#―  ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀starter call  ⠀ ❯  ⠀ 🌺
weavewithin · 5 months
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭, warm as sunlight. The evening arrived gently, like quiet waves onto the beach, and soothed the harsh lights of the city. Early summer was Taliyah's favorite.
She stood at the agreed spot, skateboard in tow, drawstring bag with her swim- and workwear on her back. She'd never been one to mind waiting, and her mind drifted in the sky, ignoring the flow of people around her.
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infernalfated · 5 months
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got tomorrow off & hoping to get to some starters to get things rolling here! i'll be getting to these tomorrow & over the weekend. nothing too fancy; just small starters. please specify a muse you'd like it from if you wouldn't mind & multis you know what to do. ❤️
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starjynx · 1 year
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After a hiatus, let me write some starters? I’m going to be super rusty but let me love mutuals again, please?
Multis you know what to do.
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steelheir · 2 years
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❮ starter call because I’m back into YTTD and just got this account back, plz like in the meantime! <3 ❯
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deflvwered-a · 2 years
starter call for these specific muses;
- Angela Ziegler
- Amelie LaCroix
- Fareeha Amari
- Hana Song
- Gwen Madden
- Adelaide Wilson
- Emerald Haywood
- Dani Ardor
- Peter Graham
- Kirsty Cotton
- Nina Sayers
- Riley McKendry
- Heather Chandler
- Veronica Sawyer
- Psyche
- Helen
- Cassandra
- Perseus
- Mileena
- Blue Pearl
- Vicki Loomis
- River Altieri-Loomis ( ik her bio isn't done but 🔫 )
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petalruesimblr · 6 months
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Hey everyone!
This is part two of my small gift to my followers and to all the support I have received since I started this simblr blog. In case anyone missed it, here's the link to the first part of my gift: click here. It features a small set of starter homes for your Sims all priced below §16,500.
For the second gift, I'm excited to introduce the Sim Service Specialist Career! This is my first time creating a career for The Sims 3 and I owe special thanks to MissyHissy's for the step-by-step tutorial (here), as well as to Emma and Pat222 at Job Centre Discord for their help and encouragement when I felt like giving up.
Additional credits go to the creators of S3pe and Twallan for the Career Mod.
To new visitors, welcome and feel free to browse my Tumblr by checking out the pinned post for easier navigation. To everyone, your continued support through likes, reblogs, downloads and follows is always appreciated and welcomed!
Click on ’Keep Reading’ below for more information and pictures of the Sim Service Specialist Career.
XOXO, petalrue 🌺
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Sim Service Specialist (Call Center)
Download Link: Sim File Share | MTS (for approval)
Career Details:
Available for: Young Adults, Adults and Elders Available Languages: English Levels: 10 Does it have Carpool? Yes Does it have Uniforms? Yes Metrics: Charisma, Logic (only at higher career levels), Relationships, Mood, Meetings (for high level) Performance Tones: Business as Usual, Peak Performance, Coffee Break, Team Huddle, Desk Detour, Hold Meetings, Practice Call Scripts, Suck up to Boss, Strategy Review and Conduct Evaluation
For my first career for TS3, I decided to go with the Call Center path which I was already familiar with due to my previous job working at one. This is a vanilla career; meaning no opportunities, events, books nor custom uniforms because those are a lot harder to deal with for a first timer.
This career was made with patch 1.42 and it should work for higher patches as long as you have the latest version of NRAAS Careers Mod. Please be advised that you will need NRAAS Careers Mod for this career to show up in the game, click here.
The career is based at the Business and Journalism rabbit hole with the same uniforms used for the Business career, for female Sims refer to the picture above and male Sims click here for reference. This career focuses mostly on the Charisma skill at the start, which then adds the Logic skill as the career advances to leadership roles.
I have renamed all typical tones such as Power Work and Take It Easy, etc. and have added three custom tones called: Practice Call Scripts, Conduct Evaluation and Strategy Review that will increase charisma and logic respectively.
I'm not fluent in any other languages to translate so if anyone is interested in translating this career, please don't hesitate to send me a message here or comment on this post and will let you know the details.
I have tested this career in my game, so far it is working and all scripts are showing up. As this is my first career, all feedback is very welcome to help me learn and improve my skills so please let me know if you experience any problems on your end and I’ll do my best to sort it as soon as possible.
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laviedevivi · 3 months
* 🌺 ― starter call 
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01. ❛ you didn't hear a word of what i just said, did you? ❜
02. ❛ do you believe in ghosts?  ❜
03. ❛ i wish we had more time together. ❜
04. ❛ where are you taking me?❜
05. ❛ why did you leave without saying goodbye?❜
06. ❛ will you please slow down a little? ❜
07. ❛ it’s nice getting to know this new you.  ❜
08. ❛ you still remember? it’s been years!  ❜
escolha um número + caso queira que a frase seja dita pelo seu personagem, coloque o nome dele (ex: 08 + marie )
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somber-sapphic · 1 year
Prompt List
Just as the title says, a list of prompts! Have fun!
Caretaker Sentence Starters:
1. “Oookay, you sure are delirious.” 
2. “Just can’t shake that cough, huh?” 
3. “Your complexion is scaring me, please sit down.” 
4. “You’ve kept that cough through two colds and it sounds like you’re on your third.” 
5. “Did you hide the thermometer from me?” 
6. “How much medicine did you take?” 
7. “You wanna walk by yourself? Alright, let's see that.” 
8. “When you said you were sick I thought you meant a cold, not the damn plague!” 
9. “Mm…I don’t think it’s just the sniffles this time honey.” 
10. “Please stop wasting what's left of your voice on complaints about soup you can’t even taste.”
11. “I can tell you’re sicker than you’re letting on.”
12. “This is the third time I’ve had to put you back in bed, why the hell do you want to lie on the floor so badly?” 
13. “I know you’re cold, but that blanket is gross now, you need a clean one, okay?” 
14. “Hey, it’s just a dream, wake up.” 
14. “You’re alright.”
16. “Are you okay?”
17. “Hey, hey, hey. I’m here.” 
18. “Go back to sleep darling.”
19. “How can I help?”
20. “You’re not up to this, you can barely stand!” 
21. “Go back to bed before you hurt yourself.” 
22. “Oh, you sound way worse than you did yesterday. What happened?” 
23. “You’ve gotta calm down for me, I can’t help unless you calm down.”
24. “Is the fever getting to you?” 
25. “Still don’t feel up to eating?” 
26. “I give you credit for lasting as long as you did, you were cooking in your own skin.”
27. “When was the last time you checked your temperature?” 
28. “Are you feeling any better?” 
29. “You really don’t look good…”
30. “Have you gotten any sleep?”
31. “You’ve been sick for how long? And you didn’t say anything because…?”
32. “C’mon, let’s get you to bed.”
33. “I made you some tea, you need to stay hydrated.”
34. “I know you don’t feel well, but you have to eat – just something light.” 
35. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this sick.”
36. “I’m sorry you’re not feeling well.”
37. “You really, really need to get some rest.”
38. “Your voice sounds like rocks scraping against sandpaper.” 
39. “You look like death warmed over.” 
Sickie Types (optional, but fun!!) 
99.9% Immunity - they never get sick, right? Wrong. 
Elephant in the Room - they’re sick, but for some reason, perhaps rank or personality, no one is talking about it. Until it gets bad.
Heroes Don’t Take Sick Days - there’s no time to rest when you have to save the world, so sickie has to push themselves even when miserable. 
Insult to Injury - as if being injured wasn’t enough, now they’re getting sick too. 
Ill Timed - it is the worst possible time for them to be sick, but their body didn’t get the memo. 
Irreplaceable - they are the leader or the boss and aren’t able to take personal time off, even when they’re sick.
It’s Nothing - they insist they’re fine, right up until they collapse. 
Medic Down - How do the other characters handle it when their usual caretaker is sick?
Milking It - if they’re sick, they’re at least going to get as much pampering out of it as they can. 
Not a Word - sickie said they don’t get sick and isn’t in the mood for anyone to remind them while they recover. 
Stepping Up - boss/leader is clearly miserable, so the others go out of their way to take as much of their workload as possible. 
Suffer in Silence - for whatever reason, they don’t want anyone to know they’re sick and do everything they can to hide it.
Team Mom/Dad - the typical team Mom/Dad gets sick, leaving the others to scramble to take care of them.
Sickie Scenarios:
🥀Feeling so out of it, they need constant attention.
🌹Barefoot sleeping wanderings. 
🪷Being let back to bed with patient whispers. 
🌷Collapsing into someone’s waiting arms. 
🌻Forehead kisses
🌼Being picked up 
🌸Being called things like baby, sweetheart or honey
🌺Shaky hands
💐 Waking up either adorably confused or painfully scared
🌾Comfort after a nightmare
☘️Hand holding 
🌴Reaching out for someone 
🌵Fingers running through sweaty hair
Sickie Sentence Starters (hehe, alliteration) 
1A“I don’t have time to sleep off a little cold.”
2A“I didn’t think it’d get this bad…”
3A“Shit. Did I wake you up?”
4A“It all hurts . . . so much. I just want it to be over already.”
5A“Why should you care?”
6A“I didn’t want you to see me like this.”
7A“Hold my hand, please?” 
8A“Relax, it’s just a cold.”
9A“Leave me alone.”
10A“Honestly, I’m fine.”
11A“I…I really don’t feel well.”
12A“Will you just hold me?”
13A“I wanna go home.”
14A“It’s a cough.”
15A“I am not taking my temperature.”
16A“My head hurts.”
17A“My throat just hurts too much.”
18A“Can I have some water? Please?”
19A“Can we cuddle?” 
20A“m’ sleepy.” 
21A“Everything’s fine, don’t worry about me.”
22A“Look, you worry about you, I’ll worry about me.”
23A“My god, you’re pushy.”
24A“Thank you. I’m sorry for being sick.”
25A“I don’t take medicine.”
26A“I’m NOT sick.”
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duketibbitswaifu · 15 days
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💗 🌸 I would say I support Duke's rights and his wrongs, but I believe all of his actions are justified. ^-^ 💗 ✨
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💕 - Kidnapped and tried to kill Chase? - 💕
🌺 Well for starters, he might have already started to succumb to the hysteria?? 🍰 HELLO??? 🍰 Plus, he's trying to solve this massive problem the way he's always been told. 🚬 He's been seeing the tulpa around town, so ofc he's gonna try to rid of him~!!1 🌺 He even had the mercy to question him first. 🥰
💕 - Disabled Arturo's card and attacked Devon - 💕
🌸 He was clearly just pissed as all hell, and I would be too!! He said it himself!! ❣️ They really came to just piss with the "methheads" and the whole tragedy of the place~!! >:((( 🌺 ✨
💕- Associating with Brian for so long. - 💕
🪷 He was USING BRIANNNN. ❣️ 🍰 You can tell he hated his fucking guts and used him only to maintain power. 💗 ✨ He's a giant ass bear. That's a huge asset. 🌺 💞 Plus, after he found out what he did in Arches, you could tell Duke went go pump some lead in his head. 🍦 🚬
💕 - Calling Chase a queer. - 💕
I would too. Have you seen him? 🙄
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damian oh my god please do not die. damian. please. this is like the most . drastic of drastics.
listen listen if you don't die i swear i'll never make another pun to you again. i'll never make one ever again. don't listen to whatever! whatever weird song there is! come on! it's a song! ignore it! block it out! you don't deserve to go to hell . NOBODY gets to tell you to go to hell. Damian. why would you ever think you deserve that?
i'll. i'll scream, damian! i'll scream if you die. i'll keep sending horrible horrible horrible puns until it annoys you so much you come back to throttle me. you know me! i'm the funniest! the loudest! i'll be so annoying.
you hear me, damian? I'LL BE SO ANNOYING. The most annoying EVER!! YOU WON'T ESCAPE THE PUNS!! so don't you DARE die. I'll make so many horrible jokes if you do. I'll steal your animals. I'll be an absolute and utter menace.
Nobody is allowed to kill me until you kill me first, remember? Do you really want me to be an immortal blight on humanity to leave puns everywhere?
So don't you dare die, Damian Al-Ghul Wayne. Don't you dare.
Lets nitpick this message together, shall we?
For starters, I'm not dying, I am simply returning home. My song resonates with the song of the river. Home calls for me. What is the problem with that?
"why would you ever think you deserve that?" Another thing, you seem to have forgotten that when I die, that is where my soul ends up. I could be free of the stain, and still be sent to where most wouldn't want to go. It's not my choice of where I end up. That is not how the world was created. There are boundaries that you must understand, and this is one of the many that is so misunderstood.
Home isn't stating that I deserve to be in hell, they are stating that it is where I belong. Where I am most welcomed. Where I would fit in the most.
Someone has to take good care of my animals once I return, and if you insist on stealing them, then I shall leave them in your care to take. I am positive that you are very welcoming of that idea?
I'll come back to haunt you, hibiscus. I always have, and I always will keep that promise. Wherever you go, I will be there, telling you that your puns are absolutely terrible. You will get tired of it. You will want me gone by the first week of my haunting.
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despite the fact that i only have bios up for one of these two girlies im doing a joint starter call for both!
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REPLY with a 🌺 (flower emoji) for a starter from cecelia de martel gc gc
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REPLY with a 🪲 (bug emoji) for a starter from beatrice de martel (daughter of aurora de marteI and kIaus mikaelson) gc
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supraxstcllas · 7 months
Tag List
Hub Tags: 
Promo | Self Promo
Memes | dash games
Starter Calls | Open Starters
Video | Audio
Mun Art | Friend Art
References | tag drops
Wishlist | Saves
Character Tags:
❖ Harley Quinn
🦇 Kirk Langstrom
🧬 Match
🕊️ Sparrow
🌀Dan Phantom
🐢Dark Leo
🔥Aracely Penalba / Hummingbird
🌺Aria Lawrence
🔗Shadow the Hedgehog
🎞️Viewtiful Joe
⚡Blade Master Alastor
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deflvwered-a · 2 years
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new followers means new inbox call <3 hit the heart and tell me who you want or lemme pick for you!
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alolanprofessor · 2 years
Like/reply here for a starter with Professor Kukui. If you’re a multimuse of some sorts, please specify a muse of yours to interact with my Professor Kukui.
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swxxt-hibiscus · 3 years
Inbox Call!
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((Like this post for me to throw Steven in your inbox! If you’re a sideblog let me know in the replies!))
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mrs-barnes-library · 2 years
My Favorite Attack On Titan - Levi Ackerman Fanfictions 🧼 🧽
Fluff : 🌺    Smut : 🔥    Angst : 😭    None : 🌲  Incorrect Quotes : 💫    My Work : 💚✨
If you like these characters don't hesitate to check the new arrivals, I update every day according to my readings.
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Levi Ackerman 🧼 🧽 :
Oh God, I Sound Crazy🌺
When He Is In Love 🌺
Laying In Bed With Him 🌺
Seeking Comfort 🌺
Helping 🌺
Him As A Boyfriend 🌺
When He Walks On You Changing 🌺
Comforting His Crying S/o 🌺
Trust Me And Let Me Help 🌺
Making Out With Him The First Time 🌺
Him Falling In Love With You 🌺
Reacting To You Speaking Your Native Language 🌺
How He Reacts To you Asking To Kiss Under The Mistletoe 🌺
Call Out My Name 🌺
A Lover’s Hands 🌺
Sweet Like Honey 🌺
Gentle Touches 🌺
Now That Is A First 🌺💚✨
Toilets 🌺
Pinning Him Against A Wall 🌺💚✨
I Love You 🌺
Insomnia 🌺
Missed You 🌺
When He Scolds You 🌺
Let Me Help You 🌺💚✨
You Weren't Sleeping ? 🌺
Hand Holding 🌺
You Get Injured And He Takes Care Of You 🌺
Types Of Kisses 🌺
When You're On Your Period 🌺
Spilling His Tea 🌺
Important To Me 🌺
Dick Analysis 🔥
Riding Him 🔥
Developing Dirty Thoughts About You 🔥
Talking Stupid Stuff During The 👀🔥
Soft Sex With Him 🔥
Taking His Virginity 🔥
How He Would Hold You 🔥
Cockwarming 🔥
How He Would React When You Take Control 🔥
Riding Him 🔥
Distance ( 1 - 2 ) 🔥
Formality 🔥
Post-War Sex With Him 🔥  
With A Small Dick ?!? 🔥
Passionate Sex With His Wife 🔥
Now Please Let Me Fuck You 🔥
First Orgasm 🔥
Making Gentle And Sweet Love With Him 🔥 
Saying He Is Cute 🔥
Riding Him 🔥
Blowjob 🔥
Incorrect Quotes 💫 :
It’s A Threat 💫
May I Sit There ?💫
Go To Bed 💫
Is THAT What That Means ? 💫
First Of All, Fuck You💫
We Don’t Use Pet Names 💫
It’s You Turn To Wash The Dishes 💫
I Told Him His Ears Flush When He Lies 💫
It’s Such A Beautiful Evening 💫
We almost Got Surprised Adopted 💫
How’s The Sexiest Person Here ? 💫
I Was... Doing Things 💫
Iconic Duo 💫
Conversation Starter 💫
Describe Yourself In One Word 💫
What Do YOU Sleep With ? 💫
It Is A Threat 💫
I Sleep Just Fine 💫
Meeting For The First Time 💫
Him As A Dad 💫
Is Something Burning ? 💫
Lmao Do You Want A List Or Something ? 💫
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