#“  ━━ ◤ somewhere between desperate and divine ; ron weasley. ◢
lionveincd · 4 years
Tag Drop: Relationships.   Im redoing everything because i got mad at them, These are character tags and ALSO ship tags. They are EXCLUSIVE to the muns who write these characters with me.
“  ━━ ◤ whatever souls are made of hers and mine are the same ; caroline forbes. ◢
“  ━━ ◤ if i’m on fire you’ll be made of ashes too ; harper adams. ◢
“  ━━ ◤ look at this godforsaken mess that you made me ; clarke griffin. ◢
“  ━━ ◤ oh baby girl you know we’re gonna be legends ; octavia blake ◢
“  ━━ ◤ should’ve known you’d bring me heartache - almost lovers always do ; cleo bellos. ◢
“  ━━ ◤ if there’s a light at the end it’s just the sun in your eyes ; jessica hamby. ◢
“  ━━ ◤ one single thread of gold tied me to you  ; daphne greengrass. ◢
“  ━━ ◤ you said a million things without ever opening your mouth ; matt halliwell ◢
“  ━━ ◤ we said no strings attached and I got caught up in that ; theodore nott.  ◢
“  ━━ ◤ what happens when a tornado meets a volcano ; blaise zabini. ◢
“  ━━ ◤ somewhere between desperate and divine ; ron weasley. ◢
“  ━━ ◤ bring on the fire and bring on the storm ; pansy parkinson. ◢
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lionveincd · 4 years
“💋” (Ron)
It’s not the first time they’ve kissed. It’s probably not eve in the first 50 at this point but it feels like it is. It feels a little bit like last year and the summer that followed never happened. Like the connection they had made at the end of their sixth year had been a dream. They’d shared some stolen moments in the last weeks, some private meetings during the summer, but then Ron was gone. And Cormac didn’t get to know where he was. Cormac didn’t get to know anything - and the tattoo on his arm was a feirce reminder of exactly why. He’d shut his emotions off when he realized that Ron was gone. When Ginny had returned to school without her brother and Cormac had realized what he must be doing - the blond had reckoned with himself. He had swallowed the profound assuredness that Ron would die before they ever met again. The had one night after that. Ron appeared like a vision just a few blocks from the mansion during break but there was something horribly wrong with this meeting. Maybe the fact that now their loyalties were clear and not only did they not line up, but they ended in each others deaths. Maybe that was the reason that lips felt rougher and hands felt angrier, and then Ron was gone again. He wished that Ron had stayed that way, because the next time he saw him was in the Malfoy Manor. Pain radiated through him and he tried with every ouce of him to control his face as he listened to the redhead scream for his friend. He watched as the carved letters into the skin of a girl that he’d taken on a date not so long ago. When he’d had the chance to see Ron he’d taken it, but that reunion had been short. Now here they were, the battle was raging and people around them were dropping like flies. His wand was drawn on the man, and while his eyes whispered “I love you.” his lips said “Do it, Ron.” And he didn’t move. “Ron. Do it!” Still neither of them moved and in a moment of panic, before anyone could see them, Cormac aimed his wand at the stone pillar, brining it down around them and for a moment- shielding them from view. He scrambled back to his feet and through the rubble, pulled the redhead up and pressing his lips to Ron’s. His hands slid up into red hair, desperate for this moment even as the battle raged. He didn’t know what was coming, but what was now was this. One more chance to kiss his accidental lover like he meant it. He gasped against Ron’s lips as they parted, eyes heavy with the threat of tears that would never be allowed to come. “You do what you have to do. Whatever that is. Promise me, Ronald.”
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lionveincd · 4 years
“I can barely concentrate; I just keep thinking about you grabbing me and taking me.” (Ron)
A small smile pulls at cormac’s lips, and after a moment, he risks a sideways glance at ron as he helps to de-gnome the garden at the burrow. “Shh.” He says with a laugh. “Your mom’ll have a heart attack if she hears you talkin like that. Plus, your siblings are only just starting to not want to hex me on sight, lets not ruin that.” He couldn’t help the growing smile on his face as he was now chewing on his lip, his own thoughts matching rons. “when we get back to the mansion tonight, you’re mine weasley.” he stood up from where he was crouched and leaned over to press a kiss to the side of Ron’s head. “Love you, you know.” He said, using Ron’s shoulder as leverage to stand up more fully, brushing himself off so he could walk inside for a glass of tea. The rest of the day was going to be a long one.
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lionveincd · 4 years
@lightofherces gets a plotted thing that’s gonna make me cry. There was a weird atmosphere in the castle as Cormac laid in bed. Nothing he could place his finger on really, just something off that had him on edge. The night seemed particularly dark and the paintings particularly restless, though none of them wanted to let on why. It was this feeling that had the hairs on his arms standing on edge, and this feeling that made sleep so hard to find as he laif in the familiar warmth of his four poster. His roommates had been asleep for a while already, save for Potter who was, as usual these days, obviously absent. Cormac tried not to put much thought into what the boy might be doing as it would likely only annoy him to no end. He finally succumbed to sleep, but it was a restless one, and it couldn’t have been more than two hours later that stirring in the room woke him. “Weasley?” He whispered. “What are you doing?” His eyes furrowed and as he listened to the noises outside the castle, they sounded more and more like screams, causing his heart to sink. Something bad was happening. Something really awful. “Ron- “ He sat up in bed and grabbed Ron’s arm as soon as he was close enough to reach. “Where are you going?”
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