#— threads.
scottienolan · 1 month
open starter: @aurorabaystarter location: blue lagoon pool
"Okay, hold on, I got one --" Scottie proposes, taking a pause in her thought to lick the juice from her popsicle that's trailing down her hand.
"Fuck, Marry, Kill: Boy Band Edition. Harry Styles, Joe Jonas, Justin Timberlake."
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emilmoreno · 3 months
Open starter. Location: the beach. "Oh, come on!" Emil complained as his arms flung wildly in dismay to both sides. Palms up, his gaze settled in horror at the crumbling infrastructure of what was now his third attempt at a sandcastle that evening. A blob of thick black and white fur gave its owner a side-eye, but otherwise, his companion was too tired out from their post-work run to do much but silently judge. The man's attention drifted aside, realizing belatedly that they weren't alone on the stretch of cooling sand. A humble laugh parted his lips, "Don't mind me..." he offered towards the onlooker, "I'm just in training... for better castle building, per a special request." His daughter's innocent mockery, that is. Another soft chuckle nestled in his chest. "There's got to be some secret I am missing."
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mwrjorie · 11 months
starter fechado com @elecnora
emoji: ⛈️
a guarda acreditava que encontrar algumas respostas deixaria sua mente tão controlável quanto antes, mas o efeito que surtiu foi exatamente o contrário. apesar do clima não ter mudado com eleonora, suas questões se multiplicaram e seus pensamentos inadequados também. sentia cada vez mais dificuldade em disfarçá-los ou aprisioná-los no fundo de sua cabeça, precisando de mais trabalho para fugir disso. a sugestão de saírem do castelo veio da própria marjorie, uma visita na cidade. um tanto arriscado, mas já havia conversado com outros guardas para acompanharem-nas e aumentar a segurança. só esqueceu de conferir a previsão do tempo, o próprio céu dando a notícia de que seria impossível sair dali. "por deus..." murmurou ao parar na frente da janela, notando o céu cinza escuro, anunciando a chuva que cairia a qualquer momento. "nora... acredito que seja melhor cancelarmos nossos planos."
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taylorpalmcr · 5 months
closed starter for anyone location: the outpost.
taylor always looked tired.. he was beginning to think that would be his permanent expression but it was clear that frown was etched into his skin for the rest of his life. "seats taken." he grumbled, fully not looking away from the bowl of peanuts he had claimed. he didn't need to pull his attention away from them to know the person was inhabiting a stool much too close to his spot at the end of the bar.
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hienaquatro · 5 months
onde: ??? quando: pós plot drop, quando quiser. com: você!
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"caras!" chamou como se estivesse sentindo uma lâmpada ascender em cima de sua cabeça junto do pensamento, não parando para notar se alguém realmente estava prestando atenção em suas palavras. "se nós estamos na vida após a morte, purgatório, good place, sei lá como você prefere chamar..." gesticulava de forma eufórica a medida que articulava o que era dito. "isso quer dizer que o que quer que tenha acontecido lá em pride lands foi tipo o começo de uma guerra? uma vibe assim matrix?" falou o primeiro filme que veio a sua cabeça, balançando a mesma por um momento antes de continuar. "... não sei se essa analogia foi boa, tenho que trabalhar nela..."
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cflcstxsculs · 5 months
The whole idea of going to a party with a bunch of annoying teenagers and making sure there were no deaths was agonising to kol. Why Davina dragged him along confused him - but he did it, for her. Despite being softer since Davina came into his life, and hope too, he still had the wily and murderous streak in him.
He stood near the bucket of cold beers and had one in one hand and a bottle of bourbon in the other. As another approached him, he glanced to them before back to the fire roaring nearby. "you know I'm not really sociable tonight... unless we're family, get lost." he spat.
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doomedwarlock · 3 months
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#DOOMEDWARLOCK: " I'm a nasty piece of work , chief . Ask anybody . "
Lev's non selective JOHN CONSTANTINE from Vertigo Comics, DC Comics and the Sandman Universe. Exclusively comic influenced.
promo template - character playlist
Basic etiquette is expected: no godmodding, ic is not ooc, etc.
A giant quest onto itself- I haven't consumed every media John has appeared in. For reference I have read/watched (in no particular order): the entire original Hellblazer run and its special Constantine: The Hellblazer Hellblazer: City of Demons Hellblazer: All His Engines Hellblazer: Chas the Knowledge sandman #3 Swamp Thing 1982 The Horrorist Sandman Universe: Hellblazer, Hellblazer: Dead in America Hellblazer: Rise and Fall The Trenchcoat Brigade Dark Knights of Steel injustice year 3 Batman: Urban Legends Batman: Damned Zatanna and the Ripper Spirit World both dark justice league movies Pre established connections and plotting is encouraged. Especially if your muse is from DC or the Sandman universe.
I don't consider all of hellblazer canon to my portrayal, I might make a list at some point, but most notably I am choosing to ignore Brian Azzarello's Hellblazer and the final 50 issues of the original Hellblazer. Also Hellblazer: Rebirth and any comic that takes place in a different universe. If you wish to rp with specific versions of John (like DKoS or Injustice verse) feel free to come plot!
Hellblazer is a british political satire horror comic about a queer man in the 80s, this means trigger warnings for canon typical gore, a general pessimism about the world, politics and Britishness. Smoking and alcohol abuse will also be present. I will tag these triggers and any other common ones that may arise.
if you decide to unfollow me please (soft)block me
rp memes are the best way to start interacting with me, they are always accepted no matter how long ago I reblogged it.
A foul-mouthed, disillusioned, chain smoking British cinic, John Constantine has had an affinity for magic since his youth. After running away from home as a teenager after a botched curse caused his father to become withered and frail, John eventually made his home in London. Quickly becoming involved in the city's occult circles. From there he made a name for himself for being a powerful sorcerer, one who can solve most problems with only his wit, but also a weirdness magnet. Becoming inevitably linked with forces truly out of his depth.
Though John's age varies across media, for simplicity's sake I will keep it at 43. His usual stomping ground is London, but he travels around very often for various reasons so he can easily be put wherever he needs to be. He's a very easy character to add to other universes (just ask DC).
He is also a relentless flirt, please don't mistake this as me trying to force a ship. If you / your character don't like his advances, feel free to let me / him know ic / ooc. Characters under 25 are too young for him.
Mun is 23 and Belgian
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xluciifer · 8 months
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[ organized by urls ; check reblogs for reply. ]
Note: After a month without a reply back, I drop the thread; however, you can always check for your URL on my blog for any old threads if you want to pick it back up again! :]
-> @arachnaemboss ;; speaking in tongues. || × need to reply.
-> @hclluvahctel ;; a rigged hand. || ✓ replied.
-> @hellsbroadcaster ;; a once peaceful night. || ✓ replied.
-> @killercmd ;; angelic security: temperance. || ✓ replied.
-> @lilitophidian ;; toxic leash of love. || × need to reply.
// // Lilith ;; a bloody 7 year wait. || × need to reply.
-> @pompedia ;; an estranged relationship. || ✓ replied.
-> @pridefell ;; the past's a heavy burden. || ✓ replied.
-> @radioiaci ;; an overlord's secrets. || × need to reply.
-> @therealricksanchezpleasestandup ;; another excounter. || ✓ replied.
-> @veneror ;; the lamb and the serpent. || × need to reply.
* . * . *
-> @infernal-feminae / @arachnaemboss ;; event: a star is reborn. || Zestial's turn.
-> @blitzs ;; a personal bodyguard. || ✓ replied.
-> @gctchell ;; walkin' a tightrope. || ✓ replied.
-> @hellsbroadcaster ;; a night we won't forget. || ✓ replied.
-> @infernal-feminae ;; surprise after surprise. || × need to reply.
-> @voxxisms ;; bearing an offer. || ✓ replied.
* . * . *
[ NEXT. -> ]
* . * . *
Rick ;; Intergalactic Secrets.
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Updated -> 06.20.2024
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ferociiumarchive · 4 months
« file name: fairfield, dwight » @leadxxr
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Danny wasn't unfamiliar to use carefully crafted words to get the reaction he wanted to from someone.  He used that very same tactic with Dwight too, instilling paranoia into his mind; making sure that even if he wasn't there the other could feel his presence all around him.  It had always been a game to him, until it wasn't anymore.  One, two, three unsteady steps taken on the tight rope he so often danced on, and the predator was falling for his own trap, falling in the unexpected hands of his prey.
A prey, something that Dwight hadn't been in such long time, not in Danny's eyes at least.  Time after time he could have put a stop to it, he could have left his own morbid curiosity unsatisfied and walk away; left the casket that his ribcage was still sealed shut, instead he allowed him to pry it open, to peer inside the deep void of his being and find pieces and bits of Danny that had been long lost, forgotten.  Time and time again, always letting his own guard down and allowing the survivors closer, as if there was something inside him yearning for it.  And now ?  Now it was too late to go back to the man he once was, even if he was to force the lid closed, it wouldn't never fit quite as it did, there would always be cracks letting such foreign feelings pouring out the moment his gaze would be cast upon the other.
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Just like in this moment, when a little voice in the back of his head was telling him to retreat into the shadows and yet, all he could do was getting lost in the warmth of familiar brown eyes.  He moved then, hands cupping Dwight's face, claiming his mouth in a brief kiss before resting his forehead against the other's when he pulled away, eyes still closed.  " You make me feel. "  And that alone was such dangerous thing for a man so detached from humanity.  " You make me feel human, as if there are still pieces of me that are able to feel something more than the constant lust for blood. "  He pulled away then, eyes opening just so hazel hues could settle on Dwight.  An uncanny honesty reflected behind his own eyes, mixed with something else, uncertainty.  As if Danny was still fighting with himself; still doubting just how much he could say before it was too much for his own mind to accept, because once those words were out in the open, he couldn't pretend they weren't true, not to him. 
" You make me feel like I'm capable of loving you. "  He felt exposed, vulnerable even.  " And it drives me insane.  You poisoned me and I would let that happen again and again. "  He swallowed the lump in his throat.  " You are like an addiction that I can't never have enough of.  It's an high that. . .  I never felt before. "
Perhaps that was what love felt like for people like him.
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giselle-clarke · 6 months
booze cruise 🚢
closed starter: @limalatina & @wmu-giselle date: march 23rd, 2024
Giselle hadn't woken up with plans for her final full day in paradise, but she knew she'd wanted to explore a little bit more, maybe snap a few more pictures, and at least try to be sober for half of the day at most. She'd barely ventured too far from the bungalows when she bumped right into her ex, and although slightly awkward at first, they'd agreed that the chance encounter was the perfect time for them to go and thank Mariana for the painting. By the grace of lesbian Jesus, they managed to put all of their drama aside for the time being and the trip to visit Mariana turned out to be enjoyable. All of Mariana's paintings were beautiful, and she'd even ended up purchasing two more to go along with the one Santana had gotten her. She'd found herself attempting to decipher what Santana and Mariana were saying as they spoke, picking up on a few words here and there but not quite piecing together what exactly they were talking about. Giselle made a mental note to ask Santana about it later, though she was positive the Latina wasn't going to tell her or would make something up, but she'd try it anyways.
The rest of the day went just as smoothly, for some odd reason. Since they hadn't spent any time together the entire trip, they had mutually agreed to keep up the momentum. It was a plus for her since Santana could translate everything, so she let the brunette lead the way as they did some sightseeing on Isla Holbox, grabbed lunch, and even did some more shopping before they'd headed back to the hut. Soon after arriving back, Giselle had been instructed to get appropriately dressed for dinner and to grab a sweater, and while she had an abundance of questions, she decided not to fight it as she quickly freshened up and changed into the thin strapped, low cut, little black dress that she'd packed in case of a certain emergency, and this fit the bill. She'd made time to touch up her make up and her hair before she was slipping on a pair of red heels and following Santana out. As usual, she asked a plethora of questions as she was led to whatever her ex had planned, and her jaw dropped once they arrived at a boat, which was apparently where they'd be having dinner for the night.
"After what you said the other day, I wouldn't have expected you to do all this just for me." Giselle stated once they were settled on the boat. After their little run in days ago, she'd spent the time since processing all of her feelings, attempting to get her head and her heart on the same page, and although she felt like she was there, it didn't settle her nerves much. But she couldn't keep putting it off, that much she was aware of, so she figured they should at least try to get...further than they were now. "Before I start drinking, I do want you to know that I did actually listen to everything you said then too. I have been pushing you away, but not because I don't love you or want to be with you. While you were in therapy working on yourself, I spent the past three years detaching from everything about us, and you, because it hurt less that way. Reopening that door scares the hell out of me, and I've been fighting it since I got back to Lima, but I know that's not fair to you. I also know that we're not going to fix all of our issues in one night, but we can start tonight, if you want to."
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edietello · 4 days
starter: open @aurorabaystarter location: beach bash, submergence set
"Before you ask, you can't 'bum one' off me," she says as she stands at the edge of the venue area, lighting up.
"I will, however, accept five dollars per cigarette if you're desperate enough."
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princesaginny2 · 5 months
onde: tanto faz.... com: você!
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"gente..." as palavras não foram direcionadas para ninguém em específico, era mais como se ela estivesse colocando um pensamento aleatório em palavras. "se vocês não tem celular aqui, o que vocês fazem quando tão com a autoestima meio abalada e querem validação da sua aparência dada por feios que você jamais daria bola nenhuma?" fanziu as sobrancelhas pensando em uma noite até relativamente comum de um sábado onde ela não estava com força de vontade o suficiente para sair de casa e olhar pessoas ao mesmo tempo que queria uma validação vazia e fútil que conseguiria facilmente no tinder. "ás vezes eu não quero me arrumar, sair e me encontrar com pessoas feias presencialmente, sabe? cansa."
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emilmoreno · 1 month
Who: Gen & Kira event - summer music festival. He was fine. That was Emiliano's story and he was sticking to it, and the sunbaked effects of alcohol on him helped him feel it too. That, and, of course - his current company. Music was a constant as the day dwindled, floating through the air intermingled with the whoops and hollers of fans in the crowd and idle chatter. His arm was slung around Gen's shoulders swaying, and the trio was likely giving one another a run for their money in terms of who might be the most toasted. "Oh, no - I'm not allowed to sing along," Emil laughed "I have no idea who Tanner Adell even is." He admitted and openly cringed, waiting for both of his friends to potentially give him the side-eye. He swayed and bumped his hip with Gen's, and tossed Kira an over-confident wink, "-but that doesn't stop me from dancin' around like an idiot." ( @genortiz )
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fledercanons · 5 months
@thefcxandthehcund (Plotted Copper and Sarabi)
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"Tod!" Copper's enthusiastic bark bounced out through the yard as the hound came barreling toward his best friend. Without much warning, he tumbled right into the fox kit.
"We gotta get goin', Tod! We're gonna miss it!"
───── ⋆⋅☽⋅⋆ ─────
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nightmaretist · 26 days
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TIMING: Current LOCATION: Mansión Mexicana & surroundings PARTIES: Anita @gossipsnake and Inge @nightmaretist SUMMARY: Debbie is nowhere to be found. CONTENT: Mentions of child death (past).
The pair of mothers stepped over the threshold of Anita’s home, their hands carrying shopping bags of all supplies needed for their infant daughter. In this case, this didn’t include nappies and formula, but rather some separated body parts and an organ or two, freshly and locally acquired. Inge wasted little time moving deeper into the house, towards where Debbie was resting — she had gotten so big over the past few months and she was thrilled to see her again and show her what they’d gotten her.
But when she and her co parent reached the room assigned to their darling child, they found nothing. There was no hungry clicking sound. No wide eyes observing them, no wriggling body covered in quills. Inge dropped her bags and let out a sound of dismay, “Where is she?” She looked at Anita, wondering if she had moved her. A trail of bristles and goo lay in the room however, leading towards the window the pair had left open. She rushed towards it, letting out a screech into Seven Peaks.
Anita had grown used to having Inge and Deborah around over the past few months. More than just used to it, in fact, she had grown to truly cherish them as the two most important women in her life. So many of the things Anita used to do on her own she now had a partner for, including killing strange humans for food. She wasn’t sure there was any sight more beautiful than watching Inge clean up organs to feed to their sweet child. It was the closest thing to domestic bliss that felt attainable to the lamia. 
But she should have known better than to think that bliss could last. Chills started at her spine and spread throughout Anita’s entire body when she heard the noise Inge made, followed by the question about where Debbie was. She saw Inge go to the window but refused to let her mind consider that reality. Instead, Anita began to tear the room apart. Throwing the pillows, blankets, toys, baskets of clothes about, “She’s in here. She’s in here.” 
Her efforts were useless. The trail of goo was obvious - the goo went up over the window, down the pane on the other end. “Deborah just went out for some fresh air, no? Just like her mami, can’t get enough of nature.” There was a panic in Antia’s eyes as she looked towards Inge, though, her face revealing what she knew to be true but could not stand to say aloud. 
The increase of murder and the handling of body parts did not bother her. Whatever thoughts about Rhett and his toes, feet and leg might rise to the surface to ruin it for her were suppressed by the blissful baby haze Debbie had put her in and Inge enjoyed supplying her baby her food. Besides, it was not much different than plucking a chicken or preparing a turkey, now was it?  
It was a labor of love, one she intended to do for many years. Eighteen, at least, if not more … perhaps Debbie would always need their help with food, the way a dog did. Not that she was a dog and to compare her as one would be immeasurably cruel as dogs were the worst type of animal. Regardless, this was something she was committed to. She and Anita, co parenting for years, dedicating their precious time to their darling child. 
But she was gone. The window was open, there was a trail leading towards it and Anita was panicking the way she was. She pulled herself back from the window, looking at the lamia. Inge noted that there were tears in her eyes. “Were we too late? Too late to feed her? She must — of course she likes nature. We have to go.” She picked up one of the bags and walked promptly out of the room, back out of the house and into the surrounding woods. The tears were on her cheeks now. 
She distantly remembered losing Vera in crowds. At town festivals or at the local market. Worse, in Amsterdam. There was no panic quite like it. It was back, now. She walked into the woods, certain that Anita was with her, and screamed: “Debbie!” 
Where Anita felt hesitation, Inge seemed to spring into action - rushing out towards the back door to follow the trail of breadcrumbs that Deborah had left leading away from the house. Trusting that Inge had more experience, that she knew what she was doing, Anita followed not too far behind. There was a terror in the other woman’s eyes that Anita knew, even without being able to see her own, wasn’t reflected in hers. 
Maybe it was the animalistic side of her. Deborah was their child, undoubtedly, but like the two of them she was not human. Unlike Anita, unlike Debbie - Inge had been, once upon a time. “I’ve taken her out in the woods plenty of times. She knows the area out here.” In attempting to calm her partner down, Anita also opted to let her eyes shift so she could scan the area for the heat signature of their daughter. “I can’t see her.” She paused, trying to keep everything calm, “Yet. I can’t see her yet.” 
They pushed forward in through where Anita’s yard ended and the tree cover began, the path left by Deborah beginning to get more unpredictable. If Anita hadn’t known better she might have thought that the winding tracks were an intentional attempt to throw them off her scent. But she knew better. Debbie wasn’t just some creature she studied - this was her family. “She’s quite fast. Have you noticed? We should find some activities to sign her up for once we get back home - keep her active. Find a way to channel this into something she can excel at.” 
Anita was trying to be rational and Inge could not really grasp it. She’d raised Vera in a small town where kids stayed out until late and usually nothing happened, but Debbie was still an infant, wasn’t she? Besides, sometimes things did happen. Sometimes there were bad men out there, or cruel children. In these woods, there were hunters, who would probably want to strike down Debbie for her strong appetite.
“But she has never gone out alone!” There was something really desperate to her voice, a want to believe Anita’s optimism but a mother’s biggest fear was overtaking her. It wasn’t often that she was this easily put in distress, but it was different when it came to Debbie. Her head was spinning. 
It was hard to keep track indeed and she looked into the woods, longing for nighttime so she could be more mobile and faster at this search. Such was what she called it now, a search. “She is very fast. Why would she — she should not be fast leaving her bedroom, though. We should have closed the window. She’s —” She shook her head and opened her mouth wider, “Debbie!!!”
It was clear that the words she had been offering in the form of comfort were not doing their job, so Anita elected to be quiet for the time being, focused on listening for subtle coos or the delicate gnawing on limbs that might point them in the direction of Debbie. The forest was large, undoubtedly, but they had not been gone for that long and she was still rather small - it didn’t make sense why Anita couldn’t sense her yet. 
They were following the seemingly unintentional trail of bristles and goo left in Deb’s wake, the two of them calling out her name at varying octaves and decibels, but there was no response. There was no sign of her other than the trail they were blindly following. As the pair traveled deeper into the woods, desperate thoughts that had never crossed Anita’s mind before began to consume her. The pit in her stomach made her think of her own mother; did she ever feel this way, not knowing where her daughter was or if she was safe? 
“What if we’ve gone the wrong way? What if this path isn’t even her path?” Saying those words aloud led to another horrid thought, one that rushed out of her brain to her lips with urgency. “Do you think that her real -” Anita stopped herself, both from finishing her sentence and in her tracks, as she turned towards Inge, her eyes desperate despite their dryness. 
The further they walked into the woods, the more desperate Inge was starting to feel. How could Debbie have gotten out and gotten this far? She had not been very mobile before, which was explainable due to her small size. Besides, she always expected her mothers to come and bring her food — if they didn’t, she tended to get literally snippy. And yet there was no trace of her. 
Tears had burst into her eyes and then started streaming, making her throat constrict as she kept shouting that name. She had lost a child before, she could not go through it again — it was against all laws of nature (even if she herself was against the laws of nature too, according to some). “I … I don’t know, the woods are so large and she … what if she’s back at the house, Anita?” 
At the suggestion that the creature who had laid the egg that had held their darling Debbie had found her, she looked at Anita with a blazing gaze. “No. She has two real mothers, right here. Don’t –” Inge shook her head, trudging on further into the woods. “She would not leave us for whatever put her on this earth. We took care of her when no one else did. We took her in. She would not — How could she just leave?”
Inge was right and Anita was already mad at herself for thinking the thought. Had she not learned by now that real family had nothing to do with biology? “Fuck. Yeah. I didn’t mean …” she sighed as her sentence trailed off, unsure of what exactly she did mean. “Maybe she left to try and find us? Maybe we were taking too long. She knows we go out into the woods together, so she just - she went searching for us.” The longer it took to find her, the longer Anita tried to rationalize everything, the more helpless she began to feel. 
But then, as if it were a literal glimmer of hope on the horizon, she spotted a familiar heat signature in a familiar size. “Deborah!” She yelled out, and began sprinting towards what she could only imagine had to be their daughter. She had studied that heat signature diligently, never imagining she would need to identify it across a field in this context. But instead of turning and heading towards Anita as she called out her name, it seemed that Deborah picked up her pace in the opposite direction. 
Anita didn’t let that deter her as she kept running as fast as her stupid human legs would allow. “I think I can see her! She’s not too far over that hill!” She called out behind her, sure that Inge would be following - sure that their little family would be reunited in mere moments. 
That beautiful silhouette was finally in her line of sight again and Inge felt something inside her release, like a balloon being burst. She wanted to fall down and weep, but instead there was still some distance to cross between herself and Deborah, so along with Anita she picked up her pace, running as fast as she could. (This was admittedly not very fast.) 
Her voice was starting to feel hoarse from the shouting but that didn’t stop her from shouting again and again, Deborah’s name and all its nicknames seemingly the only words she knew. It made no sense, that she was not heading towards them — she had to be starving by now, right? Inge and Anita ran up to the hill, looking down the slope at Debbie’s grown body, worming away from them.
“Where is she going? Debbie!” The caterpillar-esque creature looked at them over her … well, she didn’t exactly have shoulders, but she turned her head and looked ahead. “Come back!” She stomped her foot, crossing her arms. “Young lady, we will count to three and if you’re not here by then — one, two —” Usually this worked, usually it was between the dead space between two and three that a child would come skittering back. But Debbie kept on moving. Inge did not dare say three.
As she reached the peak of the hill, the closest Anita had been to Deborah since she had left, she was met with the harsh reality that she had feared. Their daughter hadn’t been lost. She did not come running back to them once they all came into view. As Inge began to count with the seasoned tone of a mother who had done this countless times before, Anita simply dropped down and let her knees hit the grass below her. 
“She’s too much like me,” Anita muttered to herself, now overcome with thoughts wondering if that meant that she was too much like her own mother. Maybe that is the true cycle of life: girls rebel against their mothers only to turn into women that are just like their mothers. The ache in the pit of her stomach began to radiate out through the rest of her body until it became unbearable. But the good thing about snakes is that their stomachs are much larger than human stomachs are, so their stomachs can contain much more ache within them. 
And with that thought Anita knew she needed to transform - she could not handle these weak emotions in this weak shell of a body. Before she ran away from what she was feeling, she stood back up and turned to Inge. Before she transformed into who she really was she needed to prove to herself who she wasn’t - she wasn’t her mother. Placing a hand on Inge’s shoulder before deciding to pull her co-parent, her partner, into an embrace, she said softly, “One day she will want to come home… and the door will always be open for her.” 
Debbie was proving to be a stubborn and disobedient child. She was like Vera, in that way, who had moved out the second she turned eighteen and wanted independence from her parents more than anything. But Debbie hadn't been that way before today, she'd been a little forceful and definitely demanding, but always glad to see her mothers (as long as they delivered fresh meat). Inge never said three, because she knew that Debbie would not come even if she did. 
It seemed they were both busy comparing, Anita seeing herself in their daughter — which Inge understood more than she'd like to admit. Though she had not yet seen a mirror image of herself in Debbie, she had felt that way about Vera. Whether her mother had felt that way about her she'd never known, but maybe it was an inevitability of being a mother or a daughter. She did not know what to say in response to Anita's assessment and so she was glad for the embrace rooting her into place in stead. 
Debbie kept hobbling on and Inge felt her eyes burn, tears slipping from them when she squeezed them shut. Anita's hair tickled her face. She thought of the hospital, the funeral, the goodbye between herself and her first daughter. Was this her curse, then? To be a mother who lost her children? “I hope she does,” she said, but what even was home to a nomad like her? To a woman who refused to be rooted in place? Vera had hated how flighty she was and yet for her she had not changed, so whether she would for Debbie was hard to know. Eventually, in a small voice, she added as a final note, “But for now, we have to let her go.” 
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niaxbailey · 21 days
@levibecker event - hurricane hax. By the time she was finished going around to families and handing out food rations with Weston, most people were settled into the nooks and crannies of the gymnasium. The air was still filled with unease but things were less hectic than when everyone had first been evacuated from the festival. Nia was a bit mix-matched and disheveled, having acquired someone's overshirt to offer a semblance of warmth more than her pink beaded crop top could. It was big on her frame and her cutoff shorts vanished beneath it. A few rebellious curls outlined her face where she'd hastily tossed her wet hair up with a clip, but she hadn't let herself worry about any of that. Instead, scanning the crowd for familiar faces. She heaved a full-body sigh of relief when her gaze landed on Levi's back, his height made the man easier to pick out of the crowded gym. Nia made a beeline towards him, sidestepping around two older gossiping women in her pathway. "Excuse me." She reached to tap on Levi's shoulder and waited until he turned to offer a warm smile up at him. "I'm sorry sir... can you help me? I'm looking for someone. He's about this tall—" she gestured with her hand at his height. "Smart as a whip, charming, pretty eyes..." Nia chuckled and tossed a wink at him. A tired, raspy sound that stuck in her throat. Unable to keep up her own playful charade for too long. Her eyes quickly skirted over him, checking to make sure he was still in one piece.
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