#— 🎟️ vega
https-furina · 1 year
Any thoughts on Scaramouche x Herta?
i’m so out of the loop for honkai i barely know a few names and it’s just because i know the voice actors for them but isn’t herta the girl who is a puppet?
if so, i have no clue about her personality in comparison to scaramouche but two puppets falling in love despite the cracks in their skin from aging and rough handling, despite the lack of potential emotions, i think would make for a very cute couple maybe? i could write a fic on what i just said alone <3
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everythingbap · 6 months
Bang Yongguk Reddit AMA Part 1
A/N: translations may have inaccuracies. Part 2 here!
Hey guys! This is BANG YONGGUK, back again for another round of AMA with you 💪
I’m off to my world tour, BANG YONGGUK ‘III’ THE US TOUR 2024 very soon.
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Ask me anything, and I’ll try my best to answer all of your questions!
Don’t forget to grab your tickets for our tour if you're in the US!
04/05 BROOKLYN🎟️ https://livemu.sc/4a0bdrG
04/07 LOUISVILLE🎟️ https://bit.ly/49TB9VU
04/09 CHICAGO🎟️ https://bit.ly/432IrV6
04/12 ORLANDO🎟️ https://bit.ly/48Di5Kx
04/14 DALLAS🎟️ https://livemu.sc/3wxC5AT
04/17 HOUSTON🎟️ https://bit.ly/3T6x2yS
04/19 PHOENIX🎟️ https://bit.ly/3TlTNQL
04/21 LAS VEGAS🎟️ https://bit.ly/4c2SmhG
04/23 SACRAMENTO🎟️ https://bit.ly/3TmZYnM
04/26 SAN DIEGO🎟️ https://bit.ly/431DPyE
04/28 LOS ANGELES🎟️ https://bit.ly/3V9LCZr
Meet & Greet🎟️ https://mmt.fans/bwkW
Also, stay tuned for my latest album, [3], releasing March 31st!
I’m always active on socials. Follow me to stay tuned for cool performances and more music!
Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/bangstergram/]
Twitter: [https://twitter.com/BAP_Bangyongguk]
Youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/@bangyg]
BABY: Hi Yongguk! I've been a fan of you since you've been in B.A.P, and I have been supporting you ever since! Congratulations on having another world tour, I wish I could see you perform live one day though. I have a few questions though.
1- How fun was it to produce and create your upcoming album? 2- Do you have any advice for getting through the day when things are stressful? 3- Are there any songs from your career that you wish you could've went back and remade?
Thank you so much for being a part of my life and thank you for your hard work. I hope your upcoming world tour goes well!
BYG: 크레에이티브 디렉터로 다시 복귀할 수 있어서 이번 앨범은 과정은 힘들었지만 즐거웠던 것 같아요. 스트레스는 내가 무시하는 것 중 하나야. 가만히 명상해보자. 리메이크 가능하다면 내 첫 정규앨범 BANGYONGGUK을 리믹스해서 LP로 만들고 싶네. I think it was hard but fun to be back as creative director for this album. Stress is among the things I ignore. Let's try and meditate. If a remake were possible, I'd like to remix my first album BANGYONGGUK and make it into an LP.
BABY: Hiiiii! Could you please sing Going Crazy or 4:AM at your tour? I know it’s difficult the second one, but how do you feel about it now?
BYG: 아마 감정적으로는 힘들겠지만 4:44를 부를수 있을 것 같아요. It's probably hard emotionally, but I think I could sing AM 4:44.
BABY: 오빠 행복하세요? ❤️ Oppa, are you happy? ❤️
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BABY: Hello Yongguk!! Who are your favorite artists at the moment? Do you have any recommendations?
And do you plan on doing a Latam tour?
BYG: 몇 년째 계획만 되고 있네. 나 언제 시작할 수 있을까? I've only been planning for years. When can I start?
BABY: 꼭 해보고 싶었고 지금까지 해볼 수 없었던 일이 있을까용? Is there something you really wanted to do until now but couldn't?
BYG: 언제까지 가능할지 모르지만 아직까진 나는 항상 100% 노력했어요. I don't know how long something is possible, but so far I've always tried 100%.
BABY: And you have great fingernails, how do you take care of them??? My nails are terrible 😭
BYG: 손톱을 사랑해주세요. Please love your fingernails.
BABY: Hi! I've been a BABY since 2012 and I've loved listening to your solo music, I'm so excited for the new album!
What's your favorite part of touring? Is there anything that's hard about it?
BYG: 도시마다 색 다른 분위기를 느끼는 걸 좋아해요. 몸은 힘들지만 무대 위에서 여러분을 만날때 그걸 잊어버리는 것 같네요. I like feeling the different atmospheres of each city. It's tiring, but when I meet you all on stage, it seems I forget about that.
BABY: hi yongguk!! i've been a fan of B.A.P since debut and i honestly think B.A.P in Melbourne (2016) was the best concert i've ever been to!! it was my first as well :)
i'd like to ask, are there any scents that u're attached to? i.e. hold sentimental value or something that just improves your mood 😊
good luck w ur tour !!
BYG: 응 나는 바디로션과 향수 냄새를 오랫동안 바꾸지 않았는데 이건 집착에 일부인가 봐. Yeah, I haven't changed the scent of my body lotion and perfume in a long time, but it must be part of an obsession.
BABY: Hello Yongguk!
What song of yours do you find most difficult to perform? (Physically and/or emotionally).
I hope you have a great tour ♥️
BYG: AM 4:44
BABY: Hi Yongguk, your music has helped me a lot through tough times. Thank you for being you and for sharing your lovely self with the world through your music! 💫❤️‍🔥
I just want to ask, what advice would you give to other aspiring artists and musicians?
BYG: 스스로에게 계속 도전하세요. 누군가의 조언 보다 스스로의 목소리에 귀 기울이세요. 예술은 A.I가 대체할 수 없을 거라고 생각해. 널 알아봐 줄 1명의 팬만 있다면 성공한 거야. 힘내고 사랑하자. Keep challening yourself. Listen to your own voice instead of someone else's advice. I don't think AI can replace art. If you have even just one fan who recognizes you, you're a success. Let's cheer up and love each other.
BABY: What is your favourite Emoji you like best?
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BABY: 미국에 가기전에 한국에서 마지막 식사로 뭐 먹을까여?ㅋㅋㅋ What should I eat for my last meal in Korea before I go to the U.S.? Hehe
BYG: 라면? Ramyeon?
BABY: If you could be any animal for a day, what animal would you choose?
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BABY: Yongguk! What’s your comfort tv show? <3
BYG: 날 위한 쇼는 내가 직접 만들어야할것 같아. 나 잘 알잖아요? I think I have to make a show for myself. You know me well, right?
BABY: hello Yongguk!! i wish you the best for your tour! i was wondering if you had any future collabs planned 👀 ty!
BYG: 여름에 새로운 프로젝트를 기획하고 있네? I have plans for a new project in summer?
BABY: Hi! Thank you for doing an AMA! Do you do anything special to take care of your voice while you tour?
BYG: 아마 투어가 시작되면 열심히 뜨거운 차를 마셔야 할꺼야. I should probably drink a lot of hot tea when my tour starts.
BABY: What is something on your bucket list?
BYG: 여름에 알게 될 거예요. You'll find out in summer.
BABY: What superpower would you love to have?
BYG: 시공간을 조종하고 싶네요. I want to manipulate time and space.
BABY: yongguk, you’ve been my biggest inspiration for the longest time who is your inspiration in music or do you just go with your own vibe these days?
BYG: 최근에는 월드투어가 큰 영감을 줬던 것 같네요? I think the world tour has been a big inspiration lately?
BABY: 안녕 방용국 오빠 ! Hello Bang Yongguk-oppa !
Do you have any plans in the future to film another documentary like "Something to Talk About?"
It would be interesting to see your progression as a person and as an artist since 2019!
감사합니다! 💚 Thank you! 💚
BYG: 새로운 다큐멘터리를 보게 된다면 아마 3-4년은 걸릴 거예요. I think it will probably take around 3-4 years to see a new documentary.
BABY: Hello Yongguk! Excited for your tour. What's one song you always look forward to performing on stage?
BYG: 5번트랙 Track number 5
BABY: Hello Yongguk! Are there any new genres of music you would like to try or have tried and really liked?
BYG: 이번 앨범 재미있었어. 나오면 꼭 들어봐요. This album was fun. Take listen right when it comes out.
BABY: Hi, I hope you're doing well. I'm excited for your new album. You're an amazing artist who deserves the world. Also, I can't wait to see you in Sacramento <3. Thank you for touring.
Question: Which song is your favorite out of all the songs you've released?
I miss you 💚
BYG: 2 이후라면 이번 앨범이 될 것 같아요. If it's after 2, I think it'll be this album.
BABY: Hi!!! What song are you excited to perform on your tour?
BYG: 새 앨범 모든 노래를 부를 예정이야. I'm going to sing all the songs from my new album.
BABY: Hello greetings from Mexico. There is a small possibility of having a concert of yours this year in Latin America.
BYG: Movimiento는 라틴 아메리카 투어를 위해 작업한 곡 입니다. Movimiento is a song I worked on for Latin America.
BABY: hiii, i'm really curious about what's your favorite moment while you're producing a new song or overall a new ep/album? i love you and i'm really excited bc '3' :)
BYG: 발매 직전! Right before the release!
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BABY: Hi Yongguk! Love you loads! How has making music and composing melodies changed since writing and composing for a group to being solo? Would you say it's harder?
BYG: 그룹보다 혼자 부르는 곡을 만드는 게 더 쉽네요. 생각보다 그룹 음악은 오랜 시간 그 노래를 부를 친구들을 위해 고민해야 할 시간이 필요하니까. It's easier to make songs I sing alone than with a group. I need to worry about the songs that my friends will sing for a long time.
BABY: Can you recommend a “new ramen“ to try? (Not shin) 😄
BYG: 진 Jin
BABY: There is EP 2, and now EP 3. Where is EP 1?
Is there anything to keep you motivated to work & be productive? 
BYG: 1은 제 자신을 의미합니다 1 means myself
BABY: Hello Yongguk! I hope you are having a good day! Since you are Starting a new tour soon! I had some questions that i would love to ask you from last tour if its possible!
1- When you were in Lisbon, what did you liked the most? Would you go back if it was possible? 2- What is the most memorable memory of the "Colors of Bang" Tour?
BYG: 포르투갈 와인은 특별하다. 그리고 너희들 정말 열정적이었어. 다시 만나고 싶네요. Portuguese wine is special. And you all were very passionate. I want to meet you again.
BABY: Hi Yongguk! Thank you for doing this AMA! My question for you is:
Do you have any regrets in your career? What would you change if you could start all over again?
I've been a fan of you and B.A.P since debut! Stay healthy and happy! Love you lots! 💚
BYG: 지금까지 해온 모든일들은 내 자신을 위한 특별한 순간들이였어요. 절대 후회하지 않아요. Everything I've done has been a special moment for myself. I never regret it.
BABY: Will come to Canada? Please, please come to Toronto!!!!!
BYG: 내 계획 중에 캐나다도 다시 방문해야 할 곳이에요. Canada is one of the places I need to plan to visit again.
BABY: i have such a strong memory of the day “no mercy” came out & watching the MV at university. i also went straight from my college graduation to go see B.A.P in concert😂 thank you for bringing me so many great memories over the years! i hope you’re doing well🙂
is there any song that when you listen, reminds you of a specific time in your life - good or bad?
BYG: 요즘 봄이 오니까 Carnival 앨범 생각 많이 나네요 These days with spring coming, I think about our album Carnival a lot
BABY: 이번 앨범이 내 최애앨범 될 것 같음…😍 I think this album will be my favorite...😍
BYG: 음악적으로 나도 그런 것 같아. Musically speaking, I would agree.
BABY: Hi king💚👑~~ As a Tunisian🇹🇳 Baby, I want to ask if you consider adding "North Africa" to your world tour list in the future! And yes love you and good luck for "3" I can't wait for it 🥹💚🔥
BYG: 모로코는 내 촬영지 후보 중 하나였어. 공연으로 북아프리카는 꼭 방문해보고 싶네요. Morocco was one of the candidates for a shooting site. I really want to visit North Africa for a performance.
BABY: I remember you once asked us if we prefer "The old BANG YONGGUK" or "Today's BANG YONGGUK". Does this have something to do with your comeback? Maybe a change of your music style ? What was your inspiration this time?
BYG: 내가 싫어하던 것들을 이번 앨범에 다 해본 것 같아. I think for this album I tried out everything I used to dislike.
BABY: Hi Yongguk! I’ve been a fan for quite a few years now, I hope everything is well with you and I wish you luck on your tour 🫶🏻
My question is, what is one song that is on repeat for you right now?
BYG: 새 앨범 노래들인데 가사가 잘 안 외워지네. 가사를 내가 쓰더라도 그건 다른 문제네요. When it's songs from a new album, the lyrics won't get in [my head] well. If I write the lyrics myself, it's a different matter.
BABY: How do you decide who to feature in your songs?
BYG: 그들의 음악을 오랫동안 듣고 어울리는 새 곡을 만들기 위해 노력하는 것 같아요. I think I listen to their music for a long time and try to make a song that fits them.
BABY: How did you feel when you were filming for NUMB? I'm afraid of heights. Seeing you near the edge of the cliff scared me 😅 I think NUMB will be my favorite ❤️
BYG: 그곳은 numb라는 노래를 위한 최적의 장소였어. That place was the best location for the song numb.
BABY: How many songs from BYG III album will you be singing for the tour?
BYG: 모두 All of them
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jencattv · 5 months
Hey there! Ride the Cyclone is back this weekend, Thursday - Sunday at Majestic Repertory Theatre in Las Vegas 🎢💗 We run until June 8th, so grab your tickets before it’s too late 🎟️ Link in bio!
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heartlandians · 17 days
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Shania’s giving you the chance to join her and her friend Amber Marshall - yes, the Amber Marshall from Heartland - for an unforgettable adventure!
When you donate to support the Shania Twain Foundation and Horses 4 Heroes, you’ll be entered to win an experience that blends the thrill of Shania’s Vegas show and one of her favourite things - horses! The incredible prize package includes :
✨ Round-trip travel to Las Vegas with a 3-night stay for two at Planet Hollywood 🎟️ VIP tickets to Shania’s December 13, 2024, performance at PH Live 🎤 Backstage Meet & Greet with Shania, including a photo op 🐎 A sunset horseback ride with Shania and Amber Marshall on “Carol’s Ride” 🍽️ A catered dinner under the stars after your ride 🎁 Special Shania-branded guitar, autographed artwork, and exclusive merch
This is more than just a concert—it’s your chance to experience the magic of Las Vegas with Shania and Amber, all while supporting causes close to their hearts. Imagine yourself on a sunset ride, enjoying the serene beauty of the desert with two of your favourite stars.
Don’t miss this chance—head over to WinShania.com now and enter to make this dream a reality!
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thebestharleyquinn · 1 year
𝔹𝕦𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕥, 𝕥𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕣𝕚𝕕𝕖. 🎟️
-ℍ𝕦𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕊. 𝕋𝕙𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕤𝕠𝕟
Pc: @highrollervegas @vegas @johnnydepp @jimbembenek @californiaharleyquinn 📸
Reel: @sammiemcdaniel 🎞️
Costumes: @amazon
#highroller #highrollervegas #observationwheel #ferriswheel #worldslargest #fearandloathinginlasvegas #huntersthompson #cosplayer #genderbend #vegas #lasvegas #sincity #raoulduke #gonzo #johnnydepp #onpoint #buythetickettaketheride #vacation #travel #fun #iconic #amazing #reels #sunglasses #beer #buckethat #beautifulview #bestfriendgoals #likeandcomment #livingmybestlife
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📣 MICROTEATRO MESTIZO IV.- Este septiembre, en el marco del Día Mundial para la Prevención del Suicidio, se presentan dos micro-obras que abordan la salud mental y los desafíos del aislamiento y la soledad.🧠🤗
✍️ Dramaturgia: Anibal Samos
🗯 Argumento: Marco enfrenta una pandemia que lo mantiene encerrado. La ausencia de un ser querido lo llevará a tomar decisiones difíciles. ¿Qué harías en una crisis apocalíptica?
👥 Elenco: Liz Navarro y Víctor Lucana
📢 Dirección: Jiro de la Vega.
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✍️ Dramaturgia: Toto Flores
🗯 Argumento: En un mundo indiferente, un ente solitario encuentra a alguien que desafía sus ideas sobre la soledad. ¿Será posible encontrar compañía en un lugar inesperado?.
👤 Actuación: Toto Flores
📢 Dirección: Toto Flores
🔎 Productores Ejecutivos: Víctor Lucana y Sergio Delgado
© Producción: Telón Mestizo.
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 📌 Funciones:
📆 Miércoles 04, 11, 18 y 25 de Setiembre
🕗 8:00pm. y 🕘 9:00pm.
⌛️ Duración: 50 minutos
🏪 Casa Tomada (av. Petit Thouars 3506 - San Isidro)
🎯 Entradas:
🎫 Adulto: S/.35
🎟️ Estudiantes y jubilados: S/.25
🖱 Reservas: https://www.joinnus.com/events/theater/lima-microteatro-mestizo-vi-63753
  📱Informes: +51 975769731
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jamsebolden · 26 days
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We're excited to announce that Jobma will be at the HR Technology (HR Tech) 2024 Conference in Las Vegas this September. Stop by Booth #4118 at Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas, Nevada on Sep 24-26.
We'll be showcasing how employers are using Jobma’s AI and tech to build strong talent pipelines and accelerate growth.
We’ve got a limited number of passes to give away for the event. Register your interest at this link: https://us14.list-manage.com/survey?u=ed227fe79e2e8ecc25a7b2bcf&id=122f4ab49a&attribution=false
#HRTech #HRTechConf #HRTech2024
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Thank you to @news3lv and Dana Wagner for interviewing us on News 3. Thank you Nicole Williams @the_nicole_williams for allowing me to tag along in support of HOVP @houseofvegaspride. Come out to our Music Conference and the Music Festival @area15official
🗣️CALLING ALL 🎤Artists 🎤Singers🎶DJ’s 💃🏾🕺🏾Models 🎥Videographers 📸Photographers 💎Influencers🎶 Beatmakers & Producers ✍🏾Publicists & Talent Managers 🏆Event Planners 👗Fashion Designers
🏳️‍🌈U=U PRESENTS🏳️‍🌈 HOUSE OF FREQUENCY MUSIC CONFERENCE #rootedintheculture an 18+ event
⏰SUNDAY | AUGUST 18TH, 2024 | 9AM-2PM 📍 @thespacelv | 3460 Cavaretta Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89103
@_biancamccall_ @tjsdjs @lalaashep @raphaelrj2 @ecarrice @girlytheceo @macamilliondollarman @plugstar_socialclub @septimiusthegreat
✍🏾Here from our all-star panel how they started their businesses, climbed the ladder of success, and became top influencers to push our culture forward.
▪️9am-10am VIP meet & greet sponsored by @titosvodka with complimentary cocktails ▪️Workshops that focus on your career interests with panelists ▪️VIP GIVEAWAYS: Swag Bags, Billboard Ad, Photoshoots, & More ▪️ Artists opportunity to earn paid music royalties ▪️ WIN a distribution deal with mentorship
‼️CONTACT US FOR MEDIA PASS [email protected] _________________________________________ 🎟️ GET YOUR TIX TODAY! General Admission // VIP Entry Perks visit www.vegaspridehouse.com for tickets & more info
👉🏾Follow @houseofvegaspride _________________________________________ #houseoffrequencymusicconference #musicconference #musicfestival #culturecreators #rootedintheculture #vegasmusicconference #houseofvegaspride #HOVP #hovpglobalmusic #musicians #singers #rappers #models #influencers #videographers #photographers #eventplanners
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sodomighty · 2 months
The 16th Annual Madonna Worship Night
Friday, August 16th 10pm
3 Dollar Bill, Brooklyn
🎟️ in bio 👑👑👑
After taking his Madonna Worship party on tour this Winter/Spring to coincide with Madonna’s Celebration Tour, making stops in Houston, Miami, Denver and eventually Fire Island, The House Of Dandridge has garnered quite a reputation for being one of the most unique and creative events celebrating the legacy of Madonna, The Queen of Pop! DJ Chauncey D take the helm and spin Madonna tracks and remixes, from rare to popular, from within her entire 40+ year career to a jubilant, packed to a capacity crowd of Madonna super-fans and novices alike. After an amazing turnout in August of 2023, we return to the fantastic mega club # $ Bill to celebrate properly once again on her actual BIRTHDAY on Friday, August 16th.
DJ CHAUNCEY D and more to be announced!
Expect show-stopping Queen of Pop tribute performances from some of NYC’s finest.
Don't miss the party.... https://www.seetickets.us/event/The-16th-Annual-Madonna-Worship-Night/582683
For 16 years, DJ Chauncey D has celebrated The Queen of Pop’s birthday each August in NYC with his famous Madonna Worship Night. Originally conceived at Nowhere Bar in the East Village in 2009, the all Madonna all-night dance party eventually relocated to the world-famous Stonewall Inn in the heart of the West Village in Manhattan, the very room Madonna herself kicked off the 50th anniversary of The Stonewall Riots on New Year’s Eve 2019 with a very special surprise appearance and performance.
The night features curated performances by New York nightlife talent and encompasses every inch of her forty-year career with popular hits, b-sides, rarities, and remixes throughout the night!
#madonnaworship #happybirthdaymadonna #likeaprayer #madonna #queenmothermadonna #madonnalouiseveronicaciccone
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bfb1417 · 4 months
« Viva la Tech »
VIVATECH Porte de Versailles, centre du monde Tech ! 🎟️165,000+Attendees 🌏160+Nationalities 🦄13,500Startups 🎤400+Speakers 👀2bnReach Il fait beau, enfin. Et VivaTech bat des records, plus grand salon/ conférence de la Tech mondiale, mieux que le CES de Las Vegas … Et cette année tout pour l’IA ! Juste avant, lors de « Choose France », Emmanuel Macron annonçait 400m € pour former 100.000…
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realmrpatrickj · 9 months
Well this was one day to start off my 2024, the lucky way, now you ask yourself, why did I say that? Well it’s because after taking my usual shower 🚿. Me and mom went to check out circus circus las vegas, for fun, since I’ve no idea if I’ve been to that place, when I first visited Las Vegas in 2007 for the very first time. Anywho, just as I was creating my own route, to venture and explore around this amazing clown circus theme hotel, I was in the middle of walking thru all the very interesting different, fun loving , gambling 🎰 slot machines. When all of a sudden, I saw what I believed was one of those winning cash vouchers that you normally after bidding higher cash 💵 winnings, so I picked it up and to my amazing surprise, I just got myself a cashout voucher that’s worth over $15.60. That has to be the most money I’ve ever found on a winning ticket, that’s way better then those previous cashout vouchers I’ve tried winning big on, but couldn’t, until today, not only did this turned out to be a great New Year’s Day, but also I thank god that I decided to check out circus circus, at the right date at the right time. But yea, this is another money earning life hack you can learn from me, just go walking around the casino gambling slot machine area, and don’t stop 🛑 until you come across a cashout voucher ticket 🎟️!
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https-furina · 1 year
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Focalors Tumblr Layout that I did
Hope you like it :3
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god i’m drooling i love this woman way too muuuuuchhh
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janixiisstuff · 11 months
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How do I explain that I want to be this and then…
This is the “Lana del Rey Las Vegas desert dwelling red lips gingham cherry Cupid 1950s milkshake sock hop burlesque dancin daisy duke cow girl Connie Francis red mini skirt”
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fleya · 1 year
Allegiant Stadium, Las Vegas. 🏟️🎟️
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Radiating fierce energy under Vegas lights. BornPink Encore was an electrifying journey of artistry. The desert air held a mix of adrenaline and nostalgia, a perfect backdrop for the encore that brought me back to where it all began. Grateful hearts, glittering outfits, and music that echoed for miles – a night that'll forever dance in my souls.
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myhughniverse · 1 year
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Kylie Minogue - via social media - "OMG …. Sold Out!?! So humbled by this overwhelming response. So much so, that we are adding ten more dates! I know many of you missed out on a ticket or had to wait a long time. Sorry, there was a system overload! (LOVERS power 💗) Hope you can bag your 🎟️ for one of these new dates. Can’t wait to share this Vegas experience with you. Voltaire LV Available Thursday! "
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💥 Homenaje Sinfónico Coral al genial Ennio Morricone a través de un repertorio de bandas sonoras de las películas: Once Upon a Time in America, Malena, La Leyenda del Pianista del Océano, Los Intocables, El Bueno, El Malo y el Feo, Once Upon a Time in West, Cinema Paradiso y La Misión.
👥 Elenco: Artefacto
📢 Dirección:Dirección: César Vega,
© Producción: AC Producciones.
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📆 Martes 03 y Miércoles 04 de setiembre
🕗 8:00pm.
🏛 Teatro NOS PUCP (av. Camino Real 1037 - San Isidro).
🎫 Entradas:
🎟 Mezanine: S/.56
🎟️ Galería: S/.64
🖱 Reservas: https://teleticket.com.pe/ennio-morricone-trascendental
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