#—◆ headcanon | i will not bare my soul to their shallow prying eyes. my heart shall never be put under their microscope
naitfall · 4 months
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@gyofukuki asked:
🚢 for oda and 'toria
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Oda Sakunosuke
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do i ship our characters together?: yes | no | not yet but maybe soon
would i like to ship with you?: yes | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
type of relationship i could see: childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love | fling | long distance | online relationship | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits
tropes i'd enjoy writing for them: friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship | slow burn relationship
would i rather plot first or jump right in and see where it goes?: develop their relationship first | jump right in | something in between
what now?: let's plot something | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter
anything else i want you to know about me / my character / my shipping habits: they're so much alike, and I love that. two incredibly kind people, who got their hands dirty, but both wish for redemption in their own ways. bsd verse? snk verse? also them talking about books? gimme gimme gimme. both are two of my most favorite characters in fiction. a relationship of equal understanding. very healthy, despite them being fucked up in their own ways. I think a bond between them is refreshing, as if: I know all your sins, and I'm staying.
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Historia Reiss
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do i ship our characters together?: yes (not before you) | no | not yet but maybe soon
would i like to ship with you?: yes | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
type of relationship i could see: childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love | fling | long distance | online relationship | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits
tropes i'd enjoy writing for them: friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship | slow burn relationship
would i rather plot first or jump right in and see where it goes?: develop their relationship first (stares @ our long-ass convos) | jump right in | something in between
what now?: let's plot something (again, we're way past plotting) | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter
anything else i want you to know about me / my character / my shipping habits: I mean . . . you know how I feel. I adore them. but at the same time, what are we doing to ourselves with all this pain. but I'm loving it. the queen and her knight. they're impossible. levi's so hard to develop such emotions, but they make sense. I can't wait for their relationship to take it's path (ahem, not the paths™), and see where that gets us.
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moved-naitfall · 2 years
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— real-life faceclaims
There are two real-life faceclaims I'm using for Levi Ackerman, having not decided between the two for a few reasons I'm going to explain. Both faceclaims are popular (?) faceclaims for Levi in the snk fandom, and I don't claim to have discovered these two actors myself, having been inspired by some great fanart / edits, except I accidentally had seen a movie with Edward Furlong and immediately thought he's a perfect match before deciding on using him as fc.
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edward furlong
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Edward Furlong in the 90s is the PERFECT faceclaim for Levi Ackerman. He has the perfect haircut, his face resembles him in many ways, and what's most important is the aura he carries. The attitude you can say, which fits Levi in all ways. His facial expressions, his posture, everything about him screams ‘ Levi ’. What doesn't make him perfect is the fact he's too young. Levi's in his early thirties in his main timeline, and Edward Furlong in the age he resembles him the most, looks as if he's in his early twenties at most, and that's an age gap I can't ignore despite Levi looking younger for his age. ( Meaning he is perfect but I can't use him (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) )
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dane deehan
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Dane Deehan is a good match as well. He may not resemble him as much as I wish when it comes to some of his facial characteristics but I love him for many reasons. First of all, the man is a chameleon. In my attempt to choose a movie and make icons for him, I realized he's portraying one diverse character after another which I admire even if it makes it more difficult to icon him. His hair is blonde in many movies, and his haircut isn't much close to the one I'm searching for, but I love him, first of all, for his SICKLY appearance. He's really pretty despite not looking healthy, and having dark circles under his eyes, which is one of the most important features I'm searching for Levi. Also, the color of his eyes is real close to the ice blue / gray Levi has, and I also like his full lips. He's around the same age as Levi and looks younger, which is great, but like I said, he's difficult to use, for playing many different roles ( classy / messy, serious / silly, etc. ) and not giving off a certain vibe I am searching for.
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In conclusion, both faceclaims are perfect for different reasons. I'm using Edward Furlong for writing Levi for when he's in his teenage years until his mid-twenties ( mostly following his criminal past ) and Dane Deehan for his main timeline.
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naitfall-ii · 2 years
— headcanon: smoking ( & general health )
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Contrary to the popular belief that Levi's smoking / would be smoking in modern settings ( I assume because that'd make him even more ‘ hot ’ than he already is ), in my portrayal Levi's disgusted of smoking and could be judgemental to those who have a habit like that.
Levi's a person who follows a healthy way of living, as much as he's allowed by circumstances ( financial situation for example ). He's working out, following a healthy nutritious diet, to a degree where he's not overdoing it but taking proper care of himself. His sickly appearance is the result of his chronic insomnia, possible vitamin D deficiency, and undernourishment in his childhood. Levi's grown in hardship, only to learn it is one of the most important things to respect one's own body ( in this regard, his obsession with being clean is partly explained ).
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Smoking to him is an act of disrespect. Choosing to slowly rot your own body for the sake of ephemeral pleasure. Choosing to make yourself sick, despite knowing the risks. Even though he's not judgemental ( not to his core, he might appear to be at times but it's only his attitude ), he will be an ass to those who smoke. Levi's haunted by sickness ( he lost his mother to sickness ), and he's not willing to watch the people he cares for, self-destruct this way in his presence.
To add, he's tried it once and thought it had a disgusting flavor.
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arch-darknessbaund · 2 years
— headcanon: age ( & general discussion on timelines )
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First, I feel it's necessary to clear this out: Levi doesn't remember what his age is. He stopped counting his birthdays when he was a kid and his mother got sick, and having no memory of his birth year ( and where no such thing as birth certificates exist ), he can't tell exactly how old he is. After all, he expected to die young.
Now, there's a mystery surrounding Levi's exact age in the works, and even though I don't trust the snk wiki, I've drawn some information from there to conclude on what his exact age could be.
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In his wiki, in the trivia section, there's this:
Levi's age is one of several mysteries Isayama has hinted about in interviews. He once stated that Levi is "surprisingly old," but declined to give an exact answer beyond stating that he is "older than 30." In February 2016 he was interviewed again at the Attack on Titan "The Real" theme park, and when questioned about Levi's age responded that he is in his "late thirties." However, Marina Inoue (Armin Arlert's voice actress) later rectified and said Isayama made a mistake due to nervousness, and had asked her to correct that Levi is actually in his "early thirties." This was further confirmed in the Attack on Titan ANSWERS guidebook.
There was supposed to be a link to the translated interview that's no longer available, but if I find any further info I'll make sure to update this post.
Now, again I'll have to rely on the wiki, and point out certain years that will be important in explaining my thoughts on his age. These are:
829: This should be the year Kenny took Levi under his wing.
844: The year the prequel ‘ A choice with no regrets ’ following Levi's past is focused on. The year Levi joins the Survey Corps.
845: When the story begins. The fall of wall Maria.
850: When the main story begins. When Eren is placed under Levi's custody and joins the Survey Corps.
Having this information in mind and the fact that Levi in the year 850 he's in his early 30s, in the year 854 in his 30s, and the year 857 in his late 30s ( unconfirmed information ), in the span of 7 years, Levi remains on his 30s, meaning in the year 857 his maximum age is 39, and his minimum age in the year 850 is 30. Meaning his age range should be: 30-32 in the year 850, 34-36 in the year 854, and 37-39 in the year 857.
In my portrayal of him, Levi's 31 in his main timeline ( year 850 ), 35 in the year 854, and 38 in the year 857 ( the ending of the story ). With this information in mind, here are my thoughts:
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Levi's born in the year 819. At the age of ten, in the year 829, Levi loses his mother. He's older than he appears, he's had plenty of time to live with his mother, and her upraising surely affected him. Around the same age, Kenny looks after him, and eventually abandons him, leaving a ten-year-old kid to survive on his own in the underground ( no criticism in my tone. okay, maybe a little ).
In the year 844, Levi joins the Survey Corps. He's 25 years old. Pretty old for a soldier, considering the minimum age for a cadet to enlist in the Survey Corps is around the age of 15. I imagine Hange and Erwin who are around the same age, should already be serving in the Corps for 10 years. It's also surprising it's only a year before the fall of wall Maria, the beginning of the story. The feeling I personally had at first, the story of how Levi joined the Survey Corps, seemed to me to belong to a long-forgotten past, when it's only a year, or even a few months before the Collosal Titan first appears. And by the time wall Maria falls, Levi had very few chances to go past the wall ( if not only one, the expedition he lost Farlan and Isabel, since in the expedition in the first chapter/episode, we spot Keith and Erwin but not Levi ). Meaning most of the expeditions he has participated, are those to recover the third wall.
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‘ [...] in the first chapter/episode, we spot Keith and Erwin but not Levi. ’
One more thing that's been bothering me is that Levi lived in the underground for 25 years of his life. By the time he first appears as Eren's guardian, he has only lived in the upper ground for six. It's only 6 years of sunlight he's lived in. Which is . . . Heartbreaking. His criminal past, the death of Isabel and Farlan is only 6 years apart, and for the biggest part of his life he's been a criminal, not a hero. Interesting? Not at all, I know.
To conclude: Levi's born in the year 819, his age in the main timeline (850) is 31, by the end of the story he's 38, he joined the Survey Corps at the old age of 25, and very close to the main story.
I'm reviving this meme
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I think we get why Oluo admired Levi so much. Because of his genes.
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draftsinsourarmor · 2 years
— bnha || go beyond! plus ultra!
— todoroki shoto || in the midst of darkness — i found there was (within me) an invincible light
— ic | look properly at who you want to become!
— crack | ‘ladykiller’s’ aka ‘handcrusher’s’ time: if i smile they’ll die?
— crack || is there anything lonelier than laughing a matter away?
— visuals || a work of art is a confession
— queue || some ancient call that i've answered before
— memes || make the choice you won't regret.
— erwin & levi | and in the end we were just humans. . . drunk on the idea that our efforts could heal our brokenness.
— crack | i was gonna put my password to ‘levi’ but it was too short.
— visuals | perhaps cherries look violent in the sunlight. ( you are all honey and rage ). perhaps you should let the moon be your courier
— headcanon | i will not bare my soul to their shallow prying eyes. my heart shall never be put under their microscope.
— post shinganshina | the loneliest moment in one’s life— when they are watching their life fall apart and all they can is stare blankly
— erwin smith | i knew that i came to face someone whose personality was so fascinating that if i allowed it would absorb my whole nature.
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naitfall · 6 months
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ISTJ : Gray [Cloud]
cloud doesn't lead with emotions, which is why it's unusually detached. this can sometimes come off as snobbish, but cloud stays at a distance because it doesn't know any better.
as a blend of two dominant colors, cloud struggles with its identity. cloud has no desire to explore itself because it thinks it lacks depth. so as not to hurt its own feelings, this silvery shade sticks to what it knows.
best described as an introvert, cloud recoils in the face of social interaction. the color cloud will never foist its beliefs on you. it respects boundaries, making it a peaceful presence. it offers an unmatched level of serenity and can turn energy into stillness.
cloud endured countless life experiences and is thought to be wildly insightful. however, cloud only offers its pearls of wisdom when asked to. if the splendors of life intrigue you, seek guidance from this all-knowing hue.
cloud is humble, well-meaning, and dynamic, making it the ideal authority figure. rather than practice deception, cloud honors honesty, transparency, and integrity, this admirable quality allows cloud to ascend through the ranks with ease.
[analysis credit]
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naitfall · 7 months
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Levi enjoys listening to stories. Whether it is personal experiences of someone, a fictional story, or random facts about the stars (for example), he'll just sit by your side and listen as if he's being told a fairytale.
Especially when it comes to random info, he'll just listen and comment in between like: ‘ you're lying ’, ‘ i’m not buying that ’. Since he hasn't gone to school or read many books, and spent the biggest part of his life in the underground isolated from the real world, he's really into these kinds of conversations.
Similarly, he's really into being read. Even though he enjoys reading when he gets the time, he enjoys more being read a book.
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naitfall · 10 months
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@devoteyrheart asked:
random ask time! bc phew i haven't sent some of these to my mutuals in wayyy too long. if levi had a phone, what are 5 images we'd find in his camera roll? 👀
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This is a lovely question and I really appreciate sending it!
Levi's the type to use his phone only because it's useful. Even if he can use it very well ( the asshole can simply do anything with ease ), he doesn't like technology. His phone will mostly have pictures of stuff he wants to remember or send to other people. Random images of documents, of stuff he wants to buy for himself or others (and wants to ask them their opinion), places he may want to comment on like: ' look at this shitty decoration ' . He's lame.
But, among these there will be some pics of him and people close to him, taken from others. He's not the type to take selfies or photographs of people ( ' you're not dead, so why take a photo when i see you all the time ' ) or events ( ' I prefer to actually experience the moment than be occupied with taking photos and videos ' ) but (!) those who understand him, know well with only a pitiful excuse like: ' your phone has the best camera, let us take a photo/video with yours ' they'll have him hand over his phone. Why would the people close to him do that? To take pictures of them all he can have saved on his phone, knowing well, despite what he claims, when he scrolls in his camera roll he'll be a nostalgic smiling idiot.
Let's say, there will be an image of a document, another of a store's shopfront, the tea catalog he wants to study and buy from, and maybe two more photos, one with him, Isabel and Farlan, and maybe another one where the kids took a selfie on their own ( to get on his nerves ).
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moved-naitfall · 1 year
tw: death, sickness
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Levi didn't cry when his mother died. She had a slow death, being sick for months. Levi knew well when her time was close. Far too weakened, near dying, Levi mourned her loss by choosing to fade away, but still, he didn't cry. As if having lost his ability to cry. Until Kenny appeared, took care of him, reminded him what was like to be among the living. I think weeks or even months later, when the slightest of sentiment finally reached his heart, Levi started crying. And he cried for hours. Let out the pain having numbed him. And that was also the last time he cried.
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moved-naitfall · 2 years
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— injury/disabilities ( future verse )
This headcanon applies to (sub) verses post Levi's main timeline, around his mid/late thirties.
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cw: snk manga spoilers
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Because of the thunder-spear explosion in the canon timeline, or a possible motorcycle crush in a modern setting, Levi suffers heavy damage, such as losing his right eye, losing two fingers of his right hand ( his index and his middle ), lower stamina, and mobility issues.
Since there’s little canon information for the last, in my portrayal, Levi uses both a wheelchair and a cane. Levi not only suffers neurological damage ( detailed medical info tba ), but his left leg was nearly crushed. While he can still stand and walk, he’s in incredible pain and his legs will often go numb, resulting in him being unstable. For that reason, he uses a cane for shorter distances ( moving around his house ) and a wheelchair for longer distances.
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moved-naitfall · 2 years
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I love how the main goal / what the main characters dream of in snk, is to see the ocean for the first time, yet the only fear Levi has is the ocean. How he fears vast, deep bodies of water, because not only he doesn't know how to swim, but it's basically nature overpowering him, something he can't fight against / rely on his own power. ( Image Source )
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moved-naitfall · 1 year
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reposting this ask:
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(     *     VALENTINE’S DAY ALPHABET   !    
A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
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Change in behavior. Levi's a harsh person. He's blunt, he's rude, even violent ( to those who can deal with such behavior )*. Little changes make the difference when Levi wishes to show affection. The tone of his voice, how he speaks, his choice of words. Touches that may last longer than usual such as petting one's head or holding their shoulder. He's very subtle when showing affection even to those he cares about the most, but if one knows him well, they can tell how much overstepping that is for him.
* Levi's great at reading people and acts according to what he thinks they can handle. He's not the same cruel to everyone, and understands how far he can push someone.
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
Levi lived in the underground until he was around the age of 25-26, meaning for the biggest part of his life, the sky and the sun were in his imagination only. Because of that, an ideal date for him would be somewhere outside. Not in the countryside, like a picnic where they'd have to lie somewhere dirty and where there could be bugs, like ew. Preferably in the city, a quiet and distant place, maybe a restaurant. A date where there could be tea or alcohol and some good food.
N   :   NAUGHTY.   what is your muse like in bed?
Due to his long-year repulse towards sex, even if Levi finds a partner to attract him sexually, he's the vanilla type. When taking the lead he's slow and gentle. He becomes passionate about pleasing his partner and when he's comfortable enough, he may use more force but generally he's very careful, more than he normally is. When he lets the other take the lead, he's very held back. He's extremely quiet in both roles.
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
Personality. He's a soldier ready to sacrifice himself at any moment, he's prepared for everyone he knows to die, and has lost many loved ones. For him to choose someone to bond with, someone to trust with his heart, it must be someone very special, someone to have won him through time and/or effort. After all, Erwin has the creepiest looks.
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
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He gets protective to the point the other side needs it. Levi gives freedom, and protection only when it's asked of him ( and if it's not, he'll take action in case he understands it's needed. An example is with Isabel when some were bullying her and he killed them, even if she didn't mention a thing. He knew they were hurting her, and dealt with them anyway ). Being good at reading people, he knows well when he needs to take action and when not. He'll be there always when he's needed, but never when he's not. That is one more reason I like to think of him as a parent figure, that gives space to his children to grow but is always there to snap a neck or two when somebody hurts his loved ones.
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moved-naitfall · 2 years
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— age ( & general discussion on timelines )
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First, I feel it's necessary to clear this out: Levi doesn't remember what his age is. He stopped counting his birthdays when he was a kid and his mother got sick, and having no memory of his birth year ( and where no such thing as birth certificates exist ), he can't tell exactly how old he is. After all, he expected to die young.
Now, there's a mystery surrounding Levi's exact age in the works, and even though I don't trust the snk wiki, I've drawn some information from there to conclude on what his exact age could be.
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In his wiki, in the trivia section, there's this:
Levi's age is one of several mysteries Isayama has hinted about in interviews. He once stated that Levi is "surprisingly old," but declined to give an exact answer beyond stating that he is "older than 30." In February 2016 he was interviewed again at the Attack on Titan "The Real" theme park, and when questioned about Levi's age responded that he is in his "late thirties." However, Marina Inoue (Armin Arlert's voice actress) later rectified and said Isayama made a mistake due to nervousness, and had asked her to correct that Levi is actually in his "early thirties." This was further confirmed in the Attack on Titan ANSWERS guidebook.
There was supposed to be a link to the translated interview that's no longer available, but if I find any further info I'll make sure to update this post.
Now, again I'll have to rely on the wiki, and point out certain years that will be important in explaining my thoughts on his age. These are:
829: This should be the year Kenny took Levi under his wing.
844: The year the prequel ‘ A choice with no regrets ’ following Levi's past is focused on. The year Levi joins the Survey Corps.
845: When the story begins. The fall of wall Maria.
850: When the main story begins. When Eren is placed under Levi's custody and joins the Survey Corps.
Having this information in mind and the fact that Levi in the year 850 he's in his early 30s, in the year 854 in his 30s, and the year 857 in his late 30s ( unconfirmed information ), in the span of 7 years, Levi remains on his 30s, meaning in the year 857 his maximum age is 39, and his minimum age in the year 850 is 30. Meaning his age range should be: 30-32 in the year 850, 34-36 in the year 854, and 37-39 in the year 857.
In my portrayal of him, Levi's 31 in his main timeline ( year 850 ), 35 in the year 854, and 38 in the year 857 ( the ending of the story ). With this information in mind, here are my thoughts:
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Levi's born in the year 819. At the age of ten, in the year 829, Levi loses his mother. He's older than he appears, he's had plenty of time to live with his mother, and her upraising surely affected him. Around the same age, Kenny looks after him, and eventually abandons him, leaving a ten-year-old kid to survive on his own in the underground ( no criticism in my tone. okay, maybe a little ).
In the year 844, Levi joins the Survey Corps. He's 25 years old. Pretty old for a soldier, considering the minimum age for a cadet to enlist in the Survey Corps is around the age of 15. I imagine Hange and Erwin who are around the same age, should already be serving in the Corps for 10 years. It's also surprising it's only a year before the fall of wall Maria, the beginning of the story. The feeling I personally had at first, the story of how Levi joined the Survey Corps, seemed to me to belong to a long-forgotten past, when it's only a year, or even a few months before the Collosal Titan first appears. And by the time wall Maria falls, Levi had very few chances to go past the wall ( if not only one, the expedition he lost Farlan and Isabel, since in the expedition in the first chapter/episode, we spot Keith and Erwin but not Levi ). Meaning most of the expeditions he has participated, are those to recover the third wall.
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‘ [...] in the first chapter/episode, we spot Keith and Erwin but not Levi. ’
One more thing that's been bothering me is that Levi lived in the underground for 25 years of his life. By the time he first appears as Eren's guardian, he has only lived in the upper ground for six. It's only 6 years of sunlight he's lived in. Which is . . . Heartbreaking. His criminal past, the death of Isabel and Farlan is only 6 years apart, and for the biggest part of his life he's been a criminal, not a hero. Interesting? Not at all, I know.
To conclude: Levi's born in the year 819, his age in the main timeline (850) is 31, by the end of the story he's 38, he joined the Survey Corps at the old age of 25, and very close to the main story.
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I think we get why Oluo admired Levi so much. Because of his genes.
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moved-naitfall · 2 years
— ackermans
I'll never be over the concept of the Ackerman family. Loyal servants of the royal family ( a family of knights, you can say ) rebelling against the Reiss family. Even though it's confirmed to be false, I love Eren's theory, that the Ackermans have a natural instinct of being servants. Kenny for Uri, Levi for Erwin, and Mikasa for Eren. Not because that'd make them slaves to their own nature, but how I see it, it's like a soulmate concept. Where the Ackermans, once having given their heart to someone, their whole being belongs to them, and that's where their true power lies, in the one they trust with their life. Erwin, being that person in Levi's case. Erwin, the devil who recruited Levi in the Survey Corps, and made him from his biggest enemy to his most loyal soldier — to a hero. Erwin, the one Levi sacrificed, and with him, his own heart.
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moved-naitfall · 2 years
tag drop #1
—◆ visuals | perhaps cherries look violent in the sunlight ( you are all honey & rage ). perhaps you should let the moon be your courier
—◆ thread | the absurd hero’s refusal to hope becomes his singular ability to live in the present with passion
—◆ ic | that means i'm abnormal. . . probably because i've seen far too many abnormal things
—◆ queue | some ancient call that i've answered before
—◆ memes | make a choice you won't regret
—◆ dashboard game | it's the cracks that let the light shine through
—◆ headcanon | i will not bare my soul to their shallow prying eyes. my heart shall never be put under their microscope
—◆ wishlist | even so. here i am. waiting impatiently for the day when i can touch the light
—◆ crack | i was gonna put my password to ‘levi’ but it was too short
—◆ character study | somebody inside of me has always tried ( with all his strength ) to be nobody
—◆ aesthetic | a world illuminated by the sun. a world bathed in light
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a-darknessbaund · 2 years
— headcanon: smoking ( & general health )
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Contrary to the popular belief that Levi's smoking / would be smoking in modern settings ( I assume because that'd make him even more ‘ hot ’ than he already is ), in my portrayal Levi's disgusted of smoking and could be judgemental to those who have a habit like that.
Levi's a person who follows a healthy way of living, as much as he's allowed by circumstances ( financial situation for example ). He's working out, following a healthy nutritious diet, to a degree where he's not overdoing it but taking proper care of himself. His sickly appearance is the result of his chronic insomnia, possible vitamin D deficiency, and undernourishment in his childhood. Levi's grown in hardship, only to learn it is one of the most important things to respect one's own body ( in this regard, his obsession with being clean is partly explained ).
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Smoking to him is an act of disrespect. Choosing to slowly rot your own body for the sake of ephemeral pleasure. Choosing to make yourself sick, despite knowing the risks. Even though he's not judgemental ( not to his core, he might appear to be at times but it's only his attitude ), he will be an ass to those who smoke. Levi's haunted by sickness ( he lost his mother to sickness ), and he's not willing to watch the people he cares for, self-destruct this way in his presence.
To add, he's tried it once and thought it had a disgusting flavor.
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