#‘cact looks like cactus’
spearbe · 6 years
jeses jessejssjess jessus heyyy i love u !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so much sleep well and dream sweetly ... hav a cute dream abt u and changbin goin on a cute ice cream date ok i love u i think we shoul dFUCk sorry we should all be glad i dont drinki if this is how i cact when im just tired also ccatc FUCK fcacdkfkf oh my god cact looks like cactus but im too lazy o change it fnnfdkfdk ok gniiggghhtttt ilu
is it bad that i laughed while reading this your train of thought is really……. Special pls don’t ever drink but uwu I love u too!! and alsjdjdkd that’s so cute an ice cream date with changbin I’m :’(( I wanna be his best friend So Bad hnnnngngnngngg but i hope you slept well too 💖
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pagesoflauren · 2 years
Depicting Stuttering in Writing: A Crash Course
About the original author of this post
Hi! I’m Lauren; I have a BA in Communicative Disorders (I graduated in 2018 from an ASHA accredited university) and am currently in graduate school to get my MS in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences from the same university. When I graduate, I have the intention of becoming a speech-language pathologist/speech teacher.
I acknowledge that I am approaching this topic from an outsider’s standpoint. I did not have any communication, speech, language, or voice difficulties growing up other than stage fright, some sickness here and there, and occasional stuttering within “typical” parameters. I do not claim to speak from personal experience; rather I speak from someone who has spent four years studying course material on these matters.
I’m also not trying to tell anyone how to write anything. These are all suggestions.
Adding information, corrections, and respectful critiques are more than welcome!
Now, onto the information...
What is Stuttering?
Stuttering--or a disfluency (pl. disfluencies) if you wanna get technical--is “any interruption of speech.” This can manifest in many different ways, but the most common are sound repetitions, sound prolongations, hesitations, and interjections. Let’s talk about these in-depth!
Sound repetition: A sound repetition is pretty self-explanatory. It’s when a person says one particular sound of a word over again, typically at the very beginning of a word, or at the beginning of a syllable.
“bubble” becomes “b-b-bubble”
“Cactus” becomes “cact-t-tus”
Sound prolongations: Another self-explanatory form of stuttering. This occurs when a person gets caught on one sound of a word, again, typically at the very beginning of a word or at the beginning of a syllable.
“Sing” becomes “ssssing”
“Shuffle” becomes “shuffffle”
Hesitations: This occurs when a speaker appears to be ready to speak, but nothing comes out. There can be a lot of tension in their mouth, face, chest, or even their whole body. Hesitation can happen at any point of speaking; a person can be trying to take their turn in a conversation and nothing can come out, or a person can be in the middle of speaking and they stop before a certain word, or they can stop in the middle of a word.
Interjections: This is a common form of stuttering. I’m willing to bet you’ve done this at least once today. This is when you say anything like “um, uh, oh, ah, erm, err”--I could go on and on.
Now that we’ve talked about that, let’s talk about some common mistakes.
Something that I’ve seen often (and has actually spurred my urge to create this post) is the way sounds are depicted when stuttering.
Now, in phonetics, there are two ways letters can depict sounds. These are called monophthongs (when one letter depicts one sound, like “b”) and diphthongs (when two letters depict one sound, like “th”, “sh,”, “ch”, and “ng”).
When a character stutters on a monophthong, it looks like this: “f-f-fine.” I’ve always seen these appear fairly accurately.
However, when a character stutters on a diphthong, I’ve seen this: “t-t-thanks.”
This is inaccurate because the “th” letters in “thanks” make one sound. So, a more accurate depiction would be “th-th-thanks.”
Let’s try more:
“Chip” should be “ch-ch-chip.”
“Shirt” should be “sh-sh-shirt.”
Now, a trick question: sometimes in English, a pair of letters that looks like a diphthong is actually a monophthong, so how do you show a stutter in that?
I’ll use the prime example I see often, which is the name Chris (for all you Evans fans out there who write/read RPF of him).
Because the first two letters of Chris’ name make the /k/ sound like in the words “kite” or “cake”, it’s okay to do “C-Chris.”
Let’s briefly talk about something else: which sounds can be repeated and which can be prolongated.
Repetitions occur for most sounds in the English language. However, I’ve usually seen them in sounds called “stops”. These are sounds where you build up air pressure in your mouth and release it suddenly to create a sound.
These include /b, p, t, d, ch, k/ and /g/.
Prolongations occur for sounds that can be hummed and extended for a long period of time. These are sounds that are produced by a continuous flow of air moving through the mouth.
These include /f, v, sh, j, m, n, s/ and /z/.
However, these sounds can also be repeated. It all depends on how a character stutters.
So, there you have it! A bit of a crash course on stuttering and how to depict it in writing. There is a lot more information that can be discussed, but this post is already super long so I’ll just end it here.
If you have any questions or feedback, I’m so happy to hear it. But please, don’t be unnecessarily rude. I created this to share the knowledge I have, not to act as if I know everything there is to know about stuttering.
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mothi333 · 3 years
hello!!! i was wondering if i could get some pronoun sets related to plants(specifically smaller ones, like succulents or cacti)? ive been looking for some but i cant quite find a list that i like!! thank you!
Moth hopes you will like them!
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imperfekti · 5 years
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PairPuri Vol 10 - Fuji x Shishido
A good day
1. F: Oh? Aren’t you Shishido from Hyoutei? S: You’re Seigaku’s Fuji! What a coincidence.
2. F: You’re walking your dog too? S: Eh? “You too”…?
3. F: I’m the same as you. I’m walking my cactus!
4. S: …!! F: Hehe, I can perfectly understand your trembling.
Their conversation #1
1. F: Oh. Seems like your dog and my cactus already became friends. S: !?
2. Doggy: Why is it that you’re different than me, having spines all over your body?
3. Cactus: What are you saying? Both you and humans have invisible spines all over your body too, don’t you? Don’t you know the expression “hedgehog’s dilemma?” *
4. F: … I wonder if that’s the kind of conversation they’re having? S: …! F: Haha. Looks like you too are having difficulty understanding my heart. **
Their conversation #2
1. S: I-, I can’t imagine our dog having such a refined conversation. F: Hee… Then, what kind of discussion do you think they’re having?
2. Doggy: Nice to meet you woof! Let’s be friends woof! Cactus: Same here cact! *** 3. S: … That kind of thing… Hey! Don’t record it! F: I see. I think I came to understand what kind of a person Shishido is. Phone: Yoroshiku woof! **** S: Delete it!
4. Doggy: … maybe they’re having that kind of a conversation. Cactus: I don’t really understand humans!
- -
Translation notes
* Hedgehog’s dilemma.
** I asked several Japanese people about this sentence, but no-one really had a suggestion on how to word this in English. The literal translation would be something like “You still can not measure the distance between our hearts”, but the meaning seems to be about not understanding each other.
*** “Sabo” in original Japanese.
**** Yoroshiku is the often used phrase that doesn’t have a smooth equivalent in English, but it’s like “let’s get along well”, “looking forward to cooperating with you”, depending on the context.
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elecman108 · 3 years
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 This plane looks fucked. I guess this is the elemental plane of... sakura blossoms? Or maybe they’re just in a forest of sakura trees. Regardless, this group is getting more chaotic by the second and someone should really stop them.
New addition Ursinia Glowroot and Selgy Stonepelt!
Ursinia, based off the flower of the same name, is a Fairy (for the new race when it releases soon!!) and she wants to explore the material plane after finding a route out of the feywild despite the fact she lost most of her power in the process.
Selgy is an old Centaur woman who’s seen one too many groups of adventurers meet their end and she and her magic are going to ensure that the group she eventually joins makes their way home to their folks.
Everyone else is about the same as last time, lmao. I only made two new ones and they’re not even that crazy. Still working out how to make a Dragonborn, Minotaur, and Rabbitfolk character... Maybe a few others too, lmao. But until then, have these two. Also I’m here now too hi I’m here. Hello. Dungeons and Grungeons has never been the same without the Entity Themself.
My ones currently slated for games spell out “CACT”, so of course my next two had to complete the CACTUS crew, lmao. Ceci, Ax, Carrion, and Tempest now have a fairy named Ursinia and a grandma named Selgy to contend with in their chaos/cactus crew.
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Proof of CACTUS... except Carrion has like, seven names so his name is either Carrion or Lucien or Elorin or Yinris or Ifrit or Blaze or Kerak and no one’s quite sure which is his actual name... or if any of those are his actual name.
(Spoiler; It spells CABTUS. Rip to the Cactus Crew but there’s a typo lmao.)
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