#‘why arent u using her name’ bc one of the benefits from ithas was separation from past > introduction 2 new responsibilities/hope
prometheanglory · 4 years
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happy lore day ! (its not actually lore day, that’s not a real day — but any day can be a lore day if you want it to be!)
the man based off of prometheus! and his mysterious yet helpful companion!
he’s a well-intentioned guy with a knack for mischief and the likes! to say he’s a bad guy would be wrong, but to say he’s your run-of-the-mill paragon hero would be a mistake (as seen by his... uh. kidnapping a certain flame-headed noble incident.) he’s sort of a robin-hood type of guy, a well-intentioned rogue who can do (and does) some pretty underhanded things if the noble route isn’t working out.
his unique magic allows him to see into the future (‘Forethought’) however he can’t control what he sees and it’s always viable to change. it’s a gamble, really.
for the record! the girl next to him isn’t short (at all, frankly.) — he’s just absolutely gigantic (about 6’10”/210cm). he’s given the girl his cape for her own modesty and identity privacy reasons.
he’s not part of the notorious ‘zeus’ noble house, however he does have ties to it and he is fully aware of their prestige and influence.
he’s not dumb, as brash as he may be. quite the opposite. he knows what it is that she is actually after, and this is the closest that he can bring her to it while satisfying his own goals. he’s a schemer, afterall.
you’d think that their relationship would follow the usual kidnapper/victim drama but turns out cloak-girl there is more willing to be an accomplice than we originally thought.
the pair actually grew pretty close despite initial circumstances. however, unfortunately things don’t last forever. ithas was eventually caught and the girl was returned home
following the girl’s grandfather’s verdict (guilty of kidnapping a high-ranking member of the house, of course), the girl’s father was the one who actually dealt most of the punishments using his unique magic — ultimately resulting in him being bound and ... well. you know the rest. it’s a bird eat liver world, afterall.
the two don’t really talk anymore, what with one being subjected to divine punishment and the other away at school — but the girl still respects him for what he’s done for her and for humans.
he’s one of the key reasons in why she became so invested in humans, and he somewhat played a part in her interest in breaking the mould, which would ultimately later result in her interest in attending NRC.
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