#’horrorman and nankahenda’ would probably have been a more fitting title
picturesofanpanman · 5 years
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Pierrotman is, of course, a clown.
......FALSE. While the title of the episode, Horrorman and Pierrotman, may lead you to expecting our skeleton pal to befriend a clown, they are in fact the very same person. One day Horrorman is particularly impressed and inspired by how well loved Anpanman is. He wants to become popular as well, the star of everyone’s attention and admiration- unaware that he’s already beloved by millions. He decides that to reach this goal, he needs a new cool look.
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And what better way to look cool than paint all over your skull face? Unfortunately the efforts of Baikinman and Dokinchan aren’t quite the look he had in mind. So, Baikinman goes to look for someone who can help.
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He finds the robot painter, Nankahenda, and forces him to paint Horrorman’s face under threat of being destroyed with a giant drill. Which was probably not really necessary.
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Nankahenda was not made aware what Horrorman actually wanted, so it ended up looking like this- wearing an outfit provided by Baikinman. With encouragement, he proudly goes to show off his new look to people but causes them to flee in terror as he runs after them. The truth comes out and Baikinman and Dokinchan admit that they intentionally caused him to look scary for their amusement, which makes Horrorman very sad indeed.
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Later on everyone assures Horrorman that they already like him very much the way he is, and Nankahenda paints up Horrormans face more like the way he wanted. Nankahenda’s idea of what a popular and cool guy looks like is questionable but at least Horrorman is happy with it. Donning a clown costume and balancing atop a giant ball, Horrorman embraces his clownish side and has fun with everyone.
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