#β€” 𝐢. 𝑆. : meta.
incaensio Β· 1 year
if they could hit redo on a single past event in their life what would it be? would they do it if it meant changing the present?
connie wouldn't have blabbed to his grandfather about knowing of the rotten side of the games.
maybe he would have instead eloped with nadia, only appeared when she was already pregnant β€” then it's where things could change, or be more of the same: coriolanus wouldn't kill her while she's expecting, but he could either kill her right afterwards (like he's done with constantinus' own mother) or she'd die at some point, suffocated by the snow name, if not by the patriarch himself. that could lead to connie being just like his father: turning to addiction to cope with the pain and the guilt, ignoring his child, wilting away; or he could become a bit more like himself, the one he is now, only he'd have more of a reason to live, in that child of his. would he join the rebellion in that case? maybe! i'm just spitballing to be honest because that decision could take different routes (but nadia would die and he'd suffer for the guilt regardless).
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incaensio Β· 1 year
what’s their love language?Β Β 
would they describe themselves as beautiful/handsome/etc?Β Β 
did their childhood have a negative or positive impact on them?Β Β 
for con!
gift giving and acts of service. materialism is just another layer of love, after all; he's stunted enough to believe that there is no real affection without gift giving, and it's a bit of a tell if he likes someone β€” platonically now, definitely sexually before β€” if he remembers the person enough to give them something.
he's an ugly man but he thinks he's alright. he was way louder (and caring) about his appearance when he was younger though.
ha, definitely negative on his mental health; obviously, being a snow has opened doors and given him more wealth than anyone should be allowed to mantain, but the price is too heavy for him to consider it very positive.
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incaensio Β· 11 months
Con: [Character Building] Can you describe how Con speaks? For example: are there phrases he says often, what kind of cadence does he use, what kind of accent does he have, etc.
his voice claim is jack's because i'm basic and i love his voice - - only his tone of speech is softer, because jack's natural accent is scottish and it is a bit rougher i think. for accents, i believe it may have been discussed that capitolites have a transatlantic accent, but i've always imagined that it is an english (received pronunciation) accent. he usually speaks non-chalant, light and derisive, as if he doesn't take anything serious (but not as high and ebullient as domitila speaks); his voice may become slower, lower and slurry when he's drinking and/or holding in his temper/tears. as far as catch phrases, i can only imagine the repetive nicknames he may give to others. this video is probably the closest i can find that resembles how he speaks!
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incaensio Β· 11 months
πŸ––- What β€œFandoms” would your muse belong to? (Domi)
πŸŽ–- Does your muse enjoy praise? (Katniss)
🎟- Do they like β€œso bad it’s good” movies? (Con)
πŸ––- What β€œFandoms” would your muse belong to? (Domi)
speaking modern verse! i don't think she'd be into tv shows and movies as much as she'd be into reality shows, though she watches the things that are trending of course. like, she'd be a beyonce fan, she'd have been super into paris hilton and now is into the kardashians and all those cheesy relationship shows. she watched scream for j*da p!nkett and is on all opening nights for the sequels after that. as a brazilian, she watches every big brother brasil and roots for the messiest people.
πŸŽ–- Does your muse enjoy praise? (Katniss)
oh, she doesn't know how. she can acknowledge the practical things she is good at (which is basically hunting) but she doesn't like to be made a fuss of because it's no big deal.
🎟- Do they like β€œso bad it’s good” movies? (Con)
i feel like he'd have been keen on watching all released movies when he was younger, and that came with awful movies though i'm inclined to believe there is some sort of censure within panem because snow wouldn't be happy with films that demand critical thinking. that being said, the capitol must have a lot of silly films, like a lot of romcoms and straight up comedies. he used to enjoy horrible but funny comedies when he was younger, but he sticks to more serious media nowadays. in a modern verse, he'd enjoy parodies and such (scary movie comes to mind) but he'd prefer documentaries, particularly those of history and war (because i could be wrong, but these are the things he'd have watched with his family when he was younger, and that brings some kind of good memories of sharing moments with them that he tries to revive).
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incaensio Β· 11 months
πŸ›Œ- Does your muse prefer to sleep under many layers of blankets or only under a few?
constantinus probably feels suffocated when there's many blankets; his bedroom's temperature can be controlled at his will, so he most likely only has one blanket at most.
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incaensio Β· 11 months
Peacock: What is something Connie always has on their person? Is there a specific reason why they like to have it on them?
what comes to mind is his watch - - he has two of them: one that is a huge, shiny, rich people thing (think rolex, whatever it is named in panem) that he's used to flex on, roll his sleeves and show people the time (while, of course, showing off his wealth), and another is the watch-comunicator of the rebellion, which is a lot plainer. he used to keep it with his person, on his jacket's pocket, but he mostly wears it at work, where he keeps it because it's safer and can not be pinned as his, per se.
another thing is the snow signet ring, which he always wears on his pinky. it's yet another symbol of wealth and power, but this one is the one that matters the most, as it is only coined when a son of the snow dynasty deserves it. i imagine it golden, its symbol a rose, circled by the family's words: snow lands on top. he was very proud to receive his when he turned fifteen, and definitely flaunted it about, purposefully writing letters and sealing them with the ring, and all this sort of noble people nonsense. he's once given it to nadia as a promise, and it was heartbreaking for him to have his grandfather tell him to pry it out of her corpse because that's something only snows are deserving to wear. so now, it's a reminder, of what truly matters and what he must destroy (even if it is himself).
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incaensio Β· 1 year
Blue: If Con could relive any day, which day would it be?
the one he talked with his grandfather about nadia. i've spoken a little about that previously here.
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incaensio Β· 1 year
how many hours of sleep do they average per night? (for con)
if he's drunk or medicated, he can go over ten hours but usually he gets at least four to six hours; they're hardly continuous, though, he's the type to wake up and stare at the wall and agonize in unreasonable (ish) anxiety for an hour before dozing off again.
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incaensio Β· 1 year
what do they consider their worst habit? for con!
despite casual self disregard and overall laziness, i think his being a snob is one of the worst trait/habits he has. it's just second nature for him to look down on people, and think himself better than them, that they should bend to his whims. he reprimands himself for it a lot, but you know, it's not still entirely gone so.
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incaensio Β· 1 year
What is something Con currently misses?
i think he constantly misses his ignorance, only because it was easier when he was blissfully stupid and content. but i guess he also misses cora, and wonders if she's being treated well, hopes that it's better than what the capitol is doing to the people in literal cages rather than just figurative ones.
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incaensio Β· 1 year
do they enjoy silence or find it too loud? (con)
connie's homelife has always felt a bit like a minefield. i've spoken before that his father was abusive, and, unfortunately, it is a natural predisposition to a child to want to please their parents, regardless of how they are treated by those parents; because his father was, at his best, apathetic, and at his worst, erratic, connie had to work around his father's moods and it still was a tricky thing to do (if he spoke too much, he'd get a handful; if he tried to keep quiet, he'd get an earful). even after his father's death, he carried this with him, unwilling to see his father's temper on his grandfather β€” of course, coriolanus never beat him, but there's other ways of abusing someone without laying a finger on them and constantinus so wanted to please.Β 
nowadays, i think he's found a balance β€” or whatever. he definitely prefers filling the void of silence himself, but he knows when he has to keep his mouth shut (it doesn't make silence any less nerve wrecking, however. after all, his grandfather does more evil silently than his father has ever done while on a rage).
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incaensio Β· 1 year
tag drop.
β€” 𝐾. 𝐸. : the mockingjay.
β€” 𝐾. 𝐸. : study.
β€” 𝐾. 𝐸. : reflection.
β€” 𝐾. 𝐸. : written.
β€” 𝐾. 𝐸. : meta.
β€” 𝐷. 𝑀. : study.
β€” 𝐷. 𝑀. : reflection.
β€” 𝐷. 𝑀. : written.
β€” 𝐷. 𝑀. : meta.
β€” 𝐢. 𝑆. : study.
β€” 𝐢. 𝑆. : reflection.
β€” 𝐢. 𝑆. : written.
β€” 𝐢. 𝑆. : meta.
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