#—signed; shxnosuke
aimixx · 3 years
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Don’t you think kazuha looks so fine here
Can you imagine his warm red eyes looking into yours with so much love
the pic isnt loading bae 😧
ok so like sara tho
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sohyuki · 3 years
hello I have been summoned!!! Pray tell me about your day and how you have been?
HELLO SHERRY MY DARLING!! my day has been okay!! i'm currently working on my granddad's powerpoint for his 90th bday and i just had a hershey's sundae pie (that is the method of payment for the powerpoint) i think the only eventful thing about my day was, as much as i hate to admit it, the childe dream i had. there, i said it :gags: don't perceive me i'll cry /lh
how has your day been!! i hope you're doing well!! <33 ilu please take care
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ohmykazuha · 3 years
studying with you
surprise! hope you all like this! ~~ let's try to get this past 100! and hehe. this is fluff. very much fluff. XD
char.: xiao x gn!reader, xingqiu x gn!reader, scaramouche x gn!reader [modern uni. au]
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xiao ⋆ ࣪. ᓚᘏᗢ
- coffee. there's always coffee involved
- soft jazz in the background? sign me the heck up. xiao can't stand any music with lyrics when he's studying, so jazz or classical is the way to go. he enjoys the occasional OSTs, though.
- xiao + handwritten notes. guys gals and non binary pals, please brainrot with me HJGKFDSHGKJFDSKJDF
- he picks you up after school to go to a cafe and work ahahhahfjdsk!!!!
- his laptop is decorated with all the cute lil stickers you gave him! gonna leech off gen's hc about xiao liking frogs and say that the stickers are frog stickers
- COSY STUDY NIGHTS!!! nights with rain and warm blankets and candles and tea/coffee as the two of you study together!
- and of course... breaks! netflix study breaks <3
- hehe it's really very cosy with xiao. little hugs and kisses on the forehead are a go!
- you snuck in a cuddle session with him right after XD
- xiao actually tutors you really well. he explains things patiently, and will repeat if he needs to :D
- cuddles cuddles cuddles cuddles cuddles cuddles
- overall: 10/10. best study-buddy award goes to him. am i being bias? absolutely not
xingqiu ⋆ ࣪. ᓚᘏᗢ
- ahhh best boy!!!
- he's the one tutoring you XDD
- i think xingqiu would be really good in literature! he enjoys tutoring you about literary devices and essays and stuff!
- he's pretty disciplined as well, so you're always super motivated when you study with him
- unfortunately... neat notes aren't for xingqiu. especially with his barely legible handwriting...
- xingqiu doesn't like having snacks or drinks next to him when he studies, so frequent breaks are in tow! hydration matters!
- and of course.... cuddles
- yeah. xingqiu likes studying with you because
a) you're not that noisy
b) you're his lover XD
- he doesn't really invite anyone else to study with the two of you. you're special :D
- 10/10 study buddy. very patient, very kind, very entertaining. will make jokes about the subject to make you feel better XD
scaramouche ⋆ ࣪. ᓚᘏᗢ
- help
- just. help
- this guy is so aggressive when he teaches you GHJFSGHJFDS
- like??? scaramouche scolds you a lot??? but it's not to the point where you start crying and bawling because he's mean??? it's a deliberate kind of scolding, if that makes sense. he cares about you a lot
- anyways, he's not bad as a study buddy
- scaramouche can be really caring! he cares about your grades and you as a being – why else would he tutor you? or study with you?
- sneaky kisses as he turns red in the face and admonishes you about not taking the study session seriously XD
- he can actually explain a lot of things really well. from pythagoras theorems to why words work a certain way, scaramouche is knowledgeable in these areas and would help you through it.
- he teases you lightly when you study as well
- "i didn't know you were that bad at this. if i knew, i would have helped you sooner."
- it's light-hearted, of course, but sometimes you can't help but feel that you're inadequate
- scaramouche notices it and apologises immediately..
- everything's alright. he just checks his tongue more often and he watches his words!
- overall: 9/10 good study buddy. -1 b/c teasing, but he's alright XD
hope you liked this!!! like/rb if you enjoyed ~~ i may have projected a little too much, once again XD
taglist: @bookuya, @mika-zuko, @dilucbar, @starglitterz, @cherubbic, @noirkkat, @the-gayest-sky-kid, @shxnosuke, @eternism, @icecappa
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alberivh · 3 years
i envied the beauty of memories.
as a painter, i’ve always pride myself at my memories. I’ve always love the memories that were written beneath the art i made by my own fingertips. The colouring of the art depends on the momentum i prescribe. And at some points of my life, i detailed the most beautiful person i’ve ever met, into the most detailed colouring of happy tears that i couldn’t describe by the brushstrokes.
I’ve colored them, i’ve paint them. I make them as the most beautiful pieces a god would ever had the chance to create. I make every each of them like a perfection, a tears without a sight of sadness…a lips without a chance of adoring it, lastly, an eyes who sparkle love out of thin lines. I love that, i idealized the fact they are the most loveliest out of all.
as we grew as a partner, as we bond to one another. That’s how i painted them, i promised them all; A long-lasting love. And As a wedding gift, i gave them a model of a beautiful city full of roses and it’s duplicates. As a honeymoon, i gave them a paint of the moon, signing it with a small title of confession….”the moon is beautiful isn’t it, dear?”
“It always has been, zhongli” — though i couldn’t see no longer, what’s the poin of not realizing the beauty that has been served? Your painting are beautiful, Zhongli. and i do admire the one who made it…because you sworn yourself as my husband and i can’t let this life slip out just like that. If i were to go this easy, i want you to color the canvas with the most vibrant color. As the same as you first paint me, as the same as the happy tears you describe.
A painter and it’s model, A nobody but a perfection. But whats a perfection without it’s loses? I lost them. I lost the person who loved me as much as i envied the memories. once i realized it was too late, It was too late to remember that i’ve lost them ever since they could no longer see. oh god, am i deaf? Why didn’t i hear the words they yell out when they were alive.
so i try to recall the memories of them. I try my best to recall every each part of them, so i lead my brushstrokes. The rising eyes that once told me how to love, the lips that lingers it’s emotion towards my cheeks, and lastly…the smile that kept me alive. I made the sketch, with a colorization of beautiful shades of oceans…sunflowers…clouds…and lastly, a sunset beyond the flows..and done…done..?
oh….but, what happened?
Why does their face…oh- fuck no no….No..no! This is not them…this is not them. Who are they? Who are they..? I-i never see someone like this. I never see a person who look like this…why are they not smiling? Where are those eyes..? W-why does it look lifeless? I’m making them! Always. I’ve always make them! So why did they look more like a corpse…never once in my life have i ever intended to make my spouse-corpse alive in my piece…
Do i still pride myself in my memories then?
or do i forget their face….?
nonetheless, never have i expected that i forgot them. The person who showed me the beauty…and kindness of the world. The person who was written and made in my piece, for the worth of 50 years. My memories was my pride…all of this art piece was my pride. So, do the world return it’s grief to me as soon as i let go of them?
Or is it simply because i was a selfish human being who wanted the enjoyment of love?
Zhongli…maybe it’s because you were in love with your imagination, not me. It’s because, your painting was your imagination and not me. It’s because you lost me…for 30 years now.
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TAGLIST : @mikachuchu , @zierx, @luvajax @urujiako , @chichikoi , @noirkkat , @aphrodicts-imagination , @icecappa , @abyssheart , @yeetmeoffjueyunkarst , @almondoufu @shxnosuke
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teyvatmail · 3 years
dear @shxnosuke,
sherryyyyy hi hi hi ur one of the kindest, sweetest, most caring ppl i know! ty always putting a smile on my face and being so genuinely nice, and keep being who u are <3
signed, anonymous.
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aimixx · 3 years
Hey Lumi! I’m not sure if you remember me (from celestial archives) but I started playing genshin impact are you open to being friends on genshin?
I play on the asia server too and I’m looking to make more friends on genshin
imma dm you my uid rn
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aimixx · 3 years
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sohyuki · 3 years
Also may I be added to your taglist?
HI SHERRY !!! yes, i listen to seventeen!! i used to be a huge carat but then i kinda lost touch with it (*cough* kpopblr being a huge cause *cough*) but now i’m slowly rediscovering kpop as a whole and it’s been so nice to just listen without being in the fandom yk?? like it’s so freeing. but yes! i do listen to seventeen!! what are your fav songs/albums :oo and which is your fav unit?? 
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sohyuki · 3 years
hI this is Sherry from ajaxeology and aaaaaaaaaaaaaa thank you for being mutuals with me
HI SHERRY!! omg thank YOU for being my mutual???!!? like i kept hearing everyone talk about a 'sherry' and there was always such excitement when you were on the dash so i knew you were like Big Deal but i didn't know that this was your main so when i checked i think i might have choked on water. probably wasn't the best moment to hydrate akjdhd your writing is :ooo i've only briefly scrolled since uni is whopping my ass but as soon as i have time, i'm gonna raid your masterlise so expect me in your notifs <3
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sohyuki · 2 years
Hi Mint!!! I hope you're doing okay lately!!
I rmb that u lived in M'sia and I wasn't sure if you knew but genshin is having a bbt collab rn and they're giving away free genshin cup sleeves along with every drink!! thought u might be interested bc you love ayato heheh
Also if it's okay with you, may I add you on discord?
HI SHERRY!! AAAA HELLO HELLOOO HOW HAVE YOU BEEN <333 i've been doing okay, thank you for asking!! i hope things are alright with you as well!!
yep yep, i do live in msia! and YES!! there is a collab!! unfortunately, i don't live in any of the states that are participating but my sister does!! so she's gonna get the cupsleeve for me >:) hopefully she doesn't forget because a picture of my husband is being given away, she better bring one home >:(
and yes! omg ofc you can add me on discord!! i'll dm you my user thingy in a bit!!
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sohyuki · 3 years
MINT I cracked up when I saw you talk about the characters flat asses (and that praise for thoma's thighs) HAHAH.
Also I strongly believe I am in the right mind but I do not like Zhongli's ass. So your claim of people being in the right mind liking Zhongli's ass is invalid so you may be a Zhongli kisser w/o realising *gasp*
sherry you're insane /j zhongli has the BEST ass in genshin. i'm sorry but childe has nothing on zhongli's. i don't know what you see in a man that literally has no tush.
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sohyuki · 3 years
Mint hI!!! I'm happy to know that you're free from the clutches of uni and I hope that you have a good break! Your desktop theme is lovely and super pleasing on the eyes aaaa (as usual!!)
For your ask game, freedom and delusion!
HI SHERRY MY DARLING!! yes, i finally free from uni!! it almost didn't hit me that my first semester was over but i already have a job lined up so i'll probably still be as busy as i am now D:
freedom: if you were blessed with a vision, which one would you want to have (and which one do you think you’d actually get)?
oh man, i mean the criteria for visions aren't always the happiest. but i think i would like a hydro vision!! i don't know how to explain why but i feel like i'd love to be a hydro vision user (also so me an ayato can match *cough*)
though i'd like a hydro vision, i think i'd receive either a geo or cryo.
delusion: what are your genshin unpopular opinions?
oh man, okay i actually don't have a lot of "unpopular" opinions considering that i agree with some of things the fanbase says like inazuma being rushed etc.
if there was one thing i'd consider an unpopular opinion, it would be that 160 resin a day is a good enough amount. i think there's really nothing wrong with the resin system.
genshin ask meme! 
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sohyuki · 3 years
I voted pls gimme platonic kith
I’m so excited for the series thejrbebedjjejrb
YES you can have a kith too /p 😙
thank you for voting sherry!!! iluuuuuu
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sohyuki · 3 years
ALSO noo ily don't be mad pls give him some space in your heart
SHERRY!!! merry christmas angel <33
>:((( fine. just for christmas i guess
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sohyuki · 3 years
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sohyuki · 3 years
Mint I'm sorry I actually thought the same thing as the rest /lh HAHAHA
When I came across that post I was like "oh when she wants to admit it!!!"
sherry, honey, not you too >:(
its just like sometimes i'm like aww he depressed, tragic background, even tragic future, i'll give you an inch childe, here you can take spot number 213627 on my list. AND YOU PEOPLE DECIDE TO CAPITALISE ON THIS
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