#‘I am absolutely 100% ready to flying tackle a shooter and/or lead my children in a stanley-water-bottle-projectile assault’
its-your-mind · 4 months
the way Madam E talks is in fact Incredibly Extra (alex said somewhere that yeah duh that was the point) but also.
as a person who sits in a pretty diverse classroom of 12-14 year olds all day.
some of the Kids These Days do in fact talk like that. All the time. To everyone. No matter what. Front-facing camera not required.
The other day one of the individual-units-of-chaos-for-whom-I-am-responsible-for-8-hours-each-weekday asked if I had done anything fun over the weekend and I said "oh I just went for a short hike in the national park" and he straight up did this:
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like. LIKE. madam E's tone. her inflection. her little trill on the end of words... some of the slang was a tad dated (though that does sort of make sense, if Madam E is ~5-10 years older than my gremlins-disguised-as-preteens) but I literally got whiplash every three minutes because all I could visualize for Madam E was a rotating cast of the like. Seven of my kiddos who talk EXACTLY like that.
which I WILL SAY. did make the horror hit home Just A Bit More Than Usual.
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