#genshin impact writing
onigirio · 8 months
lyney is your biggest fan
no, really. as one of the biggest idols in fontaine, the magician is in awe of your talent. you were both performers yet, you were both so different. lyney's performances relied on illusions, trickery, lies. however, you were born with it. a voice that easily made his card tricks look abysmal. no amount of rabbits pulled out of a hat would compare to your natural talent
"excuse me- monsieur lyney!"
the magician turned around at the sudden call of his name. him and lynette had just finished another show at the opera epiclese, which had a surprisingly large turnout. what he wasn't expecting, was to see fontaine's national treasure in the audience
his lavender eyes widened upon seeing you. no amount of magic (real or fake) could hide the sudden increase of his heart rate
"ohoho? the ever radiant rainbow rose of fontaine. to what do i owe the pleasure?" he said coolly, despite heat on his face. you were even more beautiful in person
you laughed softly, a sound that brought a flush to his cheeks, "i just wanted to say that your show was absolutely mesmerizing!" the way you said it, with a sparkle of joy in your eyes, surprised him. the performer he looked up to, loved his show? lyney couldn't fathom someone as talented as you even sparing his hat tricks a second glance
"th-thank you demoiselle" he said as a flush made his way to his cheeks, "a compliment from such a praised performer such as yourself means the world to me."
you waved him off, "please- today I'm not an idol. consider this a fan showing their appreciation for their favorite performer"
you were lyney's fan. you enjoyed his shows as much as he enjoyed yours. the blond found himself flushing at the prospect of you cheering him on
someone called your name, and the both of you turned to watch two men in black suits approaching
"ah, my security is here" you said with a small frown, "they're pretty good magicians too, they know how to make all the fun disappear"
lyney pursed his lips. he didn't like seeing you sad, so, in a flash, he took off his black magician's hat and pulled out a rainbow rose
"lucky for you, I'm an expert at making things reappear"
now it was your turn to blush. you could only stutter, struggling to find the right words as you took the delicate flower into your hands. when your body guards arrived, you thanked lyney with a shy smile and left
maybe he wasn't the greatest magician, because you had just pulled off the most incredible trick
you made his composure disappear
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flan-tasma · 1 month
Hello :3 can I request a Lyney x female reader who is a mechanic, and Lyney flirts with her while shes working in hopes to make her flustered, but she ends up flirting back and makes him flustered instead, which leads to Lyney finding out he likes being topped by a girl in bed so, a sub lyney x dom female reader :3 Thank you!
💖~ I had a lot of fun with this, I won't deny it. I have never felt like this in my life heeeelp
Warning: Smut, Fem!Reader | English is not my native language, so if I have made any mistakes in the translation, I am open to corrections | Content in spanish and english!
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Una sonrisa se dibujó en su rostro al escuchar el tintineo de la campana que dió el aviso de su llegada. El ruido del reloj constante entraba por uno de sus oídos y le salía por el otro mientras pasaba a través de los estantes de la tienda repleta de artefactos y cachivaches que, para el ojo de los desconocidos e incultos en tu tipo de arte, pensarían que era producto de un huracán que tiró todos los tubos y los engranajes alrededor de los estantes desorganizados.
Lyney había escuchado tu voz dándole la bienvenida a tu tienda, una frase que repetías casi de manera mecánica cuando la alerta en forma de campana sonaba. Tu entera concentración no estaba en el mago, cosa que lo molestó en algún lugar de su profundo corazón, sino que tu mirada estaba más interesada en el intercambio de los engranajes de lo que parecía un reloj en su más puro estado de metal y agujas desnudas sobre tu mesa empolvada, brochas, llaves y destornilladores te rodeaban como si solo hubieran sido tiradas sobre la mesa para esperar su turno de ser usadas por tus manos que jugaban con las partes del reloj, descubriendo poco a poco el rompecabezas que habías armado y cuyas piezas fallaban de alguna manera para caer en tus manos.
“Parece que ni siquiera tienes tiempo para saludarme correctamente, cher.” El mago, tan dramático como solía ser, se puso una mano en su corazón dolido por tu frialdad. Tus dedos se detuvieron al escuchar su voz, la sombra de una sonrisa en tus labios se formó mientras te quitabas los anteojos y los dejabas sobre la mesa.
La parte de atrás de la tienda es donde solías trabajar, era tu taller, no sé suponía que alguien entrara a tu rincón privado, pero Lyney siempre tuvo este pase de entrada, incluso si nunca se lo dijiste, él sabía que podía pasearse por dónde le diera la gana en tu tienda y tu taller. Ese era su privilegio. Solo suyo.
“Pensé que tenías una práctica para tu show de mañana.” Lyney no soportó un minuto más para tomar tu mano y quitarte tus guantes grasientos antes de entrelazar sus dedos con los tuyos y levantarte para fundirse a sí mismo en tu abrazo. Un sonido de satisfacción, como dejar salir sus preocupaciones desde sus pulmones, te calentó el pecho junto a su otra mano sobre tu cintura.
“Tengo un problema muy urgente y solo tú puedes ayudarme.” El mago sonrió, la misma sonrisa de un zorro astuto a punto de robar algo, la sonrisa que te hizo imitarlo con diversión. “Siento mis extremidades entumecidas cuando trató de subir al escenario, cher. Necesito que engrases mis articulaciones para que pueda volver a mi puesto como el gran mago que Fontaine conoce.”
El chico parecía obsesionado con soltar las peores frases para ligar referente a la mecánica, te habías enterado por Freminet que incluso llegó a pedirle explicaciones a él para planear sus avances al inicio de su cortejo, y parecía que no tenía planes de terminar con sus movimientos. Te sorprendió que no se le cruzara por la cabeza la idea de usar alambres y tuercas como serpentina un día de estos. Aunque no niegas que tal vez sí lo hizo y lo descartó para no hacerte daño.
La sonrisa victoriosa y orgullosa del mago te calentó el corazón, no importaba si querías meterle un trapo en la boca para que se calle mientras seguía soltando una gran cantidad de basura romántica mientras te hacía bailar con él en el pequeño taller. Su corazón bombeaba como el fuego de una maquinaria a vapor, estaba seguro de que necesitaría que le ayudes a transformar ese anticuado mecanismo en uno totalmente nuevo y moderno, así podría amarte mejor también. Tal vez podrías hacer algo como una fuente y jugar con la energía hidráulica para que sus circuitos te den pequeñas descargas eléctricas a distancia cuando pensara en ti.
Sus intentos de ponerte ese precioso color colorado en tus mejillas fue humilde, podrías clasificarlo en uno de los mejores solo porque su voz es preciosa mientras cerca de tus labios y acariciaba tu mejilla con la esperanza de que su magia haga aparecer tu sonrojo. Lyney era un buen hombre y merecía que lo reconocieran.
“Si es así, creo que debo abrirte y revisar qué está mal contigo.” Tu juego pudo haberse quedado en eso solamente, pero no te echarías para atrás, mucho menos cuando el propio Lyney casi se atraganta cuando le quitaste su capa y lo tomaste por los hombros para besarlo. Dio un grito interno junto a un reseteo de su propio cerebro mientras te sujetaba por la cadera y trataba de seguir tu ritmo, pero ya lo habías sentado en tu mesa de trabajo y los botones de su camisa se estaban desabotonando. Su sombrero y su camisa blanca quedaron en tu mesa, el lugar más limpio del taller en el que trabajaban normalmente arreglando guardias robots, ahora estabas aplastando el miembro de Lyney en tu mano mientras lo obligabas a no apartar la mirada.
Sus ojos casi se nublaron cuando tu mano lo agarró por el mentón y le abriste la boca con tus dedos, provocando que un nuevo jadeo se escuche dentro del pequeño taller.
“Tu caja de voz parece que funciona bien, por desgracia. Pero esperemos que una sobrecarga te arregle lo que tienes en la cabeza, amor.” Tu dedo pulgar acarició la punta del falo de Lyney, tus demás dedos parecían recordar las diferentes venas que eran parte de su carne, tu mano empezó a moverse más rápido gracias al líquido preseminal que brotaba desde la punta. “Parece que está parte de ti funciona excelentemente. Felicidades, parece que no estás lo suficientemente dañado como para tener que hacerte un análisis completo.”
Las manos de Lyney se aferraron a la mesa, tratando de arañar la madera debajo de sus dedos mientras sus piernas simplemente caían frente a él, sentía que su cuerpo caliente era arrasado por el espacio pequeño en el que estaba siendo jodido, pero poco le pudo haber importado en dónde iba a soltar su semen para cuando tus labios ya estaban dejando marcas en su cuello expuesto. Sus pezones eran muy sensibles, tanto que solo bastó que los lamiera para que manchara patéticamente tu ropa con su eyaculación.
“Ahí debería estar mejor.” Tu tono lo martirizó cuando tu mano no se detuvo, lo llevaste a través de su orgasmo hasta que prácticamente jadeó como una pasiva contra tu aliento. “Parece que aún no estás totalmente bien. Creo que necesitaré ser un poco más paciente contigo, ¿verdad?”
No pudo evitar gemir un patético “sí” contra tus labios, aceptando cualquier cosa que planearas hacerle en ese momento.
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A smile appeared on his face as he heard the tinkling of the bell that announced his arrival. The constant noise of the clock entered one of his ears and left the other as he passed through the shelves of the store full of artifacts and bric-a-brac that, to the eye of the unknown and uneducated in your type of art, would think that It was the product of a hurricane that knocked all the tubes and gears around on the shelves in disarray.
Lyney had heard your voice welcoming him to your store, a phrase you repeated almost mechanically when the bell-shaped alert rang. Your entire concentration was not on the magician, which bothered him somewhere deep in his heart, but your gaze was more interested in the exchange of the gears of what looked like a clock in its purest state of metal and bare hands. On your dusty table, brushes, keys and screwdrivers surrounded you as if they had only been thrown on the table to wait their turn to be used by your hands that played with the parts of the clock, discovering little by little the puzzle that you had put together and whose pieces failed somehow to fall into your hands.
“Looks like you don't even have time to greet me properly, cher.” The magician, as dramatic as he usually was, placed a hand on his heart, hurt by your coldness. Your fingers stopped when you heard his voice, the shadow of a smile forming on your lips as you took off your glasses and left them on the table.
The back of the store is where you used to work, it was your workshop, I don't know that someone was supposed to come into your private corner, but Lyney always had this entrance pass, even if you never told him, he knew he could wander around where would like in your store and your workshop. That was his privilege. Only his.
“I thought you had practice for your show tomorrow.” Lyney couldn't stand another minute to take your hand and remove your greasy gloves before intertwining his fingers with yours and lifting you up to melt himself into your embrace. A sound of satisfaction, like letting his worries out of his lungs, warmed your chest along with his other hand on your waist.
“I have a very urgent problem and only you can help me.” The wizard smiled, the same smile of a cunning fox about to steal something, the smile that made you imitate him with amusement. “My limbs feel numb when he tried to go on stage, cher. I need you to grease my joints so he can return to my position as the great magician Fontaine knows.”
The man seemed obsessed with saying the worst pickup lines regarding mechanics, you had found out from Freminet that he even asked him for explanations to plan his advances at the beginning of their courtship, and it seemed that he had no plans to end his movements. He surprised you that the idea of using wires and nuts as a streamer didn't cross his mind one of these days. Although you don't deny that maybe he did do it and he ruled it out so as not to hurt you.
The magician's victorious and proud smile warmed your heart, it didn't matter if you wanted to shove a rag in his mouth to shut him up as he continued spouting a lot of romantic garbage while making you dance with him in the small workshop. His heart was pumping like the fire of a steam engine, he was sure that he would need you to help him transform that antiquated mechanism into a totally new and modern one, so he could love you better too. Maybe you could make something like a fountain and play with water power so that his circuits would give you little electric shocks from a distance when he thought of you.
His attempts to put that beautiful blush on your cheeks was humbling, you could classify him as one of the best just because his voice is beautiful as he nears your lips and caresses your cheek in the hope that his magic will bring out your blush. Lyney was a good man, and he deserved to be recognized.
“If so, I think I should open you up and check what's wrong with you.” Your game could have stopped at just that, but you wouldn't back down, much less when Lyney himself almost choked when you took his cloak off of him and took him by the shoulders to kiss him. He gave an internal scream along with a reset of his own brain as he held you by the hip and tried to keep up with your pace, but you had already sat him down at your work table and the buttons on his shirt were unbuttoning. His hat and his white shirt were left on your table, the cleanest place in the workshop where they normally worked fixing robot guards, now you were crushing Lyney's cock in your hand while forcing him not to look away.
His eyes almost blurred when your hand grabbed him by the chin and you opened his mouth with your fingers, causing a new gasp to be heard inside the small workshop.
“Your voice box seems to be working fine, unfortunately. But let's hope an overload fixes what's in your head, love.” Your thumb caressed the tip of Lyney's cock, your other fingers seemed to remember the different veins that were part of his flesh, your hand began to move faster thanks to the precum oozing from the tip. “It seems like this part of you is working excellently. Congratulations, it looks like you are not damaged enough to need a full analysis.”
Lyney's hands gripped the table, trying to claw at the wood beneath his fingers as his legs simply fell in front of him, he felt his hot body being ravaged by the small space he was being fucked up, but little could he do having cared where he was going to release his cum by the time your lips were already leaving marks on his exposed neck. His nipples were very sensitive, so much so that it was enough for him to lick them for him to pathetically stain your clothes with his ejaculate.
“It should be better there.” Your tone tormented him when your hand didn't stop, you carried him through his orgasm until he was practically panting passively against your breath. “It seems like you're not totally fine yet. I think I’ll need to be a little more patient with you, right?”
He couldn’t help but moan a pathetic “yes” against your lips, accepting whatever you planned to do to him at that moment.
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lixern · 6 months
; xx. wriothesley x gn!reader , modern au
imagine being in a mall youve never gone to before with your friends, so they know the place and you dont. they give you locations but you just cant memorize them all! you tell your friends youre going to the restroom, and they tell you directions to the restaurant theyre going to so you agree to meet up with them there. well.. when you step out- wait, what was the restaurant's name again?
you ponder for awhile, what is it? but then suddenly forget the directions they gave you. god, you just have to wing it.
well, wing it you didnt! you got lost, and didnt see any of your friends in the restaurants you walked pass. you look around for reliable looking people to ask, and there you see a man with black hair with a few gray streaks, with supeeeeerrrr light blue cute eyes! a few piercings and a wolfish appearance to him. you walk up to him and..
tap tap "hey.. uhm- do you know how to get to.." you say, embarassed. you literally just forgot the name!
aha! nevermind that, you just remembered!
"*******. ya, the restaurant? thats the one i think!"
you look like a lost dog!! infront of the most sculpted man youve ever seen aswell... hes so cute, you shouldve asked someone else for directions or your nose probably wouldve bled infront of him if you didnt keep your composture. especially infront of his friends! they looked so attractive too. long, white hair with blue streaks and a dark purplish blue type of hair color? god, youre surprised how such good looking people exist.
he turns to look at you the second you tap him, and now you realize just how tall he is the way he stares down at you!
"Well sure, but the buildings preeeettty big so you want me to escort you?"
wow.. his voice was super hot too. well- wait! nows not the time to dream!!!
you look at him and nod, too stunned at his appearance to speak. you watch him talk to his friends, hearing them but not listening. he then pats your shoulder, signalling your leave. huh.. maybe youll ask his number later.
you walk with him, a bit flustered at how tall he towers over you. should you engage in conversation, should you stay quiet? how do you avoid embarassing yourself infront of a gods creation?!?!
"so, whats your name?"
the man asks in the middle of your pondering, well atleast you dont have to think about that anymore. so.. you give him your name and ask his!
"well, it's [name]. how bout you?"
you sound pretty cool, but inside you arent!! he sounds so pretty, hes indeed a pretty boy..
"wriothesley." he says with a gentle smile, looking down at you with bright eyes. he seems fond of you, but you dont know that!
"rio- rizzley? wosley??" you try to pronounce the name, failing ultimately.
"wrio, for short." he chuckles, patting you on the back. whats up with all the physical affection its driving you mad!!!!!
you laugh slightly, smiling a bit too sweetly for your first interaction and, he notices. but he doesnt wanna scare you away.. youre just so cute!
you talk and talk with him, and hes the same level of talkative as you are! finally, someone who actually responds to your yapping! you just wish he could be your boyfriend right now.. waitwait. you guys just met no way!
its been about 5 or more minutes you guess, then you see him pull out a white card on his bag and write something on it with a pen. he puts the pen back and shoves the card into his pocket. you then speak up, pointing at a restaurant and asking him if its that one. he says yes, nodding as he does so.
"i can go there by myself now, thanks for the help wrio!"
but no, he disagrees.
"nah, i think ill just bring you there. you might get lost even if its just right there."
he smirks, mischievously at that. but.. its kinda cute not gonna lie. so you just nod and walk with him. his hand slides across your side, your hand then the bag you carry, it drives you insane how close you are!
you finally get there, smiling up at him. admiring his pretty face one more time before having to let the sight go.
"thank you really, for the help- I hope it wasnt a distraction to you and your friends hangout or something..."
a light red tint dusts over his cheeks, as he says a polite "your welcome" before walking away. you first fix your composture before entering, but then suddenly.. wait! you forgot to grab his number!!!
"wrio!" you scream, but hes too far to hear you so you just weep internally in vain, before entering the restaurant.
your friends scold you, its been like 20 minutes since they were there! little do they know you got a bit lost.. you sit down beside them, before noticing the pocket in the bag you carried had a little white card peeking out of it...
on the back of the card in the clearest space there is, you read..
i know its just a business card im sorry aha, pretty shit way to tell you my number yeah? but its all i have right now.
maybe you dont have to say goodbye to his pretty face after all.
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silkjade · 2 years
genshin men as wedding dates (2)
It’s wedding season and you’ve got a large one coming up. But it’s not just any wedding, it’s a family wedding meaning…extended relatives. Are you going to brave the night out on your own or are you rsvping with a plus one?
Featuring— Albedo, Kazuha, Itto, Ayato, Heizou, Scaramouche
gn!reader, modern au, mentions of alcohol, mostly platonic but implied romantic feelings
Part 1 - Part 2 (here) - Part 3
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so the bad news is that you find out he’s the hired live wedding painter. turns out all the times you shared his art posts on your instagram story were not for naught
the good news is that all he has to paint is the first kiss!
tbh he accepted your relative’s commission as an excuse to ‘coincidentally’ run into you, he just didn’t think you’d ask him to be your date
overhears a lot of gossip while he’s painting and tells you everything when you come over to hang out and watch
you bring him cake since he’s busy and he asks you, super nonchalantly, to feed him
“as you can see, my hands are a bit full at the moment” you’re too flustered to notice the slight twitch of his lips, a subtle smirk
not too keen on dancing so he just sits around and sketches. you manage to drag him away for at least one dance. he’s forced to leave his sketchbook and returns to find that it’s gone
someone ends up returning it to you? since it’s filled with sketches of you, you must know who it belongs to. you’re in disbelief but lo and behold, you open it to find various sketches of you throughout the night; dancing, laughing, even just standing around
you look up to see albedo himself standing in front of you, frozen in shock... wait he can explain-
love in the air, romance in the wind…he is in his element. even more so if it’s an outdoor wedding
you tell him he doesn’t have to bring his own gift, but he insists and brings a little bonsai plant for a harmonious marriage
A HIT with your family because he’s just so well mannered and polite (his flowery words also make him especially charming to the older ladies)
truly a double edged sword though because he gets stuck in an essential oil mlm pitch
it’s sunset after the ceremony so you two take a walk through the rose garden to kill time before the reception. you comment the roses smell nice so he picks one out (he’s so bold, the sign literally says ‘do not pick the roses’)
mans is out here quoting shakespeare “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” and then he puts it in your hair
your other single relatives are seething with jealousy
he keeps talking about what he would do differently for his wedding but he sometimes slips in ‘we’ and ‘our’
“perhaps for our cake we could do a different flavor for each layer.” is he insinuating something or just referencing his future spouse?
takes so. many. photos. of you, of him, the decor, the scenery, everything. he’s sending them all in real time to his arataki gang gc and you know his boys are hyping him up the way he’s smiling at his phone
the ceremony is outdoors so unfortunately there are bugs. even more unfortunate is that a mosquito is flying around itto and he raises his arm to swat it away right…when…the officiant asks if there are any objections
other than that, he’s not a bad date. he’s funny, he dances, he’ll bring you a plate everytime he makes another round to the buffet table
the kids love him. he’s fun but also takes them seriously so that dance battle with the 8 year old? yeah he wasn’t holding back. keeps them out of trouble as well e.g. he stopped your bratty little nephew from running straight into the first dance
they’re following him around like a mini arataki gang, you just want your date back please
signs his name obnoxiously large in the guest book
at the end of the night he is still just a big sweetheart. if your feet hurt from your shoes or dancing or even if you’re just too tired to walk, he will offer you a piggy back ride
surprisingly eager to agree. he’s excited for his first real wedding since all the ones he has previously attended were glorified networking events
no one outside the business sphere really has a face to the name so you don’t have to worry about attracting too much attention
he talks about his job (financially stable ✓) and his relationship with his younger sister (family oriented ✓); multiple aunts are asking why you aren’t dating this nice young man? your face heats up in embarrassment and he’s enjoying every second of it! fans the flames like
“yes, why aren’t we dating?”
the reception has a diy drink mixing station so obviously you guys have to make each other’s drinks. at least you tried to make him something decent; he has the audacity to smile while handing you peppermint schnapps and fruit punch honestly wtf
slips the photographer a crisp $100 to take some extra candids of you and him and gives them a burner email to send the photos to
kind of just sways on the dance floor at first but it’s nothing your encouragement (and some alcohol) can’t fix! unlocking fun ayato is always nice
the newly weds wanted a private last dance so everyone is ushered outside to prep for the send-off. you guys go off to the side where he asks you for your own private last dance
doesn’t want the night to end but he won’t say it outright, just keeps hinting at it. you take him out for late night skewers and boba
the sunglasses are a part of his outfit
scavenger hunt champion; he figures out the clues so fast people just start lingering around, trying to overhear his thoughts. purposely says the wrong answer out loud and sends a crowd running the opposite direction
a very fun and solid date. he’s ready to party and you’re not surprised to see he’s such a smooth dancer. honestly it’s kind of sexy? shikanoin slayzou
at some point during the night, he is at the front of the conga line
people watching! he makes some offhand comments about some guests and before you know it, you’re creating random backstories for them
you get a little bit of cake at the corner of your mouth so he wipes it off for you with his thumb
“oh! you got a little something right— here, let me get it for you”
he doesn’t think much of it and goes right back to eating and socializing. for someone normally so sharp, he sure doesn’t notice the way he’s making your heart do backflips in your chest
tells you exactly where to stand to catch the bouquet; let’s out a big whoop when you catch it because it was all based on vibes and intuition. go figure
straight up says no but you keep going on and on and on that he finally agrees just so you’d stop. says he’s going for the drama, which isn’t a lie
if he hears just a whisper of pregnancy news…he is going to congratulate them out loud, fake smile and all. also brings up controversial topics at your table for some good old fashioned family entertainment
when he sees your cousin being mean to you he claps back by asking why their plus one has been drooling after that pretty bridesmaid like a dog. Your cousin throws their drink on him and storms off and you’re ready for him to throw a fit but he just bursts out laughing because it was so worth it
doesn’t smile in any group photos, and the more the photographer takes, the more visibly annoyed he looks
told you way before the wedding that he does not dance, but he feels a little bad seeing you just sitting at your table so he flicks your forehead and you look up to him offering his hand
“come on. what kind of date what I be if we don’t even dance” he says begrudgingly. he doesn’t meet your eyes but you swear you see a light dusting of pink across his face when you take his hand
it was the most awkward dance ever but it’s the thought that counts and you’re touched
someone accidentally sets his jacket on fire during the sparkler send-off
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© silkjade — do not steal, plagiarize, translate or repost any content onto any other platform
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dilucsrevenge · 1 year
submissive kaveh looking up at you from the bed with his doe eyes, barely a thought running through his fucked-out mind. his chest and torso painted with his own cum that you’ve practically forced him to not clean up between the rounds of you pounding into him and jerking him off. various toys litter the bed next to bjs exhausted body, each one used on him in every way you could think of.
the vibrator that he loves the most had previously been pressed against the head of his flushed and leaking cock, images of him with his back arched off the bed while he whimpered your name engraved in your mind for an eternity. the burnt out candle was messily thrown onto the nightstand next to the bed, wax dried on the surface that mimicked the dried wax that had been dripped onto his thighs.
kaveh loves the praise from you, every time he held off his own orgasm like he had been told to you cooed at him, whispers of ‘good boy’ and ‘good little pet’ were pressed upon his skin with the hickeys you left in their wake. truth be told, you’d praise him any time you could just to see his already throbbing cock twitch from the smooth tone of your voice lingering in your ears.
another touch to his cock has him whining and whimpering, words you can’t even understand mumbled under his uneven breathing. lithe fingers wrapped around his length despite his begging for a break. his words fall on deaf ears, of course. until your agreed upon safeword is used, he could beg for archons to save him and not a single soul would hear him.
humbling kaveh and his atrocious attitude was always a project, but the end result never disappointed. especially while you’re stroking his cock ever so slowly, and he’s squirming like you’re fucking him into the mattress. through all the torture you put onto him, there’s always redemption which comes in the form of nodding at him to signal that he’s allowed to cum for the final time. tears fall from the corners of his eyes as his orgasm fills every inch of his body, a smile curving up the corners of his lips to match.
you’ve never seen anything prettier than the blond worn out like this, a treat even the archons couldn’t replicate.
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jade-parcels · 1 year
I like to imagine Haitham as the kind of guy who would help out his cute neighbor… sfw (f!reader) 🌱
When he sees you carrying a ton of bags from the market, he’ll turn around to aid you, even if this trip will take him out of his way. Even when you assure him that you’ve got it, your strained expression tells him all he needs to know. He swiftly transfers the bags into his own arms, unfazed by the weight he’s carrying uphill and up the front steps of your home. He doesn’t get why you thank him so profusely, as if he’d saved your house from a fire or something. If he didn’t see this task as something worthwhile, he simply wouldn’t have stopped to help. It was a rational choice. One that was definitely not influenced by anything else.
When he sees you sweeping your front porch with a sprained hand, he heads across the street without a second thought (leaving Kaveh and his nagging behind). He doesn’t say a word, not even a ‘good morning’ as he takes the broom from your un-injured hand in order to complete the task for you. Only when he feels you staring in shock does he offer a hum of acknowledgment and a short ‘go back inside. I’ll let you know when I’m finished’. You want to stand there and keep him company… but you listen to what he says, going back inside in order to hide your flushed face. You offer him a snack as payment for his good deed and insist he takes it. So he does. After he’s done, he simply walks back across the street, disappearing and leaving you standing there as if he was never there at all. The only evidence of his presence was the clean porch…
When he sees a commotion down by the docks, a circle of people laughing as an unlucky person is swarmed by a bird. The bird squawks as it tries to grab whatever is in the poor person’s arms, presumably food, the thing only getting more aggressive as time goes on. Haitham sighs at the sight, bothered by the way no one attempts to assist this person. He nudges his way through the crowd, eyes widening as he realizes who this person is. It’s you. Calmly and quickly, he removes his cape, making his way over to slap the bird out of the air with the heavy fabric. Feathers fly and the bird hits the ground. Confused and disoriented, it gives up on attacking in favor of flying away, retreating to wallow in a tree elsewhere. Haitham turns towards the crowd, frowning at the spectators. “Shame on you all. How can you call yourselves men if you stand there and allow a lady to be attacked like that?” Before anyone can argue, he’s leading you away to check you for injuries in a less crowded area. His frown deepens at the scratch on your cheek and the other down your arm. He marches you up to the hospital, standing wordlessly by your side as you’re bandaged up. You can’t believe that he did all of that for you… he risked being scratched or bit just to help you- he even shamed those sailors… And when he took you home, he gave you fifty mora to cover the loss of whatever food you dropped whilst being attacked. He looked like he wanted to say something, like he didn’t want ti leave your side, but he left, looking over his shoulder to make sure you made it inside before going into his own home.
When he heads to the tavern, intending on playing cards with Kaveh and his buddies for awhile, he immediately finds his attention drawn towards you. You’re sat in a booth all alone, dressed up as if on a date- but judging by your slumped posture and diss appointed expression, he concludes that your date never showed up. He reasons with himself that it would be rude to leave you there, one can’t simply ignore a girl who looks miserable, nearly on the verge of tears. So, abandoning the idea of invocation tcg, Haitham easily slides into the booth across from you. You’re stunned, eyes wide as you try to ask what he’s doing. “You got all dressed up just for some fool to flake out on you. It would be a shame to waste all the effort you went through. We can share drinks and a dessert together” For good measure, he even reached across the table to hold your hand gently in his own. With your free hand, you wipe your tears away, allowing yourself to smile at the kind gesture. The scholar listened to you talk, bought you drinks as promised, told some stories of his own. At the end of the date he walked you home with his arm linked with yours. You noticed how he flushed a bright red and avoided making eye contact, his behavior much different than it had been back at the tavern. He hesitated at your door, seeming to contemplate his own actions before settling on something appropriate for a first date. He pressed a kiss to your cheek, warm breath fanning across your face. Maybe it was your imagination… but when he crossed the street back to his own house, he seemed to move a lot faster than usual (unbeknownst to you, he was sweating and shaking from nerves when he shut the door, pressing his back against it as he cringed at his own awkward behavior… get a grip haitham!!)
The next time he sees you, it’s to fulfill his own selfish desire. Not because you need him, because he needs you. After time spent thinking about your date, thinking about how you made him feel, he came to the conclusion that he loved you. He consulted books to help him decipher his feelings and had a short chat with Kaveh on the subject of love. It took a week for him to muster the courage to approach you again, worried that his awkwardness he displayed at the end of your date would have weirded you out. Finally, he headed out to find you. He knew you wouldn’t be home now, you’d be out buying something to make for dinner. With a sense of urgency, he made his way through the crowded market square. This time, you found him first. You touched his arm to get his attention and once you had it, he tugged you side to speak to you away from the crowd. He asked what you were up to… you showed him what you’d gotten so far. Naturally, he took your bags to carry for you. “I uh… I would like to invite you out. Perhaps tomorrow after I return from work, we can both get dressed up and go somewhere,” he offers, avoiding your gaze once again “Last time you were dressed up for someone else. You were waiting for someone else but I want to take you out… I want… I’d like to-“ for fuck’s sake, he finds himself stumbling- he never stumbles. This is the effect you have on him. “I want to be the one to take you on a date- a spontaneous outing where we could do anything you desire. I want to make you happy…” he bites the inside of his cheek to get himself to shut up, he almost can’t even bear to look at you after making such a big fool of himself. Then suddenly you’re on him, hugging him with that bright smile on your face, telling him how you’d love to go out together. He relaxes into your touch, resting his chin on the top of your head momentarily as he gathers himself. Tomorrow at eight, the two of you will do something. Maybe you’ll go out to eat, maybe you’ll see a show. Who knows… it’s fun to not have everything planned out sometimes.
A street no longer separates the two of you. Now, the only space between you is a few inches as you lay beside him in bed. His chivalrous behavior only continues as you live together. Haitham reaches for things for you, carries heavy things for you, holds doors for you. To him, it’s all rational. Of course he would grab a vase from the top shelf for you, you couldn’t reach it. Naturally, he would do the heavy lifting! Why else would he work out? And he would always hold the door for you because that’s what you do for someone you love. It’s simple. It’s logical. Love is a lot more logical than he thought it would be. It’s logical to make you breakfast in bed because you love when he does. It’s logical to live under one roof because if you didn’t, you would be going back and forth between houses all day. It’s logical to sleep in for five more minutes because holding you like this makes him feel like the luckiest man in the world.
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local-ground-apple · 1 year
white lies
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in which you don't like his snake & has a suspicious rash (and equally suspicious job)
You were quite cute.
You would be absolutely adorable if you actually remembered the name of Baizhu’s snake.
Due to unknown for Baizhu reasons, every time he saw you, you would mispronounce or mistype snake’s name. He was aware that you were a foreigner that came from Fontaine and decided to settle in Liyue for a little while. He also knew that you were still learning diligently a langue, yet he couldn’t help but wonder that perhaps it was a little bit intentional.
After all, you didn’t have a problem naming intricate regions or reading his prescriptions filled with professional terms. You were quite adept in them, which was impressive and admirable. Baizhu suspected that you may have been a part of Akademiya’s Haravat given your linguistic abilities. Or perhaps you were a fast learner who happened to enjoy learning several foreign languages. Maybe one day you would reveal your secret.
For now, he would continue to silently observe your visible and personal beef with his beloved snake.
,,Doctor Baizhu !”
Speaking of the devil.
Your cheerful voice resonated through his pharmacy as you waltzed in. Recently, you had become a frequent customer, stopping every now and then, purchasing few herbs or medicines. Much to Baizhu’s growing concern you also stopped by needing some medical consultation. He was truly curious what exactly have you been doing that was causing you to need his assistance.
Not that he minded it. Not at all.
He was more than happy to help you with whatever small your injuries or issues were. Baizhu just liked you and your presence a bit too much to bear watching you return with various bruises or scratches. Perhaps it was high time he asked you about them.
,,I need something…”
Your voice trailed on, as if you were looking in your mind for a specific word. For a brief moment you seemed engrossed in your thoughts, as you bit your lip. Your fingers were tapping impatiently on the counter as you leaned on it.
,,Perhapsss an ointment ?”
Before Baizhu even opened his mouth to help you out, Changsheng popped up from his coat and asked you a question. His eyes were focused on you, so he easily spotted the way your eyes slightly widened at the sound of snake’s voice and how slightly displeased you were with her presence.
Perhaps you weren’t fond of snakes, Baizhu mentally noted.
,,Maybe, I’m not sure, Changsheg”
You stated calmly, as you rolled up your sleeve and stretched your arm, fully exposing a patch of reddish dots adorning your skin. Baizhu leaned slightly down, carefully examining it. He raised one eyebrow, exchanging brief glance with his snake, before he sighed heavily.
Which you took as a bad sign.
A really bad one.
You furrowed your eyebrows, mentally cursing yourself and your job for putting you through such adventures. Baizhu didn’t miss the way you once again mispronounce the name of Changsheng who only hissed in response. He was sure that if she could, she would roll her eyes. Yet, Changsheng didn’t seem too annoyed, oh no, perhaps she didn’t even mind your attitude at all.
You responded quickly, mentally repeating it few times, hoping that maybe this time you will remember. Or maybe not, who knew.  You butchered the pronunciation so many times that you almost lost hope. You supposed that some sounds simply defeated you in this uneven battle.
Baizhu’s calm yet slightly concerned voice brought your attention back to him again.
,,How did you even catch such ferocious rash, hmm ?”
Baizhu gently run a finger over your skin, which send a shiver down your spine. You slightly jumped in surprise, not expecting your doctor to actually cut the distance between you two and touch you. Well, that was slightly embarrassing for you. You avoided looking straight into his golden eyes that were fixated on you.
Your voice trailed once again, as you almost relived war flashbacks in your head from today. Your face was graced with a grimace, as you sighed heavily. Baizhu raised an eyebrow looking at you curiously, clearly waiting for you to elaborate on the topic. You could also feel Changsheng’s pinkish eyes fixated on your form also demanding a reason for your unexpected and bizarre rash.
,,It seems like it will take us a while. I’m finishing in an hour; would you mind waiting ? I will take care of your rash properly”
Baizhu offered with a soft smile gracing his lips as he looked at you anticipating a “yes” in response. Yet, you hesitated briefly. You looked around, scratching your head, clearly not expecting him to take your condition so seriously. In your eyes it was just a small rash, nothing too serious. And definitely not something worthy of bothering him and taking up his precious time.
,,Unless it stings, then we will proceed right away”
,,No, no, it’s nothing really. Thank you for your concern, but I will be fine just with some ointment or herbs”
You were quick to partially deny his generous proposition, waving your hands dismissingly, clearly not wanting to be a burden. Baizhu chuckled slightly, figuring out why you were so persistent in your refusal. He was aware of the way your eyes slightly slithered in the direction of his fellow companion.
,,I insist. It’s actually quite a serious rash that could easily develop into something way graver than you may anticipate”
Your eyes widened, as you let out a small and suppressed yelp. Frankly, you didn’t expect it. Your job was bound to get you killed one day. Baizhu could see that you were conflicted and that you were quickly assessing your possible options. All you needed was a last one encouragement that he was willing to provide.
,,Will that kill me ?”
You asked apprehensively. Baizhu could sense a little bit of genuine fear over your life in your tone of voice.
,,I wouldn’t say it could go this far, however we shouldn’t underestimate it”
He gently shook his head, which earned him a relieved sigh from you. Baizhu opened his mouth once again to present his final argument that he was sure would manage to convince you to accept his proposition.
,,If it makes you more comfortable, Changsheng won’t be here when I will be taking care of your rash”
Baizhu offered, ignoring Changsheng’s surprised snakey sound. She seemed a little bit shocked when she heard his statement, yet one look at your now relieved face explained everything.
Baizhu’s intuition was correct.
You were simply afraid of snakes. They always managed to make you uncomfortable, which was also one of the reasons, you were quick to leave Bubu Pharmacy whenever Baizhu would attempt to get your attention and ask you few more questions. He never really got the chance to invite you for a cup of tea, as you were always running away as fast as you could once you got the necessary medicine.
Yet this time Baizhu was confident he would have a chance to talk with you a little longer.
,,Well, I suppose that yes…I could… Thank you, doctor Baizhu”
You stumbled upon your words, which Baizhu found quite adorable, as you smiled softly at him.
For the whole next hour Baizhu seemed a bit distracted. Maybe if he listened to your promise that you would return precisely after 60 minutes, he wouldn’t be in this situation. No, instead he told you that it was okay if you stayed inside, sitting in the corner and minding your own business.
You actually did absolutely nothing that could distract him.
You pulled out your notebook filled with scripts and drawings of runes that piqued Baizhu’s interest. It seemed that he was right. Your domain clearly was connected with linguistics given that you were deciphering some ancient writing. You were completely engrossed in your task, not bothering to inspect your surroundings.
You weren’t aware of discreet and subtle glances Baizhu was giving you whenever he had a chance. You were too focused on your work, biting your lip as you didn’t even peel your eyes off the papers for a brief second. You were passionately writing your observations regarding the script, every once in a while glancing at your, what Baizhu assumed was, provisory dictionary.
The sight of you was truly endearing.
,,Y/N, I can inspect your rash now. If you please…”
Baizhu’s calm and collected voice slightly startled you, pulling your out of your thoughts abruptly. As usual, he was smiling softly, his one hand showing you the way to more private part of his pharmacy inviting you in. You quickly muttered how grateful and thankful you were for his medical attention as you hurried to put your belongings back to your bag.
Your eyes briefly stopped at Changsheng wrapped around Baizhu’s neck, concern clearly visible on your face. Given how perceptive your doctor was, he followed your gaze and nodded to himself. Right. He did promise to inspect you without his beloved snake.
,,Take your time and feel free to step inside this room”
Baizhu started pointing in the direction of a small room hidden behind the counter.
,,I will put Changsheng away and join you in a moment”
He added, as you nodded in response, glad that he kept his promise. Immediately, you felt a wave of relief washing over your form, as you let out a breath you weren’t aware that you holding.
Oh shit.
That means you would be alone with your quite attractive doctor in closed and small place.
You mentally facepalmed yourself for putting yourself in such situation. Now you were sure you’d be too embarrassed to actually start a small conversation with him. Well, perhaps if you were lucky, your rash is nothing serious and you will be able to leave soon.
That’s what you told yourself as you stepped into the small room Baizhu showed you. The shelves were full of various books about different medical herbs or conditions. You could make out some scattered papers all over his desk in chaos. Some of them were littered with droplets of ink, while the other were color-coded.
,,Please, sit down here”
A soft voice pulled you out of your thoughts. You turned around on your heel facing snake-less Baizhu. You smiled at the sight of him, sitting on the chair he was pointing too. Once again, you rolled up your sleeves exposing the reddish spots, as you waited for Baizhu to sit right before you.
,,Quite a nasty rash you caught. May I inquire how exactly did this happen ?”
Baizhu asked, motioning his head in the direction of your exposed skin, raising one eyebrow.
,,I haven’t seen anyone catch it in many, many years”
He remarqued reaching to his bag and pulling out various vials filled with herbs, colorful powder and some unidentified things. You let out a nervous chuckle hearing his question, which only spiked his curiosity even more.
,,Well…I was conducting my research and then, ehh, I may have accidentally touched some weird plant in the cave”
You started, earning a raised eyebrow from Baizhu in response. He didn’t seem as if he was fully believing your story. Not that it seemed that believable. You pondered for a little while, wondering what exactly could you tell him.
,,Weird plant in the cave ? You have to enlighten me, my dear”
My dear.
Oh. You were aware of what tricks he was playing with you right now. You briefly glanced at him, staring at his hands that were focused on preparing an ointment for you. He was quickly adding various ingredients and mixing them together.
Meanwhile you decided.
You couldn’t truly reveal the main goal of your research. It certainly wasn’t concerning only the ancient script he had already seen. No, you were way too careful. If you didn’t want him seeing it, you would occupy yourself differently during that hour.
So, you opted for a safer option.
,,Okay, fine, I will tell you. But it’s quite embarrassing”
You muttered, averting your eyes and glancing at the floor, trying your best to appear a tad bit embarrassed. Your actions seemed to convince him. Baizhu nodded in understanding manner, as he carefully asserted the ointment in the vial. It appeared to be already finished.
,,I literally tripped and fell into some bushes and then when I tried washing my hands, I must have accidentally get stung by some insect”
Now, that was more believable.
It seemed that Baizhu bought your explanation this time.
,,It seems like it’s caused by one insect…”
You totally didn’t catch the weird name he had just pronounced. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion opting to conveniently forget about it. It was probably some native Liyue bug that stung you. At least, that was the scenario Baizhu believed in.
You mentally cursed yourself for being so weak and agreeing to his generous offer. If it wasn’t for your slow bullshitting skills, you would probably get yourself in troubles. You didn’t really pay much attention to Baizhu explaining you the possible after effects your rash could have on your body, as he was gently applying the ointment to your skin, his fingertips barely pressing down ensuring you wouldn’t feel any type of discomfort.
,,Are you perhaps a linguist ?”
Baizhu’s question snapped you out of your thoughts. A soft smile immediately appeared on your lips at the mere mention of the domain you were so interested in. If only the circumstances were different, you would probably react with more enthusiasm.
,,I suppose you could say that. I’m currently investigating some ancient language. Actually it’s quite fun to decipher it, if you’d like, I could…”
You started rambling on, yet Baizhu didn’t stop you at all. Quite the contrary, he appeared quite interested in your job, as he asked you few questions. You were eager to respond to them, feeling proud of yourself.
You managed to distract him and draw his attention away from the real cause of your rash.
As you were leaving his Pharmacy few hours later given how you both got invested in the conversation, you didn’t notice the way Baizhu’s eyes seemed to be piercing through your silhouette.
,,It wasn’t some Liyue insect”
Changsheng remarqued, while Baizhu nodded in response, wondering what exactly happened to you and why you were so hell bent on hiding the truth.
Meanwhile you were cursing Dottore for supplying you with a potion that contained an ingredient you were allergic to.
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me: i will write a fic if baizhu comes home *confident that he won't* baizhu: *coming home in first 10-pull* me: oh. OH.
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as-the-moon-blooms · 1 year
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First Kisses
*Kamisato Ayato
-There was an age-old contract between your family and the Kamisato Clan, betrothing you and the clan head.
-Actually, the contract wasn't even for you; it had been for your father and Ayato's mother before the then Kamisato Clan head had fallen in love with her. The arrangement had been called off (happily on all sides, truth be told), and the contract had faded into obscurity as time passed.
-The only reason you had the contract unearthed was because you were desperate to save your family. You had done all you could to protect your small clan, but wise investments took time. And with three younger sisters and a younger brother to care for, you knew that time was running out. If you could obtain just a small lump sum of money to last until those investments came to fruition, your hard work would pay off.
-You had assumed they would pay the penalty to void the old marriage contract. The life-changing sum of money you required was small change to the Kamisato Clan, after all. And why would the Kamisato Head be interested in your small clan?
-And he wasn't. Ayato had called you to the Kamisato Compound, fully intent on telling whatever marriage-minded miss that arrived that he was not interested. Only to find out that the miss in question did not at all seem to be the social climbing person he expected to find. You were pleasant enough, but he was sure you were hiding something.
-The more he learned about you, the more he realized that you were not who he had expected at all. You did not seem very concerned with social positions, walking the streets of Inuzuma to meet some of your friends (an ex-shrine maiden and a sharp-witted detective).
-One night, he catches you off guard in the moonlight courtyard of his home. After some back and forth, he corners you against the wall—one hand on your waist to hold you in place, the other grips your chin.
-You finally admit that he was right. You didn't want to marry him at all. And Ayato was surprised to find that he did not care for that answer from you.
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The memory of you laughing in the streets of Inuzuma with that detective flashes through his mind as he stares down at your defiant expression. His hand on your hip tightened slightly.
“Then, is it because of your lover?” Ayato asked quietly, gently sweeping his thumb over the delicate skin below your plush lower lip. He supposed it wasn’t a fair question for him to ask you, especially considering that you had made it abundantly clear you wanted to call off the arrangement. Nor was it fair as he had a small handful of lovers himself before the two of you had ever met. However, fair or otherwise, he couldn’t help but watch you carefully as your breath caught at the question, blinking a few times in surprise before masking your surprised expression.
“Y-yes.” You declared, large eyes flashing defiantly in the moonlight despite the slight catch in your voice.
Ayato arched an eyebrow as he stared down at you, watching the color rise in your cheeks.
“For such a skilled player, you are a poor liar.” He murmured, unable to quell the desire to tease more of that blush out of you as he moved closer into your personal space. “So, you do not have a lover.”
“What, no, I…” you hiss, your words losing their harshness as your tone turns pleading. “I have a lover!”
He chuckled, his thumb continuing to stroke your smooth skin as he watched your cheeks flushing as your frustration grew.
“I have a dozen lovers!”
Such a poor pretty little liar.
“Poor thing,” Ayato murmured, slightly surprised by how sadistic he was feeling. There was something about how you looked up at him, your large eyes blinking back frustrated tears as you pleaded with him in the moonlight. He lightly rubbed the tip of his nose against yours as he continued playing with you. “Poor, poor thing. I bet that you have never even been kissed, have you?”
He had meant merely to tease you, but the truth hit Ayato as you sucked in a sharp breath.
He was too close. Your hands had been pressed against his chest to try to push him away, but he was too close now, trapping them uselessly between you. He was barely touching you, but he was so close that he was scrambling your racing thoughts. You had always thought he was as cold as the stories about the proud Yashiro Commissioner had proclaimed him to be. But he certainly didn’t seem cold right then, standing so close that every nerve in your body was aware of his body heat from his proximity. His fingers were curled against your jaw, trailing sparks with each deliberate movement. His elegant nose nuzzled against yours, feather-light but lighting a fire in his wake. You couldn’t help the uneven gasp that escaped you as he stroked his thumb and pressed down, parting your lips slightly with the firm pressure.
Ayato was anything but cold, with his hot touch keeping you locked in place. He was pretty. So damned pretty and so damned sure of himself, his lips quirking in a lazy smirk as he watched you fidget; all retorts were long lost to you as he watched you through the pretty sweep of his long lashes.
Vaguely, you recalled your father’s warning when you first told him about your plan.
‘The Kamisato clan head is brilliant and cunning, y/n. He has hundreds of women throwing themselves at him, begging for his attention. He is going to see through you right away.’
It would seem that your father had been right to warn you.
“I’m not going to beg you.” You suddenly say, half to him and half to remind yourself. You had tried to snap the words but failed as they caught in your throat and came out in a whisper instead of the sharp hiss you had meant them to be.
His lazy smirk grew suddenly at your declaration, and your face flamed as you realized how he must have taken your words.
“Of course not.” Ayato cajoled, his words ghosting across your lips like a physical touch as he loosened his grip on your chin, still not closing that final gap. “What sort of gentleman would make a lady beg for her first kiss?”
Slow and deliberate, Ayato tilted his head and pressed his lips firmly against yours.
You inhale sharply through your nose in shock before you melt into him. Your hands on his chest trembled before you gripped the fabric of his shirt, unsure of what else to do with them. A small voice in your mind argued that you should push him away from you, that you should be outraged that he was so easily playing with you, but all reason is swiftly forgotten as his thumb strokes your cheek and his lips move slowly, persuasively, against yours. You nearly forgot everything. You could scarcely remember how to breathe, especially when Ayato’s tongue licked insistently at the seam of your lips.
Your lips parted beneath his with a surprised gasp. Ayato deftly pressed his advantage, tongue plunging in to steal what little remained of your logic and reasoning. His body was hot against yours and as unyielding as the wall against your back, trapping you in place. His tongue flicked against yours, tempting you into an unfamiliar game that set your senses ablaze.
In shy, uncertain movements, you try to keep up with him. Your tongue twists with his earning you a low moan of approval from him. The sound settles in your chest as you tremble slightly, leaning into him further. Ayato’s fingers trailed from your jaw to rest around your neck; his long fingers wrapped around your neck with light pressure as he stole your breath away with his kiss.
Slowly, he pulled back from you. You blink a few times, hazily looking up at him. He watched you closely with lidded eyes as he leaned down and nipped at your still-parted lips before pulling back.
You swallow, unable to say anything for a moment as you look down at your fingers still gripping the fabric of his shirt. The night air seemed too cold now that Ayato had moved back to allow you to regain some of your personal space.
“I…” You start before trailing off as you realize that you are unsure what you want to say to him. You swallow, your neck moving beneath his fingers that still encircled your sensitive skin. You could feel his gaze watching you like a caress. “I think….”
He cut you off, leaning back down. Ayato moved his hand on your hip to the small of your back to pull your soft body flush against his. His cheek slid against yours as he placed his lips next to your ear, his breath on the sensitive shell of it forcing the hair at the nape of your neck to rise. If he had thought your eyes were expressive, it was nothing to your body. Every small gasp, your grip on his shirt tightening, the tilt of your head rolling to the side to give him better access even if you weren’t aware of what you were doing.
“Perhaps now you can see why,” Ayato said, his voice slightly hoarse as he whispered low in your ear. “Perhaps now you can see why I cannot allow you to call the deal off.”
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This was originally just a small part of a much larger story but I’m not sure if anyone would want to read the whole thing. Since then, my imagination has sort of run wild and i have a half dozen of these little first kiss stories planned with different characters.
Who would you like to see next?
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thormanick · 11 months
Me back in January: writes a fanfic where Kaveh becomes a “mad scholar” bc his accidental (Traveler-esque if you would) experience with Irminsul goes wrong and so he is sent to Aaru village (with Alhaitham trying to find the solution to his problem)
Kaveh’s canon lore from the event: so yep basically his dad at some point got messed up mentally by a diadem and lost his life in the desert
Me, viewing the said fic from a new angle now:
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Someone at Mihoyo really woke up one day looked at Kaveh and chose all possible kinds of violence didn’t they
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jays-bookmarks · 1 year
Stained Sheets (Scaramouche/Wanderer x gn!reader)
The Wanderer brainrot is real. Scarameow in the Cat House is coming soon I promise but in the meantime take this lil oneshot I wrote as a reward for finishing finals :3
Summary: You forgot your period was on the way and wake up to a mess in your sheets. Your roommate helps you with the laundry. (I wrote this with my own traveler & sereniteapot in mind but the details are vague enough that it can be read as anyone & any house lol. Could even be modern au) Words: 1092 Warnings: casual mention of blood & periods, reader describes their period as relatively mild, reader has pets (2 dogs + 1 cat), Wanderer is referred to as "your roommate"/"your friend"
You sighed as you took the last step down the stairs, shifting the bundle of fabric in your arms to keep it from dragging on the floor. Your roommate was seated on the couch, flipping through a book that was clearly not keeping his attention. He glanced at you as you passed by.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Washing my sheets.”
“Didn’t you just do that yesterday?”
“I know, which is why I’m so upset!” you threw your head back dramatically before looking back at your friend with a tired smile. “Plus, blood is like the most annoying stain to remove and there's just so much of it.”
“What?” At the mention of blood, your roommate’s eyes widened and he jumped out of his seat, closing the distance between you in a few strides and grabbing you by the arms. “Why didn’t you call me?”
You stared at him, stunned at his sudden reaction. “I… didn’t think you would care?”
“Ugh, you—” he looked to the side, a blush forming on his face as his grip on you tightened. “Of course I care. I’m the one who has to take care of you if you do something stupid and get hurt.”
You blinked, a smile slowly making its way onto your face as the realization dawned on you. As much as you wanted to tease your friend about how he just offered to be your personal nurse, you took pity on him and decided to clear up the miscommunication.
“That’s sweet of you,” you said. “But I’m not hurt. I’m just on my period.”
His gaze snapped back toward you, confusion evident on his face. “Your… what?”
You raised an eyebrow, leaning forward with a teasing grin and a playful tilt of your head. “What, you mean to tell me that in all your years—”
“I know perfectly well what that means!” He turned to the side, bringing a hand up to cover his flushed face while using the other to shove you away. You stumbled a bit at the force of his push but were too busy laughing to say anything back to him. The commotion drew the attention of your two dogs, who trotted over to you with expectant eyes. With an annoyed huff, your roommate turned on his heel and started toward the door.
“Where are you going?” you said between laughs.
“Away from you,” he replied, his face still bright red. As he approached the door, the dogs bolted toward him, running circles around his heels while he picked up his hat. You laughed as you watched the dogs shoot out the door with tails high in the air, a stark contrast to your friend’s sour disposition. He slammed the door behind him, leaving you to chuckle to yourself in the now quiet house.
You shook your head and turned toward the kitchen.
As you pushed open the door, the bundle of orange fur by the windowsill stretched out to reveal Fred, mouth wide open in a yawn. You bent down to scratch behind his ears. He closed his eyes and let out a contented purr, tucking his paws into his chest and curling the top of his body toward his tail. 
It didn’t take much digging to find a wooden tub big enough to wash the sheets. Humming to yourself, you began to fill it with water. Fred followed behind you, poking his face wherever you went.
You had just started dipping the stained cloth into the water when you heard the door open and shut behind you. You called out a greeting without turning around, but glanced back in confusion when you heard your roommate’s footsteps getting closer.
You tilted your head in a silent question as he entered the kitchen, taking off his hat and crouching down beside you. Before you could say anything, he shed his outer layers, along with his gloves, and grabbed the sheets from your hands.
“You’re doing it wrong,” he said, pointedly avoiding your gaze. Despite this, you could still see a tint of pink coloring the tips of his ears.
You laughed. “You didn’t even see me do it yet.”
He didn’t say anything to that, just dipped the sheets into the water and began scrubbing at the fabric. You watched him methodically work the blood out of the fabric, marveling at the expertise evident in his every motion. 
“Thanks.” You smiled, settling back onto the floor in a more comfortable position. He hummed noncommittally in response. Fred, sensing an opportunity, quickly made his way over to you and rubbed against your side. You reached over to pet him, resting your chin on your knees as you continued to watch your friend work. A comfortable silence fell over you, broken only by the quiet splashing of water. It was the first time you ever got to watch him so closely. The water dripping from his hands glistened in the morning sunlight each time he raised the fabric above the tub. Your eyes traced a path up his arm, studying the patterns embedded in his skin: A circular shape on the back of his palm, a line around his shoulder leading to a similar circular pattern on his chest, half covered by the sash around his waist… 
You blinked, heat rising to your cheeks as you realized what you were doing. You quickly turned your gaze to the floor.
“...Does it hurt?”
“Hmm?” You snapped back to attention, sitting a little straighter as you glanced at your roommate’s face. He didn’t repeat the question, perhaps content with letting the conversation fade once more.
“My period?” You asked.
Your only answer was a glance and a hum.
You looked up at the ceiling as you considered his question. “Not really. I’m one of the lucky ones, I guess. The worst I usually get is being really sore after standing for too long. Though, I know there are some people who have it so bad they can barely even move.”
Your roommate made no comment. Not finding anything else to say, you curled up again and turned your attention back to the tub. You absently stroked Fred’s fur, his purrs resonating in the quiet room.
The peace was quickly broken by a flurry of muffled barks and whines. Fred flinched, ears swiveling forward as he searched for the source of the noise. Your roommate shot an annoyed glance at the door. You laughed, pushing yourself off the floor and brushing yourself off.
“I’ll go let them in. They probably want breakfast.”
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kalopsial-stars-2 · 2 months
Under Management (System Sagau)
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Your friend plays on your account
A Nightmare...Or A Memory?
Thoughts on System and the Traveler trying to break through
More thoughts on System! except...revolution (also might be going yan route but not really..?)
Co-Op rambles
Reader is a troll, the characters are just putting up with your shenanigans
Even more System rambles
Reader quits Genshin
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onigirio · 7 months
wriothesley’s not sure how many times he’s seen your face in the fortress of meropide, but everytime you make your way back, you never fail to ask him the same question with the same mischievous grin
“aren’t you gonna ask what i’m in for this time?”
with a sigh, the duke looks at you in defeat, “defacing private property”
and then if possible, your smile widened, “bingo! we have winner!”
in all honesty, he really wasn’t sure how you kept getting put back here. unlicensed graffiti was a minor offense in fontaine, so everytime you were arrested, it was for a month or two at the very most. you just kept coming back to the underwater prison.
“how about you take the art off of the walls, and put it on a canvas?” wriothesley asked one day when he had seen (caught) you spraying your tag near the coupon cafeteria, “you would spend significantly less time in confinement”
you looked at him with a brow raised, “and what if i want to be in confinement wrio?”
“a rainbow rose by any other name smells just as sweet, doesn’t it?” your wink caught the duke of meropide off guard. shaking it off, he kept pressing on, “no one wishes to be in jail”.
you shrugged, “have you not noticed i am not like other people, monsieur”. his hand caught your wrist before you could continue vandalizing the metal walls of the underwater prison, “i like to be unpredictable. never let your opponents know your next move”. wriothesley was caught off guard by yet another can of spray paint appearing in your other hand. you could only laugh at his confused expression, “i do take requests! miss sigewinne has informed me about your lone wolf attitude, so maybe a wolf right on your office door?”
oh how was he going to deal with you?
“tell you what, how about you don’t spray paint a wolf on my door” he grabbed your other hand, “and i give you a different place to spray paint to your little heart’s content.”
your eyes darted down towards his grip on your wrists, “if you wanted to hold my hands monsieur, you could’ve just asked”
wriothesley flushed, immediately retracting his hands from your form, “you’re insufferable”
“and that’s exactly why i’m your favorite monsieur”
before he could protest, you had already disappeared into the crowd of hungry workers. the duke had never dealt with a prisoner as troublesome as you. mayhaps he deserved a cup of tea for the trouble he went through for you. yes, a cup of tea would be perfect
he made his way to his office door, and before he could even open it, wriothesley was met with an image of a wolf sipping a cup of tea. below the artwork was a note left by none other than you
‘i hope you enjoy your tea time. consider this artwork a gift from me to you! (p.s. it was sigewinne’s idea :p)’
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flan-tasma · 7 months
wriothesley with nurse reader???
where he 'accidentally' hurt himself, so he can see you. and you treat him for his wound
💖~ That's so cute!
Omg this is so pinche large
Ksjjdj I made a new banner for this man, I love him so much <33333
Warning: Nope now ✨, Fem!Reader | Google Translate sponsors me (it's a lie) If I made any mistakes in the english translation, I would be happy to read your comments! | Content in spanish and english
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Trabajabas en un pequeño consultorio médico haciendo tareas pequeñas y revisando pacientes, anteriormente tu vida no tenía ningún chiste y se basaba en rutinas aburridas como repetirle a ancianos sus recetas y a los niños que no pueden correr por todos lados o se caerían,darles una paleta dulce por su valentía y salían de tu consultorio. Eso había cambiado cuando una noche encontraste al duque en la calle.
Cerca de tu hora de cierre y habiendo cumplido con todos los quehaceres que el doctor te había encomendado, el hombre de cabello oscuro parecía herido y apenas podía caminar con una gran cortada en su abdomen. No lo conocías, pero ayudarlo fue un gran cambio de tu rutina.
Wriothesley había convencido a Sigewinne de tomarte bajo su ala y hacerte parte de su equipo en el Fuerte Merópide, por lo que tenías un nuevo lugar de trabajo y era bastante bueno, habías logrado una amistad con tus compañeros y era más divertido estar con ellos que en tu soledad con el viejo doctor malhumorado con el que trabajabas antes. La razón de tu cambio se reveló como Wriothesley diciendo que tenías talento en tu campo, y no ibas a negar que era verdad y que tu orgullo creció cuando te lo dijeron, pero eso era solo una mentira piadosa para lo que el duque realmente quería.
A ti, entendiste un día cuando notaste que el señor siempre llegaba en algún momento del día y tenía algunas heridas debajo de su ropa o sus vendas oscuras. Te pediría que lo ayudes y al inicio te aseguraste de hacer un buen trabajo para que no te despidan. Se creó una nueva rutina que no era precisamente aburrida pues Wriothesley mantenía un semblante curioso.
No sonreía mucho a menos que se dijera algún chiste para aliviar el ambiente, pero su rostro serio pintado con polvo rojo en su rostro era imposible de ignorar y reírte para ti misma. Hoy no fue una excepción.
"Lo estaba esperando, señor." Hablaste con burla y un sospechoso rostro serio, Wriothesley tembló y sus mejillas se sonrojaron más al verte pedirle que tome asiento. "¿Qué lo aqueja el día de hoy?"
Wriothesley no tenía una gran seguridad de hablarte a ti, prueba de eso era que no te había visto a los ojos desde la primera noche en que lo curaste, pero siempre hacía eso de aclarar su garganta para tomar valor.
"Peleé con algunos monstruos cuando venía aquí..." El noble tembló bajo tu mirada que escaneaba sus brazos y sus piernas, sus rostros y sus manos, y no parecía haber nada fuera de lugar. Sus músculos y las cicatrices que se asomaban entre su ropa seguían siendo las mismas que ya conocías.
"Y sus heridas están en..." Esperabas que Wriothesley te dijera que estaba detrás de él, tal vez cerca de su codo o en sus pantorrillas, no esperabas que empezara a quitarse la camisa. Sus músculos se marcaban más deliciosamente cuando no los cubrían la ropa, el vello en sus brazos y pecho era oscuro y se te hizo agua la boca hasta que se dio vuelta y su belleza era derrotada por una gran herida en su espalda. "Arcontes, ¿cómo llegó hasta aquí con eso? Por favor, quédese quieto."
Atendiste la herida desinfectando los alrededores y usando tus ungüentos antes de vendar su espalda. Por el tamaño de los rasguños debió ser un Mitachurl determinado a no dejar en pie a su enemigo, fuera de eso, la profundidad de la herida no requería sutura. Wriothesley había permanecido callado y mirando tu rostro serio a través del espejo de la sala, sin hacer un solo ruido y perdido en tus expresiones. Sabía que no podría pasar mucho tiempo más contigo, no encontraba otra manera de hablarte más que pedirte exclusivamente a ti que lo cures, pero hoy haría un nuevo movimiento para su plan: invitarte a salir.
Cuando acabaste y le diste las instrucciones para que no se dañara más su herida, él hacía pequeños sonidos para demostrar que estaba atento. Cuando te vio tomar su ropa sucia de tierra y sangre le dijiste que lo mandarías a lavar si no era mucha molestia.
"Puedo hacerlo yo, no sé preocupe, mademoiselle" Wriothesley se levantó de su silla y le ayudaste a ponerse erguido a pesar de su dolor. Tus manos, aunque estaban enguantadas, producían cosquillas contra la piel del noble que soltó un suspiro, sus mejillas volvieron a tomar su profundo tono rojo y tembló al no poder decir lo que deseaba. "Yo... ¿Puede por favor...?"
No sabías qué iba a pedir, pero tu mirada fija en sus ojos lo alteró y bajó la mirada. No era momento de coquetear, pensaste, deberías ayudarlo a sentirse mejor. "¿Quiere algo más, señor Wriothesley?"
Cubriendo su boca con la palma de su mano y con la mirada fija en algo más que no eras tu, asintió. Seguiste su mirada y sonreíste, el te vio de reojo y su corazón palpitó con más fuerza cuando te alejaste, el ruido del metal y el vidrio no lo alertó de la realidad, en su cabeza habían mil escenarios fantasiosos, uno más dulce que el otro. Con esas situaciones en mente no necesitaría azúcar en su té en dos semanas.
"Está bien, puede tener uno." Tal vez le darías un beso para que se sienta mejor, podría besar la herida o incluso solo acariciar su rostro, tal vez un abrazo para que tenga fuerzas para trabajar el resto del día. Sus fantasías cayeron en lo profundo del mar de Fontaine cuando le diste una paleta ya sin envoltorio.
Abrió la boca con la cara compitiendo contra la paleta de cereza y se la diste para que la probara. Una lluvia de afirmaciones acerca de ser muy valiente y haberse quedado quieto, todo con tu mismo tono burlón que al inicio. El Alcaide del Fuerte Merópide se golpeó la frente mientras se levantaba para huir estratégicamente y salvar algo de su dignidad.
"Vuelva cuando quiera, señor Wriothesley." Tu voz terminó con una risa que atormentaría sus sueños por un tiempo.
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You worked in a small doctor's office doing small tasks and checking on patients. Previously your life didn't have much meaning and was based on boring routines like repeating recipes to the elderly and giving children who can't run everywhere or they would fall, giving them a sweet lollipop for their bravery and they left your office. That had changed when one night you found the duke on the street.
Near your closing time and having completed all the chores that the doctor had given you, the dark-haired man seemed injured and could barely walk with a large cut on his abdomen. You didn't know him, but helping him was a big change from your routine.
Wriothesley had convinced Sigewinne to take you under her wing and make you part of his team at Fortress of Meropide, so you had a new place of work and it was pretty good, you had made friends with your colleagues and it was more fun to be with them than in your solitude with the grumpy old doctor you worked with before. The reason for your change was revealed as Wriothesley saying that you were talented in your field, and you weren't going to deny that it was true and that your pride grew when you were told it, but that was just a white lie for what the duke really wanted.
You, understood one day when you noticed that the man always arrived at some time of the day and had some wounds under his clothes or his dark bandages. He would ask you to help him and at the beginning you made sure to do a good job so that you wouldn't get fired. A new routine was created that wasn't exactly boring because Wriothesley kept a curious face.
He didn't smile much unless a joke was told to lighten the mood, but his serious face painted with red powder on his face was impossible to ignore and laugh to yourself. Today he was no exception.
"I was waiting for you, sir." You spoke with mockery and a suspiciously serious face, Wriothesley trembled and his cheeks blushed redder as he saw you ask him to take a seat. "What ails you today?"
Wriothesley didn't have great confidence about talking to you, proof of that was that he hadn't seen your eyes since the first night you healed him, but he always did that thing of clearing his throat to gain courage.
"I fought some monsters when I came here..." The noble trembled under your gaze that scanned his arms and his legs, his faces and his hands, and there didn't seem to be anything out of place. His muscles and the scars that showed through his clothes were still the same ones you already knew.
"And his wounds are on..." You expected Wriothesley to tell you that it was behind him, maybe near his elbow or on his calves, you didn't expect him to start taking off his shirt. His muscles were more deliciously visible when they were not covered by clothing, the hair on his arms and chest was dark and made your mouth water until he turned around and his beauty was defeated by a large gash on his back "Archons, how did he get here with that? Please stay still."
You tended to the wound by disinfecting the surroundings and using your ointments before bandaging his back. Given the size of the scratches, a Mitachurl must have been determined not to leave his enemy standing; apart from that, the depth of the wound did not require sutures. Wriothesley had remained silent and looking at your serious face through the living room mirror, without making a single sound and lost in your expressions. He knew that he couldn't spend much more time with you, he couldn't find any other way to talk to you other than asking you exclusively to heal him, but today he would make a new move for his plan: ask you out.
When you finished and gave him instructions so that his wound would not be damaged further, he made small sounds to show that he was attentive. When he saw you take his clothes dirty with dirt and blood, you told him that you would send him to wash them if it wasn't too much trouble.
"I can do it, don't worry, mademoiselle" Wriothesley stood up from his chair and you helped him stand upright despite his pain. Your hands, although they were gloved, tickled against the skin of the nobleman who let out a sigh, his cheeks returned to their deep red tone and he trembled as he could not say what he wanted. "I... Can you please...?"
You didn't know what he was going to ask for, but your gaze on his eyes upset him and he lowered his gaze. This wasn't the time to flirt, you thought, you should help him feel better. "Would you like anything else, Monsieur Wriothesley?"
Covering his mouth with the palm of his hand and staring at something else that wasn't you, he nodded. You followed his gaze and smiled, he saw you out of the corner of his eye and his heart beat harder when you walked away, the noise of metal and glass did not alert him to reality, in his head there were a thousand fantasy scenarios, one sweeter than the other. With those situations in mind he wouldn't need sugar in his tea for two weeks.
"It's okay, you can have one." Maybe you would give him a kiss to make his feel better, you could kiss the wound or even just caress his face, maybe a hug so he has the strength to work the rest of the day. His fantasies fell into the depths of the Fontaine sea when you gave him an unwrapped lollipop.
He opened his mouth, his face competing against the cherry popsicle, and you handed it to him to try. A shower of statements about being very brave and staying still, all with the same mocking tone as at the beginning. The Warden of Fort Meropide slapped his forehead as he stood up to strategically flee and save some of his dignity.
"Come back anytime, Monsieur Wriothesley." Your voice ended with a laugh that would haunt his dreams for a while.
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genshin-scenarios · 7 months
Reunion: The End of the Night [Part 7]
Read the first series (Adopt a Wanderer) here! An AU where Scaramouche/Wanderer gets isekaied to your world - a found-family series.
Summary: The last chapter of the sequel is here! Featuring the Lantern Rite, you and Kuni are now traveling around Liyue.
Wordcount: 2758
Part 1
Part 6 <-
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Initially, you weren’t sure if Kuni would agree to stay at Wangshu Inn until the both of you stepped out on its highest balcony, and the bustle of people below immediately dissolved into a jaw-dropping view.
No wonder Xiao frequents this place. You can’t imagine any other sight that would soothe the mind such as this. It almost made you a little jealous of those that lived in Teyvat, for being witness to sceneries so beautiful as part of their everyday lives.
Needless to say, you’ve since acquired neighboring single rooms at Wangshu Inn and started to traverse Liyue at your leisure. It was only a week or two before the Lantern Rite, so there were many commissions available to help local businesses prepare for the event. 
Kuni was not as enthusiastic about working as a delivery-person, but at your reminder it’s a two-in-one of exploring and earning mora, he relented. 
You’re actually kind of impressed at how fast he’s able to fly around. Meanwhile, you were simply trying to act natural when meeting people like Xiangling and Hu Tao at the harbor. You knew they lived here, but you really underestimated how fast your heart would beat when faced with characters you’ve only seen on screens!
Kuni likes to make fun of you for that, saying you’ll spontaneously combust at this rate since there were many more recognisable figures that you’d run into - and while it was true, you can’t help but feel a little excited every time. You definitely almost tripped and fell off the stairs when you realized Xiao was on the rooftop one night. But you digress.
Right now however, such things were at the back of your mind as you and Kuni were in the Minlin area - more specifically, to explore Jueyun Karst and the Hanguang Stone Forest, after Verr Goldet asked if you’d be willing to drop off supplies to crafters that frequent there for inspiration.
“Making crafts and weaponry in honor of the adepti is quite common during this season, especially in terms of commissions from high-profile customers. Normally we send our messengers there, but since I noticed one of you has a vision and is quite adept with flying around…”
You’d be getting paid a high sum for this after all. And, well… You did want to get Kuni some qingxin flowers to replace the ones you gave him in Sumeru, seeing as you did say as much with so much confidence before. He says you’re ridiculous for going to such dangerous places when you could just buy some from a shop, but you also wanted to share the tranquil view with him (despite how Kuni said otherwise, you find that his cat-like characteristics extend to lounging on tall vantage points. Perhaps he liked being able to see everything that was going on in this way).
“We should’ve turned this into a picnic.” You muse, tucking your feet carefully under your legs as you look around. Kuni managed to fly you up to one of the more spacious peaks in Hanguang Stone Forest. The weather is nice, and you’re taking a break from deliveries. “I can see myself having quite a nice nap out here.”
“The more you talk, the more I wonder if you’d survive alone.” Kuni’s words hold no malice, but you’re a little surprised that he’s chatting now, seeing as he’d opted to let you do the talking with the craftsmen earlier. “What if you roll over too much and plummet down?”
“Well… you wouldn’t let me die in such a lame way, right?”
“...Right? Hey—”
“You two up there! Might you be adventurers?” A stranger’s voice echoes from the bridge below, effectively stealing away both of your attention.
“Um, yeah!” You yell back. “Is there something we can help you with?”
“There’s a swordsmith stuck on Mount Hulao! He’s gotten trapped in the amber.” The person holds her head in exasperation. You feel a little bad for the lady; it seems like this isn’t the first time trouble has found this mysterious swordsmith. “If the two of you are able to rescue him, I’ll pay you for your services. Mora is no problem.”
When Kuni meets your gaze, he can only heave out a sigh. “Fine, fine. Let’s get this loser.”
“We’ll do it!” You give the lady a thumbs up. Without a moment to waste, she gives you instructions on the swordsmith’s location once you descend the stone spire.
She marks another spot on your map. “And this is where our lodges are located. Once that idiot is rescued, please return him here. I told him not to rush to the mountains so early in the morning, but he kept insisting he could collect the amber from Mount Hulao as a finishing touch to his creation…”
“No problem, we’ll be back as soon as we can.” You assure her. “Um… may I ask if you’re his co-worker, or…?”
“Oh, I’m a painter.” She raises a hand to her heart, giving you a proper introduction. “My name is Lian. Both me and Yichen were commissioned to create works for this year’s Lantern Rite, as part of a larger collection to be on display at Liyue Harbour.”
“So this sword he’s putting finishing touches to is for that?”
“...Not exactly.” Lian purses her lips. “You can ask him more about it later on, if you wish.”
You manage to find Yichen quite easily, seeing as he’s only made it halfway up the mountain before getting caught by the clever defenses of Mount Hulao. With a bit of brute force, Kuni manages to break the poor guy out of his amber cocoon. 
Thankfully Yichen gives up on the idea of continuing his search for amber - after an hour or so of being stuck inside it, he says it’s lost the original charm he envisioned - and you make it back to their lodges in one piece.
“Why use amber from that place anyways?” Kuni raises a brow. “You could simply buy any jewels you need as part of your budget.”
“It’s not about that,” Yichen explains, “One night, while we were out here to gain inspiration from our surroundings, I fell asleep while sketching decorative designs for the blade. I had a dream of the most beautiful sword, crafted from a gemstone of wonderful, rich origins… but it’s too last minute to order some from the city, where everyone else has already booked out materials.”
“And it doesn’t feel the same to get mass-produced gems.” Lian adds, reading his expression with ease. “You’ve been wanting to leave a sword here as an offering to the adepti, right?”
“Was it that obvious?”
“Well, you made an extra blade. And talk in your sleep.” She shrugs. After handing you the payment for rescuing Yichen, Lian gives him a pat on the shoulder. “Maybe next time you’ll be able to finish it and deliver it to the mountains. There’s no need to rush.”
“By wonderful, rich stones… would noctilucous jade from the Chasm work?” You speak up.
“The Chasm?” Yichen’s gaze lights up. “Have you been there?”
“We passed through it.” Fishing out some samples you took with you from your backpack, you show them to Yichen. “I don’t know if these are enough - we sold the rest on the way to the harbor.” 
The only reason you still had them on-hand was as emergency funds. Who would’ve thought they might be able to contribute to this man’s wish?
Almost in a daze, Yichen’s expression melts into a smile. “Yes… These would work splendidly! What is your price? I can pay a bit over market rates, since these are of a better quality, and—”
“You can do all that after you finish crafting your blade.” Kuni interrupts him. At your surprised look, Kuni tilts his head. “What? It’s already midday. If he wants to deliver that thing soon, he might as well get started.”
“I’ll be sure to return this favor! Please give me a few hours - it shouldn’t take too long for me to shape the jade!”
You never would’ve expected yourself to be dazzled by weapons of all things, but the finished product truly was a sight to behold. 
As a sword fashioned for ceremonial purposes rather than an adventurer’s use, its hilt is engraved with small stones of noctilucous jade. The entire edge of the blade is plated with the gemstone as if coated in sky-blue paint, sharpened with masterful precision. You’re not sure how he’s managed such a thing, but it leaves the sword twinkling in a deadly manner. It’d look absolutely stunning under the sunlight.
“And now to test it.” Yichen looks down at the sword in his hands, before bowing his head and offering it to Kuni. “If you would… I’d like you to do the honors.”
“Me?” Kuni looks like he’s about to decline, but hesitates. “Why?”
Yichen straightens, giving Kuni a smile. “Well, aside from the impressive display you put up while rescuing me, the way you observed my workspace when we first arrived gave me the impression you were a little familiar with sword making.” He pauses. “But, you can also call it intuition. Between the four of us, I simply believe you’d wield this sword the best.”
“Hmph. Human reasoning really is nonsensical.”
Something in the air changes as Kuni picks up the sheathed blade, adjusting to its weight and equipping the scabbard so that the sword would rest by his hips. His gaze lowers as if recalling a ritual from long ago, making his way to an open area surrounded by amber trees.
There is no music, but you, Lian, and Yichen all fall silent. The wind picks up, twirling through the air while carrying gold and orange leaves. 
Kuni takes a step forward, his hands shifting with graceful movements. He does not have a fan as one normally would with a sword dance, but in place he conjures anemo to take its form. Teal and ochre swirl around the timeless wanderer, and in the middle of it all is sapphire that unmistakably draws the eye. 
It is blue in the richness of the sky and sea, harnessed into a blade that flirts with the light as Kuni flourishes it, guiding it through the air.
He cuts through the falling leaves, slicing them clean in half. It’s like time has stopped to witness his actions, preserving the fall of orange just a second more.
Suffice to say, Yichen absolutely begs Kuni to follow him up to the mountains to place the offering. (“It wouldn’t be right otherwise!”) The entire group treks up Mount Aocang, which you identified as the safest option for visit.
Lian gives you a painting of Kuni’s sword dance before you leave, along with another drawing of the both of you walking together at the front with a flabbergasted Yichen. Kuni doesn’t say much about this outwardly, but you notice the way he keeps an eye on where you keep it - safely tucked within your backpack.
“After the death of Rex Lapis, the adepti showed up at Liyue Harbour during a time of great need.
“They’ve since retreated to their abodes, but I just wanted to leave something as a sign of gratitude. Liyue Harbour is my home, after all. I’ll always thank those that help protect it - and to the two of you, for helping me accomplish this much.
“If you two ever need help while in the city, feel free to look for us. We’ll do what we can!”
On the day of the Lantern Rite celebration, where the giant mingxiao lantern would come to life and soar above the harbor at night - you find yourself wandering through the city to take full advantage of its offerings.
With delicious food, riddles, and shadow puppet shows to watch, there’s never a dull moment. At some point Kuni got roped into helping children mend their dolls, but he much prefers to get some relative quiet from the crowds; you end up in a shop that makes their own mingxiao lanterns, and allows you to customize yours before sending it off to the sky.
Instead of writing your wishes on the paper slip as instructed by Master Lou however, you place an additional slip on the table between you and Kuni, silently willing him to take it and read its contents.
Like school-children passing notes, Kuni raises a brow at the way you’re pretending you’ve been on-task the entire time. You stand up and chase after one of the staff members to ask a question, leaving him alone at the desk.
He would’ve expected your handwriting to struggle fitting onto a paper so small, but the words stand out in tiny, tentative letters.
‘Did you ever regret meeting me?’
Kuni silently pockets the note and finishes off his wish, tying it to his mingxiao lantern and exiting the shop. The lantern looks like it could be the stage of a shadow puppet show. Or perhaps, more optimistically, a page where the wishes written on paper could be brought to life. With how unpredictable the shape of a flickering fire can be, Kuni doesn’t doubt that a drunk man could witness a dream simply by watching the lanterns up close.
He joins you at the docks, where children and adults alike crowd around the harbor and balconies, awaiting the start of the fireworks show. Once the musicians begin playing, the lanterns in your hands start to glow, raising themselves into the air. 
They gather against the night sky like a sea of fireflies, and as much as Kuni wants to say it’s simply an ocean of floating trash… the sight is something that brings him to pause.
“I’m not particularly mad or bitter about the past.” Kuni says quietly. It might’ve gone unheard beneath the music of the streets if he wasn’t standing next to you. “Even if you’re a bit of a liability, traveling around with you and making sure you don’t run into trouble aren’t such bad memories to have.”
The music swells, and something in your chest twinges with it. The melody goes tentative, tentative, before marching into a crescendo you recognise by heart.
“In that case, I have to thank you.” You reply, eyes on the lanterns that’re so far away now. “I never would’ve thought that offering shelter to a lost person would bring me to this day. But I don’t regret any of it.”
A whistle shoots through the air, drawing your line of sight up, and higher, to where the first firework blooms. It’s followed by a chorus of more multicolored lights, delivered from Naganohara Fireworks across the ocean. Perhaps one day, you and Kuni could visit Inazuma, or Mondstadt, or wherever else the wind blows. For now though, this sight is more than enough to captivate you. 
The fireworks are fleeting, yet as you drink in the display of explosive lights, the moment seems to hang just a second longer for you to savor it. 
Eternal, yet not. A long time ago, in a different place, Kuni had witnessed fireworks from your apartment window for the first time. Against the tempered glass, both of your reflections could be seen in tandem with the fireworks far away. 
You’d asked him if he wanted to go outside for a better view, but Kuni had said this much was enough. Perhaps there was something about its beauty that deserved being admired from a distance - or, he might’ve seen similar sights from a beach in Inazuma, far from where the main city stood proud.
“...You know what? If we ever get separated, or if you’re the one who loses their memory - I’d fight to hell and back to make you remember again.” 
“You say that as if I would forget.” Kuni replies, stating the loud implication as if it were fact. Maybe with his will, it might as well be.
“I’ll take that as a promise.” You lean against the balcony of the harbor, fireworks still going off around you. No one would know any better about an outlander being in their midst. “I’d have to annoy you day and night otherwise.”
Humans are horrible at keeping promises. “You’re lucky I know you.”
“And I’m glad that you do.” You smile, and it’s like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Whatever happens now will be up to the both of you; destination, purpose, or dream.
The last firework explodes before the moon, larger than life and resounding against the darkness.
Happy Lantern Rite.
Ending notes: thank you so much for reading this far! It’s certainly been a journey while writing ‘Adopt a Wanderer’, and I hope ‘Reunion’ was a fun sequel to read!
My initial concept for the series was just this feel-good, comfy fic with Wanderer (who at the time was still called Scaramouche quite often, time flies…) Now that it’s officially ended, I’m allowing requests to be made with this series as its context! So if you want a more romantic spin on it, or certain moments/alternate timelines, feel free to drop it in my inbox and I’ll write them when I have time!
Following that, I’m also working on a fanbook version of ‘Adopt a Wanderer’! It’ll essentially be a compilation of the og series and this sequel, but more properly edited and featuring bonus content (plus some spot arts and a cover!)
If you’re interested in getting the PDF copy of the book, just check my pinned post for more info!
That should be all from me for now, and uh… to those that follow me for other characters, I swear I’ll get back to my normal posts soon. You can also drop requests for them if you’d like, according to my pinned post rules and etc. Hope you’ll all have a good day/night!
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silkjade · 2 years
genshin men as wedding dates
It’s wedding season and you’ve got a large one coming up. But it’s not just any wedding, it’s a family wedding meaning…extended relatives. Are you going to brave the night out on your own or are you rsvping with a plus one?
Featuring— Kaeya, Diluc, Venti, Childe, Zhongli, Xiao, Thoma
gn!reader, modern au, mentions of alcohol, mostly platonic but implied romantic feelings
Part 1 (here) - Part 2 - Part 3
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you guys pregame the wedding
he’s cool, he’s charismatic, he’s definitely the hottest person at the entire event (and he knows it)
makes funny little comments about the family with you; flirty banters all day all night
insists on dancing together and will definitely dip you at some point
gossips with the old ladies (i mean he’s not #1 grandson candidate for nothing right) and tells you everything
drawback is he makes you take photos of him all night and will make you take it again until he likes it! and it’s not just fit pics because he’ll be drinking a glass of wine or eating cake and be like
“wait take a candid of me real quick”
the bride overshot the mark and tossed the bouquet way too far and that’s how he ends up catching the bouquet
“oh? guess we’re next” and then he offers the bouquet to you and kisses your hand
clingyyyyy drunk at the end of the night and spills about how nice it was to be included at a family event, and how grateful he is to you for inviting him
please invite him again to your next family gathering
congrats you’ve officially gotten the family flex of the century! bragging rights forever!
picks you up in his fancy car. he’s not planning to drink anyway so he’ll take care of you (but pls drink responsibly he just wants to have a nice night out with you)
you get interrogated upon arrival because is that really the wine tycoon diluc ragnvindr???
will excuse the both of you if he notices you’re getting overwhelmed; diluc’s had his fair share of social events so he does this easily without offending anyone for your sake
“ I said I’d take care of you tonight, didn’t I?”
the flower girl asks him for a dance and he does the thing where he lifts her onto his feet and oops now all the kids at the wedding want a turn à la ross from friends
would’ve been stuck there all night but you’re soft for his ‘help me’ face so you whisk him away and he finally gets to dance with you
a week later you get a link with all the photos from that night and there’s a candid of the two of you where you’re laughing and diluc is looking at you with a soft smile and the most lovestruck look in his eyes
if it’s a wedding with an open bar..do you really even have to ask??
on the ride there, he keeps saying he’s got something up his sleeve but doesn’t elaborate further, just “ehe”
turns out he snuck his pet lizard dvalin in via his..you guessed it, sleeve. dvalin escapes some time during the ceremony and neither of you notice because you’re busy whispering little jokes and comments to each other
you guys don’t see dvalin again until the reception when an entire table is screaming
he makes up for it by making the most beautiful, poetic toast to the married couple
someone wanted to film a first drink vs last drink tiktok and it goes viral but all the comments are about venti’s segment (he’s at ‘tie around his head’ level messy)
pukes on you in the uber back and passes out. you have to haul his ass home after the driver sticks you with the cleaning bill. he’s here for a good time not for a long time
wants to make a good impression so he insists on you giving him a who’s who rundown presentation a week before the big day. calls it a battle plan
“that’s your misogynistic cousin right? can I punch him?” “yeah but just do it outside”
HAS to win all the wedding games
it’s his dance floor and we’re just dancing on it
your teen cousins all develop a crush on him because they think he’s the fun spontaneous boyfriend of their dreams
you two take forever in the photobooth; you’re doing cute photos, funny photos, using all the props!! even sneaks a kiss on your cheek! puts his copy in the back of his phone case (he has one of those clear ones)
he's great with the kids at the wedding; and seeing him almost seamlessly blend into your family dynamics makes you feel a little….
everyone keeps asking when you two are getting married and he says hopefully soon <3 (but you aren’t even dating?!)
you’re whatevs about catching the bouquet so he gets competitive about it for you
why is he in all the important family photos
gets a personal invite to the next family gathering and has the audacity to ask you to be his plus one
he's that one guest who would randomly be an ordained minister if anything happens
drifts to the oldest people at the wedding and exchanges stories but when he mentions he works as a funeral consultant, they think he's just trying to sell them a funeral package
there are disposable cameras scattered around the tables during the reception and he tries so hard to take a selfie with you. after the photos get developed it's just....blurry..or a bunch of photos of the top of your heads..or one of you is cut out of the frame..or -
the photos he takes of you are very cute though! and he took so many! they’re not the best quality but they have the candid blurry aesthetic™ going on
good at formal dances but is otherwise so stiff. hu tao convinced him it’d be a fun idea to throw it back; he’s never been more embarassed in his life
you think it's adorable but your mean cousin makes a comment and you're about to beat their ass for his honor (to be fair you did hear his bones crack but that’s not the point)
brought tupperware for leftovers from the dessert bar. reminds you to take the centerpiece
tbh he wouldn’t even consider it unless you two are very close
says no at first but agrees when you say you'll have to ask someone else
"hmm…do you think venti would want to-" "venti? really? you can’t be serious. I’ll go.”
comes off very cold when you introduce him to everyone; he's very respectful (especially to elders) but he just isn't a very social person
mostly sticks to you and just minds his own business sitting at the table all night but he will defend you if he overhears anyone talking smack about you
one dance and that’s it. it’s a slowdance and he’s looking everywhere except at you. help him he’s nervous
the two of you end up leaving the party for some fresh air and take a walk around the gardens outside the venue
you watch the firework show from your spot in the garden as well. his eyes aren’t on the fireworks though
arguably one of, if not the best, candidates to meet family
he definitely wants to match with you!!!
his dashing looks and polite, personable charisma are truly a deadly combination
social butterfly! open to chatting with anyone, he’s sharing recipes and knitting tips and talking about how housework is for everyone… the girls, gays, and theys love him
your aunt tries setting him up with your cousin and wait a minute- what’s that feeling bubbling in your chest..it’s not jealousy is it? after all, you and thoma are just friends
if you get different desserts, he’ll hold out his fork to feed you some of his
“mm! you have to try this — it’s so good!”
kind of a bad dancer but that just adds to his charm; also your personal hype man!!
instagram bf material; he’ll take so many photos of you at so many angles! he just wants a few photos of the two of you together, which the photographer happily obliges
at the end of the night, after all the partying, he sneaks a selfie together of you dozing off on his shoulder and makes it his new lockscreen goodbye taroumaru
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Thank you for making it to the end! I had to go to a family friend’s wedding recently by myself and it was…an experience. Anyways! What did you guys think? Do you guys want a part 2 with different characters? This is my first time writing and posting headcanons publicly so please be easy on me 🥹
© silkjade — do not steal, plagiarize, translate or repost any content onto any other platform
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dilucsrevenge · 1 year
kaveh held such a high reputation within sumeru and with the akademiya, so naturally you gained this reputation when it became known that you two were seeing each other. some found it strange that the two of you hadn’t moved out of the shared home with alhaitham. surely it had to be awkward for anyone when there was a couple and someone on their own living together. most of sumeru knew of alhaitham and kaveh’s peculiar relationship between the two of them. between the constant bickering and somehow halting each other's projects, there had to be some tenshin in the home, right?
behind closed doors, those people would be extremely wrong about the dynamic between the three of you. none of these people saw the nights you all spent in bed together, hands exploring every inch of each other’s body. it wasn’t a lie, you and alhaitham somehow got along a lot better than alhaitham and kaveh. but it was all for very specific reasons that the two of you got along so well. you both had a very specific goal in mind when it came to kaveh, torturing him until he was a whimpering and crying mess.
most nights ended with kaveh tied up to the bed you and he shared, hands bound to the headboard with red silk ribbons that looked so divine against his skin. every time you ordered alhaitham to be at kaveh’s side, sitting on the edge of the bed as you verbally guided alhaitham through all the things you wanted to see him to do kaveh. you loved to see the tears in kaveh’s eyes every time alhaitham almost made him cum, but you quickly told him to stop. it was music to your ears to not only hear kaveh whimpering your name but to also hear alhaitham laughing at his roommate that looked so pathetic like this.
neither alhaitham or kaveh were patient men, but when it came to your demands and wishes they were the most patient men in all of teyvat. watching alhaitham’s fingers trail along the inside of kaveh’s thighs while he was waiting for your next command was hypnotizing, but the way kaveh bucked his hips up off the bed in a desperate attempt to get closer to alhaithams touch was sinful. the whimpers and pleas for more touch that spilled from the blond’s lips sank into the crevices of your mind like an infection that would surely spread in time.
it came to be known that you were the least patient of the three, as soon as kaveh’s breathy moans filled the room you were doomed. you needed to hear him more, you needed to see him crying and shivering from the orgasm that had been building up for what seemed like hours. which is each what came to happen as your hand wrapped around alhaitham’s on kaveh’s cock, cooing at the sweet blond spread out on the bed below as both of your hands pushed him further and further over the edge.
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