After the funeral, his parents would meet their eldest son in the Spirit Tree nearly every day. Now, the visits were held every month with the entire family. Except for Lo'ak.
But today was different. More than ever, Lo'ak felt the need of his older brother's guidance.
Tsireya was there with him, something he was very grateful for. She demonstrated how to do it, Lo'ak followed her lead, taking his queue and connecting it to one of the strange seaweed-like leaves of the Spirit Tree.
"Stay calm.", she signed to him underwater, and so he did.
He slowed his own heartbeat, calming himself down, before closing his eyes.
Lo'ak woke up in the forest that was once his home. Everything was so familiar to him still, the sound of the animals, of waterfalls, of footsteps-
His footsteps.
"Lo'ak! I'm back with the kit-"
Just like that, there he was, a younger version of him, but still his brother, nonetheless. Not in his mind tormenting his thoughts, nor in his nightmares, where Lo'ak witnessed his death over and over again, unable to save him.
He was right there.
Neteyam kneeled beside his younger brother, who finally took a proper look at himself. He felt smaller, sitting on the grass floor of the forest, with his old clothes on. His face was wet with tears from a stinging pain on his leg. Lo'ak was slowly getting it. It was a memory.
"-I told you not to climb that damn tree without me, skxawng."
"I know, I'm sorry." Lo'ak could only giggle at Neteyam's lecturing. God, he had missed it. He remembered it now, climbing that tall tree after his brother cautioned him about it. He remembered falling, scraping his knee, Neteyam rushing to get a first aid kit without anyone noticing, not wanting for Lo'ak to get in trouble by getting their parents involved.
"It's okay, baby bro, I'm going to get you all patched up" Neteyam started gently cleaning his brother's knee with a gaze. He already acted with such responsibility for his early age, a true son of toruk makto. The son Lo'ak never was. "C'mon, bro, stop crying, it's just a scraped knee"
"Sorry, it just- it hurts so much, Neteyam" Lo'ak was not talking about his knee, but his brother did not know.
"I know, Lo'ak, but all wounds heal with time" He said without taking his eyes off of Lo'ak's knee, too concentrated in applying the medicine, then a cotton patch.
"All wounds?" Lo'ak's words were filled with hope as he looked up at his older brother. Hope for the reassurance he so desperately needed.
He just needed to hear from his big brother that everything was going to be alright. One last time.
"Of course! Sure, it hurts now and, shit, it's going to sting for a couple of days but, soon enough, the pain will go away."
"You promise?"
"Yes, brother! Now, c'mon, dad said he would take us hunting today!"
"I remember that!" Lo'ak chuckled between hiccups as the memory came back to him. Riding with his father and brother on ikran, hunting and camping together. At night, their father shared tales of his old life back on earth by a campfire. Lo'ak remembered thinking that was a perfect day.
The eldest Sully boy helped his brother up, making sure he could stand on his own before letting go of him.
Lo'ak's crying had fully ceased at that point, his heart felt as light as it did when he was a little kid, a heart that knew nothing of war, loss or guilt.
"You should go ahead, Neteyam, get our stuff ready. I'll be there soon."
"Alright, baby bro, I'll be waiting for you." Neteyam smiled back at him before disappearing into the forest.
"'Til I see you again, big brother."
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cinnamondumbb ยฉ 2022 โ€” please do not copy/repost/translate my work without my permission. (โ™ก) + rb! :p
497 notes ยท View notes
cinnamondumbb ยท 1 year
๐–งท โบหณึน โ—Œ ๐‘๐€๐‚๐„๐’ ๐€๐๐ƒ ๐…๐‹๐Ž๐–๐„๐‘๐’ โ€”๐‹๐Ž'๐€๐Š ๐’๐”๐‹๐‹๐˜ : turning everything into a competition was nothing out of the ordinary for you and lo'ak.
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contents. gn! omaticaya reader, pure fluff, flirtatious teasing (my favorite), lower caps intended, mild swearing, childhood best friends -> lovers + wc 1.2k
notes. hi, i've been gone for a while bc of some mental health issues, i missed posting here tho ใ… ใ…  this is the first piece i've finished in a while and it was meant to be a drabble but i got too sucked in . . . i hope you enjoy it ! tysm for taking the time to read my work โ™ก read more.
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"you are falling behind!" lo'ak shouts from above your head, a smug grin on his face, as you struggle to catch up to him from a few feet behind on your ikran. you two were not so high up in the sky that dayโ€”you were already done with patrolling and huntingโ€”yet, you heard nothing but his bantering and your ikran's shrieking noises.
"only because you cheated! you arrogant piece ofโ€“"
"oi! what happened to your manners, huh?" riding his own ikran ahead of you, sully tries to keep a straight face, but soon enough he bursts out laughing at you. that skxawng is having the time of his life watching your face as it twists with rage as he teases you in that insufferable way only he mastered so well.
it was not uncharacteristic of him to cheat on your races, or any of your many competitions for that matter, the bastard was absolutely shameless. this time, you two were heading from the hallelujah mountains to hometree. however, before climbing on top of his ikran, lo'ak wrapped a vine around your foot without you noticing, trapping you to the top of the floating mountains before flying off without you, leaving you behind feeling stupid for falling for such a cheap trick.
well, rest assured, two could play that game.
"that is not funny, lo'ak! i think i might have sprained my ankleโ€“"
"i'm afraid i will not fall for your tricks this timeโ€“" he spat back at you, though he felt his heart sink inside his chest as he looked at where you were supposed to be, and all he saw was your ikran diving down below, disappearing into the forest with you "oh, shit, i'm coming!" he shouted over the wind before following you.
it was not long till he was at the spot you landed on. from your hiding place you could see him, but he could not see you, at least not yet.
lo'ak landed swiftly on the mossy ground of the forest, already calling out your name and looking around everywhere for you. his ears were perked up, paying attention to any sound that could give away where you were. he seems genuinely worried, so much so that it almost made you feel bad for what you did and for what you were about to do. almost.
you had to act quickly so as to not give him the chance to find you first. it was time to jump from behind the thick wall of leaves where you and your ikran had been hidingโ€”right on top of your target.
at the very last second, lo'ak looked up. to catch that look of surprise, anger, despair all mixed up on his face, for as brief a moment as it was, it was so worth it.
"son ofโ€“" lo'ak cursed loudly at the impact as you two fell against each other sparring between roots and bushes on the ground.
"what happened to your manners?" you mocked him with that same unbearable tone he had used only moments ago to tease you. only this time, he was the one scrunching up his face at you, cheeks flushed from trying to hoist himself up to get on top of you. you could not help but giggle at the sight; lo'ak under you, smugness all gone from his lips, while he grabbed you by the waist in an attempt to cage you between his arms. you knew this move all too well, that was his 'i'm out of other options move'. you could already taste your victory.
after rolling over one another many times across the ground, dirt everywhere from your faces to underneath your garments, you finally manage to immobilize lo'ak using this technique you learned from spider, which turns the opponent's weight against themselvesโ€”the human boy had to find his way around playing with the na'vi all his life, after all.
"it is over for you, sully" you state, victorious at last, still on top of him, not that either of you minded. your bodies had become very familiar to each other over the years, it was only natural for that to happen when you and lo'ak did practically everything together ever since you could remember. the two of you sprawled on the floor, his hands clasping your hips tightly while your hands rested on his chest, no space between you whatsoever, no one from your tribe would blink an eye at the sight. "tell me, who is the mighty warrior?"
"you are!" lo'ak tried to sound annoyed, but he could not shove that big smirk off his face.
"cheater." lo'ak hisses.
"as much as you are." you get up and offer your hand out to him and he promptly takes it. any animosity already forgotten, as it always did at the end of your matches, it did not matter who wonโ€”the races or the fights.
standing face to face now, you find yourself admiring the male in front of you. surely, you would never admit it to him, but lo'ak had grown quite handsome over the years, maybe even too handsome โ€” to the point where all the young females of the omaticaya desired him as mate, and not because of his status as son of the olo'eyktan. of course, he was well aware of all that, which did absolute wonders to his ego โ€” the sides of his head, that he kept shaved, needed some maintenance. before you could get a hold of your thoughts, you caught yourself wondering what it would feel like to run your fingers through his hair. the short bits growing behind his ears as well as the long and intricate braids that fell on his back.
"wait here, i will be right back!" lo'ak's words are enough to get you out of your head and back to where you are, but not enough to shake off your thoughts entirely. now you are standing in the forest left with the question of what is lo'ak planning on doing.
before you could even develop a theory on it, he is back, holding something small and colorful in his hand.
"what is this?" you asked, still confused, tilting your head to the side.
"it is your prize for winning" lo'ak leaned in closer to you, eyes locked with yours, as he shows what he is holding; your favorite flower. white and orange glowing specks surrounded by soft pink petals lightening your smile. although delighted, you remained confused, your prizes were nothing like that at all! your prizes included pranks or favors, never such beautiful prizes. alas, rendered speachless, all you could do was hope he did not notice how flushed your cheeks were as he placed the flower in one of your braids, tugging it lightlyโ€”ever the teaser "you earned it, my little mighty warrior." for the first time in your life now, you felt conscious about your body so close to his. as he still played with your braid, he smiled at his work, looking very pleased with himself "now, come on! we have to get going, my mom will kill if i don't get home in time for dinner again."
"you are such a momma's boy, aren't you?" despite all confusing new feelings surrounding lo'ak and your relationship at that moment, the instinct that urges you to tease him at every given opportunity is very much still there.
"and you are a little brat, you know that?" he pokes your head playfully, raising one brow at you "quit slacking already, skxawng." and just like that, right after calling you a brat and a moron, he grabs you by the waist like he always does โ€” your body responds instinctively to his touch, moving closer to his side โ€” tugging you along with him towards your ikran. you catch yourself looking up at his face now, at that smug smirk back on his lips where it belongs. your gaze rests on his lips for a little while longer than you had anticipatedโ€“
shit. maybe those females lusting after lo'ak were actually onto something.
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cinnamondumbb ยฉ 2023 โ€” please do not copy/repost/translate my work without my permission. (โ™ก) + rb! :p
125 notes ยท View notes
cinnamondumbb ยท 2 years
Hey, could you make a fic that focuses on Kiri/Spider relagionship? Maybe something exploring feelings realisation and childhood friends to lovers. There are so dew kiri/spider fics, please give us content :)
๊•ค ๏น†๏ฝกหš ๐…๐ˆ๐‘๐’๐“ ๐Š๐ˆ๐’๐’ โ€”๐’๐๐ˆ๐ƒ๐„๐‘ ๐— ๐Š๐ˆ๐‘๐ˆ : when kiri leaves in the mornings, to do chores or to explore, spider can't help but follow every time.
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contents. fluff, sfw, childhood friends -> lovers, lower caps intended, comforting, takes place four years after the events of atwow (characters are aged-up) + wc 1.1k
notes. decided to combine these two requests and give our favorite monkey boy the love he deserves! it's my first time writing on this ship, i hope it turned out decent lol ty for taking the time to read my work โ™ก
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spider did not know when it started, when he developed the habit to check in on her first thing in the morning. it was a part of his routine ever since he could remember, and that did not change even after they left their home to live with the sea people.
on that particular morning, he had left his marui pod to look for her in the village, like he would always do.
yet, kiri was nowhere to be found.
he ran into lo'ak, however, who said she left before sunrise on her tsurak to the second island to the east, mentioning something about gathering new herbs for her collection. spider could not ride a tsurak or an ilu, making the small one-person boats of the metkayina his best allies.
on days like that, when kiri wandered off alone, he could not find it in him the will to not go look for her.
he found her kneeling down on the sand, probably too focused on the work in front of her to notice his presence. the boy slowly climbed off his boat, approaching the area without making a sound, evidencing all the experience he had garnered while living amongst the omaticaya, in the way he moved, leaning in on his knuckles, crawling the distance between the two of them in all foursโ€” his very breathing. he bore a closer resemblance to the wild creatures that inhabited the forest he grew up in than to his own kind.
spider stopped a mere inch away from her, his face right above the curve of her neck. he stared into the striped pattern of that skin he knew so well, preparing to give her the scare of her lifeโ€“
"i know it's you, monkey boy."
โ€“before she ruined it for him.
"damn it!" words could not describe his disappointment. he let his body fall next to her in the sand "how do you do it, huh?"
"i could see the shadow of your massive head from a mile away," she didn't even look at him, but he could spot the smug smirk on her face as she continued to work on her herbs.
"my massive head?" spider poked kiri's waist, where he knew she was the most ticklish, making her instantly throw her head back laughing "who's got a massive head?"
"you do!"
"take it back," he poked her again, and again, with both hands this time "kiri, take it back!"
"never!" she was laughing hysterically now, unable to contain herself. still, she would not yield.
"is that so?" spider tickled her even more, moving closer, pushing her to the ground. kiri tried to escape, but there was nowhere to run, he had her surrounded with his arms.
"fuck you!" kiri snarled at him. it was a rare occasion to hear her curse but, funnily enough, all of those occasions seemed to happen when a certain human boy was involved.
"take it back and i'll let you go."
"spider, you skxawng!" it was only then that kiri realised where she was. laying on the ground with spider on top of her body. those big brown eyes of his fixated on her.
"are you blushing?"
"in your dreams," kiri tried to keep her wits about her, but it was impossible while she was so aware of his body, his eyesโ€“ "fine, i take it back!" although she tried to seem angry, she could not stop herself from smiling.
"good girl," he said while helping her up.
kiri felt her face burn, as if all the blood in her body went straight to her cheeks.
"bastard," was all she thought to reply.
"you know you love me."
kiri just scoffed at him, resuming her work. she tended to the herbs she had recently collected, cutting and separating them in piles, organizing everything in her purse.
"why did you leave so early, anyway?"
"ugh, to get away from my mom," kiri sighed "ever since i completed my iknimaya she hasn't stopped talking aboutโ€“ you know what? forget it, it's stupid."
"kiri, it's me," he reached for her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
"well, she thinks i should be choosing a mate," she nearly whispered, almost as if she was afraid of the word itself. "oh, not only that, she also thinks that you and i are together."
"whaaat?!" spider suddenly felt anxious and unable to look in kiri's eyes directly, turning his gaze to a patch of grass nearby.
"yeah, i know! it's crazy right?"
"so crazy," spider laughed weakly, pulling on a strand of grass "but, i guess your mom just wants you to be with someone who's good enough for you, and obviously that someone isn't me."
"are you saying you don't think you're good enough for me?" kiri whipped her head from her work to face him, "i mean, in this strictly hypothetical situation," she added abruptly.
"kiri, i don't think anyone is good enough for you."
"idiot," she scoffed, gently pushing his shoulder back "it's not like anyone would want me, either way."
"that's not trueโ€“"
"yes, it is, okay? i'm a freak," her voice broke in the middle of the sentence, as she felt her throat tighten "everybody's knows it."
"kiri, you're not a freak," spider cupped her cheeks with his hands, making her look directly into his eyes "i think you're amazing. every single part of you, even the parts you don't like."
she looked at him, teary eyed. his heart broke for her. he just wished she could see herself through his eyes.
"will you just... hold me? please." spider did not have to wait for her to finish that sentence before taking her into his arms.
"i'm not going anywhere," he gently pulled her closer to his chest, caressing her hair, playing with the beads of her braids, whispering comforting words in her ear.
"yes, kiri?" she lifted her head and stared at him, his hand gently stroking her cheek.
"just so you know, you are good enough for me," he felt his blood boil under his skin as he realised what she meant "you are more than enough."
"kiri, iโ€“"
"take your mask off," her tone was low and demanding.
he knew what she meant and that only made him the more anxious. spider would be lying if he said he never wished for it to happen, but now that it was happening, he did not know what to do. at last, he did as he was told.
"good boy," kiri whispered against his lips before kissing them.
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cinnamondumbb ยฉ 2023 โ€” please do not copy/repost/translate my work without my permission. (โ™ก) + rb! :p
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cinnamondumbb ยท 2 years
this is lua เฉญ welcome to my blog .แŸ
masterlist . tag system
i โ™ก LDR, rainy weather, sanrio, matcha latte, anakin skywalker, indie films, strawberries and cigarettes โ€”
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latest work : races and flowers โ€” lo'ak sully
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cinnamondumbb ยฉ 2023 โ€” please do not copy/repost/translate my work without my permission. (โ™ก) + rb! :p
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cinnamondumbb ยท 2 years
lua's masterlist .แŸ
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james cameron's avatar
i intend to write for other fandoms as well ! i already have a long hotd au on the making . . .
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cinnamondumbb ยฉ 2023 โ€” please do not copy/repost/translate my work without my permission. (โ™ก) + rb! :p
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cinnamondumbb ยท 2 years
lua's tag system .แŸ
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# โ€” แต•ฬˆโ™ก lua writes๐Ÿง ( all my works )
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# โ€” เฑจเงŽ ห– ๏ฝฅ ๊’ฐ girlblogging w lua ๊’ฑ
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# เซฎ๊’ฐโ—ž ห• โ—Ÿ ๊’ฑแƒ โ€” i did nawt ( anon asks )
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