#— amparo. ( connections )
retrocausalities · 10 months
wanted connections...
feat. just some guy, the artistic director, the super loser, the silent snarker. more tba!
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𝓏𝒶𝓃𝓃 𝓆. 𝓅𝓊𝒷𝓁𝒾𝒸.
general relativity. [5/?]
zann's power inadvertently affects your muse's power when they are out and about. based on the distance to his power's area of effect, there are distortions and even "deactivation" of powers (aka disintegration of the matter/energy), which baffle your muse. your muse is investigating the cause of this issue, and how they react is utp.
— filled by @fatalled ( loveshot , roulette ), @loftycries ( savant ), @iridescences ( granite ), @mincedoaths ( havoc ), @fiiregaze ( hades ). / unlimited spots open.
active galactic nuclei. [0/?]
unlike zann himself, your muse knows he has a power, and a damn useful one for your muse's own goals. zann's currently in-between jobs, and as long as the gig isn't too dirty and/or dramatic, he could be easily persuaded to lend a helping hand in exchange for cash.
— looking for connections! / unlimited spots open.
cygnus x-1. [1/1]
during his nde, zann had a violent quarrel with a squatter at his old apartment building. unfortunately, during that conflict, zann's power activated in self-defense, and the guy was never seen again. your muse has a relationship with the missing man (platonic, romantic, familial, etc., but must be friendly) and wants to know the answers behind his disappearance.
— filled by @viillaincoded ( hive )! / closed.
accreditation disk. [3/?]
zann stays away from the complexities of organized crime, but he's not exactly squeaky clean himself. in alleyways, street corners, and on dance floors, he deals weed and party pills for whoever's buying. he's very discreet and doesn't discriminate on who buys his wares. perfect if your muse has a reputation to uphold or doesn't want to be psychoanalyzed by their dealer.
— filled by @godenvy ( jester ), @ofpantheons ( glitch ), @forunholy ( zeus ) / unlimited spots open.
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𝓇𝑒𝓎𝒽𝒶𝓃 𝓂𝒶𝓍𝒾𝓂𝒾𝓁𝒾𝒶𝓃𝑜 𝒸𝒾𝓈𝓃𝑒𝓇𝑜𝓈.
the manias. [3/5]
[tw: stalking, obsessive behavior, mention of bodily harm, injury.]
reyhan is unconcerned with petty criminality. they are wealthy, successful, and have everything they need. but what they don't have, they want. and they crave the attention of their top 5 cerberus agents with whom they have an obsessive fixation. these agents have hurt reyhan irreparably and left a mark on their body. in turn, reyhan has left their mark as well, controlling important body parts of these agents as a result of their encounters. because the body and movement are what reyhan is interested in, they do not find interest in agents with powers that aren't activated or involve motor skills. reyhan will stop at nothing to fully control these individuals' bodies as an homage to the control these agents have on their psyche. fluctuating from friend to foe, reyhan will follow the agents to the bitter end, fixated on the movement of their bodies and how their powers will manifest as directed by puppeteer's manipulations.
1. the head. the one who started reyhan's obsession with select members of cerberus corp. the first agent to encounter reyhan during their torture spree and injured reyhan across the face. the agent left an unsightly gash, leading to reyhan's distinct scar across their cheeks and nose. by breaking reyhan free from the self-shackles of beautiful perfection, the agent kickstarted reyhan's newfound artistic principle and mania with the beauty of imperfection. reyhan carries this agent's merchandise (trading card being their favorite), follows them on social media, and will try to show up wherever the agent is, such as in fan meetings. they will even shadow when the agent is on duty. they claim to love the agent, and will express that by controlling this agent's limbs in somewhat romantic overtures. the agent is reyhan's #1 bias, and reyhan swears to make the agent fully theirs, one way or another. ( whirlpool. aka "honey/cariño." )
2. the heart. the one who reyhan burned emotionally, and they took their revenge on reyhan, the civilian... but, unfortunately, their vindictive actions do not align with cerb corp's policy. reyhan holds that incident over the agent for blackmailing, more than happy to bring up the agent's less-than-heroic past to the corporation. the thing is, reyhan says they are fond of the agent and could be convinced to drop it if the agent will give them full bodily control. but this agent knows that reyhan's favorite is the head, if not reyhan themself. so could it be a lie? whether or not this agent still has affection for reyhan is utp. this agent is the only one at this time in cerb corp who knows of puppeteer's real identity, but due to reyhan's social capital and cover as puppeteer, the agent finds it hard to prove that reyhan is the anti-hero.
3. the hand. the one who has the misfortune of being constantly at odds with puppeteer. it does not help that the agent's powers are disadvantageous against the anti-hero, and in conclusion, most of their limbs are controlled by reyhan. reyhan uses it to their advantage, finding ways to keep an eye on the agent and control their limbs to cause chaos at random. the agent, however, has one perk the other obsessions do not. by being "tied-up" and forced to listen to reyhan's wild, meandering monologues, they have slowly pieced together what makes puppeteer tick and could figure out how to manipulate the manipulator.
4. the hips. the one who actually doesn't mind puppeteer. the agent pretends they dislike the anti-hero, and reyhan also acts as if they loathe the agent, when they both know they wouldn't truly hurt the other. also, puppeteer has helped this agent out in their encounters if an interloper intrudes on their private time. both are more than fine in letting the other go after playing their strange little charade. what's that saying again? it takes two to tango? this agent is courted by reyhan at lengths to leave cerberus and join them independently in hunting down the other obsessions. reyhan has promised if they do that, they would release control of all of the agent's limbs... and isn't it more fun to be two against the world? ( ashina. aka "goddess/diosa." )
5. the heel. the one who is reyhan's worst nightmare. this agent's ability is advantageous against reyhan's own, and reyhan loathes it. this agent is the first to have countered puppeteer's power, shocking reyhan to their core. even under reyhan's control, the agent fought against it long enough to leave a bite mark on reyhan's right hand, almost severing the joint of their thumb had reyhan not forced the agent's jaw to open in time. after the humbling (for half a second, reyhan does not do humble) defeat, they have deemed this agent their nemesis. the agent is reyhan's most destructive target; instead of coyly playing with them as per the other obsessions, reyhan is violently dead-set on utterly dominating and owning this agent's body to celebrate their conquest. ( phoenix. aka "kitten/gatito." )
[/end tw.]
— filled by @godenvy ( whirlpool ), @mincedoaths ( phoenix), @trajedyas ( ashina ). / 2 spots open for cerberus agents. ( the injuries/limb control will be discussed via plotting! )
the vigors. [1/6]
while famous for their craft, reyhan has also become a bit of a celebutante, synonymous with the coolest artsy scene of new york city. however, they're not alone. other young, fashionable, and trendy celebrities who are up-and-coming for their lavish parties, glitzy lifestyle, and luxe aura are now dubbed the new club kids after being seen together hanging out in popular nightspots. these muses are not part of reyhan's regular social circle and not part of their entourage, however, these muses all endeavor as a group to host the best parties nyc's nightlife has ever seen. their feelings towards one another are utp, but reyhan will position themselves in leadership roles when the new club kids get together to host events.
— filled by @iridescences ( lucidity ). / 5 spots open for muses with (in)famous professions related to arts, fashion, & celebrity culture.
the tremors. [1/6]
a soloist in a dance company must be surrounded by the corps to stand out, do they not? these muses are reyhan's """friends,""" but the people around them can see them for what they are. reyhan's entourage, those who are savvy in knowing reyhan's a great connection for climbing up that social ladder, especially in reputation-obsessed new york city. however, goals can blur when ""friendships"" become a toxic game of chicken and keeping up appearances becomes more and more of a mind game. how members of this group feel about each other is utp, but all of them defer to the "queen bee," reyhan (for now).competition, cattiness, gaslighting, gatekeeping, manipulating, straight-up lying, nothing is off-limits if it means crawling up to the top. reyhan isn't immune either, even if they have fashioned themselves as the head of their crew. betrayal can only come from your ""friends,"" after all.
— filled by @herbrokenmelodies ( songstress ). / 5 spots open for muses aged 30-35 looking to break into celebrity status.
the humors. [2/4]
reyhan has always seen themselves as the top billing, and somehow, they've managed to make actual friends in the process. yes, hold the presses; this isn't fake news. whether it's someone in the know of the ~celebrity experience~, or a passion for artistic enterprise, reyhan sees themselves reflected in your muse, making reyhan stick around. surprisingly, your muse has, too. however, reyhan is unabashedly selfish. even if there's a real connection, it doesn't always mean the bonds can't become severed...but maybe some bonds can be forged stronger.oh wait no it's reyhan lmao your muse has to have the patience of a saint
— filled by @loftycries ( savant ), @vrusk ( bespoke ) / 4 spots open for muses who are celebrities, (in)famous artists/performers, and/or stinkin' rich, or are real good pretenders.
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𝓀𝑒𝑒𝑔𝒶𝓃 𝓀𝒾-𝓉𝒶𝑒𝓀 𝒿𝑒𝑜𝓃𝑔.
division by zero. [2/?]
aka the loser's club. after being looked down on by their fellow higher-level agents and the public, these level 3 cerberus agents have come together to create a "support" group (honestly, it's more like a hangout group) to encourage each other. their collective goals are to rise in the company's ranks, look out for one another, and celebrate the lesser-known heroics of everyday life.they also hang out at least once every two weeks for movie nights, karaoke, and general fun. keegan is the "unofficial" organizer, but there is no leader within the group.
— filled by @justfreefalling ( amontons ), @firefightertj ( thor ). / unlimited spots open for level 3 cerberus agents with a low reputation in the company or who have a power considered "useless" to the public.
batello. [1/1]
the single level 1 agent who keegan has sworn to change their mind. although he normally doesn't let others' perception of him affect his mood, this level 1 agent is the outlier. he wants to prove himself to this individual and show that he is their equal. the level 1 agent thinks keegan is a travesty and has their own reasons as to why they do not wish keegan to rank up within the company.
— filled by @donewithflare ( flare )! / closed.
euclidean division. [0/1]
a level 1 or level 2 agent who personally saved keegan's life during one of his first missions back in 2018. keegan may or may not be crushing on them. (he's so crushing on them.) he is unable to speak in their presence and often becomes a klutz around this agent. it is utp if the agent is aware of keegan's crush, and if they're flattered, amused, disgusted, etc.! keegan will not hit on or make a move on the agent, as his shyness overtakes him in their interactions. this crush hinges on keegan putting the agent on a pedestal and may evolve into a different dynamic once both parties get to know each other personally.
— looking for connections! / 1 spot open for level 1-2 cerberus agents aged 36-43, employed in cerberus corp before 2018. no longer looking! thank you!
dimidiation. [1/1]
a primary mission partner of keegan's. their powers mesh well, and they have high success rates when teamed up. off the field, they also get along and spend lots of time together, spurring rumors that they're a couple. funnily enough, both keegan and this agent like each other but are completely oblivious that their feelings are mutual. will they, won't they? all of cerb corp is watching and placing their bets.
— filled by @mincedoaths ( phoenix )! / closed.
fraction. [1/1]
[cw: addiction]
while keegan's power is helpful to agents to mitigate painful side effects, an eo may develop a reliance on splitter's pain suppression/transferal powers to deal with the burden of their ability's drawbacks. as a nurse practitioner, keegan feels obliged to help those who are hurting, but he feels conflicted that he might be enabling an unhealthy dependence for this person.
— filled by @vrusk ( bespoke )! / closed.
[/end cw.]
— looking for connections! / 1 spot open.
dividends. [2/?]
agent splitter is not a name on the lips of the level 1 cerberus agents, or even remembered by many. in fact, if reminded about the level 3 guy on rollerblades with a helmet and big shades, most level 1s would call keegan a clown, a fool. a parody, not a real hero. these muses may have teamed up with splitter in the past, but one thing's for sure: there's no respect before, during, and after. and why would there be for a guy who literally can't hurt anyone by himself?
— filled by @fatalled ( loveshot ) , @donewithflare ( flare ). / unlimited spots open.
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𝒶𝓂𝓅𝒶𝓇𝑜 "𝒶𝓎𝓁𝒾𝓃" 𝒸𝒶𝓇𝒹𝑜𝓃𝒶.
👋 [0/?]
ampi has been a vigilante since arriving in the big apple at 20, making friends who share her vision of using powers for good. however, throughout the years, there may have been falling outs. this muse used to work together with amparo but left her vigilante coalition due to differing opinions on justice. whether or not there is bad blood is utp.
— looking for connections! / unlimited spots open.
🫵 [1/3]
amparo has her sights set on these troublemakers who cause pain and chaos to the community. she'll do what she can to defeat them and bring them to justice. one could call these muses her "arch-nemeses."
— filled by @trajedyas ( daydream ) / 2 spots open for anti-heroes, villains, or any muse who has villainous aspirations.
🤝 [2/5]
amparo's current vigilante team centered on taking down megacorps that capitalize on eo's, such as cerberus, and now, andersen labs. they patrol their neighborhoods separately, but are aligned in their mission to expose the truth behind the "superhero industry." they protect civilians and must keep their identities a secret.
— filled by @mincedoaths ( dead ringer ), @somehazydaze ( haze ). / 3 spots open for vigilantes.
note: always open for general platonic, romantic interests, antagonistic connections unlisted in this post! please contact me via dm on discord. ✌️
last updated: 2023/12/04.
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Collagen craze drives deforestation and rights abuses
For the first time an investigation has linked collagen powder to violence against Indigenous peoples in Brazilian forests
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The stench arrives before the lorries do. They are carrying skins that were stripped from cattle carcasses days ago. Flies are everywhere.
The lorries’ destination is Amparo, a small industrial town in São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil. Here, Rousselot, a company owned by the Texan business Darling Ingredients, extracts collagen – the active ingredient in health supplements at the centre of a global wellness craze.
But while collagen’s most evangelical users claim the protein can improve hair, skin, nails and joints, slowing the ageing process, it has a dubious effect on the health of the planet. Collagen can be extracted from fish, pig and cattle skin, but behind the wildly popular “bovine” variety in particular lies an opaque industry driving the destruction of tropical forests and fuelling violence and human rights abuses in the Brazilian Amazon.
An investigation by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, the Guardian, ITV and O Joio e O Trigo has found that tens of thousands of cattle raised on farms damaging tropical forests were processed at abattoirs connected to international collagen supply chains.
Some of this collagen can be traced all the way to Nestlé-owned Vital Proteins, a major producer of collagen supplements championed by the actress Jennifer Aniston. Vital Proteins is sold globally – including online on Amazon, in Walmart stores in the US, in Holland & Barrett and Boots in the UK and in Costco in both countries.
The investigation – the first to connect bovine collagen with tropical forest loss and violence against Indigenous peoples – found at least 2,600 sq km of deforestation linked to the supply chains of two Brazil-based collagen operations with connections to Darling: Rousselot and Gelnex, which is in the process of being acquired by Darling for $1.2bn. It is unclear how much of this deforestation, which was calculated by the Center for Climate Crime Analysis, is linked to Vital Proteins.
Continue reading.
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tragedry · 6 months
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Ashlyn Banner on 'control, distance, duty, and connection.' (or: the inescapable pull of duty.)
Benjamin Moser, why this world / Red, School Bus Graveyard / Franz Kafka, the metamorphosis / Amparo Dávila, the cell / Paramore, Last Hope / Anaïs Ain, The Diary of Anaïs Ain (1931–1934) / Rebecca Wells, The Divine Secrets Of The Ya-ya Sisterhood / Olga Orozco, Engravings: Torn from Insomnia: To Destroy the Enemy / Jacob Geller, three specific kinds of terror / Blaseball: The Musical, Save Anyone Else / Hayley Williams, Crystal Clear / Paramore, Last Hope
part iii/vii
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greenygal · 7 months
Due South s1 recs, part 2
Pizzas and Promises
Two for Ray coming up with Those Outfits:
I am Not Like You, by dS_Tiff
Going Undercover, by nomave
A smidge of post-drowning trauma:
Thank God for Frannie, by wneleh
New Trunk Smell, by orphan_account
Promises and Pizza, by Tallihensia (Fraser/Ray V)--Rework of the episode to bring a slashy moment just a little closer.
Three backstory pieces with some connection to Fraser’s grandparents and China:
Home Schooling & Open the World, by Luzula
Bind Off in Pattern, by NienteZero
He Said Always. He Said Never, by Amparo Bertram--A crossover with Kung Fu: the Legend Continues. One of KFTLC’s recurring villains pops up in Chicago’s Chinatown, and the rest of the cast gives chase to stop him.
Chicago Holiday, Part 1
No Matter How Much Leather They Wear, by gracicah (Fraser/Ray V)--Ray is surprised by how casually Fraser took the kink club, and he has some questions; Fraser offers some demonstrations in answer.
Right Church, Wrong Pew, by preetkiran1016 (Fraser/Ray K)--Two pieces telling Fraser and Ray K's POVs of an AU where they had a sexy encounter at that club, sometime late in s2.
three evenings, two Rays, by ifreet (Stella/Ray K, Stella/Ray V)--A short piece postulating that Stella Kowalski is in fact the secret owner of the club!
Chicago Holiday, Part 2
A Gold Mine, A Boomerang, A Tank of Gasoline. And You, by Mary (Fraser/Julie Frobisher)--Sixteen-year-old Benton Fraser becomes a man, in more ways than one.
A Cop, a Mountie and a Baby
Sans Souci, by Julien (Fraser/Ray V)--Fraser asserts that people do find Ray attractive, and Ray wants to know how the Mountie can be so sure.
The Gift of the Wheelman
Haunted, by ButterflyGhost--In which Ray contemplates the ghosts of their fathers.
Angels, by ButterflyGhost--In which Ray sees those ghosts from a very different angle. The last line of this kills me.
You Must Remember This
Two pieces about the events at Fortitude Pass:
Could I Revive Within Me, by pqlaertes (Fraser/Victoria)
Things You Said Under the Stars, and in the Grass, by ExpatGirl (Fraser/Victoria)
The Stakeout, by Rachael (Fraser/Ray V, unrequited)--Ray wasn't asleep when Fraser was talking.
Love and Glory, by brooklinegirl (Ray V/Suzanne Chapin)--On Ray’s last night before Vegas, Suzanne Chapin makes an appearance.
Five Years by Kernezelda (Ray V/Suzanne Chapin)--Five years was a long time. It wasn't nearly long enough to forget her.
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docpiplup · 1 year
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Antena 3 presented this Tuesday, October 10, in the first edition of the South Festival, Beguinas, a series inspired by the beguinages, communities of women who, since the 13th century, defended an alternative way of life independent of marriage and Church. The new fiction bet will be available sooner for Atresplayer premium users.
Beguinas, which has ten 50-minute episodes, is produced by Atresmedia TV in collaboration with Buendía Estudios. The Beguines dedicated themselves to contemplation, but also to action, through crafts, teaching, or caring for the sick, which provided benefits to society while allowing them to be. This new series takes as reference the history of these women, which has remained hidden throughout the centuries.
The actors Amaia Aberasturi and Yon González star in the fiction. They play, respectively, Lucía de Avellaneda and Telmo Medina, two young people who will overcome the social impositions of the time and risk everything for love in a context that is not conducive to them. Beatriz Segura, Melani Olivares, Jaime Olías, Ella Kweku, Lucía Caraballo, Javier Beltrán, Meritxell Calvo, Silma López, Laura Galán, Elisabeth Gelabert, Ignacio Montes, Antonio Durán 'Morris', Jonás Berami, Jorge Kent and Cristina Plazas, among others , complete the cast of the series.
Beguinas is a production of Atresmedia TV in collaboration with Buendía Estudios. Montse García, Sonia Martínez and Amparo Miralles are the executive producers of this fiction, which will be directed by Rómulo Aguillaume and Claudia Pinto. The script will be written by Irene Rodríguez, Esther Morales and Silvia Arribas.
Marta de Miguel signs the Production direction, Iván Caso and Álex García the Photography direction and Jorge de Soto the Art direction. Bubi Escobar will be in charge of Wardrobe, while Makeup and Hairstyling will be directed respectively by Mariló Serrano and Fermín Galán. Juan León is the Casting Director.
Segovia, 1559. Lucía de Avellaneda celebrates her engagement party with the Marquis of Peñarrosa, a nobleman chosen by her brother. This marriage promises to reinforce the financial and social status of the family, but, in the middle of the celebration, the fiancée receives an unexpected letter from a woman who claims to be her mother and who claims her on her deathbed.
Lucía shows up at the beguinage, where her mother has summoned her. In this place she lives with other women independently and outside the Church. The young woman opens up to a new world that will make her question everything she has known until now. And, furthermore, he will know love through a pure and uncontrollable, but forbidden, passion. He will risk everything for Telmo, a Jewish man who must hide his beliefs and his past.
Main cast and characters
Lucía de Avellaneda (Amaia Aberasturi) Intelligent, curious and combative. Educated and innocent, until her mother's call disrupts her life. In the beguinage she discovers an environment of sorority and critical thinking that revolutionizes her idea of ​​the world and breaks down the walls that her status as a Christian noble woman has imposed on her. When she meets Telmo she feels for the first time an attraction that she has never experienced, but his commitment and loyalty will stop her impulses, determined to fight for what really matters to her.
Telmo Medina (Yon González): Telmo is an attractive, lucid and mysterious young man who hides his Jewish origins. He works in a bakery and supplies the beguinage with what it needs from outside. He doesn't want problems, but he doesn't avoid them either. Loyal, sincere and honest, he cannot help but risk everything for a Christian noble woman.
Marie Anne (Beatriz Segura) Beguine and the successor of The Great Lady, she is wise, strong and enigmatic. Its mission is to protect the beguinage from certain ecclesiastical authorities who fear its independence. Guiding Lucía through the truth, she will help her connect with her mother's spirit and live in the beguinage with other women who, like her, long for a freedom that they cannot find outside. In her past, she loved intensely and had to overcome a traumatic breakup, but that passion is unleashed again, although this time she does not want to repress herself despite the danger of remaining in love with a clandestine and sinful love.
Sibila García (Melani Olivares): A distrustful, surviving and sensitive woman, who grew up in misery and prostitution. Pregnant, she decided to escape and found her place in the beguinage. Her biggest concern is her daughter and, even though she reproaches her for it, she will do everything possible to try to protect her. The succession of Lucrecia is disputed and she competes with Marie Anne for the position of Great Lady.
Guiomar Ruy (Ella Kweku): Nigua, an Antillean slave, was sold to a doctor from Seville who gave her her new name and educated her when he noticed the maid's innate curiosity. She learned the trade of midwife from her mother and cultivated her interest in the human body and botany. She obtained his letter of freedom and decided to move to the beguinage of Valladolid where he can develop his concerns and care for the sick. She has judgment, instinct and knowledge. She gets upset with ignorance, prejudice and evil. Shee feels a deep complicity with Gonzalo, the clergyman, a harmony that sooner or later, she will have to give a name to.
Beatriz García (Lucía Caraballo): Daughter of Sibila and one of the youngest of the beguinage. Innocent, happy and lively. Her sexuality is awakening and she enjoys her body with curiosity and without fear until life outside the walls pushes her to hide her most intimate impulses. Her freedom of thought and work contrasts with that of Lucía. She has a relationship with her mother that has ups and downs, but the love they have for each other is above all. Each has a lot to learn from the other.
Juana Aranda (Silma López): Daughter of Sancho, the owner of the workshop, and sister of Lebrín. She enjoys an independence that was uncommon at that time. She has chosen to enter the beguinage to avoid a bad marriage or ending up dependent on his brother. Intelligent, prudent and thorough. She is in love with Telmo, but wants to be reciprocated. He has such a noble heart that his love does not prevent him from empathizing with Lucía and helping Telmo when things go wrong.
Lebrín Aranda (Jonás Berami): Close friend of Telmo, son of Sancho, the owner of the bakery and the only brother of Juana, the beguine. Rogue, generous and lively, he knows how to live avoiding laws, rules and sins. He enjoys carnal pleasures and lets himself be carried away by Jimena's lust until he discovers her danger and her evil ways. He will use his best resources to try to save the Beguines from the Inquisition.
Rodrigo de Guzmán, Marquis of Peñarrosa (Javier Beltrán): He is Lucía's fiancé. Castilian nobleman, of ancient ancestry and fortune. He is very well connected and has negotiated with his future brother-in-law to settle his debts and open the doors to him in Court in exchange for this marriage. He loves Lucía, she seems to him the right woman to fulfill her role as marchioness. He is dutiful, splendid and traditional, but he does not hesitate to bring out his most sinister side when his commitment is threatened.
Munio de Avellaneda, Count of Vellaví (Jaime Olías): Lucía's brother and heir to the County, but also to the debts left by his father. He needs to recover privileges and fortune, and his sister's marriage is the perfect deal. Arrogant, irascible and proud. He is willing to do anything to save his lineage and keep up appearances.
Jimena Suárez de Córdoba (Meritxell Calvo): Munio's wife. Intelligent, frivolous and capricious. He hoped to live up to his condition, but the Avellanedas' fortune is in debt and the only thing that can solve it is his sister-in-law's wedding. She will do everything possible to help her husband achieve it. She likes to seduce, get the most out of life and cleverly circumvent the rigid rules that her lineage demands. She won't hesitate to play with fire when she meets Lebrín, a hummingbird who, like her, doesn't want to miss out on the pleasures that life offers.
Catalina (Laura Galán): Lucía's faithful maid. Affectionate, smiling, devout and superstitious, she is torn between loyalty to Lucía and fear of Munio. Lucía, her mistress, and the beguines, who will pay dearly for her ignorance. She will do everything possible to correct her mistakes and ease her conscience.
Lucrecia de Avellaneda (Elisabeth Gelabert): The Great Lady of the Beguinage. Daughter of its founder, Leonor Labrit and heir to her legacy for which she had to sacrifice her children, distancing them from her side. Married to Pedro de Avellaneda, who called her crazy, she took refuge in the beguinage where she served as Great Lady. Cultured and mystical, her life and death are surrounded by mystery.
Gabriela Grijalvo (Cristina Plazas): Widow of a renowned printer and mother of Gonzalo. Cultured and respected lady from Valladolid renounced her true love for fear of facing her son's rejection.
Gonzalo de Grijalvo (Ignacio Montes): Clergyman related to the beguinate. Intelligent, attractive and empathetic. She admires the Beguines for their devotion and devotion to those in need, but above all Guiomar, with whom he has great complicity.
Father Lasarte (Antonio Durán 'Morris'): A priest with pretensions, whose greatest ambition is to end the privileges of the beguinages and become part of the Court of the Inquisition. Cunning and scheming, he uses fear and ignorance to manipulate the people and get them to demonize these women, inventing falsehoods about them. His main objective is Marie Anne, the Great Lady, whom he cannot defeat.
Commissioner Utrera (Jorge Kent) The executing arm of the Inquisition in Valladolid. Pursue crimes that threaten the power of the Church. He has the beguines in his sights, but knows the risks of attacking them because they enjoy important social support. Shrewd, arrogant and libidinous, he exercises his power with the arrogance that his position gives him.
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"The stench arrives before the lorries do. They are carrying skins that were stripped from cattle carcasses days ago. Flies are everywhere.
The lorries’ destination is Amparo, a small industrial town in São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil. Here, Rousselot, a company owned by the Texan business Darling Ingredients, extracts collagen – the active ingredient in health supplements at the centre of a global wellness craze.
But while collagen’s most evangelical users claim the protein can improve hair, skin, nails and joints, slowing the ageing process, it has a dubious effect on the health of the planet. Collagen can be extracted from fish, pig and cattle skin, but behind the wildly popular “bovine” variety in particular lies an opaque industry driving the destruction of tropical forests and fuelling violence and human rights abuses in the Brazilian Amazon.
An investigation by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, the Guardian, ITV and O Joio e O Trigo has found that tens of thousands of cattle raised on farms damaging tropical forests were processed at abattoirs connected to international collagen supply chains."
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Libby Spotlight: eAudiobook Fiction Picks for Hispanic Heritage Month
L.A. Weather by María Amparo Escandón (read by Frankie Corzo)
L.A. is parched, dry as a bone, and all Oscar, the weather-obsessed patriarch of the Alvarado family, desperately wants is a little rain. He’s harboring a costly secret that distracts him from everything else. His wife, Keila, desperate for a life with a little more intimacy and a little less Weather Channel, feels she has no choice but to end their marriage. Their three daughters—Claudia, a television chef with a hard-hearted attitude; Olivia, a successful architect who suffers from gentrification guilt; and Patricia, a social media wizard who has an uncanny knack for connecting with audiences but not with her lovers—are blindsided and left questioning everything they know. Each will have to take a critical look at her own relationships and make some tough decisions along the way.
With quick wit and humor, Maria Amparo Escandón follows the Alvarado family as they wrestle with impending evacuations, secrets, deception, and betrayal, and their toughest decision yet: whether to stick together or burn it all down.
Next Year in Havana by Chanel Cleeton (read by Kyla Garcia)
After the death of her beloved grandmother, a Cuban-American woman travels to Havana, where she discovers the roots of her identity--and unearths a family secret hidden since the revolution...
Havana, 1958. The daughter of a sugar baron, nineteen-year-old Elisa Perez is part of Cuba's high society, where she is largely sheltered from the country's growing political unrest--until she embarks on a clandestine affair with a passionate revolutionary...
Miami, 2017. Freelance writer Marisol Ferrera grew up hearing romantic stories of Cuba from her late grandmother Elisa, who was forced to flee with her family during the revolution. Elisa's last wish was for Marisol to scatter her ashes in the country of her birth.
Arriving in Havana, Marisol comes face-to-face with the contrast of Cuba's tropical, timeless beauty and its perilous political climate. When more family history comes to light and Marisol finds herself attracted to a man with secrets of his own, she'll need the lessons of her grandmother's past to help her understand the true meaning of courage.
This is the first volume of "The Perez Family" series.
Olga Dies Dreaming by Xóchitl González (read by Almarie Guerra)
It's 2017, and Olga and her brother, Pedro "Prieto" Acevedo, are bold-faced names in their hometown of New York. Prieto is a popular congressman representing their gentrifying Latinx neighborhood in Brooklyn while Olga is the tony wedding planner for Manhattan's powerbrokers.
Despite their alluring public lives, behind closed doors things are far less rosy. Sure, Olga can orchestrate the love stories of the 1%, but she can't seem to find her own...until she meets Matteo, who forces her to confront the effects of long-held family secrets...
Twenty-seven years ago, their mother, Blanca, a Young Lord-turned-radical, abandoned her children to advance a militant political cause, leaving them to be raised by their grandmother. Now, with the winds of hurricane season, Blanca has come barreling back into their lives.
Set against the backdrop of New York City in the months surrounding the most devastating hurricane in Puerto Rico's history, Olga Dies Dreaming is a story that examines political corruption, familial strife and the very notion of the American dream--all while asking what it really means to weather a storm.
The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros (read by Sandra Cisneros)
Acclaimed by critics, beloved by readers of all ages, taught everywhere from inner-city grade schools to universities across the country, and translated all over the world, The House on Mango Street is the remarkable story of Esperanza Cordero.
Told in a series of vignettes – sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes deeply joyous–it is the story of a young Latina girl growing up in Chicago, inventing for herself who and what she will become. Few other books in our time have touched so many readers.
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silentvwaves · 1 year
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veja só um dos preciosos morangos de sedalia, MARINE LILY WOLLRIDGE! você tem 24 ANOS e atua como COSTUREIRA por aqui, correto? ficamos felizes que sedalia segue sendo seu lar desde a própria sedalia. tenho certeza de que as pessoas adoram com sua BRANDURA, e espero que ninguém se assuste com seu jeito IRREQUIETO. um vizinho contou que você gosta muito de COLECIONAR CONCHINHAS, COSTURAR SUAS PRÓPRIAS ROUPAS E OUVIR MÚSICAS EM UMA VITROLA, e que também odeia DISCOS ARRANHADOS, POLUIÇÃO MARÍTIMA E SABORES AMARGOS, é verdade? gostaria de saber para não cometer um erro futuramente… bom, aproveite o dia em GRAMPLETON! nos vemos por aí! ( ELLE FANNING, ELA/DELA).
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  ⟡ ┊ 𝗦𝗛𝗢𝗥𝗧 𝗕𝗜𝗢 ∿ 🐚  ⌣  ﹒
Marine veio à Sedalia pelo acaso e fortúnio: carregada pelas marés de um tempestade violenta, amanheceu na praia da cidadezinha cercada por rostos curiosos. Sua doença a impossibilitou de vocalizar a razão de sua aparição abrupta, a comunicação em sinais afetada pela ansiedade ao se perceber diante do desconhecido, sem o amparo dos familiares que velejavam com ela antes do trovejar nos céus separar seus destinos. Os rumores a diziam como uma sereia, ladra de maridos e homens, cuja doce voz melódica era ouvida somente por aqueles que queria ter para si. Por mais absurda que fosse, a lenda urbana perdurou mesmo quando decidiu fazer morada na cidade, mostrando-se rotineiramente tão monotonamente humana como qualquer outro. Para seu sustento, abriu uma lojinha de costura no galpão reformado aos fundos de sua casa, onde confecciona enxovais, espantalhos, pelúcias e roupas sob encomenda.
  ⟡ ┊ 𝗛𝗘𝗔𝗗𝗖𝗔𝗡𝗢𝗡𝗦 ∿ 🐚  ⌣  ﹒
    𝗜﹚﹐ Por não conseguir falar, e ciente de que nem todos     conhecem a linguagem de sinais, Marine sempre anda com     um bloquinho de notas para evitar falhas de comunicação     que culminem em novos boatos envolvendo sereias     𝗜𝗜﹚﹐ Tem uma pequena horta onde cultiva frutas frescas     da estação para fazer geleias, tortas e bolos para consumo     próprio. Adora testar novas receitas, ainda que os primeiros     testes sejam sempre caóticos     𝗜𝗜𝗜﹚﹐ Adora fabricar espantalhos personalizados para     os fazendeiros locais, especialmente quando recebe mimos     além do pagamento, como vinhos e queijos     𝗜𝗩﹚﹐ Vai à praia constantemente, seja para buscar novos     exemplares para sua coleção de conchas ou apenas relaxar     ouvindo o barulho acalentador das ondas
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ⌕ ﹒full bio ㅤㅤㅤㅤ⌕ ﹒connections ㅤㅤㅤㅤ⌕ ﹒remendos e retalhos ﹙𝗹𝗼𝗷𝗶𝗻𝗵𝗮﹚ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ⌕ ﹒tag dump
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yngai · 1 year
i really wish more of ada's lore was at the forefront of her narratives through out the series because there's so many interesting details about her actions between the games that most people ignore, since they're relegated to guide books or in-game files expanded on RE.net & i don't expect everyone to become brain poisoned like i have. i don't remember where exactly i read that ada forwarded luis' e-mails to the us government to accelerate ashley's rescue but i recall stumbling upon it while browsing project umbrella, i'll have to look for it again, combining this with the detail from damnation's prerelease material (which i also have to find, i promise i'm not lying) that it was ada who leaked footage of lickers in eastern europe to ensure the united states sends agents to investigate BOW presence in the eastern slav republic. the ressie wiki also mentions that the us army was following the asian broker to amparo as he interfaced with javier's men but i have to go through all of the operation javier files to source the claim. fandom owned wikis are kinda dogshit.
she's a little string puller! dragging her favorite dog around (leon) to make him relive the trauma of raccoon city over & over again because he is a pawn she can easily predict, he's much easier to play than any of her other contacts or connections & he'll always take on the brunt of her work because he's more of an apt killer than she'll ever be, & their fairly unhealthy bond formed in the bowels of hell will always ensure her survival because he'd already failed to save her once & won't abide losing her again. there is a mutual trust between them that leon would much rather be without & he never quite gets to see her as anything but a mysterious woman that keeps an eye out for him, whatever her motivations might be. he will never get to know that part of the reason for his fall into depression & alcoholism is a certain spy in red who has cashed in his usefulness to her on at least three separate occasions, & the only time they meet on accident after RC is tall oaks, when ada's grown a little tired of him playing her white knight ( 'watch out for yourself.' / 'appreciate the gesture, but i'm a big girl. i can handle this one alone, leon.' ) & is a little too dedicated to carrying out this operation by herself since simmons is a very personal demon, who almost makes her eat her words if not for old, reliable leon coming to her rescue.
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takeoffphilippines · 9 days
SM Prime joins global conversation on building sustainable cities for the future
SM Prime Holdings (SM Prime) played a pivotal role in advancing sustainable urban development by hosting the 7th annual Association of Pacific Rim Universities – Sustainable Cities and Landscapes (APRU-SCL) 2024 Conference and 3rd International Conference on Human Settlements Planning and Development (ICHSPD) at SMX Convention Center Aura. This prestigious event, organized by the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB), brought together over 300 experts to discuss innovative solutions for building greener and more resilient cities. Focused on the theme "Advancing Sustainable Cities and Communities Through Science, Technology, and Innovation," the conference highlighted the importance of collaboration in addressing urban challenges.
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(L-R): Moderator Efraim Roxas, Environmental, Land Use and Urban Planning and Development Bureau (ELUPDB) Director Mylene Rivera, SM Supermalls’ President Steven Tan, and Tohoku University Professor Jeongsoo Yu
SM’s commitment to sustainability was evident through the participation of its top executives. SM Supermalls’ President Steven Tan showcased SM Supermalls’ eco-friendly practices and community-focused programs.
“Our malls are more than just shopping centers; they are dynamic public spaces, woven into the daily lives of millions of Filipinos. Our comprehensive environmental sustainability programs are deeply inspired by the vision of our Chairman of the Executive Committee, Mr. Hans Sy, a tireless advocate for environmental sustainability and disaster resilience,” Mr. Tan said.
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SM Supermalls’ President Steven Tan highlights the malls’ sustainability initiatives.
He added, “At SM Supermalls, we leverage science and technology to develop innovative solutions that are seamlessly integrated into the design and operation of our malls. We remain committed to leveraging innovation and collaboration to build a greener, more resilient, and more sustainable future for the Philippines.”
SM Prime and SM Development Corporation (SMDC) Lead Executive for Design, Innovation, and Strategy Jessica Bianca Sy, shared the company’s vision of creating sustainable integrated properties that foster lively communities.
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(L-R): University of the Philippines Los Baños’ (UPLB) Dean Jennifer Marie Amparo, UPLB Chancellor Jose Camacho Jr., Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Chief Executive Thomas Schneider, Makati Mayor Abigail Binay, SM Prime and SM Development Corporation (SMDC) Lead Executive for Design, Innovation, and Strategy Jessica Bianca Sy, International Conference on Human Settlements Planning and Development (ICHSPD) Conference Director Edgar Reyes Jr., and APRU-Sustainable Cities and Landscapes Director Yekang Ko
National Resilience Council (NRC) Executive Director Silvestre Barrameda Jr. highlighted SM’s role in disaster preparedness. He presented “From Risk to Resilience: The Work of the National Resilience Council in Risk Governance” where he introduced the Resilience Local Government Unit Program (RLGUP), NRC’s approaches and tools and how risk governance is supported by the sciences.
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National Resilience Council (NRC) Executive Director Silvestre Barrameda Jr. showcases SM Supermalls’ resilient infrastructure.
SM Prime’s commitment to sustainability was further emphasized during a breakout session on creating connections and partnerships, hosted by Jonas Marie Dumdum, Senior Consultant and Sustainability Lead of Nomura Research Institute (NRI) Manila Branch. Katherine Custodio, Executive Director of World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF)-Philippines, underscored the significance of collaboration: “Any program that aims to build climate resilience requires strong partnerships and working together across all sectors.”
SM Prime remains committed to its role as a catalyst for economic growth, delivering innovative and sustainable lifestyle cities, thereby enriching the quality of life of millions of people. SM Prime is pursuing the next horizon on integrated property development and onward to building sustainable cities of the future. 
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kn0ckkn0ckneo · 1 year
there are certain topics you cannot discuss w/just anyone. there is a certain level of trust, intellect or experience that is required with such topics. the spiritual, woo-woo, Death, ET-related topics are a few of mine i do not discuss w/just anyone. there is a certain level of openness & awakenness that must be present.
now, there is a topic i've been quite fond of my whole life, but haven't been truly connected to it until as of two years ago. Death. in my my life, i have had two NDE. the most recent one was about two months ago. it changed my life & mindset entirely. i have only shared this experience w/my spiritual teacher because i needed answers. i am still questing for them. looking for answers in books, in videos, in blogs- everything. i know what happened was real, but i just wanted the confirmation comparing my experience to those of others.
when you want something enough, truly want it. when you want something so maturely, so detachedly, so conscientiously... you just might get it. no matter how extreme it may be. spiritual ascension has been a theme in my life for the past three/four years & truthfully, i was tired. just tired.
the level of connection & communication i have formed w/my spirit team is beyond your imagination, i assure you that. i had spent a good while contemplating my death, the outcome of it, how can it affect everyone the least, thinking about my pets as well; just like you plan a wedding, i planned my own death, but only i wasn't going to do it myself, i asked a higher force to take care of the deed for me & my pets all together.
one night, i felt ready. i went to talk to the sky as i normally do each night & i told them, "i'm ready." we've had this conversation before, they knew what i needed done & how i wanted to go (w/my pets). so i said goodbye to the world & ended it w/much gratitude & love. i got ready for bed for the last time, did my nightly routine, kissed & hugged my pets a lot & was very grateful to each one of them. they knew, they knew. one of them, my little pisces girl, the one who has seen me almost die before, she was particularly anxious & hid under the bed. i told her it was going to be alright.
so i went to bed. at some point it started happening, i lifted from my body, but there was a silver cord attached from my soul to my body, it was slowly thinning out. i started to feel so much peace. everything was going black, pitch black & everything felt so easy & good. we made a stop. this place seemed to be what people call "paradise," as what i have now learned through my research of those who have experienced a NDE. mother Gaia at it's best. there were other "beings" there that seemed to have the shape of a human, & they felt so familiar. i felt comfortable w/them & there seemed to be some kind of preparation taking place. my cats were there too. my pisces girl was the most scared of them all. the others were happy to be there, but they were not coming w/me to the next level. they stay in paradise.
one of my "guides" asked me, "are you ready to go? i said YES. they said, "you can't take it back. if you're ready, follow me." Dorito kept walking around my legs & pushing himself onto me, wrapping his tail around my ankles, he was saying goodbye. Amparo, my pisces girl, she was so scared, my poor girl. she was in a corner under a beautiful wooden picnic table & didn't want to come out. i felt her energy saying, "please don't go." right before i decided to follow them, i said "no. i'm not staying here. i'm going back. i need to go back."
my guides knew what they were doing. they wanted me to think again about my choice. i saw their "faces" but really it was more their energy of them feeling joy on the inside. you know when you make the little smile because you got your way? like that. they were happy & proud of me to make this choice & they told me to be strong. they were not going to leave me.
then i was back. i woke up w/all my cats surrounding me. this is one of those things i probably will not ever share w/anyone i know.
0 notes
retrocausalities · 10 months
" the afternoon knows what the morning never suspected. " a dependent multi-muse blog for @cerberuscorp, penned by π.
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𝒾. zann q. public.
— ( just some guy. )
intro . musings . connections . threads .
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𝒾𝒾. reyhan maximiliano cisneros.
— ( puppeteer. )
intro . musings . connections . threads .
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𝒾𝒾𝒾. keegan ki-taek jeong.
— ( splitter. )
intro . musings . connections . threads .
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𝒾𝓋. amparo "aylin" cardona.
— ( chiro. )
intro . musings . connections . threads .
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wanted connections . relationship dossiers . meme weekend (ooc) . my stuff (ooc) . saved for posterity .
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andy-deer · 2 years
Loreta and Lisandra are sister who were mercenaries along with, Lisandra's lover Amparo and a guy whose name and relevance I still need to figure out.
They embark in an adventure to get a wish, where Lisandra ends up dead and mid battle Loreta thinks the only exit is to get to the wish and use it. She wishes for her sister and her to live together forever.
The wish grants it by basically resetting the world, where Loreta is the deity of life and Lisandra is the deity of death. Loreta is the only one keeping the memories and I have to come up with something that makes her not be able to talk about it. Amparo and let's call the guy Giuseppe for now, have their memories also resetted but they are the ones who feel something is wrong, something is missing, they feel connected to the goddesses and do not know why... Amparo specifically becomes obsessed with this and antagonizes the goddess of life, her goal goes from trying to reach her so she can know what happened to wishing her downfall. Amparo prolongues her llife unnaturally with magic, She's becoming more powerful everyday.
The connection here with the players is, the curse of the druid is directly a failed experiment or residue of what's keeping Amparo alive. The wizard is direct descendant of Giuseppe, and thus might know more about the reset. Thw death of his clan is a direct concequence of keeping silence on the reset. (Life basically did it)
The cleric was made literally to be an eye as well as to fullfill Loreta's desire of living with a family (this was something she wanted before the reset)
And with the ranger I'm a bit upset over only having, it's death's herald, they work for her.
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 10.30
Africa Day for Food and Nutrition Security
Anniversary of the Declaration of the Slovak Nation (Slovakia)
Banknote Day (Indonesia)
Bodybuilders Day
Checklist Day
Covenant of Grace Day
Create a Great Funeral Day
Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions (for Soviet Republics, except Ukraine)
Declaration of the Slovak Nation
Devil's Night (Michigan)
Frankenstein's Monster Day
Gate Night
Goosing Night
Haunted Refrigerator Night
International Orthopedic Nurses Day
Look in the Back of Your Refrigerator Day
Miggy Night
Mischief Night
Mizzy Night
National Checklist Day
National Publicist Day
National Sleep-In Day
National Speak Up For Service Day
National Text Your Ex Day
National Treat Your Pet Day
Practice Winter Snuggling Night
Rhyne Toll begins (Chetwode Manor, UK) [thru 11.7]
Try on Your Halloween Costume Early Day
Wish We Hadn’t Done That Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Buy a Doughnut Day
Cabbage Night
Egg Night
National Candy Corn Day
Pumpkin Bread Day
Pumpkin Day
Sugar Addiction Awareness Day
5th & Last Sunday in October
Jounen Kwéyòl (Creole Day; Dominica, Saint Lucia) [Last Sunday]
Reformation Sunday [Last Sunday]
Surly Darkness Day [Sunday in Oct] (Note: officially on hiatus)
Visit a Cemetery Day [Last Sunday]
Feast Days
Adam Smith (Positivist; Saint)
Auserius of Pontus (Christian; Saint)
Dominic Collins, Blessed (Catholic, Ireland, Society of Jesus)
Chat Parwa (Nepal)
Country Joe Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Crow (Muppetism)
Dorothy of Montau (Christian; Saint)
Ethelnoth (Egelnoth) the Good (Christian; Saint)
Furry Animal Fondling Day (Pastafarian)
Gerard of Potenza (Christian; Saint)
Germanus, Bishop of Papua (Christian; Saint)
John Wycliffe (Episcopal Church (USA))
Lhabab Duechen (Descending Day of Lord Buddha; Buddhism)
Marcellus of Tangier (a.k.a. Marcellus the Centurion; Christian; Saint)
Maria Teresa of St. Joseph (Christian; Blessed)
Saturninus of Cagliari (Christian; Saint)
Serapion of Antioch (Christian; Saint)
Talarican (a.k.a. Tarkin; Christian; Saint)
Theonistus (Christian; Saint)
Thevar Jayanthi (Thevar community, India)
Zenobios and Zenobia (Christian; Saints)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [59 of 71]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Appalachian Spring, by Aaron Copland (Orchestral Suite; 1944)
Coat of Many Colors, by Dolly Parton (Song; 1971)
Doctor Sleep (Film; 2019)
Faith, by George Michael (Album; 1987)
I Heard It Through the Grapevine, by Marvin Gaye (Album; 1968)
Meddle, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1971)
Megamind (Animated Film; 2010)
The Postman Always Rings Twice, by James M. Cain (Novel; 1934)
Tumbleweed Connection, by Elton John (Album; 1970)
Today’s Name Days
Alfons (Austria)
German, Klaudije, Marcel, Marcijan (Croatia)
Tadeáš (Czech Republic)
Absalon, Elsa (Denmark)
Urmas, Urmet, Urmo (Estonia)
Eila (Finland)
Bienvenue, Maeva (France)
Alfons, Angelo, Dieter, Sabine (Germany)
Apollonia, Asterios, Astero, Kleopas, Kronos, Markianos, Tertios, Zenovia, Zenovios, Zinovia, Zinovios (Greece)
Alfonz (Hungary)
Benvenuta, Germano (Italy)
Algards, Nadīna, Ratne, Ulla, Venera (Latvia)
Darata, Edmundas, Skirgaila, Skirvydė (Lithuania)
Aksel, Ånund, Ove (Norway)
Alfons, Alfonsyna, Angel, Angelus, Edmund, Klaudiusz, Przemysław, Sądosław, Zenobia (Poland)
Šimon (Slovakia)
Amparo, Marcelo (Spain)
Elsa, Isabella (Sweden)
Arilda, Xena, Xenia, Ximena, Zena, Zenas, Zenia, Zeno, Zenobia (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 303 of 2022; 62 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 43 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Hagal (Constraint) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Lùyuè), Day 6 (Bing-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 5 Cheshvan 5783
Islamic: 4 Rabi II 1444
J Cal: 3 Mir; Twosday [3 of 30]
Julian: 17 October 2022
Moon: 33%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 23 Descartes (11th Month) [Adam Smith]
Runic Half Month: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 38 of 90)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 8 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 10.30
Africa Day for Food and Nutrition Security
Anniversary of the Declaration of the Slovak Nation (Slovakia)
Banknote Day (Indonesia)
Bodybuilders Day
Checklist Day
Covenant of Grace Day
Create a Great Funeral Day
Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions (for Soviet Republics, except Ukraine)
Declaration of the Slovak Nation
Devil's Night (Michigan)
Frankenstein's Monster Day
Gate Night
Goosing Night
Haunted Refrigerator Night
International Orthopedic Nurses Day
Look in the Back of Your Refrigerator Day
Miggy Night
Mischief Night
Mizzy Night
National Checklist Day
National Publicist Day
National Sleep-In Day
National Speak Up For Service Day
National Text Your Ex Day
National Treat Your Pet Day
Practice Winter Snuggling Night
Rhyne Toll begins (Chetwode Manor, UK) [thru 11.7]
Try on Your Halloween Costume Early Day
Wish We Hadn’t Done That Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Buy a Doughnut Day
Cabbage Night
Egg Night
National Candy Corn Day
Pumpkin Bread Day
Pumpkin Day
Sugar Addiction Awareness Day
5th & Last Sunday in October
Jounen Kwéyòl (Creole Day; Dominica, Saint Lucia) [Last Sunday]
Reformation Sunday [Last Sunday]
Surly Darkness Day [Sunday in Oct] (Note: officially on hiatus)
Visit a Cemetery Day [Last Sunday]
Feast Days
Adam Smith (Positivist; Saint)
Auserius of Pontus (Christian; Saint)
Dominic Collins, Blessed (Catholic, Ireland, Society of Jesus)
Chat Parwa (Nepal)
Country Joe Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Crow (Muppetism)
Dorothy of Montau (Christian; Saint)
Ethelnoth (Egelnoth) the Good (Christian; Saint)
Furry Animal Fondling Day (Pastafarian)
Gerard of Potenza (Christian; Saint)
Germanus, Bishop of Papua (Christian; Saint)
John Wycliffe (Episcopal Church (USA))
Lhabab Duechen (Descending Day of Lord Buddha; Buddhism)
Marcellus of Tangier (a.k.a. Marcellus the Centurion; Christian; Saint)
Maria Teresa of St. Joseph (Christian; Blessed)
Saturninus of Cagliari (Christian; Saint)
Serapion of Antioch (Christian; Saint)
Talarican (a.k.a. Tarkin; Christian; Saint)
Theonistus (Christian; Saint)
Thevar Jayanthi (Thevar community, India)
Zenobios and Zenobia (Christian; Saints)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [59 of 71]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Appalachian Spring, by Aaron Copland (Orchestral Suite; 1944)
Coat of Many Colors, by Dolly Parton (Song; 1971)
Doctor Sleep (Film; 2019)
Faith, by George Michael (Album; 1987)
I Heard It Through the Grapevine, by Marvin Gaye (Album; 1968)
Meddle, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1971)
Megamind (Animated Film; 2010)
The Postman Always Rings Twice, by James M. Cain (Novel; 1934)
Tumbleweed Connection, by Elton John (Album; 1970)
Today’s Name Days
Alfons (Austria)
German, Klaudije, Marcel, Marcijan (Croatia)
Tadeáš (Czech Republic)
Absalon, Elsa (Denmark)
Urmas, Urmet, Urmo (Estonia)
Eila (Finland)
Bienvenue, Maeva (France)
Alfons, Angelo, Dieter, Sabine (Germany)
Apollonia, Asterios, Astero, Kleopas, Kronos, Markianos, Tertios, Zenovia, Zenovios, Zinovia, Zinovios (Greece)
Alfonz (Hungary)
Benvenuta, Germano (Italy)
Algards, Nadīna, Ratne, Ulla, Venera (Latvia)
Darata, Edmundas, Skirgaila, Skirvydė (Lithuania)
Aksel, Ånund, Ove (Norway)
Alfons, Alfonsyna, Angel, Angelus, Edmund, Klaudiusz, Przemysław, Sądosław, Zenobia (Poland)
Šimon (Slovakia)
Amparo, Marcelo (Spain)
Elsa, Isabella (Sweden)
Arilda, Xena, Xenia, Ximena, Zena, Zenas, Zenia, Zeno, Zenobia (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 303 of 2022; 62 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 43 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Hagal (Constraint) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Lùyuè), Day 6 (Bing-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 5 Cheshvan 5783
Islamic: 4 Rabi II 1444
J Cal: 3 Mir; Twosday [3 of 30]
Julian: 17 October 2022
Moon: 33%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 23 Descartes (11th Month) [Adam Smith]
Runic Half Month: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 38 of 90)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 8 of 31)
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docpiplup · 1 year
This Friday 28th April the pilot episode of Los Pacientes del Doctor García will be on Netflix, and on Thursday 26th episode 2 will be released
Episode 2: "Manuel"
The young diplomat Manuel Arroyo Benítez (Tamar Novas) works at the service of the Republic of Spain in London. Its mission: to favor the support of the democracies to the legitimate Government. There he is approached by a young American, Margaret 'Meg' Williams (Stephanie Cayo). Meg, very well connected, becomes his best ally and also his lover.
Manuel's efficiency awaits him a new destiny: to infiltrate besieged Madrid under a false identity to control the infighting on the Republican side. Meg and Manuel say goodbye thinking that they will never see each other again. In Madrid, Manuel dismantles an anti-government conspiracy. The fifth columnists who promote it attack him and abandon him.
Manuel recovers from his injuries at Guillermo's (Javier Rey) home. But Amparo (Verónica Echegui) doesn't trust Manuel and the feeling is mutual: they have good reasons.
In Portugalete, the Francoist soldier Adrián Gallardo (Jon Olivares) receives an unusual offer from his superior: to defend his battalion as a boxer in a crucial boxing match.
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