#‘you look so handsome when im all over your mouth’ is just such a visceral line
latibvles · 10 months
Everytime I hear Strangers I want to dance sensually in a circle like that one Kermit gif the instrumentation is just too good
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deathvsthemaiden · 3 years
Prince Harry, Prince William, Waver Velvet, Diluc Ragnvindr, Jeremy Fragrence, and Childe (Ajax)....uwa I spelled Diluc's name right on the first go!
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Yikes full stop. Yikes. || I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? || I Do Not Deserve How Could You Do This? Hmm? Et tu, Brutus? 😐
Ok listen being royalty esp modern royalty immediately cancels out any beauty god gave you in my eyes. All the poetry I wax about how there is something to appreciate in every face and body is null and void here. If we take the Some Guy approach and look at him objectively (impossible but I’ll humor you in the name of love and not being a spoilsport).... nothing I feel nothing. Maybe a whisper of contempt and a little voice in my head going “we should avoid him he’s not going to add to our life.” But that’s. IT.
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him. II I’m Far Too Sane And Pretty For This?
*by this point I am shaking and crying from psychic damage* see above 👆🏽😐
Waver Velvet:
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But. I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty (I Suppose) Like If He Floats Your Boat Epic But I Might Not Attend The Wedding || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him.
his younger self awakens big sister instincts in me meaning he would be SO fun to tease and annoy + root for + naively hope he grows into a fine young man. At that young age he is not yet broken so there is no fixing to be done, but I certainly could help set him straight! Like a bonsai 💚 he’s more sinless and (unintentionally) funny and full of promise than his other selves.
His adult self however awakens the misandrist in me. I wanna come up to him unprovoked and tell him to smile or else bc that’s the only time he’s handsome imo.... also when he has vulnerable moments like being sad the shoes he bought with his first ever paycheck got ruined 🥺 or when he gets all triumphant and carefree ever so once in a while, like in the first ep of Case Files... what I mean is sometimes his prickly hard cranky veneer cracks and I catch a dazzling shimmer of handsome but... not often enough for my liking 😑 for my favored pixelated men I get a genuine kick out of their being disgruntled (sign of true love) but his grumbling just makes me want to file for divorce and we’re not even married 😐 like can you imagine road tripping with this man? I can’t I couldn’t I will not! And omg I don’t think you could make him say stuff like I love you without feeling like you’re pulling teeth... I don’t have the patience to reach that point with him. We’d be so bad for each other and not even in the fun way... his sharp way of dress and penchant for red and long hair and passion for certain subjects are just not enough to salvage him for me, if I want to be subjected to a short tempered man all day I have a father 😩 also he has the kind of sense of responsibility that would doom you if you married him I feel. Like admirable but also what the fuck dude. Taking on all of Kayneth’s debt w/o batting an eye? Mr Velvet what about your hypothetical wife and children.... like I can’t imagine him stopping to think about them in such a scenario... he’d have to marry someone like Melvin (or Melvin himself) who would get a kick out of that brash decision and support him and I’m the wrong dame! He feels like if he had a family and he grew into old age, he would end up one of those foreboding slightly frigid patriarchs w/ short fuses who have hearts of gold but you have to dig so long and hard that by the time you have reached it you’re youth has passed you by and your fingers are worn to the bone and you’re tired... so tired..... you should’ve listened to your mother and married that nice doctor within your ethnic group instead... he’s been a widower for a few years now, hasn’t he? Has a summer home in Vienna and a very nice curly beard? Last time you stalked his FB anyway....
Also his little friend Melvin is hilarious but I could never allow him into my home on the reg. I refuse. Reines is on thin ice and reminds me too much of my sister in some ways... Literally the only person he is oft surrounded by that I would not only be chill with but delighted to have over is Flatt Escardos. Love that wild little man, he’s a brilliant riot. But also a bit of a danger to himself and others I think? Idk I barely read FSF bc the niqabi character design pissed me off to hell and back and then some 😔💔
Diluc Ragnvindr:
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him. II You Absolutely Deserve Him, Bestie 🥺🤲🏽 (heartfelt + sincere)
Oh he’s pretty enough.... like def not an ugly man! But as you yourself often correctly say he’s just Some Guy! When you tell me why you love him I absolutely understand how he captivated you 🥺 but I personally am too wild of heart to be ensnared by so sober (ahaha get it? Bc he owns a tave— whatever nvm v_v)/ and stable a man.
Jeremy Fragrance:
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I Could See The Objective Appeal If He Never Opened His Mouth But I’m Too Smart To Be Taken In By Some Conventionally Pretty Features And Some Muscle™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him.
I scroll past his vids fairly fast the same way I often scroll past spider pics that make it on to my dash despite my best efforts.... when I decide to watch his videos I regret it so much and can barely finish. The way he talks and acts and the things he Just Says sans hesitation make me so uncomfy... so performative and out of touch in the unfun way and aggressive... why isn’t he an actor why couldn’t he be named Jeremy Drama... then I could lie to myself and go it’s okayyy Hiba it isn’t real I’m sure he’s sane behind closed doors 😖 anyway I couldn’t willingly stay in the same room with him for 5 min I COULDNT! I’m v confident our priorities and moral compasses are polar opposites and have you heard the way he talks about women? 🤨 I would honestly. Prefer Patrick Bateman. Not even kidding bc at least that man isn’t real and has successfully made me laugh and gets Big Mad over the dumbest stuff so I can mock him before he kills me. Also I think I could outsmart Bateman but... what does one do with JF other than... keep ur distance. Like I’d never trust either BUT. Yeah.
Childe (Ajax):
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him.
HES ERRATIC.... IM ERRATIC.... CAN I MAKE IT ANY MORE OBVIOUSSSS<3 no but rlly I love a lively straightforward man and he’s got red in his character design + is often pictured with whales? And his galactic themed suit of armor is nice 😳 he’d be fun to hang out with and divorce on grounds so outrageous and absurd we both find it hilarious ✅ like I don’t think I’ll ever love love him esp since all my knowledge of him is second hand but he sounds like a blast 💥
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
Soft in Love Part 6
A Gwilym Lee x Student!Reader
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Summary: Y/N is an acting student in her last semester of college. When a professor unexpectedly can’t make it for the senior capstone class, a very famous (and handsome) substitute is called in. When they connect, they face a few challenges.
Word Count: 3.1k
Tag List: @psychosupernatural​, @someone-get-a-medic​, @bensrhapsody​, @deakyclicks​, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession​, @minigranger​, @crazyweirdocalledfriday​, @benders-diamond-earring​, @im-an-adult-ish​, @anincurablefangirl​, @kiainspace​, @lookuptotheskiesandsee​, @god-save-the-deaks​, @assembledherethevolunteers​, @misslolasworld​, @not-john-watsons-blog​, @spacedustmazzello​, @theindiealto​, @riddikuluslypotter​, @depressedbitchxox​, @tenement-funstah​, @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls​, @sarablog10​, @johndeaconshands​, @coincidence-ithinknots-blog​, @simonedk​ If you’d like to be added, let me know!
A/N: Hope y’all enjoy this update! Our boy Joe makes an appearance so that’s exciting!
Warning(s): Lizzie and Darcy level pining. Shit is serious.
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5
Part 6 here we go!!!
Several emotions hit Gwilym all at once. Shock at seeing Andrew kiss you. Relief at you pushing him away. Hurt that such an opportunity had presented itself to Andrew. And a fierce desire to protect you from something you didn’t want. He pushed all of it down and tried to collect himself because the most prevalent feeling that was standing over all the others was jealousy. Extreme jealousy that Andrew had taken you in his arms and embraced you like that.
Your mouth hung open in horror as you looked between Gwilym and Andrew. You couldn’t read the former’s face. Was he angry at you? Should it matter if he was?
“I’m sorry,” Gwilym said, clearing his throat. “It appears I’ve interrupted something.”
“You haven’t,” you said, while at the same time, Andrew said, “You did.”
You shot your friend a glare before looking back at Gwilym.
“You didn’t,” you said firmly. “That was nothing.���
“Nothing, huh?” Andrew challenged. “Seriously, Y/N?”
“You didn’t even give me time to answer you before you kissed me!” you cried, facing Andrew again. “If you had, this very awkward situation wouldn’t be happening because I would have told you it’s not like that!”
“I’ll excuse you,” Gwilym said.
He opened the door and went through it before you could stop him. You glowered at Andrew, who rolled his eyes.
“What?” he snapped. “Afraid I ruined your chances?”
“No!” you shouted. “I’m angry because you kissed me before you even bothered to hear me! Do you think your feelings are all that matter? That I’d just fall into your arms after you confessed how you felt?”
He opened his mouth and closed it again, searching for an answer.
“Here’s a tip for the next girl,” you said. “Make sure she wants to kiss you before just going in.”
“Why don’t you feel that way?” he asked. “Because of Gwilym?”
“No!” you said, wanting to scream with frustration. “It’s never been that way between us, even before Dan or anyone else came into the picture! I have only ever wanted to be your friend! Is that not enough for you?!”
He hesitated, and it appeared guilt came over him at your words. His silence worried you.
“Is that not enough for you, Andrew?” you pressed. “Or do you really only see me as a potential girlfriend?”
Still, he didn’t answer. Fear tugged at your heart.
“Andrew, please!”
“I...I’m sorry, Y/N,” he said. “But while I feel this way about you, it’s probably better if we don’t hang out.”
“What?” you gasped. “That’s it? Are you ser-”
“Not forever,” he said, cutting you off. “I just...I’m gonna need some time. It’s gonna be hard enough with the show and loving you on stage.”
“I’m sorry, Andrew,” you said. “I’m really sorry I can’t get there.”
“It’s fine,” he replied with a heavy sigh that told you the opposite. “I’m gonna...I’m gonna head home for break early. I think Gwilym will understand.”
You nodded, feeling a lump in your throat. 
“Yeah, I think he will,” you choked out.
Andrew shared one last look at you and then left without another word, exiting near the stage. You took a deep, shuddering breath. So much was going through you. Anger at Andrew, sadness that your friendship was affected, and worry about what Gwilym was thinking.
“Gwilym!” you gasped, and ran back up the aisle to where he had left.
A thousand things were running through Gwilym’s mind. He was relieved to hear you reject Andrew, but he realized that he shouldn’t be. It was perfectly normal for you to date the guys in your class. Sensible, even. But why did it kill him to imagine it? His visceral reaction to seeing Andrew’s hands and mouth on you concerned him.
“Get a grip,” he scolded himself. “She’s not yours. Nor should she be.”
Then you burst through the door and he forgot everything but you.
You came through the door and saw him pacing, forefinger to his chin, and eyes narrowed. His head whipped around when he heard the door open and you locked eyes. He released a breath he didn’t realize he was holding and strode quickly over to you. Then, he gathered you up in his arms.
You let out a soft gasp, but quickly relaxed into him, burying your face in his chest. His hand came to rest on the back of your head. That familiar warm smell overwhelmed you. Being in his arms was like nothing you’d ever felt before. You were stronger there than anywhere else. Your arms slid around his waist and you held on tighter.
“Alright?” he murmured into your hair.
You nodded.
“I’m perfect right here,” you whispered.
You stood there, in that beautiful hug, for minutes that felt like years. Just you and Gwilym and no one else. There was nothing suggestive about the hug. It was just true, genuine comfort. A display of caring affection.
“Nothing happened, I promise,” you said, bringing you both back to the present moment.
He pulled back only slightly and met your eyes again.
“You don’t have to explain anything to me, Y/N,” he said. 
“I know, but I want you to understand,” you said. “I meant what I said yesterday, there’s nothing between me and Andrew.”
Andrew was right. Silly as it was, you had feared for a moment that your chances with Gwilym were ruined. You thought he would assume you preferred someone in your class, especially your good friend. But your heart belonged to Gwilym. Nothing made it clearer than this moment.
“We should go in,” he said. “The rest of the class will be here soon.”
“Andrew went home,” you told him. 
“I understand,” he replied. “We’ll do scenes without him today.”
You nodded. Then, taking his hand, you followed him into the auditorium.
Rehearsal went smoothly, and you were at ease again. Things with Andrew would mend. In the meantime, you and Gwilym could continue on just as you had been.
That night, Sloan called you as she was driving home to New Jersey for the break. She was affronted that you hadn’t told her about Andrew’s confession during class. Apparently, she had only found out at all from Andrew.
“I’m sorry,” you said. “I didn’t want to gossip about him if he didn’t want you to know. He was really vulnerable.”
“I’m both of you guys’ best friend!” she insisted. “I should know all things.”
You chuckled. 
“That’s fair.”
“Okay, now tell me your side of the story,” she said.
You launched into it, holding nothing back. What Andrew said, what you said, how you felt about it, everything.
“And then Gwilym walked in as he kissed me!” you finished.
“Oh, weird!” she gasped. “Was it awkward?”
“Awkward as fuck,” you confirmed. “But, it didn’t last long.”
“What do you mean?” she asked.
You were kicking yourself. You couldn’t tell her about the moment afterward because it felt too personal. Also, you were certain she would think it was stupid. But you had felt what Gwilym felt for you through his arms. You were sure of it.
“Well, he left, then Andrew and I finished up,” you said.
You explained that he wanted a break from you.
“I’m sorry if that puts you in an awkward position,” you said.
“It’ll be fine,” she returned. “I can see you at school and him at home. And we’ll all be together in rehearsal anyway.”
“That’s true,” you said.
“Anything else?” she asked. “Did Gwilym ask you about what happened?”
You froze, unsure how to answer her. You didn’t want to lie, but for you and Gwilym’s protection, you would have to.
“No,” you said. “It’s not like it was his business, y’know?”
“True,” she agreed. “Well, traffic is literal ass and I’ve almost been hit like four times during just this phone call.”
You giggled. “Understood. You focus and text me when you get home.”
“Roger,” she said. “Love you.”
“Love you too,” you returned.
You hung up. Gazing at the phone, you wondered if you should have just told her. She was your best friend after all. You could trust her. But, there was the fear of anyone finding out. Not that there was anything to really find out. You and Gwilym were not in a relationship. But you felt strongly for each other. You could not have imagined that.
Gwilym got a call from Joe that night, inviting him out for dinner. He agreed, and they met at a spot that was a favorite of Joe’s. They hugged excitedly upon their reunion before going inside and getting a table.
“It’s wonderful to see you, mate,” Gwilym said as they ordered some beers.
“You too!” Joe returned. “I can’t believe you’ve been in New York this long and we haven’t gotten together.”
“I know, it’s ridiculous,” Gwilym agreed. “How are you?”
Joe started talking about a new project he was doing that was filming here in New York for a while. It worked out because he got to be home with his family.
“I mean, the schedule is still crazy, of course, but it’s more time than I usually get with the kiddos,” he finished. “How are you? What’s it like teaching?”
Gwilym hesitated before answering.
“It’s, uh...it’s pretty great,” he said. “We’re doing Meet Me in St. Louis for the capstone class I have, and that’s exciting.”
“Sweet,” said Joe. “Got any hot students?”
Gwilym choked on the sip of beer he was taking. He coughed as Joe raised an eyebrow at him.
“Okay, I was just kidding, but now I’m worried,” he said, clapping Gwilym on the back.
“Why should you be worried?” Gwilym wheezed, clearing his throat some more as he recovered.
“Don’t lie to me, dude,” Joe said. “Are you seriously fucking one of your students?”
“No!” Gwilym said loudly, his voice back. He lowered his volume. “And keep it down.”
“Shouldn’t have to if you’ve got nothing to hide,” Joe returned.
“Okay,” Gwilym conceded with a sigh. “There is a student I am close to.”
Joe opened his mouth but Gwilym silenced him with a sharp look.
“Nothing has happened, nor will it,” he went on. “But the feelings...are there. She’s incredibly smart and talented and funny.”
“Pretty?” Joe asked.
“Beautiful,” Gwilym said. “I know it’s wrong, but we’ve really connected, and I dunno...I…”
“You in love with her?” Joe wondered.
Gwilym’s cheeks went pink. “God, I don’t know! I only met her a few weeks ago!”
“Tell me what has happened between you.” 
Gwilym went into the story. He told Joe everything, from your first meeting, to the party, to the minutes before class, all the way through that afternoon when he’d hugged you and felt like the world had suddenly fallen into place.
“Sounds like love to me,” Joe said. “Or damn close to it.”
“Don’t tell me you’re encouraging this,” Gwilym said.
“Oh, fuck no, not even a little bit,” Joe returned. “It’s a terrible idea to pursue a student. But I think it’s not just sex you want from her, so that’s good. And when you’re not her teacher anymore, maybe it could work.”
“I don’t know,” Gwilym argued. “She’s still so much younger than me and our lives are in different places. She wants to go to LA, I’m going back to London...”
“Gwil, if you care about this girl, those things won’t matter,” Joe said. “What matters right now is setting a firm boundary until the opportunity is right. And you can tell her it’s mostly for her. She stands to lose a lot more than you.”
That was true. It was why Gwilym was so worried about the whole thing. He finished dinner with Joe, and as he went to bed, his mind wandered to you and what steps he should take next.
The break went by agonizingly slowly in your opinion. The school week would resume on Tuesday, and you couldn’t wait to see Gwilym again. Just the prospect, the idea of being in the same room as him made your heart flutter.
Tuesday morning, you got an email from Gwilym. It was sent to all the class and said that he was giving them extra time to get back, and only wanted you and Andrew for rehearsal, so you two could focus on your scenes. You thought it might be a bit awkward to just be with the two of them again, but there was no getting out of it for you.
Then you got a text from Andrew. Pushing down your shock, you opened it.
Hey, not feeling great. Just have Gwilym read for me today.
You hated to admit it, but a whole class period of just you and Gwilym was everything you could hope for. You thought about how to answer Andrew.
Still drunk? Lol
You sent it. He replied just as quickly.
I’ve got a fever asshole lmao
You smiled. Okay. Things could get back on track. You texted back a thumbs up emoji and then got ready for class. Your heart thundered with excitement with each step.
Gwilym, on the other hand, was mulling over what Joe said. He’d spent the break wondering if he should talk to you and firmly put an end to...whatever it was between you. Fond as he was of you, this wasn’t right. He could not let you risk your college career. And he didn’t want to lead you on, either. It was going to be difficult. He didn’t want to hurt you. But he would if it meant protecting you.
He waited in the auditorium, drumming his fingers against his clipboard. You arrived early, just as you did every day. And you looked stunning, just as you did every day. His chest tightened.
“Morning!” you said brightly. “Andrew’s sick, so it’s just me. Can you take his place?”
He cleared his throat. “Yeah, sure. Let’s get started.”
Your brow furrowed. Something was off about him. He was hardly looking at you and seemed closed off.
“I thought we’d focus on Over the Bannister,” he said. “Luckily for Andrew, that’s mostly your scene anyway.”
That was more like the Gwilym you knew. Still, something was bothering him.
“Okay,” you agreed. “Where should we start from?”
“Right after Rose goes upstairs,” he said.
You got into position on stage and waited for him to join you.
“Let’s begin,” he said.
Clearing his throat again, he got into character.
“Well, I guess I better get going,” he started, shaking your hand.
“You haven’t very far to go,” you replied softly, as Esther.
“No, I haven’t at that,” he returned. “Well, good night.”
He turned to go and you followed him.
“We’ll be seeing more of you won’t we?” you asked desperately, taking his hand again. 
“You bet,” he answered.
“You’ll be joining the crowd Friday when we go to the fairgrounds, won’t you?”
You went  back and forth with him this way until he had fully walked off stage.
“Mr. Truitt?” you called.
He stepped back. 
“Yes, Miss Esther?”
“This is an untoward request, but would you mind accompanying me through the house while I turn out the lights?” you said.
“Well, I -”
“It’s just that I - I’m afraid of mice,” you said timidly
“Oh,” he said. “Oh, well, sure. Uh, that’s the least a man can do for his charming hostess.”
You giggled and looked at the floor with humility. 
“I have to turn them out everywhere - in the dining room, in the living room, and everywhere.”
You turned and looked at him and then he followed you around the stage as you started turning down the “lights.” He had his arm around you to reach up and turn one off and you bit your lip. The contact was so welcome. You wanted to hug him again. Now, you were grateful that this was very in character at the moment.
“It certainly is dark in here with the lights off,” you said with a shrug.
“It is,” he returned. “Shall we do the dining room next?”
“Yes,” you said.
Together you moved to the next part of the stage to do the same thing. You started to hum “The Boy Next Door,” and he looked so fondly at you, you stopped breathing. You cleared your throat and moved on with the scene. Finally, you made it back to the staircase, much more red in the face than you had begun.
You were halfway up the stairs, looking down at Gwilym warmly. He gazed back with a soft smile.
“Gosh, Miss Esther,” he said. “I - I hope I’m not too presumptuous. You don’t need any beauty sleep.”
He rested his arm on the banister railing and you beamed.
“What a nice compliment,” you replied. 
“How does it go?” he said.
“How does what go?” you wondered.
“Over the banister, leans a face,” he said. “Tenderly sweet, and...and…” 
You began to sing. Gwilym had decided you should do this song acapella, to reflect the vulnerability of the moment.
While below her with tender grace
He watches the picture, smiling”
Gwilym could hardly stand it as he watched you. Your voice, your face, your heart. They were all so beautiful. He had you here, all to himself too.
“A light burns dim in the hall below
Nobody sees them standing”
Against the script, Gwilym started climbing the stairs, a strange, determined look on his face. He reached you as you as you sang. 
“Saying goodnight again 
Soft in love”
The last note faltered. You were so close now. The air between you was charged, electric. Your eyes were fixed on his, which burned as they consumed you. He leaned in. He was going to kiss you, you were sure of it. 
“Y/N,” he said lowly. “The lyric is ‘soft and low.’”
“Is it?” you breathed back. “My mistake.”
His face was inches from yours. He was finally going to kiss you. The distance was closing. Your eyes began to fall shut. You felt his lips barely a centimeter from yours. Just a bit further, more contact, and then -
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, backing away.
You opened your eyes and looked at him.
“W-what?” you wondered, heart rate picking up.
“I can’t,” he said. “I can’t do this to you, Y/N. I’m sorry.”
You watched, frozen with shock, as he jogged down the stairs, grabbed his things from the stage, and walked out of the auditorium. You sat down on the fake stairs, numb and alone.
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