#‘plan a trip for you and 3 friends’ babe I don’t even have 3 irl friends I could travel with
mooseonabreak · 6 months
Planning a trip for one of my classes as a short assignment is actual hell. We have to budget? Baby, I failed the two business classes I took in middle school. We are not making it back home if I’m left in charge of the budget.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Undone, Chapter 14 (Bitney) - Stephanie/Veronica
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A/N: Welcome to Chapter 14 of UNDONE, our slow burn Bitney lesbian AU. Here’s a link to the previous chapters.
Summary: Bianca escapes to a gig in Atlanta at the perfect time, as things are getting real tense with Jared.
Thank you to everyone who beta’d while I changed around the plot 40 times: @kitschypixel @sheofthethrone @jillybean2314 @theartificialdane
TW: This story deals with themes of emotional abuse, and since that can be subtle, we’re going to keep a general TW on all of the chapters.
Bianca falls into bed beside Jared, sighing. Her buzz from dinner has unfortunately worn off and now she just feels tired. She glances over at Jared, who seems to be ignoring her, tapping furiously at his phone, brow furrowed.
She picks up her own phone, scrolling absentmindedly through Instagram. She pauses on Courtney’s latest picture: she’s in Sydney, at the Mardi Gras parade, surrounded by throngs of colorful revelers, covered in glitter, rainbow streaks in her hair. Her expression is jubilant, ecstatic.
Bianca likes the photo, begins to slowly type out a comment. “You look like...” her fingers hover over the keys, stomach twisting. Joy. Perfection. Everything I have ever wanted.
“What are you lookin’ at?” Jared asks, turning onto his side.
"Oh, um, my friend is in Sydney for Mardi Gras. It looks crazy,” Bianca answers.
“That Australian girl from the show? The lesbian?"
"Uh, yeah." Bianca is a little surprised that Jared made the connection. But, she supposes that she has mentioned Courtney to him a few times before. She’s certainly not trying to hide anything.
Jared moves a little closer, asking, “What does she look like? Is she cute?" He tries to grab her phone and she jumps away.
Jared laughs, now enjoying the struggle.
"Why won't you let me see her?!"
"I'm in the middle of writing a comment!"
“So what?! Give me the phone!"
Bianca quickly deletes what she was writing, cheeks burning with...something. She’s not sure what, but she feels a little hot and wonders if maybe the alcohol from earlier hasn’t quite worn off like she thought. She gulps, handing over the phone and watching his face carefully.
"Daaaaamn..." Jared lets out a low whistle, clicking on Courtney’s username and checking out her other recent pictures. “Are you sure she’s a lesbian?”
“Uh, yeah. Pretty sure,” Bianca answers, slightly irritated.
“Huh. She doesn’t look like one. She looks...sexy.”
Bianca isn’t sure why that comment annoys her so much, but she doesn’t like the expression on his face as he scrolls through the pictures. It almost feels like he’s stealing something from her. When he double-taps a picture from last autumn, Bianca quickly snatches the phone back.
"What are you doing?!" she shrieks, and he begins to laugh.
"I just liked a picture, what?"
“But...but we're friends, and that was like, a thot picture of her in a bathing suit, from like months ago, you can't-oh my god..."
“Who cares?"
Bianca sighs and patiently asks, “If Willam posted a picture of his ass, would you like it?”
“Uh...if he looked like her, yeah.”
“Way to miss the point.”
“Okay, so just unlike it then. Or tell her it was me.”
Bianca stares at him for a moment before exclaiming, “That’s even worse!”
“B…” A sly smile spreads across Jared’s face. He leans in and murmurs, “Do you have a crush on this girl?” He presses a kiss to her neck.
“Stop it,” Bianca says, pulling away. “Of course not.”
“Yeah, you do,” he insists, arms sliding back around her. “You naughty girl.”
“I don’t-”
“It's okay, baby, it's hot.” Jared nuzzles her ear, hard dick against her hip. “My bad girl. Should I punish you?”
“Remember that girl junior year? The redhead?”
Bianca’s stomach is tight, her breath shallow. Another protest is on the tip of her tongue, but seeing his sleepy-eyed leer, she relents, letting him pin her wrists over her head, climb on top of her.
“Don’t be ashamed, babe. I told you, it’s hot,” he says, smirking down at her.
Bianca nods, biting her lip. She supposes that she should be grateful. Not all husbands would be this open-minded. This forgiving.
“I mean, if it was a guy, I’d have to kill him. But…” Jared laughs, a hollow laugh that makes Bianca shiver. “But this? I’m into it.”
Bianca stares up at the ceiling, blinking back tears. Where the fuck did those come from? She brushes them away angrily, closing her eyes, while he slides down her pajama bottoms.
Courtney flops down onto her sofa, finally home after almost 18 hours of traveling. She breathes a sigh of relief and picks up her phone. Her first message sounds way too needy, and she quickly deletes it, trying to think of a way to say what she wants without being such an obvious jet-lagged emotional mess.
COURTNEY: I really miss the way you manhandle my seams <3
BIANCA: lol, you’re an idiot <3
COURTNEY: When do you leave for Atlanta?
BIANCA: Saturday.
COURTNEY: Shit. Maybe we can do lunch sometime this week?
BIANCA: I wish. I’m so fucking slammed with prep. I don’t even know when I’m gonna pack.
Courtney lets her head fall backwards, deflating a little. She’s been getting the sense that Bianca was pulling away, although sometimes it’s hard to tell if it’s real or just all in her head. The idea of waiting months before seeing her again is a crushing blow, but she doesn’t want to make her feel bad.
COURTNEY: Ok. I’ll let you get back to it then. Have a safe trip. <3
Bianca stares out the window at the puffy white clouds, a sense of relief making her feel more relaxed than she remembers being in...years, maybe. Maybe the most relaxed she’d ever been sober.
She hates to admit how tense things have been with Jared lately. But after she’d kissed him goodbye and gotten into the uber, it was as if every cell in her body exhaled.
Or, maybe it’s just the excitement of finally being a department head, for a beautiful little indie film set in the 1960s. Finally having a project where her creative vision would be fully realized, the director and producer basically giving her carte blanche because they loved her preliminary sketches so much. And of course, there’s the fact that she’ll be living in the same city as Latrice for the first time since high school. That must be it.
She smiles, bending down to drop a few treats into the dogs’ travel bag.
Bianca yanks open the door of the little sidewalk cafe and rushes over to Latrice - her oldest friend, the person who knows her best in the world. She throws herself into Latrice’s arms, the taller woman letting out a deep laugh as she embraces her tightly, saying, “I missed you, too, gorgeous.”
Once they’re seated, Latrice pushes a glass of sweet tea over to Bianca.
“Alright. Give me the latest. What’s going on? How’s your team? How’s Prince Charming coping with you being gone?”
“The crew’s great, I’m really excited about this show. And...he’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure about that?” Latrice asks with a chuckle. “Remember when we went to Barbados and he called you 20 times a day? That boy can barely breathe without you.”
“Well, he’s busy too,” Bianca says, feeling just a little defensive. Jared had spent her last 2 weeks in LA going on and on about what a sacrifice he was making, how hard her absence was going to be for him, how grateful she should be that he was so understanding. By the end, she had conceded every point out of pure exhaustion.
“Sure, I know. But...it’s hard to make a baby long distance. Is he gonna come visit for Game Day?”
Bianca forces a laugh.
“No, I don’t think so. Actually, I haven’t even been tracking for a couple months.”
“Really? Just letting Jesus take the wheel?”
“Yeah. Well…I mean, it’s been such a stressful process. And the last doctor I saw basically told me that I was like...trying too hard. And also...” Bianca trails off, looking down. She hasn’t admitted the next part out loud yet. Maybe she hasn’t even admitted it to herself.
Latrice covers Bianca’s hand with her own.
“I dunno. I guess…” Bianca looks away. “I’ve been having some doubts about whether we’re even meant to...have kids. What if it hasn’t happened for a reason?”
“B…” Latrice pauses, searching for the best way to respond.
“...well, isn’t it possible? Que sera sera and all that shit.”
“You know, someday, you’re gonna give yourself a break from all this neurotic self torture. And that will be a beautiful day,” Latrice says.
“You’re right.” Bianca clears her throat. “I just need to chill. Obviously. But...enough about my bullshit. Tell me about the wedding plans!”
Work is slow for Courtney in the spring, so she asks her old modeling agents to toss her some commercial work. When she learns about the first job they booked for her, she doesn’t know whether to be horrified or proud. It’s a pretty big print ad campaign, for Johnson & Johnson. She’s playing a mother, lovingly placing a BandAid on her baby. When Bianca learns of the whole thing via text, she’s utterly amused.
BIANCA: Should I call you Mommy now?
COURTNEY: If that’s what you’re into ;)
COURTNEY: It’s cool, I don’t kink shame
Later in the week, she texts Bianca from the set to give her an update, curled in a chair in the greenroom.
COURTNEY: OK so I’m at this shoot, and they tell me they want me to show some “respectable mum cleavage” in the shot when I lean over to put the band-aid on the kid. I LOL’d IRL, because hello? Wrong girl.
BIANCA: lol awwww. Can’t relate.
COURTNEY: Thanks, I’m WELL aware
COURTNEY: So their brilliant solution was to tape me into this wonderbra/bustier thing, and to further emphasize my (lack of) tits, they are contouring and highlighting the fuck out of my chest. I feel like a goddamn drag queen.
BIANCA: HAHA, you would be the worst drag queen. Do you even own makeup?
COURTNEY: MEANWHILE this damn baby is just sitting over in the corner drooling. He better not be making more than me.
BIANCA: He probably is. Needed: Caucasian baby, must not roll eyes when co-star waxes poetic about vegan pudding for 30 minutes.
BIANCA: Calm down, crazy
COURTNEY: Omg they just applied the fake wound to him and it’s a little horrible looking. I’m actually worried that I might not put this band-aid on him properly. What if he bleeds out and dies? I don’t think I’m ready for motherhood. I CANT TAKE THIS PRESSURE
BIANCA: You’re gonna be fine. ;P
COURTNEY: Okay he made it. Phew.
BIANCA: I was on pins and needles.
It’s like an addiction, this need to share everything with Bianca. To make her laugh, to get her feedback, to know all of the mundane details of her day. To connect, as often as possible. Courtney knows that she’s in way over her head, but she doesn’t care. She just wants more.
Bianca doubles over laughing as Chris recounts a story of trying to take Latrice white water rafting. Latrice tries to chime in and dispute some of his facts, but she’s laughing too hard to be very effective.
“Honestly Chris. What on earth made you think that was a good idea?!” Bianca asks him, wiping tears from her eyes. She takes a sip of her wine and helps them load plates into the dishwasher.
“I...I don’t know. Seemed like an adventure?” Chris says with a sheepish grin. He places a newly washed pan in the drying rack.
“Lesson learned!” Latrice pipes up, sliding the leftovers into the fridge. “Now go away so we can talk about your dick.”
“You could just say that you wanna chill with your friend,” Chris laughs, kissing her on the cheek as he sails out the door.
Latrice slings an arm over Bianca’s shoulder and guides her into the living room.
“I’m really glad that I’m getting to know Chris better,” Bianca says, settling onto the sofa. “He’s just so great.”
“He is. I’m very lucky.”
“Well, you’re both lucky.” She flashes a grin and Latrice smiles back.
“How about you? How are you doing?”
“Good! Yeah, the show is humming along, the crew is better than I thought, it’s been…” Bianca shrugs, letting out a contented sigh. “It’s been amazing.”
“And...how’s Prince Charming? Still surviving without you?”
“He’s okay. Actually...” Bianca bites her lip nervously. “To be honest, it’s been kind of wonderful to be on my own. I haven’t really thought about him that much.”
Latrice raises an eyebrow.
“I know, it’s awful, right? I’m a terrible wife.”
“Of course not. Everyone needs some alone time, B. But...is it more than that?”
“No!” Bianca exclaims, a little too vehemently, then asks, “...Why?”
“You just seem a little tense every time I mention him.”
“Yeah, I don’t know.” Bianca looks down, fighting the urge to guzzle her entire glass of wine in one gulp.
“Are things okay with you guys? You know, it’s okay to have issues. Every couple goes through ups and downs. You don’t have to be perfect all the time-”
“I know that!” Bianca sighs. “Anyway, it’s nothing to do with him. Or…”
“I’m listening.”
“I think I may have...um...fallen for someone else.”
“You did what now?” Latrice sits back, eyebrow raised in judgment.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Bianca says, eyes downcast. “I haven’t done anything.”
“I just wonder how many years this boy has to jump through hoops before you see how good he is to you,” Latrice sighs.
Bianca swallows.
“I mean, come on, B. Is there really someone better out there? Or is this just more of the same commitment-phobic stuff that you’ve been putting him through since college?”
“Stop. Forget it. I’m sure this time away will...make me realize how much I miss him, and-”
“I just don’t know why you torture yourself. And him. He worships you. Why can’t you enjoy it? And who is this other person? Your typical pretty boy type?” Latrice asks.
“Oh, so we’re back to girls, eh?” Latrice teases. “That’s fun.”
“It’s really annoying when you pretend not to know how bisexuality works,” Bianca informs her.
“Sorry, sorry,” Latrice rolls her eyes. “And does she grovel at your feet, like your husband?” The disapproval drips from her tone.
“No...she...it’s a totally different situation.” Bianca presses her lips together. She’s trying not to squirm, not to appear too gleeful, but thinking about Courtney always causes her to get a little giddy.
“Alright, go ahead. I can tell you’re dying to tell me all about her. Just remember, Jesus is listening.”
“Noted,” Bianca says, then leans forward, lowering her voice for some reason. Maybe to make things a little harder for Jesus to hear. “She’s...like...unbelievably gorgeous...but that’s not even the best thing about her. I mean, she’s sexy, but also so smart, and fun, and like...she has this charming, effervescent personality...I’m so fucked.”
“Yeah, sounds like it,” Latrice sighs. “Well...I mean, how deep are these feelings? Is it like, a crush, or…?”
“I think it started out that way,” Bianca admits. “Things are just like...I feel more myself when I’m with her. It’s like being with you.”
“Are you hitting on me now?”
“No,” Bianca laughs. “I just mean that like...I don’t know, the attraction is always there, right? But also, we’re friends.”
“You’re not friends with Jared?”
“It’s just...different with him. It’s more tense. More...complicated.”
“Couldn’t that just be a case of...you know, the grass is always greener on the other side?”
“It could be…” Bianca pauses thoughtfully, sipping her wine.
“Because you know, every relationship is complicated. But there’s a reason that you guys are still together, right? I mean, he suffered through that endless engagement. That means something.”
“It does. But Courtney-that’s her name, by the way.”
“Courtney,” Latrice mimics in a Valley-girl accent, making Bianca laugh a little. “Ugh. You would fall for a Courtney.”
Bianca smirks, then sighs. “Well, for starters, she doesn’t make me feel like my career is a pointless waste of time…”
Latrice opens her mouth, but then stops. It had been a throwaway comment, but something about it made her pause. For years, all Latrice heard about was how much Jared worshipped Bianca. His endless love and affection and understanding. The idea of him thinking that anything she does is a ‘pointless waste of time’ is...incongruous in a way that makes a giant red flag flash for Latrice. She tilts her head, careful to pay extra attention to what Bianca is saying, and particularly the way she’s fidgeting, the anxious look in her eyes.
“...and, I guess...spending time with her made me realize how often I’m walking on pins and needles around Jared. He’s so moody, and I...I thought it was me. You know, because I can be...”
Latrice frowns.
“You can be what?”
“I mean, I push people’s buttons. I’m not sensitive, and I make people upset. You know, you’ve seen it,” Bianca sighs.
“What are you talking about, B?”
“Well, like, remember in high school, with Alyssa?” Bianca begins tearing up the napkin in her hands.
“Yeah, I remember Alyssa, but what-”
“You know, I would say the wrong thing, trying to be funny or whatever, and she’d like, lose it. Remember? I was always making her cry, or-”
“Bianca, Alyssa was crazy. Like, legit bonkers. That wasn’t your fault, at all.” Latrice reaches out to grasp her hand.
“But I made it worse. I mean, I certainly didn’t help,” Bianca insists.
“Okay, sure. Because you were 17 years old. Not a mental health care professional. It still wasn’t your fault.”
Bianca looks down, and Latrice swallows.
“What does this have to do with Jared, though? Does he...I mean, is he as volatile as her? Because-”
“No, of course not.”
Bianca takes a deep breath.
“He just...sometimes...gets...upset, and angry. Really angry, and I…it makes me...” Bianca wipes a tear from the corner of her eye. “It’s unsettling, like I don’t know...when the rug’s gonna be yanked out from under my feet, and…and I don’t know if it would be right to bring a child into that...”
Latrice moves closer to her on the sofa, something clicking in her mind and filling her with fear and guilt. She feels like the worst friend in the world for not seeing it, for believing the stories, for failing to probe deeper before now. She squeezes Bianca’s hand a little, before asking softly, “B...has he ever hurt you?”
“No! God, no. Forget it, this is...I’m obviously just being dramatic, you know, so-”
“But he makes you feel...scared?”
“Not scared, exactly. Just...uneasy. Sometimes. I’m blowing this totally out of proportion. Probably just, like, to ease my own guilt about being a shitty wife who pisses him off and then fantasizes about my coworker like a dumb fucking-”
“Okay! Okay, so, let’s say, for a second, that you’re not blowing things out of proportion.”
“But I am. I mean you thought I was trying to say that he-” Bianca’s breath hitches. “He would never-”
“Okay.” Latrice holds up her hands. She can see that the vulnerable part of their conversation is over, and she doesn’t want to push Bianca any more, so instead she gets down to business.  “I believe you. But...if things get worse, or...have you thought about what you would actually do? Where you would go? Do you have your own bank account, credit cards? Is everything joint, or-”
“Latrice, stop. This is ridiculous, I’m not some battered wife who needs-”
“No, but...you still might want to leave, at some point, so...didn’t you sign a pre-nup? What if he tries to claim that you cheated? Are his parents vindictive? We know the answers to all of these questions and you are totally fucked. You need to open a bank account, stat.”
Bianca looks down, tears rolling down her cheeks.
“I’m not leaving, I already know that. And you were the one defending him ten minutes ago, so I don’t understand-”
“I know! I know, but...this is just a safety net, okay? Plan B. In case things get worse and you need... Look, Plan A is still that you stay married, and work out whatever you need to, and have a long life and beautiful children who will grow up as spoiled as your horrible little rat dogs.”
Bianca begins to laugh through her tears, crawling into Latrice’s arms.
“Why do I do this? Why do I ruin things?”
“Hey.” Latrice takes Bianca’s face in her hands. “I’m sorry if it felt like I was taking his side over yours...I’m on your side, always, okay?”
Bianca nods, letting her friend rock her, stroking her hair and telling her that everything is going to work out.
“Oh man,” Bianca groans, sinking into her bed. The dogs are going crazy, smelling everything and jumping all over her. “You guys excited to be home? Huh?” she asks, scratching Dede behind the ears.
“Not as excited as I am to have you back…” Jared says, sliding in beside her.
Bianca turns to look at him. Maybe there was something to that whole ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’ after all. She smiles and runs her fingers through his hair.
“So...you missed me?”
“Like crazy,” Jared murmurs, nuzzling closer.
For a moment, Bianca feels utterly content, sleepy eyes falling closed. But then, as his hands move to her fly, popping the button, she wriggles away, sitting up a little.
“Seriously? It’s been over 2 months,” Jared whines, pulling her back down.
“I know, but I’m just...I’ve been traveling all day. I’m exhausted, and I feel filthy, and-”
“I like you filthy,” he growls into her ear. “Come on…”
“Jared…” she pushes him away harder.
“Fine! I got the fucking hint. You don’t have to be such a…” he scoffs. “Forget it.”
“I’m sorry. I just need to like, rest and then shower, and-”
“Whatever, Bianca. I’m a monster for wanting to have sex with my wife. Message received.” He rises from the bed.
Bianca doesn’t have the energy to chase after him. Not today. She falls back against the pillows with a groan.
They have a luxurious three weeks to prep season two of Silver Screens, and by the first shoot day, Bianca’s confidence in her work is soaring. Beth has trusted her more than ever, and she’s now designing nearly half of the costumes on the show. But as good as she feels about her job, nothing compares to the heart-bursting joy she feels when the trailer door swings open and Courtney comes flying into her arms, practically knocking her over.
“Hey!” Bianca says, hugging her tightly. She inhales deeply, loving the way Courtney melts into her arms, face tucked into the crook of her neck as if it belongs there. An embarrassing heat creeps into her cheeks as she pulls back a little. “How have you been?”
“Pretty good! Just got back from that music video shoot in Seattle. What about you? How was Atlanta? I’m so proud of you!”
“It was good. You know me, I love to boss people around.”
“And you’re so good at it,” Courtney says, still gripping both of her hands tightly. She glances down and then says, “Hey, where’d your nails go?”
“Oh, uh. Yeah, they kept breaking, so…” Bianca’s usual French tips have been replaced by short, shiny red nails.
“Hmm. I like these a lot better.” Her eyes dance mischievously. “They’re, uh...very practical.”
“Is your mind always in the gutter?” Bianca asks, cheeks burning, palms itching. She has an instinct to rip her hands away, but doesn’t.
“What?! I just said I like them,” Courtney giggles, squeezing Bianca’s fingers, gazing up at her with glittering eyes. “So, are we gonna hang out before the season starts to kick your ass? I really missed you.”
Bianca clears her throat and pulls up a stool, trying to cover the fact that she’s literally weak at the knees.
“Are you free Saturday?” Courtney asks.
“Actually, no. One of Jared’s douchey coworkers is having a barbecue, let’s-get-fucked-up-cause-it’s-summer type thing. And I promised his fiancée that I’d go, so...ugh. Saturday with the bros.”
“Sounds enchanting,” Courtney laughs.
“You should come!” Bianca blurts out, and then adds, “I mean, if you want. Willam is gross but he does know how to throw a party. And the house is supposed to be really cool, so...”
“That is an enticing offer…” Courtney tilts her head, pretending to think it over.
Bianca leans in. “I’m not gonna beg.”
“Well, that spoils all the fun,” Courtney tells her, eyes glimmering.
“Ha ha. Nevermind-”
“B…” Courtney places a hand on her shoulder. “You had me at ‘douchey coworker.’”
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reactions-for-you · 7 years
Humiliated. (Part 1.)
Characters: Reader X DEAN
Cameos: Jisoo (your best friend)
Type: Angst
*Possible triggers*: name calling, humiliation
A/N: This is the first scenario I’ve ever written on this blog so it’s not gonna be good lol, but I wanted to try something different. Let me know what you think and if you have any tips on how I can improve please let me know!
It has been two months since I broke things off with Hyuk, but he still keeps sending me text messages and snapchats asking me to meet up with him so that we can “clear things up”. There’s no way in hell I would ever do that, not after what he did.
Hyuk and I had been dating for about 5 months when it happened. We were at this house party that was held at Hyuk’s house to celebrate the release of his new single. In this party were a lot his artist friends. The fanxy child crew was there, along with some guys from aomg. Even before I met Hyuk, or DEAN as the public better new him as, I was a big fan of these people. I never got used to hanging out with these people even though Hyuk reassured me that I don’t need to be nervous. It just has always felt so unreal.
*Two months earlier*
We were all drinking and talking, some were dacing in the living room and others were piss drunk in the corner. Ya’know, the typical house party scene. Outside the house there was a pool that was closed up, barricades went all around the pool side. No one was allowed near the pool because in the house there were people drinking and, well nobody wanted any accident to happen since alcohon and swimming don’t usually mix together well. Anyway, I was getting tired of being crushed into the crowd of people so I decided to go outside to the pool. I wasn’t planning on swimming since I didn’t have my swimwear with me, obviously. The water was light blue and the pool was light up. Not gonna lie, I felt quite tempted to just jump in. I was feeling hot anyway, since the house was crowded as hell..
Soon I heard the back door open and close behind me. I turned around to see my boyfriend Dean.
Dean: “Going for a dip babe?.” He asked slighly slurring his words.
(Y/N): “Nah, just getting some fresh air, that’s all.”
Hyuk stumbled towards me tripping over his own feet a couple times, and put his arms around my shoulders. I could smell the liquor in his breath as he whispered in my ear.
Dean: “Mm I wouldn’t mind see you do a quick cheeky skinny dip in my pool.”
(Y/N): “Shut up boy, no one is gonna skinny dip in here, the pool is closed right now dummy.”
Dean: “Does that mean “no” now, but “yes” later once the guests leave and we can enjoy the pool by ourselves hmm?” He said raising one of his eyebrows while giving me a really familiar smirk.
I chuckled at his attempt to be seductive. I was just about to say something witty back to him when I heard the back door open again. I turned around quickly, and a bunch of Hyuk’s guy friends came to the pool side. The second I saw them I could tell they were all hammered.
Guy 1: “Did someone say skinny dip? I’m all here for that.” He said jokingly taking of his shirt while the other guys and dean laughed.
Guy 2: “Yeeeah I like the sound of that. but I ain’t gonna jump in the pool. I can watch though.” He said while sitting in the sun chair and looking me up and down.
At this point I was getting a little uncomfortable, since I was the only woman here surrounded by about seven guys. But I wasn’t that alarmed since my boyfried was there, I knew he would tell the guys off if their comments got out of hand. Or at least I thought so..
Guy 3: “Is she the stripper for tonight? Damn, Dean you have a good taste.“
Guy 4: “I mean it wouldn’t be a Dean party, without some whores right? This new one even looks kinda classy, I wish I knew where you get these type of bitches.”
When I hear that come out of this guys mouth my eyes widened. Whore? Me? I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I knew Dean as a singer had a history of having groupies and random hook-ups. But surely he wouldn’t think of me as just that. Right?  My mind was running to all the places I didn’t want it to and I was getting teary eyed fast. But the next thing that Hyuk said shocked me more that anything I had heard this far.
Dean: “Fellas, have you seen this face? It pulls all the best whores in the yard. This one was so easy I mean, we went on couple dates and she was all mine hah. Really doesn’t take a lot, so take notes.”
(Y/N): Hyuk.. how can you talk about me like this? You know I’m not a whore, I’m NOT and never WAS some stripper who you can just play with. Why aren’t you defending me? How could you say that? What even AM I to you!
I yelled in a hoarse voice, and tears falling down my cheeks, shaking my head slowly staring at my boyfriend.
Dean: “Just shut up.”
My jaw dropped. My own boyfriend just called me an “easy whore”. In front of all these people and then tried to silence me.
I felt disgusted, and more hurt that I had ever been. I thought I was going to be sick, and I knew it wasn’t because of the alcohol. I stormed out crying. I ran through the crowded house not giving a fuck that peope stared at me in confusion. I ran outside to the parking lot and got in the first cab and didn’t look back.
This car ride home felt like an eternity. I cried the whole time and didn’t stop even when the driver asked me if I was okay. I simply couldn’t talk.
I always saw Hyuk as this really sweet, almost like ’the boy next door’ kinda guy. I never expected him to put me on the spot like that, especially infront of all his friends. I really thought he loved me.. or maybe I was just stupid and hoped that he would love me. I guess alcohol really does bring out the worst in people.. I felt so humiliated and embarassed to the point that I don’t think I can ever face these people again. Who knows what these people think of me now. Sad thing is that some of those people were also MY friends, well now ex-friends.
*back to present day*
Even though I’ve given him silent treatment for almost two whole months, he still expects me to give him attention. As if I would be interested to listen to his pathetic excuses. He really doesn’t seem to get that, even though I never text him back and only leave him on ‘read’. In a way I’m not really surprised to be honest. He has always been really determined to keep trying until he gets what he wants. He can be really stubborn sometimes. That being one of the reasons I fell for him if I’m compeletely honest. I have always admired his passion and how hard he works in order to achieve his goals, but right now those qualities have come back and bite me. Big time.
*Later that night*
*You and your best friend Jisoo are hanging out in your room watching tv, and Jisoo brings up the one topic you would like to avoid the most*
Jisoo: “Is he still texting you?”
(Y/N): “Who?”
Jisoo: “C’mon, we both know who I’m talking about.”
(Y/N): “If you mean my disgusting, nasty ass,  ex-boyfriend, then yes. He’s till trying to apologize.”
Jisoo: “Well damn, someone is still mad at him.”
(Y/N): “Of course I am! He won’t leave me alone. I mean just earlier today he send me snapchats asking me to dinner. He really thinks I’ll forgive him, bt little does he know that I fill never forgive him.”
Jisoo: “Let me see those snaps.”
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Jisoo: “Damn. Honestly I think you should just talk to him. I feel like he misses you.”
(Y/N): “Are you insane? That’s exactly what he wants, so why would I want to grant him that wish? I just want to distance myself from him as much as I can. I’m sure he can find himself another “easy whore” real quick.”
Jisoo: “I didn’t mean that you should agree to his suggestion about meeting irl stupid. I mean maybe you should just straight up tell him to stop trying to contact you.”
(Y/N): “He won’t listen. If I do that it’s just going to give him confidence and then he definitely won’t leave me alone. Trust me.”
Jisoo: “Sis, it’s not like he’s happy with himself. He clearly feels quilty. Maybe you should just hear him out. At the end of the day, he was drunk as fuck and clearly not in his right mind.”
(Y/N): “I don’t know. there’s not a lot what he can do to make me feel better. I mean what is he even going to say?”
Jisoo: “Only one way to find out.”
(Y/N): “Ugh, I guess you’re right..”
oorr to be continued...
A/N: Yooo I’ve finished my first scenario! *party emoji* I hope you liked it! And again, feedback would be highly appreciated!! Also if ya’ll would like a part 2 of this then let me know since this ended in a lowkey cliffhanger.
You can send feedback and tell me what you thought HERE.
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