#klaine advent 2018
forabeatofadrum · 1 year
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.... LIKE???? I DID THAT???????????
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I’m in the mood for some holiday stories, so any Christmas klaine recommendations? Preferably where they are already together. Maybe even with kids?
Well, you are certainly early in your countdown to Christmas!! This is an easy ask to find fics for - as we have so many different 'bangs' over the years with Christmas fics written for it. Check out our Christmas tag for a large number of fics. Also these in our library:
Klaine Advent 2015
Klaine Advent 2016
Klaine Advent 2017
Klaine Advent 2018
And also these on A03:
Klaine Secret Santa Gift Exchange 2022 | Archive of Our Own
Klaine Secret Santa Gift Exchange 2023 | Archive of Our Own
They are not all Christmas fics, but many are.
Here are some:
A very hallmark Christmas by @coffeegleek
Semi-famous actor!Kurt and semi-famous actor!Blaine work the Hallmark Christmas Movie circuit in true B-actor form. Though they’ve worked on the same movies before, this time they land roles that could change their lives forever. Mostly happy fluff, but has some angst. This is Hallmark, so of course it has a happy ending. Many of my favorite tropes have been included: badboy!Kurt who really has a heart of gold and sweetness, famous!Kurt, famous!Blaine, actor!Kurt, actor!Blaine, soulmates, soulmarks, AU Glee, angst with a happy ending, and fluff. There’s also a heavy dose of cheesy Hallmark Christmas Movie writing in both the script and commercials. In true AU form, canon characters abound in various non-canon roles.
A Boyfriend for Christmas By @caramelcoffeeaddict CoffeeAddict80
When Kurt takes his 6-year-old nephew, Caleb, to see Santa, he's mortified when Caleb asks Santa to give his Uncle Kurt a new boyfriend for Christmas; Blaine - who is working as one of Santa's helpers - however, is eager to help Caleb get his Christmas wish.
The Christmas Guest by @lilyvandersteen
Kurt goes home for the holidays and finds out a fellow passenger will have no-one to celebrate with, so he invites him to spend Christmas with the Hummel-Hudsons. Somehow, Kurt's family thinks the guy he brought home is his boyfriend. As the days go by, and his Christmas guest proves enchanting in every way, Kurt finds himself wishing they truly were dating. Could his wish come true
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spaceorphan18 · 2 years
Scenes from December (10/24)
Klaine Advent Day Ten : Overt
December, 2018
Kurt sat at the end of his couch, curled to the side, continuing his read through Michelle Obama’s autobiography.  Despite having three layers of clothing and a blanket covering his lap, he was still cold.  Winter had barely set in, and still the apartment never truly felt warm enough.  One part of living on a tight budget meant sacrifices had to be made Blaine had said, much to his irritation the previous year when they set their finances for the foreseeable future..  Well - Kurt would get the laugh when summer came around, and he could use the same line when Blaine was begging for air conditioning.  
Not fully focusing on his book, Kurt reached for the tea sitting on the end table.  It, too, had become lukewarm, and Kurt lamented the fact that he was in such a comfortable position.  If only it would warm itself without him having to move.  
On the other side of the couch was Blaine, sitting on the edge, hunched over the coffee table as he scribbled things in his day planner.  Blaine remained deep in thought, unaware that Kurt snuck one of his feet out and underneath his thigh.  Kurt’s intention was to convince Blaine to get him more tea.  However, the warmth radiating from Blaine’s leg kept his foot snuggly there.  It was irritating, really, that Blaine could sit there in just his thin pajama bottoms and a sleeveless-t and be perfectly unaware of the chill hanging in the air.  
At least he was so damn cute.  
A good thing, too, because he remained completely unaware of Kurt’s toes wiggling underneath his leg.  Kurt knew he should be more overt when getting Blaine’s attention.  When Blaine’s mind was fixated on something, it sometimes took a brick wall to the face to distract him. 
But Blaine being deep in thought gave Kurt a moment to look at him.  Really look at him.  The deep beauty of concentration in his face. The way the muscles in his arms moved as he wrote.  The way his hair curled at the nape of his neck.  It was easy to forget sometimes, now that they had been together for nearly a decade, amidst the routine of everyday life, that Blaine had once been such an object of desire.  Blaine didn’t take his breath away like he did when he was a teenager.  But that flush of attraction - the pull of lust had been replaced by something deeper - something heavier in his heart.  The warmth of a settled love, the fondness of something familiar and safe, the reassurance that, ah yes, this person is my person.   
Something stirred in Kurt just then.  An answer to a question he had been pondering for a while.  The answer that seemed all too clear now.  
Unaware, Blaine turned to him, with his dark eyelashes and unsuspecting look of determination.  “So, I think I have this figured out.  If we get the plane tickets now - we can spend Christmas with your dad.  And then be at my parents’ for New Year’s Eve.  Cooper’s bringing the kids, so Mom insisted we make it out there this year.  Yes - that does mean spending a week in Ohio, but I think it’ll have its benefits.  We can still schedule in our month late anniversary dinner with Brittany and Santana.  And, it will free us from having to go to Rachel’s obnoxious holiday party where we’re subjected to all of the weirdo friends she’s made in this production.  Plus, we’ll be back in time to see the opening of the theater - and still make Artie’s new film debut.  What do you think?” 
Kurt gave him a serious look.  “I want to make a baby with you.” 
Blaine’s brow wrinkled in confusion.   He looked back down at his planner, and promptly turned the page.  “Well, I’m free on January sixth.”  
Kurt gave him a kick, as he burst out laughing.  “C’mere, I’m cold.”  
“You’re always cold,” Blaine said.  It didn’t stop Blaine from moving down the couch, removing the blanket from Kurt’s lap so he could snuggle into Kurt’s side, and wrapped them both up in the blanket again.  “Are you sure?” Kurt let his book fall to the floor, as Blaine grabbed one of his hands.  “I mean - we’ve talked about this.  If it’s not in the cards, I’ve accepted that.” 
“I know,” Kurt said, looking at their entwined hands.  It’s not like he hadn’t given it a great deal of thought.  “I also know that I love you and, maybe this is silly, but I’m ready to expand that love.  Grow a little family out of it.” 
Blaine let out a little chuckle.  “Okay, but are you sure you don’t want me to get you a plant first?  Just as a test run.” 
“Shut up and kiss me, we’re doing this.”   
Blaine’s eyes twinkled. “If you say so.  But don’t get too upset when I don’t get you pregnant tonight.” 
“Love you, too, Kurt.”
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midnightblaine · 4 years
12 - language
Breaking Open
notes: this I actually posted like two months ago and I’m planning to post more 😭 I just need my brain to cooperate with me
They were right at the gates for artists in no time. Blaine had enjoyed the quiet simplicity of walking through Central Park with Kurt, but he knew better than to try and slow them down to bask in his company. His boyfriend was so hyped up he might have been skipping to the concert.
Kurt was wearing a forest green button up with mustard pants, a gray bomber with violet sleeves that gave him an edge to his look. Blaine could see clearly Elliot’s touch on the outfit, maybe they had gone shopping together, planned outfits together in all the time they spent at Elliot’s place.
Blaine’s stomach churned and he gripped Kurt’s hands tighter.
Staff ushered them to the tents after they showed their passes and soon came face to face with rest of One Three Hill and several other artists milling about.
“Blaine!” a very enthusiastic Dani greeted him. Blaine barely had time to give her a sheepish smile before she leapt right into his arms. She was just short of vibrating and when they pulled apart, he saw Elliot reaching out for Kurt, messing up his hair after a short embrace.
Kurt batted his hand away and pulled Blaine closer to him where he could offer his hand to Elliot.
“It’s nice to see you,” he greeted politely and hoped his hand wasn’t shaking. Elliot grabbed his hand and pulled him into a one-armed hug.
“You too, man,” Elliot smiled easily, he seemed to do every little thing effortlessly. Blaine returned to Kurt’s side. “And thank you, for giving Kurt back. He has been outrageously busy these last few days.”
Blaine burrowed deeper into Kurt as his boyfriend rolled his eyes.
“I spend too much time with you two as it is, Blaine is just a beautiful, welcome distraction,” he looked into Blaine’s eyes with a teasing glint in his gaze, making him feel warm all over.
“Stop it, you horn dogs – we have a setlist to go over.”
Kurt teared his gaze away from Blaine. “Ugh, Dani! Tell him we’ve gone through it a thousand times; we need to rest until our time’s up.”
The three of them delved into a discussion of setlist and rehearsal time as they walked deeper into the tent, Blaine following awkwardly behind, Kurt’s hand still joined with his.
Seeing Elliot again was like a blow to Blaine’s chest. He could (almost) brush off all the guys at school that tripped over themselves to get Kurt’s attention but Elliot – he was Kurt’s best friend, they got along perfectly. Elliot was funny and smart and cool, he was unfairly handsome, tall and had a head full of thick luscious hair, and Blaine was – he didn’t even want to go there. Blaine couldn’t even begin to measure up to someone like Elliot who – to top it all off, spent a lot of time with Kurt. He didn’t know how long he had left before Kurt realized he would be better off with someone else but he was sure that seeing Blaine and Elliot in the same room wasn’t helping.
Blaine wished he could disappear, find an excuse to get away from their increasingly heated argument and his increasingly loud thoughts. He looked left and right, scanning the place for something to do when a tap on his shoulder made him turn around.
His shoulders slumped in relief at the sight of his friend in a sundress with tights and a pair of ankle boots, miles away from the dressed down outfits she chose to wear to school, Blaine thought it suited her.
“Told you I’d be here,” Marley smiled sweetly at him before greeting him with a kiss on his cheek and a hand on his arm that told him she was there for him.
He turned to introduce her to the others, noticing a stutter in her step when she went to kiss Dani hello and the girl’s interested glance. Blaine was sure his own smile was splitting his face in half. He would have to ask about it later.
He disentangled his arm from Kurt’s and walked beside Marley to catch up with her, letting the band talk songs and places and cues.
The event started with a flurry of activity, a generously sized crowd that cheered for the opening act and Kurt’s tongue down his throat.
Kurt had started by saying that if Blaine didn’t hold him in that exact moment he would combust, he would be unable to go out and perform. Then he had massaged Blaine’s scalp so nicely and when Blaine looked up at him, their lips instantly connected.
They were in a relatively secluded spot, waiting for One Three Hill to be called on stage so Blaine wasn’t as preoccupied as he could have been considering they were moments away from acting rather indecently in public.
“Should I bring the hose?” Elliot’s voice seemed far away; Blaine couldn’t be sure of what was happening around him with the way Kurt sucked on Blaine’s tongue.
“I think they’re sweet,” Dani’s comment was followed by a hearty chuckled from Marley. Blaine blocked their voices and took the time to appreciate his boyfriend’s hands on his waist, bringing them closer together.
At a particularly loud cheer from the crowd they separated, both of their lips bee stung, theirs chest heaving with exertion. Blaine looked around to find the other’s exasperated but gentle faces, Kurt’s beautiful one coming into view. He planted the most chaste of kisses on Blaine’s lips.
“Shit, we’re next,” Elliot grabbed Kurt’s arm and dragged him away from Blaine to get him to the stage. Kurt sent him a cheesy wink before exiting the tent.
Blaine and Marley followed them outside slowly, going to the area next to the stage reserved for guests and staff. They could see the band perfectly, taking their places, nodding to one another before Kurt introduced them and Elliot started them off with a song by A Great Big World.
Blaine made sure they cheered and clapped the loudest after every song, Marley even singing along next to him with her sweet voice. They had a good time, and the even the crowd seemed to like what they saw too.
There were a lot of flashes and whooping. Blaine felt so proud of Kurt – of everyone up there.
Marley teased him gently when the group sang a cheesy love song, leaded mostly by Dani but Kurt had a few lines and he took a few seconds to find Blaine’s eyes and sing to him
“Only you can set my heart on fire.”
When they finished their (much too short, in Blaine’s opinion) setlist it was really no surprise that the crowd cheered loudly and asked for more. Dani, Elliot and Kurt took their vows, let the band do the same, said thanks and skipped down the stage, huge grins and vibrating energy around them.
Kurt beelined for Blaine and hugged him tight, laughing, so pleased and amazed. They re-entered the tent for water and some snacks, Kurt’s arm safely across Blaine’s shoulders. They congratulated each other, raving about every detail. Marley was listening enraptured to a very excited Dani and Blaine’s heart melted.
“After party at mine’s!” hollered Elliot, earning himself high fives and whoops all around. Kurt told him they had more friends in the audience so they would get invited as well. It was natural to celebrate the band’s success.
They were getting ready to leave when Kurt pulled him aside, holding Blaine’s hands.
“I want to celebrate this,” Kurt told him softly, still radiating vibrant energy, but he was calmer now, his body language relaxed and exuding confidence, the way Blaine could only wish to be.
“Then let’s go, I might get overwhelmed, but you deserve it,” Blaine said honestly, he wanted more than anything to support his boyfriend.
“I want to celebrate,” Kurt repeated looking at Blaine with an intensity that had Blaine pinned to the ground. “But I don’t wanna go to Elliot’s place.”
A bell rang in Blaine’s mind, he was trying to understand, he was pretty sure he understood but still, it didn’t make sense even if it did. He waited for Kurt to explain, he could barely move.
“I wanna go to your house.”
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lady-divine-writes · 5 years
Klaine Advent Challenge - “Dependable” (Rated PG)
Summary: The one where Kurt is a DoorDash driver, trying to earn money for college, when he ends up making an early morning delivery to a special customer. (2576 words)
Notes: Written for the @klaineadvent Challenge 2018 prompts 'festival' and 'incident'. Also, the title and the summary suck, but it's been a long couple of weeks.
Read on AO3.
“Mr. … Mr. Anderson? Blaine Anderson?” Kurt tiptoes cautiously through the dark quad, bright red delivery bag looped over his shoulder announcing his presence from a mile away. Everything in his body screams, “Turn around and run!”, that this is a practical joke at best or at worst – a trap. But the bizarre sense of obligation that comes from both having something that doesn’t belong to you (in this case, a jumbo Jack combo) and a job he doesn’t want to lose keeps him pressing onward, even if he might be walking head on into danger. During his time as a DoorDash delivery driver, he has had a few people pull pranks on him - send him to either an abandoned house, a tree in an empty field, even all the way to Columbus to deliver seventeen pizzas to some underground BDSM and leather festival. That one he didn’t mind so much. The people there accepted his gift of free pizza (since he gets to keep the food if the order is undeliverable), invited him to hang out with them for a while, and showered him with tips.
All in all, not the worst experience in the world.
He doesn’t understand why people pull pranks like that other than they suck. They pay for it in the end – literally. They pay for the food and they can’t get their money back. They’ve basically spent their hard earned cash to waste his time, give him a paycheck and a free meal. How is that a satisfying joke by any stretch of the imagination?
He’s never had anyone prey on him before. He knows it’s a possibility. He’s heard of it happening to other drivers, mostly women - lured out to the middle of nowhere and attacked. But it’s never happened to him.
This delivery might actually be the case.
He looks down at his phone, the only thing he has lighting his way, and checks the address one more time. Lima High School, outdoor quad/lunch area (under construction). Kurt reads that last part and swallows hard. How did he miss that? Under construction? What the heck does that mean?
Kurt looks up and squints into the black, eyes trying to readjust from the bright white screen to pitch black surroundings. A few hard blinks later and he sees it – a sizable portion of the cement in front of the doors that lead to the cafeteria have been torn up. Yellow caution tape wrapped around orange safety cones surround it, warning anyone who comes near not to accidentally walk into it … the way he was about to. Kurt looks left and right, eyes and ears straining for any trace of the customer who supposedly ordered dinner and wanted it delivered here.
“Mr. Anderson? It’s DoorDash. I have your food. Can you tell me where you are, please?” Kurt had tried calling the man, but it went straight to voicemail. Still, Kurt chooses to remain optimistic. There’s a dozen reasons he can think of why someone would place a one a.m. order for Jack in the Box to be delivered to Lima High School. There’s construction being done. Maybe it’s a construction worker. Or the janitor. Or someone from the drama department working late on sets for the spring musical.
A skeptical voice interrupts his positivity to remind him that this is a high school campus. Therefore this has the potential to not only take a turn for the worse, but end up splattered all over YouTube, too.
That thought has him back stepping, ready to turn around and bolt, declare this delivery a bust and give the whole cholesterol laden meal to his stepbrother Finn when he hears a soft whimper. A voice calls out, of all things, his name.
The fear vibrating in that voice makes Kurt’s blood go cold. He turns toward it, expecting to see some short, shivering, Gollum-like creature standing behind him, but there’s no one. “Mr. Anderson?”
“Kurt?” A hollow knock follows. “Is that you, Kurt?”
Kurt’s entire body turns to stone, wondering how the mysterious voice knows his name. But then he remembers – the app tells the customer who’s delivering his food.
“Yeah, it’s me.” Kurt walks carefully around the cement patio, trying to pinpoint the voice’s hiding place. “Are you Blaine Anderson?”
“Yes! I---I’m Blaine Anderson! Are you alone?”
That question glues Kurt to the ground. Why would Blaine need to know that he’s alone? Can’t he see him?
What did he plan on doing to him?
“Yes, I am … for now. My stepbrother’s waiting for me in the car,” Kurt lies. “He’s a big guy. A football player. And he’ll come running in a moment’s notice if something happens to me!”
“I’m not going to do anything to you! I promise! I need your help because I’m … I’m stuck!”
“Stuck?” Kurt turns on his flashlight app and starts swinging the beam around, searching for any place a human being could get stuck. It strikes him that Blaine may have fallen into that hole, and he hurries over to investigate. He sees darkness, some pipe, and a lot of rubble, but no person. “Stuck where?”
A mumbled sentence answers Kurt’s question.
“Sorry,” Kurt says. “I didn’t catch that. Where are you?”
Blaine sighs. It’s so heavy and defeated, Kurt can hear it as clear as if Blaine were standing beside him. “I’m in the porta potty.”
“Porta potty, porta potty …” Kurt doesn’t recall seeing one when he walked in, and they’re pretty difficult to miss. He turns a full circle, swinging his light around high and low, and spots it in the corner – a tall, blue portable toilet, identical to the ones they have scattered around the McKinley sports fields, but this one has several benches pushed up against the door. And in the slot for a padlock, the handle of a fork has been slid in to keep it closed.
“Oh my God!” Kurt runs up to it, gives the door a knock, and hears a startled yelp reply. “Blaine? Are you in there?”
“Yeah, I am!” Blaine sounds relieved. “Please, get me out!”
“I will! I will! Give me a minute!” Kurt springs into action while flashbacks of a particularly horrible incident involving one of his friends getting locked in a porta potty hops to mind, not to mention his own experience getting locked in a dumpster. It was on spaghetti Tuesday, and ruined one of his favorite Alexander McQueen sweaters. “One second and I’ll have you out!”
Kurt puts down his bag and starts shoving benches aside. They’re not heavy, just awkward, stacked in such a way that the metal supports lock together, making it difficult for him to maneuver without pinching his fingers. And since he had to put his phone in his pocket to free up his hands, he’s doing this completely in the dark.
This is definitely more nightmare fuel than he needs in one night.
With the benches gone, he slides the fork out of the lock. Before he can do anything else, the door flies open, nearly smacking him in the face, and a boy about his age stumbles out. He bends over double, sucking in air so quickly, Kurt thinks he’s about to pass out. Or puke. Kurt wouldn’t blame him. The stench that wafts from the narrow stall hits Kurt’s olfactories like a hammer, and he retches. He can’t picture having to live with that for longer than a few seconds.
Kurt pulls out his phone to check if Blaine has any injuries. He looks the boy over from a short distance, searching for black eyes or a fat lip. But aside from having been locked in a porta potty for who knows how long, he appears unharmed.
Blaine’s knees wobble. He weaves to his right, unable to stand upright yet, finds one of the moved benches and takes a seat. “T-thank you. You have no idea how stuffy it is in there.”
“I can imagine.” Kurt picks up the DoorDash bag with the boy’s meal inside and holds it protectively in front of him. This could still be a prank, Kurt reminds himself, peeking stealthily around as Blaine struggles to compose himself. “But, if you don’t mind me asking - you were locked in a porta potty. Why did you order DoorDash? Why didn’t you call your parents? Or the police?”
Blaine takes a few deep breaths, then lifts his head, sadly looking Kurt in the face. Kurt smiles sympathetically at what he sees. The boy looks pale, as if he’s recovering from a flu he’s had for at least a week, his bottom lip quivering, his forehead covered in sweat. The top few buttons of his shirt are undone, and his sleeves rolled up to his biceps. The mop of curls on the top of his head hang damp and limp, as if he ran his fingers through them obsessively. His eyes, shining in the light from Kurt’s flashlight app, translate clearly from their hazel depths how exhausted he feels. He definitely looks like a boy who’s been locked in a small, humid box for a few hours, stressed beyond belief, trying to find a way out.
But he’s also a handsome young man, someone Kurt would definitely notice walking down the halls of school if they both went to McKinley.
“I was on low battery,” Blaine explains. “My parents are away for the weekend. My brother would be no help. He’d make fun of me, then tease me worse when I got home. And I’ve tried the police before. They think it’s a practical joke. They don’t even send anyone to check it out.”
A lump rises to Kurt’s throat when he hears that. Apparently this has happened before then. And no one’s done anything about it yet? No one?
“My dad used to joke that if my life was ever in danger, call for pizza, not the police, because most pizza places guarantee they’ll be at your house in 30 minutes or less. So, I kind of went with that and took the chance you’d actually show. I wrote: ‘Help me! I’m locked in a porta potty!’ in the special instructions box. Didn’t you see it?”
“Sorry. No. The only note on your order was please bring extra Chick-fil-a sauce. I couldn’t, by the way. They’re not open right now.”
“You know, I keep trying to erase that, and it never works. I don’t even order from Chick-fil-a anymore. Stupid app. No offense.”
“None taken. I feel the same way.”
Blaine sighs, resting his head in his hands. An awkward silence grows, and Kurt can’t think of anything to do, any way to make this better. And he wishes he could. He really does. If they were at McKinley, he’d take Blaine to see Mr. Schue. Will Schuester has spent much of his teaching career championing his students’ causes. He’d definitely help Blaine.
But here at Lima High, Kurt knows no one. McKinley High and Lima High are in the same district. They compete against each other, go to each other’s rallies and what not. Maybe Mr. Schue could still help.
But not right now. Not at one a.m. For lack of anything better to do, Kurt unzips his bag and takes out Blaine’s food. “Well, uh …. here’s your order.”
“Thanks.” Blaine reaches out a trembling hand and takes his food. He puts the bag in his lap, hugging it like a security blanket.
“No problem.” Now what? Kurt thinks. This is generally the point where he races back to his car and hopes for another order, but he can’t leave Blaine here in the dark with his meal. “Are you going to be okay?”
“Yeah. I mean … this happens all the time. Jerk hole jocks. No offense to your stepbrother.”
“None taken. He used to be a jerk hole himself.”
“I’m an easy target. I’m the only out gay kid at this school, and I …”
“… constantly get picked on?” Kurt finishes, taking a seat beside Blaine. “Thrown in dumpsters, shoved into lockers, that kind of thing?”
Blaine turns to look at Kurt. “Yeah. How do you know?”
“It happens to me a lot at my high school, too. For the same reason.”
“Oh.” Blaine’s eyes open wide when he gets it, but he sits up straighter. “Oh, I’m sorry. What school?”
“Ah. Land of the Slushie Facials.”
“So you’ve heard of it?”
“Ironically, I did everything in the world to avoid going there. But Lima High’s not much better. Minus the slushies.”
“You’re lucky. They’re a special kind of hell.”
“I bet.”
Kurt looks down at his phone with the red and white app screen still visible. He has yet to mark this order delivered, and he should. He should get going. He’s already considered late (unavoidable since he had to search the campus to find Blaine in the first place), and he really should get as much work as he can in before he has to be home. He’s saving up for college. His dream school – NYADA. But the thought of bidding Blaine adieu doesn’t sit well with him. He needs to know that Blaine is going to be okay, that he’s safe, and that his brother isn’t going to give him too much grief for what happened tonight.
Blaine doesn’t have anyone reliable in his corner if the person he put his faith in was a food delivery driver.
If they went to the same school, they’d have one another.
Kurt wonders if that’s a possibility …
He swipes his finger across the screen. Instead of waiting for another order, he marks this one delivered, and signs off. He has months to save up for school. As important as NYADA is to him, he has a feeling that there’s something more important he needs to do here.
Be there for Blaine.
“Do you have a way to get home?” Kurt asks.
“I … yeah. My car should be in the parking lot. Only it’s a far parking lot, and I’m a little bit afraid of walking out there by myself … in the dark. I just don’t know if they’re waiting for me. I don’t think they would stick around here on a Friday night, but …”
“Gotcha. Well, Blaine Anderson, if you would, please do me the honor of letting me escort you to your car. Then maybe you and I can go somewhere and talk? Get a coffee? Compare battle scars? I’ve got a doozy on the back of my calf where I cut it on a trash can.”
“Hey, I think I have one of those, too.” Blaine waits for Kurt to stand, then clumsily follows, putting a hand to his hip when it complains about moving. “I wish my phone hadn’t died. Then we’d have two flashlights to light our way. What happens if we get ambushed? Do you think your stepbrother can help us?”
“I … uh … kind of lied about him being here. Sorry about that. But don’t worry.” Kurt reaches into his DoorDash bag and pulls out an industrial-sized bottle of pepper spray wrapped in a black leather holder with a silver spike on the bottom – courtesy of the kind members of the Lace and Leather Sadomasochists Club of Greater Columbus. He unlocks it and gives it a good shake. “I’ve got us covered.”
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hkvoyage · 6 years
New Fic: Rocking Horse Ranch
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Summary Kurt has been working hard all year, and has earned a well-deserved break. He joins his family for the Christmas and New Year holidays at Rocking Horse Ranch, just north of New York City. The all-inclusive resort has plenty of outdoor and indoor activities along with evening entertainment. It boasts that it has something for everyone. Little does Kurt know that it also has someone for everyone. Holiday maker!Kurt and activities staff!Blaine. A Klaine AU meeting. Written for Grlnxtdr29’s Klaine Christmas Eve Challenge and the Klaine Advent Challenge.
Rating: Teen and Up Words: Approximately 10,500 words Multi-chapter; Completed
Read on AO3 / FF.net
This story is gifted to @theygettogetherintheend, whose friendship and beta skills I value highly.
This is a short story that I’ve written for Grlnxtdr29’s Klaine Christmas Eve Challenge on this site. The prompts words are “rocking horse” and “tinsel”. I’ve also incorporated 42 Klaine Advent prompts into the story as well. It’s a two-for-one prompt challenge fill!
The story is based upon an actual resort, although I’ve never visited it. The Rocking Horse Ranch Resort is located about 90 miles north of New York City, nestled on 500-acres in the heart of the scenic Hudson River Valley.
Photos of things in the story are under the cut. For AO3 readers, they are hyperlinked within the story.
Ranch lobby area
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Kurt’s bedroom
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Ski Instructor! Blaine
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Kurt’s red “finger hole” sweater
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Sleigh ride
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iconicklaine · 6 years
A Very Anderson Christmas
Chapter 1/24. AU. Probably T, but may end up M. 
Inspired by an old, and very elaborate fic idea I had a couple of years ago, the LMDC tour images, and the Christmas specials of my youth. In this universe, Blaine and Rachel are Anderson siblings, Pam is their mom, and, since they didn’t go to high school at McKinley or Dalton, they never met the rest of the Glee kids.
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E! News
Superstar Siblings, Blaine and Rachel Anderson Return to their Roots for a New Holiday Special
December 1, 2024 By Melissa Parker
For most of us who grew up watching TV instead of YouTube, Christmas just wouldn’t be Christmas without the Anderson holiday show. Part Midwestern purity prom, part Vegas variety show, this annual tradition has been putting the Osmond family specials to shame for more than five decades.
America fell in love with Vernon Anderson and his four, picture-perfect kids from the very first time the Anderson Family Singers appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show in 1971, its final year. After years of touring, Vernon and his wife, Holly settled in her home state of Ohio, had four more kids, built the Anderson Amphitheater in the tiny hamlet of Westerville, and created a wholesome entertainment dynasty that has become part of the fabric of our lives. Who didn’t cherish their Little House on the Prairie lunch box, featuring Pam Anderson as Laura’s foster sister, Amber Lee? (Confession: I still have mine. Along with my Devon Anderson poster. Yes, that tear-out Tiger Beat Devon Anderson poster. Who could ever part with it?)
At the height of their popularity, Pam and Devon performed alongside their six siblings, all of their spouses, and a growing army of song-and-dance offspring, including the freakishly talented fraternal twins: Blaine and Rachel. Who could ever forget little Blaine’s adorable Frosty the Snowman tap dance number? When he tipped his top hat, and winked right into the camera, we all melted faster than snow in summer.
Weathering the death of Vernon and Holly, three divorces, Blaine coming out as gay, and Cooper Anderson’s sex tape, the Anderson holiday show finally called it quits in 2014. After two albums with lackluster sales, including the bizarre pseudo-hipster release, “Dirty Chai,” Blaine and Rachel both launched solo careers. It’s been a rough road for both of them, which sources tell me is why they’re back in the fold. Now, ten years after that fateful final show, Rachel, Blaine, and the Anderson clan are back to remind us what we love best about the holidays: sequins, solos, and smiles.
Airing at 8:00pm Central on Saturday, December 22nd, A Very Anderson Christmas will feature old friends, such as the Dalton Academy Warblers (bring back Jeff, please!), and new friends: Grammy award-winning gospel artist, Mercedes; and Broadway’s breakout star, Kurt Hummel. Set your DVRs, chickens, and get ready to live tweet. Let’s make sure this tradition is back for good.
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gleekto · 6 years
Full Fic: One Night Love Affair
Summary:  Kurt and Blaine never met in high school. They each finally make it to college, out of Ohio, to New York City - where they won’t be the only gay kid in the state. So when they meet at the first Queer NYADA mixer of the year in their freshman year of college, eager and hopeful has to be trumped by playing it cool (because whatever). Things move too fast (no big, it’s cool), and they’re left with pretending like it’s nothing (because everyone hooks up  - so what?).
One night and its aftermath.
Words: 19,441 (!)
In full on AO3
One Night Love Affair
Athlete, Bury, Camera, Paper, Exclude, Feed, Gradual, House, Incident, Joke, Kidnap, Language, Momentum, Negligence, Orange, Pledge, Quantity, Realism, Stay, Transaction, Understand, Vegetarian, Wire
Part 24: Yoke
Kurt and Blaine walk into the almost three quarters full gym - decorated with slightly more flare this time for the second Queer NYADA mixer of the year. Thanks to both the theme - an 80′s dance night -  and to Kurt’s natural flare for design, there are iconic 80′s movies posters on the wall, flourescent balloons and streamers, and the tables are covered in printed up 80′s newspaper headlines - Rubik’s Cube raves, Lennon’s murder, Margaret Thatcher. The whole thing is actually pretty cool. And that goes double for Kurt’s impeccable George Michael outfit to match with Blaine’s Andrew Ridgley. 
They’re just grabbing a soda when Kurt spots a group by the chip bowl. “Don’t look at ten o’clock. Cassie-from-Portland warning.” Blaine nods and looks directly at two.
“Kurt! Blaine! Get over here.” Newly dyed green-haired Dani-the-dyke spots them. Unfortunately she’s a part of the Cassie group - encounter now inevitable. Kurt turns to Blaine as they brace themselves, smiling as they turn and walk over.  “You remember Matt” Dani says.  Kurt smirks and Blaine’s eyes go wide.
“Hey Matt,” Kurt nods. 
“I don’t actually think that we ever -” Blaine starts holding out his hand and sizing up the muscled white t-shirt boy who tried to come on to Kurt now two months ago. The only thing Blaine remembers about him is that he also wore a tight white t-shirt last time. Only difference is this time he’s in acid washed jeans. At least he’s on theme.
“This is Blaine-” Kurt interrupts. “My boyfriend.” Blaine shakes Matt’s hand firmly, and Kurt can see that he’s pleased with himself. And Kurt may be a little bit pleased with himself too.
“Sorry I forgot you didn’t meet Blaine last time. These two are practically yoked together these days,” Dani teases knocking into Kurt.
“The only time you see us is at Queer NYADA meetings, Dani. Being reliable members is hardly being attached at the hip,” Kurt defends and motions at his bare neck. “No collars on me.” Blaine’s cheeks go hot, Matt’s jaw drops, and Dani barks out loud.
“TMI, friend. Whatever you guys are into behind closed doors-” She’s laughing and slaps Kurt shoulder.
“Oh my god,” Kurt rolls his eyes. “Perverts, all of you.”
“Guilty,” Blaine whispers in his ear.
“Collars are awesome,” Cassie-from-Portland chimes in. “ I have a chest of toys just for that type of play-”  Kurt turns sharply to Blaine as they both shake their heads rapidly.
“You’ll have to excuse us,” Blaine says quickly and Kurt appreciates that he thinks on his feet. “They’re sort of playing our song.” Kurt nods as Blaine pulls him away as he shrugs faux-apologetically. 
“Yoked I tell you!” Dani yells after them.
“Well, if the choice is being collared to you or listening to tales of Dani’s sex life, lock me up,” Kurt says non-chalantly as Blaine pulls him into his arms, the music thumping.
“Please stop with the collar talk,” Blaine breathes in his ear. “You in that basically absent tank top and tight jeans speaking casually of collars,” Blaine shivers. -”You’re turning me on.” 
“The more you know,” Kurt looks at him, amused, and moves their bodies together. “Hey wait. This is-” Kurt points to the speakers as the lyrics start.
Blaine’s eyes sparkle. “Yeah. Bryan Adams - well, the remix. I told you, they’re playing our song.”
“This isn’t One Night Love Affair.”
“No,” Blaine says kissing Kurt’s neck. “It isn’t,” Blaine sings in his ear, giving him goosebumps. “Now nothin' can take you away from me. We've been down that road before. But that's over now. You keep me comin' back for more. Baby, you're all that I want.”
“Heaven?” Kurt remembers as Blaine pulls their bodies flush, still kissing his neck. Though he thinks they may need to have a detailed discussion about the limited pros and greater cons of mapping out their relationship with Bryan Adam’s songs, he’ll indulge Blaine for tonight. “While this really is,” Kurt’s  breath shakes and he takes a step back, “Now you’re turning me on, and I think we’re going to need to pause this until later on.” 
“Does this mean you’ll take me home? I still know what a countertenor is.” Blaine pulls him close again.
Kurt looks over at Matt currently throwing chips into the air and catching them in his mouth and then back at Blaine’s twinkling flirtatious mischievous eyes. “Thank god for your dapper bowties and for my excellent judgment.”
“Mmmm,” Blaine hums in agreement. Thank god. “And for that tank top.”
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Klaine Advent 2018 - In Carcere ‘verse
I’m awfully behind, but on the up side, I couldn’t sleep last night and now you get two chapters today...
Day 17: Quantity
“Blaine, come and look at these.”
Blaine shakes his head. “I'm pretty sure the right quantity of cock cages to own is one.”
“I'm just saying we should get a spare....oh, look at all the different ones!”
Reluctant but curious, Blaine comes closer. The last time he looked at cock cages, his mood had been a lot different. He had been desperate, and also filled with a last-resort kind of hope. He had ordered the first cock cage that had in some way appealed to him, not interested in what the different models had to offer. It had been pure luck that the one he ended up buying fit him so well.
He leans over the table to look at Kurt's computer.
“Look, here's one with little spikes that poke into your dick when it tries to get hard...”
Kurt sounds entirely too interested in that option. Blaine is not interested in the least. Except, if he was wearing that cage, he'd definitely get poked now.
“Oh, and this one is made from really soft silicone. I read about those, you can get hard in them and even come with a little effort, so when you're not allowed to, you depend almost entirely on your own willpower...”
“Kurt,” Blaine groans. “I'm wearing one of those because I don't have willpower.”
Too soon, the little voice in his head says, even though it's been years. But Kurt just laughs and slaps his ass that is really too exposed, bent as he is over the table. Blaine hardly feels the slap through his jeans, but he has to suppress a moan nonetheless. It's been too long since they did this.
Then his breath hitches because Kurt opens the buttons of his pants. Blaine wants to turn around, but Kurt stops him.
“Stay like this,” he says and pushes Blaine's pants down. Blaine moans when a spit-slick finger slowly pushes into his hole.
“I want you to look at these,” Kurt says, "and imagine what we could do with them— while I spend a little quality time with your ass.”
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years
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Thank you @quizasvivamos​ for the anticipated returned tag. I honestly like it a lot that the turns have tabled in a way. You’re tagging me now!
As I mentioned on Sunday, I am writing my thesis and I joked about how that it basically my WIP for the next couple of months. So...
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Translation underneath the weather. I am actually listening to Welcome to Night Vale now and episode 48′s weather is playing. It slaps.
Re: fic writing, I still have ideas for my Solangelo fic and of course for my Klaine Advent 2022 but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ having to read my literature library of 51 academic articles and books is taking up time.
And now, the weather: @blurglesmurfklaine @coffeegleek @otherworldsivelivedin @caramelcoffeeaddict @sillyunicorn @bazzybelle @dragoneggos @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme @captain-aralias @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @takitalks @justgleekout @cerriddwenluna @tea-brigade @ivelovedhimthroughworse @moodandmist @whogaveyoupermission @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @ionlydrinkhotwater @1908jmd @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral @chen-chen-chen-again-chen​ @cutestkilla​ @nausikaaa​/@wellbelesbian​​ @martsonmars​ @boyinjeans​ @facewithoutheart​ @artsyunderstudy​
The queer community is still portrayed in a heteronormative way to show that heterosexuality is the norm (Avila-Saavedra, 2009). Another point for improvement is that queer men are depicted more often than queer women. Queer men are most commonly portrayed in both entertainment media (Townsend et al., 2022) and commercial media (Nölke, 2018). Gender is generally still portrayed in a skewed way: there are more men in the media than women (Daalmans, Kleemans, & Sadza, 2017).
Furthermore, queer women are still often portrayed as conventionally attractive (DeCeuninck & Dhoest, 2016), and are overly sexualized. They lack depth or they are marketed as fan service for men (Annati & Ramsey, 2022). Since women are still underrepresented and often poorly represented, it is interesting to look at queer women in general (DeCeuninck & Dhoest, 2016).
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Klaine Summer Bingo: June - August 2023
We are pleased to announce the Klaine Fanfiction Bingo, a new way to celebrate and promote those stories completed in the past five years that readers love. Please reblog this post so that we can reach out to everyone in our fandom.
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Add Klaine Fanfics to your Bingo Card that were completed after May 30, 2018 (i.e. within the last five years) and posted to AO3. The Bingo card has the following categories:
Debut Fanfic - the author completed posting after May 30 2018 and it was their first Klaine fanfic.
Page-turning Fanfic that made you stay up past your bedtime.
Fanfic that made you reach for a box of tissues.
Fanfic where one has an unusual occupation.
Wild Card - any fanfic you wish to highlight.
Fanfic set during the summer.
Fanfic is written for a challenge. For example, it could be the Advent Challenge, the Klaine Valentine's Challenge, or one of the many hosted by @the-lima-bean.
Fanfic that made you laugh out loud.
Fanfic that you enjoyed using a genre/trope that you don't normally read.
When you have completed as much of the Bingo card as you wish, submit an ask to the library with the title and author for each category (no need to provide the link). Please number them 1-9. Submissions will always remain anonymous. You can submit more than one Bingo card, although a fanfic will only show up once for each category.
We will add the Klaine fanfic to our AO3 collection as the Bingo cards are received. Once a week, we will blog the post providing a hyperlink to each category.
We will accept Bingo cards from June 1 - August 31 2023.
See this post for FAQs. Alternatively, send us an ask if you have any questions or comments.
Thanks for playing!
Lynne, HKVoyage, Marjan, and Jen
P.S. HERE is the link to the 2023 Klaine Bingo Collection
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klaineadvent · 6 years
It’s (Almost) Time!
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For the 2018 Klaine Advent!
When? December 1 - December 24 (That’s this week yo!)
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The Words. Because I can’t resist trying new things, this year there will be TWO WORD PROMPTS EACH DAY.
There will be the traditional random word starting with A and ending with Y (this year we are dropping X and Z) as well as a holiday themed word, mostly randomly generated (I did sort them so that Hannukah friendly words will be posting during those 8 days of December).
Write whichever word you want, or both, or switch off as they appeal to you!!
(apologies for the length of this post but there’s a bunch of info so I don’t want to hide it!)
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How to participate. Anyone can contribute, no need to sign up! There will be a prompt post each day for 24 days (December 1-24) and you can write a drabble (or a sentence or a novel or a limerick if you prefer!), create an art piece, make fresh gifs based on the prompt - whatever inspires you! This year the main Advent tag will be: “klaine advent 2018” (there will be another post on tagging before the Advent starts). Prompts will post sometime in the early morning hours New York City time - hopefully the time will make it easy for contributors around the world to participate.
Contribute however works best for you. You can do something every day, every 4th day, once a week, altogether at the end, whatever works for you and your schedule. Use all word prompts or pick and choose what speaks to you. Set your own challenges. It’s all Klaine and it’s all good. The only requirements are that it be Klaine centered, and that it references or uses one of the word prompts in some way.
No More Daily Round-Ups. We started this last year, and it worked pretty well. This year again we will not be doing daily round ups, but will be relying on volunteers to reblog the entries to the @todaydreambelieversfic blog.  (see below). There will be a full round up post about a week or so after the Advent ends.
Reblog Reblog Reblog. The more reblogs a post gets the more people see it, so we are going to  heavily on reblogging the contributions of the many artists and authors who contribute for this event. Sign up here to help!
There was a little confusion about this last year, so I want to clarify that the volunteers will be reblogging to the @todaydreambelieversfic blog, and not to their own blogs. Of course everyone (especially the authors!) would be delighted if people reblogged to their own blog - the more people who reblog something the wider the potential viewing audience. That said, we do understand that not every fic appeals to every reader, and that some people prefer to like or review elsewhere. But we want to encourage everyone to reblog as many fics as they like all throughout the month!!
But don’t fret if you like easily linkable access to the fics! All fics will be accessible from the 2018 tab on the Klaine Advent blog main page. I will be working to keep this updated.
Partnership. This year (just like the last 2 years), we’ll be partnering with @todaydreambelieversfic.  Authors and other creators for Klaine Advent who would like an additional place to promote their works are welcome to join as members. Just send them a private message to @todaydreambelieversfic with your email address and they’ll add you on.
Archive of Our Own. Also this year we will be creating a collection on AO3 for those people who don’t post to tumblr (there are a few), and where those folks who do post to tumblr can collect all of their advent works in one place on that site. Whether you post them along the way or once the advent is over is entirely up to you. There will be more details on this in the kickoff post.
Want to Volunteer?  We will need people to help with the daily reblogs!!  This should be a much easier job than last year, so if you have some time please signup here, or send a message to the blog. It’s pretty simple and you can do it throughout your assigned day and later if you see any stragglers. We need people to do this!!
“But what if I don’t write or make art and don’t have time to volunteer?”  You are the most important person!! Read the fics, look at the art, let the authors and artists know how much you appreciate their work by reblogging and commenting and liking and all those things creators like. Nothing helps a writer or artist losing steam to pick up their story again more than a nice comment from someone.
While this is a fandom whose online presence is shrinking every year, the annual Klaine Advent still gets some nice participation, and I know I always look forward to seeing new works. It’s a great place to test out some ideas, or challenge yourself, or even to bust out of writer’s block or an inspirational fog. We’d love to have you!
There are additional posts coming on how to tag (and tagging issues) as well as the AO3 Collection, so if you have any questions before then (or after!) check out our Blog FAQ or send us a message. :)
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Please signal boost!!
(and thanks of course to @miasswier for all the fresh gifs!)
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47mel47 · 6 years
Klaine Advent 2018 Fanvid Challenge Masterpost
I set myself the challenge of creating 24 fanvids in 24 days, the music of which was chosen by searching the daily prompt word in my iTunes library (or iTunes for those really challenging ones...)
And, lo and behold, I actually met my little challenge without missing a day. Here is a list of each of my creations:
Day 1 (Athlete): Kurt and Blaine | Take Me Over. Song: ‘Chances’ by Athlete.
Day 2 (Bury): Kurt and Blaine | Rise Above. Song: ‘Bury It’ by Chvrches feat. Hayley Williams.
Day 3 (Camera): Kurt and Blaine | Stars Go Off. Song: ‘I Turn My Camera On’ by Spoon.
Day 4 (Deputy): Kurt and Blaine | Need You By My Side. Song: ‘By My Side’ by Zach Deputy.
Day 5 (Exclude): Kurt and Blaine | Such A Joy. Song: ‘Everybody’s Got Something To Hide Except Me and My Monkey’ by The Beatles
Day 6 (Feed): Kurt and Blaine | Caught Up In Moments Entirely of Yours. Song: ‘Feeding Line’ by Boy & Bear.
Day 7 (Gradual): Kurt and Blaine | We’re All Here. Song: ‘We’re All In This Together (Graduation Mix)’ by the Cast of High School Musical.
Day 8 (House): Kurt and Blaine | Live From My Balcony. Song: ‘House of Dreams’ by Bliss n Eso.
Day 9 (Incident): Kurt and Blaine | The One I Want To See Again. Song: ‘The Incident’ by Burning Hotels.
Day 10 (Joke): Kurt and Blaine | You’re The Cutest Thing. Song: ‘The Joker’ by Steve Miller Band.
Day 11 (Kidnap): Kurt and Blaine | When Your Colours Run. Song: ‘We Are The Kids’ by WALK THE MOON.
Day 12 (Language): Kurt and Blaine | Hear What You Body Says. Song: ‘Body Language’ by Róisín Murphy.
Day 13 (Momentum): Kurt and Blaine | Many Stories to Tell. Song: ‘Momentum’ by Radio Haze.
Day 14 (Negligence): Kurt and Blaine | Love’s A Process. Song: ‘The First Step’ by Clearly From Negligence.
Day 15 (Orange): Kurt and Blaine | Wham Bam Alakazam. Song: ‘Orange Coloured Sky’ by Natalie Cole.
Day 16 (Pledge): Kurt and Blaine | Only You Get The Rest Of Me. Song: ‘Promise’ by Lukas Graham.
Day 17 (Quality): Kurt and Blaine | It’s Not How Much You Got. Song: ‘Quality Over Quantity’ by Brandon Wattz.
Day 18 (Realism): Kurt and Blaine | Feeling The World Go Round. Song: ‘I Really Want It’ by A Great Big World.
Day 19 (Stay): Kurt and Blaine | Stay Just A Little Bit Longer (Dirty Dancing AU). Song: ‘Stay’ by Maurice Williams & the Zodiacs
Day 20 (Transaction): Kurt and Blaine | Need You. Song: ‘Transatlanticism’ by Death Cab for Cutie.
Day 21 (Understand): Kurt and Blaine | Undenying Love. Song: ‘Sweet Understanding Love’ by The Four Tops.
Day 22 (Vegetarian): Kurt and Blaine | Feed Your Soul. Song: ‘Vegetable’ by The Basco Bros. feat. Tra Washington.
Day 23 (Wire): Kurt and Blaine | i’ll Stay The Course. Song: ‘Walking the Wire’ by Imagine Dragons.
Day 24 (Yoke): Kurt and Blaine | Your Wild Heart. Song: ‘I’m Ready to Move On/ Wild Heart Reprise’ by Bleachers feat. Yoko Ono.
A huge thank you to @slayediest and all in the @klaineadvent team who helped organise and run this month long appreciation of our favourite guys, which encouraged all sorts of wonderful responses. This was the first time I really participated as a creator, and I loved every moment (though maybe not those exact moments after some of the prompts were released and all I could was ‘wtf am I going to do with that?’). I love knowing how strong and loyal our fandom remains, and I look forward to seeing the work that will continue to come from this advent in the months to come.
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midnightblaine · 4 years
11 - Kidnap
Breaking Open
Notes: this had been posted already in ao3 ages ago, I’m just organizing my stuff
Blaine felt relief rolling off him in waves after he finished his last midterm exam. He knew waiting for grades was torture, but he could do nothing but wait and try not to worry while worrying anyway.
The exam week hadn’t felt as brutal as he had thought it would feel. He hadn’t felt as crazed, which was completely new for him. He suspected Kurt’s last-minute pep talks had done a great deal to help.
“Hey,” Kurt had stopped him before he went into the classroom he was supposed to take his first exam in, took hold of his hands. He had quickly caught up on how anxious Blaine got about everything. “If you know, you know, and if you don’t you can learn from it.” He had looked at Blaine in the eye and cupped his cheek, Blaine had been enthralled. “What’s important is what you learn, what stays with you, the skills you get – the grade doesn’t matter.”
“What if I didn’t learn anything,” Blaine had whispered to him, only half joking.
“We can study more later,” he answered teasingly, with the smallest hint of heat shinning in his eyes.
He had left after planting a sweet kiss on Blaine’s forehead. Blaine had physically felt his heart eyes following Kurt until every other student had gone inside the classroom.
Blaine bit his lip to stop the manic grin that had taken over his face at the memory and took his phone out to text his boyfriend (boyfriend!).
He had barely opened the messaging app when a pair of hands covered his eyes from behind and a wisp of hairspray and Tom Ford enveloped his senses.
“Guess who?” was whispered into his ear. Blaine played along.
“My favorite boyfriend?”
“No – I was a kidnapper, but I’m offended, I thought I was your only boyfriend.”
The floor was swept off his feet as Kurt spun him around with a teasing frown on his lovely face and an indignant huff.
“You are,” Blaine conceded stepping closer into Kurt’s space. He put his arms around his boyfriends’ neck. “You’re also my favorite.”
“I better be,” Kurt muttered before kissing him in the middle of the hall.
They exited the school hand in hand, Kurt rambling excitedly about the concert he had that evening with One Three Hill. Blaine thought he was so cute when he got excited, but he couldn’t help but feel a little apprehension squeeze at his heart at the thought of the concert. He was so happy to see Kurt perform live but his last experience with One Three Hill’s concerts hadn’t been stellar. It would also be the first time he saw Elliot after getting together with Kurt. That wouldn’t be fun at all.
At least this time he had made sure he had emotional support in the form of a friend with him in the audience. Marley wasn’t getting away from this.
The walk to Blaine’s apartment was short. Kurt was almost vibrating with pent up energy and it transferred to Blaine, making him fidgety. They had barely gotten on the elevator when Kurt pulled him into a searing kiss, frantic and deep. Blaine was blindsided by it and he could only open his mouth to allow Kurt to take his mouth as he pleased before the elevator doors opened to his floor.
“I’m sorry, baby,” Kurt laughed sheepishly, his eyes crinkling at the corners when they separated. He tugged a breathless Blaine along with him, mind wiped clean for the moment. He was slowly discovering more sides of Kurt beyond the popular, attractive senior he was at school. The nerves made him seem more human in Blaine’s heart filled eyes.
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lady-divine-writes · 5 years
Klaine Advent Drabble 2018 - “Point Taken” (Rated PG)
After Blaine volunteers Kurt to create a one-of-a-kind gingerbread showstopper at the last minute, Kurt whips up a special batch of cookies to show him how he feels. (629 words)
Written for the Klaine Advent 2018 prompt 'gingerbread'
Read on AO3.
“Why do you always do this!?” Kurt grumbles, brushing past his husband to get to the oven, wishing the insufferable man would go do something else for a couple of hours and leave him be. It’s bad enough that Blaine got him roped into this mess. He’s adding insult to injury by standing around and watching.
“Why do I always do what?” Blaine asks, inching sneakily towards the counter in search of a gumdrop to pilfer.
“I was done!” Kurt reaches around Blaine for a piping bag of Royal Icing, smacking Blaine’s hand as it closes in on the candy dish. “Finished! I had the cupcakes frosted, the candy canes wrapped, and a three-tier white chocolate cake completely decorated with a winter scene straight out of a Thomas Kinkade painting! Then you go ahead and promise the PTA a gingerbread house! And not just any gingerbread house! A showstopper! For their auction!”
“I just thought, you know, since you were already doing so much baking, it wouldn’t be that big a deal.”
“The baking isn’t a big deal, Blaine! It’s the construction! I know these people! They won’t be satisfied with a humble home or a quaint little cottage! They’ll expect an Alpine ski resort! Santa’s village! Or a castle! Elsa’s ice castle out of the movie Frozen! If you’re going around making promises, how come you’re not the one doing the cooking?”
“I’m sorry, Kurt. I really am. But I can’t help it. You’re a miracle worker!”
“Yes, I am, but you acknowledging that doesn’t make this any better!”
“If it’s any consolation, everything smells amazing! I can’t wait till tonight when I get to try one of your cookies.”
Kurt looks at his husband, his scowl of aggravation morphing with frightening quickness into a sly grin.
“Why wait?” He grabs one of the plates covered in tin foil on the kitchen island. “I actually whipped you up a special plate of cookies … and you don’t have to share them with Tracy.”
“You did?” Blaine receives the plate with a fond (and relieved) smile. He peels off the foil, eager to sample one of Kurt’s delectable cookies, famous in three of the five Boroughs. “And after what I did? You’re too …” Blaine stops when he reveals the cookies, a knot of confusion forming between his brows “These are mine?”
“Yes, they are.”
“And … they’re gingerbread men?”
“That’s right.”
“Uh …” Blaine examines the cookies – five men in all, three with x’s for eyes; one with a wide, panicked expression; and one without a head (attached. It’s lying beside its body). Instead of the bright red Santa suits and frilly Mrs. Santa dresses Kurt’s other gingerbread cookies sport, one of Blaine’s cookies has been bound with licorice rope; another has been selectively burnt to a crisp; and all five of them have been stuck with candy pins; the headless one with a thin, sugar-candy stick through its crotch. They all have distinguishing characteristics that make Blaine gulp hard – curly black hair, massive eyebrows, and bright red bow ties. The burnt one is wearing a Dalton blazer (which Blaine thinks might be a step too far past good taste, but at this point, he’s not saying a word). “But … they look like voodoo dolls.”
“They are.”
“And they all look like me.”
“That’s right.”
“Should I … be worried?”
Kurt swings by, kissing Blaine on the forehead before he fetches a chilled ball of dough from the freezer. “Only if you ever do this to me again.”
Blaine nods, picking up the severed head of the headless cookie and popping it in his mouth. Voodoo doll or not, it’s still Kurt’s secret recipe.
And it’s delicious.
“Mmm,” Blaine says, going for the licorice rope. “Point taken.”
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notarelationship · 6 years
Klaine Advent 2018 - Day 2
Klaine Advent 2018 Word Count: ~1185 Summary:  One snowy December, Blaine Anderson moves into a new apartment in Brooklyn. 
Day 2: Cinnamon (and also bury wooo!)
With Kurt’s help they had the car unloaded in under half an hour. Blaine didn’t have to return the rental until the morning, so he said thank you to Kurt and said he was going to try to park the car on the street somewhere.
“Oh.” Kurt grimaced. “That’s not going to be easy with the snow. If you get tired of driving around there’s a parking garage about two blocks up and one block west. They’ll probably have a spot.”
“Thank you,” Blaine said, as they stepped into the hall and Blaine pulled the door behind him, locking the door from the outside with the key. “I really appreciate your help tonight Kurt, it would have taken me a lot longer doing that on my own.”
“It was really no problem, I’m happy to help,” Kurt said, pulling off his gloves and scarf now that he wasn’t going back out into the cold. “Do you have your key to the outside door? The first week we lived here Rachel forgot it like five times. I had to make an extra and tie it into her bag so she’d stop buzzing me to get in at all hours.”
“My roommate, we have a two bedroom upstairs.” Kurt waved his gloves toward the stairs then slapped them into the opposite palm.  “Once you get settled we’ll have you up for dinner or something. Rachel loves any excuse to throw a party.” Kurt rolled his eyes, but Blaine thought it was meant to be playful.
“That sounds great.” It did sound great. After this move Blaine could use some new people to hang out with. The fact that now that Kurt had taken off his scarf and they were standing in the light of the hallway, and he could see that Kurt was a very good looking guy had nothing to do with it. Maybe Brooklyn wouldn’t be all bad. Blaine patted his pockets to make sure he had all the right keys, and they said goodnight.
Two hours later Blaine was stomping up the front stoop to his new apartment building, kicking snow off of his boots all the way up so he’d have less to drag into his apartment and drip on the floor. For a brief second he considered taking them off and leaving them in the hall, but his pants were just as wet, and he really didn’t know yet if they’d still be there in the morning if he left them.
Once he was inside he dropped his overcoat and hat and scarf and gloves on the floor, fought with the laces on his boots until he could free his very sore feet, and pulled his jeans off into a puddle. He stood standing in his chilly apartment wearing nothing but a sweatshirt and his underwear.
“This has not been my day,” he mumbled to no one. Picking up his boots he dropped them in the kitchen sink, planning to put them in the tub after he took a very long, hot shower - mostly in the dark - there was only a tiny light above the medicine cabinet that was working at the moment, and he didn’t have the energy to find the light bulbs. It wasn’t very late - barely 9pm, but he was exhausted from moving and cold, and he still had to dig out his inflatable mattress and blow it up if he didn’t want to sleep on the floor. And he definitely did not want to sleep on the floor.
Once he was clean and warm, he found his mattress quickly, so that was one good thing. The landlord had left a light bulb in the kitchen ceiling fixture, so he sat on the kitchen floor  and started in with the electric pump. He could bury himself under the blankets and deal with everything in the morning.
Ten minutes into blowing up the mattress there was a knock on his door. He couldn’t be making too much noise, could he? He didn’t think anyone lived below him to complain. It was one of the reasons he liked this apartment.
He was not expecting what he saw through the peephole, but he gladly opened the door to Kurt and a small brunette.
“You must be Blaine,” she said, much too brightly for Blaine’s mood. “I’m Rachel, Kurt’s roommate.” Blaine glanced at Kurt whose silently mouthed I’m sorry about her, and Blaine had to smile.
“I am Blaine,” he answered, taking Rachel’s offered hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Kurt mentioned that he had helped you move into the building, and I know that sometimes the first night in a new place can be overwhelming, so we wanted to bring you these -” She elbowed Kurt who handed Blaine a covered plate “- cinnamon cookies. They’re Kurt’s specialty.” Blaine looked at Kurt as Rachel kept talking, and was sure there was a blush rising up his throat.
“Actually, since you’re already here, do either of you know how to turn on the radiator? We had a floorboard unit at my last apartment, and I can’t quite get the heat to come on.”
“Oh yes!  Kurt can definitely help you with that.” Blaine stepped aside and held the door open, and Rachel put a hand on Kurt’s arm and pushed him into the apartment. Rachel followed looking around once she was in. “It’s quite dark in here,” she said.
Blaine sighed. “Yeah. There’s a light in the kitchen and bathroom, I’m just so tired I decided to wait until tomorrow to deal with the details. I have to get my mattress blown up, and then I’m going to sleep immediately.”
“You don’t have a bed?” Kurt asked, his tone concerned. He had his arm behind the radiator on the far wall. “Ooh, I think I got it. You have to turn this knob until it’s all the way open. Hear that?” Blaine could hear a high hissing sound and nodded. “It should start to warm up. Just be careful if it gets too hot, the handle can get hot too.”
“Blaine, I realize that we just met, but we have a perfectly good couch upstairs if you want to just crash with us - wait - you’re not a serial killer are you?” Rachel asked. She only seemed like she was half joking.
“Good grief Rachel, I’m pretty sure you’re the serial killer in this scenario.” Kurt rolled his eyes, and Blaine tried not to laugh. They had an interesting dynamic. “Please enjoy the cookies Blaine, and enjoy your well earned sleep. Let us know if you need anything tomorrow when you get to unpacking.” Kurt hustled Rachel toward the door.
“We’re in apartment 3R,” she said, as Kurt gave him another apologetic look. Then they were gone.
Blaine rubbed his eyes. He was too tired to process what had just happened so he turned the pump back on and lifted the foil on the plate of cookies. They smelled amazing, and they were warm. Blaine ate half the plate before realizing they were the only thing he’d eaten in hours.
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