#“  ━━ ◤ bring on the fire and bring on the storm ; pansy parkinson. ◢
hpsaffics · 1 year
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💐 WLW Wed: Flowers 💐
A biweekly HP femslash rec list made by the lovely members of the HP SAFFICS (18+) discord server. See all previous rec lists in the WLW Library.
Currently: Flowers Previously: Cissamione (see list & list)
🌹 Long (>10k) 🌹
Speaking in Flowers by orphan_account [Hermione/Pansy, T, 27.7k]
Hermione has lived in Hogsmeade for many years and has never once seen Pansy Parkinson until she starts showing up everywhere.
Orange Lilies & Black Dahlias by moonyfest [Mary/Lily, Pandora/Mary/Lily, T, 14.1k]
Together, [Lily and Regulus] opened a book/flower/coffee shop, and it was fairly popular. It wasn’t until one Mary McDonald stormed inside and demanded an unusual bouquet that their relatively boring lives took a wild turn.
🌻 Medium (3-10k) 🌻
A Language of Our Own by @ladyblack3 [Narcissa/Ginny, E, 9.9k]
Disappointed with a recent break up and dealing with the growing feelings for your friend's mother-in-law can be a bit tricky but perhaps it's time for a fresh start. Ginny didn't think helping Hermione plan her wedding would bring her closer to the Malfoy widow but as they say, love finds you when you least expect it.
A Garland of Pansies by @agentmoppet [Hermione/Pansy, E, 8.3k]
Pansy has always been dogged when it comes to getting what she wants. When Hermione Granger walks into her flower shop, it seems what she wants is dinner, a show, and a shag with a long-time crush—not necessarily in that order.
Lavender for Morning by @lumosatnight [Lavender/Hermione, T, 5.3k]
Everyone thought Hermione was jealous in her sixth year because she was in love with Ron. Everyone was wrong.
A Study in Violet by tofugumball [Hermione/Angelina, Hermione/Luna, M, 5.1k]
Flowers in amber are scentless. Hermione realised that years ago. But now, for the first time, it hits her how truly dull they are when compared with a colourful, breathing garden. Or. Five times Hermione pines after a fantasy and one time she finds real love.
🌷 Short (<3k) 🌷
Goodbye Until We Meet Again by @carpemermaid [Fleur/Tonks, T, 2.7k]
Tonks thought that Meet Cute was something that was only heard of in the movies. Her life was only full of Meet Ugly. It worked out for the best, anyway.
Tattoo Blues by charlotte123456789 [Narcissa/Lily, T, 2.7k]
Lily runs a tattoo shop. Narcissa is a florist. What more needs to be said?
Widow's Weeds by @phantomato [Walburga/Minerva, E, 1.9k]
Minerva McGonagall can’t let an injustice go unchallenged.
lilies of my devotion by poppystars [Alecto/Lily, G, 1.9k]
Lily recalls her memories of her being in love through the flowers of her garden.
Because They Are So Unromantic by anxiousgoat [Pomona/Rosmerta, G, 1.7k]
Take: One Sensible Herbology Professor. One Flirty Barmaid. A Handful of Fireworks. The Entire Language of Flowers. Add to a candy floss machine, and stir.
A Sprig of Heather by @hermioneclone [Minerva/Pomona, T, 1.7k]
“Minerva’s the best in the business,” Dumbledore told her. “She’ll make sure no harm comes to you or the Aibrisiscus orchid.”
The hand that beckons by @bluesundaycake [Narcissa/Lily Luna, T, 1.5k]
A young woman with hair like burning coals enters into gardens guarded by fire. Or, in which Lily Luna Potter is offered a feast and pomegranate seeds from one Narcissa Malfoy.
🌼 Want more femslash flower fics? 🌼
@hp-flowers | AO3
@starflowerbingo | AO3
Language of Flowers: Tag on AO3
WLW Library: Tumblr | Tag | AO3
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lionveincd · 4 years
Tag Drop: Relationships.   Im redoing everything because i got mad at them, These are character tags and ALSO ship tags. They are EXCLUSIVE to the muns who write these characters with me.
“  ━━ ◤ whatever souls are made of hers and mine are the same ; caroline forbes. ◢
“  ━━ ◤ if i’m on fire you’ll be made of ashes too ; harper adams. ◢
“  ━━ ◤ look at this godforsaken mess that you made me ; clarke griffin. ◢
“  ━━ ◤ oh baby girl you know we’re gonna be legends ; octavia blake ◢
“  ━━ ◤ should’ve known you’d bring me heartache - almost lovers always do ; cleo bellos. ◢
“  ━━ ◤ if there’s a light at the end it’s just the sun in your eyes ; jessica hamby. ◢
“  ━━ ◤ one single thread of gold tied me to you  ; daphne greengrass. ◢
“  ━━ ◤ you said a million things without ever opening your mouth ; matt halliwell ◢
“  ━━ ◤ we said no strings attached and I got caught up in that ; theodore nott.  ◢
“  ━━ ◤ what happens when a tornado meets a volcano ; blaise zabini. ◢
“  ━━ ◤ somewhere between desperate and divine ; ron weasley. ◢
“  ━━ ◤ bring on the fire and bring on the storm ; pansy parkinson. ◢
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ghostdrew22 · 4 years
Burning From The Inside Out || Draco Malfoy
Requested: No Pairing: Draco Malfoy x fem!reader Warnings: slight angst, slight smut, swearing, mentions of abuse and self-harm Summary: Draco and Y/N evolve from fake dating to friends with benefits to… nothing? Commitment issues, and a general distaste for love, stand in the way of the two of them becoming more.
WORDS : 4710
Lyric snippets I used are from “Love Song” by YUNGBLUD and they’re not in chronological order.
“All I learned growing up was that love chewed me up Spit me out on the pavement next to the cuts And the blood that my mum and dad would Always take out on each other.”
Draco had always thought that love was fake- a neurological con job meant to bring your guard down and distract you from the more important things in life such as money, sex and success. It made sense why he felt that way- having grown up watching his parents claw at each other until blood was caught between their nails and the venom from their harsh words was lacing the atmosphere so thickly, it felt like a fog- he was bound to think that love didn’t exist.
So when his friends began ask why he wasn’t dating one of the many people that were basically falling at his feet, he froze up. How could he have possibly explained that he thought love was a ridiculous waste of time because he’d watched his parents approach to it and it scarred him so much that he wanted to leave the whole thing alone? He couldn’t. So he did the next best thing, he asked you to fake-date him.
It was a ludicrous idea, you both knew that, but you were his best friend for years and you loved him an immeasurable amount so you figured that there was no harm in helping him out. Besides, you had a lot of people hot on your trail too and you just weren’t interested in romantically committing to anyone- more attracted to the concept of sex with no strings than to the idea of being in a long-term romantic relationship with someone.
But in all honestly, you still don’t know why you’d agreed to do it, it was stupid and a very obvious recipe for disaster. I mean in the moment it had felt like a good enough idea to get Harry Potter off of your back and Pansy Parkinson off of his, but even at the time you knew that you were playing with fire and one of you was bound to get burned.
And the thought surfaced again when you two crossed territory from friends to friends with benefits. It had started with an innocent kiss on his cheek now and then- to convince everyone that you two were actually dating- but as the weeks went by and people began to get suspicious about your lack of PDA (considering Draco’s possessive nature and your touchy nature) it became apparent that the two of you had to up your game. And one afternoon when you were kissing him on the way to class, a switch seemed to flip and soon enough you were pressed up against the broom closet wall as he sunk himself deep inside your walls- trying then and there to drown every inch of you with his touch, to leave every part of you scorching with the feel of him.
It definitely wasn’t love, that much you knew. It was more just an insatiable hunger to destroy one another - to be the best that either of you had ever had so that you would both be ruined for whoever dared to come next. Maybe that should’ve been the first red flag, the first time you noticed just how toxic your little routine was, but it didn’t matter then and frankly, it doesn’t matter much to you now. Because with him logic is quickly thrown out the window and all you can seem to think about is sinking your teeth into him, making him yours, branding him so that the entire school knows not to touch what you’ve claimed as your own- even if there’s no romantic feelings involved, there’s still a harsh possession that nests itself within your relationship. A dark desire to own and be owned in the most filthy of ways, to be looked at like a meal and devoured like a feast by one and one only.
“Wanna get rid of my period for 9 months?” You groan from your place on the bed and Draco gapes at you.
“Y/N you are so foul!” He exclaims with a chuckle and you barely manage a laugh in your pained state. “Most girls would offer to take me out to dinner first, maybe undress me slowly-“
“When have I ever undressed you slowly?” You ask with a knowing eyebrow raise and Draco smirks back at you.
“Fair point.” He replies and you groan in pain again, “It’s okay, I’m coming don’t worry.” He drops his schoolbag on your bedroom floor and peels his shoes off of his feet before pulling out a brown paper bag from his schoolbag and crawling into bed beside you.
“I got you meds from Madame Pomfrey, drink this now.” He hands you a potion, “It should kick in within the hour.”
“That’s too long.” You whine and he deadpans you- making you shift under his gaze and drink the potion. “It tastes like utter shit.”
“You drink it every month, why aren’t you used to it?” He asks with a laugh and you shrug.
“I think I force myself to forget.”
“Weirdo.” He mumbles before digging back into the paper bag, “I brought you chocolate and Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans to keep you munching.” He pulls out the snacks and hands them to you, “Heat compress to alleviate the pain till the potion kicks in.” He puts the heat compress on your lower abdomen, “And I brought ’Sense & Sensibility’ from the library to keep you distracted.”
“Why ’Sense & Sensibility’?”
“Because I know that you’ve currently got your obsession with muggle authors and I remember you telling me that you loved this woman’s other book so I just grabbed it quickly.” He shrugs and you smile, already starting to feel a little better.
“Thank you.”
“You don’t have to keep thanking me, we do this every month Y/N.” He chuckles.
He’s right, it is your routine. For as long as you can remember being friends with Draco, you can remember him looking after you whenever you have a really bad period- bringing you snacks, massaging you, singing to you, running you baths, anything that could possibly make you feel better. It’s consistent, one of the only things you both have to rely on, but you still can’t help the feeling of immense gratitude that washes over you every time. He always goes above and beyond for you, and you can’t help but feel grateful for him.
“Now,” He says as he drags your attention back to reality, “do you want me to read to you or do want cuddles?” He raises his eyebrows at you and you already know the answer.
“Cuddles.” He laughs at how quickly you respond and puts the book on the table beside your bed before hooking his arms around your waist and helping you both sink into the covers- your head nuzzled into chest as he lays flat on his back and rubs soothing circles into your own.
“Better?” He asks after a few minutes of him massaging your back and you nod eagerly- bringing your fingers up to trace lines across his collarbone in an effort to keep yourself occupied. He shivers at the feeling of your fingertips against his skin and you smile. “Keep doing that and I will have to take you up on that offer of taking away your period for nine months.”
“Nobody taught me how to love myself.”
“Standing there, you look at me Understanding everything”
The sudden eruption of voices in the hallway has you rapidly turning your neck toward the sound, just in time to catch a glimpse of Draco storming away from the rest of his exhausted quidditch teammates and into another hallway that leads to the dungeons. From what you’d seen he had looked furious and the rest of the team looks very solemn, so you say goodbye to Tracey Davis and quickly shuffle toward the team so that you can ask Blaise what happened.
Blaise catches your eye right before you reach him and opens his arms to hug you- draping one arm around your shoulders and pulling you into him so he can kiss your forehead. “Bad practice, he couldn’t do anything right today.” He says- already knowing what question was on your mind.
“Do you know what’s up with him?” You look up at him with furrowed eyebrows and his shakes his head with a shrug.
“No clue. He was perfectly fine this morning, then by the time practice came he was fuming.”
“He’s angry?”
“He was angry. Now he’s just… sad?” Blaise sighs, “I really don’t know what’s going on, please check on him?”
You nod with a small smile and make to leave, “I’ll go see him right now.”
By the time you reach the common room Draco’s already in his room- something you figured out from the sound of his door slamming harshly- and you trek up to it nervously.
“Draco?” You ask softly as you open the door and find him hunched over his desk- still fully draped in quidditch gear.
He snaps his head up quickly and meets your eyes with a cold stare. “What?”
“Okay, rude.” You mumble as you step into the room and lean against the door.  “Are you okay?”
He scoffs and rolls his eyes as he turns to face you from across the room, “Yeah, I’m bloody great.” He shrugs, “I’m the world’s worst seeker and my mother’s in the hospital, it’s truly a wonderful life.” He drawls sarcastically.
You push yourself off of the door at the mention of his mother and quickly stride toward him, “What do you mean your mother’s in the hospital?” You raise your eyebrows- concern erupting from your throat.
He doesn’t say anything but slowly turns behind him and picks up a letter from the desk to hand to you. He sighs and leans against the desk as you take it from him and begin to read the letter from his father.
a mild heart attack as she fell down the stairs.
Your eyes glaze over with anger as you scrunch the letter up and toss it to the ground. You’re no stranger to the abuse that goes on in the Malfoy household- having heard it yourself one night when you’d spend a weekend at their home- and you know that what Lucius really means is that he hit her so hard that she had to be hospitalised. You open your mouth to speak but Draco shakes his head and cuts you off.
“No. No Speaking.” You nod as he sighs and rubs his hands across his face in frustration. You take no offense at his words because, to be honest, nothing you could’ve said would make it better anyway. This has happened so often, too often really, that the two of you have evolved passed the need to converse about it.
“Fuck!” He exclaims suddenly and you flinch at the outburst- making him soften instantly as he turns to face you. “I’m sorry, I… I didn’t mean to startle you.”
You nod in forgiveness and he reaches his arms out for you, and you do as he asks and sink into his arms- running your hands through his hair as he leans on the desk and you stand.
“I hate him.”
“I know.” You pull away from him and cup his face so he looks into your eyes. “Go take a shower, you stink.”
He laughs sadly and nods as he stands and starts walking to the bathroom. He stops midway and turns back to you, “Will you still be here when I get back?”
“Where else would I go?” You raise your eyebrows at him with a smile and he smiles back before slipping into his prefect bathroom to shower.
While he’s showering you decide to get changed into something more comfortable- putting on one of his shirts over your underwear- and put out his favourite pyjama pants on the bed for him to wear once he’s gotten out of the shower. Then you climb into his bed and start reading the copy of ‘Sense & Sensibility’ that he got after reading with you and realising Jane Austen is actually pretty good, while you wait for him to get done.
“Nobody taught me how to love myself So how can I love somebody else?”
You’re so entranced by the book that you don’t even notice him come back into the room until he’s speaking to you from the foot of the bed. “Did you take these out for me?”
“Mhmm.” You respond without taking your eyes off the page in front of you.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welco-“ You gasp as your eyes come off the page and meet his figure. He’s still dripping from the shower, a towel tied around his torso, and he’s got bruises all around his abdomen. “Draco!”
You get up and climb round the bed to get him, and he barely has any time to slide his bottoms on before he starts shuffling away from you.
“It’s nothing, I promi-“ He winces as soon as one of your hands makes contact with a bruise near his ribs.
“Draco.” You pull your hand back angrily and speak with a warning tone.
“Y/N it’s-“
“You promised me this would stop.” You state firmly and he gulps in fear. “We’ve been friends what, 6 years now? And in the six years that we’ve known each other I’ve done a countless amount of shit for you, no fucking questions asked. I ask, no, I beg you to do one thing and you can’t even do that?”
“It just happened.” He sighs tiredly and you scoff with a laugh.
“No, it didn’t just happen. You let it happen. Or am I wrong?”
“You know what? I don’t even want to hear it.” You walk back to the bed with a shake of your head.
You’ve asked him a million times not to go sparring with Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle before Quidditch practice because he always comes back black and blue- smothered in painful bruises on his entire abdomen. He only does it because he thinks that he deserves the pain, that in some weird way he’s getting what’s due to him for existing. It’s his own way of self-harming and it’s led him to Madame Pomfrey more times than you can possibly remember.
He promised you months ago that he’d stop for good, that he’d start taking better care of himself and stop looking for excuses to get hurt when he felt bad about himself.  But bad habits, it seems, tend to die hard when you’re self-loathing masochist who can’t trust his best friend enough to talk to her when he starts to feel like shit.
“I’m sorry, I just needed something to take my mind off of it.” He trails behind you and picks up his wand to cast a silencing charm- anticipating the screaming match that you’re both about to have.
“Why didn’t you just talk to me? I’m your fucking best friend, what the hell else am I here for?”
“I know, I’m sorry I just…”
“You just?”
“I’m always coming to you with my problems, burdening you with my thoughts and it’s just not fair.”
“What?” You snap at him in confusion.
“I come crying to when my parents are doing their usual shit, I come to you when I have a bad Quidditch game, I come to you when I get a bad grade- fuck- I even come to you when I’m too scared to get into a relationship-“
“I chose to help you with that, don’t fucking act like you forced me into this because it was mutually beneficial.”
“That’s not the bloody point Y/N!” He yells in exasperation.
“Then what is the fucking point Draco?” You yell back.
He sighs, clenches his fists and closes his eyes. “The point is, I’m more bad than good for you, I’m a burden.”
You gasp at his words and sit on the edge of the bed as you look up at him in astonishment. That’s what he said to you the first time that you talked about his home life, ‘I think that they fight because of me, I ruined their lives. I’m a burden.’
“You’re not a burden.”
“You say that now. Until the day when you want more comes and I can’t give it to you.” He sits on the edge of the bed beside you, “One day this won’t be enough- you’ll want someone who can love you the way that you want to be loved- and I won’t be strong enough to do that. And then I’ll lose the only good thing I have in my life.”
“I’ll never leave you- I don’t think I could even if I tried.” You laugh awkwardly and pull him into your chest for a hug. “I don’t want more Draco, I don’t think I ever will. It sounds hard to believe but being best friends who occasionally have mind-boggling sex is quite enough for me, it makes me happy.”
“Promise me that you’ll tell me if you want more.” He mumbles into your chest.
“I promise bug.” You whisper as you rub his back soothingly- letting him relax into your embrace.
After a few seconds of silence he speaks again, “They’re going to kill each other.” He whispers- so quiet that you think maybe you imagined it-   before a soft sob escapes his lips.
“Shh, it’s okay.” You whisper back and continue soothing him by running your fingers along his bare back- stopping every few seconds to massage his ribs a bit- in an effort to help him calm down.
You don’t tell him that they won’t, because in all honesty you don’t know if they won’t, but you hold him tight for as long as he needs and promise him that you’ll be there for him. And that’s enough for the both of you- knowing that you’ll always be there for each other.
You sit like that for a while as he calms down and his breathing evens out- his head in your chest as one of your hands holds his and the other digs into his skin softly. It’s when he stops rubbing his thumb along the back of your hand, and instead starts rubbing it up and down your thigh, that you realise he’s finally breathing normally again. “Y/N?��
“Hm?” You hum in response as he pulls his head out of your chest and brings his lips up to your neck.
“Can we have some of that mind-boggling sex you talked about?” He asks against your collarbone and you laugh at his sudden change in attitude.
“I take it someone’s feeling better?” You ask as you let him take control of the situation and push you onto your back against the mattress.
“No.” He says, voice muffled as his lips graze against the skin on your neck, as his hands travel along your sides delicately. “But I need to feel you.”
“Dra-“ You start to protest- wanting to tell him that he can’t fuck his sadness away- but he cuts you off with a chaste kiss to your lips as his hands find their way beneath the t-shirt that you’re wearing and come up to unhook your bra.
“Please?” He asks desperately when he finally pulls away from your lips, his voice raw and raspy, “Let me take care of you princess.”
You’re still hesitant to agree, worried that he’s using this as a coping mechanism and scared that it’ll worsen the pain he’s feeling in his abdomen, but his lips find that soft spot behind your ear and you melt into his grasp like ice-cream on a thirty-degree day. “Let me make you feel good.”
“Okay.” Is all you say before he’s making good on his promise and making you feel so good that it’s as if there’s lava crawling beneath your bones.
His lips and hands are everywhere you need them, not hesitating to give you what you want as they usually do, not acting at a torturously slow pace. Tonight there’s no teasing, no tug-of-war between you both to see who cracks first, there’s just immense passion and trust- all the unsaid words left floating in the air are now dancing between your lips as they connect over and over again.
In this moment he’s Picasso and all he can think about is painting over you with his lips, his hands, his cock as it digs against your inviting walls, with every colour of the rainbow until the world itself is drained of all vibrancy because he’s given it all to you.
You meant what you said before, sex with Draco is always mind-boggling and lip-bitingly pleasurable, but this is different. It makes you finally understand what people mean when they say that they can see God at the height of their climax- that they feel as though their bodies are overheating and they’re going to combust at any moment.
He has never been this soft before, usually sex with him is fast, rough, hard, and all about building up the tallest tower of arousal so you can both knock it down with earth-shattering orgasms. But this is so different. This is soft, sensual, almost slow in a way- it says more than any words you two could possibly try to use to explain how much you value each other. You’re not in love, that’s for sure, but this feeling, this painfully exquisite moment, is the closest thing you two will ever get to uttering the words, “I love you”, to each other.
Who needs love when the two of you have each other to make you feel like you’re both burning from the inside out?
Now, as you sit next to him in Potions and watch intently as he chops up the next set of ingredients, you think that perhaps it’s you who’s going to set on fire.
“Y/N? Are you listening?”
“Hm?” You furrow your eyebrows at him as you zone back in, “Sorry, I zoned out for a second.”
“You seem to be doing a lot of that lately, are you okay?” He asks genuinely as he stops working on the potion to focus a soft gaze on you.
You gulp and nod, giving him a fake smile, “Yes, of course, don’t worry.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, seriously.” You bring your hand up to his arm as reassurance and smile again- trying to ignore how taut his muscles feel beneath your fingers, even with all the fabric between them- “What were you saying?”
“Oh!” He smiles brightly, “I was asking if you want to go down to the Black Lake next period? Since we’re both free?”
“And do what?” You narrow your eyes at him but grin still.
“I don’t know- drown ourselves, skinny dip, have a picnic- whatever your heart desires.”
“If you’re just looking for an excuse to see me naked then all you have to do is ask.” You smirk.
“I wouldn’t need to take you all the way there if I wanted to see you naked.” He grins widely and you roll your eyes, “I’ve just been wanting to go down there for a while and I thought I might as well bring you along.”
“Because you love my company?”
“Because you probably have nothing better do and no one else to hang out with.”
“We both know half the boys in this grade would drop everything for ten minutes with me, I could easily find someone to hang out with.” You reply very brazenly and he rolls his eyes at you. It’s true, more than half of the boys in the grade have tried to ask you out at least once, Potter being the most insistent, and if push came to shove you could easily find someone else to spend your free period with.
Not that you want to, free periods with Draco have actually become one of your favourite pastimes. Usually spent working on extra school work, or chatting, or trashing on Harry Potter- which happens considerably often since you both don’t like him.
“Too bad for them because you’re coming with me.”
“Because?” You raise your eyebrows at him- waiting for him to admit what you want to hear- and he mumbles a reply that you don’t quite catch- “Excuse me?”
“Because I love your company…”
“I know.” You smile with a giggle.
“Sweetheart, you are Changing my mind”
“There ain’t no excuses I swear that I’m doing my best”
“Do you still think love is fake?” You ask as you both lie in the grass and stare up at the sky- enjoying one of the only sunny days you’ll be getting this June.
“Hm?” Draco hums in questioning and you turn on your side to face him- propping your head up on your palm as you lean on your elbow.
“Love. Do you still think it’s a hoax?”
He sighs and blinks a bit before taking a gulp and averting his eyes from the sky to meet your own. “I don’t know.”
“I think in the time that we’ve been pretending to date, I’ve felt a lot of new emotions that I’d never felt before. I can’t tell you if it’s love or not because well, I don’t know what that’s supposed to look like or feel like, but I do know that I like it. It’s different to anything I’ve ever felt before because it’s comfortable and warm- it’s home in a way. It’s the kind of feeling home is meant to give me, not the dread and fear I feel when I get off the Hogwarts Express and find my parents waiting for me on the platform. Not the emptiness I feel when I have to sit through dinners with them and we have to pretend that we’re a happy family. Not the sadness I feel when I’m locked up in my room and I can hear them screaming at each other at the top of their lungs downstairs. It doesn’t feel like what I feel when I think of the Malfoy Manor, the only way I can describe what it feels like is by saying that it feels like what I feel when I think of you, or when I’m with you.”
“And what do you feel when you think of me?” You ask.
“I feel safe and happy and like there’s fire coursing through my veins - almost like I’m burning from the inside out. I don’t know if that’s what love is supposed to feel like- I’ve got no one to ask- but I know that I like feeling that way.” He closes his eyes and takes a breath, “So, to answer your question, I don’t know if I still think love is fake. All I know is that I don’t feel that hopelessness that usually consumes me, when I’m with you.”
You look at him in awe- utterly speechless and completely amazed by the words he’s just spoken to you. You can’t ask him for anything more than that, he’s clearly trying his best to be open to love and honest with you, and you don’t really want more anyway- it’s enough knowing that the two of you make each other happy. What you two have is enough. “You are fucking ethereal.” You breathe out as you sink back to the ground and go back to looking at the sun.
“So are you.” Draco says back as he picks up your hand and intertwines your fingers together. He doesn’t think that love is a hoax, he thinks that maybe he’s falling in love with you, but he’s not ready to admit that just yet- not when the fear of the only solid good thing in his life disappearing still haunts him with every waking moment. Not when you’re not showing any signs of romantic attraction toward him, because he can’t afford to be another dotted line in your book of conquests just because he got soft and caught feelings for you.
He’s not sure of himself yet, how can he be when no one ever taught him how to trust in his ability to be lovable? How can he be when even his own mother and father give him leftover scraps of affection veiled as the unconditional love of parents. Letting himself fall in love with you is a big risk to take when his own insecurities swarm his thoughts day and night, when his own fear of commitment swallows him up whole at every interval in which he thinks he’s ready to be vulnerable. No, he’s not ready to fall in love with you yet. But he’s trying to get there.
So, this ending is not what I originally envisioned, that one was a lot more compact and fluffy than this one is but I much prefer this one. When I first started writing this fic I actually started with the ending and worked my way backwards but when I finally got to the beginning I realized that the ending just didn’t fit anymore and I had to end it here.
I’m much happier with this ending because it’s undefined and open to interpretation. In a way Y/N is aromantic but in a way she’s also not- I couldn’t decide so I left it in a way that the reader can decide.
I’m planning on using the original ending in something different, which I will post here once it’s done, but yeah, this is the fic.
Anyway, love you all,
jean <3
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teacup-tai · 3 years
Tai recs: a *HP rare pair* list
So, I decided to do a Rarepairs rec list with some of my favourite miscelaneous pairings. I hope you enjoy it and discover new horizons. lol Be responsible and mind the tags. There's no order in the list, sorry.
Your Left Life - orphan - 28k, E - Seamus/Dean
Dean can see himself doing it, pushing the duvet to the bottom of the bed and rolling over, feeling the warm line of Seamus’ body beside him, kissing him. He knows he’s going to eventually, he can hear the start of it in his head. You fought in a war, this should be nothing.
Electric Light - orphan - 18k, E - Neville/Draco, Neville/Draco/Harry
His gloves are from last year and the left one has a small tear in the charmed leather that he has to keep out of sight of Professor Sprout, who would go into a whole lecture on health and safety if she saw it, and then insist he wore a pair from the lost and found bucket in the corner of her mouldy old office.
Burned Silk, Buckled Leather - @ruinsplume - 12k, E - Sirius/Draco
When Sirius discovers a down-and-out Draco Malfoy lurking around the edges of a Muggle kink club, he thinks he knows just what Draco needs. He isn't expecting to run into some long-buried needs of his own.
The Meaning of Mistletoe - @llendrinall - 30k, M - Severus/Remus
“Just… tell me. Tell me what is going on, Snape.” What was going on was that Severus Snape had no trouble tracking down one Petunia Evans, now Dursley, to a little town in Surrey where he saw how exactly she was treating her nephew. Which somehow led to last night and Severus knocking on Lupin’s door with a toddler half-asleep in his arms.
Make Me Smile (come up and see me) - by busaikko -26k, E - Severus/Remus/Sirius
AU. In the aftermath of October 31st, 1981, Severus Snape, Remus Lupin, and Sirius Black try to set their differences aside to keep Harry safe.
Modern Romance - @olivieblake - 280k, E - multiship brilliance
Witch Weekly's 'Modern Romance' series asks anonymous witches and wizards to record a week in their sex lives—with comic, tragic, provocative, and patently revealing results. Each week, a new episode unfolds in the lives of the Wizarding World's elite.
Don't Stop Me Now (A Tragedy in Three Acts) - @writcraft - 6k, E - Sirius/James
Being gay in the seventies isn't easy, coming out is hard to do and love is complicated, messy and unexpected. When Sirius Black comes out to James Potter it serves to fuel the embers of a fire that's been burning between them for years.
How We Were Warriors - @writcraft - 51k, E - Severus/Harry
A homophobic attack in London’s Soho brings Harry to New York City to discover more about the past. Still haunted by love and loss in the eighties, Severus just wants to forget. In Manhattan’s Greenwich Village, past and present collide, and in one another Severus and Harry find hope for the future.
Aim for My Heart - @tackytigerfic - 3k, M - Ron/Harry/Draco
Harry's in love, Ron's in control, and Draco just wants a nice lunch. They say three's a crowd, but Harry doesn't always agree. Not when he gets to be in the middle, anyway. - In which Harry's in love with Ron, and Harry's in love with Draco, but they're not in love with each other. Not yet, anyway.
The Taste of Țuică - @fluxweeed - 14k, E - Ron/Harry/Draco
It’s quite one thing for your best mate to casually tell you about all the sex his boyfriend wants to have. It’s altogether another to have him bring up the time you snogged him in a shitty Central London park.
Misfortune's Bitter Storms - @onbeinganangel - 5k, E - Bill/Fleur/Tonks
A ginger, a Metamorphmagus and a Veela walk into a room... (they fuck, that’s the punchline)
Petrichor, Pineapple and Pomegranate - @onbeinganangel - 6k, E - Sirius/Remus/James
If you’re not using your enhanced werewolf sense of smell to find out that your friends have got the hots for you, what are you even doing?
Talk To Me - by amaliaIR - 21k, E - Sirius/Remus/James
James' love life hasn't been going well lately, so he turns to his best friends for advice and receives so much more.
The Secretary - @pacific-rimbaud - 45k, E - Percy/Pansy
Threatened with the loss of her trust fund allowance, wild child Pansy Parkinson takes her mother up on an offer she can't refuse: a job at the Ministry of Magic as personal secretary to tightly wound bureaucrat Percy Weasley. The job is demanding, and so is her boss, in ways that Pansy never could have imagined. When their mutual desires begin to spin out of control, how will Pansy convince her boss that sometimes, the only rules you need to follow are your own?
A Dress With Pockets - @pacific-rimbaud - 24k, E - Neville/Pansy
Pansy Parkinson needed a drink. And a shag. She didn't care in which order. Enter: Neville fucking Longbottom and his rolled up sleeves.
---you may realise E is my thing, so again: mind the tags!---
And that's a wrap! I'm saving the femslash ones for another day ^^ Hope you enjoy the readings, darlings! Love, Tai <3
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heliads · 4 years
What We Are
You’ve hated Draco Malfoy from the moment you met him at the Sorting Ceremony all those years ago. However, you have the strangest feeling that things are changing between the two of you- like just maybe, you like him more than you thought.
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You are eleven years old, small and swallowed up by the dark cloth of your school robes. You’re filling through the main aisle of the Great Hall, surrounded by a cluster of other anxious first years. Four long tables stretch down the room, two on each side of the hall and each filled with chattering students. Four banners hang at the end of the hall- ruby, emerald, gold, sapphire. One for each house. You’ve been briefed on the houses and their qualities by a newly formed friend, one Hermione Granger, but you’re still nervous. You don’t entirely know which one you belong to, although you have an inkling as to which one should be avoided.
Professor McGonagall begins listing off the names one at a time, and the subsequent first-years file up to her, place the worn Sorting Hat on their head, and receive their assigned House. After a while, your name is eventually called, and you make your way to the front. The Sorting Hat considers for a time, then a smile crawls across its weathered fabric features. “SLYTHERIN!” The word is shouted across the hall, and you feel a sinking pit yawn open in your stomach. Slytherin? That was the one house you were supposed to avoid.
You make brief eye contact with your new friend Hermione, who looks about as stricken as you feel, before settling into a place at the Slytherin table. The emerald-clad students around you clap you on the back, issuing congratulations, but you still feel uneasy. Wouldn’t it have been better to go to Ravenclaw, where all the smartest students belonged? Or brave Gryffindor, or dedicated Hufflepuff? Anywhere would be better than ambitious, cunning, snakelike Slytherin.
A boy seated one space down looks at you, taking in your glum expression. He has striking platinum blond hair, and appears to be a first year just like yourself. “Don’t look so upset. You got into the best house there is, you know. All of the students who go to Slytherin end up being the greatest lot here.” For some reason, the condescendingly arrogant tone of the boy gets to you, and you shoot back a haughty reply. “If all Slytherin students are like you, I don’t fancy staying here at all.” The boy’s expression changes into a glare, and he glowers at you for the rest of the dinner.
That boy would turn out to be Draco Malfoy, Slytherin House’s most famous elitist. The two of you would hate each other ever since that night, and that feeling of utter loathing would continue for years. You’re now far older than you had been as a wee little first year, and so is Draco, but your attitude towards him hasn’t changed a bit. He’s just so conceited, so full of himself- and you’re no better, you know that, but at least you try to hide it.
However, you were lucky enough to score yourself a bunch of friends who knew exactly why you hated Draco, and happened to feel the exact same way. Hermione had been your best friend ever since that first day on the Hogwarts Express, and you had introduced yourself to Harry and Ron around the same time she did. Now the four of you were a regular fixture on the grounds, and you wouldn’t change it for anything, even a few of the haughtier Slytherins (read: Draco Malfoy) made sure to mention that one of their house shouldn’t be mixing with the Gryffindors.
However, you didn’t really care what they thought. Yes, you were a Slytherin, and that meant a good many things: pride, ambition, and a thick skin in terms of others doubting you. So you became even better friends with Harry, Ron, and Hermione just to spite them. You often found yourself with them at the Quidditch games, walking across the grounds, sneaking out of your dormitory late at night for a couple of misadventures, or now, with you and Hermione studying together at a table out in a corner of a stone hall. 
One of the problems of being a Slytherin friend of three Gryffindors is that they could never go back to your common room to study with you, and you certainly weren’t allowed into their common room. Fred and George had offered to sneak you in loads of times, and you technically had been there before under Harry’s invisibility cloak, but for right now, you and Hermione were content to stay away from the roaring fires and plush red armchairs of the Gryffindor common room to work on a particularly gruesome Potions essay. You both wanted to finish it early, Hermione especially so she could then go teach it to Harry and Ron, so you stayed out of the lion’s dorm until you were adequately prepared.
Hermione sighs at the paper in front of her, wrinkling her brow in consternation. “Honestly, what does all of this even mean? I swear, Professor Snape’s directions get worse and worse with every assignment.” You nod fervently. “This prompt makes no sense, and I’ve been staring at it for the last fifteen minutes.” You drum your fingers on the table, thinking, then stand up. “I’m going to get that Potions primer from the library. You know, the one we were reading earlier? I thought I saw some similar wording in one of the chapters, and at any rate, I need an excuse to go stretch my legs. I’ll be back in a bit.”
Hermione waves goodbye as you head off down the stone corridors. The walk towards the library takes you across the courtyard, and you’re glad for the refreshing bite of the wind, even if it leaves your cheeks raw from the chill. You traipse inside the halls once more, twisting around corners until you reach the library, and gratefully slip through the doors to reach the towering bookcases crowding the room.
You stride purposefully through the shelves until you come to the row you’re looking for at last. Your eyes scan the titles in front of you, and you think you’re almost at the book until a familiar figure steps into the space right next to you. You don’t even have to look up to recognize him. You’ve seen his unwanted presence too many times for a case of mistaken identity.
Draco speaks first. “I’m surprised to see you, L/N. I didn’t think reading was one of your strong suits.” You raise an eyebrow, still perusing the books on the shelf. “Those are strong words coming from somebody who hit his peak academic performance as a weasel in the fourth year.” Draco rolls his eyes. “Ferret, not a weasel.” You look over at him at last, but can’t help a small grin. “Does it really matter? It was still a small animal, and it was still you.”
Draco heaves some dramatic and egotistical sigh, but folds his arms over his chest and stays put. He’s not looking for books, just standing there. In fact, his eyes keep flickering over to the corner of the library, near the door. You straighten up, following his gaze in confusion. “What are you doing?” You ask him, still trying to figure out what he’s looking at with such unease. “You don’t usually go out of your way to enjoy my company and you also keep staring at the door.”
Draco starts to mutter something about how not all of the library belongs to you, but you cut him off with a gasp of delight. “You’re hiding from Pansy Parkinson! She’s over there looking for you, and you’re trying to make sure she can’t see you by hiding behind all the bookshelves!” You laugh, and then start to raise your voice, as if you’re about to call her over. Instantly, Draco leans over you, pushing you against the bookcase and holding his wand against your throat.
“Don’t say a word.” His voice is cool and low. A teasing grin flickers across your lips, and you push his wand away with one finger. “What, you going to hex me, Malfoy? In the middle of the library? I think that would draw your favorite girl over here more than anything.” Draco just stares daggers at you, breath coming harshly in his chest. He stares there, unmoving, until you jerk your chin towards the doors. “Pansy’s gone. Now can you please let go of me?”
Draco waits a moment just to spite you, and then releases his grip on your wrist. You snatch your hand away from him with an air of disgust, and grab your potions book off of the shelf. “Never do that again.” You hiss at him, and stalk away. Who does he think he is, that lout? You’re still storming over the incident the whole way back to the table, and barely notice that Harry and Ron have joined you until you throw yourself back into your seat.
Hermione looks up at your abrupt arrival. “What’s wrong, Y/N?” You heave a sigh of irritation. “Draco Malfoy, that’s what’s wrong. I ran into that lowlife in the library. I just can’t stand him.” Harry nods knowingly, but Ron, who appears to be in an even worse mood than you, rolls his eyes. “Oh, stop complaining. You’re a Slytherin, he isn’t as bad to you.” This is entirely the wrong thing to say, and you know you should just ignore him but you’re still fired up from the confrontation in the library.
“Are you saying that Malfoy’s not as mean to me because I’m from his house?” Ron nods, ignoring Hermione pointedly shaking her head at him in an attempt to get him to stay quiet. “Yeah, I am. You keep pretending like he’s such a jerk to you, but you don’t have it half as bad as the rest of us. Honestly, you need to stop making such a big deal out of nothing.” You know you’re overreacting, but you can’t take Ron’s griping, not today. You stand up, slamming your books shut and sweeping your parchment and quills into your bag. 
“In that case, I suppose you don’t need my nothing when it comes to your potions essay. Good luck figuring that out.” You glance over at Hermione. “I’m sorry to leave in a rush, but I should be on my way. Swing by later if you need help.” Hermione says her chagrined goodbyes, and as you stalk away from the table, you can hear her laying into Ron already. The sound brings a smile to your face.
You’re still fuming over Draco and Ron and the god-awful Potions essay the next day, and your irritation must show because Pansy takes advantage of the opportunity to cross paths with you as you’re walking through the halls. She’s chattering with a group of her friends in the courtyard, and as you hurry past, you hear her call something out to you. “Oh look, there’s Y/N. You know, she looks surprisingly proud for someone who’s father is a mudblood-lover. Maybe she’s alright with it.”
Your footsteps slow, and you turn back to face Pansy. You know that this is just what she wants, but you’ve got a burning feeling in the back of your head that tells you that if you let one more person walk all over you you’ll never be able to deal with yourself again. You eye Pansy coolly. “What was that, Parkinson?” Pansy smirks, victorious. “I heard a rumor that your father was getting a little too close to some Muggles. That would certainly tarnish your reputation, wouldn’t it? And here I was, thinking that the L/Ns were an upstanding wizarding family, but I guess not. It looks like-”
You feel like you’re a couple of seconds away from punching Pansy right in her arrogantly prissy face, but before you can try to argue yourself out of violence another boy steps up beside you. You groan inwardly when you realize it’s Draco. Great, another person to make fun of you, because this day wasn’t going badly enough already. However, he doesn���t join in the laughter. In fact, he shoots a glare at Pansy. “Amazing, Parkinson. Did you finally realize that your own family was so low that you had to make up rumors to get anywhere? Although, you might want to stay away from the Muggle story. I think it might be a little too true on your end.”
Pansy’s face blanches, and she starts stammering something about how that couldn’t possibly be true and she has no idea what Draco’s talking about. You stare at Draco in amazement, and he turns back to you. “Let’s go. I don’t feel like wasting any more of our time.” With that, the two of you strut away across the courtyard, leaving Pansy behind to make up excuses to her group of friends.
Only when you’re out of hearing distance from Pansy do you finally let yourself relax. You look over at Draco, unable to stop yourself from laughing. “What was that about? Is it really true about Pansy’s family?” Draco, surprisingly, is grinning as well. “I don’t know, but she didn’t seem like she could deny it.” The two of you carry on in hilarity for a while, but then you turn to him, grin slipping away from your face. “Why did you do that?” Draco frowns. “Do what?” You gesture idly behind you with your hand. “Defend me against Parkinson. I would have thought you’d join in instead of having my back.”
Draco shrugs, looking down the hallway. “We’re supposed to be enemies, aren’t we? I don’t feel like having my rival limited by false rumors. It would lower me too.” You look at him askance. “You publicly insulted Pansy Parkinson just because you think that me being called names hurts you as well?” Draco shrugs. “Why did you think I did it?” You sigh, furrowing your brow. “I don’t know.”
Even after you and Draco turn down separate hallways, you find yourself still thinking about him. Why would he defend you? It makes no sense. You even think back to that moment in the library, and realize that he wasn’t really as cruel as you had thought. All he had done then was exchange the usual retorts, although those had the same joking tinge as always. And wasn’t it strange that of all the places to hide, he had chosen your aisle? It could have just been a coincidence, or maybe he was seeking you out intentionally.
You’re not sure how you feel about this. You’ve grown so used to thinking of Draco as an enemy, someone to be hated, that you don’t quite know what to do when he is nice to you. You find your eyes flickering his way in the common room, or your gaze constantly catching on his silhouette as he walks past you in the halls. You usually never spend this much time thinking about him, but now, he seems to be everywhere.
One night, you can’t focus on your homework. Between the smoky atmosphere of the Slytherin common room or the mind-twisting Transfiguration tasks McGonagall’s set for you, you just can’t seem to get your thoughts in order. Eventually, you close up your books and decide to head to the Astronomy Tower. The cool night air will clear your head, and you’ll still technically be doing homework because you’ll be studying the stars.
You’re grateful for the still emptiness of the tower. You prop your arms up against the stone edge of the balcony, letting your shoulders slump as you consider the dizzying drop to the grounds below. You tilt your head up slightly, letting the wind trace patterns against your skin. You’re just beginning to feel peaceful once again when you hear the door to the Astronomy Tower open and a figure joins you on the turret. You sigh inwardly when you recognize the familiar shock of white-blond hair. Of course- Draco always goes to the Astronomy Tower as a place to unwind. Then you’re surprised as to why that fact popped so readily into your head, and how you even knew that in the first place.
Draco’s steps falter for a second when he realizes he’s not alone. You start to move away from the balcony. “Here, I’ll go. You can have the tower to yourself.” You turn around to find yourself caught in Draco’s gaze, those storm grey eyes pinning you in place. Draco shakes his head just slightly, and his voice echoes across the stone room. “No, don’t go. It’s alright.” You hesitate for a moment, then turn back to the view before you. Your eyes follow the line of trees dotting the grounds, the twisting snakes of rivers that feed into the Black Lake.
After a moment, Draco joins you at the balcony. He leans up against the stone, just a few inches away from you. You both stand there in silence, unable to say a word. At last, Draco turns to you. “What are we?” You return his gaze, slightly confused. “What?” Draco looks away for just a second, and then his eyes return to you. “When we first met, we hated each other. We’ve been rivals for years, and now-” He breaks off. “I don’t think we dislike each other anymore. I don’t think we have for a while.” You stay silent for a second, taking in his words. Then you nod.
“There’s something else, isn’t there? It isn’t just me?” For a moment, you think you’ve gone too far, spoken too rashly. Draco stares at you, then he leans forward and kisses you. When he breaks away, panic and regret flash through his eyes when you don’t say anything. He starts to move away, but you step towards him and kiss him again. This time, he doesn’t break away, not immediately. His hand slides up to the small of your back, the stone of the balcony cool against your legs.
You can still feel his hand on your waist when he breaks away. You look away, sure you’ve made some mistake that you’ll regret in the morning, but then his fingers are lightly pressed against your cheek, guiding you back to look at him again. He looks less sure of anything than you’ve ever seen him, but all of a sudden that doubt is replaced by a calm determination. “This is right. This is what we were supposed to be.” You nod quietly, letting your hesitation break free with a smile. He’s right, isn’t he? No matter how it felt to win all the arguments or competitions with him, this moment right now feels far better than anything before it. This is what you always wanted, and what he wants as well.
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lonelysoul029 · 4 years
His Hufflepuff Secret ~ Eight
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A/N: So here's what I was supposed to post on Sunday before my laptop decided to hate me and delete it. I'm sorry for the wait. I do hope you enjoy it, though :)
<-Previous Chapter
"Are you sure you want to stand next to me in front of everyone?" Y/N asks as they reach the top balcony overlooking the lake. There are three towers set up in the waters, and she and Draco are on the one in the middle.
Draco groans, "For the millionth time, Fawley, I'm sure. People didn't come here to gawk at us, did they? No. They came to watch the Second Task," his hands grip the railing and he leans over to see the water beneath them, "How much would you bet that Potter would mess up and drown."
He gets punched on the arm, "Don't be so mean," Y/N frowns, "That's my friend you're talking about."
"That actually hurt, you know," Draco says, rubbing his arm.
"You're lucky I didn't push you into the water instead," she scans the other towers, "Where in the world is Hermione? Surely, she wouldn't miss out on cheering for Harry, right?"
"I don't know about that," he smirks, "Maybe she realized Potter isn't worth watching on for. She and Weaselbee are probably off snogging instead," This earns him another punch, "Seriously? The same spot?"
"When are you ever going to grow out of this nonsensical rivalry?" Y/N asks annoyed, but really she's thinking that even Draco can sense the tension with Hermione and Ron.
"Well let's see," he puts a finger to his chin and pretends to think, "Today's Friday, so... never?" Draco grins at her.
"Idiot," she can't help but grin back.
"Welcome to the second task," Dumbledore's voice cuts through the cheering of the students, "Last night, something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure, of sorts. These four treasures, one for each champion, now lie at the bottom of the Black Lake..."
"What, so they took Potter's glasses?" Draco snickers.
"Maybe you should be dating Harry instead of me since you won't shut up about him," Y/N rolls her eyes.
"Me? Date Potter?" his face contorts in disgust, "That's absolutely nauseating."
"Stop being so obsessed with him then," she smirks.
"...They will have one hour to do so, and one hour only. After that, they'll be own their own. No magic will save them. You may begin at the start of the cannon," Dumbledore announces.
The cannon fires, and the four champions dive into the water. Well, three dive into the water and Harry gets pushed in. The crowd erupts once more, but soon, the cheers die down. The ripples created by the divers then disappear, making the dark water look calm and perfectly still. No one knows what is really going on under the water, so they are all silent.
Suddenly, Dumbledore's voice can be heard through the speakers again, "The Beauxbatons champion Miss Delacour has unfortunately been forced to retire. She will take no further part in this task."
Once again, the crowd is silent. "Poor girl," Y/N says sympathetically.
"Yeah," Draco scoffs, "That's why she got eliminated so fast."
"Merlin, Draco what is your problem today?" she turns to him, "You've been quite mean and moody."
She's right. Draco has been moody. It's not his fault, though. The nightmares he's been having are just getting to his head. Why is it always the same man? Where did those babies come from? Why did they suddenly appear? "It's nothing, darling."
Y/N just stares at him for a moment, chews her lip nervously. She might have an idea of what's been bothering Draco, but doesn't want to bring up something that might make him uncomfortable. Hesitantly, she mumbles "It's not the nightmares, is it?"
His eyes widen a little, "How did y--"
"I noticed it a few months ago, when I slept in your room," she cuts him off, "I left to get a glass of water then I came back to you writhing and sweating. I got you to calm down and I thought that was it, but it kept happening. Even on other times we'd sleep together, every time I would leave, I'd come back to you having a nightmare," Y/N gives him a concerned look.
"Oh," Draco blinks at her, "I uh, usually don't have nightmares  when you're sleeping with me," he admits sheepishly.
She takes his hand and rubs it with her thumb, "Do you want to tell me about them while we wait?"
"I guess we can talk about it," he shrugs. Draco tells him about the recurring nightmare of the man floating in a black cloak, and how Y/N always ends up dead. "... the most recent one was last night. It was a bit different from the other ones."
"How so?" Y/N inquires.
Draco laughs a little, "Well, there were twins in the dream. A baby girl and boy. They looked exactly like me."
"Twin babies?" she exclaims, "Your twin babies?" Y/N chuckles.
"Ours, I think," he rubs the back of his neck.
Y/N's jaw drops, "What?!"
"Weird, right?"
"Weird? It's downright absurd!" she almost shouts. The thought of having twins with Draco Malfoy clouds her mind. They literally just started dating yesterday. She can't possibly be thinking about having kids with him. Apparently though, he dreamt, or rather, had a nightmare about it.
"That's not the most absurd part," Draco says, his voice more serious now. She raises her eyebrows at him, "You know how I said you always end up dying right in front of me one way or another?"
"Yes?" Y/N prompts, "Oh no," her face falls, "Please don't tell me the babies died too."
He gives her hand a squeeze, "They did," he almost whispers.
"Christ," is all she can mutter. They stay silent for a while, until Y/N speaks up again, "The nightmares, they must mean something right?"
"After the first few, I thought they meant something, then I kept having them but nothing happened in real life. I just shrugged them off."
"Yeah, you're probably right," she nods, although the thought of her getting killed by a man over and over again in Draco's nightmares doesn't sit right with her. He senses her worry, so he interlaces their fingers then brings her hand up to his lips and kisses it softly. His lips linger for a moment longer, then lets go of her hand to place his on the small of her back, turning them both to face the water.
Just then, Cedric Diggory emerges, Cho Chang with him. The crowd erupts in cheers. "Woohoo! Go Cedric!" Y/N claps along.
Viktor Krum comes up next, and to Y/N's surprise, Hermione is with him. They, too, get to the dock and the people start chanting "Krum, Krum, Krum."
Finally, Ron and a younger blonde Beauxbaton girl surfaces. Draco hums, "That must be who Fleur Delacour should've saved."
"Must be," Y/N agrees, "But where's Harry?"
"Lollygagging with the Merpeople, perhaps?" Draco chuckles. She gives him a glare and he puts his arm around her shoulders, "It's Potter. No matter how incompetent he is, he always ends up fine."
"That's very reassuring. Thanks," she rolls her eyes.
"You're quite welcome," he winks.
Damn it that wink makes me weak, she curses herself for thinking like that.
"Look," Draco points at the water, "He's alive."
Y/N turns her gaze down. Harry shot through the air and landing on the deck where the crowds are.
"Thank god," she runs down to the lowest platform to meet with Harry. Draco stays behind, not really wanting to congratulate his enemy. Y/N She reaches the platform and gives Harry a hug. "I got worried. I didn't think you'd make it."
Harry chuckles, "I didn't think I'd make it either."
She looks around to find Cedric to congratulate him but sees him conversing with Cho. Not wanting to disrupt the two, she decides to just talk to Cedric later in the common room.
Draco and Y/N walk together, headed to the Great Hall for dinner.
"You should eat with me," Draco suggests.
Y/N looks at him confused, "Why?"
"Why not?"
"People would talk," she deadpans. Is he being serious right now?
"So? People talk any way," he takes her hand in his, "If I want to eat dinner with my girl, I think I should be able to do that."
His girl. I like the sound of that, she thinks. "Alright, fine. I'll sit at the Slytherin table with you. Wouldn't your little side chick get jealous, though?" she smirks at him.
Draco scoffs, "Bold of you to assume you're not a side chick either," he teases.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I better go and eat with the Weasley twins then," she winks.
His face scrunches in disgust, "Out of all the guys you choose to be with on the side, you pick the ginger jesters?"
She mocks him and sticks her tongue out, "What? They're hot."
"I'm way hotter, though," he says in her ear.
Y/N shrugs her shoulders, "No argument here."
When they enter the Great Hall, Draco suddenly takes her hand. He leads them to the Slytherin table and already, students' eyes are on them. Y/N tries to hide the blush on her cheeks. It disappeared completely, however, when she sees Pansy giving her a death glare. Y/N smirks triumphantly at this as she and Draco sit next to each other, across from Pansy and her group.
Pansy slams both hands on the table, "What are you doing here, blood traitor?"
"Parkinson," Draco warns.
"I came here to eat with my boyfriend, Pugface," Y/N makes a face as if to say 'try me.'
"You've a got a lot of nerve showi-"
"Do you ever shut up?" Y/N cuts her off, "Honestly you keep opening your mouth and it's always the same old boring shit that comes out of it. You're like a broken record, all screechy and annoying."
Heads turn to her direction. Blaise is smirking, Millicent Bulstrode's jaw dropped, and a few other Slytherins are listening in, eagerly watching in case a fight erupts.
"Don't you have anything to say besides calling me a 'blood traitor' and a 'pathetic little Hufflepuff'? No? I didn't think so," she continues.
Pansy huffs, "Girls, let's go," she stands to leave. Tracey and Daphne look at each other, hesitant to leave. "Come on then!" she gestures to the door.
Tracey speaks up, "I think we'd like to stay and eat."
"Y-yeah. We're good Pansy. You can storm off without us tonight," Daphne agrees.
"Traitors," Pansy spat before walking away.
The two girls look to Y/N, they all start to laugh and giggle.
"That was awesome," Daphne says.
Tracey nods, "We've never disagreed with Pansy before."
Y/N smiles at them, "Always a first for everything," she turns to Draco, "I really didn't expect that."
"I'm just glad she's gone," he replies with his mouth full, "I thought I was gonna have to suffer through a meal with her face constantly making me want to vomit."
Blaise cuts in, "I think I'll be the one vomiting if you keep chewing with your mouth open like that."
Draco throws a piece of ham at him, causing a mini food fight to occur.
They all enjoy the rest of their dinner, laughing and talking. Draco looks at Y/N as she laughs with his friends. Her smile giving him butterflies. Of course he'll never admit that out loud.
It's so easy, he thinks, She fits right into my world.
Next Chapter->
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missdawnandherdusk · 4 years
Rita Skeeter’s Scoop
Draco X Gryffindor!Reader
Part 1    Part 2     Part 3     Part 4
Part 5     Part 6     Part 7    Part 8
Part 9    Part 10    Part 11   Part 12
Part 13   Part 14
Summary: All is fair in love and war, but why did it have to be a war? And when did you say that you wanted to fight? 
Archive of Our Own Link
A/n: Hello my darlings! Welcome to the next part and honestly it took me a while to figure out where I wanted to take this, so please enjoy the angsty fluff of this chapter and I’m happy to introduce Susan! (you’ll understand later). I love you guys so much you have no idea, please don’t stop commenting, reblogging and liking, you have no idea how much it excites me and motivates me to keep writing. ALSO GUYS TOM FELTON IS GOING TO BE AT THE COMICON NEAR ME AND YOU BET YOUR GALLEONS THAT I AM DROPPING COLLEGE MONEY TO GO AND MEET THAT MAN
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By Rita Skeeter
“Albus Dumbledore, eccentric Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, has never been afraid to make controversial visitor decisions, writes Rita Skeeter, Special Correspondent. Over the summer of this year it was decided that the Triwizard Tournament was to be held at Hogwarts to many parents’ dismay as their children were entered into the Tournament without their permission. The Tournament is notorious for the fatalities that it has inflicted among many young unexperienced wizards thirsting for glory. However, this looks responsible and kindly when set beside the fiasco Dumbledore claims to be the Yule Ball.
The Yule Ball, only held upon the year of the Triwizard Tournament, was held upon the Christmas holiday at the school endorsed by Dumbledore and his staff. This year, however, the guest list was not so carefully taken to, endangering the students of three wizarding schools.
A young naïve and foolish fourth year Hogwarts student was taken under the Imperius Curse and forced to do the bidding of the assailant. It seems that this was in place because of a disgrace among pure-blood families. While Dumbledore turns a blind eye, this disgrace has largely affected every student in the school along with its visitors claiming it’s “very shameful.”
“I was coerced as well, and my friend Draco Malfoy was only afraid of the blood traitor that he had to play along with her plan unless he too wanted to be cursed,” says Pansy Parkinson, another fourth-year student. “We all hate her, but we’re too afraid of her family to say anything,”
Y/n Lupine has no intention of ending this scourge of disgrace and intimidation, however. In conversation with her family, she admitted manipulating Mr. Malfoy in what she has dubbed the “Consentire Animi Pace,” an outdated excuse for coercion from a desperate lover. This bond, however, is overlooked by the Ministry, and they have not confirmed that there has been a case in over four hundred years. Lupine, however, considers herself to be above such petty notions.
The Consentire Animi Pace was an old tradition that has faded into prophecy and is a poor excuse for the forceful attitude from Lupine. Not but a few months prior to the Ball she and Mr. Malfoy blatantly hated another. “They were at each other’s throats,” Another student comments. “It was a peaceful day when they didn’t see each other,”
So how did these two, descendants of powerful pure-blood rivals go from enemies to lovers at a Ball in a matter of months? Some suspect the use of the Imperius Curse inflicted upon Malfoy by Lupine against his will. It is known that the students of Hogwarts were taught the Unforgivable Curses in class weeks before the two ‘lovers’ got together. The relationship of Lupine and Malfoy are frowned upon by Malfoy’s parents. “She is a filthy blood-traitor and has seduced my son into this relationship for her own personal gain. It is known that the Lupines always held a grudge against the Malfoys. This must be a new tactic for a new generation.””
My hands shook as I finished reading the article.
“Are you kidding me!?” I screeched. “Who... how does she even...” I exclaimed and threw the paper down, pacing the common room, Harry, Ron, and Hermione’s eyes on my frantic form.
“No one believes it,” Hermione clarified quickly. “Everyone here knows what really happened,” 
“Do they?” I snapped. “Do they really?”
She looked down and I took a deep breath, rubbing my face. My thoughts spiraled. Everyone in the wizarding world would be reading this and apparently make me out to me some sort of whore of Babylon trying to seduce Draco to be with me.
“I... I have to find him,” I realized. “I...”
“Y/n, just think about this a moment,” Hermione interjected. “This Skeeter woman is out there, and as soon as she knows you ran to Draco after reading her piece, what is she going to think?”
“I don’t give a flying fuck about what she thinks!” I screamed.
They all stared at me in shock and a few lingering first years scurried away—I never cursed, in front of anyone, ever.
“Y/n,” Harry began.
I narrowed my eyes at him letting him know he was on thin ice.
“Take my invisibility cloak and map. Go find him.” The olive branch startled me.
“I know what it’s like to be talked about in papers.” He sympathized. “You don’t deserve this. Not after what you did, or rather didn’t do,”
I wanted to cry at his words.
“Thank you, Harry,” I got out, sinking back onto the sofa as he went up to his room to collect the promised items.
I went to pick up the article again, to reread it, but Hermione stopped me, taking it from my hands.
“You don’t need to reread it and get worked up again,” She chided softly. 
“I’m sorry I yelled,” I whispered, glancing over at her.
“It’s alright. I’m just as furious as you are. That... cow of a woman.” Hermione shook her head. “We’re going to get to the bottom of this alright?”
I nodded and my eyes darted up as Harry came back, placing the map and cloak in my hands.
“You know how to work the map?” He clarified.
I nodded, fastening the cloak around my shoulders and taking out my wand.
“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good,” I muttered darkly, tapping the map, watching the paper come to life. “Thank you, Harry, he’d appreciate it too,”
“Just go,” He ushered, and I was off under the safety of the cloak led by the marauder’s map.
It didn’t take long for me to find Draco. His footsteps showed me that he was just outside of Snape’s office and heading my way. He probably went straight to Snape about the article and didn’t have the two cents from his friends about tact.
“Mischief managed,” I hissed before tucking the map into my robe.
Rushing down the chilly hallways, I hissed Draco’s name before grabbing his hand and pulling him under the cloak, quickly covering his mouth before he could scream in surprise or fear. He relaxed when his eyes landed on me. Nodding, I dropped my hand.
“Y/n, I swear I’ll fix this,” He hissed softly. “That Skeeter is going to regret ever messing with me and hurting you.”
“Draco, we don’t exactly have a lot of power here,” I argued. “With your father against us as well as this Skeeter, whatever we say, will be twisted and it’ll get worse.” That was the hopeless thought that dragged me down. “We really can’t fix this,”
“So, what do we do? I won’t let her do this to you or your family!” He insisted.
Shushing him, I took his hand and led him down the hallway to the Gryffindor Portrait. Unveiling myself from the cloak, I said the password and the portrait opened.
“Go,” I hissed softly, praying that Draco got the hint as I lingered about half a minute then hopefully followed him through the door, closing it behind me.
“I didn’t mean bring him here!” Harry huffed as I handed back his cloak and map.
“Sorry,” I gave a weak smile. “But I don’t feel safe talking about anything outside in the halls.”
“Do you understand what you’ve done?” Hermione nearly shrieked. “What’s going to happen when Skeeter finds out that Draco’s been in here at night? What were you thinking!?”
Dread weighed like a thick blanket over me. I sank into a chair and stared at the fire, not seeing a way out of this.
“Lay off!” Draco scolded, kneeling beside me. “She can’t spend every moment questioning everything she does!” He defended me, taking my hand and rubbing it softly.
“I wasn’t saying that she should—” Hermione began and was silenced by a cold glare from Draco. I could almost hear the insults that he wanted to hurl at her, like they were tangible.
“It’s okay Dray,” I soothed. “She’s worried and looking out for me. They all are. Please... don’t fight. I can’t handle fighting right now,” My voice was shaky as fear played like a broken record in my mind.
I stood, Draco rising with me, his hands resting at my waist, an anchor in the midst of this hell storm. I laid my head on his shoulder as silent tears slipped out. Hermione was at my other side, rubbing my arm.
“We’ll sort this out Y/n,” Harry promised.
“I’m so stupid,” I mumbled. “This is all my fault,”
“This is not your fault,” Four voices joined together.
“It’s this wretched Skeeter woman,” Hermione hissed. 
“And my father,” Draco snarled, his grip on me tightening.
I could feel the anger and betrayal radiating off of him. We hadn’t really talked about his father’s hand in all of this. I didn’t want to bring it up and he didn’t want to mention it, so it left us at an impasse. Maybe we should have talked about it sooner.
I wiped my tears away and took a deep breath.
“Okay, so what are we going to do?” I asked, turning to my group of friends.
“You could give her an interview,” Ron suggested.
“No, she couldn’t,” Hermione rolled her eyes. “Whatever Y/n says is going to be used against her,”
“We can write to the paper, tell them that it’s wrong,” Harry pointed out.
“And how bad will that look on us?” I retorted. “New headline ‘Seductress tries to cover the truth.’ No, I don’t think... I don’t think there is anything we can do,”
“I... I can’t do anything, we as a group can’t. All I can do is hold my head high and know who I am and what’s true,” I intertwined my fingers with Draco’s.
He gave my hand a gentle squeeze as impressed looks fell upon their faces.
“Well, I know that Skeeter is banned from school grounds, so just be careful I guess,” Ron chimed in.
I nodded and took a deep breath.
“You won’t be alone, Y/n,” Draco remarked. “I’ll be here, we all will,” His eyes swept the room. “We know who you are too,”
I nodded.
“And that’s all that matters,” I whispered weakly.
It was easier said than done, however. After taking Draco to his dorm under the cloak and heading back, curling up into bed, I finally broke down into tears, each of Rita’s words like a stab to the heart. It tore me up inside of how cruel she was to me, and I had never even met her. Hermione, if she heard my cries through my pillow, didn’t prattle me. Instead, she left me in peace to fall apart, and I was grateful.
The next morning, McGonagall called me to her office, to get the true story and to reinforce that I was not alone here at school, and if I needed anything to come to her and she would see that it was done. It took a lot for me not to break down in tears again in her office. With a biscuit she sent me off to breakfast.
Then the mail started to come in. From people I didn’t know and addresses I didn’t recognize. I didn’t dare to open any of them. Instead they were thrown into the fireplace without a second thought. The only letters I opened were from my mother or Mrs. Weasley, or anyone I knew well enough to care about what they thought. Most offered their sympathies. My mother was furious, as to be expected, but I wrote her back quickly before she did anything rash.
The fear always lingered, however. And with Pansy still miraculously walking the halls of Hogwarts, I felt smaller than ever. I hesitated to hold Draco’s hand or show any form of affection towards him. I know he didn’t hold it against me, but it was a new layer of guilt on my soul.
Draco gave you a week to find a new sort of normal and to stop moping—not that he’d tell you that’s what you were doing because you’d argue with him, but you were moping.
It was that Monday morning that he had enough. You were fine with doing nothing and taking all of the hate and living in fear, but he wasn’t. It killed him to see your flame so dull. He missed you, the real you. Not whatever front you were putting up.
So, after writing a very strongly worded letter to his father and mother alike, he took your hand on the way from breakfast and pulled you to the trail that led to Hogsmeade. You had said you weren’t going, but he wasn’t having that. You were his girlfriend and hell be damned if he wasn’t going to show you off.
“Draco, no,” Your voice wavered in fear. “I can’t.” 
He turned and cradled your face in his hands.
“This fear needs to stop my love,” He crooned softly. “I miss you, the real you. I hate that she’s doing this to you. Please, go out with me. Let me show you off and buy you ridiculously expensive things and overpriced chocolates, that you won’t eat because you don’t like chocolate,” He amended quickly.
A smile played at your lips, but it didn’t quite reach your eyes yet.
“Please Y/n, I don’t want you to be afraid. I want you to be with me, I want to kiss you in public and have you on my arm. I want you to be my girl and I want everyone else to know that. I don’t give a damn about what the papers say. You’re mine and I love you and I’m not letting you mope anymore,” He panted softly, awaiting your response. “Please go out with me today,”
You blinked slowly, as if you were clearing away the haze in your eyes as you beamed up at him, jumping into his arms.
“I don’t want anything that expensive,” You muttered, and he laughed, the first time that he had a week. “Let me go get my jacket and what not and we’ll go,”
He waited for you outside the common room and you came out, wrapped in his scarf, the jacket and gloves from your mother and snow boots on that had to be new.
Offering his arm, he grinned as the two of you made your way down the hall cozied up together, smiles on the faces of those you passed.
“Long live the prince and princess!” George shouted as you two walked past him and Fred on your way to Hogsmeade.
A laugh escaped your lips for the first time since the article came out and it was the most wonderful thing that Draco had ever heard. You looked up at him, snow on your eyelashes, your nose and cheeks pink from the cold. You were beautiful when you smiled, and he would never take it for granted again.
Draco and I ducked into Madam Puddifoot's tea shop and I welcomed the warmth with open arms. For the first time, the article faded from my mind and I allowed myself to be happy with Draco—even though he did order me a ridiculously expensive tea and so many little cakes. To be honest, they were the most enjoyable things I’d had in a long while.
The company was quite enjoyable as well. Now that I wasn’t... moping (I’ll admit it, I was) I realized what Draco had meant by missing the ‘real’ me. I could tease and taunt him, then go red when he’d take it a bit too far and make it slightly inappropriate, before kissing me softly as an apology.
We strolled about Hogsmeade, when my eyes lingered on a storefront for a bit too long, Draco would pull me inside and let me look around. I was cautious to pick things up however, in fear that he might actually take up on his words and buy me things.
However, I tripped up on my caution as a miniature Spindle Tree grew beautifully in Dogweed’s shop window, victim to a shrinking spell, but all the beautiful just the same. Draco rolled his eyes, smiling, dragging me inside, letting me cradle the small plant as he paid for it. The shop tender assured me that it would grow in any conditions and if I had any problems to bring it back.
“I think I’ll name her Susan,” I mused, holding the small pink plant to the sun. “What do you think?”
“You’re going to name it?” He laughed.
“Of course,” I grinned. “So... Susan?”
“Sure love,” He chuckled, wrapping an arm around me. “Whatever you want,”
Part 16?
Tags: @un-limiteddd @geekysimmerthings @coffee-addicti @ilikestuffproductions @msmcsmutt @ravn-87 @artemismohr18 @whygz @crazywritingbug @dolphincommander @bisexualbumblebeesstuff @fuzzy-panda @bitemebro522 @zombiesnips-blog @jillanaholland @shookyungsoo @savingdraco @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @akari180 @slytherin-emerald @chaotic-good-gemini @memalfoy-spidey @theres-a-dog-outside-omg @queenfeatherwings @fanficflaneuse @go-whovian-universe @spicyshenanigans @darling-im-not-okay-i-promise @dietkiwi @katsukink @takemetothekingdom @strangerr-things @tmnt-queen @mccloudchloe @hxneybgb @justsomerandomgur @belcvayelena @moviesbooksandfandoms @howdycharlie @littlethingsinmymindla @xtrashmouthxtozierx @cocochanelthepupper @ninacotte @mccloudchloe @braelynn-j @jiggllyy​ @honeymarvel​ @go-whovian-universe​ @darcypottah​ @atomicpunkrock​
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graymatters · 4 years
Saudade, n. - "a vague and constant desire for something that does not and probably cannot exist, for something other than the present, a turning towards the past or towards the future; not an active discontent or poignant sadness but an indolent dreaming wistfulness." -A.F.G. Bell, 1912
“You know, it’s supposed to be lucky if it rains on your wedding day.”
The words are muffled from the steady downpour and are distorted even further by Draco’s heavy umbrella charm. He immediately recognizes the speaker, all the same.
“Try explaining that to Pansy,” Draco says, just before the ground vibrates under his feet from a violent crack of thunder.
Harry just chuckles before joining Draco on the garden bench, tucked away from the excitement and chaos of the reception. Harry sits with one leg folded underneath of him while the other taps a rhythm into the dirt. Their umbrella charms glow a bit brighter around the edges where they overlap above their heads.
Draco turns to face Harry and brings his foot up to rest his arms against his knee before asking, “I’m sure Ginevra’s not bothered in the slightest, is she?”
The corners of Harry’s eyes crease a bit as he smiles. “Not at all. I don’t think a hoard of rabid dragons could have ruined this day for her. Sorry you didn’t have it so easy, being Parkinson’s best man.”
“Understatement of the century, that is.”
He briefly recalls the state of panic and questionable sobriety he found Pansy in early that morning. Draco did his best to convince her that she deserved this, to be happy and wanted and loved. He remembered the uncomfortable feeling in his stomach when it felt like he was talking to his own reflection. Typical for them at their best and their worst, they’d both ended up huddled on her bedroom floor for an agonizing, cathartic cry. Eventually, Pansy had turned to Draco, mascara smudged and eyes red from tears, to say, “You’re right, Draco. I deserve to be happy with the person I love. But you know what, darling? You do too.”
He and Harry sit in a comfortable silence, enjoying the peace of the rain and thunder. The lanterns from the reception tent are already glowing in the dark, the long summer day cut short by the evening storm. The Burrow lurks crookedly in the distance, now fully restored to its former glory. Draco can still hear the echoes of music and laughter from the tent behind the Burrow. Pansy and Ginevra’s wedding is the first event the Weasleys have hosted since the War. There’s an oddly fitting metaphor in there somewhere, Draco thinks, but he’s too tired to read too much into it.
Occasionally a web of lightning illuminates the tumultuous sky. Resting his chin on his knee, Draco watches the flashes of light outline the tip of Harry’s nose, the stray curl on his forehead. The moment leeches similar images from the recesses of Draco’s mind: the same lines of Harry’s face softened by the muted glow of a fire, the way Harry’s whole chest shook when he laughed at Draco’s snark, and nights of gentle, explorative touches that grew more desperate and courageous.
Harry turns towards Draco and leans his elbow against the back of the bench. Green eyes settle on Draco in such a familiar and careful way. That one look is all Draco needs to know that Harry’s thoughts echo his own. That one look is all it takes to make Draco's chest ache with the impossibility of it all.
“I’ve missed you, Harry,” he says as another clap of thunder trembles deep in the marrow of his bones.
There's a melancholy that colors Harry's eyes as he whispers, “I’ve missed you, too, Draco.”
Also on AO3.
My fourth entry for @gameofdrarry‘s Drarropoly 2020. Many thanks to the lovely Rei382 for the beta work 💚
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2019 Femslash February Recs
It’s Femslash February! Which means it’s time for some RECS. Here you’ll find multifandom femslash fics, as well as a few not-quite-femslash fics that focus on female characters. My femslash reading is all over the place, and this list follows suit: some recs are new, some are collected from earlier rec posts; all are in alphabetical order by fandom, at least. Recs below the cut, and please remember to show your love with kudos and comments! 
Code Name Verity Wind, Sand, Devotion - montparnasse, read by fire_juggler - 6k, 53min, T, Maddie/Julie "Empty spaces want for filling, and Maddie Brodatt is overflowing." A gorgeous, sensitive pod of a hauntingly lovely fic.
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency A Moment of Clarity - electricteatime | @kieren-fucking-walker - 7k, G, Farah/Tina “Farah is saved from answering when Tricia promptly throws up on her own shoes. She would be more annoyed, but in the moment she finds herself too preoccupied to care. Girls with girls. There’s a thought." If you believe that Farah Adrienne Black deserves ALL the love and acceptance, from herself and from others, then you absolutely must read this fic.
real and okay and beautiful - embraidery | @blueandnoah - 2.8k, G, Farah/Tina/Amanda (but mostly just friendship) "Mona's feeling down in the dumps (body insecurities) and her friends try to help her feel better about it all!" Do you love awesome women supporting each other and feeling free? If so, read this!
Keep the Home Fires Burning - @flightinflame - 16k, M, Farah/Tina, AU "Bergsberg is a small town off the beaten track. For Project Vesta, a Blackwing runaway, it offers a fresh start and the chance of a friend in the town's sheriff." A painful, cathartic fic that gives Tina’s character some real attention, and gives Farah and Tina the happiness they deserve.
pray for the thunder and the rain - inkyfishes - 7k, T, Farah/Amanda "A Farah-centric slice of a possible future. Everything has gone wrong. Everything is broken. Farah works through her anxiety whilst beginning their lives on the run. Her place in the universe is, as yet, undecided." An excellent and all-too-brief glimpse into Farah’s psyche, with a steady undercurrent of Faranda.
i was born in a summer storm (i live there still) - janeseyre - 10k, G, Farah & Todd & Dirk "Farah confronts the vestiges of her past as she, Dirk, and Todd travel east to visit her mother. It turns out Farah isn’t as over her father’s death as she thought she was." A deeper look into Farah’s families, both biological and chosen; full of lovely little smile moments and Farah getting the closure she deserves.
Never Played It Cool - @lavellington - 1.8k, T, Farah/Amanda "Dude," Amanda says, squeezing her tight while her hair tickles Farah's face. "It's so good to see you." "You too," Farah says, meaning it, and when they break apart Amanda's hands linger on her shoulders for a second longer than they have to, and that's nice. That's enough to feed her borderline pathetic crush for a week, at least.” Short, sweet, a tiny bit steamy, and beautifully in-character.
Hold Her Fast - Lynds | @gold-from-straw - 11.9k, T, Farah/Amanda, AU "Farah Black is the new girl in Amanda's school, and she's captivating. Everyone has a story about her. Amanda just can't quite figure out why her entire being is so totally aware of her, why her skin prickles when she's around, why Farah looks more real than anyone else she's ever known." I’m not typically into high school AUs, but this one is funny, moving, angsty, and gloriously DEFIANT.
Firearms Proficiency 101 - @nekosmuse - 3k, T, Farah/Amanda "I can't believe you took me to your private shooting range on our first date. That is so punk." Do you enjoy awkward Faranda? ME TOO. Especially stuff like Farah saying: "I... I am... into you as well." These nerds <3
you will soothe my worried looks - orphan_account - 2k, T, Farah/Amanda “Farah sees a therapist. It's a strange journey, but not one she needs to take alone." I would read many thousands more words of Farah in therapy, honestly.
there's cell reception on this widow's walk - strix_alba - 2k, T, Farah/Tina "In which Tina sort-of-kind-of asks Farah to stay with her in Bergsberg, and Farah kind-of-sort-of wants to say yes." Clumsy flirting, Farina styles! Tina mentally describes the Jacket Team as a “bunch of hot, uptight weirdos,” which is p e r f e c t.
Coincidental - tastewithouttalent - 3.7k, M, Farah/Tina "It turns out that blue is a ridiculously good color against the dark of Farah’s skin, and also that that shirt fits her better than any shirt has any right to fit anyone, and also apparently Tina has more of a uniform kink than she realized she did." You just have to love a babbling, awkwardly-crushing Tina.
(Note: this rec list isn't meant to be About Me, buuuuut if you’re into DGHDA femslash, I’ve written a few Farina fics you might enjoy.)
Ghostbusters (2016) Celebrate the Me Yet To Come - Vera (Vera_DragonMuse), read by @revolutionaryjo - 6k, 37min, M, Jillian/Erin "She is deeply strange and strangely deep. She looks in the void and the void blinks first. This is how Jillian Holtzman makes herself." Holtzmann is such a fantastically odd character, it's so enjoyable to dig into her past and her passions.
i don't wanna give you up (i don't wanna let you love somebody else but me) - @notcaycepollard, read by RevolutionaryJo - 3k, 20min, E, Jillian/Erin "Erin Gilbert is not the second or even the fifth straight girl Jillian’s ever fallen for, and it’s kind of getting to be a problem, except when she sees Dr Erin Gilbert, she thinks, maybe, this woman might be a statistical outlier." Closely observed, funny, hot, and the narrative voice is perfect.
Gilmore Girls Suggestions (And Mallomars) - Mosca | @moscarific, 3.3k, T, Rory/Paris "Identity, chocolate, mother-daughter relations, and the importance of voting: scenes from the first 90 days." Hands down, this is a more plausible (and enjoyable) romance than any of the ones that actually occurred in canon.
Harry Potter Library Solicitation - @gracerene09 - 1k, G, Cho/Hermione "It's not as if it's unusual for a solicitor to spend so much time in the Law Library of the Ministry of Magic. Hermione has a lot of cases to prepare for, after all. It certainly has nothing to do with how helpful and interesting and surprisingly funny their newest librarian is." As a librarian, I'm verrrry picky about librarian fics, but this was adorable.
The violets and the bloodroot - @lbmisscharlie - 908 words, G, Hermione/Luna "Luna strokes the underside of one tentacle; the plant hums. Hermione’s skin feels warm, her breath humid. The Room of Requirement offers up many things." Short, but vivid and memorable.
Winter Like a Balm - Lomonaaeren - 2k, T, Ginny/Luna "The first winter after Fred's death, Ginny escapes into the Forbidden Forest with Luna and her unicorns." A gentle but deeply felt story about grief and loss that brings Ginny through to the other side, to the terror/joy of allowing herself to feel hopeful again.
Grazed Knees - montparnasse - 5k, T, Luna/Ginny "The war is over, except that it isn't, and Ginny is done fighting, except that she's not." The mood in this one is so evocative, and I love it so much.
Blood Magic and Rebirth (or, The One Where They Are All Feminist Academics) - notcaycepollard - 1k, G "Moon cups, Luna thinks. Moon cups and blood magic. And she remembers the old itch under her skin, and a music box fluttering into a flock of birds, and wonders just how powerful it could be." Not femslash, but this fic is 1000% headcanon for me now.
Trust A Few - @violetclarity - 13.2k, T, Hermione/Pansy "Hermione has a pregnant adopted sister, parents who don’t believe she’s bisexual, and a crush the size of the Great Lake on Pansy Parkinson. Taking Pansy up on her offer to be Hermione’s fake date to her parents’ Christmas dinner could solve at least one of those problems...but it could also make everything worse." Half holiday romcom, half character study of adult Hermione her relationships (both romantic and familial).
Independent Love Song - @writcraft - 6.2k, E, Ginny/Millie "Millicent Bulstrode is a tailor and Ginny is losing her mind over a woman in a tweed blazer and burgundy brogues." I saw the summary and thought “hell yes,” and then I read the fic and upgraded that to a “FUCK YES PLEASE.” I love dapper butch Millie, and just-out but all-in Ginny, and also I would like to own ALL of Millie’s clothes.
His Dark Materials Selected Moments in Introductory Symbology - @kaydeefalls - 5.6k, G, Lyra/OFC "Lyra in Oxford after the Fall, relearning the alethiometer and discovering a life of her own." A poignant yet hopeful follow-up to the original trilogy, with characterization that feels very authentic while still allowing for growth.  
Merlin A Statue Strong Enough for Two - @theladyragnell, read by exmanhater - 39k, 3hrs 30min, E, Elena/Mithian "Elena is a street-level superhero. A visit from an old enemy forces her to step up and see what she might have to do with the Sidhe who invaded and were sent away twenty years ago. Luckily, she has fellow superheroes to back her up, and a new girlfriend in her regular life to make things feel more normal." I admit that I was skeptical going in, but the characterization and world-building in this AU is strong and absorbing.
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Rise and reprove the insolent daylight - lbmisscharlie - 3k, E, Phryne/Mac "Mac takes a breath; Phryne exhales. The trailing skirt of Phryne’s shining dress – starlight and sparkle – brushes the backs of Mac’s hands as she slides them up to Phryne’s knees. Her stockings are soft; her thighs fall open, softly, under Mac’s hands, which clench, just slightly, with the heat that sends to her gut." Lush and laden with sensory details and weighty emotion
Every Day's Most Quiet Need - @tiltedsyllogism - 22k, unrated, Phryne/Mac, Phryne/Jack "Doctor Elizabeth Macmillan does not traffick in regrets...if Mac occasionally longs for a time before her friend became somehow distracted by the stiff shoe that is Inspector Jack Robinson— well, one must always endure some bad with the good." I love everything about this fic, but especially the closely observed characterization, of both individuals and relationships. There's a moment where Mac recognizes that she and Jack share a certain kind of "well-tailored" intensity...I almost shouted "YES THIS" when I read it.
et faisons la grasse matinée - mazily | @ylizam - 1k, M, Phryne/Mac, Phryne/Jack "'I do love you,' Mac says. She's not fond of saying it." Quiet, atmospheric, and sensual.
Sherlock How the mouth changes its shape - breathedout | @havingbeenbreathedout - 132k, E, Sherlock/Johnnie, AU “1955. A hidden London; the clandestine love between women. To Sherlock Holmes, struggling private detective and mistress of disguise, it’s a realm she renounced. To Johnnie Watson, daredevil ambulance driver turned auto mechanic, it’s too familiar.” Not only is this a deliciously plotty mystery with complex characterization, it’s also well-researched historical fiction. (Also recommended: HBBO’s Femslash and sex-writing essays.)
In the palms of the hands, invisible - lbmisscharlie - 3k, E, Sherlock/Jo "'I touch myself here, in this room, stretched out on the sofa, when you’re asleep, or showering, or – or in the kitchen –' Sherlock's breath hitches, almost imperceptibly, when Jo’s hand skitters, startled by the deep, rumbling rush of lust that pools low in her cunt at Sherlock’s words." The voice and characterization in this fic absolutely destroys me. It’s so uncomfortable and fascinating and real.
Diversionary Tactics - ShinySherlock, read by @fffinnagain- 2k, 16min, E, Molly/Irene, AU "Oh. This could be interesting. Irene’s fingers moved to the third button of the dress and paused. 'Shall I just . . . check the rest of you, then? Make sure you’re quite all right?'" A brief, hot, historical PWP, Mollrene style. UNF. Finnagain's performance is very...impassioned--maybe don't listen in public ;)
Supernatural To know what's under the floor - beckaandzac, read by exmanhater - 4k, 21min, G, Charlie/Jo, AU "No one here is like me, Jo thinks, and she knows it’s what every eighteen year old on the planet thinks. And she also knows in her case it’s completely justified. But then she meets Charlie." A college sorta-AU in which Charlie and Jo get something a lot closer to the lives they deserved.
Wonder Woman (2017) be yourself my ally - imperfectcircle - 15k, G, Diana/Etta 'That’s all very flattering,' Etta says when Diana has finally run out of steam, 'but surely you have more qualified candidates than me?' 'You are of the world of men.' Diana looks a little embarrassed. 'But not a man.' Diana and Etta go back to Themyscira." Did you wish for more Themyscira in the Wonder Woman movie? Did you think that Etta Candy was delightful and underutilized? ME TOO! Hence, my love for this fic.
Etta Candy's Last Stand - sanguinity - 2k, T, Diana/Etta "This is the way Etta is going to die: trapped between a bed and Diana Prince’s breasts." Bless Etta Candy and her dorky, romantic heart.
Beyond Belief - thingswithwings - 14k, E, Diana/Peggy, crossover "Diana finds her for the first time in 1947, underneath a rather heavy pile of fallen masonry." An unapologetically sexy crossover fic about camaraderie (and attraction) between two badass women.
Further fic recs | Fic bookmarks
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ao3feed-dramione · 7 years
Souls on Fire
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2pAjvBq
by Angelic_Hellraiser
Growth happens even in the calm after the storm. The war is over. Draco Malfoy and his friends desire only to pass their final year in peace, but fate has other plans. In the thick of the aftermath, Theodore Nott and Luna Lovegood are pulled into a realm lost the time and reason. Only Draco and Hermione Granger have the ability to bring them back by way of unforeseen circumstances, but unfortunately for Hermione, Draco wants nothing to do with her, not even to argue.
Lastly, why does every word that comes out of Draco's mouth almost feel like an apology to Hermione.
[Main pairings: Dramione & Lunadore]
Words: 2481, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Blaise Zabini, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley, Cho Chang, Daphne Greengrass, Tracy Davis, Horace Slughorn, Minerva McGonagall, Ginny Weasley, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Xenophilius Lovegood
Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood/Theodore Nott, Cho Chang/Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson/Ron Weasley, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Sex, Kidnapping, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Forest Sex, Forests, Dimension Travel, Dark Fairy Tale Elements, Demons, Goblins, HP: EWE, Fluff, Sweet/Hot, Rough Kissing, Surprise Kissing, Forbidden Love, True Love, Graphic Description, Violence
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2pAjvBq
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