#β€” 𝐾. 𝐸. : meta.
incaensio Β· 11 months
[Katniss] Does your muse prefer to sleep under many layers of blankets or only under a few?
Does your muse prefer soft, plush textures or smooth and glossy textures?
What does your muse do to occupy themselves when bored?
katniss actually is used to sleeping only with her family's quilt β€” a blanket that has been passing through generations since before the covey were forced into twelve β€” but she is prone to being cold, so she would take any blankets given, even if that is only one; she usually needs something to hold onto when she's sleeping (she sleeps with her fists closed). she's also learned over the past eight months that she can be a blanket hogger.
she most likely enjoys plush textures more but in general she's such a texture nerd. i've talked before about how she focuses on searching and touching soothing textures to ground herself on something.
depends on the day. sometimes, she takes the opportunity to take a nap, though it is often pointless because it can be one of those naps that you wake up anxious and frustrated and not well-rested at all. other times, she gets busy with whatever she can, preferably something that keeps her hands moving.
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incaensio Β· 1 year
do they wake up on the first alarm, hit snooze, or have multiple alarms set?Β 
what’s the first major event they remember in their life?
what would their three wishes be if they found a genie?Β Β 
for katniss!
katniss is somewhat of a light sleeper, so i don't think she'd ever sleep through an alarm (unless she's sedated/passed out from illness). she does hit snooze as of late β€” meaning she tries to drag her early rising husband back to bed so they can cuddle back to sleep.
it's pieces and pieces in her head, but when she was four or five, there was a mine collapse in twelve β€” it's the first she would later recognize as such β€” and she remembers parts of the day: the horn that rang, warning workers and family alike, her mother trying not to let panic show and telling katniss to just thump the mortar a bit harder on the herbs they were working on, her mother's a sigh of relief as they heard a familiar whistling at the door, her father's filthy frame bending down to pick both katniss and lilian in his arms. there was a lot of crying, and she remembers hearing her parents whisper-argue (with a house as small as theirs, that happened enough when they tried not to let the kid know of the struggle of life) later, before she crawled between them and the both of them kept her safe and warm in their arms. heath skipped work the next day and they all β€” even mom β€” went to the lake, and there was no tears, only sated sighs and giggling. it made her young mind associate the possibility of a good day after a bad one (that faded when the golden-like reality built by her parents crumbled, after heath died).
right now? she'd wish for peeta to be next to her, safe and sound; she'd wish for the war to be over with as little death as possible; she'd wish for twelve to be rebuilt, free from thread and snow and coin and anyone else trying to subdue them.
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incaensio Β· 1 year
what does their future look like when they picture it?Β  who’s there with them? (for katniss)
tbh katniss hasn't been able to think far ahead in a while. it's terrifying, it's impossible, she can only think of making through today; she has been able to, however, picture other people's future. she often thinks of primrose grown, a "proper doctor", with a family of her own, happy. she doesn't think of her own future, though i think before her games, she may have thought, sometimes, that she would be there to continue taking care of prim, maybe.
her thoughts about her own future have been characteristically grim since her victory tour, with the four to five days in between she thought maybe she could make something worth living with peeta at home during the quell, but she's definitely back to the worst case scenario right now (that, most likely, things would just be better if she was dead and that she will likely be by the end of the war). she's been thinking a lot about the future of panem as well, and that is also yet another reason for her to panic though she tries to be a bit more optimistic about the rest of the country and people (try is the keyword here).
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incaensio Β· 1 year
what’s their love language? (Katniss)
acts of service + touch.
katniss is your typical older sister who likes to feel needed and likes to do stuff for people she loves β€” even if she'd never say it, it's clear she cares if she goes out of her way to make something for you (e.g. storing liquor in her house for haymitch, risking her life to hunt to keep her family alive).
touch is something new, that she will die before acknowledging but wbk katniss is a snuggle bug β€” interesting to consider when she is quite touch averse, but with the few people she reallyyyy likes, she just wants to touch them and be touched by them all the time (this is still the girl who went through all the stages of grief when trainer peeta refused to hug or kiss her even if this doesn't quite happen in this verse).
i have a lot of feelings about this so let me add that touch is also a crutch β€” physical affection was how she was supposed to sell the star crossed lovers in the games, so it can be double edged for katniss sometimes because at times she wants it, but others she thinks it's necessary. she doesn't want to kiss gale, but she thinks she has to, to keep him; she doesn't want to kiss peeta in front of thousands of strangers, but she does it because they need to do it to survive, because that's what she has learned from her passage in the capitol (and, like i was talking with karli yesterday, it can be manipulative, even when she doesn't mean it maliciously).
it's a fine line to tiptoe β€” what is demanded of her, what she wants to do β€” that katniss is still trying to explore. but i don't think it takes away from how naturally clingy this girl is (and i will be making fun of her at every opportunity for this, and so should everyone else).
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incaensio Β· 11 months
πŸ––- What β€œFandoms” would your muse belong to? (Domi)
πŸŽ–- Does your muse enjoy praise? (Katniss)
🎟- Do they like β€œso bad it’s good” movies? (Con)
πŸ––- What β€œFandoms” would your muse belong to? (Domi)
speaking modern verse! i don't think she'd be into tv shows and movies as much as she'd be into reality shows, though she watches the things that are trending of course. like, she'd be a beyonce fan, she'd have been super into paris hilton and now is into the kardashians and all those cheesy relationship shows. she watched scream for j*da p!nkett and is on all opening nights for the sequels after that. as a brazilian, she watches every big brother brasil and roots for the messiest people.
πŸŽ–- Does your muse enjoy praise? (Katniss)
oh, she doesn't know how. she can acknowledge the practical things she is good at (which is basically hunting) but she doesn't like to be made a fuss of because it's no big deal.
🎟- Do they like β€œso bad it’s good” movies? (Con)
i feel like he'd have been keen on watching all released movies when he was younger, and that came with awful movies though i'm inclined to believe there is some sort of censure within panem because snow wouldn't be happy with films that demand critical thinking. that being said, the capitol must have a lot of silly films, like a lot of romcoms and straight up comedies. he used to enjoy horrible but funny comedies when he was younger, but he sticks to more serious media nowadays. in a modern verse, he'd enjoy parodies and such (scary movie comes to mind) but he'd prefer documentaries, particularly those of history and war (because i could be wrong, but these are the things he'd have watched with his family when he was younger, and that brings some kind of good memories of sharing moments with them that he tries to revive).
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incaensio Β· 11 months
Buttercup: Where do Katniss' loyalties lie when it come to the rebellion? Do they worry about their future?
that's a toughie because katniss is definitely not as enamoured by the rebellion or thirteen as she should be, considering she is its face. her loyalty has always been foremost to the people she loves, and this remains the focus - - she wouldn't have become the mockingjay publically if it hadn't been necessary to take peeta from the capitol. that being said, i think after the mission to eight, she has truly began seeing the odds past her own family, and she knows that the rebellion matters and that panem needs this change, and so she is commited, i'd say. so her loyalty goes to her family and the people from the districts rather than a certain person (mrs. president, plutarch, any of those higher ups).
i think she's very worried, and it's a bit above the usual because she's well aware that the dangers are greater now, with peeta under snow's thumb. she's concerned the more she does for the rebellion, the more peeta suffers. she's worried the rescuing will be too late, and he will be dead. she's worried the more she does, the more snow will retaliate on the districts too, and there will be more bombed out places, the way he's done to twelve. it's nothing direct to her person, because wbk the way to katniss is always the people around her/helpless people.
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incaensio Β· 1 year
Yellow: Is Katniss a forgiving person? What do they do when someone has wronged them?
while i think katniss is a grudge-holder, she doesn't insist on mistakes once she has noticed that has occured, which typically happens when she receives a new piece of information or has faced it herself; i.e: trying to mend fences with her mother after understanding how debilitating depression over the loss of a loved one can be, after returning from her arena. she is, however, as i've said, a grudge holder, and stubborn as she is, it can take a moment for her to get past something that happened, be it insult or injury; for most part, she shoots right back, with as much or more force than the offense received, but she can also choose to give the person a cold shoulder, sometimes she alternates between those two options. it depends the level of wrong.
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incaensio Β· 1 year
do they have any habits they believe are odd? (for katniss)
i think it’s not particularly odd for neurodivergents, but katniss is very attuned to touch, and she doesn’t notice she’s doing that, but her hands naturally seek things of different textures and temperatures: harsh tree bark, soft flower petals, velvet fabrics, the fletching of her arrows; she will tug at the end of her braid, rub her fingertips on fuzzy clothes, squeeze what she has at hand (be it an object or someone else’s), play with her wedding ring. when she’s particularly distressed, she also brings things to her lips (she has most likely eaten her own hair before when she was in a special bad moment as a kid), because the feeling gives her some sort of comfort. she’s also been making mental lists for a while, but it has intensified as of late, turning into something less of a daily task thing to things to self-punish herself for (eventually, it will become the good deeds list, but that’s going to take a whiiiile).
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incaensio Β· 1 year
describe their dream home. looks, location, decorations, etc. & would they describe themselves as beautiful/handsome/etc? for katniss
ok so not only katniss has very little aesthetic sense, she just. doesn't care. i think she feels as if what truly matters to a house is its memory, the people in it, how it feels like a home β€” it's why she was particularly attached to the everdeen house in the seam, even after getting the big mansion at victor's village. her house at victor's village already came furnished, but her mother did try to style it, an activity katniss took no interest in.Β her apathy is directly related to her traumatized mind that forces her to think of a day by day, and anything else as superfluous β€” that doesn’t apply to other people’s stuff, though, thus why she was particularly careful, when visiting twelve, to bring items that meant something for her mother and sister (and posy), and i think this care for the needs of others (because katniss is naturally a caretaker above everything else) will continue for however long she lives. maybe, one day, that is possible to change. caring for what comes in a future, to having things of her own, that’s all part of growing and healing, and that will be a part of how she will build her future house (which i doubt will forever be the one in victor’s village, though, if she makes it through the war, she will be there for a while anyways). that house, wherever it is, would be a breezy, cozy house, with lots of natural light, the windows always open, always smelling like good food β€” all things she acknowledges as life, as happiness. there will also be a porch where she will sometimes sit on a rocking chair, and a garden to overlook and care for.
she has no self esteem or awareness so no, and she definitely feels awkward when her looks are a matter of discussion, even if for a compliment (that she does not believe in).
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incaensio Β· 1 year
what is their idea of the afterlife? does it scare them?
the afterlife for katniss is clear skies, the wind brushing against tall trees, soft grass and blossoming flowers. it's like the song β€” the one that had once been her grandmother's lullaby, and now it's rue's β€” a place where you can rest easy, find peace at last. she tries not to think of people who have passed looking down at the living, but she thinks what they do, what they are, can live on nature, which is one of the reasons she is just so connected to the woods at twelve, because that's the closest thing she has to her father and she can never abandon him.
i don't think she's particularly scared of dying. she's wanted it to happen several times because it's a good place, rather than the suffering she has often withstood while in this life. i do think that for others, she doesn't see death as a light thing, especially when it is brought by a painful manner, like the kids who starved to death, or rue, or even cato, and the thousands that have died in twelve; she thinks life and death should matter more, not to be something just trivial.
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incaensio Β· 1 year
What does Katniss consider their greatest accomplishment?Β 
my inner katniss just scrambled her brain and nothing came out, so i had to shake it a bit more. i think she takes pride in being the "bread owner" of the family (pun not intended!), that she's managed to keep them alive and in good enough health for seven years; the only good thing to come out of the rebellion is that her family's immediate survival and longer-standing health is no longer a concern (though, of course, that removes a weight that was a sort of comfort and leaves room for worse thoughts).
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incaensio Β· 1 year
tag drop.
β€” 𝐾. 𝐸. : the mockingjay.
β€” 𝐾. 𝐸. : study.
β€” 𝐾. 𝐸. : reflection.
β€” 𝐾. 𝐸. : written.
β€” 𝐾. 𝐸. : meta.
β€” 𝐷. 𝑀. : study.
β€” 𝐷. 𝑀. : reflection.
β€” 𝐷. 𝑀. : written.
β€” 𝐷. 𝑀. : meta.
β€” 𝐢. 𝑆. : study.
β€” 𝐢. 𝑆. : reflection.
β€” 𝐢. 𝑆. : written.
β€” 𝐢. 𝑆. : meta.
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