#‘I’m from New York’ ohhhh cool okay. which country though?
worstloki · 4 months
Asking someone if they’re American and when they get all coy like how’d you know was it the accent I say yeah the accent sounds very Paraguayan
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gleekto · 6 years
One Night Love Affair (12/24)
Summary:  Kurt and Blaine never met in high school. They each finally make it to college, out of Ohio, to New York City - where they won’t be the only gay kid in the state. So when they meet at the first Queer NYADA mixer of the year in their freshman year of college, eager and hopeful has to be trumped by playing it cool (because whatever). Things move too fast (no big, it’s cool), and they’re left with pretending like it’s nothing (because everyone hooks up  - so what?).
One night and its aftermath.
One Night Love Affair
Athlete, Bury, Camera, Paper, Exclude, Feed, Gradual, House, Incident, Joke, Kidnap
Part 12: Language
“Shit,” Blaine says as his notes fall on the floor of his dorm room, raising his hands helplessly. He knows he’s being slightly melodramatic but can’t he just sit and write and not deal with loose notes and extra mess? He had asked Tina to put his notes back carefully.
“Okay, that’s it,” says Sam, picking up the four stray papers and handing them back to Blaine. “What is going on with you?”
“Well, I just dropped my music composition notes all over the floor, for one,” Blaine huffs. 
“Yeah. Four pages to pick up. And you swore.” Blaine rolls his eyes. “Now if you had a badass rapper-type brand, you might have fooled me,” Sam continues. “But last week you spilled your entire medium drip all over your pricey music history textbook and you were sopping that up in no time with only a mildly irritated ‘darn!’ So what’s with the language, Blaine?”
“Maybe I’m trying to curate my rapper-brand?” Maybe then Kurt would give him the time of the day. He sure seemed to pay attention when Blaine rapped for him on Saturday night. But clearly he wasn’t impressive enough to deserve the time of day on Monday morning. 
“Try again,” Sam dismisses. “You’ve been moping around since Monday. You even skipped sing-a-long sound of music in the common room last night. Something’s up. Are you failing a class? Missing home?”
“Ha!” Blaine scoffs. “No, not missing Ohio, thank you. It’s not exactly a great scene for young, gay artsy types. I’ll take New York any day.” Hell he had gone from never been kissed to whatever-sex-no-biggie in his second week of school. With a hot, smart guy, no less. The irony isn’t lost on him that Kurt is from Ohio.
“You do you, man. But I’m only here for the country music major. Then it’s back home to Tennessee for this artsy dude.”
“I imagine there are at least a few straight girls in Tennessee, though. Should you ever want, you know, to date or something crazy like that.”
“Oh. Ohhhh. This is what it’s about. That guy on Saturday.” Sam nods to himself. “You do like him.” 
“What? No. What are you even talking about?” In the few weeks that Blaine has known Sam, he’s been full of surprises. Seemingly a blonde, country bumpkin straight boy (he is all those things), but unexpectedly perceptive. And gay positive. Which does help him not feel like a complete tool for the feelings he now has plastered on his face. He wasn’t expecting the intervention and now he’s doomed to truth. Sam just raises his eyebrows and Blaine’s confessing. “Okay fine. It is about Kurt. But not because of the hook up. Because he completely blew me off on Monday in music history class.”
“Harsh,” Sam appears to be thinking. “Did you like ask him out or something?”
“What? No! No. I wouldn’t do that. I just said hi. But he glared and ran out of the room.”
“Really?” Blaine won’t admit out loud that Sam’s disbelief somewhat aids his bruised ego. “I mean, I’m no expert on dudes, bro, but you seem to be a pretty smart, pretty good looking guy. And if there was no pressure-” 
“Exactly!” Blaine agrees. He’s contemplating whether to tell Sam what he thinks the reason actually is - why Kurt obviously does not want anything to do with him after Saturday night. He’d been going over and over their interactions in his head, and there was only one thing he could come up with.  “But I’m guessing I know why I’ve been dismissed.” Sam waits and Blaine takes a deep breath. “Sparing you the gory details, I tried something for the first time and I guess I wasn’t good at it because I don’t think he liked it.” Sam looks slightly confused. “So why should he do that again, right?”
Sam’s eyes go wide in recognition. Blaine definitely was not going to go into the details of his apparently lacking blowjob technique. It seemed like it worked at the time but he really has no idea whether he’s gifted with natural skill in that department. And obviously he isn’t because once was enough for Kurt.
“Is that what Kurt told you?”
“No. Of course not. That would have been rude.”
“Or you know - during things - were things - “
Blaine waves his hands to stop him “No. no. They were good. It was good. At least I thought it was good. And like it wasn’t just about that - like he’s from Ohio. We had a lot in common. He was very funny. We even sang ‘Hamilton’ together.” 
Sam looks confused. “Who?” 
“Never mind. It was a great night. And I wouldn’t have guessed he’d be so focused my,” Blaine blushes, “Skills. But you know how guys are.”
“Yeah, I do know,” Sam says. “And this sounds-,” Sam pauses, “Dumb. I don’t believe it.”
“If you liked the guy, which you obviously did, why did you leave to come back in the middle of the night anyways? I told you that was weird.”
Right. Blaine had left Kurt in the middle of the night. With a note. Is that like breaking up over text? 
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