#—◆ tba. ask (headcanon).
knightinspicyarmor · 3 months
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@gyofukuki asked:
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
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𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭
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B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I don’t think he has a favorite part. He does have a more sensitive part though, and that’s his hips. His legs are strong (for ODM gear and kicking Eren’s ass), so to be held there, to the part of him that’s both his strongest and weakest spot? Oh, you’re either gonna get kicked or completely have him surrender.
For his partner. I’ll respond for our main three for the time being:
Erwin. For Erwin are his shoulders. He’s got wide and strong shoulders and I can see him liking that part of him. Oda. Unless he shaves, he’s not allowed to get closer. Seriously though . . . Hands. That’s what I feel. Historia. Absurd, but her belly. And not because of any expected pregnancy etc. It’s warm. It’s a soft spot. He can rest his head there. Help, I made him a creep.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
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A bit of roughness, mixed with lots of gentleness. As much as I like to call Levi a ‘vanilla’ type, he has a bit of sadism/masochism in him, in all aspects of his life. Same way even though he’s so caring and gentle and careful with the emotions of others, but rough and cruel when he has to, in the same way a bit of roughness during the act brings more excitement. It’s a matter of balance. In his nature, co-exists the thug Kenny raised to survive under all circumstances, and the soft caring boy his mother cared for.
But also, just getting to know all the different sensations he hasn’t known so far, turns him on enough. BUT, small tiny bits of affection that show his partner’s paying attention to what he likes (that he’s seen?). Watch him melt. Same way with bits of acts of service in their everyday life (brew tea to his liking. clean somewhere he’s been meaning to, before he does. cook him his favorite meal. basically, anything he does for others being done to him).
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Very low. It depends on the partner, but generally it’s very low to non-existent. As I’ve analyzed in previous posts, his sexuality is something he has locked away since he was young. His partner is the one to unlock that part of him, to help him get to know the feelings, the sensations, and to draw his interest. If his partner doesn’t actively seek sexual contact, in most cases he won’t make the first move. But this doesn’t mean he doesn’t enjoy making love! He may not actively seek for interaction, but that’s irrelevant to how much he’s pleased/wants to please his partner. It’s just that . . . You make the move else this bastard can get on without it for the rest of his life.
On another note, the partners who I believe may help his sex drive get a bit higher are Erwin and Farlan. These two are the ones I think that can get him to . . . Maybe . . . Hm. Seek for interaction under some circumstances (clean for him to the level he’s satisfied and he’ll throw you to bed immediately).
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naitfall · 4 months
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@gyofukuki asked:
🚢 for oda and 'toria
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Oda Sakunosuke
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do i ship our characters together?: yes | no | not yet but maybe soon
would i like to ship with you?: yes | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
type of relationship i could see: childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love | fling | long distance | online relationship | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits
tropes i'd enjoy writing for them: friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship | slow burn relationship
would i rather plot first or jump right in and see where it goes?: develop their relationship first | jump right in | something in between
what now?: let's plot something | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter
anything else i want you to know about me / my character / my shipping habits: they're so much alike, and I love that. two incredibly kind people, who got their hands dirty, but both wish for redemption in their own ways. bsd verse? snk verse? also them talking about books? gimme gimme gimme. both are two of my most favorite characters in fiction. a relationship of equal understanding. very healthy, despite them being fucked up in their own ways. I think a bond between them is refreshing, as if: I know all your sins, and I'm staying.
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Historia Reiss
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do i ship our characters together?: yes (not before you) | no | not yet but maybe soon
would i like to ship with you?: yes | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
type of relationship i could see: childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love | fling | long distance | online relationship | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits
tropes i'd enjoy writing for them: friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship | slow burn relationship
would i rather plot first or jump right in and see where it goes?: develop their relationship first (stares @ our long-ass convos) | jump right in | something in between
what now?: let's plot something (again, we're way past plotting) | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter
anything else i want you to know about me / my character / my shipping habits: I mean . . . you know how I feel. I adore them. but at the same time, what are we doing to ourselves with all this pain. but I'm loving it. the queen and her knight. they're impossible. levi's so hard to develop such emotions, but they make sense. I can't wait for their relationship to take it's path (ahem, not the paths™), and see where that gets us.
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disturbnot · 10 months
every winter i forget how much i like the sound of snow crunching underfoot. i have a pair of hard wearing hiking boots for bad weather, and whenever i put them on and go clomping around out there, i wonder — is this what ash ketchum feels like all the time?
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bloodbrry · 11 months
✯ ; tags.
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insertpinkchiphere · 11 months
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@demonsfate asked- N ─ Nudes.
abc headcanons
N ─ Nudes. Do they send them to each other ?  Do they save them on their phones ?  Do they keep them to themselves, or do they show them to their friends ?  Have they ever sent one to a wrong number ?
Hmmm, I’m not sure if they would! If they did do that though, it’d be very one sided. Not because of any hang ups on Lambda’s behalf (though he does have them), but because Lambda literally doesn’t show up in pictures lol.
I do think that both Jin and Lambda would at the very least keep any pictures of each other to themselves. Neither of them seem to be the type to show them off to other people since they’re both very private about things like that. (Picture wise I mean.) Maybe a few times they’ve been sent to a wrong number? But it’s usually just an accident that rarely happens.
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adventuringalchemy · 1 year
How good would you guess Ivors diet to be?
Is he a picky eater? Doesn't he care at all? Would he do fine on cheap dried meat, boiled eggs and mediocre bread, or would he insist on crafting a lavish meal of his own each time?
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i think it would very heavily depend on the situation. someone like ivor who holds himself so highly with confidence in his craft, appearance, and style, would want nothing less than delicious food. i feel that he would go out of his way to have delicately prepared meals so he can feast himself away because he knows he deserves good food. however, only when he thinks about it. ivor is diligent in his work, almost to an unhealthy amount. you see the way he puts together his labs and secret hideouts; assembled swift and with nonstop dedication. when he sets his mind to something, he does it, and he doesn't let anyone stop him. especially when it comes to something he adores and wants to do, and there isn't anything that the alchemist loves more than brewing. unfortunately because of these obsessive behaviors, he can find himself losing hygiene and health. i headcanon ivor to be extremely skinny and skeletal because he puts so much of his time into his work that he forgets about himself. not to mention, he has been on perilous journeys where food is scarce. he of all people would know that when sustenance becomes dry, you need to make do. though he would prefer to eat lavishly and would go out of his way to make a beautiful meal when he thinks about it, he very seldom does. so he would eat potatoes, carrots, and even beet roots because he just wants to get back to what's important to him, which is knowledge.
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hyaciinthxs · 2 years
tag dump.
➴ ; ARLO.☼
➴ ; MICAH.☼
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arch-lightbaund · 2 years
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@nulltune asked:
random q! but reina do u have any flowers u associate with shoto? and why? ✨️✨️
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Thank you for the wonderful question, Lynn. This is a headcanon I’ve always wanted to write but never been forced to, and I’m truly grateful you asked ( and mostly, that you were interested to ask ).
I’ve been having this headcanon in mind since I first started to write Shoto, one that came naturally to me: he has a love for flowers. This attachment goes back to his childhood and is connected to his mother. The Todoroki house has a garden, and we have some little information that Rei likes flowers ( something revealed when the relationship between her and Enji is discussed ). Rei used to tend the garden of their house, something Shoto noticed and appreciated at an early age, when he’d help her and pick up flowers to gift her.
After the incident with the burn scar, and after Shoto’s separated from her, gardening becomes the child’s only comfort, believing it to be his responsibility to care for his mother’s beloved garden until she comes back ( even if he doesn’t believe she will, it’s a hope he has to force on himself ). Caring for the plants in their garden, and interior plants included ( to add a shade of color and vibrance to the minimalistic style of the Todoroki household ) becomes his only habit. Even when he moves to the U.A. dorms, Shoto has a few flowers to decorate his dorm room, and I believe him to visit his house when available, to make sure Fuyumi takes good care of them.
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Now, through time, writing, and research, I’ve come to associate a few flowers with him. These aren’t his favorite flowers. These are the flowers to match his character and the bonds he makes with some of the people he cares for. The research in flowers and bonds is completely accidental, and the blame is to some of my mains. If I happen to associate a certain flower with someone, I'll update this post.
— white rose
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White Rose is one of the flowers I associate with him. Roses are classic, same way he is. His taste, some of his beliefs, you can say are classic or more accurately, traditional. Also when you think of a beautiful flower everyone likes, it’d be a rose. Shoto's considered pretty, despite his burn scar, and has always been popular ( appearance and character ) even when there are characteristics of him that could make people dislike him ( having thorns, especially in the beginning with his unfriendly and often cocky attitude ).
But there are many other reasons I associate white roses with him, and I've looked through many articles to prove my point.
To start, CHANGE is the main theme in Shoto's growth — his efforts to no longer live haunted by the anguish of his past, and become who he wishes to be. To start anew, and lead a life he's proud of, so his trauma will no longer control him.
White roses are seen as a way to restore balance in one's life, and they symbolize new beginnings, and the hope of leading a pure and honorable life when starting over.
According to this article:
‘ The spiritual meaning of a white rose represents change, transformation, spiritual growth, and evolution. (...) This rose most likely represents that you are going through a deep transformation that will slowly start to shift your reality. It is a change for the betterment of your spiritual and soul growth. However, it means that you will have to make difficult decisions. (...) White roses represent the limitless potential that exists between each moment that we are changing, and the law of nature is that we are constantly changing. ’
‘ You are in a season where you are ready to step into a new chapter, and many doors are unlocked waiting for you to walk through. It is a highly spiritual symbol, full of power. It is a sign that you have a strong intuitive sense, and are being guided by your intuition to make the next decisions in your life. ’
White roses represent purity, grace, honor, perfection, balance, and harmony. The words ‘ balance ’ and ‘ harmony ’ come up in many articles ( ‘ unbalanced energy into harmony ’ ), words that describe him perfectly.
Once again, according to this article, there's this:
‘ It represents the great dualities that exist in life. (...) It represents the feminine energy in our feminine/masculine dualistically charged world. (...) In alchemy, the white rose represented the dualistic nature of our reality. It appears often in conjunction with a red rose, representing the masculine and feminine energies that are necessary to create our world. White roses represented lunar, feminine, intuitive energy, and was often associated with the metal silver. (...) It represents the dichotomy of our reality which exists in solid physical form, yet is always in flux, making its constantly changing nature not really here at all. ’
Duality. Dualistic nature. Feminine/Masculine energy. Red and White. Shoto's whole existence is based on his duality. His chimerism, his appearance, his character, affected by the two polars, his mother and his father. His struggle when younger in understanding if he's one person or two, who his parents want him to be, only to finally accept his duality, and embrace it. His feminine/masculine energy: This is a characteristic I believe we can see in him, especially when he was a child. Shoto would struggle with wishing to be more like his mother, what he would think to be his feminine side. With her absence and his heart being dominated by hatred, his father's side ( his masculine side ) took control. When he began to heal, he'd balance between the two. I don't like giving characteristics to genders, but I hope my point comes through, my explanation comes from his perspective.
White roses can also represent unconditional love, another main point in my portrayal: Shoto's admiration for Midoriya. Not necessarily a romantic interest, but his yearning to be seen, to be someone Midoriya will rely on. A friend to his hero, the one to have saved him and changed his course of life. The word ‘ unconditional ’ comes when thinking, Izuku is the most important person in Shoto's life, but Shoto will never be as important to him. He's his friend, but his bond will never be the same as the bond Midoriya shares with Bakugo, or Uraraka and Iida. Again, this comes from Shoto's perspective ( bonds can't be compared with one another ).
And a small detail I like: Rose is the flower of Aphrodite aka Venus. You know Venus, the planet? Its ancient name was Phosphorus. Want me to remind you what's Shoto's connection to phosphorus? His latest move that was named phosphorus? How phosphorus comes in red and white? Or how phosphorus is connected to light, its literal meaning in Greek being: ‘ light-bearer ’ ( and my URL not-accidentally being lightbaund? ).
Paulo Coelho: “The rose is a rose from the time it is a seed to the time it dies. Within it, at all times, it contains its whole potential. It seems to be constantly in the process of change: Yet at each state, at each moment, it is perfectly all right as it is.”
Oof. Now to the rest of flowers. Mains will be tagged for these.
— hydrangea
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Hydrangea came up in my research for a flower Shoto could give to Momo ( @ofsavior ) on White Day and his accidental ‘ rejection ’ on Valentine's Day. I searched for a flower associated with apology, and the confession of romantic feelings.
This quote is one I found on tumblr for some dabihawks art:
‘ Hydrangea: thank you for understanding me, for not caring about my coldness. For always loving and caring. ’
According to this article:
‘ According to a Japanese legend, the hydrangea became associated with heartfelt emotion, gratitude for understanding, and apology after a Japanese emperor gave them to the family of the girl he loved to make up for neglecting her in favor of business and show how much he cared about her. ’
It's a flower I think fits how Shoto loves in general. How he may be cold or distant, and get lost in his personal struggles at times.
Shoto appears to be fond of tradition, and the Japanese way of living ( judging by his dorm room ), and hydrangea is a flower strongly associated with Japan. White hydrangeas may also symbolize arrogance ( a characteristic seen in Shoto, especially at first ) while purple, pride, royalty, and gratefulness. I also believe hydrangeas to be his favorite flower, and that's why they have a place in his promo.
— yellow tulip
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Yellow Tulips came up in my research for a flower to gift Midoriya ( @withsorrowandregret ) on his birthday. A flower to represent unrequited / hopeless love but also match Midoriya's character.
Midoriya's not perfect or remarkable at first sight ( he's characterized as ‘ simple ’ a few times in BNHA ) and so are tulips ( ’ they are not too elegant, too romantic, too big, too small, or too bright; the tulip is always just right. ’ ). Tulips generally symbolize deep and perfect love, and devotion, while yellow tulips often are associated with happiness, cheerfulness, and friendship. Yellow tulips say, “ there’s sunshine in your eyes ” but are also meant to give to someone you know they won't return your love.
I also like the coincidence that the song I associate with Mona's Midoriya, is Yellow by Coldplay.
— pink daisy
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Special mention to pink daisies for Uraraka ( @ofgravitation ). It's a recent addition to the flowers to convey some message for Shoto. Daisies symbolize warmth, innocence, purity, new beginnings, hope, and feminine energy. It's a flower I feel matches Uraraka's character and her bond with Shoto, but I need to research some more.
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This got super long, sorry for how long it is, but since flowers are a main point in my portrayal, I had no choice. Lynn, if you got this far, I can't thank you enough for sending this. I wanted to sit down and write this for years.
Sources: White Roses (01), White Roses (02), White Roses (03), Phosporus, Hydrangeas (01), Hydrangeas (02), Yellow Tylips, and more I forgot to mention.
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soiasan · 1 year
blog mostly set up, now time for tag spam !
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emptypassicn-moved · 9 months
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@nebula-drcams        sent ;;
        “  💡 LIGHTBULB - is your oc a planner? do they write down every small detail or just wing it? { @ ur oc Luther } ”
From ;; 𝐎𝐂 𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐉𝐈 𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐒! // Currently Accepting
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Luther will plan some things if he finds it needed. Basic, overall important, things are what are taken note of. The times something is happening, the date, the address, things like that. Other than that he prefers to wing it. He has no real drive to make plans and write details aside from that. He's lived long enough to the point where he doesn't care to plan things out in such a detailed manner when that one day will will be long among the centuries he's already been alive and may continue to live through. It's unnecessarily stressful in his opinion and overall better and far more memorable to only stick to planning the basics and then winging it from there.
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naitfall · 10 months
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@devoteyrheart asked:
random ask time! bc phew i haven't sent some of these to my mutuals in wayyy too long. if levi had a phone, what are 5 images we'd find in his camera roll? 👀
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This is a lovely question and I really appreciate sending it!
Levi's the type to use his phone only because it's useful. Even if he can use it very well ( the asshole can simply do anything with ease ), he doesn't like technology. His phone will mostly have pictures of stuff he wants to remember or send to other people. Random images of documents, of stuff he wants to buy for himself or others (and wants to ask them their opinion), places he may want to comment on like: ' look at this shitty decoration ' . He's lame.
But, among these there will be some pics of him and people close to him, taken from others. He's not the type to take selfies or photographs of people ( ' you're not dead, so why take a photo when i see you all the time ' ) or events ( ' I prefer to actually experience the moment than be occupied with taking photos and videos ' ) but (!) those who understand him, know well with only a pitiful excuse like: ' your phone has the best camera, let us take a photo/video with yours ' they'll have him hand over his phone. Why would the people close to him do that? To take pictures of them all he can have saved on his phone, knowing well, despite what he claims, when he scrolls in his camera roll he'll be a nostalgic smiling idiot.
Let's say, there will be an image of a document, another of a store's shopfront, the tea catalog he wants to study and buy from, and maybe two more photos, one with him, Isabel and Farlan, and maybe another one where the kids took a selfie on their own ( to get on his nerves ).
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disturbnot · 10 months
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you can prise the trekkie ash headcanon from my cold dead hands
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voidcallrs · 11 months
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healbellls · 1 year
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@catadioptrics has sent: Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) for Brendan
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Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
// It fluctuates, it is inconsistent. He can go weeks without thinking of it, while other times he is actively seeking it out. With that said, it shouldn't take much to convince him, or get him in the right mood.
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adventuringalchemy · 1 year
Ivors inventory confirms, his coat/jacket/robe thing is armour! How many armour points would you gibe that? Equal to leather?
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i think it "acts" like it's armor, but i don't necessarily think it's armor. i think that that's just how they put on clothes over their base bodies so that they can actually be clothed and not walking around buck ass naked. not to mention, he has his own armor that he wore probably when the order were off going to fight something massive or dangerous. i don't really think he enjoys wearing armor that much though, otherwise he would have probably wore some of it on their quest to defeat the witherstorm. he also knew how to make armor, so as well as being an enchanter / brewer, he was a pretty good blacksmith as well. he made plenty of armor in his time so he knows how it would work / how you would put it on / what uses it has. if i had to give it armor points, it's probably less than leather. i always imagined it made with wool. again, all it took was him getting knocked back and smashed by an ax in gladiator junction to kill him. if he was wearing armor, he would have lasted a lot longer than just a fall and a nice hit. especially since ivor is a master at enchanting/understands the language of the ancient texts, he would know exactly what to use and at what time to use it.
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smiling-circus-au · 7 months
Come, come! To the greatest circus to exist! You’ll be left speechless by the end of a function! Come, come!
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Come, come! We will be waiting for you in
mod's first language is spanish, not english. excuse the grammar errors </3
mod speaking will 『be seen like this.』 don't want to see them? block both #.mod speaks. and #.mod answers. so you don't see me yap!
✹ keep asks SFW. even if in this au they're adults, it makes me uncomfortable. insisting in this behavior will get you blocked. ✹ be patient. i am one person with a life outside of the internet, and a busy one at that. ✹ DO NOT SPAM MY INBOX. do not send the same ask multiple times. doing this will get you blocked. ✹ DO NOT DEMAND ART ANSWERS. i will draw whenever i want. insisting on this behavior will get you blocked.
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