#‘threw him under the bus’ and they all still live together lmfao
prisonpodcast · 4 months
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
230328 Jimin Live Stream
Jimin is such a cutie and a precious soul. I'll mostly just focus on the jikook moments/comments though in this post rather than talk about everything/break things down. Not necessarily in order either, just me throwing down the major plot points in a post. Lol
Jimin started a live on his way home titled thank you. He mentioned that he noticed that JK did a live yesterday or technically the same day too since it went past midnight. Lol and that JK spent the live Watching all his videos. “I saw Jungkook-ie watched a lot of my videos yesterday hehe. Ah! a live 1h 40m long” he is so cute I swear. Lol knowing he watched JK Missing him like that 😭🥺
And then JK popped up in the comments and then proceeded to spam the chat the whole rest of the live. Lol it was ADORABLE. Here are good threads of just all his comments
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The way JK asked jimin what he was thankful for and Jimins first confusion before remembering that he named his live "thank you." Lol but the way JK said it in very informal language and tone. You'd only ever speak to your hyung that way knowing it's okay and that he was okay with it. It's just consistent with them since always and speaks sooo clearly of how close they are.
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The way ARMY threw JK under the bus so fast, sharing about his weverse photo change. It was only there for a minute! Lol
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He can't NOT gush about them. It's so cute
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Finally going to get to spend more time together after promotions are over 😭😭
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No because he really said, when I'm less busy, I'm coming over asap and you will cook for me. Cook ramyeon for me. And JK just immediately gave us that "anything for you" attitude. I MELTED. I TELL YOU
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The way he giggles and talks to JK while replying to his comments 😭 my heart!
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Trans of the above with JKs comments added in too
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It's the way he says it's been ESTABLISHED that im your fan. For me. Yes, we all know that Jungkook is Jimins BIGGEST fan and he has made it very clear. Especially with his little 100 minute live dedicated to said hyung right before this. Lmfao
And the satoori. Because it's them, talking to each other. You know they slip into that all the damn time together. And getting all informal.
And the way Jimin laughs and lightly scolds him for not sleeping when sleepy but instead dancing his choreo and being silly and JK just screams his name (informally) in the chat. Hyungs biggest fan indeed!
And the way that Jimin told us indirectly since it was really just him reassuring JK who was pouting about missing going to any of Jimins prerecorded shows with him that he had been to Jimins rehearsals so it was okay. And I'm just 😭 WE TOLD YALL that they were clearly Still spending some time together, as much as they could. And yet because they are so busy with solo promotions too, it's CLEARLY NOT ENOUGH TIME. They got too used to living in each other's pockets and still want that. Lol I love them.
And the way that Jimin all softly told us that it felt like he could hear JKs voice when reading his comments. IM GOING TO CRY. They love and miss each other SO FREAKING MUCH it's insane. These busy schedules are killer!
And ending with this person's added observations because HONESTLY YES. JK isn't the only one who indicates their closeness and intimacy with how he talks to and about Jimin.
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The way K jkkrs were losing their shit yesterday. So many talk spaces titled "no, they are really dating for real" after these lives. Lmfao. Just... they way they talk to and about each other is so wonderful to get to witness every so often. I love them so much it hurts.
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Talking about having no shame, editing out the scenes that contradict your delusional Fanon bullshit AND giving weight to characters’ words and actions in accordance not with the plot, but with your own biased agenda https://princeescaluswords.tumblr.com/post/625072293073321984/one-of-fandoms-oldest-lies-has-to-be-stiles#notes “As early as Pack Mentality (1x03), Scott is beginning to listen to Derek and seek his advice, while Stiles tries his best to stop Scott from doing so” Stiles trusted Derek before Scott. It’s literally canon *shrugs* In fact, Stiles trusted Derek until Scott McWhinyCall told him not to. Meanwhile, Scott lied to Stiles and fabricated evidence to frame Derek for Laura’s murder just because “There’s no way I’m not playing!” “Stiles outright fights with Scott to stop him from working with, let alone trusting, Derek” That’s literally never happens in the actual show. When Scott threw Derek under the bus and framed him for murder just because he wanted to be few to play lacrosse and stalk Allison, Stiles was mad and offended on Derek’s behalf. “Stiles pleads with Scott (while concealing information that could lead to Derek’s death) to let Derek die in Formality” Except that Stiles didn’t conceal any information that could lead to Derek’s death in canon (unlike Scott.) He simply said that he THOUGHT Derek took Scott’s phone while they were fighting. Which is a brilliant and correct assumption/intuition, but an assumption and intuition nonetheless. (I do find it telling that Stiles believes Derek to be just as cunning as he would be though.) What @/princeescaluswords conveniently edited out was the part in which Scott replies to Stiles and explicitly says that the only reason he won’t let Derek die by the hands of the Argents is because he needs Derek’s help to protect Allison: SCOTT: Call it again! STILES: It's not here. Okay, so you lost your phone. Why don't you just get a new one? SCOTT: I can't afford a new one! And I can't do this alone! We have to find Derek! STILES: Well, "A", you're not alone. You have me. And "B", didn't you say Derek walked into gunfire? He sounds pretty dead. SCOTT: Argent's plan was to use him to get to the Alpha. They're not gonna kill him. STILES: All right, so then just let them do what they're planning, you know? They use Derek to get Peter. Problem solved. SCOTT: Not if Peter's going after Allison to find Derek! I can't protect her on my own! Which means we either find Derek first - just - just help me! “How many times have they said ‘Scott hated Derek’ or ‘Scott was obsessed with Allison.’ We absolutely know that neither is true” Scott hated Derek and was creepily and unhealthily obsessed with Allison in canon. In fact, Scott hated Derek so much that he told him the hunters had a valid reason to slaughter his pack and family (including humans and children), and he’s so obsessed with Allison that his worst fear was Allison having sex with his rival, Jackson. Or did you miss Scott hallucinating Allison and Jackson having sex TWICE as well, Pew? “If Scott’s sole motivation was his obsession with Allison, why didn’t he sit out the Hale/Argent war like Allison asked him to or sold Derek out to Gerard?” Scott DID sell Derek and his pack out to Gerard though. That’s literally the entire plot of Teen Wolf Season 2. “as season after season passed, Stiles’ focus was on Scott or Malia or Lydia and not Derek” Lmfao wishful thinking much, Pew? Scott was never Stiles’ focus nor Stiles’ main priority. Which is also the source of Scott Stans’ butthurt (oops)
Short version: both relationships started with little to no trust, Scott was mostly "forced" to trust Derek as the only source of information, and considering that Lydia had even less agency than Scott, the fact that Derek's more pissed at her than Scott in 3a is fucking bullshit.
Scott trusts Derek. When he has no other option. As soon as he has other options, he immediately questions everything Derek does, the betas, Lydia. (which I'm not saying is wrong it's just fact.) Hell, I'm pretty sure, however "forced to do it" it was, Scott deliberately keeping very important information from Derek that got him violated is maybe not the relationship you want to argue about trust with.
That entire relationship is built on mistrust, threats and spite. But sure, *spongebob meme* Scott trusted him first.
Meanwhile, Derek chose Stiles house, you know, where the sheriff lives? to hide in. Meanwhile Stiles had no reason to believe that Scott was coming for them and still chose to go back for Derek and risk drowning both of them. (also: "I'm totally down to get my ass kicked by an alpha pack" vs the alley thing, Boyd's death, the anchor scene.)
Scott and Derek's entire relationship is built on werewolf drama and being forced to work together because of a mutual enemy/it's the right thing to do, but, correct me if I'm wrong, they never really went past friendly/allies.
While Stiles and Derek's goes from mutual snark and lifesaving to an actual friendship. Until all my faves got yeeted off the show but—
As for the summer, tangentially related to the Stiles' life outside of Scott ask, because it's none of his business? Scott has made it absolutely clear that Derek isn't his alpha and he doesn't care.
Also, because of perspective. At the end of s2, Scott and Derek's relationship was pretty much done with, until it's swept under the rug in 3a for? Reasons? And it has no impact on Scott who Stiles spends his time with. Donovan had nothing to do with Scott.
But Scott's lies of omission always, always, affect other people. Allison and werewolves, Victoria, Derek and Gerard, Kira's fox in s5.
It's not that neither of them lies, or that both of them weren't responsible for Lydia, Malia, I think there was another one, but when only one of them keeps a secret, Stiles' tends to be to keep him or his safe from perceived threats, while Scott's more often than not are to keep important information from his people.
Allison is— annoying and complicated and just so unnecessarily werewolves made him do it.
The "not a stalker" tattoo was all Scott, his insistence to spend time with Allison/play lacrosse is partially trauma based, but still his decision. Listening in on her conversations is creepy and he has no right to be upset about it. And then it gets complicated and uncomfortable.
Because most of his creepy stalker shit was triggered by werewolves/wolfsbane/magic fuckery, but no matter who was behind it/how much control they had, they always chose Allison.
It always painted Allison very firmly as the victim, and victimized Scott because "it wasn't really him". But with the above, and tw's general consent issues, it becomes hard to tell where exactly that line was, how much of it was put in his head, or how much it just enhanced it/lowered his "this is wrong don't do it".
We just don't know how much of that was first love drama/trauma response, and how far he got influenced by magical fuckery.
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