#“ He demanded excellence and kept you at the top of your game. It wasn’t easy to work for him; it was sometimes unpleasant and always scary
orgbv · 3 years
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theodora3022 · 4 years
Playing tricks with the trickster
Summary: Failed escape attempt from yandere Childe. He lets you play your cards, even playing along, just for his own amusement.
Notes: My first genshin piece yay... I had a sweet and terrible dream of me running from Childe in the woods. Also some inspiration was drawn from @cinnamonest‘s this post, one big virtual hug to her! I hope I did Childe justice, what can I say I love manipulative smiling boys. It has become a pattern as I dash from one fandom to another. This is had turned out to be longer then I expected...Ginger boy demands my time and energy too much omg. Mind the warnings, although there is nothing extreme in this.
Fun fact, I was looping to Nintendo game by Alessia Cara when writing this down. I believe it fits the theme of this fic quite well.
Tagging: @akutaguagua a great friend who patiently beta-read this mess of a horror dream and gave me lots of kind praises! 
(Offical art belongs to miHoYo! This is a cover page of this video, if there is any issues, contact me and I will remove it at once)
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Warnings: Implied past abduction,dub-con touching, mild degradation, drugging(not on reader), implied non-con/dub-con at the end, this is not healthy love and I do not condone this irl.
It has been nearly a month since the youngest Fatui Harbinger had “taken you in”. After a few tries, you were too horrified by the punishments to continuously fight him. You learned on the first day that Childe’s smiling, the friendly mask would come off towards you. Your behaviour would decide if that is a curse or a “blessing”.
So you had quieted down, struggling to restrain yourself from yelling or screaming, carefully not to provoke his anger. Despite being compliant to his orders, you never truly showed him any affection either. Sure, you would sit on his lap if he asked, but you never initiated anything intimate with him. No matter how much Tartaglia spoiled you with clothes, books, jewelry or other luxuries, he is still the one who holds the commanding end of your shackles. It’s the best not to get used to all of that when your sight is set on the door.
Although he has taken your freedom away, you are not kept in a windowless room. On the contrary, you have too many outings now. Wherever he goes, you have to be present in a 2m radius, including meetings. Being a Harbinger is no easy job, so he prefers not having to worry about your safetly during buisness hours. The best way to do that is never let you out of his sight.
“Love, no one should witness our little problems. Well, no one alive that is.” Of course you wouldn’t want to put innocent people's lives at stake. You never dared to act out when you two are in public, and no one would bat an eye if a Fatui had taken a lover. 
You had taken an emotionless approach towards him. If Childe wants a kiss on the cheek, you’ll give him a quick light peck. If he wants breakfast, you’ll go make some pancakes with the topping he likes. Luckily, Childe had not done anything too extreme yet. If cuddling to sleep does not count as extreme that is. The only time you slipped up is when he suddenly hugs you from behind when you’re cooking.  
You thought maybe, just maybe, by being as boring and dull as you could, this bastard might just get tired of you and let you go. Childe only loves the fun of it right? Or maybe it could lower his guard.
Oh, how naive you are. You should have known better than to underestimate a Fatui harbinger. See, this is exactly why he needs to keep you around. Yes, unfortunately for you, Childe loves you, so very much. Speaking to him with a monotone voice isn’t going to alter that fact.
You have been devoid of emotions as of late. While Childe does appreciate fewer screams for the sake of his eardrums, this schemer can sense you are up to something. Perhaps this is the peace before your “storm”(he thought of it more like a drizzle)
You want to play a game? Okay, why not? Childe cannot wait to see what tricks you got on those sleeves. Are you ever getting away? Does an amateur ever win when they play a game with a professional trickster? Never.
Still, nothing bites like a cornered rat. You are no airhead, and he is fully aware of that. Just not as cunning and observent as him, that’s all.
The way you just kept your emotions sealed up is impressive, even to someone like him. Even when he got hansy, you did not flinch and just stared at the corner. Childe can only catch faint glimpses of anger when you thought he wasn’t looking.
Hm, when are you pulling your trigger? Tonight, or tomorrow night? Not that Childe is impatient, anything from you is worth waiting. But he would need to dismiss his patrolling underlings in the nearby woods beforehand. No extras would be allowed to disturb this game.
There is no chance during the day, a somewhat mutual understanding for you two. Night time in comparison, is a different story. 
Anyone’s sleeping hours is their most vulnerable time of the day, Childe is no exception. You do not plan to harm him, not that you don’t want to. But you are willing to swallow the pent up frustration towards him if you would never see his face again after this. Maybe beating up some slimes would help with the release?
You somehow managed to slip a mixture of herbs into his tea. Since he would buy cooking ingredients for you from time to time, you had requested a bunch of herbs along with the ingredients of a sleep inducing medicine you remembered. Although Childe does all he can to keep you near him, there are inevitable hours that he needs to be somewhere without you. He cannot jeopardize your safety with troublesome monsters. On a side note, he loves showing you off to anyone, his colleagues, acquaintances, business partners, anyone he does not deem a threat.
Enough time for you to make those herbs into powder and cover it up with a few spoons of milk. Tea with milk has become quite popular in Liyue as of late. Childe has grown to love them, so you have learned how to mix it up. He always let you handle his food and drinks, saying that he “trusts you”. What you do not know is this is one of the openings he exposed on purpose. It’s not like you can aquire anything deadly under his suffocating supervision.
Your plan will work, or so you think. Childe will not wake up when you wiggle out of his grasp, because dreamland will keep him occupied. All you need is a glider and a usable sword from Liyue and you’ll get your life back. Bottling up extreme emotions has certainly taken a toll on your mind, but it will be worth it if that is the prerequisite of being free.
Something about this being so easy sits ill with you. Have you really been with the youngest Fatui Harbinger this whole time? But that was brushed off your shoulders by the sheer excitement of regaining your long lost freedom. You know Liyue is in walking distance, all you need to do is cross these woods and-
The moment you dive into the forest, you think you heard an amused chuckle. 
That smooth voice terrifies you to no end, the same voice you took orders from for the past month.
Oh, how Childe loves seeing you happy. It’s priceless, both literally and figuratively. No matter how many things he buys you, you had not shown him even one small smile. Enjoy your sweet freedom, because it ain’t going to last. You certainly will know your place after this right? If not you are just dumber then he give you credit for.
That glow of relief in your eyes is worth every last bit of this intense dizzying feeling to Childe. To make sure your plan go through, he had drunk the tea without hesitation, quick enough to catch the momentarily excitement you expressed. He knows the game is on, therefore he had given the night patrol guards the entire evening off. Forcing himself to stay concious by digging his nails into his palms, Childe followed you into the woods.
Your potion is quite strong. Excellent, you’ll have to give him the recipe for informational purposes later. Especially how you managed to achieve such effects with a few herbs you had. He never took you to be anything less than a smart girl, but this has exceeded his expectations. Where’s the fun in a game without challenges?
How you storm through the forest wearing that cute terrified expression looks so endearing, it’s surely not his fault if he wants to enjoy this sight to be longer right.
So, each time you feel the slightest at ease due to whatever reason, expect Childe to make some sound to send you running like your life depends on it again. The sadistic man is hunting you down playfully, like a cat chasing a stray mouse to the inevitable corner.
You know he is toying with you. There is nothing you can do to make him shut up though.
“Love, you had scratched your leg. Must hurts by the looks of it.”
“Liyue is that way, you know.”
“Are you tired? If you want to jog in the middle of the night, you should have called me to come along!”
How can he say those things nonchalantly while you are trying to escape from him?  Here he is, daunting you with that signature smile he wears so very often. That is when reality slaps you right in the face. No matter how hard you plan, no matter how fast you run, there is no getting rid of him.
When your stamina runs out, a simple pull and push on your left wrist is enough to let you fall onto the ground panting. Even now, you still refuse to beg for mercy. You would take the cold grounds to the warmth of Childe’s embrace anyday. 
“Aw, burnt out already? Pathetic. Looks like we need to work on your stamina more. But this is not the place for exercise.”
“Look at me.” His slender but forceful fingers tilt your head up, making you look into those ocean blue orbs. There is anger present in his eyes, but those emotions are more a mixture of delight and that. His smile had also been replaced by a mocking smirk. “You, trying to leave me? Your sense of humor is...well, let’s just call it unique. Lucky for you, you amused me nonetheless.”
“I know what you’re thinking. How I’m a selfish jerk and you hate me. Why be so ungrateful? You get to live in luxury thanks to me, you know. I am selfish, yes, but look how stupid you are. I know you added something extra in my evening tea, my beloved.”
“Come now, we are going to do some exercises suited for a night like this once we’re back home. It is our one month milestone, after all. You had already given me your gift, it is only fair for you that I do the same.”
Childe is not making a sarcastic remark. The thrill of that chase was the best fun he had in months. And you are going to love his gift too, maybe not right away, but surely sometimes after. 
You have to mentally prepare yourself for the worst as he dragged you back to the prison, hopefully you’ll still be able to walk properly after whatever Childe got in store.
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kasienda · 3 years
The Five Minute Adventures of Snake Noir: Ch 7 - Five Minute Adventures of Ananta
Chapter 1: I Want It To Be You
Chapter 2: Best Friends
Chapter 3: Best Laid Plans
Chapter 4: A Thank You
Chapter 5: Unwanted Revelations
Chapter 6: Miraculous Abuse
Chapter 7: Five Minute Adventures of Ananta
Adrien’s room felt more like a prison than it ever had before, and he had always felt like the walls were closing in on him a bit, and so that afternoon he had snuck out to Nino’s the second he had managed to chase Nathalie out of his room. 
Nino’s room - despite being small and cramped - never made Adrien feel claustrophobic. Adrien suspected it had something to do with the company. 
“What should my snake name be?” Nino asked out of nowhere.
“You’re not going to use it!” Adrien objected. “You don’t need a name.”
“Come on, dude! Just for fun!” 
Adrien sighed. “Basilisk.” 
Nino tapped his lips in consideration. “It’s okay. I don’t feel much like the king of anything.” 
Nino’s eyebrows furrowed together. “What does Diamondback have to do with anything?”
“It’s a type of snake,” Adrien explained, and then turned to Nino with a smirk. “But it’s also a type of turtle.” 
Nino just shook his head. “That’s a better reason not to use it. No associations with turtles! We gotta keep my identity super secret!”
“The best way to keep it secret is to not use the snake at all!” 
“What about something to do with time?” Nino asked, ignoring Adrien’s objection. 
“Also boring! Dude! Why are you so bad at this?”
“I don’t see you coming up with anything.”
“Because you’re definitely the cooler of the two of us,” Nino said.  
Adrien shook his head. “Nino, I named myself Black Cat. I’m not super original when it comes to names.” 
Nino laughed. “Fair point.”
“And you are just as cool as me,” he insisted, though he whipped out his phone anyway and typed out a search for ‘names related to time’ and started scrolling through various sites with baby and pet names. 
“What do you think of Baqi?” Adrien asked. “It means eternal.” 
Nino frowned. “That’s an arabic name. Do you think me taking on an arabic name is potentially identity revealing?”
“Okay, here’s one in sanskrit. Ananta.”
Nino nodded. “A bit of a mouthful, but I like it.” 
Adrien’s eyebrows rose. “A mouthful compared to Carapace?”
Nino laughed. “What’s it mean?” 
“Dude! Perfect. Let’s go with Ananta. I wonder what I look like with the snake.”
Adrien groaned, seriously regretting in that moment giving Nino the Snake instead of Ladybug.
“Do you not want me to?” Nino asked seriously.
Adrien waved his hand in encouragement. “Just do it. I’d be curious too.” He was curious, too. 
Nino grinned and scrambled to his feet. “Sass! Scales slither.”
Adrien found himself mirroring Nino’s excitement. These silly stupid moments with Nino were the ones that were keeping him sane at the moment. 
The rest of the time he was a bit of a mess. 
Keep reading on Ao3
Adrien found himself a lot more resentful of his homework than normal when it stole away most of his time to spend on his friends and on himself now that he was used to being able to finish at least half of it in the space of five minutes as far as the rest of the world was concerned. 
And it didn’t help that it was suddenly so much harder to pay attention in class since he was hyper aware of Marinette sitting right behind him every single day. 
Seeing her in general was really hard because he knew how she felt. He knew that if he asked her out she would likely say yes, and he had to hold himself back. Before he had given up the snake, he had been able to scratch that itch by visiting her in the evenings in a time loop. 
Now? Now, he had to survive off of her garbled greetings and flustered blushes. 
He lived for her blushes. The blush that had always been there since he had apologized to her in the rain the day they met. He had thought she was just shy and self-conscious. But now, it was easy to recognize that she didn’t do it around anyone else - not even Chat Noir. That blush was reserved for Adrien Agreste and Adrien Agreste alone. 
It meant that she loved him. 
It was a good thing that it didn’t take much to trigger. Just a simple greeting often did the trick. 
“Good morning, Marinette.” 
And the pink would bloom across her cheeks like flowers in spring every time. 
That blush kept him from going out of his mind. It reminded him that she still loved him even if she wasn’t able to say it. 
A god, he hoped that she didn’t say anything because right now, he wasn’t ever going to be able to say no. 
“G-good morning, Adrien.”
He smiled. Her stutter was less reliable. She was getting better at talking to him, which he figured was a good sign, but he also loved that he could still fluster her on occasion. “How are you?” he asked. 
“I’m fine,” she said.
He didn’t like that answer. He knew that it wasn’t real. He turned to her as she sat down, and leaned into her space. “Marinette, how are you, really?” 
She looked at him in surprise. “I’m… things were rough for awhile, but I think I’m starting to get a handle on the new order of things.” 
“I’m glad.” And he meant it. Telling Alya had clearly changed things for her for the better. He was so glad she didn’t have to hold the weight of the world alone anymore. 
“How are you?” she asked. 
He shrugged. “I’m still figuring out my new order of things, but I like to think that things are actually trending in the right direction.” It might even be true. He wasn’t sure, to be honest. He was definitely getting better at coping with the absolute insanity his life had become if nothing else. 
“Will you let me know if you need anything?” she asked.
He smiled. “Of course.” 
It wasn’t everything he wanted. It wasn’t everything he knew the moment could be. 
But… it was enough.
At least most of the time. 
When it wasn’t, he called Nino and screamed about the injustice of it all, whines about how unfair and unreasonable his father was,  cursed Shadowmoth’s existence to all nine levels of hell, ranted about how much he just wanted to be able to be done with it all so that he and Ladybug didn’t have to worry about akumas or the end of the world. They could just be teenagers.
They could just be happy. 
But Shadowmoth clearly had other plans. After a lull, the akumas exploded both in frequency and awfulness. The encounters were taking longer to handle - especially without the benefit of the snake - and Adrien was having a much harder time explaining his disappearances and his father was suddenly breathing down his neck even more than usual. 
“Your marks have not been up to your usual standard, Adrien.” 
“I’m sorry, father.”
“Need I remind you that you promised you would continue to excel if you started at public school? If you cannot maintain the usual standards of excellence, I will not hesitate to return you to lessons with private tutors.”
Adrien hung his head. “Yes, father.” 
“In the meantime, you will spend less time with your friends until your grades improve.” 
Adrien sighed, and trudged back to his room. The punishment meant almost nothing because as far as his father was concerned, he only was allotted an hour a week with his friends, and usually a photoshoot got scheduled on top of his scheduled “friend time”. And of course, Adrien was actually hanging out with Nino almost every day without his father’s knowledge. 
But he felt exhausted anyway. He was tired of shoots, he was tired of homework, he was tired of Akumas, and he was most definitely tired of pretending. Tired of pretending for the sake of his father’s company image, tired of pretending he wasn’t worn down to nothing from all the responsibilities of both his personas, tired of pretending Marinette was just a friend. 
He flopped onto his bed only for the akuma alert to go off two minutes later. Adrien groaned. It was the second one that day and the fifth one that week.
But Adrien dragged himself to his feet anyway. At least he would get to see Marinette again.
But it wasn’t Ladybug he ran into on the scene.
It was Ananta. 
“What the hell are you doing here?!” Chat Noir demanded. 
Ananta was hiding hunched over in an alleyway with the whole akuma scene in clear view. “Just offering a little insurance. I haven’t actually engaged in any of the battles, but they’ve seemed a little rough lately.”
“Battles?” Chat Noir repeated. “As in plural, as in more than one?”
Ananta winced. “Yeah, I’ve been doing this for the last four or five akumas because things have seemed super dicey for you. But I haven’t actually engaged with the akuma or anything.”
“How many loops?” Adrien asked harshly.
“So far, none. You’re that awesome, dude!” Ananta raved, clapping Chat Noir on the back.  “You would have known if I had been through a loop because I’d have to intervene to give you the info on the last loop, right?”
Adrien relaxed. “Right.” 
But the akuma after that, Nino did intervene. 
But at least Ananta had managed to stay out of Ladybug’s sight and out of any pictures. 
And after the fact, Nino had insisted he had only needed three loops to defeat that akuma. 
“I don’t like it,” Adrien had insisted anyway. “Please, don’t use it anymore.” 
“Dude! I’m not doing this for some adrenaline rush. I’m not like Alya who goes looking for trouble, or like you who insists on throwing yourself in front of the blasts. I’m doing this only because it’s clear that Hawkmoth has stepped up his game, and you need support.” 
Adrien started to object. 
“Ladybug needs support, too,” Nino added. 
Which was such a low blow. Because Adrien was never going to be able to argue with that. 
“Unless you want to take it back?” Nino offered.
Adrien considered it. He didn’t want Nino to get stuck in a battle loop. He didn’t want Nino to experience anything like Desperada. At least in his own case, he was already damaged and traumatized by what he had experienced.
But even the idea of taking it scared the crap out of him. Because there was no way he wouldn’t use it to visit Marinette. 
He missed her with every fiber of his being. It had only been three weeks. Three weeks where he hadn’t been able to have a conversation with her without filters, three weeks since he had been able to kiss her. He hadn’t been able to kiss her for like three weeks. Three excruciating long weeks where he hadn’t been able to tell her that Adrien and Chat Noir were one in the same. Where he had been truly seen for all that he was and truly loved because of it. 
And the more time that went by the less convinced he was that he’d be able to come out of that loop.
“No, you should still hang onto it,” he whispered. 
“Or if you wanted, we could give it back to Ladybug,” Nino suggested. “She could hand it out to whoever Viperion is.” 
Which was reasonable. Though Adrien wasn’t sure he wanted Luka to experience a bad battlefield loop either. 
Then the akuma alert rang simultaneously from both their phones. Adrien covered his hands in his face. 
“Gah! Does he never sleep?!” 
“Come on, mec. Let’s go.” 
“I’m coming! I’m coming!” 
During the battle, Nino had intervened, but he hadn’t intervened with Chat Noir; he had spoken to Ladybug in the final loop. The battle had gone amazingly smoothly after that, but Ananta slipped away before the traditional fist bump and Ladybug was not pleased. 
She was pissed. 
“You lost the snake?!” Ladybug demanded, her blue eyes flashing in anger.
“I didn’t lose it!” he said defensively. “I know exactly where it is.”
“You gave it away? Why?”
His claws tore through his own hair as he took a deep breath. “Because… it wasn’t safe with me anymore,” he admitted softly.
Some of her anger faded, replaced with concern. “What does that mean?”
“I can’t explain without telling you things you’ve told me not to tell you.” Which was mostly true. 
She fidgeted on the spot, considering. “Can you tell me who he is?” she asked. 
He laughed. “Definitely not.” 
“What?! Why not?”
“I gave it to my best friend, Ladybug. If you know who he is, you’ll know who I am. And that apparently might lead to the end of the world,” he bit out sarcastically. 
She frowned. “Are you okay?” 
“No,” he admitted. 
“What can I do?” she asked. 
“You can’t do anything,” he told her gently. “I’m handling it.” 
“I… I don’t like not knowing what’s going on with you,” she admitted. 
He laughed darkly. “Welcome to my world.”
She blushed. She actually blushed! He had made her blush as Chat Noir! Sure, it was probably more out of embarrassment than love, but he would take it!
“I guess I deserved that one,” she said. 
He took her hand and squeezed it. He wished he could sweep her into his arms and kiss her senseless, but he couldn’t risk that. “I know exactly how frustrating it is to be left in the dark.”
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. 
He shook his head, squeezing her hand through their gloves once again. What would it feel like to hold her hand when neither of them was transformed? He wanted to find out. He wanted it so bad.  
“I’m not trying to make you feel guilty,” he said. “I just want you to know that I understand. And I will tell you everything when it’s safe. In the meantime, can you please just trust me?”
She nodded. “Absolutely. You know that I do!”
And he did, now, didn’t he? 
He smiled. 
“I’m just…  I’m scared that if something happens to you, the snake will be lost,” she said.
“The person I gave it to knows how to get it back to you in that case,” he said.
“And how would he get it back to me?” she asked.
“He’d give it to you or to Rena Rouge during a patrol.”
She seemed startled at his inclusion of Rena Rouge, but she nodded. “You trust him?”
“I trust him more than I trust myself. And as much as I trust you.” 
“And they can handle the side effects of the snake?” 
Adrien sighed again. That was the million dollar question, wasn’t it? Could anyone handle the effects of the snake? “He’s done really well so far. This wasn’t the first battle where he’s been here, offering us a bit of insurance.”
She winced. “Yeah, the akumas have sucked lately.”
“Tell me about it.”
She sighed. “I’m sorry that I questioned you. I do trust you and your judgement. Your friend can keep the snake as long as you think it’s best.” 
“Thank you, LB,” he said softly. 
She nodded and smiled. He returned the expression and offered her a friendly salute. 
Then he vaulted straight for Nino’s family home. 
“How many loops?” Adrien asked without preamble. 
Nino rolled his eyes. “It was nineteen this time. But it wasn’t bad at all, dude. Kinda weird and trippy, but not so bad.”
But Adrien didn’t like it. He feared the number would keep growing. How many loops was too many? 
Adrien didn’t know.
His father had missed eight dinners in a row, and Adrien couldn’t decide if he felt relieved or disappointed.
On one hand, his father’s absence meant Adrien could ask to eat in his room, which meant he could escape the mansion that much sooner. And Nino actually wanted to spend time with Adrien.
It also meant he’d avoid his father’s censure about everything from his last photoshoot to the way he held his fork. Adrien simply did not have the energy to be on his best behavior.
But his father’s continued absence also felt like it reaffirmed Adrien’s fears - that his father didn’t care. And the longer his father’s absence the more desperate Adrien was for any sign, no matter how small, that his father had thought about him at all. 
When his father’s scowling face did join him at the dining room table on evening number nine, Adrien regretted ever wishing for his father to make an appearance. 
“Your grades have dropped unacceptably low,” were the first words out of his father’s mouth.
Adrien fought off his eye roll. He literally had two B’s and the rest of his classes were A’s. Admittedly one of them was borderline, but he didn’t think anyone else’s parents in his class would have found his performance subpar even if this was the lowest his own grades had ever been in his life.
“You also didn’t behave professionally at the last photoshoot. You arrived late and your hair and make-up had to be redone.”
Adrien sighed. That had been four Akumas ago. Or was it five? Honestly, Adrien was losing track. 
“We didn’t get all the shots we needed. It has been rescheduled for Monday morning. You have two weeks to turn around both your attitude and your grades,” he father said without an ounce of warmth or concern, “or you will return to home schooling.”
Adrien sighed. “I’m sorry I have disappointed you father. I have been… having a hard time maintaining my motivation lately.”
Gabriel’s expression did not change at all. “Why?” he asked. 
Adrien froze at the question. He didn’t know what to say because he knew there wasn’t a correct answer. And not answering at all wasn’t acceptable either. He was going to lose here no matter what. 
He shouldn’t have said anything other than he would try harder.
Well, if he was screwed no matter what, might as well go with the truth.
“I think I’ve been depressed lately,” he admitted. 
“You’re not qualified to make that assessment.”
“I suppose not,” Adrien conceded. But would his father offer to send him to someone who was? 
Most likely not.
“What do you have to be depressed about?” Gabriel asked coldly. 
And something within Adrien just snapped. Whether it was his sleep deprivation, being beyond overworked both physically and mentally, or his longing to drop all the masks, or some combination of all of it, Adrien didn’t know. 
“Are you kidding me right now?” Adrien demanded. “Every second of every day of my life is planned without my input or consideration. I have no control. But I do all of it anyway. I train for national fencing competitions, get perfect scores, work I-don’t-know-how-many hours a week modeling for you. I have no space to breathe, let alone enjoy anything. I feel like a programmed robot going through a routine!”
The room fell into silence as Adrien’s tirade ended abruptly. Every muscle was locked and tense, waiting for punishment and condemnation. And despite that, Adrien couldn’t bring himself to regret it because, well, he was screwed either way at this point, so he might as well go down with a bang.
“Are you finished?” his father asked. He didn’t raise his voice, but Adrien flinched anyway. 
“Yes, father,” he said meekly. 
Gabriel removed his glasses and began cleaning them. “Clearly, I have expected too much of you.”
Adrien knew better than to find any relief in that conclusion. 
“I will arrange with Nathalie to have your schedule adjusted. She will add additional recreational activities suitable to a boy of your age, and reduce your current obligations significantly.” 
Which translated to they would remove him from school and schedule his so called free time with activities that Adrien had no interest in or with other teenagers he didn’t know.
“Father, I appreciate your concern,” he said formally. “That will not be necessary. I was having a weak moment. I will work harder,” he promised, though Adrien knew he wouldn’t be able to manage much more at the moment. 
His father nodded. “I look forward to seeing notes of your improved performance this Friday.” 
And now he had five days instead of two full weeks. 
Adrien wanted to scream. And he did scream later that night when he had escaped to Nino’s bedroom for the tenth time that week. He ranted and complained about the unfairness of it all, and Nino just listened with rapt attention.
“Can I at least deck him, dude? Please?” Nino asked when Adrien had finally run out of steam. “Just once? He won’t even remember!” 
Adrien laughed. “It won’t help anything.”
“I might feel better,” Nino disagreed. “You might, too.” 
And then an akuma alert sounded from both of their phones. 
They both groaned, but a second later, they had both transformed and were leaping out of Nino’s bedroom window.
The akuma was a porcupine the size of a bus. It’s spines did not look remotely friendly. That first impression solidified tenfold when the akuma started hurling the spines off its back like javelins in a jousting tournament. 
But despite his initial misgivings, the fight could not have gone more smoothly. 
Ananta had barreled both he and Ladybug out of the way, and helped them identify the akumatized item pretty much instantly. The whole encounter lasted about three minutes. 
But when he turned to Ladybug and Ananta for their traditional fist bump, Ananta had pushed past the offered fist and tackled him in a hug. Adrien returned the embrace with a surprised grunt. A second later he felt Nino’s quaking form in his arms. 
Apparently, the fight hadn’t been all that smooth afterall. 
“How many loops?” Adrien asked softly. 
“You don’t want to know,” Nino sobbed into his shoulder. 
“Ananta,” Adrien growled.
“1,674,” Nino admitted.
Ladybug tried to reassure them both with small hands on their shoulders. Nino just pulled her into the hug, too, and didn’t let go. 
“I’m really glad you’re both okay,” he cried and then he dissolved into wracking sobs again. Chat Noir and Ladybug both held him tightly.
But Ladybug couldn’t stay, as she was about to time out. She pulled away from their group hug with a concerned frown. 
“Are you going to be okay with him?” 
“Don’t worry,” Adrien assured her. “I’ll take him home and make sure he’s okay.” 
“I’m sorry I have to run,” she said.
“Don’t worry about it,” Adrien said again, before wrapping one of Nino’s arms over his shoulder and vaulting them both up to the nearest rooftop. 
He then ducked them both into a secluded alleyway that Chat Noir had used to transform before. Nino hadn’t stopped crying the entire time. 
“Nino, can you hear me?” 
Nino nodded.
“You need to lose the transformation, so we can feed Sass. Can you do that?” 
Nino managed to follow the instructions through hysterical sobs. Adrien followed suit and both kwami’s ate a slice of Plagg’s cheese. It was a sign of how serious everything was that neither kwami complained. Adrien transformed again.
“Okay Nino. You need to transform again, and then start a loop. Stay in that loop until you’re able to stop crying, you got it? It doesn’t matter how long it takes. I will be here with you the whole time.”
Nino was still shaking and crying, but he managed to choke out the transformation phrase and called for his second chance. 
Instantly, Ananta stood before him, infinitely calmer than he had been just a second prior. 
“Woah,” Adrien said. “That’s weird. How long?” 
“Just a few hours,” Nino said, his voice was quiet, but it was steady. Adrien wrapped him into a hug. 
“Thank you,” Nino whispered. 
“As you have told me many many times, as many times as you need, whenever you need.”
“I don’t know how you have dealt with it so well,” Nino said. 
“I mean, you don’t remember all the times I was as much of mess as you were just a few seconds ago.” 
“I remember you freaking out about learning Ladybug’s identity,” Nino countered. “I… I didn’t understand why you didn’t want me to use it for battles. I… get it now.” 
“I’m sorry,” Adrien whispered. 
Nino shook his head. “The alternative would have been so much worse, dude. You would have lost this one.” 
“Thank you for saving our lives then. I’m sorry for what it has cost you.” 
Nino shrugged. “I think I’ll be okay. Can I keep it for a few more days? Abuse it a bit?” 
Adrien nodded. “Yeah of course. Abuse it like crazy and it will put space between you and what happened.”
Nino nodded, and actually smiled. And for the first time, Adrien was positive things would be okay. 
“I already have some ideas,” Nino said.  
“Do I want to know?” Adrien asked. 
Nino’s grin was wolffish. That was a no.
“Have fun, dude.”
Nino still felt shaky the next morning. It was too easy to close his eyes and see his best friend impaled through the chest, his green eyes wide in shock. But it almost worked out in his favor because it hadn’t taken any convincing for his parents to agree he should stay home from school. They thought he was coming down with something - that he had chills. 
He didn’t correct them. 
He just rocked himself back and forth, nursing the tea his mother had brought up to him, and waited for both of them to leave for work. The second the door had closed behind them, he had bolted out his window as Ananta. 
The freerunning helped, but it wasn’t enough. He had just gotten too good at it - he could leap across rooftops almost without thinking now, and certainly without any fear. What could seem terrifying after everything he had seen the day before? 
And that was how Nino found himself on top of the Eiffel Tower staring down at the ground below - the ground that according to his best friend was 324 meters below him. Adrien had said at one point long before Nino had ever known of his friend’s superhero identity that it would take just over eight seconds to fall to the ground, probably a little longer because of air resistance. 
Nino had never thought anything of why Adrien had taken the time to calculate that. He had just assumed Adrien was a nerd who liked physics and had too much time on his hands. Now, he found himself wondering if Adrien had calculated that for an entirely different reason. 
Nino activated the second chance and leapt off the tower backwards with an ecstatic whoop. He slid his fingers across the bracelet five seconds into his fall, and rematerialized at the top of the tower giggling. 
Now, that was base jumping. He performed the trick dozens of times diving off the tower in different angles and positions. 
He knew Sass did not approve. The kwami had said as much when he mentioned the idea this morning. Adrien likely wouldn’t either, but Nino would only tell him well after the fact. 
But the adrenaline rush was exactly what he needed to wipe away the memories from the day before. 
Next, he had broken through his homeroom’s window, and swept Alya up in his arms. He definitely noticed Marinette’s disapproving glare, and Adrien burying his face in his hands, but he didn’t have to care about this. In four and a half minutes, this would have never happened. 
“Ask me to tell you that I love you,” he said. 
She arched her eyebrows. “Am I going to regret this?” 
“Nope! No repercussions today.” 
“Tell me that you love me,” she said, her face alight in a grin. 
“I love you,” he said. 
“How much?” 
“More than a superhero,” he said. 
She smiled, and her fingers locked around his neck. Then he kissed her hard. The whole class was catcalling behind them, and Ms. Bustier was trying to restore order. 
Alya was giggling against his lips. “I can’t believe you.” 
“I’m just getting started,” he promised. 
He went through hundreds more loops abducting Alya from parts of her day. It was different every time, and he was insanely grateful that she played along as soon as she realized it was him each time without even knowing that he was having a tough time. 
Or maybe, she did know. Like, she had covered Ananta’s exploits the day before on the Ladyblog. He hadn’t been able to bring himself to read the post, but someone had no doubt had caught the tearful group hug at the end of the battle, and Alya would have had a better guess than most what that likely meant. 
And so when he showed up as Ananta and revealed himself to be her boyfriend she would know that had been him. 
She didn’t ask questions or demand explanations. She just laughed and kissed him over and over. She let him abduct her from their dreary classes over and over and bury his face in her curls and wrap himself in her protective embrace until his senses were overwhelmed with all things Alya.
God, he loved her so much. 
The tricky part was then trying to escape from each of their teachers. Surprisingly Mendeliev had been the easiest to slip around, but Bustier had given him quite the run around. 
Once the school day was over he had followed Adrien’s limo home. He had intended to spend a few loops just being stupid with Adrien, but once there… well, he had been wanting to give Gabriel a piece of his mind since Nino had befriended his son. He had only held back because Adrien wanted him to, and Gabriel was terrifying. If only one of those things had been true, Nino thinks he would have pushed it ages ago. 
Ananta set the timer from the rooftop of the mansion and then broke through the front doors. 
Nathalie jumped to her feet, but he ignored her and stormed straight for Gabriel’s office. 
Gabriel rose to his feet more slowly than Nathalie had to face his intruder. 
“Gabriel Agreste, I’m here to tell you that you are the absolute worst parent.”
The older man gestured Nathalie away from the door. She stepped back, but she did not close the door. 
“You are trespassing on private property. I demand that you leave,” the stoic man said, barely raising his voice, which Nino found infuriating. 
“No! Not until I’ve said my piece.”
Gabriel took a visibly annoyed breath. “You’re clearly a teenager.” 
“Your point?”
“You’re hardly qualified to judge my parenting approaches.” 
Nino wanted to pull his hair out.
“Except that I am because I’m the one who picks Adrien back up everytime you tear him down!”
Gabriel considered him stoically for a moment, his hands hidden behind his back. 
“Mr. Lahiffe, I have already banned you from the premises. Your adopting an anonymous persona does not negate those rules.” 
“Your rules are stupid and unfair! Adrien is amazing! He gets the highest grades! He has an insane work ethic, and is always kind and respectful to everyone! He does everything you ask of him! And then he does more! He’s an Olympic level fencer and is fluent in three languages!
“And somehow, you still find him wanting. You never give him the time of day. You never tell him you’re proud of him or that you love him! At best, you ignore him, and at worst you take the time to point out every tiny fault!” 
“He internalizes everything you say, everything you ask for. He tears himself to pieces trying to meet your impossible expectations, he buries his struggles and doubts, and you don’t even acknowledge his effort or his love for you.” 
Nino was shaking in rage at this point. Gabriel still seemed unaffected. 
“Are you finished?” The man asked indifferently. 
“No! I’m not! I don’t know if you know how much you’ve harmed him! How many times I’ve been legit worried that he was going to hurt himself or give up! 
“Somehow, he’s been able to survive it. But not because of any of the crap  you’ve taught him about being strong and exceptional. He’s just that resilient!” 
“Which is a good thing because he’s also Chat Noir!”
Gabriel’s lips tightened and his eyes narrowed, and Nino wanted to run a victory lap for finally getting a reaction from the asshole. 
Nino barreled forward. “He manages being a superhero in between all the hoops and circus you run him through! And if he’s been struggling more than normal lately, it’s only because Hawkmoth has been putting him through the wringer.” 
“Nathalie!” He called. 
Nathalie marched into the room so fast, Nino was convinced she had been waiting right outside the open door the entire time listening in. 
“Didn’t we eliminate the possibility of Adrien being Chat Noir during Gorizilla?” 
Nathalie typed something into her tablet and handed it to him. 
“It looks like we did not get facial confirmation, sir. The person we presumed to be Adrien was wearing a helmet.” 
Gabriel removed his glasses and began cleaning them. “My own son, this entire time.” 
Nino felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise at Gabriel’s emotionless words that felt like a prison sentence.
Nino’s miraculous beeped. 
Gabriel’s stormy grey eyes shot toward the sound, and Nino took an involuntary step back.
And then Adrien’s father did something Nino never would have predicted. He lunged forward and struck Nino in the knee, and grabbed for the snake miraculous.
Nino dropped to the ground in agony, and jerked his arm just out of reach behind his back. 
“Second chance!” Nino screamed, sliding his other hand over the switch, grateful that he had so much practice in the last few days that the motion was automatic. 
He was back on the roof of the Agreste Mansion. His knee cap was fine, but his heart was roaring in his ears. 
That had not gone as he had been expecting. Not at all. 
Gabriel had actually attacked him and tried to take his miraculous. 
Nino wasn’t sure what it all meant. But he knew it couldn’t be good. 
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kojinnie · 4 years
Why you should NOT date AOT boys... (2)
I advised you but you still didn’t listen just because your fave was not on the first part. So hereby I present to you, reasons why these boys will only give you headache, part two!
Enjoy my lovelies, and stop hurting yourself with these men!
Your ever-so-concerned friend, Kojin.
erwin - zeke - jean - connie
part one here (levi - eren - armin - reiner)
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This is not gonna be easy. You’re dealing with a man who has received multitude of achievements and recognition for being who he is and for doing things his own way, so obviously he is at that point in his life where he’s very comfortable in being who he already is. It’s all for a reason though, for Erwin oozes a certain kind of authority that is justified by his sharp thinking and years of experience. He is a self-made man and his success was the work of nobody but his own doing. So obviously, he has this uncanny self-assurance that is not easy to be dissuaded. He is ”The Man” character you hear about in pop songs and movies, and alike to dating Levi, the idea of being with Erwin gives you a sense of pride, you’ll be the most flattered whenever you hear people look at you with certain kind of acknowledgment, “Oh, that’s the one Erwin chooses.”
If you have problem with your self-esteem or you constantly doubt yourself, being with Erwin –especially when you have an established relationship— can really encourage you, to make you realize that there is a great thing in you, that even someone with the caliber of Erwin Smith can see. However, this may also lead to a bad thing because little by little, whether you realize it or not, your identity will be blurred with the constant presence of Erwin around you, simply because he has that magnificence in him that lures the limelight in, and your name will only be left as a prop to better dress the mannequin. This is a man who hardly ever hears “no” in his life, although he will never be violent or do things against your wish, it feels natural for him to always have a say in whatever you do. From the way you dress, your career trajectory, to decision for everyday chore. You would often feel as if you have no room to grow on your own because everything is decided by Erwin, where your opinion is dismissed. The most infuriating aspect of Erwin is that he will do all the aforementioned in such a sweet way. Caressing your cheek, patting your head softly before condescendingly says things like: “Honey, if you’ve seen what I’ve seen, you’ll understand. So for now, let’s just go with [insert his decision], okay?”
The ideal relationship for you and Erwin is if you have been with him since the get-go, before he made a name for himself. The good thing about Erwin is that he values nurture and he will show the utmost gratitude to whomever stood by him since day one. He will flaunt you, mention your name in every awarding speech, praise your perseverance for staying with him while actively making your own mark in your job. Basically, to survive a healthy and thriving romantic relationship with Erwin, you gotta see the quality in him before all the flashy titles, and you gotta be at similar degree of excellence with him. You gotta have his respect, you gotta make a name for yourself, only then he will listen to you and treat you as equal. So if you are still unsure about yourself, and you need constant reassurance about your role in this world, don’t go for Erwin, it will only exacerbate your self-doubt.
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Good god, this man. Where do I start? Okay, so you’re dealing with someone similar to Erwin, who enjoys a point in his life where his professional excellence has been widely established, he even has attained an almost mythical status. Remember how much the Warriors look up to him, saying things like “The enemies are no match to Zeke”? That’s basically his everyday life, and he has gotten so used to hearing that drilled into his ears for years.
For sure, he has a solid self-assurance; he knows what he wants, he knows how to get it, and anyone’s opinion holds very little value to him. But unlike Erwin, Zeke has grown sick of the compliment and has come to think that people are just licking his ass. This is because he made his success with little to no help from anyone else, and he has seen how differently people treated him back when he was just a nameless guy, compared to now, where he has made a name for himself. This experience, created a contradiction in his personality: One, the confident and self-assured Zeke, where he realizes that he’s smarter than most people, and; Two, the self-doubting Zeke, thinking that he is deemed as smart just because everyone comparable to him is stupid. He fears that it’s only until he meets someone smarter than him, before people finally realize that he’s a fraud. He’s the type to spew seemingly condescending remarks in a very casual way, like whenever someone comes to him in an awe and asks how does he do the things he does, he will just shrug it off and say, “I don’t know why everyone’s making a big deal out of that. It’s so easy.” When actually it’s just him, displaying his incomprehension on what make people think that he’s amazing when he hardly sees it.
Zeke leads a life where he thinks he can do whatever he wants, since he does not have a care in the world for anyone’s opinion and validation. This is because Zeke thinks either they are unworthy of his attention, or any person who has ever shown any interest towards him was only after something for themselves. In his early life, Zeke gets used a lot by people he trusted, and so this resulted in him not believing that someone would come to him and truly care for him with no pretense or hidden motives. The idea that he can be loved unconditionally is incredibly foreign, if not impossible to him. And this is the truth about him that he does not like to admit.
This is a person whose motto is to “enjoy things” because the enjoyment of things keeps him distracted from the disappointment he holds against people. So naturally, he does not like sentimental attachment, let alone committed relationship. What Zeke needs is just someone that he can ring up casually (and only occasionally because he’s always kept up with a lot of his professional endeavors), and spoil him with nearly childish affection. He likes to come home to someone who does not see him as this heroic figure that everybody sees, and rather just a careless kid who collects baseball cards with no active parent figure. He likes the cuddles, the kisses, the strokes, the lazy mornings where you pamper him like a demanding baby, because he never gets to experience such candid loving from his childhood, for he had to fend for himself since very young.
He likes to call you up late at night, with a sulk in his voice, “Baby can I come over…?” for you to act annoyed and reluctantly say yes to him. He likes that. He’s corny like that. But once he’s out the door, don’t expect him to text his whereabout or make your name known to the world, because he cannot afford such dire attachment. He’s as free as the bird, and after all, caging him into a committal relationship only justifies his belief that someone would only love him because they’re after something.
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Jean is tenacity personified. He wasn’t born talented or lucky enough to have special heritage runs in his blood, he is flawed with a lot of shortcomings, but what makes him stands out is his capability to persevere in the eyes of adversity. To keep on trying although he does not pass the initial mark, and that’s exactly what makes him special. In dating Jean, you will never run out of things to do or talk about, because Jean will always try to make the best out of every situation with his resourcefulness. It’s very nourishing to see someone make such a big effort for you, and if you lack assurance that someone would go extra miles for you, then seeing Jean breaks his back trying to catch your smile is such a sight that you will cherish for a long time.
However, deep inside, Jean is a very exhausted man. He often feels like he is at the end of his wit trying to make everything works. He is deeply wearied by having to be at his top game every minute to compete, and fears that if his grasp slips even just a little, he will quickly fall behind everyone. This will result in Jean being torn apart between work and you, for he always has the urge to put tenfold effort to match others’ casual effort. So expect a lot of calls unanswered and rescheduled date nights during the weekdays. Although he feels extremely regretful with this condition, he also believes that there is nothing he can do, for he thinks he was born unfortunate and this is the effort he has to make due in order to catch up with the others.
All this unhealthy sense of urgency from always having the need to compete often sends Jean into a state of paranoia. He fears that people may team up against him, or that he’s being left out. It’s really frustrating to see Jean having the need to reply to a stupid meme Eren sends at 4 AM while getting high, just because Jean fears that if he does not reply immediately, he will wake up the next day with people already talking about the things he missed. He is always on guard, and as much as he tries to give in to his relationship with you, sometimes you would feel like his mind is not at home. His mind is out there wondering whether he will ever make a name for himself without being compared to people who exerts considerably less effort than him.
Being with Jean, you gotta understand where his fear lies, and you gotta be very calm when dealing with all of his paranoid urges. Whenever he’s not home because he overworks himself, don’t bombard him with calls and text messages, just give him time and welcome him home with warmth and a sense of ease. Be the person where he puts his hair down after a whole day of gruesome work. Jean needs a lot of validation especially from the person he loves (and he feels guilty towards for seemingly neglecting you over work), all he needs to hear is just “You did well today”, and he would be more than thankful. Make time as well to give him little surprise, to make him realizes that you are the one place he does not need to compete with anyone else for you are his home. When it comes to Jean, it’s about give and take, he doesn’t do well with a diva who demands attention 24/7, nor he does well with someone who is seemingly way over his league, for it will worsen his insecurity.
Point is, Jean is an amazing man, guys, I couldn’t really point out why you should NOT date him, because in fact, you SHOULD date him. Being with him is a learning curve, not only for you but also for him, to understand that in a relationship not only that you gotta love, but also to compromise.
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Connie, oh Connie. We all love Connie, he’s the guy who would complete a picture, a party is a bore without the sight of him, we all just love us some Connie, but often to his expense. People love Connie because he is outgoing, humble, and has this salt-of-the-earth persona, but more often than not, people also use him as a comedic relief, and although at first, he enjoys it because he would like the idea that people look forward to him, sometimes it also takes a toll in him, it makes Connie wonder whether he will ever be fit for bigger purpose other than someone else’s humor.
Connie thrives in being helpful to other people, he believes being of service is his greatest merit and thus he never complains whenever someone asks him to do something, nor does he ever dislike doing things for other people. But often he wonders even after all the great services he has done to other people, why haven’t people seen him as more than just a comedic relief? Why can’t he be the hero of a story, instead of just the people’s favorite side character? This thought lingers a lot in his mind, and if he does not find a way to let it out somehow, this may grow into a bitterness for he feels used.
Make no mistake though, Connie does not yearn to have the limelight on his own, he is content with his position, all he needs is a bit of credit and affirmation that he is as important his other peers. That he is not overlooked nor that he is expendable. Without this, Connie might grow to become resentful of people as he thinks they will only use him to their advantages. He will get easily jealous or at high alert, just because you passingly joke about Jean being handsome with his new haircut. He may go into that rabbit hole of anxiety, waiting until the day when you finally leave him for being mediocre and opt for his more attractive friend.
When this side of him comes out, initially he will be overtly self-deprecating. Masking it as a joke just to fish a reaction from you. If you laugh along, not knowing that it was a test, he will be sure that you are just using him and it won’t be long until you depart for someone with more load than him. Once he sets his mind, he can be quite vindictive to you, casually assuming you of the worst while trying to pass it as a joke. When this side of Connie comes out, the last thing you should do is to get riled up. Connie is not being rational, so you gotta be the adult here unfortunately. You gotta shower him with a lot of affection in the form of services like he’s always do to people around him, and slowly work your way to the topic you are meaning to ask. Connie might be alluding the question for a while, until he finally comes clean that he was jealous and did not know how to properly address this feeling.
Being with Connie comes with the responsibility of making a home for him where finally he gets to be the center attention. He is not a narcissist, so he does not want everything to center around him. All he wanna be is to be seen, in which every effort he has made to the people he loves are being outwardly recognized and thanked for. Little things would really make Connie happy, like posting a lot of photos with him on your social media, or arranging surprise birthday party with his co-workers where he can finally experience what it feels like to be the likes of Eren or Jean.
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Thank you guys for all the likes, reblogs and comments - YOU ALL MAKE MY DAY. I was on the verge of being sure that no one would like things I write, but this.. This... (wails in telenovela style). I thank you and I wish you a great week ahead!
Guys for real if you still simp these guys even after this fair warning then I have no choice but to give you a personalized reason on why you should not date your fave AOT characters! 
> [CLOSED] Twisted Match-Up!  Send me three worst traits of yours + your AOT fave character and I’ll make you a short scenario on how shitty your relationship would be with them.  Fire away here!
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umisabaku · 4 years
Hello! Unsure if this is where you receive prompts as I read through the prompt policy but it didn't show where? Anyway, I wanted to prompt a Haikyuu Kageyama introspection fic while Hinata is in Brazil! What were his thoughts as his other half left him, and came back stronger for it? How did he grow into himself while he was away from the sun? (Thanks in advance if this is something you'll write about! <3)
Shortly after graduating high school, Kageyama was interviewed for a magazine. The interviewer said, "Kageyama-kun, you played so many excellent volleyball players while you were in high school. Who would you say was your biggest rival?"
Without hesitating, Kageyama said, "Hinata Shouyou."
The interview looked confused, and then she laughed nervously. "No, I mean, not one of your teammates. People you played against. Who did you most hate to lose to?"
"Hinata," Kageyama said again, confused by her confusion. She just laughed again and moved on to the next question.
He still wasn't sure what was so confusing about his answer. He thought he'd been very clear.
Even when he was playing against other people, he was really playing against Hinata. It didn't matter who was across the net from him at high school, Kageyama's goal for each game was to beat Hinata. He didn't realize how much he'd counted on that, until Hinata was a world away.
If Hinata kept improving, then Kageyama kept improving. And Hinata was always improving.
In Hinata's absence, he spent too much time thinking about Hinata.
Like when they met. That first match that Hinata had assumed he'd forgotten about, little knowing how many hours Kageyama had spent thinking about that match. Hinata's team was laughable (only later, Kageyama learned Hinata basically recruited his friends who knew nothing about volleyball) and Hinata wasn't great either.
Kageyama's team had asked why he was taking such a bad team seriously, and the answer was simple: because Hinata was taking it seriously. And even afterwards, all Kageyama could think about the sheer natural athleticism that kid had, and how if he'd even half of Kageyama's training, he'd be a serious threat.
And as he kept thinking about that game, he couldn't help but come to the inevitable conclusion: that guy was going to get better.
And he was going to be terrifying.
In high school, their opponents kept underestimating Hinata. Kageyama never did. He was proud of that. Never once did he think Hinata wasn't going to be an absolute monster some day.
It was something Kageyama brought to his games now. Hinata might be in Brazil, but he was never far from Kageyama's mind. Somewhere, Hinata is training and getting even stronger. Someday, they're going to face each other across the net again. Kageyama can't relax for a second. There's an oncoming storm, and he has to be ready.
And sometimes, only sometimes, he thought about how it was nice to be on the same side as Hinata. Because Hinata was the one person where it was always easy. Kageyama alienated Kitagawa Daiichi by being an angry, demanding, King of the Court. In high school, he overcorrected, trying to be really accommodating, to the point where Miya Atsumu accused him of being a goody two shoes. Even on his team now, he still had to be very careful with how he interacted with others.
But with Hinata, he didn't have to be polite. He could shout, and make demands, and he certainly didn't have to be nice, and Hinata was never scared away. Hinata was always just there, at his side, doing incredible things with volleyball.
Sometimes, Kageyama thought about how glad he was when Hinata was on his side during those years.
But mostly, he was really excited for the years to come, when he can battle someone truly impressive in the game they both love.
A/N: This is how you submit prompts, friend! Sorry that was unclear! Full disclosure, I have not actually finished reading the manga, although I have seen all the spoilers. So I’m not sure if this works with canon, but, this ask was really well timed because I've been wanting to write more Haikyuu fic and I just finished watching To The Top and I had ALL KINDS of Kageyama introspective thoughts. So, thanks for giving me the chance to explore that! Hope you enjoy!
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yodawgiherd · 4 years
Red flag pt.2
>>>Read on AO3<<<
Q and A sessions are surprisingly fun to write. Rating still M, I'm not thErE yEt. ^^
A week.
One week was how long Mikasa managed before the curiosity killed the proverbial cat and her fingers tapped the name of the newest addition to her contact list. Eren picked up on the fifth ring, sounding sleepy, which she thought was strange considering that it was about two in the afternoon.
“Yeager.”, came his muffled voice, followed by a yawn.
It took her a second before Mikasa realized that she didn’t give him her number, as per their agreement, so he had no idea who’s calling.
“Hey, it’s Mikasa.”, she re-introduced herself, “Remember me?”
There was a sound on the other end, a shuffle of bedding as he sat up straight.
“Of course I do, the pretty girl with the pretty name.”
“The one and only. Listen, is that lunch offer still on the table?”
“Totally, just tell me the place and time and I’ll be there.”
“Really? I can pick anything?”
He chuckled at how excited her voice became.
“I’m not a picky eater.”
“And it’s still on you, right?”
“Well then…”
The sushi place was fancy, far above her poor-ass student budget. She was there twice so far, once Levi treated her when the news of Mikasa being accepted at the university arrived, and once when it was her birthday and Sasha decided to splurge for her best friend. And boy did Mikasa love both those experiences. She felt a bit guilty, abusing Eren’s blind trust like that, but hey, he offered it first, and judging from the state of his flat, he wasn’t doing half bad for himself. If it came to the worst, Mikasa was prepared to split the bill, she did have some money from her part-time job. The food was worth it.
Eren wasn’t there when she arrived, so Mikasa picked a table, getting herself comfortable. When the waitress came, she almost sent her away, to wait for Eren, but then reminded herself that she’s , most likely, not paying. Appetizer it was. When he finally arrived, she was already halfway done with the fried chicken pieces, which earned a raised eyebrow.
“Hungry?”, he asked, removing his coat and sitting down himself.
“Famished.”, she agreed, “Forgot to eat breakfast.”
She skipped breakfast willingly to save space for this feast, but that was something Eren didn’t need to know. Most likely satisfied with her little lie, he nodded before picking up the menu himself. The evening progressed with somewhat casual conversation and excellent food. Eren asked her how she’s doing lately, and Mikasa described the procrastinating bliss she’s been living in since her last exam. That paradise was coming to an end, however, as she needed to get out of the city soon and back to her hometown.
“To visit your parents?”, he asked, understandably not knowing the bitter truth that Mikasa wasn’t ready to share yet.
Instead, she shook her head.
“No, I have a part-time work at my brother’s gym.”, she pointed towards herself, “One personal trainer, right here.”
Luckily, Eren didn’t press the issue. The way he knew when to stop asking was an amazing thing, and Mikasa secretly wished that more people would be born with that gift. To break the silence that followed, and to change the course of the conversation, Mikasa decided to strike back.
“So, Eren, how about we stop beating around the bush.”
His grin was cheeky.
“Whatever do you mean?”
“Please, as if you don’t know why I came here in the first place.”
He picked up one sushi roll that he was eating, with a fork like a damn savage, turning it against the light.
“The free food?”
She scowled at his amused expression.
“Because of my amazing company?”, he guessed again, getting a sigh in return.
“As if.”
“Wow, you hurt me.”
The smile present in the answer was infectious, and Mikasa had a hard time resisting it.
“You are quite the egoist, aren’t you?”
“So I’m told.”, Eren shrugged, unbothered by that accusation.
Unsure how to continue, Mikasa massaged her forehead. This guy was something else.
“Since it’s so important to you, “ Eren offered, “Why don’t you just ask?”
“Fine.”, looking back up, she met his emeralds with her own eyes, “What do you do for a living?”
“Care to guess first?”
More games? Fine, you’re on.
“Okay, sure.”, putting her chopsticks down, as she was a civilized person, Mikasa rested her chin on her intertwined hands, “Let’s go over what I know then. First, there is this strange… rope fixation you have, and you said that was caused by your job, right?”
“It’s not only ropes,”, he corrected her, “But it is related to my job, yes.”
“Second, when I called you yesterday you were still in bed, and it was around two, which means that you work late at night, right?“
“I could have been gaming all night, didn’t think about that?”
“Maybe, but maybe not. I’ll take my chances.”
“All right, then put the two together. What do you think I am?”
“A smug bastard.”
Of course he grinned at that.
“That’s true. But professionally?”
Putting on her best thinking hat, Mikasa rolled the facts around in her head.
“A policeman?”, she tried.
“Not a bad guess, handcuffs and night shifts.”, Eren took the time to have a dramatic sip before finally revealing the truth, “But you’re wrong. Try again.”
“Some sort of artist then?”
His eyes narrowed.
“I guess you could say that. But what kind do you have in mind?”
Mikasa tried a few more art-related jobs that would fit Eren’s profile, but he shot down all of them. At the end of her rope, she pulled out a trump card. Even looking objectively, outside of that “he was totally her type” thing, Eren was very attractive. Combine that with strange working times and….
“Are you a model?”
Damn it. Out of ideas, Mikasa put up her palms in the international gesture of surrender.
“Ok, I give up.”
“Guess we will never know then.”, Eren leaned back in his chair, smugger than ever before, “What a disappointment.”
Out of words and completely against her usually serious character, Mikasa kicked him under the table. Hard.
“Ow, what was that for?”
“Spill the beans, Eren.”
“Or what?”
“Or I’ll kick you again.”
Rubbing his shin and not sure that his bones would survive another kick like that, Eren decided that the teasing stage was over.
“Very well then.”, leaning closer, he put both his elbows on the wood, looking right into Mikasa’s eyes when he spoke.
“I’m a dom.”
The clueless look on her face was priceless.
“Dom, master, and a hundred other ways you can call it.”
In slow motion, Eren watched as that clueless expression changed. With words falling and clicking into place, the not-understanding look was replaced by a blush that began creeping up to her cheeks. In short, it was adorable.
“Y-You mean like… like….”
“Err… I…”
And Eren waited patiently, finishing his drink, while Mikasa kept trying to say a word and completely failing at it. It took her about five minutes before she finally closed her eyes, took a few deep breaths, and steadied herself.
“So you’re like a s-sex worker? P-Prostitute?
“No and yes.”
“Technically, you’re right. But since I don’t have sex with my clients, I don’t usually call myself sex worker.”
“Ok, I’m lost.”
“Well, it's actually quite easy. I fulfill the fantasies of the client, I take care of their needs, I make them…. Err..”, he looked around to see if no one was around – they were in public after all, “…finish, but I don’t do it myself.”
“So what you’re saying is…”
“I’m saying that I can satisfy my clients needs without doing it the old-fashioned way. God bless technology.”
Mikasa was rubbing her forehead now, taking the information in.
“And your clients… what are they?”
“I deal with women exclusively if that’s what you are asking. But if you have a male friend in need of similar services, I know a great dominatrix, mistress A, that can take them, she’s a real top of the class. She was my…”, his gaze slid over Mikasa’s face, lingering over the shape of her eyes for a second, “ senpai back when I was beginning.”
She groaned. He had to use that word to tease her, abusing the weakened mental state she was in right now – she couldn’t think of a comeback. And, to salt the wound, he was grinning again.
“You can’t dump something like this at me without any explanation.”, Mikasa demanded, “How did you even end up working like this?”
“It’s…”, kind of personal, he was about to say, but then he met Mikasa’s eyes and that defense he usually held up around his secrets melted.
It was crazy, he didn’t even know the girl that well, he had no idea what she was truly like. But she was here, sitting across the table, and her grey eyes saw right through him. And he… he simply told her.
“When I was a kid, I was a bit fucked up. My dad…. He was not exactly a great role model. My mom was his second wife, he left the first after having a kid with her.”, he answered her follow-up question before she even asked, “Yes, I have a half-brother but we are not in contact. After leaving her, he married my mom and had me. I can’t say that he was a bad guy, from what little I remember, but he was hardly ever home. And one day, he completely disappeared. I don’t know if he’s alive or dead, neither does mom, and the police couldn’t find him. He’s gone.”
Mikasa, who had her own tragic parents-related story, remained silent, knowing that even years later it is hard to talk about stuff like this. Eren took a small break, a sip of water, and went on.
“I had a lot of issues from that, anger mostly. I lashed out on anyone or anything that I didn’t like, punching before asking. Bloodying people and getting bloodied myself was the only way to get the anger out, I did not know any better. You can imagine that didn’t go well in school. Mom did her best to keep me in line, but it was hard for her, too hard at times. Through sheer luck and endless patience of my teachers, I managed to graduate, but the anger inside me didn’t die. Even as an adult, I was a colossal dickhead. But all that changed shortly after I turned eighteen and moved to college.”
“Because I met her.”
Who? and How? were on the edge of Mikasa’s tongue, but she held those questions in. Eren would tell her.
“It was one of the college parties, you know how those go. I was there mostly to get drunk and get into a fight with someone because that was about everything I cared about back then. I succeeded in that too, I punched some blonde dude in the face and he didn’t take that lightly.”
“Did you beat him up?”
To her surprise, Eren tipped his head back and laughed.
“No. The dude completely wrecked me. He was a titan, both taller and heavier than me, and I later learned that he was a boxer as well. When I woke up from the beating he so generously gave me, I saw that a blonde girl had dragged me out on the lawn and was standing there still, waiting. Naturally, as I was a real gentleman back then, I spat out the blood in my mouth, told her to fuck off and tried getting up. Do you know what she did?”
“No idea.”
“She slapped me. Hard. I called her a stupid bitch, and she slapped me again. The third time, I got about two syllables out before her palm made another imprint on my face. And after all that, she kissed me, and I realized I was never so turned on in my life.”
Mikasa honestly didn’t know what to say.
“I was a raging asshole back then Mikasa. I know that saying it now, it looks like she was acting out of her mind, but you weren’t there.”, Eren shook his head, “Anyway, that’s how I met the future mistress A. Annie.”
“How did she even know that you won't just flip out after she slaps you?”
“She didn’t. Later she told me that it was a hunch on her part, that watching me get into a fight with that giant for no good reason tipped her off, showed her that I might have some anger issues.”
“So, after that, she showed you the ropes?”
He didn’t miss the reference, it earned a respectful nod from him.
“Yes. She was already working as a domme, on her own back then, and mostly for fun and the experience. Annie was older than me by a year, and she spent that year mostly half-assing school and perfecting her skill for her future job.”
“What happened after that party? Did you two became a couple?”
“Not really. We didn’t date, like at all, but we became good friends, and Annie would train her techniques on me.”
“So what, she like tied you up from time to time?”
He nodded.
“That and other things. We practiced on each other, but we never made it sexual. I know it sounds crazy, but you didn’t meet Annie, she’s can drip hot wax on your nipples without batting an eye. I’d say that’s part of her charm, she’s completely stoic while working.”
“And you?”
“Honestly, in the beginning, it was weird as hell. But when we kept doing it, I realized that my anger was subdued by it, that this helped me overcome it for the first time in my life. With all the discipline and focus this required I managed to be in control of my life for what felt like the first time.  It was still difficult for me from time to time, I admit, but Annie was always there to put me back to my place.”
“How did she know that this was what you needed?”
“Annie also had… issues when she was younger. And this thing helped her through it, so she thought I might be the same. For the record, she was right.” Eren was having a pleasant memory trip, and Mikasa kept silent, not wanting to interrupt, “Anyway, after I realized that I prefer being the top, Annie found me a girl who liked being the bottom.”
“Finally a girlfriend?”, Mikasa tried again, but he chuckled.
“Nope, this one had a catch too. She was mostly a lesbian.”
“Mostly a lesbian?”
“Yea, she’s bi, but prefers women.”
“You’re kidding, right?”
“Why would I? She was tiny and amazingly flexible because she does gymnastics. Incredible performance partner, I still work with her from time to time.”
“But why didn’t she find a female partner then? If she prefers women that is.”
“She did, sort of, Annie worked on her too sometimes, I think that was why she even agreed to do it in the first place. But with a blindfold around her eyes and tied up so she couldn’t touch us, she kind of stopped caring who’s holding the vibrator.”
Mikasa felt like this was all a big joke, but Eren was completely serious.
“You had this little triangle of fun for how long?”
“Till we graduated. After that, Annie and I found the agency and got employed there, and Krista went on to become a doctor.”
“I’ll presume that Krista was that flexible one?”
“You’d presume correctly.”
“She’s a doctor, but she still does… things? With you?”
“She performs with us sometimes if that’s what you’re talking about. Nothing else.”
“You want to tell me that you’ve been doing BDSM…. stuff to each other for years and never fucked?”, Mikasa shook her head, “I don’t buy it.”
“You don’t have to, but it’s the truth. My relationship with both Annie and Krista was strictly professional, however crazy that sounds.”
“Then how did you develop your “can’t have sex until the girl is tied up” thing.”
“I dated in college normally, not much mind you, but a few flings found their way to me. Then it was pretty simple. When I had normal sex, I didn’t find myself half as aroused as I was when Annie slapped me for the first time. So I tried getting my hobby into play.”
Hobby, that’s one way to call it.
“And how did it go?”
“Not great. The first two girls said that I’m a creep and left. But the third one agreed and…”, Eren leaned back again, folding his hands behinds his head, “best sex of my life.”
“Fine, but if you enjoy it, why don’t you do it at work then? I’m sure some of your clients would appreciate it.”
“I’m sure they would, but I have this strange need to differentiate between work and pleasure - I think I caught it from Annie. I can’t get into it when I know that the person I’m tying up paid for it.”
Eren didn’t argue.
“Strange indeed.”
All right, cool info dump and all, but Mikasa was more confused than anything. He was a sex worker BUT he didn’t have sex with his clients BUT he preferred to have the toys in bed while doing it. What the hell?
“Can you like, describe what you do then? I still can’t wrap my head around it.”
Eren shrugged.
“Sure. After making the initial contact, through the agency of course…”
“You’re still at the same one?”
“Yup, much easier that way. Don’t have to deal with things.”, Eren scrunched his nose, “Like taxes.”
“Okay, so some bored lady picks you at your company’s website, and then what?”
“Then we do the first meeting, through phone, email, or in person, that’s up to the client. There, we discuss important things, like what my hard limits are.”
“Which means?”
“Things that I won’t do, for various reasons.”
Mikasa didn’t ask what those were, so Eren continued.
“With that out of the way, we talk about what my client wants, what sort of fantasy I would be fulfilling. Once I have a picture in my head, I recommend the place to meet – one of the places owned by the agency, dungeons if you want, or even the clients own place.”
“You go to people’s homes with that?”
“If they want it, yes. It fits the best for certain scenarios, and people usually feel much more comfortable there.”
“And they trust you? I mean, you could tie them up and rob the place.”
“Would you believe me if I told you that I never thought of that?”, Eren scratched the back of his head, “That’s a valid thing what you said, but I have the agency to vouch for me.”
“Okay. And then?”
“Then we meet at the place we picked, have a quick recap to make sure I’ll do everything she wants, pick a safeword and we are good to go.”
“And you do what?”
“Mikasa, my range of services is very wide.”, putting one hand on the table, Eren began counting, finger by finger, “Bondage, suspension, pain stuff like caning, whipping and more. Waxplay, petplay, some electro, and…”
“Ok, ok! I heard enough!”
“I’d imagine so. From how you reacted when I put the rope around your hands, let me guess that you are very vanilla, right?”
“It means like basic – that you don’t do anything strange in the bedroom.”
“No, I…”, Mikasa ran her hand over her somewhat heated forehead, “I’m very vanilla.”
She fixed him with a look.
“Why is that weird?”
“It’s just…” he gestured towards her, “People with your style are usually into it.”
“My style? You mean black?”
“Dark, goth, however, you want to call it.”, he reached up, tapping his ear, at the same place where Mikasa’s cartilage was pierced, “And those things are also not completely usual.”
“I guess I am a bit strange, but nothing compared to you, sir. I never even imagined….”
“Well, the big mystery is over, the cat is out of the bag.”, he looked at her with a strange emotion in his eyes now, one that Mikasa couldn’t quite decipher. It looked like… worry?
“We can still be friends, right?”, he asked.
It was not like Eren did anything bad to her, and while his job was a bit shocking, he was still nothing but the perfect gentleman.
“Right, of course. I… I’ll need some time to digest this, I think.”
Eren watched her, tapping his fingers against the table, teeth chewing his full bottom lip. He was thinking about something, Mikasa could tell, but before she could ask, he dropped the bomb at her.
“Come to one of my shows.”
“My shows. I don’t do individual clients only, I perform at clubs too. BDSM clubs that is. I’ll write the address down.”
She was shaking her head before he even finished the sentence.
“N-No, I.. .No... I’d never.”
“I’m not asking you to take part, there will be plenty of people as spectators. And don’t worry about being recognized or something, the club is members only and you can grab a mask at the entrance if you want, your identity will be safe.”
His words burned with intensity now, but his eyes did even more, and Mikasa was drowning in it.
“W-Why is it so important to you?”
“Because I can see how you look at me now. You think that I’m some sort of pervert, that I what do is unnatural, not normal. I want to show you that it can be beautiful too, that there is nothing wrong if two consenting adults have a go at something like this.”
“I.. Uhm…”
The address written on a napkin, Eren slid it over to her.
“Listen, I obviously won’t force you into anything, this is your choice. The show is next week and then again in two weeks. You said that you are leaving the city soon, right?”
She nodded, wordless.
“Is it far? Or could you theoretically come back for the evening?”
“It’s not that far.”, Mikasa replied, finding her voice again, “Like an hour and a half drive.”
“All right. Let’s put it like this, if you want, come to the second show, the one that is two weeks from now, the club will be less packed, and I will tell the bouncer to let you in. Just let him know that Eren sent you. If you don’t want to, that’s fine too, I will understand.”
She nodded, once again retreating to no-words strategy. Eren took it as a cue, standing up.
“I’ll go settle the bill.”
When he came back, he grabbed his coat, putting it on while Mikasa sat there, gears in her head turning.
“If you won’t show, I’ll know that you are not interested in that part of my life, but that doesn’t mean we can’t meet again. Right?”, he smiled at her, “If you ever want a free lunch, give me a call, okay?”
That said, Eren half-turned towards the exit, ready to go when Mikasa’s voice interrupted him.
“Give me your phone.”
He did so automatically, even unlocking it for her. It wasn’t like there were any more dirty secrets he had to hide from her, not after today. Mikasa worked for a while, tapping the screen before she set it back on the wood and slid it over to him. Picking the device up, Eren saw that he had a new contact added – certain Mikasa Ackerman.
“This will be easier if we have a way to get in touch with each other right?”
Now he was the one dumbly nodding.
“I don’t know if I will turn up for your show, but I want to meet again. I don’t want to cut and run because of what you told me today. You’re a nice guy.”
“You’re saying that because I bought you lunch.”, Eren accused her with a smile, getting some bravado back.
She winked at him.
Still smiling, Eren pocketed his phone, feeling like he got more out of this meeting than he even dared to hope for.
“Well, I’ll see you around then, Mikasa.”
“Take care Eren.”
She watched him leave the restaurant, her own lips curved upwards. When he disappeared from view, she ran her hands through her hair, a half-amused/half-nervous giggle falling from her lips. She had never asked this many questions in her life, not even in her classes. And the answers she got were…. something else.
This guy? This guy was getting more interesting by the second.
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thetravelerwrites · 5 years
Wrykas (Minotaur) Lemon
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Rating: Explicit Relationships: Female Human/Male Minotaur Additional Tags: Exophilia, Minotaur, Sex, Oral Sex, Princess, Mercenaries, Light Dom/Sub Relationship, Chubby Reader, Reader-Insert Content Warnings: Kidnapping, Abusive Parents, Neglectful Parents, Words: 6349
A submission for @hufflesmonsters​! A princess is kidnapped fairly regularly by an opposing kingdom's monarchy to spite her parents, but she comes to regard the time away from her neglectful parents as vacations. One day, a single mercenary comes to retrieve her, but a sudden snowstorm forces them to spend time alone together. Please leave feedback!
The Traveler's Masterlist
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Being a princess came with perks and pitfalls. On the plus side, you got whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted it. On the down side, your country had been in a petty feud with the neighboring kingdom since before you were born, and they seemed to think you were an excellent bargaining chip to get their demands met.
The abductions started when you were young; men hired by the crown took you from your room and held you in a secure location until your parents paid the ransom. Back then they were pretty terrifying, with blindfolds and ropes. Your captors were kind, however, and treated you well.
As you aged, though, your capture turned into something of a spontaneous vacation a couple of times a year. Your abductors would come in the dead of night, wake you and let you pack a bag, lead you to a waiting carriage, complete with wine and snacks, and you’d all tease each other as they carted you off to a chalet on the border of your two kingdoms. Both you and they thought this feud was stupid and that the abductions were a joke, but they had a job to do and you understood: got to pay the bills somehow.
The hostage situation usually ended one of two ways: either your parents paid the ransom, or they sent bonehead mercenaries who weren’t aware that this was mostly a picnic for you and came in all valiant and foolhardy, and your captors had to knock them all out, dump them back over the border, and pretend you escaped in the chaos to avoid bloodshed. You’d all struck a deal early on: no blood, no tears, no widows, no orphans. A couple of bumps on the head and some bruised egos, sure, but no one died. That was the rule. If your captors ever broke that rule, you’d become a lot less cooperative.
One night, very late into autumn, you woke to hear someone tip-toe into your room. Ah, yes. It was about time.
“Ethan?” You called.
“Yes, My Lady. It’s time,” You heard his voice call. Ethan was an older gentleman and was your first captor, gentle and accommodating, and he always oversaw your care during the abductions. He was the closest thing you had to a best friend. It was a shame you only saw him a few times a year.
“Finally,” You said, leaping out of bed and throwing on a dressing gown. “I’ve had a bag packed for weeks. You’re terribly late this season. I’ve been dying to get out of here.”
He chuckled. “My apologies, Lady, the opposing crown has been unusually reasonable this year. But it always comes back around, doesn’t it?”
“Thank the gods,” You replied, grabbing a few things from your vanity table. “I don’t know what I’d do without these trips abroad. Another day of my mother fussing about my ‘healthy appetite’ and I’ll go batty. I hate this place. Any time I can get away is a blessing.”
Ethan nodded knowingly. You’d complained to him many a time about your parents haughty nature and constant criticism of everything about you, from your weight to how you dress to your relaxed and casual attitude toward the servants.
Your parents were the worst sort of nobility, the kind people fawned over when in their presence but mocked scathingly behind their back. They were proud and arrogant and hard to please, and you were a prime example of everything they disliked. You took it as a compliment, but you did have to admit that their relentless judgment was wearing, and any break from the ferocious nagging was a welcome relief.
“Ready, Lady?” Ethan asked.
“Yes,” You said, taking his proffered hand. “And what did I tell you? You can call me by my name.”
“Nope,” He said, grinning. “You may not care about the propriety of your station, but I’d rather not have my tongue cut out, if you please.”
You sighed. “Fine, fine. Let’s just get out of here.”
There was a tunnel under the castle that a previous monarch had used to escape during a coup, and it was little known by anyone besides you. This tunnel had been discovered during your first abduction when your kidnappers hid from guards, and now it was your favorite means of escaping the castle. It led out to the woods a safe distance from the walls, where guards patrolled, and made it easy to get away.
It had taken you much effort to keep the entrance and exit hidden over the years, since your parents kept trying to discover how the kidnappers kept getting in and out so easily, but you had managed to keep it secret.
When you both were safely inside and the entrance was sealed, Ethan lit a torch and the two of you made your way out into the woods. Once there, he led you to the waiting carriage and ushered you inside. He jumped up into the driver’s box with Ira, another regular who you were friendly with, and snapped the reins, jolting the carriage forward and toward your secret hideaway.
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It was nearly mid-day by the time you arrived there, and you had fallen asleep on the way. Ethan gently shook you awake and took your bag, offering you a hand as you stepped down. Ah… if only he weren’t married.
“How long do you think I’ve got?” You asked him as he opened the door to the perfectly kept chalet.
“Oh, likely a week. I mean, they know where the chalet is, but at this point, finding mercenaries that we haven’t beaten up will be difficult.”
“Wonderful,” I said, clapping my hands and opening my luggage. “I can’t wait to get settled and relax for a while.”
“We’ve got guards patrolling the perimeter. If there’s any trouble, we’ll let you know.”
“Thank you, Ethan,” You said, putting a hand on his shoulder. “You and your men are my best boys. If I ever become queen, you lads are definitely hired as my Queen’s Guard.”
He grinned and bowed, leaving you to get comfortable.
That evening, most of the boys who weren’t out guarding the perimeter sat with you for a full dinner and a card game. You took Tebin for every coin he was worth, and Jos won it all back with a smug grin on his wide face. Ruik got drunk and tried wearing your dressing gown, but being a goblin, it trailed several feet behind him as he moved and he tripped over it constantly, making the chalet shake with laughter. The boys may have been hardened mercenaries, but they always had the best booze and sure knew how to show a lady a good time.
Around midnight, when things were winding down, there was some commotion outside in the distance. All the men got grim looks on their faces, except for Ruik, who was passed out on a footstool, and pulled out their weapons. You pulled your own short sword from under the mattress and leveled it at the door. The sword had been a gift on your thirteenth birthday from the lads, and each one had taken it upon themselves to show you a trick or two with it.
“Ethan!” Gern called. He was the only orc on the team. “You better get out here! We’ve got a spot of trouble!”
“What’s going on?” Ethan called through the door.
“Big fella took out the perimeter guard. They ain’t dead, but their gonna be limpin’ tomorrow. Big bastard says he won’t hurt nobody else if you come out and have a chat with him. Says he knows you.”
“Ask him his name!” Ethan responded.
There was a few seconds of muffled conversation, and Gern called back, “Wrykas!”
Ethan’s eyes widened and he sheathed his sword. “Wrykas?” He said in an undertone. “Holy shit, I thought he was dead.” He turned to you. “Stay here, lass, I’ll sort this out.” He looked at the other lads. “Keep her safe.”
The others nodded sternly and tightened the grip on their various weapons. The lot of you waited tersely as Ethan talked to the newcomer, unable to hear what they were saying. After a moment, Ethan came back in and instructed everyone to lower their weapons. The boys did so reluctantly. You lowered your own sword, but kept it in hand.
Ethan came back into the cottage, followed by an absolutely massive minotaur that had to duck in order to get his horns in the door. You were taken aback by his size and coloration. You’d seen minotaurs before, but this one was striking. He had white fur from the tip of his nose to the top of his head, and also down his chest, but his ears and eyes were brown, and his neck, back, and shoulders were covered in black fur. There were white and brown speckles, like freckles, on his shoulders.
Oh no… he’s cute.
Ethan slapped Wrykas on the shoulder. “This is an old army buddy of mine, Wrykas.” Ethan then introduced all of the gang.
“And I assume this little lady is the princess I’ve been hired to retrieve?” The minotaur asked.
“No! Already?” You whined, tutting. “Damn it. I was hoping for at least a few days of peace and quiet.”
Wrykas snorted, seemingly confused. “You don’t… want to go back?”
“Hell no! I hate it there. These ‘abductions’ are the only time I get to be myself and not have to worry about my parents bullshit. You’re ruining my vacation, you dick!”
Wrykas’s head rocked back in surprise. Whatever he expected you to say to him, that wasn’t it.
You groaned and began packing your things. “Did you bring the ransom?”
“I… no, their Majesties hired me to retrieve you. My skill is apparently something to be commended because they sought me out specifically.”
“Well, considering you took out four of Ethan’s men, there must be some truth to it.” You took out a sack of gold from your bag that was enough to both cover the ransom and buy the boys a few shiny new toys as well, and tossed it to Ethan. He snatched it from the air with a wink.
“You have the ransom?” Wrykas asked.
“Of course,” You scoffed. “These guys have mouths to feed. I’m not going to let their babies go hungry because my parents and the neighboring monarchy are having a twenty-five-year temper tantrum.”
“You’re… not what I expected from speaking with the crown,” Wrykas said.
“That’s not surprising,” You replied dryly as you help Ethan and the men get their gear together. “My parents don’t know anything about me. They haven’t bothered to know me since I was a small child.”
“Well,” Wrykas said, turning to Ethan and putting his hand on his old friend shoulders. “It’s the middle of the night. There’s no reason for your gang to move out now. You can get a fresh start in the morning.” He turned back to you. “We can, too.”
You sighed. “Well, I guess one full day of freedom is better than nothing.” You fluffed out your bed, preparing to get in it. “Ethan will show you where the men sleep. Be civil while you’re in there.”
“I’ll keep an eye on him, lass, no worries,” Ethan said, and you nodded. Ethan led the lads out behind Wrykas, though they were all still glaring at him tersely.
The rest of the night followed without incident, beyond Ruik climbing onto the foot of your bed, still wearing the dressing gown, and falling asleep at your feet like a puppy
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The next morning, just after breakfast, the boys got their gear packed and ready to go. You’d miss them, like always, but they had other jobs to do and families to look after. They couldn’t be your boys all the time. They were other people’s boys, too.
As they were getting ready to head out, you leaned in close to Ethan and whisper, “Is this guy alright?” You jerked your head back at Wrykas. “Tell me the truth.”
“He’s a decent sort,” Ethan whispered back. “At least, he was in the army.”
“How long ago was that?”
“Fifteen years? Something like that. Before I left to become a sell sword.”
You fixed him with a wry expression. “Fifteen years is plenty of time for a person to change.”
Ethan wasn’t paying attention. He was looking down at you with a fond expression. “You were the first job I took, you know?”
You cocked your head and smiled. “Really? I didn’t know that.”
“Yeah,” He said. “I didn’t know you were a child, though. They just told me to take the neighboring kingdom’s princess and hold her in a secure location. When I realized you were a child, I almost quit.”
“Why didn’t you?”
He shrugged a little and looked sheepish. “I’m ashamed to say I needed the money. I’d just had my first girl and we needed food.”
“And look at us now,” You said, smiling. “Best friends twice a year.”
He laughed. “Yeah. Life is weird.”
“So see you next spring, then?” You asked.
“If they don’t send us, we’ll come on our own, just so’s I can win back that sack of gold you took off me last night.”
You grinned. “Good luck with that. Kiss your girls for me,” You told him.
He pulled you into a bear hug. “I will,” he replied with a smile. “You look after yourself back at that prison. Don’t let your wardens get you down.”
You smiled back and nodded, pulling your cloak tighter around you against the late autumn chill. You then moved on to the others to give them hugs and kisses on the cheek. Wrykas sat on the woodcutting stump, watching all this happen.
The gang was off then, waving back at you as they left, and you watched them disappear around the bend and out of sight. Sighing sadly, you turned to your new companion, eyeing him with some skepticism.
“Hands to yourself,” You said. He put up his hands and raised his eyebrows in acquiescence. You then went back into the chalet to pack.
He stood with a shoulder braced on the doorframe, watching you, and folded his arms. “You say you expected to be here for several days?”
“Yep,” You said with a sigh. “I usually have a few days, either with the boys or by myself.” You stopped for a moment and reminisced. “There was one year where I had three whole weeks. Gods. Those were the best weeks of my life.”
“Why do you call them boys?” He asked curiously. “The youngest of them has to be at least five years your senior.”
“Because…” You shrugged. “They’re… my boys. My friends. What else would I call them?”
“They do kidnap you.”
“It’s not kidnapping if I want to go. It’s more like a rescue.”
He was silent for a moment, then walked over and took the dress you were packing from your hands.
“Do you really hate it there so much?” He asked.
“Yes,” You replied venomously.
“Why? You’re a princess. You live in a castle. You have servants waiting on you hand and foot. What’s so bad about that?”
You sighed again and turned to sit on the bed. “What was your life like, growing up?”
He seemed surprised by the questions and sat down next to you, his eyes distant.
“I grew up on a farm. It was backbreaking work and we barely raised enough to keep ourselves fed, let alone sell anything. Five minotaur boys is a lot of mouths to feed.”
“You have four brothers?” You asked him.
“Yeah,” He said. “They’re all still on the farm with my parents, but I couldn’t stand farm work. I wanted more. More money, more freedom, more acclaim, just… more, you know? More than the life of a farmer.”
“But you’re family? What were they like? Did they love you?”
His brow furrowed. “Of course they loved me, they were my family.”
“You’ve never wondered? You’ve never had reason to think they didn’t love you?” You pressed.
“No, never.” He squinted at you. “Is that how it is for you?”
You took a deep breath and released it slowly. “My parents’ marriage was arranged. More to the point, they really disliked each other and didn’t want to marry, but the political climate was tense and their marriage was the only thing preventing a war. Their dislike of each other turned to absolute hatred pretty quickly. The only reason I even exist is because they were expected to create an heir, and I couldn’t even manage to be born a boy.” You stared out the window at the fast moving clouds. “A disappointment from the beginning.”
“Gods,” He said softly, and you looked over and saw he was staring at you with a gentle expression, which did a weird thing to your stomach. “I can’t imagine a parent hating their own child.”
“Oh, my father is indifferent to the point of failing to acknowledge my existence most of the time. I don’t think he cares enough to actually hate me. That’s all my mother. When I was young, she used to have cute ‘pet names’ for me and offer ‘helpful suggestions’ that I know now were outright insults.”
“What sort of things would she say?” He asked.
“That I was her fat little piggy, that I’d eat my weight if she didn’t watch me, that if I stood straighter, I would look less like a gargoyle stalking it’s prey, that if I wore my hair up, people wouldn’t notice how mousy and stringy it was, that if I wore rouge and lip color, I’d look less like a rotting corpse. Things like that.”
“What a vile woman,” He said, scowling. “She seemed unpleasant when I met with her, but I didn’t realize how truly awful she was.”
“She’s not exactly secretive about it. The castle staff hates her. I’d know; I spend more time with them that I do with my parents, which is another point of contention.” You stretched and stood. “But, I guess there’s nothing for it. They’re waiting. I might as well get this over with.” You reached for the dress he was holding, but he didn’t let go.
“Actually, that’s what I was coming to talk to you about,” He said, pointing out the open door. He stood and beckoned you to follow him, and you did so. The fast moving clouds you’d seen out the window were growing dark.
“A storm?” You asked him.
“Not just a storm,” He replied, narrowing his eyes and flaring his nostrils. “Do you smell it?”
“The change in the air. There’s a cold front coming. I’d bet anything the temperature is going to keep dropping. We’ll likely be up to our knees in snow by midnight.”
“Oh,” You said. “So… what do we do?”
“Wait it out,” He replied, looking down at you with a sly smile. “Looks like your vacation just got extended.”
You actually gave him a real smile then, trying hard not to bounce on your heels in excitement.
“Your firewood is low. I should cut some more before the snow starts,” He said.
“Alright,” You told him. “How much is in the men’s quarters?”
“Not sure,” He admitted. “Would you mind checking?”
“Alright,” You said, turning.
The chalet was split into two rooms that were not connected; in order to get from room to room, you had to go outside from one door and go inside through another. You’d never actually been in the men’s quarters before. There had never really been a reason to before now. When you went in, you were actually a little shocked at the sight of it.
It was as large as your own room, but that’s where the comparisons ended. Where your room was bright and decorated and had food and comforts aplenty, this room was completely bare. The floor was cold stone, there was a dark hearth at the end of the room and a stack of furs and threadbare blankets neatly folded in the corner. There were some shelves with jars of preserves, and a container of salted meat. That was it.
Gods, you had no idea they were sleeping in these conditions. Why hadn’t they said anything? You’d have sprung for beds and good blankets. You made up your mind with a frown to return here in a few weeks and leave some surprises for their next stay.
Next to the hearth, you saw a small pile of firewood, enough only for a few hours. Clutching your cloak, you ducked back outside. And stopped short.
Wrykas had removed his sleeveless tunic and was chopping wood shirtless. You could see the muscles in his back move against his skin as he raised the axe and brought it down to split the logs.
No.. no, no… Not good…
“There’s not much in there,” You called to him, smacking yourself mentally to pull yourself out of his obliques.
“I’ll cut up some extra, then,” He said, casually, bending to pick up another log and put it up on the stump, his arm flexing as it moved.
It was time to go do something that… was not slobbering over your would-be rescuer, so you decide to start on lunch.
Wrykas had been right. No sooner had he finished the wood that snow began to fall, softly at first, but getting heavier by the minute. He made quick work of stacking the wood next to your hearth and was surprised when you handed him a steaming bowl of soup.
“Thanks,” He said. “I wouldn’t have guessed you knew how to cook.”
“Cause I’m a princess?” You asked wryly. “I told you, I spend more time with the servants and kitchen staff than I do at galas or grand balls. If I had a proper kitchen, I could cook literally anything.”
“Full of surprises,” He said, winking at you. He was still shirtless. You keep your eyes on your soup and tried to keep from staring.
Night fell, and with it the came the storm Wrykas had warned you about.
“I should go start the fire in the men’s quarters,” Wrykas said.
“Actually,” You said, reaching out to stop him. “Why don’t you sleep in here tonight? Even with the fire, it’s bound to be terribly cold in there, and even with your tolerance, you’ll be freezing.”
He laughed. “I appreciate your concern, Lady, but I’ve slept in worse conditions.”
“Please,” you said, keeping your grip on his arm. “I insist.”
“You’re sure?” He asked, and you nodded. He looked startled, but replied, “Alright. If you wish.”
“Would you mind turning so I can change for the evening?” You asked him.
“Not at all,” He said, turning to face the wall.
You took off your restricting skirted bodice with a relieved sigh. You mother insisted you wear them to “maintain a semblance of a figure despite your unfortunate size,” so they were the only outerwear you had. You’d go around in your shift all day if it didn’t make the boys blush. They were more of a family to you than your own family, so you didn’t want to make them uncomfortable unnecessarily.
Wrykas, however…
You decided not to put on a nightdress or a dressing gown, and stayed in the sheer shift you wore under your outer clothes. You also took your hair out of it’s brain and let it hang freely around your shoulders. You felt a little self-conscious about your body and weight, but you didn’t care. You wanted to be comfortable.
“I’m finished,” You said. He turned and opened his mouth to say something, but when he saw you, no sound came out of his mouth. He just stood there, staring, and not saying anything.
You suppressed an urge to cover yourself. “Everything alright?” You asked him.
He jumped as if someone had smacked his mouth, and closed it. “Yes, sorry. I was… um… caught off guard.”
You snorted. “By what?”
He cleared his throat. “You… uh… you look nice.”
You blinked a few times. “I just took my hair down and I’m wearing less clothing. I didn’t do anything to look nice.”
“You still look nice,” He said, scratching his neck and looking at the ground.
“Well… would you like to play a card game?” You asked him.
“Actually, I’m a bit tired. I spent most of yesterday traveling here and I didn’t sleep well. I was thinking of turning in early, if that’s okay with you.”
“Oh, sure, yes, of course,” You replied, going to your bed and pulling back the coverlet. When you turned back, you saw him laying out a fur on the ground.
“What are you doing?” You asked him.
He looked at you, then the fur, and then back at you in confusion. “Laying out my bed?”
“Don’t be silly,” I said, patting the bed. “The bed is big enough for four people. There’s no reason for you to sleep on the floor. Come on.”
He visibly gulped. “Are you--”
“Get up here!” I said.
He smirked at me. “So demanding, princess. I wonder if anyone’s ever told you ‘no’ before.”
“Are you going to be the first?” You asked him, a hand on your hip.
He snorted and picked up the fur, laying it over the back of a chair. He put a few more logs in the hearth and extinguished the lanterns before coming to the bed. You scooched over to accommodate him. Gods, he was warm.
At first, you maintained a respectable distance apart, but as the night got colder, you found yourself moving closer and closer to Wrykas. If he felt you moving, he gave no sign.
The smell of him, his warmth, the memory of his muscles as he swung the axe, flooded your senses, and you could feel the rising tension in your body.
“Are you awake?” You asked softly.
“It is rather hard to sleep with a beautiful woman lying so close to me,” He said quietly.
You snorted and rolled your eyes. “You don’t have to make jokes.”
He turned over and braced himself on his elbow, looking down at you with a frown. Did he have to be shirtless all the time? “What are you talking about?”
You didn’t answer. You tried to roll over, but he stopped you.
“Do you think I was joking when I said you were beautiful?” He asked.
“Weren’t you?”
“No,” He said seriously. You couldn’t help but notice that his hand was creeping up your arm.
“I’m plain and unappealing,” You told him.
“Bullshit,” He said. “You have the loveliest eyes of anyone I’ve ever seen. You hair looks like silk in the firelight. Your skin is so soft, it’s like you bath in lotion. I’ve never felt skin so soft.”
“I… I’m fat,” You said, your voice wavering.
“So what? There’s nothing wrong with your size. What about that makes you less attractive?”
“Ask my mother, she’ll tell you all about it,” You said sourly.
“Your mother is a angry shrew who hates everything; what does her opinion matter? I think you’re gorgeous.”
You looked up at his sweet brown eyes, looking down at you with no deception or guile, and your heart thumped harder.
“You mean it?” You asked him in a hushed whisper. “You think I’m beautiful?”
“Yes,” He said simply.
You didn’t even think about it. You lifted your head and kissed him. He kissed you back enthusiastically. He wasted no time in touching you; your stomach, your hips, your breasts. He slowly drew the underdress up and over your head, leaving you nude in the bed. He pulled the covers down so that he could look at your body.
He got up and pulled off his trousers, his member already fully erect. It was black and speckled, like his shoulders. If it weren’t for the size of it, you’d have called it cute.
He got back into the bed and knelt between your knees, his cock bobbing and pulsing as he soaked in the sight of you. You were doing the same to him, greatly admiring his hard, well-defined, multi-colored body.
He put his hands under your knees and pulled them up and apart, staring hungrily at what lay between. He lay kisses up your thighs, alternating with each one, until he reached that place that ached with want.
His tongue came out and pressed itself to your slit, and it was still. It didn’t move. You moaned in both pleasure and anticipation, but he pulled away.
He crawled up your body and smirked at you. “No one has ever told you what to do, have they?”
“Besides my mother? No. But I don’t listen to her.”
“Would you listen to me?” He asked.
“What do you have in mind?” You replied curiously.
His smirk widened and he lay on his back with his hands behind his head. “Why don’t you take care of me the first?”
You got up and took his length in you hand. His body jerked at the first touch and he grunted, but he relaxed as you pumped him slowly. You bent your head and licked the flat head, and he grunted again.
He was as apparently as impatient as you were. He put his hand in your hair and gently pushed your head down, and you sucked him into your mouth. He was too big to take him all in, so you used both hands to massage the rest. He kept his hand on your head and applied gentle pressure on it as you sucked. He groaned and grunted, making you wetter.
He pulled your hair up a little to signal you to stop. He then pounced on you, flipping you on your stomach and laying you flat against the bed. He kissed down your back and ran his hands over your bottom, spreading your legs as wide open as he could with you in this position. He stuck one of his large fingers inside you, and you gasped.
“Mmm,” He purred. “You’re just right.”
“I can’t wait, please,” You begged. “Please, Wrykas.”
“A princess begging?” He said, and you heard a smile in his voice. “I think I like that. Do it again.”
“Please, Wrykas, please, please,” You said, over and over. You felt him nudge your entrance, and your begging increase in pitch and frequency. He pushed himself inside slowly, and you cried out, gripping the sheets.
“Say thank you,” He purred into your ear as he began to move inside you.
“Thank you, Wrykas,” You breathed.
“Louder,” He said.
“Thank you, Wrykas!”
He began to move faster, putting his hands over yours and gripping them as he did. He lay his head next to yours so you could hear his heavy breathing and moans. Gods, it was hot.
You cried out loudly, and the put one of his hands over your mouth, muffling you. You were right next to his large ears, and your shrill cried of pleasure were likely painful.
He sped up, and your screams of pleasure increased. You could feel yourself riding up to that peak, feeling your body tense as the wall of ecstasy, crying out against his hand.
His grunts got faster more intense, and you could feel from his pulsating inside you that he was close too. Your legs began to tremble as the wave crashed over you. He kept up the pace as your pleasure ebbed, then abruptly pulled out and released all over your bottom and back, snorting and grunting and bellowing.
He collapsed forward, braced on his hands so he didn’t fall in to the mess he’d made, and huffed to get his breath back. You felt the warmth drift across your back every time he exhaled, and it made your spine tingle.
“You alright?” You asked him breathlessly.
He laughed and kissed your shoulder. “I’m lovely.” You felt him raise up and slide off the bed. “Wait there, I’ll get you cleaned up.”
You opened on eye and watched him walk naked to the pot of washing water that you kept close to the fire so that it would stay warm and dunked a rag into it. He rung it out and brought it back, and you admired the view as he did with a side smile.
Once he’d cleaned you, and wiped himself off as well, he got back into the bed and pulled you against him. He kissed your face until you fell asleep.
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You passed the next few days of the storm in bed, blissfully wrapped up in the best lovemaking of your life. He took control, and to your surprise, you loved it. You loved being told what to do during sex. You loved following his commands. It was thrilling.
Eventually, the storm began to die down, and your spirits started to dampen.
Wrykas noticed. “What’s the matter?”
“When the storm blows over, I have to go back,” You said sadly, laying your head back against his chest.
He put his arms around you and lay his cheek on the top of your head.
“Have you ever considered running away?” He asked you.
“Run away?” You asked in return, swiveling to look at him in his eyes. “What do you mean?”
“Leave. Go somewhere else. Another kingdom. My parent’s farm is in Farrowville, you could go there. They’d take care of you.”
You looked at him in shock. “You want me to live with you?”
“Not with me, I don’t live there,” He said. “I actually don’t have any sort of permanent residence, but I visit them often between jobs. They’re very loving people. They’d take good care of you.”
“You’re serious,” You said. “You’re really talking about running.”
“Why not?” He asked. “It’s clear your parents don’t value you. Hell, it shouldn’t be so easy to steal you away twice a year. They haven’t strengthened their guards or made arrangements for your protection. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear they were behind your abductions, maybe even made some kind of deal with the opposite kingdom disguised as a political dispute, just to get you out of their sight for a while.”
Your head rocked back at the thought. It had never occurred to you before, but now that he had said it out loud, it made perfect sense. Wow. They really did hate you, didn’t they?
“You’re sure your family won’t mind taking me in?” You asked, suddenly nervous about the prospect of a whole new life.
“Not at all. They really are wonderful people.” He sighed with a smile on his face. “I love my family, just not the way they live. I just wasn’t born to be a farmer.”
You smiled at his smile, as gentle as it was.
“The house is rather small, and they will expect you to earn your keep, but their not harsh or cruel. I’m sure they’ll love you.”
“I’m not worried about the work…” You said slowly, looking around the chalet. “I… I don’t know what to say.”
“Say yes,” He said, taking your hand. “You’ll be with kind people who will care for you, and I’ll see you all the time.”
“Is that something you want?” You asked him playfully.
He smirked wryly and kissed you hard. “Are you going to be a good girl for me?”
You bit your lip. “Yes, I will.”
“That’s my princess. Say yes.”
You smiled and pressed your face into his shoulder. “Yes.”
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Three months passed with Wrykas’s family, and it was the happiest you’d ever been. Wrykas’s parents were just as kind and loving as he told you they’d be, and his brothers were proper country gentlemen, always asking if you needed help or if there was anything they could do for you.
Wrykas visited at least once a week, usually bring back coin or furs or other spoils from his work. Sometime back, he had gone to inform Ethan and his gang what had happened, so every so often he came back with gifts and trinkets from your boys. You missed them, but you were finally happy.
Then, Wrykas showed up at the farm with Ethan and the gang in tow. you were immediately alarmed.
“What’s going on?” You asked, dropping the hoe you were using. “What’s happened?”
“Your parents have been deposed,” Wrykas said. “They’ve been sent into exile. Most of the people in your kingdom believe you dead, so there was an uprising. They felt that since the crown couldn’t protect you, how could they possibly protect the people.”
“That’s great news!” You exclaimed, but Ethan stopped you.
“There’s also bad news. With your parents gone, there’s a power vacuum that other members of your extended family are trying to fill. You’re the heir. If you went back, you could take the throne. Your right to it is beyond contest.”
“That’s true,” You said, rubbing your chin. “I could finally end these petty laws my parents put into place and get the country back on track.” You slapped Ethan on the arm. “You and your gang still want to be my Queen’s guard?”
Ethan blinked at you. “You were serious about that?”
“Hell yes, I was serious. You and the boys and your families will all move into the castle and replace all the up-tight, snooty ladies-in-waiting my mother appointed for me. You in?”
Ethan looked to the lads, who all grinned excitedly. “We’re in, lass. We’re with you all the way.”
You looked up at Wrykas, kissed him, and smirked. “Hey.”
“Yeah?” He asked quizzically.
“Remember when we first met and you said you wanted more from life?”
He smiled, still a little confused. “Yeah.”
“How does ‘prince’ sound to you?” You asked with a big smile.
His face split into a wide grin. “Sounds like something I was born to do.”
“Good,” You said, putting your arms around his neck. “Then let’s get to our coronation.”
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My Masterlist
The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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evren-writes · 5 years
Snake Eyes
Deep in the forest, something twisted and horrid lives. With eyes that lie like a snake, and horns twisted like the devil, people warned of its cruel nature. If you were to ever enter the forest alone at night, you’d be found dead by dawn with no cause identifiable by man.
And while the village told no living soul to dare step foot in those woods, Arren didn’t like to be told what to do.
That didn’t make his self-inflicted task anymore enjoyable, however. While spite and desperation was an excellent motivator, wandering for hours in the dark was absolutely fucking annoying.
Arren growled to himself as he brushed dirt out of the scrapes and cuts on his knees. A beaten, broken part of him didn’t care if it got infected, almost wished for it, but the fire burning deep within him suffocated those thoughts in smoke. He would succeed and bring the head of the monster to that shitty town and make them beg for him back.
It was either that or burn the whole place to the ground and leave nothing but ashes, but the ever persistent ache of what they had done kept his sensible side frustratingly sharp.
A sensible side that immediately evaporated once the wind carried a hissing laughter along with it. The sound was smooth and silky, with a little bit of smugness mixed in. Arren hated it and would relish in murdering this motherfucker.
“What brings this little, lost light to my forest?” The voice taunted, seemingly enjoying this game very much.
“Don’t call me that.” Arren said flatly, obviously having the exact opposite experience.
“That’s- That’s not how this works.” The way the voice wavered filled Arren with bitter satisfaction.
“Well, if you want to stop being a dumbass anytime soon, my name is Arren.” It’s not that he particularly wanted to be on first name basis with the horrible beast of the forest, he just disliked the nicknames more.
And, to his surprise, the monster laughed in response. It was snake-y or smug in a way that decided life or death. It was just. Happy.
What the fuck?
“I can’t tell you how relieved I am to meet someone like you!” The voice exclaimed out, and suddenly, it wasn’t a part of the wind anymore.
It was right behind him.
Arren whipped around, hand reaching in his coat pocket, ready. The figure that walked out of his shadows was both exactly what was described and not at all.
Golden horns that curved back like a goat rested on its skull. Two green snake eyes gazed at him with a giddiness, and beautiful golden scales rested under those eyes like makeup. And other than scaled hands with deadly claws at the end, it looked fully human.
Human and not as scary every had made him out to be. Half his head was shaved and wild black hair fell across his face. His clothes looked like a torn funeral suit, with several different kinds of flowers pinned to his lapel, most of them purple.
This would be easier than Arren thought.
Before he could curl his fingers around the hilt of the small dagger he had brought, the monster spoke up again.
“So why are you here, then?” He asked, walking towards Arren, who stepped back several steps in response.
“What?” Arren hissed back, not in the snakey way, but in a very angry human way.
That made the monster stop. His smile slowly dripped into a frown and he looked away uncomfortably. Pulling at the cuff of his suit, he answered.
“People usually come here to die.” He said softly, avoiding eye contact. “I try to chase them off, but it doesn’t work. They’ve accepted their fate and I’m always too late.”
That didn’t make any sense at all. With reluctant confusion, Arren let go of the hidden dagger and brought his hand to his side again. It would be so easy to stop this thing in the heart while it refused to look at him. He could gain his place back and his sins forgiven.
But at the very core of his being, Arren was a learner. He craved knowledge and the answer to mysteries more than he did redemption. If he killed the monster right here and now, then he would never learn what any of that meant.
So for now, he asked questions.
“How did you know I wasn’t here to die?” He asked, though it sounded more like a demand with his forceful tone.
At that, the creature perked up and looked at him. A smile tugged at his lips again and another laugh escaped his mouth. Yeah, cruel fate his ass. This thing was a complete fucking loser.
“Well, for one, people who want to die don’t usually call me a dumbass.” He responded, and Arren thought that more people really should. “And second, the light thing I said actually meant something.”
Oh, now that was interesting.
“So it wasn’t just a dumb nickname?” Arren asked, subconsciously stepped forward and ending up standing face to face with the monster.
“Yeah! That’s what these are for.” He said, pointing to his eyes. “It’s difficult to explain, but people who are about to die here look dark and foggy inside. You were like looking directly at a forest fire, and I don’t just mean because you’re hot.”
Arren peeled back his lips into a snarl. The sound furious and indignant, and that asshole had the gall to laugh at him. A sound so bright and delighted maybe he was the fucking forest fire here. Fuck him.
“But you still didn’t answer my question.” He said suddenly, snapping Arren out of his simmering rage. “Why did you come in here?”
Arren didn’t owe this thing anything. Meeting a monster in a forest and having him tell you a few interesting things didn’t mean he had to spill his whole stupid life story.
Except he was going to anyways. Not because it was boiling over the pot and definitely because he desperately needed to tell someone.
“I was going to kill you.” Arren said, feeling a bit of disappointment at how little the monster seemed bothered. “So they would let me back into my home.”
The monster tilted his head as he took in this information. Then, his lips pursed themselves into a frown and he gently reached forward. Arren froze. So many different reactions exploded through him, all involving attacking this thing right now, that it left him motionless.
It let the monster gently sweep the messy hair out of his right eye and gasp at what he saw.
Arren knew it looked bad, probably even worse from the last time he checked. A long, messy cut that went from the top of his forehead to halfway down his cheekbone. Bloody and with his right eye crusted shut, probably for the best.
He hadn’t bothered to clean it or treat it in anyway. He had just immediately run into the forest to get away and never looked back.
“Why would they-?” The monster started, but Arren didn’t let him finish.
“Because I tried to kill my father.” He said simply, as if it wasn’t horrific news.
The monster opened his mouth to speak again, likely to spew so many more questions that it made Arren sick.
Abruptly turning away, Arren spoke again. “Don’t.”
Thankfully, his boundary was respected, and he didn’t hear anything. His heart was beating fast in his chest. Finally he had come out and said this to someone willingly, but feeling it all flood back was so fucking upsetting and he hated it. Hated all of them.
Except he had nowhere else to go and he didn’t want to die.
“You can stay here.”
Arren jumped when he heard the monster speak up so abruptly and turned around. A clawed hand was extended towards him, and the expression on this supposed cruel beast was wild and welcoming, like this was some kind of exciting new adventure.
Briefly, the thought dealing with the devil flashed in Arren’s mind, but that was only after he had already took the devil’s hand. For some reason, this idea was a lot more welcoming than his first one.
“Plus, I think I have an idea on how to keep you safe.” The monster spoke up, a grin embodying his features.
“I don’t need you to keep me safe.” Arren bristled, but he couldn’t help the curiousity welling up within him again. “What is it?”
Gesturing grandly, the monster pointed to his own right eye. Arren could feel the reckless and exciting energy radiating off of him. Arren would be lying if he said it wasn’t as infectious as it was worrying, but he was a liar so he wasn’t going to say that.
“I’m going to give you my eye so you can see the ins and outs of this forest like I can!” The monster declared and Arren stared at him blankly.
“What the fuck are you even talking about?!” He suddenly yelled, realizing that yes! This situation could get even weirder! “How do you even know you could do that?!”
The monster’s expression took on a more sullen and distant look as he stared somewhere past Arren’s shoulder.
“There are some things about me that I just know.” He said, sounding far away. “Like that I used to be a human before this and that I had a different name.”
So there was even more mystery to this place? Also this was when Arren realized he had never bothered to ask if the monster had a name. He was so used to it just being a creature that stalked and haunted the woods, that he hadn’t even realized that it could be someone.
“So what’s your name now, then?” Arren asked, finally deciding to be polite.
The monster seemed to snap out of it and turned to look at him. His features softened and he looked a lot less sad. Arren decided he liked this version a lot more. Meaning, that he found it the least annoying.
“Blight. That’s who I am now.” Blight said, looking stronger and more sure of himself now. “So, are you in or not?”
Blight, huh? A poisonous name that promised of death. It didn’t feel quite fitting for what he knew now, but Arren liked how it sounded. Powerful and threatening.
As for the question... What else did he have to lose?
“Fine. Fucking whatever.” Arren grumbled, crossing his arms and Blight just laughed in response again.
Reaching a hand out, Blight gently cupped it over Arren’s right eye. It aggravated the aching sensation and brought a sting along with it, but that was fine. He watched Blight take a deep breath and close his eyes, and suddenly Arren felt dizzy and the world was literally spinning around him like some sick punishment for all his crimes.
He wanted to cry out, beg for all of it to stop and say he’d never do it again. He wasn’t sorry but it didn’t matter because the sickness outdid any pain he could ever feel and he had learned his lesson.
Then, everything abruptly stopped.
The world was different.
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primusparry · 5 years
Peyton gets a booboo
Peyton: [Absolutely nothing, not one thing had changed after that kiss, which meant, all thoughts and fantasies that my lips were somehow magical and would convince Paradise that she was madly, deeply in love with me, were just that. A solo show starring me, myself and Rosy Palm, raw from all the… yeah. We'd returned to the training facility the next night, easy banter among the soldiers and brothers as we paired off for rotation, nothing out of the ordinary. Which of course, disappointed the most moronic part of me that would always pine for a relationship that would never be. Paradise had locked me into the friend zone years ago and thrown away the key. Someday, I hoped, I'd come to terms with that. But tonight was not that night. Had she glanced my way a few times more than usual? And her cheeks were flushed from the cold night air when I first caught sight of her. Nothing more. But damn if a few seconds of swapping spit hadn't scrambled my brain worse than any herbal paranoia ever could. My mental self beat down took me deep into the urban arteries of Caldwell, barely a word passing between myself and Blay as we headed into the night. We knew the grid we were covering well, the where's and when's we were supposed to cross paths and check in. I was thankful for the familiar terrain tonight, because Scribe knew I probably couldn't handle anything more than a trainee level workload.]
*I’ve been worried that that kiss would make things awkward between Pey and I, and I’m afraid that I was right. Everyone was chatting and joking around as usual as we meet up at the training center to pair off for rotation the night after the party at my house- but Pey and I barely spoke to each other at all before we headed out. I try not to overthink things as Xcor and I patrol our territory. I’m still not entirely sure how I feel about that kiss, but I know that I already miss the easy camaraderie between my best friend and I. It took us so long to get it back after the fights when we first joined the program, and now it’s gone again just like that. Shoving such thoughts onto my brain’s back burner, I mentally berate myself. Get your head in the game, girl! Going into the field distracted is an excellent way to get yourself seriously hurt- or worse.
I wave at Novo as we cross paths with her and Phury, same thing again a few minutes later with Craeg and Balthazar. After teaming up with the latter pair to take down a group of lessers, we parted ways again, both teams searching for their next targets.
Peyton: [It wasn't long before the squawk of action came over our ear-comms, my shit kickers stalling when I heard that Parry was in the frey. Even as my eyes continued to scan, I listened intently, not inhaling again until I heard the barked, "all clear." Sound in my ear. Relief washed the tension from my shoulders just as I rounded a corner… and came face to face with half a dozen lessers I hadn't scented because they were down wind. Fuck! Drawing my weapons as I gave a sharp whistle for Blay who had split off in the opposite direction a few meters back, I got a few rounds popped off, watched two of the six drop, at least momentarily, before another three took me to the ground. Guns useless at this aimless range, I grabbed for the knives sheathed at my side. Slashing with strategic strokes, I flinched briefly from the blinding light of sending one fucker back to the Omega, only to cry out through gritted teeth as the other gripping my wrist and forced my own hand down, knife point glinting as this powder stenched fucker pushed my own fucking knife into my thigh as the third found my other arm back, blocking my own defense. How the fuck was I going down like this?
In the next blink, the weight of the one on my chest was gone as the one stabbing me with my own weapon was blown backwards. Ignoring the searing pain in my thigh, I knew it was Blay at the top of the alley as I leveled myself onto one elbow, lifted my sig and downed another couple of albino assholes. Struggling to my feet, I kept watch as Blay surged up the alley and made quick work of sending each of the half holey, wriggling dick weeds back to their maker. Chest heaving as the last pop dissipated, I looked down, hand braced on the brick wall beside me I swayed on my feet.] I think he nicked my femmy femoral… [and that was all I could muster before the lights went out.]
*I'd just stopped a human man from harassing a woman behind a club when Blay’s voice hit my ear through the comms. Peyton is badly hurt after a run in with a squad of lessers, and Blay is getting him to the mobile medical unit. I freeze, scared and worried for my friend. But then I am suddenly also furious. Blame it on all the introspection during the previous day, but all I can think about is all the crap Pey spewed when we were joining the program, about the possibility of me getting hurt. Well, looks like you’re not so invincible yourself, are you, you bastard?!
I resist the urge to head over to the mobile unit immediately to check on him, because I don’t want to get in the doc’s way while he’s being treated. I’m also more than slightly tempted to kick his ass myself right now, and that obviously wouldn’t help anything at all. Struggling not to bare my fangs, I take off running in search of another fight, ignoring Xcor calling my name behind me. I hear his footsteps like louder and heavier echoes of my own as he follows me, cursing. Then I see three lessers down an alley. I grin as I pull my daggers out, thinking ‘perfect….’*
Peyton: [I blinked in and out of consciousness for I don't know how long. First it was Manny, looking like an archangel from the Fade, leaning over me to block out the blinking fluorescents. The bumps that jostled my body, shooting pain to places I didn't know could hurt, told me I was in the mobile medical unit. Yippee! A delirious laugh answered whatever question he was asking me, and I knew either the good shit was getting pumped into my veins, or I was close to the end. I really hoped it was the first.] Par… Parry. [The roll of his eyes told me that I wasn't close to a right answer, then his face was gone and I faded again. The next time I woke it was to a much smoother ride, the gurney, taking me to the clinic was my best bet. Warm and fuzzies filling my heavy head, I closed my eyes again. At least if I was going unto the Fade it would be from a place where I matter. Where my people would know, and at least a few might give a shit that I was gone. My father would only be disappointed that I hadn't OD'ed in my bedroom like he'd always predicted.]
*I just finish stabbing the last lesser back to the Omega when I’m suddenly grabbed from behind. I’m about to retaliate when I realize that it isn’t the enemy who has me in his grip, it’s Xcor. He spins me around and slams me against the brick wall and gets all up in my face, absolutely furious. “What the hell is wrong with you?!” He demands. “Do you _want_ to get yourself killed? Cause if so, too damn bad. It won’t be happening on my watch, female. You want to fight, beat the shit out of something? Fine. We’ll go back to the training center and I’ll spar with you in the gym as much as you want. Otherwise, I’m going to tell Tohr to take you off rotation until you can keep your head together. These are your only two options, because you really can’t be in the field right now.” I open my mouth to retort angrily- but then I realize that he’s 100 percent right. Hell, wasn’t I literally just thinking how dangerous distraction can be? Wrestling my temper under control, I nod.* Ok then. Let’s hit the gym. *Xcor nods, and hits the comms to let everyone know we were leaving the field. Then I close my eyes, and it takes a moment but I’m able to scatter my molecules and demat back to the training center. Xcor appears right beside me, and the two of us head inside and down the hall to the gym. We take off our jackets and all our various weapons and lay them on a bench before walking out onto the mats. Xcor sinks down into a defensive posture, and the look on his face is calm and patient as he waits to see what I’m going to do next. I go after him, holding nothing back. We fight until I’m limping- thanks to a good roundhouse kick on his part to swipe my legs out from under me- and pouring sweat as I walk over to grab a towel and sit on the benches for a breather. Wiping my face as I accept a bottle of water from him, I look up at him as he stands towering above me. “Go on.” He says, nodding at the doors with a slight smile. “Go take a shower and then check on your… friend. The medics have to have him settled in at the clinic by now, and you’ll feel better once you see for yourself how he’s doing.” I note the slight pause before the word ‘friend,’ as if he’d been wanting to say something else instead. Something like “your male.” Not that Peyton is mine or ever likely to be, but we’re best friends and everyone here knows it. Why wouldn’t I be worried about him at such a time? Rather than comment on or try to correct Xcor’s assumption, I simply nod and thank him for his help, and get up to head over to the female’s locker room. Quick shower and towel off, and I pull some clean clothes on and pull my hair back in a braid before going over to the clinic. Finding the room Peyton’s been placed in, I walk right in. He’s sleeping- or appears to be- and there’s no visible injuries or bandages. However and wherever he’s hurt, it’s somewhere under the blankets, not on his face or arms. I pull a chair over to the bedside and take my best friend’s hand, getting comfy and settling in to wait for him to wake up.
Peyton: [I knew Dr. Manny had poked and prodded for a while. I vaguely recall mumbling some semblance of answers to questions I thought they were asking. There was something about feeding, when I last had, or that I would need to, something. Then, I guess they figured maybe it wasn’t Fade time for me, because he left me alone to enjoy my morphine induced sleep. It was a very familiar scent that roused me from that sleep. One that I knew as well as my own as it plagued my dreams and my nightmares equally.
My pulse kicked into high gear, the little blood I had left in my body pumping through my veins. Her soft, warm, not at all warrior callused hand on mine, had my lashes fluttering, trying to open, the best I could manage was a crack as my lids felt like there were anvils sitting on top of them. My wrist worked though, and I turned it, so that I could lace my fingers with hers, a gravelly barely perceptible laugh scratching up my throat when I spied the worry lines creasing her otherwise perfect brow. If I was any higher, I might think an angel had come to take me to heaven. But no, that was human religion. I was a vampire and so was she.] Careful. You keep scowling at me like that and your face might get stuck like that.
*Well, that figures. Even badly injured, barely conscious, and no doubt high as a kite from the pain meds and such, Peyton just can’t help being a smartass. I roll my eyes and give a distinctly unladylike snort, even as I give his hand a gentle squeeze* Oh, please. If that hasn’t happened by now after dealing with you for years, it never will! *Then I drop the attempt at levity and get very serious as I look into his barely open eyes.* So, what the hell even happened out there tonight? Blay said something about you running straight into a big squad of lessers. Sweet Scribe, Pey, what in the world were you thinking?!
Peyton: [Her anger had my scowl mirroring hers. I was confused and immediately defensive with her coming at me. As if I needed more reassurance that the random kiss meant absolutely nothing to her. Pain pulsed from my heart to my newly resown leg and I wished in that moment that the lessers had done a better job. Sucking in a deep breath through my nose, I winced as the expansion of my chest sent another spike of agony through my battered body.] Yes, we ran into them. As in, turned a corner and they were there. And I was thinking, "Hey, the enemy...guess I should do my job and kill these fuckers before they go after an innocent civilian, or better yet, my partner." [Turning drug heavy eyes up to hers, I arched a brow,pulling my hand from her grip.] If you've sufficiently laid into me, I'd like to get back to sleep. I was having a great dream. You didn't treat me like shit and let me put my dick in your mouth. [Pressing my lips together, I turned my head to face the wall. It was a shit thing to say, but my pain level, inside and out had my filter torn to shreds. I was sure she'd have more to say as I wish Manny would come back in with another shot of morphine.]
*My temper fires up again at his deliberately crude words, insult and shock slamming through me* Unbelievable! I didn’t come here to be insulted, Pey. I came to check on my friend, even though I’m seriously pissed off and would really like to take a swing at you myself right now. After all, you were so worried about me getting hurt if I joined the program, but which one of us ended up here in the clinic tonight? You did. And I got so distracted when the news came over the comms that Xcor had to pull me off the streets, and that’s after I spent way too much time overday thinking about that damn kiss…. *I break off my rant, realizing that I’ve let loose and said entirely too much. I fight not to blush as I pull myself together and stand up.* I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you. Maybe I should just go…
Peyton: [The spike of ire was too intense to ignore. It fed the injured, predator inside of me. Jaw clenched, my chest ached in time with the pulse of pain in my thigh, which only proved to wear away at my filter further.] For fucks sake, Paradise, I get that you regret the damn kiss. Kick me while I'm down why don't you? So what I ended up in the clinic? Every one of us does at some point. What? Disappointed that I'm going to pull through? Sorry to disappoint, because if you coming in here and laying into me the minute I open my eyes is your idea of checking up on me, thanks but no thanks. [I hadn't realized I was yelling until a very loud knock at the door had me shutting my mouth. Glaring at the interruption, my features softened when I saw Dr. Manny followed by the chosen Amalya. Cursing under my breath, I studiously ignored Parry, trying my best to look apologetic.] My apologies, Chosen. Doctor. Please, come in. [Casting a scathing glare at her, I sneered as she got to her feet.] Last chance to take a swing, Parry. I'll be good as new in no time.
*I’m about to snap back at him when a knock sounds at the door, and Doc Manny walks in with a gorgeous female- and not just any female, a Chosen. The directrix herself, if I’m not mistaken. And of course, she’s got to be here to feed Peyton. Their presence helps me rein in my temper once more, though I feel an unexpected and unsettling twinge in my chest at the thought of Peyton taking Amalya’s vein. I decide it would probably be best to use their entrance to excuse my leaving. After greeting the new arrivals, I turn back to Peyton.* I’ve already apologized for losing my temper, but will do so again if it’ll make you feel better. I truly didn’t mean to snap at you, and I really am sorry for it. As for regrets, I don’t recall saying that I had any. Because I don’t, unless the… event in question ends up messing up our friendship and causing problems between us. I might come back after nightfall to check on you again, once we’ve had a chance to cool down, but right now I’ll just go and leave you to your feeding. I’ll see you later. *after bowing to the Chosen again and nodding to Manny, I walk out of the room and demat home to my father’s mansion, my emotions even more tangled than before.*
Peyton: [The scowl that furrowed my brow as she said her piece and left telegraphed my confusion. She...didn't regret…? What in Dhund did that mean? Because if she felt anything besides friendship or hatred towards me, basically the two emotions that ran hand and hand in mine and Paradise's relationship, she had a pretty messed up way of showing it. And why after all this time…? Shaking myself from my thoughts as a knot of guilt formed in my belly, I tried to focus on the check up questions Manny was asking me.] Uh, yeah, whatever you gave me is holding up. My leg feels like a ton of bricks, but besides that just twinges of pain. [I tried for a gentle smile that barely curled my lips as I addressed the Chosen, keeping my eyes downcast out of respect for her position.] Thank you for your service. I am not worthy of the gift of your life blood. [She nodded in acknowledgment and offered her wrist. On any other occasion, I'd be jazzed to be feeding from such a lovely being and the buzz her blood could give, but tonight as my fangs sank deep, my eyes were locked on the darkness of the hall outside of the small window in the door of my hospital room, yearning for a glimpse of Paradise.]
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hazbinextgeneration · 6 years
Casino Calamity
WARNING: Fight scenes including hair pulling is contained. Laughing, cheers, and music filled the air within the casino as demons of all kinds gambled their money away or drank themselves drunk. A usual day for the casino staff....Well, almost everyone. The clicking of hooves made their way down the hallway towards the more noisier side of the whole casino. The woman flipped through the many papers piled within her arms. She finally pulled one from the back, scanning her eyes over it before looking up at the person walking next to her smiling nervously. "T-The deed to the winery next door has successfully been obtained like you wanted." The taller male smiled down at her. "Excellent!" He snatched the document from her and smirked down at it. "With this we'll no longer have to rely on cheap black market booze......How much have we left in stock, Pet?" Her ears went back at the nickname, but answered, "I....don't know. I haven't looked yet." He hummed and gave her a look. "Go ask Rouge, that beer bug ought to give you the answer, then get back to me." A red claw was extended to pull back a stray gold hair from her face. She visibly flinched at the touch and stopped walking before her purple eyes darted at him. He only chuckled and leaned forward a little. "You can do that. Can't you, Pet?~" She gulped and managed to not stutter despite the heat in her face. "Of course I can." His hand patter her cheek before retracting back and chuckling. "I thought so.~ Now-" He began walking again with her quickly following behind. "-I must go speak with a very important client. Go find Rouge. She'll give you what you need." "Yes, Sir." He often used nicknames with her and very flirty gestures, but after working for him for a couple month she got used to it....Kinda. He seemed to get a sick pleasure out of seeing her squirm and those god forbidden squeak sounds she made. Though putting up with his antics was better than fighting for survival on the streets. Even if it meant her hand. They came to the end of the hallway where the loud sounds of music and voices were. Without so much but a side smile at her, he turned to the left and quickly disappeared among the crowd of other demons. She watched after him for a moment, but soon went the opposite way. It wasn't comfortable being around so many possibly dangerous demons, but most were too busy with their games to pay attention to her. The ones that DID she knew stared at her body(or more specifically her exposed leg or horn). She made the mistake of looking into the face of one of her 'admirers' as she walked past. The grimy man visibly smirked at her and licked his fangs.....which made her cringe, duck her head, and pick up her pace. The bar couldn't be far now, right? ….Right! The bar wasn't as crowded as he thought it'd be, but it was still pretty packed. In the middle of it all was the familiar flutter of green wings as the insect demon passed out drinks fast with ease. Years of experience right there. She didn't notice her at first, but (when she got close enough) Rouge smiled in her direction and placed her hands on the counter. "Hey there, Fuzzy. You finally here ta try that demented cocktail Cyber told ya about?" She smiled and took a seat. "N-No. Lou wanted to know how much alcohol was left in stock." She gave a knowing smile before looking down at the paperwork she held...then back to her. "Someone's been busy." She brought her arms to rest her arms and paper on the bar and gave a smile. "It's not that bad. It's certainly better than doing laundry." She snorted. "With all the chores he makes ya do, I'm surprised he doesn't dress you up in a mad outfit." Instead of getting the suggestive joke, the unicorn cocked her head to the side in confusion. "Why would he have me do that? I'm pretty sure he already has cleaning staff." "Nevermind." She waved a hand dismissively before leaning off the counter. "You said you wanted to know the booze level. Alright. It'll take me a couple minutes though." "I can wait." "Alright. Kacey!" Her head snapped to the right as she shouted. Another demon glared at her from the other side of the bar. "Cover me for a bit. I need something from the back." Rouge left without another word, disappearing through a door between the two shelves of alcohol. Leaving her surrounding by patrons grumbling for their drinks or passed out drunk on the bar....It was fine though. She was usually left alone if she just kept her eyes down and didn't engage with anyone. This wasn't the case though. As she busied herself by flipping through the small stack of papers in her hands, she barely noticed someone sit n the stool next to her, which really wasn't a big deal. It was a free bar after all. What she did notice however was the sudden ever so light feeling of someone touching her leg- "DON'T TOUCH ME!!" Her body reacted far faster than her mouth did. Whipping around towards the danger, her body on high alert from the unwanted invasion of her personal space. Sitting there was the very same demon she'd made the mistake of seeing. Her shout had seemed to catch the attention of some others around her though. The demon smiled and stared down at her like she was a prime steak. Unintentionally, she swallowed and leaned away. She probably looked more scared than she would've liked. "I-I....I don't like strangers touching m-me. Please g-go away." At this, he chuckled and leaned down eye level. "I remember you-" Her eyes visibly widened at this, and her nose wrinkled up. His breath smelt like an unwashed dumpster. He pointed a finger before saying, "You're that pretty little thing from that auction show aren't ya?" She sat there frozen. That thing was broadcasted on TV?! Well, that would've explained a couple things- A sudden shriek cut from her throat as something had grabbed a large fistful of her poor blonde and white hair and pulled her head back. Her hand immediately flew up to the giant hand and began to claw at it to no avail. He somehow got closer to her face. "Y'know...You went for a lot of f*cking money. One million is pretty rich down here." Her body coursed with pain as her brain screamed for his unwanted touch to go away. To not let it happen again. "Let go of me! Put me down!" Her body thrashed against the iron grip of her captor which made him raise his hand higher, dragging her from her seat and halfway into the air. She screamed and started kicking her legs out. The commotion caught the attention of a whole lot of others, but most seemed more entertained by the fight than concerned for her. By this point she thought her head would pop off with how much it hurt. Her kicking had already sent her papers all over the ground below them. "I wonder how much a second owned horse would go for-" Another hand pressed her cheek. "A pure little thing like you would be worth a lo-AAAAHHH!!" The squirming flesh in her mouth tasted horrible, but something told her to keep her teeth clamped down. The demon cursed and pulled against her. Pushing her head back further. "What THE F*CK are you doing?!" The female voice and the demanding tone behind it was enough to make the male demon stop and look down. By some miracle, Rouge had returned(probably hearing their screams) and was glaring at him with enough bite to put a cobra to shame. Her eyes flashed to her crying, squirming body held up by him for one split second. "....Okay, Chubby. You have one second to put Fuzzy down before I shove a bottle up your a$$." "Mind your own f*cking business!" Her jaw's grip had loosened in the few seconds after Rouge's return, so it was easy to finally slip his hand free to point at the much smaller demon and start yelling at her. Which gave her only a few moments to react. It was obvious this guy was physically stronger and wasn't planning on letting her go anytime soon. She sure as h*ll wasn't going back to being someone's sold property. So, in her panicked state, there was one very obvious solution- "LOU!!," she shrieked at the top of her lungs. Drowning out any other sound from her brain, "LOU, HELP!!" The tears dulled her vision somewhat so the next moments were a bit blurry, but no one could miss the obvious chair that came flying out of nowhere and collided with him full force. Sending them both to the floor. The sudden release from her hair was a relief compared to the smack to the floor....but it was better than being held in mid air. Her head tingled with dulled pain still, but there was no time to linger on that when a demonic cry and gagging sounds came next to her. Once again her body reacted before her conscious brain did and she sat up and away....and her eyes widened. The demon was the one making the gagging noises and flailing about like a fish out of water. The clawing at his neck directed her to the green rope like appendage firmly wrapped around it. Small red spikes dotted along it's sides. Another screech got her attention as well as some others. "Lou?" The plant demon was transfixed on the choking demon. A fixture of rage and something she couldn't quite place on his face. He seemed to also be struggling as a tinier female was death gripping his waist to hold back the snarling beast. "Lou, STOP! That's enough!" He didn't stop. "LOU!!" …..He froze. Everything seemed to freeze for those few aganizing moments...before his body slowly began to relax back and he blinked. "......Lou?" His head snapped to the unicorn looking up at him from the ground with a confused gaze....then around at all the patrons still watching....He quickly straightened up(reaching to fix his bowtie and hat) as if it never happened, before snapping his fingers. The vine around the guy's neck loosened and slunk away leaving him hacking and coughing. She let out a loud squeak as more vines wrapped around her suddenly and hoisted her up and over towards the two. There, she ws firmly placed next to him and an arm wrapped around her shoulders. "Cyber. Take this fool and throw. Him. Out." His eyes narrowed. "If he knows what's good for him, I won't see him around here again." Cyber(who was the other female) gave him an overly confused look with a," Uh.....Sure, Boss." "YOU-" He slightly tightened his grip on her. "-are coming with ME." She knew not to argue and let him turn her around and into the crowd. Everyone stood there for a moment. ".....Da f*ck just happened?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He groaned and reached up to rub at his temples. The soft office chair hugged his slumped over body as he racked his brain. A small thump from the desk made him open his eyes and noticed the small white cup that was placed in front of him. The smell of coffee and weed killer filled the air, and on top of it all was the smiling face of his fiancé. "Thank you." He grabbed it before chugging it down half way. She gave him a bigger smile. "I thought you'd want that after the fight back there." He dryly chuckled. Oh, yes. The fight. He honestly didn't know what to think of it all. One moment he was casually talking up one of his more richer clients, alomost sealed the deal too, when the first screams rang out. At first, he didn't pay much attention to it, if there was a fight then the bouncers would take care of it. That's what they were paid for. What he DID pay attention to was the screaming of his name- "LOU!! LOU, HELP!!" You could say he snapped around faster than a bullet. Completely confused to who could've been shouting for him- Until he saw it. The struggling form of Amalfia raised above the crowd by a meaty looking hand gripping her hair. What happened next was something he couldn't quite explain. It was almost like someone flipped a switch and red clouded his vision. Though throwing a chair and making a scene in front of his customers was a blur- "Yes. Well-" He sat back up bringing the cup with him. "I don't tolerate strangers placing their hands on the woman I intend on marrying. I would advise against going back there anytime soon." "But, my papers-" "I'll send Cyber to retrieve them." He gave the cup a look before glancing back at her. ".....This coffee tastes a bit old. Why don't you go make a new pot?" "Alright. I get the hint. But, Lou-" A Soft hand reached out to gently squeeze his free hand. "I mean it. Thank you." She slowly removed herself from by the desk and made her way over to the doorway. He sat there frozen for what seemed like forever before slowly clenching his free hand. What the h*ll was wrong with him today?! 
Contest prize for @palettepainter A oneshot of our ocs and just in time for Valentine’s day too.
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Peasant vs. King’s Court - LPS100 plays Cuphead: Log #13
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After countless deaths and shenanigans, from a carnation distracting me with his handsome look, a genie‘s puppet turning the fight into a living hell, a gorgon who kept gazing me with her poked out eyes and letting the eels take liberties on me, to a fucking dragon whose innocent look hide his relenteless power to turn a what it seems to be easy fight into a seemingly neverending living nightmare of hell, taking days just to end him.
It’s no secret that I didn’t had that much high hopes that I would get to Inkwell Hell with only two bosses who surpassed the 45 death mark and another two who surpassed the 80 death mark, one of which got all the way up to 129 deaths and kicks in my ass. But I’m now at Inkwell Hell, got all the coins, all the Charms, all the Weapons, and I’m ready to take on King Dice and his Court, and then, the bitch himself, the Devil.
But no one knew, not even myself, that King Dice himself would bring up a fight all because of damned bet.
I will be honest: I forgot all about King Dice’s Court. I couldn’t remember any names aside from Phear Lap and not even their look and what did they do I could remember - I was about to walk in pool of blindness.
In the roulette, there’s in total of 9 mini-bosses, each with their own gimmick, assholeness and a safe space after 3 bosses, all ready to kick my ass or send me in a hellish spiral of death.
I’m going to stand up and say that the dice is timed. If you time your parry to get the number you want, you can get it, but if the edge is oh-so a little to the right, you will get whatever is on the right side, vice-versa when it’s turning to the opposite way. This would’ve been fine if it wasn’t for the fact that some of the bosses are...fucking christ, I tried my utter best to avoid it either because I would get annhilated by them or they would wreck me to oblivion.
Even when I had a stratgy or when the board had an excellent HP Up placement, I would often fail to get the number and either be forced to retry or deal with the fucker, hope to god that I survive the damn bastard.
And sometimes, King Dice would feel pity for me and add an HP Up on a piace of shit that I wish to avoid, how cute of you, King Dice.
Now, who were the bitches? Let’s go one by one, each will have a range from 1-5 on how much I avoided them and how much I hate them and why
Tipsy Troop:
Avoidance: 3
Hatred: 3
As much as I rarely got them, I would avoid them at best. They supposedly get easier as you go through the fight but I didn’t noticed that big of a difficulty difference.
The bottles that sprayed wine in a horizontal and vertical manner would often get me everytime, specially the vertical one because I for some reason, couldn’t hear that big of a sound cue for it, and I rely a lot on sound cues when it comes to a focus-demanding battle.
I died a couple of times and I ended up in trying to avoid them at best.
Chips Bettigan:
Avoidance: 4
Hatred: 5
Fuck this piece of shit, oh my god. I don’t what I kept doing, I don’t know if I had the wrong weapon or something, it would ALWAYS take forever just to end this fucker.
Sometimes, I would jump too high when it required a medium jump, sometimes, I wouldn’t notice the fucking lower chips and get fucked, sometimes, I would duck but I would be right below him. Yes, I could fucking dash but that would make it worse. I would often dash into him or not have enough space to avoid the rest.
And his.fucking.voice... jesus fucking christ. I swear to god, he sounds like a cowboy who’s storing nuts for the winter in his cheeks but needs to keep cowboying.
Mr. Wheezy:
Avoidance: 1
Hatred: 0
He was relatively easy to understand how to avoid his projectiles, I would always get a 3 just to fight it, and at some point, I would often get a no hit run with him due to being so accostumed on how to dodge his projectiles.
Pip and Dot:
Avoidance: 3
Hatred: 1
I would only fight them on occasions, though I wouldn’t rely on them that much. Would often miss the parry or get hit by it or touch the spikes, specially when I was close to finish them.
Though, because I always had the full super bar whenever I reached them, they would end quickly.
Hopus Pocus:
Avoidance: 4
Hatred: 5
Ah yes, Hopus Pocus, the bitch that I kept getting so many fucking times that King Dice often added an HP Up because he felt pitty for me. How cute of him. I died and got annihilated so many fucking times because of him, specially on the parry section.
My biggest weakness is parrying, even after understanding how it works, I still had problems with it. When it was from below, I only failed a couple times, but when it’s from above? Fuck that shit, fam, I would always get hit and rarely get it.
And even when I used the super on him, I would often finish him after either getting hit once... or with my HP drained.
At the least, I could see what I was doing. The next one on the other hand...
Phear Lap:
Avoidance: 5
Hatred: 5
Phear Lap is the definition of “Why too much shit on the foreground can distract you”.
I’ve had my share of deaths and hits where the foreground would completely cover me or a projectile, resulting me in getting hit by something I didn’t see. But Phear Lap takes it to a whole new level, the foreground includes big, large, black trees that cover up a lot of the screen, so a lot of times, I would lose sight of myself and either get hit by the present or by the fucking ghosts.
Yes, ghosts, on the section where the horses are racing, it took me a fucking while to realize that there’s this ghost rider who will come up and spring himself to the air if you’re on top of him, which can take you off guard when you’re too focus on the present and on where you are.
I avoided him at all fucking costs and when I didn’t, I would either get annihilated, get hit or in a miraculous turn, go through without a single hit.
Avoidance: 0
Hatred: 0
The most easiest boss in the whole board. Dashing through her while shooting with the Rounbabout was the equivalent of constantly avoiding a bull’s horns without any problem. I would also dash through the projectiles after the wait for the projectiles to come closer to me so that I had space to dash and avoid them.
Avoidance: 2
Hatred: 2
He’s not really that hard, it’s just his little minions that kept interviewing the damn battle kept either hitting me or I would get killed by them. Other than that, he’s fairly easy as fuck, just bash him with Spread and dash to the correct spacing the moment you hear his weird sound.
Mr. Chimes:
Avoidance: 4
Hatred: 4
Fuck this piece of shit as well. At the least, my times of playing match the cards helped me out with the cards in the game but christ, fuck this bitch. Whenever a wrong match was gotten, he would often times move to the opposite way, often hitting me unexpectedly and take me off guard. He would often corner me badly during the shooting section and this bitch had to go on its way to mark his fucking name on “biggest bitches I had to deal with in Cuphead” by softlocking during a great run.
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I knew I would get one eventually after countless of should-have-been-a-softlock moments but did it had to be at the worse time?
I must’ve triggered a good match the moment he stopped twitching over a bad match resulting in him beign stuck in a corner and not attack at all. He would react to the wrong matches but never move or attack. I had to kill myself in it by touching him because I had no supers to kill him and neither my weapons could reach him.
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The pressure of trying to destroy him while there’s a 100% chance I might get cornered was so big, I would often try to avoid him...
... And hit something even worse.
Local piece of shit Start Over Tile can suck my fucking ass.
I went on my way to count how many times I would hit this piece of shit and everyone, I want you to know... I hit this shit 6 fucking times. About 2 of them were in a row.
And it wouldn’t have been so bad if it wasn’t for the fact that I had to walk on eggshells because there was that fucking chance I would get to fight another bitch. And, what wouldn’t be the definition of hell and spelling eggshells without hell without constantly fucking encountering either Tipsy Troop, Hopus Pocus and the three pieces of shit themselves, Chips Bettigan, Phear Lap and Mr.Chimes.
A big special shoutout to Phear Lap because he can suck my fucking ass as well.
But when I get Fin, it was time to fight the bitch itself: King Dice.
My parry is still shit and it’s very visible in this boss, I would constantly fail to parry the cards, specially when there was a 3-card distance away from each other. Then there was my parry timing, I already said this before but I’m gonna say it again:
The pressure makes me timing go wonky. I could be thinking that I’m timing my parry when I’m not and I’m just falling into death. So, about 90% of the times, I kept getting hit by the cards because I wasn’t parrying right. And yes, I could’ve used the cheat of hiding behind his hands but I ain’t going to cheat, I want to play this game fair and clear, without any cheats.
It took me forever to understand a few bits:
You seemingly can’t parry the same card twice, which I always thought I could, resulting in a lot of hits and deaths;
Instead of waiting for the cards to comes, go straight for the parry the moment you see one. Apparently, getting a running start helps control the parry, to me at the least;
Though on the second point, I would often forget how to time-parry because throughout the whole level, they would force me to rapid-parry due to the damn dice. If I want that 3, I had to rapid-parry that bitch or else, I would be fucked.
I will be honest here, the hard part wasn’t King Dice, it was the Court. Retrying the level basically means go through the roulette again, with a high chance of starting over and forcebly make me walk on eggshells, and then fight the King. So, my desperation started getting high not because of the King, but because the Court kept killing me so much, more than the King, that all I wanted at that exact moment was to end the damn battle and leave.
And I did got close a few times, in one of the tries, I used the Super... to the wrong way and it would’ve killed him had I aimed it at him.
In 24th Ass Kicks, I was that close to beat him:
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And again in 39th Ass Kick:
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But, to a surprinsing event, I was able to parry some cards in a row to survive and finally beat him with...
39 Ass Kicks and a A-.
To put this into prespective:
Dr.Khal’s Robot has 43 Ass Kicks;
Cagney Carnation has 45 Ass Kicks;
Djimmi the Great has 49 Ass Kicks;
Cala Maria has 89 Ass Kicks;
And the bitch himself:
Grim Matchstick has 129 Ass Kicks.
I was rooting for King Dice to at the least get to a 80-90 Ass Kick mark, but no, he has less than a Isle 1 boss.
The Devil is our only chance to beat a Debtor’s record. Can The Devil himself prove that he is the hell spawn of hell itself and beat Grim’s record? Or will Grim keep his record for eternity?
Only one way to find out: It is time to fight The Devil.
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mercurialmind · 6 years
What Did Happen at Herald’s Rest?
This is how the night of Wicked grace actually happened (at least in my head), and I want to share it with you :D
The text is part of a longer fic The Sword and The Quill, but can easily be read independently.
Pairings: Shae Lavellan/Dorian Pavus, Cassandra Pentaghast/Josephine Montilyet
Other characters: Iron Bull, Blackwall, Sera, Cole, Varric, Cullen, Leliana, The Chargers
Genre: Humor
Raiting: T
“I would find it most romantic if Shae took a sword in hand and defended his love for me”, Dorian told smirking and received an elbow, gently to his side. Shae smiled at him from the corner of his eye.
“I would swoon from the excitement”, Dorian continued, dramatically leaning his body over the Inquisitor’s arms, pursing his lips, ready for a kiss.
Shae pressed his lips together to an awkward smile as he held Dorian’s weight. “I am sorry to tell you... but you are too heavy”, he chuckled.
“How rude”, Dorian huffed, standing up and winking at Cassandra who shook her head.
“You are beyond hope”, she told him.
Although weeks had passed since the duel in Val Royeaux, it still remained on the tip of everyone’s tongue. But what else could she have expected? Sometimes, all the fuss about it was annoying, but Dorian’s joking did not bother her.
The Inner circle was enjoying a rare night at the Herald’s rest. There was no one else at the tavern that night. Iron Bull and Blackwall carried more ale to the table were Varric and Sera were sitting and laughing. Sera was already quite drunk compared to the others. Her loud chatter carried around the tavern.
“Bull, you remember the blonde with big ditties, right?”
Bull sat down in front of her, his drink sloshing over the border of his mug. “I’ve told this before, but they have names too, you know.”
“I knooow ”, Sera snickered, “but I can’t remember.”
“You should work on your memory”, Bull said. “Girls appreciate if you at least remember their name.”
“Yeah yeah. But you see, I…got some of that .”
Cassandra huffed. She did not wish to hear more of that discussion, thus she let it fade to the background as she looked around. Josephine was engaged in heated discussion with Cullen. The Inquisitor was currently talking with Leliana.
“I don’t remember having fun like this since... well, ages”, Dorian told, handing a glass of wine to her.
“That is entirely true”, Cassandra said smiling. “But only two days, and we will yet again be heading out to danger.” Emerald graves demanded their attention next. It would take again weeks to settle the problems in the area. There would be fighting, more demons, giants... She sighed and glanced at Josephine who was smiling, her hands gesturing excitedly as she talked. It would be the first time they were going to be apart since they had professed their love for each other.
“It must be difficult”, Dorian said, his face growing serious.
Cassandra came back from her thoughts to look at her friend.
“I cannot imagine how it would be like to leave Shae behind...or to stay at Skyhold while he is out on the field”, Dorian continued.
Cassandra sighed again and took a sip from her wine. “I do not wish to think about that now. It is too lovely night to dwell on such dark thoughts. Tonight we shall celebrate friendship and all the happy things we have”, she said, and a smile returned to her face.
Dorian raised his glass and smiled at her. “Truer words have not been spoken.”
They kept on chatting, drank more wine, and at some point, they joined in the discussion with Josephine and Cullen.
“Time for Wicked grace!” Varric’s voice carried over the chatter. “It’s the time we got some action.”
When the crowd began to move to the table, Dorian looked around. “Where is Sera?” he asked. “She was just there a moment ago.”
Cassandra looked around. “Perhaps she left to find the woman with…large breasts?”
Dorian laughed. “I think you might have had quite a few drinks tonight, Cassandra.”
They all gathered around a long table and pulled out their coin purses.
“Tsk tsk, you shall not sit next to each other”, Dorian pulled Cassandra up from her chair and sat her down at the end of the table, taking her place beside Josephine. “We don’t want any scheming. “
Cassandra frowned at him. Shae took a place on the other side of the table, opposite of Dorian. The others had already settled on their chairs.
“I hope I recall the rules”, Josephine smiled. “It’s been a while since we played a game of Wicked grace.”
“Are three drakes better than a pair of swords?”, Cassandra wondered. “I can never remember.”
“Seeker”, Varric said. “Just don’t show anyone your hand. That rule also includes announcing it to the table.”
“I would not…”, she told narrowing her eyes at him.
“There’s a crown on his head, but a sword too. His head didn’t want either”, that was Cole, under his oversized hat.
“Don’t talk to the face cards, kid”, Varric told smiling at the boy.
“I can’t stay long”, Cullen said, looking slightly uncomfortable. “I still have a thousand things to do tonight.”
“What would you have to do at this time of the night - after so much ale?” Leliana asked smirking. “A woman?”
“No”, Cullen looked at her, blushing, which received some chuckling around the table.
“A man, then?” Leliana continued, now smiling innocently.
Cullen rubbed at his neck and sighed. “Maker.”
Varric chuckled. “Curly, I am not an expert”, he said, “but isn’t that blasphemy? What do you think, Cassandra?”
Cassandra laughed. “Why would you ask me?” she said dryly. “Commander may do whomever he likes. I’ve had too many drinks tonight to care about such things.”
That received a chorus of laughter around the table, and Cullen buried his face deep into his hands.
“Curly, if any man in history needed a hobby, it’s you”, Varric laughed and patted him on the shoulder. Then he handed the deck of cards to Josephine. “Go ahead, deal us in.”
Josephine took the cards and leaned back on her chair. “Dealer starts. Ooh...I ...believe…”, she was hesitating. “I’ll start at...three coppers! Do you think that’s too daring? Maybe I’ll make it one...No! Boldness! Three it is!”
Iron Bull threw his coin on the table and leaned over. “Seriously?” He roughed. “Who starts at three coppers? Silver, or go home.”
Blackwall placed his coin on the table. “Sounds good, I’m in.”
“Bolder the better, right? I’m in”, that was Dorian.
“I am in as well”, Cassandra told.
“Me too”, Varric said, throwing a coin of silver on the table. “What about you, Freckles? Are you in?” he asked Shae.
Shae placed a silver on the table. “Please, remember, I’m still new to this game.”
“Don’t worry”, Varric smiled. “You’ll pick it up in no time.
When they all had placed their bets, the game could begin, and it was more fun than Cassandra had remembered. The best thing of all was the moment they all shared together.
While playing the game, they shared funny stories. The ale kept flowing, and the chatter grew louder as the night went on. Even Cullen ended up finally laughing.
“Alright, I have a story”, Shae told suddenly, gaining everyone’s attention. “I’m tipsy enough to finally, come clean about something.”
“Ooh, confessions!” Dorian chuckled.
“Even you don’t know about this”, Shae told mysteriously. “It happened before you joined. ”He cleared his throat and took another sip of his wine. “It was the very beginning of the Inquisition, my hand was burning, and I was alone in the chantry hallway. I thought cold would help, so I tried using magic to cool it.”
“I have a hunch where this is going”, Leliana said, leaning back on her chair.
“Well...”, Shae continued, looking at her apologetically, “the anchor was making my magic unstable, and I wasn’t used to it.”
“You did it!” Josephine pointed a finger at him.
“Yes I did”, Shae told. “I was the one who froze the entire corridor.”
Leliana and Josephine exchanged looks across the table. “And we tried everything to find out who was vandalous enough to do such a thing”, Leliana said.
“I remember hearing voices approaching behind the door and had just enough time to sneak… or better to say slide... to the room next to the war room, to hide”, Shae told chuckling. “I have to admit, it was not easy.”
“I can imagine”, Leliana laughed. “When I entered the hallway with three nobles who were ready for their meeting with the Ambassador, all of them slipped and fell on top of each other onto the frozen floor.”
“I heard screaming and opened my office door”, Josephine continued, giggling. “It was terrible...Three nobles on all fours, trying to crawl to reach something to help them stand.”
Now they were all laughing around the table.
“Excellent!” Dorian pointed. “I’m sure they all deserved it.”
“We spent two days defrosting the hallway”, Leliana said smirking. “But it was all worth it.”
“I must agree”, giggled Josephine. “But the Inquisition would be ruined if anyone found out it was you.”
“And the dealer takes everything!” Josephine stated at the end of another hand. “I win again.”
Cullen frowned at her and leaned closer, over the table. “Deal again”, he said. “I figured out your tells, Lady Ambassador.”
Josephine leaned closer as well, slightly tilting her head. “Commander! Everyone knows a lady has no tells.”
“Then let’s see if your good fortune lasts one more hand.”
Others chuckled when Cullen threw thunderous glances at Josephine across the table. Cassandra smiled too. Josephine was in her element, and Cassandra took all the joy watching her.
When nearly everyone had already folded their cards, Cullen and Josephine were staring at each other. Josephine had an innocent smile on her face as she glanced at her cards again.
“All in”, Josephine told, looking at the Commander.
“I bet my clothes for this one”, Cullen grinned. “Lady Ambassador, I know you are bluffing.”
“It’s not even your turn yet”, Iron Bull laughed.
“What about you Seeker?” Varric asked.
Cassandra glanced at her cards once more, not believing her eyes. She had the best hand anyone could have in the game, she was sure of that. “I am in”, she said finally and pushed all her coins to the center of the table, receiving a series of astonished gasps.
“This is getting interesting”, said Dorian and drank from his wine.
“I’ll pass”, Shae told and placed his cards on the table.
“So then?” Varric said, looking at Cullen.
“ All your clothes?” Cooed Josephine, not letting her eyes leave the Commander’s.
“ All of them”, Cullen said.
Josephine smiled and shrugged her shoulders. “Very well then”, she said. “You all heard him.”
“Show the cards!” Iron Bull roared.
As they did, everyone could see that Josephine had absolutely nothing. Cullen laughed when he slammed his cards on the table. “Well this hand is mine!” he triumphed.
“Not so fast, Commander”, Cassandra told smiling as she laid her hand on the table. “I think it is mine.”
Everyone stretched their necks across the table to see her cards, and the laughter started gradually rise among the friends.
“I think we have a winner then”, Josephine smiled and turned to Cassandra who was still baffled by the result. “You won the whole pot!” she sang. “I knew you could do it, my love!” Then she tilted her head at Cullen. “I am afraid you were right after all.”
Cullen rubbed at his neck, looking at Cassandra’s cards, not believing his eyes.
“Still”, Josephine continued through the noise of laughter, staring at Cullen in the eyes, smiling smugly, “you have lost your garments.”
“Strip them off already!” Iron Bull shouted since Cullen just sat still.
Cullen looked around the table and rubbed at his face. “Maker”, he breathed and began to remove his coat.
“It comes off. I didn’t know it came off”, Cole said when Cullen was sitting bare naked on his chair.
“Don’t say a word, dwarf”, Cullen growled, side-eyeing Varric who was laughing hard.
“Here, Seeker!” Varric threw the Commander's furry coat to Cassandra. “It’s yours now.”
“And what am I supposed to do with it?”
“Put it on, of course”, Dorian said.
“I most certainly will not”, Cassandra protested.
“Oh do it, Cassandra!” Leliana chuckled.
“Do it! Do it! Do it!” Shouts began to carry around the table.
She must have been truly drunk that night, because she did. There was a slight smile on her face as she dressed up in the Commander’s uniform. The whole thing was quite amusing after all. As she caressed the fur around her neck, she looked at the others. “Happy now?” she huffed, and received yet again a series of laughs from the others.
Cullen looked uncomfortable. “May I borrow something to cover myself. I would very much like to retreat to my quarters.”
“No, you may not”, Leliana smirked. “Rules are rules.”
“Maker’s breath, I would appreciate if you all could at least look away so I can stand up from this chair.”
Everyone looked at each other and nodded. “I think we can do that”, Blackwall said.
“I do not wish to witness the Commander’s walk of shame back to the barracks”, Cassandra told.
“But we can’t promise for the people outside”, Josephine giggled.
So as they all looked away, Cullen took his leave and disappeared butt naked to the night. Cassandra saw Dorian take a peak just before Cullen was out of the door, and raised an eyebrow at him while he received the smiling Inquisitor’s elbow to his side. Dorian chuckled.
“Look who has been here the whole time”, Leliana laughed, pointing at a foot sticking out from under the table.
Shae kneeled on the floor and poked his friend who was apparently, fast asleep. “She’s alright”, he said after examining her breathing.
They pulled her up, and as they did so, she woke up slightly, slurring something incoherent. Shae volunteered to walk her upstairs, to her room.
There was a sudden clang at the door, and loud noises as The Chargers burst in the tavern.
“Hey guys!” Bull retorted. “Glad you decided to stop by.”
“We wouldn’t miss a great party”, Krem told.
The Chargers had seemingly started the night with drinks already. Their happy chatter merged with the others, and music began to fill the air as they pulled out some instruments and began to play.
Iron Bull and Blackwall decided to arm wrestle, which drew Varric and Dorian along as well. Bull won Blackwall easily. They laughed and wrestled again as Dorian and Varric took a measure of each other. Dorian was a good opponent to Varric, but the countless times of firing a crossbow had made its work on Varric’s arms.
“Cassandra!” Varric’s voice carried over the music after their match, and she turned to look at him.
“We never got the best of each other, thanks to Freckles’ interference”, he laughed, referring to the spat they had had, after Hawke’s arrival to Skyhold. “Let’s do it now.”
“Varric, there’s no need to…”
“If you want to forfeit...”, Varric said and shrugged.
Cassandra took a step closer. “I will not.”
Varric smiled. “Well, then”, he said and placed his arm on the table, gesturing at Cassandra to join him.
Cassandra glanced at the others who had mostly stopped what they were doing and were now looking at them.
“Fine”, she huffed and sat on the other side of the table. Her elbow hit the wood, and she grabbed Varric’s hand in a firm grip. “Show me what you got then.”
Bull banged the table with his hand, and the others cheered as they began to wrestle. Cassandra gritted her teeth when Varric’s arm twisted hers, pushing it slightly closer to the table. She held tighter to Varric’s grip and pushed her limits.
Varric grunted, and looked at her, grinning. “I did not expect less”, he breathed between his teeth.
Cassandra did not answer, but applied all her strength to her arm that gradually, began to push down Varric’s, finally resulting to a sound of his knuckles hitting the wood. She pulled her sweaty hand away, raising up from her chair, a small smile on her lips.
Varric chuckled. “I think I’m happy Freckles got between us.”
After that match, she had to face Iron Bull as the last opponent, but that wrestle was quickly settled for Bull’s account. No one could best him. Had anyone seen the size of his arms?
The Chargers kept on playing music, and people danced. When Leliana and Josephine finished dancing together, Leliana picked up a lute and joined the players. Her voice was beautiful as always when she began to sing.
Cassandra danced with Josephine, Shae with Dorian, Krem with Dalish. And when the song switched to another, Blackwall came and bowed to Cassandra.
“Can I have this dance, my lady?”
And so Cassandra let go of Josephine’s hand and took his instead. She was carried across the tavern floor by strong warrior arms, and could not help but be pleased in the moment.
Josephine, on the other hand, grabbed Shae’s hand and robbed him from Dorian.
“I must admit, this fur coat suits you”, Josephine giggled. She was sitting on Cassandra’s legs, both of them resting after a long time of dancing. “But it does not smell very nice”, she added.
Cassandra laughed. She was still drunk, a slow tiredness taking over her body, beginning to make her sleepy. She buried her face into Josephine’s neck and placed a small kiss there. The sun was already rising, you could tell it from the pale light coming through the windows. The music had stopped; Bull, Blackwall, Stitches, Dalish and Skinner were talking, their voices low now; Dorian and Shae had disappeared somewhere upstairs; Rocky, Grim and Krem had fallen asleep at the table. Krem mumbled something they could not understand.
“I have a feeling you might have affected the outcome of the game”, Cassandra said and looked at Josephine with a small smile.
“I do not know what you are talking about”, Josephine told smirking, and tightened her arms around her.
Suddenly, Cole appeared at the table where the three men were snoring. “Her voice, beautiful and soothing. Her face, lovely like a morning sun. Spending my days watching, listening. Will she ever notice me?” Krem moved and mumbled again. Then Cole was gone as fast as he had appeared.
It was Leliana who approached them now, with a smirk on her face. “Look what I found”, she sang, holding up her hand. There was a piece of clothing hanging from her fingers, and they could quickly, be identified as the smallclothes Cullen had let fall to the ground at the end of Wicked grace.
“Leliana?” Josephine said, raising an eyebrow at her.
“You are not planning on doing what I think, are you?”
“What will you do with them?” Cassandra asked curiously.
Leliana giggled. “You will see in the morning”, she said with a hushed voice and disappeared through the door to the courtyard.
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feelsgood-anon · 7 years
Eros - Bar AU [Season 2] Chapter 5, Part 2
[Season 1]
[Season 2] | Prologue | Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5p1 | Ch. 5p2 | Ch. 6 |
From the moment Jumin stepped foot in the hospital he was speaking to nurses, their bosses, the head of the medical facility. Zen mostly stood back, almost in awe at how quickly and efficiently Jumin could get things accomplished. The bartender absolutely hated that the other would use his power and money to get what he wanted but seeing him arrange for Jihyun to have a private room and be seen by the best doctors made him let the act slide this time.
Jumin, on the other hand, was not happy that he had to contact his lawyers first to verify that he was indeed allowed to be told of his friend’s condition. After a few quick calls, the waiting game began and as they sat in the lobby all the raven-haired man could do was sigh continuously, “This legal bullshit is what really gets to me. I hate waiting.”
“At least you know that not just anyone can butt in. I’m sure you’ll know everything soon.”
“That isn’t good enough,” He voiced roughly, “I will not be satisfied until I know exactly what happened. I am a patient man, but I don’t like being strung around like this. They won’t even let me see him which means it must be very serious.”
“He’s fine. Everything is fine.” Zen repeated calmly as if he were trying to convince himself. “He puts up with a lot, he can get through this.” He leaned into his chair and laid his head on the edge of the back to look towards the ceiling, “I wonder where Rika is. Maybe she can tell us more.”
“I have no idea. If I can’t see Jihyun, neither can she. She didn’t tell me much on the phone, but she was very upset.” Jumin looked down at his phone, “I’ve spent all day looking at this damn thing. I’m starting to hate time.”
Zen reached over, grabbing the phone and stashing it in his pocket, “Then stop. How about you tell me about that cat of yours? Is it still alive?”
Jumin raised a brow, looking at Zen from the corner of his eye, “Her name is Elizabeth the third and yes, she is alive and healthy. You hate me even mentioning her, why would you bring her up now?”
“I dunno,” Zen shrugged his shoulders, “If it makes you feel better to talk about her, then I’ll put up with the itching that I already feel in my nose.” He sniffled a bit, rubbing at his face, “Just don’t get all weird on me about her.”
“Ha...is that compassion I hear? Even if it’s not, thank you.”
Time passed and the nurse approaching them could not come any sooner. Jumin had just jumped to his fifth story about Elizabeth the third and Zen had to all but hold his hands to his face to prevent himself from sneezing all over the place. “Mr. Han? I’m sorry for the delay. We have received the paperwork, and if you are ready to see Mr. Kim I can take you to him.”
Jumin shot up from his seat quickly, placing a hand on Zen’s shoulder in a silent communication for him to follow, at least until he was allowed. They went up a few floors to the intensive care unit where Zen was left at the waiting room while Jumin proceeded to see V. His silent inhale went unnoticed by his friend who lay sleeping in his bed. “He just got out of surgery,” The nurse said quietly, “They kept him sleeping longer due to the incredible amounts of pain he was in.”
“What happened?” Jumin asked, walking closer to the bed where all he could focus on was the bandages wrapped around the top half of V’s face.
“He had severe chemical burns to his eyes and the top half of his face. A doctor will be in soon to further give you details.” She bowed her head and left the room. Without any others around, he finally slumped his shoulders and dragged a chair next to the bed, “How did this happen, Jihyun? I always told you to be careful in your dark room. That’s the only place I can think you’d be around chemicals.”
Of course, there was no response from V, but it still made Jumin a bit more at ease to at least speak to him. His demeanor immediately hardened when he heard the Doctor walk in, a barrage of questions streaming from his mouth. The answers were not what he expected: Loss of eyesight? More surgeries? Possibilities of complications? What got his blood boiling was the suspicion of foul play. He couldn’t fathom what situation would have put V in the hospital but now with the idea of someone else causing this, he demanded to speak to Rika.
As V was still unconscious, Jumin took the opportunity to look for her and finding her in the waiting room of the ICU with an oblivious Zen actually trying to comfort the crying woman, he made his way towards them, “What the hell happened, Rika? Why is Jihyun lying unconscious in a bed with the prospects of being blind? Tell me everything that happened!”
She looked up, with teary eyes, at the man who loomed over her, “H-he accidentally splashed whatever liquid he uses to develop pictures into his face! We had a fight and he got angry with me and I guess he miscalculated his movements and slammed his hand into the tray. He was in so much pain, he was screaming! I rushed him to the hospital once I could get him in the car. It was horrible!”
Zen rubbed her back slowly, “Hey, it’s okay. You did what you could. It’s not your fault.”
“I don’t believe you.” Jumin said flatly towards her, “Even if Jihyun were to get upset, he would never get physical, especially if you were in the room. He is much more composed than what you claim.”
“Hey hey, cut her a break, Jumin. She’s just as upset as you are. Lighten up a bit.” Zen put his arm around her as she clung to him, “Everyone is a bit rattled at the situation.”
“It must be nice to have all the time in the world to feel sorry for those that don’t deserve it. I, on the other hand, have a responsibility to make sure he is safe. So i’ll ask you again, Rika. What happened?”
Rika gripped onto Zen tighter, “I don’t know what you want me to say! I told you what happened! Why do you hate me so much? I was the one that called you to tell you he was here! I knew you’d be worried that he didn’t show up for the gallery opening!”
“Enough,” Jumin growled, “I will simply ask him once he wakes up, given that he is in any shape to speak about the incident. Go home, you’ve done your damage.”
“Whoa, Jumin...come on…” Zen interjected, “Let’s just take a minute to breathe-”
“How can you see him and I can’t? I’m his girlfriend!” Rika cried, standing up to face him.
Jumin smirked, bowing his head slightly, “Seems like you were wrong when you thought you were more important than I was. He granted me authority to see him if he were hospitalized. Hmm...does it worry you that I get to speak to him in private before you can? We’ll see how his side of the story goes without your influence.”
Her hands curled into fists, but she caught herself before she lost composure. Wiping away the tears from her eyes, she looked him dead in the eyes, “I told you what happened. What he will say is no different.”
“I’ll look forward to hearing the story twice, then. There is no use in you staying here any longer. Go home.”
She let out a huff and grabbed her things, “I expect a call whenever I can see him.”
Jumin ignored her comment as she stormed off, looking down at Zen, “Take note of this, Zen. I officially hate one person on this planet.”
“Jumin, those were some bold things you said to her. Are you sure she was lying?” Zen asked as he crossed his arms around his chest, being torn of who’s side to take.
“Of course I’m not completely sure, but the way she acted makes me feel she wasn’t telling the truth. If I find out that she harmed him in any way-”
“You’ll let the authorities take care of it, yeah?” Zen stood up, placing a hand on Jumin’s back, “Let’s just focus on V right now. Poor guy is suffering in that room and the last thing he needs is his best friend to be irritable.”
Jumin let in a deep inhale, closing his eyes to focus himself. In one slow, ragged breath he let the air out, nodding as he sat down, “You’re right. I’ve assured him the most excellent care and comfortable accommodations. I hope he can at least rest easy.”
Zen stretched his arms upwards, “Well, I guess I should get going too since I won’t be able to see him while he’s in the ICU. Call me when I can come say hi.”
“The bar will close up fine without you. You don’t have to leave so quickly.” Jumin said softly, “There’s no real point in me sitting in the room with him if he isn’t awake, so I’ll just be out here until I can speak with him.”
Zen lowered his arms slowly. Was this Jumin actively asking him to stick around? He laughed a bit, sitting down in a chair, “Yeah, I guess so. I’ll stick around for a bit longer but no more talk of the cat! They’ll probably admit me for having an allergic reaction!”
“Fair enough.” Jumin responded, “How about I talk about work?”
A few hours into the night, Zen headed out to get some sleep since he had to open the bar which left Jumin in his own thoughts for a while. He had started nodding off before a nurse once more approached him, “Mr. Han? I’m sorry to disturb you, but Mr. Kim has woken up. He is still in a great deal of pain but the doctor has been managing it as much as he can. You wished to see him?”
Jumin’s eyes snapped open and as if the threat of sleep had never come over him, standing to walk towards V’s room, “Thank you, I remember what room he’s in.”
He stopped at the doorway when he heard V’s soft groans of pain, causing him to walk slower into the room, “Jihyun? It’s me, Jumin.”
Reactively, V turned towards Jumin’s voice, smiling weakly, “Ah, friend. I’m happy to...well...hear you.” His smile faded, “I’m assuming the hospital called you, I hope you weren’t too frantic to get here. I’m sorry for missing out on our plans.”
“Rika called me from your phone.” Jumin sat by the bed, “And I don’t care about our damn plans. What happened? You need to tell me so I can help you.”
V groaned a bit more, “Everything is fuzzy in my mind. I still feel light-headed from the anesthesia.”
“Jihyun, you could be permanently blind! This is no time to avoid my questions.”
“Jumin please.” V begged, “I know you’re worried but at least grant me a peaceful moment with a dear friend of mine. I’m just as anxious as you are.”
Jumin sat back with a sigh, “Yes, of course. I’m sorry. I’m getting ahead of myself. I’m glad you’re awake and can speak with me.”
“That’s a proper way to say, ‘I’m glad you aren’t dying’. So am I.”
“I won’t lie and say the thought of something worse happening to you didn’t cross my mind.”
V swung his hand playfully, as he often did, to swat Jumin. Misjudging the distance he didn’t even get close but Jumin leaned forward to make contact with the hand suspended in the air, “You’ll have to work on that if you want to scold me.”
“Cheeky bastard.” V smiled, “I’m glad you came.”
Jumin directed V’s hand back to the bed, “You really think I’d let you get away with standing me up again? That medication really is getting to you. Get some rest, we can talk tomorrow.”
“Mmm, yes. Tomorrow.” V echoed, “May tomorrow be better than today.”
Jumin clenched his fist as he started thinking about Rika again, “Oh, it will be.”
taggerino: @zenscrotch @illneverrecover @suzunesays @sinfulinsecret @forever-ender
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blacklister214 · 7 years
Second Son New Chapter: Drivel
“I can’t help you.” Jacob inhaled slowly through his nose, counting back from five in his mind. He would not let Carter rile him. It was what the tracker got off on, and Jacob would not give him the satisfaction of seeing him upset. A calm and measured tone, that’s what he needed. A calm and measured tone.
“Glen, I don’t have time to play games. You already kept me waiting for sixty-five minutes, even though I was first in line when you opened-” Carter interrupted him, raising his hand in the air as if to fend off Jacob’s accusation.
“My supervisor was on the prowl, and you alway make a big stink about discretion-” Jacob raised his own voice to speak over Glen’s rambling.
“And now you want to sit there and tell me you can’t help me? Seriously, man?” Carter’s hands dropped to his sides and his shoulders drooped. He looked smaller than usual, deflated even. The space inside the office, which usually crackled with the DMV employee’s maniac energy, felt dead.  
“Look, I’m sorry, but I’m just not going have the time for next few months. Maybe if you come back after the New Year’s I’ll be available.” Jacob said nothing, simply sat and let silence fill the air. He could do this, he could outlast Carter. The man mouth ran on a motor. If Jacob didn’t respond to his nonsense the contractor would crack, and they would be in business. Ten seconds passed. Twenty. Thirty. Forty. Fifty. Glen shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “Phelps, I got to back to work.”
When the man started typing on his computer, Jacob realised he was really and truly being dismissed. Oh no. Whatever was going on with Glen, there was no way Jacob was getting the brush-off. He felt his grip on his temper begin to slip.
“Sixty-five minutes, Glen. Over an hour! And let me tell me tell you something: I have stayed in prison cells that were more sanitary than that that waiting room! I probably picked up swine flu, because you didn’t have the courtesy to-” So much for maintaining his calm, professional demeanor. Jacob supposed he should have known better than to even make the attempt. Glen Carter was one of the only people on the planet who could rile Raymond Reddington, and Jacob didn’t have a tenth of his boss’ patience.
“You know what, you're not the only person in the world with troubles! My life hasn’t exactly been a bed of roses lately!” Despite himself Jacob paused at the tracker’s outburst. This was probably just another one of Glen’s yarns, but what if it wasn’t? Bad shit happened all the time and it was possible that something was genuinely bothering Carter.
“What’s wrong?” Glen’s expression twisted and he busied himself shuffling the papers around on his desk.
“Forget it.” Jacob momentarily closed his eyes and thought of Dembe. Serenity, wisdom, and compassion. He could do this.
“I apologize if I seemed abrupt. Please tell me what’s troubling you.” There that sounded like his brother, more or less. Jacob waited and after a few seconds Glen ceased his straightening and sunk back into his chair. A pained expression played across the tracker’s face.
“It’s my brother. He’s in court mandated rehab. Mom’s beside herself. She wants to transfer him to some private treatment center in Maryland. Tranquility woods. She keeps talking about taking out a second mortgage to pay for it, but I’m terrified she’ll lose her house.” Jacob tightened his hands around the arms of his chair so he wasn’t tempted to wrap them around Carter’s throat.
“Glen, you're an only child.” How Carter had survived this long was a mystery to Jacob. He couldn’t be the first person to interact with the pathological liar who had longed to put him out of their misery.
“No, I WAS an only child. Apparently Dad was watering quite a few of his neighbor's gardens back in the day, if you catch my drift, and Steve sprouted up. He found us a couple of months ago and Mom’s got such a big heart. She just welcomed him into our family. She says we’ve got to stand by him even after he stole her good jewelry to pay for his habit. She’s just a marshmallow, and it kills me to see her like this.
And on top of everything else, I can’t help thinking, ‘What if it’s me next. They say addiction runs in families. The next time you come to see me, I might have a crack pipe under my desk-”Jacob stood, unable to withstand one more minute of listening to the tracker’s drivel.
“Goodbye Glen.” He got exactly two steps toward the door before Carter called him back.
“Wait. I suppose since you're already here, and I need the money to pay the pawnbroker who my brother sold the-” Jacob slammed the file down on Carter’s desk so hard the man actually shut up. The man did have some sense of self-preservation after all. Who knew?
“I need everything and anything you can find on this man.” Jacob flipped open the folder and tapped the photograph Hartwell had provided. “He was last seen yesterday at 9:53 am breaking into 601 Edgewood Street NE, Apt. 2C. Call me when you have something.” He didn’t wait for a response before turning and heading out the door.
Jacob nearly plowed through a woman with walker and a beleaguered middle-aged dad in his haste to escape the DMV. A few mumbled apologies later he was standing on the sidewalk, breathing what passed as fresh air in the city. It was amazing how one five minute conversation with Glen Carter could feel like it lasted a year.
As Jacob pulled out his phone, he promised himself that this was absolute last time he would use Glen as a contractor. No matter how good the man was, the psychological toll just wasn’t worth it.  
Reddington picked up on the second ring. “Yes?”
“I spoke to Glen.” A bemused chuckled greeted Jacob’s ears, causing him to scowl. Easy for Raymond to laugh when he wasn’t the one who had to suffer through the experience.
“Was he as charming as ever?”
“Pretty much, but he’s on it.”
“Excellent. Hartwell’s security protocols seemed adequate?” Jacob carefully considered the question before answering. The operative’s cameras were still in place, and remained undiscovered even with the break-in. She’d provided detailed intelligence on what the man been up to. Jacob could objectively say he found no fault with the agent’s work.
“She’s knows what she’s doing. Scott’s as protected as she can be, under the circumstances.”
“Under what circumstances?” Jacob sighed softly. He shouldn’t have said anything. Reddington did not appreciate unsolicited armchair quarterbacking. He briefly considered trying to walk back the comment, but he knew Raymond well enough that he wouldn’t just let it go.
“You demanded that Hartwell maintain a careful distance from Scott and she has. The trouble is we both know it’s a hell of lot easier to protect someone if you're standing right next to them, rather watching them through a scope.” If someone for example attempted to abduct, or assassinate Scott in the middle of the night, there was no guarantee Hartwell would be able to reach her in time. Without Reddington’s restrictions in place, Hartwell could have positioned herself as Scott’s neighbor, or maybe even roommate. A close friend would have a hell of a lot better access to her and in the protection game, proximity mattered.      
“You’re suggesting I should have hired someone to infiltrate Elizabeth’s life on a more intimate level?” Jacob could hear the unmistakable disapproval in Raymond’s tone. The international criminal’s sense of honor showed up in the most unexpected and inconvenient places.
“I’m saying that she’d probably be physically safer if you had.” Jacob’s assessment was met with a silence, prompting him to end the non-debate with, “But she’s your friend’s kid, not mine. That’s your call to make.”
“How generous.” Clearly it was time to change the subject.
“Did your contact come through with the Good Samaritan file?” Jacob knew Reddington had an informant he’d tapped in order to investigate the possibility that this whole affair was connect to Scott’s work with FBI. It would make everyone’s life easier if it was. Serial killers may frighten the public at large, but they didn’t stand a chance against an operative like Hartwell or a career criminal like him. Unfortunately Jacob suspected the man they were after was something else entirely. It could be the paranoia that last couple of years had nurtured in him, but to him, this felt like the enemy they’d been unsuccessfully pursuing, the one Newton had dubbed “the Adversity’. Dear God, Jacob hoped he was wrong.    
“The agent left it for you in box 2142, Bradford Bank. I’ve already had the key messengered to your hotel.” Then that was Jacob’s next stop. It was probably a dead end, but Reddington hadn’t trained him to bank on his own assumptions. Besides it wasn’t like he had anything else to do while he was waiting for Glen to provide him with a lead.  
“What alias am I using to access the box?”
“Thomas Vincent Keen.” Jacob rolled his eyes. He hated that identity. The name sounded so forthright, so earnest. Not to mention the ridiculous glasses Reddington had chosen for him for the passport photo. They’d been perfect in that they made him look completely non-threatening, but whenever he wore them, he always had the lingering fear he’d be forced to fight in them. Being punched in the face while wearing glasses was not fun, nor was continuing the fight half blind. He knew from experience.
“Unless you have something else you need me to take care of, I think I’m going to stick with Hartwell. Two sets of eyes might be better than one.”
“I’m surprised to hear you volunteering to work with a partner. You generally insist on working alone.” Jacob heard the amusement behind the faux confusion in Reddington’s voice and smiled. Their moment of tension had passed.
“You paid top dollar to secure the Major’s best asset. I’d be an idiot not to...take advantage of that.” Reddington chuckled softly at Jacob’s implication.
“I trust I don’t need to remind you to remain focused on the task at hand?”
“No, you do not.” It went without saying that any woman, no matter how beautiful or talented in the bedroom would ever come before Jacob’s commitment to Reddington or his agenda.
“In that case, let me simply remind you that in nature the most stunning creatures are frequently the most lethal.” That was rich, Reddington of all people warning him off seductive and dangerous women.
“Sounds like someone recently had an unfortunately rendezvous with Dechambou...Or was it Pratt this time?” Jacob could not deny that the man had game, but he couldn’t help but notice that a sizable chunk of Raymond’s affairs seemed to end with his lovers attempting to kill him. The kind of thing had to wear on a guy after a while.
“I’ll expect an update the moment you have new intelligence.” The lack of response, and subsequent termination of the call strongly suggested Jacob had been right on the money. When this business with Elizabeth Scott was resolved, he’d push for more details. Until then he had an intruder to find, and a gorgeous blonde to both entertain and assist him. Things were definitely looking up.
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ladytrollfishes · 7 years
Vadaya: Play Chess
Daginy furrows their brow at the board you've materialized in front of them. Chess would be an excellent test of their tactical abilities and intelligence, and a good way to pass the time of your visits. There were only so many questions they could ask you, after all. It also didn't hurt that you enjoyed the game.
“I...” Daginy says, touching their chin. “I think I know how to play. I don't remember very well.”
You nod. With everything else wiped from their mind it is fortunate enough they have even that.
“I can teach you,” you say. “What do you remember?”
Daginy picks up a piece from the board, biting their lip as they examine it.
“A pawn?” they say, somewhat uncertainly, then places it back down on the board one square ahead. “Moves one square at a time.”
You nod, then lean forward and move it up one more square. For such a basic piece, the pawn had many rules.
“Except you can choose to move forward two squares on your first move,” you says. Daginy nods along, brow furrowed.  “And when you capture with a pawn-”
“-you can only move diagonally,” they interrupt you. “Except the en passant. Second move of a pawn that's moved forward two squares. Can capture a piece next to it by moving diagonally.”
You nod, somewhat impressed. It's not a rule that comes up very often, but somehow, they had kept it in their memory.
“An obscure rule,” you say. “I'm surprised you know it.”
They shrug their shoulders and offer you a sheepish grin. “Well I can't say I remember how I know.”
You give them a small smile. It seems they've accepted, at least somewhat, the loss of their memory, if they're joking about it.
“Start from the outside in,” you say. “We can tune up your knowledge of the rules.”
Their grasp on the rules is inconsistent. Some pieces are easier on them than the others, but it doesn't take long for them to grasp the basics.
“Black or white?” you ask.
They lean back to take in the chess set you've created. They snort and you keep your face impassive. You are only capable of one color of construct, but you've differentiated between the two sides. It is still, in the end, a valid question. No matter the actual color of the pieces, the positions of the king and queen depend on the color they choose.
“Here,” they say, leaning forward, and the board washes out in black and white. You raise an eyebrow at the application of psi. They pick up a piece from the slender set, and it fades to white, the other, black.
They glance at you for approval and you nod. The upkeep of their psi puts some mental strain on them- it would be interesting to see how well they perform while maintaining the color.
“Good practice,” you say. “Shall we?”
The first game is a disaster. Daginy's defenses fold like wet paper under your assault and it's not long before-
“Mate in one.”
It's almost disappointing how easy it is. You remind yourself that it's only natural. This is their first game after their rehabilitation and their grasp on the rules is shaky.
They look up at you, squinting suspiciously. You quirk up an eyebrow in response. Would they find it?They glare back at the board, biting their lip, thinking about their next move.
They don't see it. It's a poor showing on their part, as they nudge their rook out of the way. Too focused on unnecessary pieces while the real danger went unnoticed. It's a far cry from the strategies they used in the field, not that those had saved them either.
“Are you sure?” you ask.
They shake their head.
“No,” they say. “But go anyway.”
At least they're aware of their own shortcomings, if somewhat lacking the patience to follow through. You pick up your queen and place it next to their king. 
“Checkmate,” you say and they gasp.
“No!” they exclaim, picking their king and tapping the top of your queen. “I can still-”
“Look closer,” you say, and they lean forward to squint at the board. You won't explain it-- let them figure it out on their own. It doesn't take them long. They throw up their hands with a groan, then leans back over the board, determined.
“Again,” they insist, staring up at you, their eyes alight. It's a softer version, but you're reminded of the look in their eye when they begged you for death. It was darker, they were dirtier and more desperate then. You shake away the thought and smile for them. You have acknowledge their tenacity.
You change out the pieces.
“Black or white?” you ask. They don't even speak, simply drain the color from the pieces and bend back over the board.
Three games later, they've improved massively. They're not as good as you yet, no, but they were holding their own. You're more than a little impressed.
Their opening game is still a little weak, but they're responding to your attacks with surprising effectiveness. They've initiated a queen trade, picking up their queen, reaching for yours when they squints back up at you.
“Are you going easy on me?” they demand, frowning, as they replace your queen with theirs.
It's as if they don't believe their own progress. You still need to work with them on their self doubt, it seems.  You twist your lips into a wry smile and shake your head to assure them.
“I don't go easy,” you reply, moving your knight forward to take their queen in turn. And you really aren't. “Make your move.”
The game goes on much longer this time. You sweep the board of their pieces, but they make you fight for every single one, up until they have just a knight to accompany their king.
You chase them into a corner and when you checkmate, and they actually pout. You chuckle and they beam back at you.
How old were they again? Your files say they've only just hit their ninth sweep two perigees ago. They seem both older and younger to you.
“You've been improving quickly,” you say. “Perhaps you will one of these games you will beat me.”
“Again,” they say, with an eager nod.
“Black or white?” you say, and settle in for another game.
The board has been locked down. Daginy took the center of the board, and defended everything to entanglement.
“You play too defensively,” you say. “You need to make sacrifices.”
That had been a strategic fault of theirs when they were on the run. When it came down to the line, they would hold onto their allies tightly, beyond strategic reason. It lead to long and frustrating battles that tied everyone up. You suppose you disliked Pyrrhic victories, but when battles were fought like that, the Magpies would lose just about everything until you spent your end game chasing one little bird into a corner.
“Yeah,” they say,  hunched over at the end of the board, chewing on their fingernail.
They make their move. It opens up the game, but their defenses crumple easily enough after that. After you checkmate them again, they stare at the board, looking somewhat incensed.
“Again,” they say, still curled up, and you have to shake your head and chuckle.
“I am sorry, Daginy,” you says and dissolve the board. “I believe I'm out of time. I must get back to work.”
They lost every single game. However, watching them play was like watching them evolve. They improved immensely with every match.
“We'll play more the next time I visit,” you promise. “You're improving very quickly.”
“I had fun,” they say with a nod.
When you leave, you see them conjure themselves a board with their own psi, apparently not satisfied with nearly two hours of losing at chess.
You shake your head. Their tenacity was one of the things you had admired about them. You're glad it wasn't wiped away during their rehabilitation.
You move your knight up, forcing the queen into a fork with the rook- a good move. It puts a lot of pressure on their left flank, and forces at least the rook off the board.
They don't respond to the fork. Instead they move their bishop across the board.
“Check,” they say. You glance up at them- their face is lit up with an enormous smile.
You look back down at the board, and- and you see it. They have checkmate in one.
“Ah,” you say, moving his king back one square. It's a foregone conclusion; they move their rook back and take their first victory.
“Checkmate!” Daginy whoops, throwing their hands up in the air, laughing and clapping.
You feel the slow burn in your chest- the same feeling akin to when your battery receives its commendations, when Nanako and Casman take down a particularly difficult opponent, when you manage to make Tomois' chair fall apart when he's sitting in it. You're proud of them.
“Congratulations,” you say, smiling, unable to resist ribbing them a little. “It only took you three days.”
They gasp, and laugh, delightedly. It's the happiest you've ever seen them and it's hard not to get caught up into it.
They lean across the board and snag your king, shaking it at you.
“I'll beat you again,” they challenge you. “This? This is mine.”
The king disappears from their hand with the breath of a thought, but you barely have a chance to blink before it reappears. It takes you a second- it's not real, it's their illusion, and you're impressed all over again.
They wiggle their illusion at you, stifling giggles with their other hand. “Nice try,” they say, laughing.
In three days they've gone from barely remembering how the pieces move to beating you cleanly, and keeping up their psi on 32 individual pieces. It only proves how formidable they really are, and you're truly proud of them. You're sure when they're done with their training they will be incredibly effective on the field. It was all the more reason to make sure they never turned again.
You reset the board, smiling.
“I see you relish your victories,” you say, with a raise of your eyebrow. “Let us see if you can claim another one.”
“Black or white?” they ask, grinning.
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ohmytheon · 8 years
A Brief Lesson in Chemistry (Rebelcaptain College AU, 3)
A direct sequel to this, but all you need to know is that they're going to a party and it's obviously going to be lots of fun while Cassian suffers. Because that's what he does in every universe. Part of me wants to do a fun "morning after" fic. Ah, college parties, so good and yet so very bad.
The night began with a twist -- because of course it did. Right when Cassian was about to text Jyn that he was heading over, resigned to the fact that they would be using his POS car, he received a text from her saying that she was on her way. It was the first time she had ever warned him that she was coming over, something that had Kay raising his eyebrows over Cassian’s shoulders as he read the message himself. Cassian never bothered hiding his phone from Kay, who was tall enough to see over everything it seemed.
When they walked out, a car was just pulling up. The passenger window rolled down to reveal Jyn, who waved at them. Cassian and Kay glanced at one another, steeling themselves for the night, and then got in the back. She spun around in her seat to greet them, grasping the back of the seat. “Figured since you invited us, we should give you a ride.”
Kay looked around appreciatively. “I did not expect you to have such a clean car.”
“Oh, it’s not mine,” Jyn replied dismissively. “It’s Bodhi’s.”
Bodhi, who was driving, waved a hand. “Hi.”
“We appreciate the ride,” Cassian put in, knowing that Kay would fail to say anything. Not because he was rude, but because he simply forgot and thought the gratefulness was already implied.
“No problem,” Bodhi said. “It just gives me a reason to not get drunk.”
Jyn gave him a mournful look and reached out to ruffle Bodhi’s hair. The driver tried to jerk his head away, but laughed as she messed his hair up. “A shame too. He’s really quite a fun drunk. Loves to sing and dance.”
“Except I’m terrible at both,” Bodhi added.
Cassian couldn’t help but smile. There was definitely something about Bodhi that smoothed Jyn out. She became softer around him, more at ease. Perhaps it was because Cassian had the same effect on her at times that Jyn had on him. Mostly comfortable, but sometimes incredibly tense out of nowhere. Bodhi was an all-around good guy, if not a bit talkative if he got on a subject he liked or was nervous, but it was easy to see that she was fond of him and even when he was nervous she was relaxed.
“Have you ever been to one of these parties?” Jyn asked as they pulled off campus.
“No, they are not my thing, as you pointed out,” Cassian answered. He didn’t care if it made him sound lame. At least Kay didn’t pipe up that it was because Cassian was too busy studying or playing video games and eating cheap jalapeno poppers for dinner or something like that. It would make him sound like a lame nerd. “But I did not think I should turn down the invitation either. It sounded fun.”
“Oh, they’re a bit more than that,” Jyn laughed.
“Have you been to one?” Kay questioned.
“Only once.” Before Kay could demand how, she continued, “I know some of the people that run in the same circles as Solo. It’s not like I got a personal invite.” She smiled at them, but there was something wolfish about it, like she knew things that they didn’t. Seeing as how she had been to a Solo party before and they didn’t, she very likely did. “It was very...interesting. Things can get rowdy and turn into a mess and some of the people seem downright unsavory compared to college kids, but Solo is pretty good at setting ground rules. Anyone that causes too much trouble gets thrown out and banned.”
“Sounds hypocritical to me,” Kay said. He had a high opinion of everyone outside of Cassian clearly.
Jyn shrugged her shoulders. “It takes a ruffian to deal with ruffians.”
The house in question was too far away from campus. It was in a little neighborhood with just enough distance from other houses to give neighbors some peace and mind. From what Cassian had heard, Solo had a deal with his neighbors so that he could throw these infamous parties. Cassian could not deny being intrigued. His eyes were glued on the house as they parked, watching people stumble about in the lawn and conversing, but when he looked away, he found that Jyn’s eyes were on him. She turned in her seat quickly. He couldn’t tell if she was embarrassed at being caught or if she was merely ready to get out of the car.
Unfortunately, Cassian found that he still had a few nerves left. He thought that he had rid himself of them long ago in the foster care system, but it appeared as if a few had straggled on, just to cause him social anxiety at a college house party. How inconvenient. Kay didn’t seem to mind at all, but then he was oblivious to most things. Nothing bothered him. He’d get to talking and loosen up after a few drinks. Jyn seemed utterly confident as they walked to the house. Only when he spotted Bodhi, subconsciously reaching up to adjust the goggles he wore for work but weren’t there, did he realize that he was not alone in being slightly nervous.
They pushed their way inside, Bodhi offering unheard apologies, both Kay and Jyn dead silent, and Cassian falling somewhere in between. Upon reaching the living room, someone called out his name and they all froze. Leia Organa managed to squeeze herself through the dancing mob, somehow managing to look radiant and very daring in a pretty white outfit, and threw her arms around Cassian, pulling him down into a hug that he somewhat stiffly returned. If she noticed, she didn’t care.
“You made it!” Leia exclaimed. “I’m so relieved. Most of the people I invited haven’t shown up yet.”
Cassian scratched the back of his head. “You invited me. It would have been rude of me to turn the offer down.”
Leia’s smile was bright and genial, making it very obvious why people gravitated towards her. She greeted all of them warmly, shaking Kay’s hand and introducing herself to Bodhi, though it was unnecessary. Jyn was the last one, hanging in the back, her arms folded across her chest. She didn’t look happy, but she didn’t look mad either, just wary for the first time.
“You must be Jyn,” Leia said in a more careful tone. Jyn glanced at Cassian, probably wondering how her name was known since she wasn’t well-known throughout the campus. Leia was smart though: she caught the look on Jyn’s face and a conspiratorial yet amused expression crossed her face. “Cassian told me about you when I invited him to the party.”
Jyn looked surprised, her eyes widening and mouth parting slightly. Cassian looked away before she could connect eyes with him again, clearing his throat, determined not to blush. His face felt hot though. If he kept his attention on the lopsided pictures on the wall, he wouldn’t have to look back at her. Kay huffed dramatically, either annoyed with Cassian’s refusal to admit things or with the fact that he’d talked about Jyn in the first place.
“But we’re here to have fun now!” Leia exclaimed cheerfully. “Come with me into the kitchen. It’s a bit grimy, but I’ll get you all some drinks.”
“I thought this was Han Solo’s party,” Kay pointed out, but he followed her regardless. They all did. Now that people recognized her, they gave her room to walk so that they didn’t have to fight their way through.
Leia winked. “We’ll let him keep thinking that, shall we?”
Kay didn’t know how to respond to that, so he stayed quiet, looking a little bemused. Cassian pat him on the back. Best not to overthink it. Solo had it bad for Leia and, since this was her first time here, he had likely told his group to make sure that no matter what, she was having a good time. Little did he realize that he was handing her this party on a silver platter. Luckily, Leia was a generous person, if not fiery.
True to her word, Leia got them all something to drink. Cassian was not surprised that Jyn stuck with a simple beer while both Kay and Bodhi opted for something fruity to hide the taste of alcohol. She seemed to have warmed up to Leia, but she was still cool and strangely quiet. The confidence she’d had walking in here was subdued as she held onto the beer with two hands, her fingers delicately laid over top one another. His eyes moved around the room, trying to think of something, when he finally spotted just what he needed.
Picking up the bottle and two small shot glasses, Cassian pushed his way over to her. “Shot?”
Jyn let one hand drop and lifted the other to take a swig of the beer, her eyes latched onto his. He didn’t look away, returning the challenging look. “Sure you can handle that?”
“Please,” Cassian scoffed, “it’s tequila.” He smiled. “Unless you cannot?”
Using her free hand, Jyn snatched the liquor bottle out of his hand. “Set the glasses down. No need to dirty dishes.” She titled the bottom of the bottle up, taking what looked like a monster swig, and then quickly chased the shot with a few gulps of her beer. He couldn’t decide whether to be impressed or scared, so he settled on merely gaping at her. She closed her eyes and took a few breaths to steady herself before opening them again and shoving the bottle against his chest. “Your turn.”
Cassian wiped the look off his face as he set the shot glasses down and took the bottle from her, a little harder than he’d intended. He took the same shot, but only needed one gulp of his beer to chase it. He slammed the bottle on the counter and grinned down at her. “Wasn’t so bad.”
“Oh yeah?” Jyn narrowed her eyes, took another swig of her beer. He did the same. Warmth tingled in his belly from the liquor. Luckily he’d eaten a hardier dinner than usual. No way was he getting sick. Besides, this wasn’t his first time taking shots, despite his so-called goodie-two-shoe ways. “Say, how are you at beer pong?”
“I have been told I have excellent aim,” Cassian replied. “Why? Want to be partners?”
“No,” Jyn said, stepping close enough to him so that her chest was barely brushing against his. He stopped himself from sucking in a gasp of air. She tilted her chin up and smirked at him, the look she always gave him whenever she got this close to him, the kind that made him want to lean down and wipe it away. “I want to destroy you at it.” Without warning, she brushed past him and shouted, “Shara! Want to partner with me and call next? We’ll mop the table with these boys.”
Cassian took a deep breath and raised his head. Stay cool. He had to stay cool. But he felt as if he had been holding his breath ever since he took that shot.
“You’re doing it,” Kay proclaimed disapprovingly.
“Doing what?” Cassian demanded, turning to face his dormmate.
Kay sipped on his drink. “Don’t feign innocent with me.” He wagged a finger at him. “You can trick others with that face, but not me.”
“I am not feigning anything,” Cassian replied, but then his eyes caught Jyn in the crowd and he stiffened when she stuck her tongue out at him. She disappeared into the other room with the girl she’d called out, a mutual friend he hadn’t known they had, leaving him with a scoffing Kay and a polite Bodhi pretending to know nothing. “If you will excuse me, I am going to walk around the place.”
“To find Erso?” Kay asked.
“No,” Cassian said forcefully before he walked in the opposite direction she had gone.
He wasn’t. He had been the one to invite her to this party; he wasn’t going to follow her around like some sort of forlorn puppy. Just because he wasn’t familiar to these sort of things didn’t mean that he was a social disaster. He knew how to mingle. He was pretty good at it too once he put his mind to it. Talking came naturally to him, but what he was really good at was getting other people to talk to him. Alcohol made it that much easier. He would not look for Jyn. He would wait for her to come to him. He didn’t understand a lot of her motives, but he knew that she would do that.
Thirty minutes later, as he stood in the backyard by a bonfire talking with a group containing a handful of college students, someone who may or may not have been dealing drugs, and a flight student, Jyn found him. One second the flight student was on his right and the next Jyn was at his elbow. Her hand stopped short of his arm when he turned back to look back at her.
“Still want to play?”
“Of course,” Cassian told her. “How else am I going to knock that ego down a peg?”
Jyn snorted. “Do you have a partner?”
“Hm, let me see…” Cassian glanced around and then clapped the flight student on the shoulder. “Kes, would you like to help me show the ropes to these ladies at beer pong?” Kes, the young man in question, looked taken aback, clearly not prepared to being called out. He was slick in a plane, but apparently had trouble elsewhere. Another beer and he’d be good. “Shara is playing.”
“I, uh--” Kes smiled nervously, but he was looking at Shara when he did so. The girl laid an arm on Jyn’s shoulder, taller than her, and leaned her head on top of Jyn’s in a show of physical affection that made Cassian strangely jealous. “Sure, Cassian, yeah, I can play. I’ve only played a few times though...”
“Do not worry about it.” Cassian held out a hand, allowing Jyn and Shara to lead the way. The two boys followed dutifully. One of the beer pong games was just finishing up, the losers chugging the rest of their drinks. All four helped reset the table, filling the cups with water instead of beer. This place might be a madhouse, but please, they weren’t above sanitation. “Need I remind anyone of the rules?”
“No,” Jyn said, throwing him a ping pong. He snatched it out of the air. Both of them stepped up to face off to see whose team went first. The first shot, their balls somehow managed to hit one another. Both Shara and Kes missed theirs. When Cassian and Jyn faced off again, Cassian sunk one in while Jyn missed by a hair. She smiled, but with her teeth, obviously displeased. “Age before beauty.”
Cassian chuckled as he handed a ping pong to Kes and lined up for a shot. “Calling yourself beautiful?”
“Do you not think I am?” Jyn asked innocently.
He missed his first shot so badly that Kes coughed and Shara laughed.
Oh, no, now Jyn was really going down. Cassian glared at her, ignoring Kes missing his shot as well, as she looked back at him smugly. The game was on. If she thought that he might go easy on her, well, she was wrong.
Kes had been honest when he’d said that he had only played a few times. He wasn’t that good. He got steadily better throughout the game, but kept drinking even out of turn, so that eventually he became a bit sloppy. Shara was sharp and Jyn was good as well. They made a very dangerous duo. He could definitely see why Jyn had immediately picked Shara as her teammate. They had done this before.
But Cassian hadn’t been lying. He was an excellent shot. He picked up Kes’ slack with ease and was bolstered by his partner’s confidence in him. Refusing to let Jyn get to him anymore, he kept an eye on any bounces. She caught one of his, smacking the ball so hard it knocked a guy in the back of the head and he almost started a fight. He was tossed out by a guy with shaggy brown hair that was somehow even taller than Kay and a lot more intimidating.
They were neck and neck in the end, one cup on each end and on their second drinks besides Kes who had gone through three beers. Neither one of them seemed capable of hitting the last cup. Jyn’s bounced off the edge every time while Shara either undershot or overshot. Kes’ aims were nowhere near, sometimes missing the table completely, while Cassian’s just barely missed. One slid around the lip, but Jyn had leaned down and almost gently blown it out of the cup. He had not enjoyed watching that happen one bit.
“I thought you were a sharpshooter,” Jyn teased.
“I thought you were going to destroy me,” Cassian threw back.
Kes cleared his throat and stepped forward, slightly swaying on his feet. He had the ping pong ball in one hand and a mixed drink in the other. Where had that come from? He lobbed the ball in the air and all of them watched as it plopped a few inches away from the cup and then bounced right in. “Oh,” was all he said.
Cassian didn’t care if he hadn’t done it himself. “We won!” People cheered around them. He could almost kiss the other boy for the sour look on Jyn’s face, but didn’t. Instead, he hugged Kes, who wore a loopy if not embarrassed grin, and took the drink out of his hands. Poor kid needed a break and deserved one after winning the game. Kes didn’t even notice, not when Shara came over to congratulate him.
As the next game was being set up, Cassian swung around the table towards Jyn, who was finishing her drink as per the rules. He couldn’t stop the broad grin from splitting across his face. “Well, that settles it.”
“I suppose it does,” Jyn replied before tossing her empty beer into a trash can. Again she wore that not happy but not mad look that he wasn’t sure what to make of. She had a more difficult time hiding how she felt than he did, especially after drinking, so she forced her expression into something else. “I suppose you get something since you’re the winner and all.”
“I was not aware that the victor got a prize,” Cassian said, still feeling high off his victory. He would have to thank Kes later when the boy was of sound mind and not completely focused on a very pretty girl. Because he was still feeling good about himself though, he didn’t catch the intent in her voice.
A strange look flittered across Jyn’s face: a cross between daring and shy. Her eyes hardened, but then she bit her lip, the two emotions contrasting beautifully on her face, like she was afraid of something but was going to do it anyways. “How about a dance?”
“A dance?”
The high was quickly fading, replaced by the steady buzz of alcohol. He let her take his hand and guide him into the very dimly lit living room where the music was thumping the loudest. If he had been able to pay attention to anyone but Jyn, who was gazing up at him determinedly, he would’ve seen Kay animatedly telling a story to two gawking girls while Bodhi looked on in amusement. He would’ve seen that Leia was actually dancing with Han Solo of her own violation. He might’ve noticed a hundred things that would’ve made him laugh.
But Cassian could only look at Jyn.
Both of them were either too nervous or uncoordinated due to the alcohol to dance well enough, but he didn’t care. She looped her arms around his neck and he slipped his around her waist, pulling her close to him so that her body was flush against his. She was soft yet firm, pliant in his arms as they moved messily to the beat. No one was dancing well here, but it didn’t matter. The room was hot and smothering and the music drowned out any chance of a conversation.
He pressed his forehead against hers and closed his eyes, just feeling the way she felt against him. This was the closest he had ever gotten to her. Normally, one of them pulled away, like the pull was too much to bear. With the help of alcohol though, he could ignore the fear that usually settled in his gut. He liked having her this close, wanted her closer even though he was close enough for her breath to mingle with his. She smelled like beer and tequila and mint. He kept his hands on her waist despite the urge to let them roam. He didn’t want to push his luck and have her running away on him if he misread things.
And then she spun around, sliding under his hands, and pressed back against him that forced him to hitch his breath. His hands moved to the front of her thighs, then one back to her waist again. He had to get control over himself. They were in public, after all, and he was acting like an idiot. Except then she slid down before grinding back up against him, this time causing him to bury his face in the crook of her neck and groan. Her skin was soft yet slightly slick. He had to pull away before he did something stupid.
She was trying to kill him. This hadn’t been a prize. This was torture.
“Jyn,” he breathed into her ear, loud enough for her to hear over the music.
“Hm?” She kept dancing against him.
Cassian pulled her tight against. “You have to stop.”
“Why?” So innocent and coy. She was playing with him. This was her revenge for losing. When she turned around to face him, it took every inch of his sanity that hadn’t been taken over by the alcohol and Jyn to not pull her into a hungry, demanding kiss.
“Because you are a very cruel girl,” Cassian told her.
“Not enjoying it?”
Oh, he was definitely enjoying it. Too much. Uncomfortably too much. Great, now he was going to have to excuse himself to the bathroom to calm down and there was probably a line. Awful, terrible girl. Even worse, if she was doing this, then she knew what effect she had on him. She knew. They were supposed to be friends, as strange as the friendship was. How was he supposed to face her now?
“Jyn,” he said again, because he didn’t know what else to say.
It was only then that he noticed how heavily she was breathing. Her mouth was parted slightly as she breathed, her chest rising and falling, and her eyes… It was dark in the room, but he could see how blown her pupils were when a random light flashed on her face. She’d stopped dancing, but she didn’t pull away from him. Only a few inches separated the two of them. He could kiss her now and no one would even notice probably. He wanted to and he thought, crazily enough, that she did too.
“There you two are!”
Both Cassian and Jyn jerked away from one another and whipped around to face whoever had shouted at them. It was, predictably, Kay, who was too drunk to notice what he’d interrupted. Even on accident, he managed to burst in at the most inopportune times. Curse Kay for being such a light weight.
“Where have you been?” Kay demanded. He blinked down at them. “Oh, you’re both sweaty. Gross.”
Jyn glanced around, looking everywhere but the two boys. “I, ah, I need some air.”
“I’ll get us something to drink,” Cassian added. Both of them darted out of the living room, leaving Kay on his own. It was rude and Cassian would apologize later, but right now, Kay was probably too drunk to notice how awkward the two of them had suddenly become. He merely huffed and waved a frantic hand at Bodhi while Cassian hurried to the bathroom instead.
After waiting in line and using the restroom, Cassian went to the kitchen to get two more drinks. He was waiting patiently, his mind elsewhere, when someone bumped into him and he glanced backwards.
“Oh, sorry!” It was only Luke Skywalker though, Leia’s twin brother. As nice as Leia was, it was very obvious to everyone that Luke was the nicer of the two. Unlike her, he had been raised in the country and was polite in a way that was extraordinarily genuine. “This place was built like a haphazard jigsaw puzzle.”
“It is nothing,” Cassian said. He got along well with Luke, though he was closer to Leia. The boy was endlessly friendly though in a way that Cassian felt like he could only match when faking it. Luke was the kind of person that was potentially capable of befriending a person that was trying to mug him. He just had a way about him that convinced anyone to listen to him. It was hard to stay mad at him.
“Say, I didn’t know you had a girlfriend,” Luke pointed out as both of them grabbed their drinks.
“What?” Cassian turned around and gave him a confused look. “I do not--” Ah, so Luke had seen him and Jyn dancing then. He did his best not to flush. “She is not my girlfriend. We are friends. That is all.”
Luke smiled, but his eyes glanced at the two beers in Cassian’s hand before returning to his face. “Of course. My apologies again. I’m stumbling all over the place. Not used to drinking really.” He pat Cassian on the arm. “I’ll see you around!”
After that debacle, Cassian shoved his way through the crowd until he could get outside. It was dark and it was hard to tell the difference between people, but he finally spotted Jyn standing in front of the bonfire he had been near earlier, except she was alone and staring into it silently. More subdued again. He thought it was being around so many people for so long. It wore her out. She wasn’t as capable at spreading her energy around like he was. Came from being something of a loner. Swimming was a loner sport, even during relays, from what he’d seen.
“Hey,” Cassian greeted quietly, holding out the beer for her. Jyn took it, nodding at him, but then went back to staring into the fire.
It would’ve been cold out if not for the warmth of the flames. A part of him wished that she would lean against him or he was brave enough to move closer to her, but they didn’t. He didn’t find her silence discomforting. It felt good to be quiet after all the noise of the party and the struggle in his head. He thought about making a joke about s’mores, but then couldn’t find the right words, so he merely stayed quiet.
Then, out of nowhere, he felt something brush against his hand. It happened again until he realized that it was her free hand, which was dangling down at her side. She moved to put her hand in her pocket, but then he grasped it, fitting her fingers in between his. She didn’t look at him or so much as smile, only took a swig of her drink, but she gripped his hand tightly so that he could not mistake her intent whatsoever.
This, he couldn’t help but think, holding hands with her, felt almost as intimate as dancing with her, if not more, because it was soft and gentle, none of the things she showed others. Maybe she had just needed a little liquid courage to get there herself. He could understand that. It even made him smile a little, but he hid it by taking a drink of his beer. It was a good party, the best one he’d ever been to, and the night felt like it had just begun.
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