#“I love a myster!”
magicinaframe-part2 · 9 months
Some Mysteries Don't Get Solved
"I love a mystery. Don't you?"
My imaginary question from an imaginary questioner is something I would occasionally hear spoken in my 20's and 30's and I recall asking the question at one of my jobs; crummy job #2, I believe. What was the context? I can't remember -- and the fact that I can't remember any context says a lot about that job, by the way.
Most people at Tumblr will agree that mysteries are very much part of every human being's life. It's something that we all think about, from time to time. And it accounts for the continuing popularity of movies with police detective and private detective characters.
The movie that I'm thinking about on this cloudy Saturday in New York City presents a mystery with a number of layers. It's easily as memorable as any number of Hollywood movies -- such as CHINATOWN and BODY HEAT. So...it should be as well known, here, in the U.S., as those two movies, but it isn't.
Somewhere, there is information to be found on the Internet as to why the movie is not well known, here, in the U.S.
The name of the movie is BYE BYE BARBARA (1969).
Much of the effectiveness of the way that BYE BYE BARBARA's plot plays out has to do with the way that men and women relate to each other and the concept known as 'femme fatale.'
From the audience's point of view, the mystery for sports journalist Jerome Thomas begins in a bar in Biarritz, France, one evening, when, out of the blue, a beautiful-looking young woman wanders in from the street, barefoot, asking for someone to telephone for a taxi. It's one of those unforgettable moments in life.
Who is she? Is she in some sort of trouble?
Jerome offers to help and brings her back to the little hotel room where he had spent the previous afternoon. The two characters travel together and return by plane to Paris, the following day -- and by the end of Jerome's first workday back in Paris, he finds himself involved in a mystery, a disappearance. And the more that he focuses on this mystery, the more complicated it becomes.
BYE BYE BARBARA, with a running time of 109 minutes, is an absolutely unforgettable contemporary drama, with mystery, psychological, and thriller elements, along with some comedy touches. It's available on DVD with English subtitles. I recommend BYE BYE BARBARA to all movie lovers at Tumblr.
-- Drew Simels
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helianruby · 2 years
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A secret santa gift! One of the prompts was Murder Mystery so I ran with it and had a lot of fun
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mc-was-here · 1 year
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asktotallyhuman · 16 days
//i started playing minecraft story mode for the first time and it has me by the THROAT
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hello-dr-freeman · 2 years
With the new Professor Layton game announcement I may have accidentally started transcribing the series into a website for easy reading and referencing
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whitestnoise · 1 year
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ghosty-schnibibit · 1 year
so i just finished playing the ace attorney professor layton crossover game and i'm very interested in knowing what fans of both series found hard / easy about the game depending on whether you picked it up as a fan of the layton games or a fan of the ace attorney games, here's a poll about it!
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ratmoved · 2 years
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I dont think i ever postes this- I can't find proof that i did, so yeet! Pokesona!
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cantdanceflynn · 1 year
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sincerelyrki · 3 months
you don’t look like an angel
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being heavens highest angel, lee heeseung was completely and utterly fucked. he’d made the one mistake that could cost him both his wings and his immortality- he had summoned a demon into the most sacred paradise on earth. it was only his luck that it wasn’t just a regular impure demon; no, it was worse. he had summoned a succubus.
paring : virgin!angel!heeseung x succubus!fem!reader
warnings + genre : smut. slightly dubcon (heeseung didn’t know what was happening). corruption. religious guilt. begging. unsafe sex. marking. oral (m). riding. slight degradation. begging. profanity. blood. cumming untouched. demons hiss and purr.
wc : 5.9
a/n : idk what this is but i had to read the entire thing out loud to make sure it sounded right and i think it’s safe to say that this might be one of my favourite works i’ve ever written so far? something about heeseung and corruption…anyways, as always i’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts 🤞
written perm taglist : @vousty @ilololoveyou @moon0fthenight
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Heeseung was just finishing his final prayer when it happened, his hands still pressed together at the base of his forehead. Earlier in the day he’d heard about a new prayer, one that was said to be extremely popular with the rising youth. 
It was spoken in another language, one far too complex for Heeseung to understand. But the words were simple, easy to pronounce and fairly similar to a chant he’d heard his mother pray with. 
Due to its simplicity, it allowed more room for error. One small mistake could change the outcome of any prayer spoken through an angel's lips. Their loving prayers were far more powerful than any other beings, their direct connection with the lord strengthening their pleas. 
With the ability to heal an unknown disease with a singular sentence, an angel's voice was the most sought-after remedy.
But as the old saying says, with great power comes great responsibility. 
With a voice as strong as theirs it was bound to be heard. Whether it was heard from the lord or other angels, someone was always listening. 
What Heeseung failed to realize was that the language of his new prayer was the language of the unknown. No living human understood the language, their own interpretations being nowhere near the direct translation.
But like all other sayings, their false words made their way through the clouds. The wind was listening, the echoes of their translations meeting the ears of a few young angels.
They weren’t of the right age to learn about the wind's voice yet, so they did what they thought they had to. They spread the word, the listening angels hearing their prayers. 
It was a cruel game of telephone, the words jumbling together until it was forced to make its own poem. Heeseung just happened to be at the receiving end of one of one.
For a room that was well above the atmosphere, it was oddly humid. The freshwater flowers that thrived in his usual cold room were now completely withered. Their once vibrant petals were now dyed a terrific red, the hue straining their pure white appearance.
Heeseung watched with the utmost confusion as they contorted within seconds, the vapour diffusing into a puddle of red acid that gathered alongside the vase, identical red streams dripping from each individual stamen.
His hand moved on its own, his fingers a hairstring away from the mysterious liquid before a loud voice echoed from the other side of the room. Heeseung’s main light went out, his bedside lamp coming to life on its own. 
“You shouldn’t touch that.” Heeseung jumped in place, his wings springing free from their confinement in his attempt to defend himself. 
He was light on his feet when he spun around, unfortunately for him- he saw nothing but darkness on the other side of his room. Your figure blending right into the background. 
He grew panicked when his hand was met with air when he reached back for his bow, the situation drawing down fast on him. Not only was he stuck in a room with a mysterious creature but he was left defenseless in said room with the mysterious creature.
What were the chances that you were another angel?
“Are you looking for this?” The angel's jaw fell in shock when his missing bow dropped by his feet, the riser snapped clean in half. His heart sank at the sight, pain creeping across his chest. 
His bow was crafted with the finest materials, the limbs harvested from their most sacred willow tree’s aged bark- embezzled with an intricate carving for each of his greatest accomplishments. 
In an instant Heeseung grew nervous, he knew he wasn’t in the presence of an angel. Each angel was sworn by an oath, and the roots of the tree webbed across their every bone, making it impossible for them to harm such a sacred weapon. 
His jaw remained open when you finally revealed yourself, you were the envisionment of sin.
Yep, you definitely aren’t an angel.
Your breasts were held up with the tiniest fabric he’d ever seen, nothing but two small triangles hanging from your shoulders that were attached with a thin knot. The article did nothing to hide your body, everything except for your nipples out for him to see. 
His cheeks grew inflamed by an invisible force pulling his eyes down to follow the curvature of your exposed waist.  A slightly larger triangle sat hugging your hips, the right side of your hips was exposed, the fabric cascading in a diagonal slit towards your left thigh. It took him several seconds after staring at your legs to realize what he was doing. He slapped his right hand over his eyes, lips opening to recite his prayers.
Heeseung felt ashamed of his reaction, as angels weren’t supposed to observe nudity in a sexual manner. He’d never viewed another person's body in the way he did yours and he’d spent many hours aiding the other angels bathe during their sicknesses- this was a whole new territory that he’d never dared to think about. 
You, of course, noticing his ashamed prayers couldn’t help but take offence. Why would he beg for forgiveness after he called out to you? It wasn’t god who he should be worshiping, it should be you. 
“You can’t help your reaction, my body is supposed to make you feel like that.” You humoured him anyways knowing that none of this ashamed shit that he was feeling would matter in an hour. 
Heeseung vigorously shook his head in denial, your words not helping his inner turmoil at all. You were wrong, you had to be. He was supposed to be an angel and angels don’t act upon sin. 
He’d spent his entire childhood learning about each sin, spending hours of his life drowning in the promise of devotion. 
He had been loyal since the day he was born, temptations weren’t even a thought in his head anymore. He was the living epitome of purity. How could he honour his mother if he gave into the word of the demon? 
Heeseung kept his eyes on you whilst he completed his prayers, his final words building a sanctuary around his untainted blood. The blood of a virgin. 
You started your advance with small steps towards him, your bare feet making no sound as you neared him. The closer you got the more potent the blood’s smell became, iron heavy in the air as your body heat drew closer. 
You stopped halfway across the room, your mouth was practically watering by the time you were able to make out the small pool of red, the pretty flowers only making it seem more appetizing. 
“Do angels ever crave blood the way we do?” You knew they didn’t, it was against their entire existence but some sick side of you wanted nothing more than to see the angel’s reaction to your question.
Pretty boys were your weakness and Heeseung was so fucking gorgeous. You grew jealous of your future self, loathing that she got to touch him- to fuck him the way you’re imagining it right now. You couldn’t wait to watch him shake beneath you, begging to whoever was listening for you to stop. 
Heeseung’s mouth dropped in horror, you craved blood? He looked at you like you were insane for your completely valid needs like he couldn’t fathom craving something so inhumane. He wasn’t completely sure if you meant human or animal blood but after seeing the way you looked at him he’d say had a pretty lucky guess. 
“Because I've never craved it more.” Chills went down Heeseung’s spine while he tried reading through your words, were you a vampire who smelled him from Earth? He knew angels smelt the best to them. 
His questions answered themselves through the sudden wave of iron clashing with his sensitive nose. He looked over his shoulder towards the flowers that were now completely drenched. 
“Whose blood is this?” He was barely finding his voice before he forcefully stuttered his final question, his throat burning with a newfound emotion.
Your head cocked to the side while your lips pulled up into a side smirk, your pink tongue quickly coming out to wet them. It was almost an endearing sight, almost. 
Heeseung stumbled back with a small shriek when you suddenly appeared right in front of him, your chest pressing flesh against his for a few seconds too long. 
He watched the way you kept your eyes on him whilst reaching one of your fingers out towards the pool of blood, a gasp crawling up his throat when you brought your fingers to your lips.
You made a show of sticking your tongue out, trailing your finger from the bottom up before you stuck in between your lips. 
You let out a small hum of approval, the sweet taste of his blood tasting better than any you’ve tried before. You finally understood what your friends meant when they swore that a virgin’s blood tasted the best, however, they never got the pleasure of tasting it from an angel. 
“It’s your blood, who else’s would it be?” You watched in amusement as the angel’s face blanched, his wings twitching behind his back as he attempted to curl into himself. ‘Cute’, you hummed to yourself as you mentally took a shot at this moment. If there was one rule about angles that every species seemed to agree on was that angels have always been beautiful. But there was something about this specific one that felt so different. It could’ve been the fact that he was untouched, or it could’ve been the way his fear shone so obviously in his eyes that turned you on so fucking much. 
Typically angels smelled of a plethora of flowers, gardens growing from their untainted hands. Usually, the scent bothered you, your body being much more used to the fruit-like and sensual scents that the demons claimed as their own. 
Many angels assumed that demons would smell of burnt flesh and plied wood and sometimes they definitely weren’t wrong. But most smelled like you- after all, you needed to smell as good as you looked. No one wants to fuck someone who smells bad, even demons had class. 
“What are you?” Heeseung questioned, his wings still pulled behind his back. Even though he knew you weren’t an angel, he still had his doubts. Demon wasn't even a word in his vocabulary, it was one of the few words that were forbidden to be spoken in heaven. Sure, you had wings and the same flawless skin he sported but your wings… they couldn’t be any more different. 
Your wings were almost double his size and they appeared much more feathered, looking as if they’d been plucked from the most gracious birds and dipped into the darkest ink, black and red sunsets carving up each intricate row of feathers. 
He just never expected you to become his beautiful devastation. 
You ignored his question and continued observing the way his body reacted to you. His smell quickly became addictive, your adulterated temperament wearing thin the longer he lingered in your senses. 
“What do you want me to be?” You purred out in your most seductive tone. While waiting for his response you took it upon yourself to move closer to him, your steps much less hesitant than earlier. 
There was no denying that the man before you was truly captivating but there was something else that caught your attention much faster. His pearlescent wings were practically glowing in the dark, a layer of pale blue surrounding the smoothed edges. Which, after thinking about it for a few seconds didn’t make very much sense to you since the angels tended to constantly stay in the light. 
“An angel?” You made a sound of disgust at his disrespectful words, you? An angel? Honestly, you’d rather be a troll which says a lot considering their reputation. 
“I’ll be your angel if it helps?” Heeseung tried hiding his very evident fluster by attempting to turn away from your vision but when he tried to move, he couldn’t. 
You giggled out loud watching the panic spread throughout his face, your mind fogging with all the ways you could use him whilst he’s in this state. There was something so satisfying about having complete control over another person's body, whether it’s through your mind or actions. 
“Aw, what happened?” You cooed, acting dumb has always been one of your strong forts. It came in useful at times like this, the ability to feign innocence with a singular pout. 
Heeseung, unfortunately for him, fell right into your trap. He was naive enough to believe that you had nothing to do with his state, which is way beyond you. It would’ve been obvious to anyone else that you were controlling him but perhaps angels thought differently.
“I can’t move.” Heeseung nearly screamed when your hand pressed on the spot where his heart lay beneath his chest, his heart thundering louder than before. It was only racing because he was scared, there’s no way your touch was affecting him. Angels don't feel lust. 
Lust. The definition is described as a “disordered desire for inordinate enjoyment of pleasure.” Heeseung lived by the word of the lord. He’d spent his entire life bending backwards to live by the commandments that were shoved down his throat, his lungs choking against the words bubbling to come out. 
It wasn’t hard to drown into the mold that’s been made to best fit him but it was nearly impossible to escape. He thought he was fine in this confined space, lonely sure, but free of sin. He was accepted by the lord and that’s all that he’s ever wanted.
But he was made for sin because he was made for you. 
“Then I guess I'll have to take care of you. I can’t leave you here all alone, not when you’re this vulnerable.” Poison disguised as worry spilled from your lips and slipped through Heeseung’s mind. 
Your words drew more than reassurance through Heeseung, it drew guilt. Guilt for doubting your intentions, for believing that you could’ve been here to harm him. He felt so wronged for you, you must’ve been so angry at him. But still, you offered your help. Maybe he’d slip you into his nightly prayers, thanking the lord for gracing him with your presence. 
All the thoughts frozen when your hand touched the edge of his wing, his body electrified with a foreign feeling. No one else has ever touched his wings before, it was an action that was far too intimate to allow anyone else to try. 
He knew his wings were sensitive but he never knew they were this bad. His wing twitched under your touch, pushing itself closer to your hand. 
You watched in amazement as his wings awoke from their state, your touch bringing them to life. You never controlled his wings, the action far too cruel for even a demon to pull. 
You tested the touch again, pressing your palm flat against the parts that were attached to his spine. They fluttered again, a brighter light emitting from the edges, oh. His wings don’t always glow, they won’t glow when they’re being stimulated.
Your wing's nerves were linked to the ones that spread across your pelvis and down. You’d witnessed many demons talking about using it as a pleasurable advantage. Succubus was seen as a sex symbol, so obviously their experience matched the description. 
But you’d never gotten the chance to test the theory for yourself. Now that you have you weren’t sure if you’ll ever be able to stop. 
Without Heeseung’s knowledge, his cock jumped with each touch. It wasn’t that he was aroused, just overstimulated. He loud out a quiet whine, one that stopped as soon as it came. To you, he was so fucking pathetic. Whining after getting touched twice? But just as pathetic as he was, he was hypnotic. 
“Sh, I’m helping you in the best way I know.” You shushed his whines before you moved to stand in front of him, pressing your chest against his. Heeseung wasn’t sure what you were doing when you did that but then something surprising happened.
Your chest began letting out these small vibrations. Your eyes stared up into his whole you enhanced the force, your purrs reaching your throat. 
He was so pretty standing all pliant, unmoving as you controlled his body. The purrs came out of nowhere, the sudden affection catching you off guard. But you soon appreciated it, Heeseung deserved only the best.
It was at this moment that you decided that you wanted to keep him. There was no way in heaven or hell that you’d let anyone take him away from you, you’d let the world burn before a singular finger touched his- your- skin. From this second on he belonged to you, wholly and completely. 
You’d mark him after mating, your gums were already aching at the thought. As a demon, you could mate however many times you wanted. But you could only have one mate, your bite would solidify the union. 
But for now, you just returned your hands back to his wings. And as expected, he choked out another whimper, his mouth gaping open at the liquid heat gathering in his stomach. 
“Do you like it when I touch you like this?” Heeseung, thinking he was still sin-free, nodded his head. He adored it. 
You let out a cat-ish grin, your pointed canines poking from beneath your top lip. Heeseung knew of only two species who had pointed canines but only one had retractable ones. 
You were a demon. 
It didn’t scare him as much as he thought it would, but that doesn’t mean that he won’t say an extra prayer in the morning. 
And like always, you could tell that he had found out. “I’m a succubus, you summoned me.” Through Heeseung’s cloud of pleasure, he couldn’t make himself question you. Yeah sure, he totally summoned you. He’d believe anything you said as long as you keep making him feel like this.
His head flew back when your hand touched a specific spot on his wings, the only bare spot.
For both angels and demons alike there was a singular spot on the top corner of the right wing. It was bare of any feather, it was strictly skin. There was a small string of skin that held the strongest nerve in your entire body. 
The nerve was used for connections, it was what allowed them to converse with the wind. But it wasn’t until now that you both learned that it was much more because the second you touched it, you felt him.
You felt his every emotion, the warmth in his stomach, and the pounding of your cunt. 
It all happened too fast, gone before you could relish in it. But if you allowed it for now, there would be many other opportunities for you to test out the connection. 
After all, Heeseung would become yours for eternity. 
Your mouth widened in amazement as Heeseung came untouched, his mouth opening with zero sound coming out. You weren’t even sure if he knew what was happening, it made it all more enjoyable for you. 
“You came untouched?” It was a rhetorical question but still, Heeseung had no idea what you were talking about. All he knew was that there was a euphoric feeling rushing throughout his body, he’d never felt more alive than at this moment. 
All he wanted was to feel it again and again, uncaring about what you tabled it as. He didn’t know he could feel this good without sinning, he honestly couldn’t wait to tell his friends.
If only you could hear his thoughts, you’d bathe in them forever. It was cute how Heeseung thought that he was still sin-free, not knowing that he’d committed one of the worst ones yet.
The feeling faded away after a few more seconds, his mind clearing as his consciousness rushed back. He was now much more aware than before and finally noticed a new detail.
You noticed the way he was trying to look down and decided to be a bit kinder, allowing his head to move on its own. Heeseung didn’t seem to notice that he now had full control of his neck, all he saw was the giant wet patch on his bottoms. 
It was also now when he noticed he was crying, his tears making smaller marks around his wetness. 
“What is-“ He was cut off by your hand grabbing his chin, pulling his confused eyes away from his soiled pants. 
“I’ll make you a deal, hm?” Heeseung nodded through his crocodile tears, his puffy cheeks stained with his fallen tears. You gave Heeseung a small smile, making a point to soften your eyes to appear more trusting. 
“I’ll help you out if you promise to… I can’t say it, I know you’ll say no.” You knew how to play your cards with a man who was desperate enough to do anything. 
“Please, I’ll do anything!” Heeseung didn’t know a thing about being manipulated. It was a concept that didn’t exist in his world. Or maybe it did but was disguised as something much less sinister. 
“Do you promise?” A hiss. All it took for Heeseung to doubt himself once again was the small hiss that made its way through your throat. It sounded far less human than he was comfortable with, but he trusted you, did he not? 
The lord swore forgiveness to everyone who’s wronged him, why wouldn’t Heeseung do the same? 
“Anything, please I promise! J- just help me.” An angel's promise. It was the only thing you needed to know that you finally had him. 
The only other thing that every species knew about angels, was that they could never break a promise. It was the greatest sin of all, a betrayal that wasn’t worth forgiving. No one, not even the lord, forgave promises. It was the highest honour an angel could give, their promise. 
Heeseung knew that he couldn’t go back and undo what had been done, to take back the words that were spoken in a sense of urgency. And he didn’t really know if he wanted to, not when he was finally able to move his arms.
“Sit on the bed.” Heeseung’s legs moved under your command, the promise allowing you to control his every move. What he didn’t know was that you didn’t need his word to control him, it was part of your demon abilities. 
He had no choice but to comply with what you said, he wasn’t labelled heaven's highest angel for no reason. 
You weren’t completely sure where to start because usually you just did whatever you wanted, uncaring about the other person. All the other people who’d summoned you had already been asleep when you arrived and stayed asleep the entire time. Their mortal minds were far too weak to handle the pheromones releasing from your body, even the other supernatural species couldn’t handle it. 
“Mate me.” It was easier to get straight to the point, there was no need for any foreplay at this stage. The connection that you’d made with him was enough to prepare you for him, it was in your dna. 
Heeseung on the other hand, didn’t take it as well. He denied it right away, his head practically exploding at your words. Mate you? The lord would never forgive him, he’d be breaking his promise to him. 
Promise after promise, it was all Heeseung was good for. He’d promised his life away, his celibacy. He’d be banned from heaven, shunned of his wings. He’s already made the grave mistake of bringing you here, but this? This would cost him everything, his entire life. 
But still, you made him feel alive. You made him realize that he’d never felt anything before- not even joy. He’d been a cast of a person who he was forced to be, who even was he anyway?
A follower. And that’s all he’ll ever be for the rest of his life. He’s never hated anymore more than how much he hates you for making him come to terms with his life. 
It was his prayers that did this, why would the lord give you him if it wasn’t supposed to happen? You were supposed to be here, the lord approved of you. Why else would you come? It had to be what was happening, Heeseung was finally allowed a pass to be the person he’d locked away many lifetimes ago. 
But it stung, deep. His guilt came out in a wail of tears, angry fists banging against the bed beside him. His tormented thoughts roared with life, he was finally letting go. 
Fuck the commandments, fuck his promises, and he only hoped the lord would let him fuck you. 
And so with a wave of fresh tears and forgotten fears, he did what you said. He stood from his spot, your mind open and free of the handles you had strapped to his wrists. 
He’d pulled his pants down in one yank, his underwear pulling down with them. He wasn’t sure what he was doing, but he was alive. alive. Lee Heeseung was finally alive. 
The air smelt different, curtsey to your pheromones. Your hands felt rougher when they met his now bare chest, the bed feeling softer as his wings cushioned his fall. 
His head was clear when he felt your hand grab his cock, his heart void of guilt when he felt your mouth wrap around him.
But as the circle goes, it comes back around. 
Knowing that other men enjoyed thinking that they’re too big for you, you fake choked on him. Your eyes filled with fake tears as you pretended to gasp for air. Your chest heaved at an uncontrollable speed, fingers numbing at the thought of making him feel good.
Sex came naturally to Heeseung, which was something the two of you didn’t expect. His hands pulled your head back toward where he needed you the most, his thumb pulling your lips apart before he pushed you down to suction around him.
“God- you feel so fucking good.” He doesn’t even recognize himself anymore, his mind too full with the feeling of you to realize that he’d spoken the lord's name in vain. 
He wasn’t just betraying himself, he was giving up heaven. He'd give it away a million times more if it meant that he’d spent his life with you. Your name was the only one rushing from his mouth, the only one getting worshiped as your tongue wrapped around his bulbous tip. 
You used your tongue to trace circles around the small slit at the top of his cock, collecting everything he was giving to you. He tasted so sweet, nothing like anything you’ve tasted before. 
He didn’t warn you before filling your mouth, his amateur thrusts being overshadowed by your much more experienced lick.
You’d pulled away from him after holding him in your mouth, waiting to feel him soften before pulling him off. Heeseung’s head tilted to the side in confusion when you opened your mouth, sticking out your tongue. 
He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to be seeing- oh…
You felt a surge of confidence rushes through your body at the feeling of him hardening against your hands. “Already? you’re so needy.” 
You rose to a stand, grabbing his hands to pull him to stand instead. All it took was a snap of fingers for your clothes to be gone, leaving you completely nude. 
Heeseung felt like every moment of his life had led up to this, you were his final destination. Without him noticing, he whispered one final prayer. Right when he went to recite the trinitarian formula, he noticed.  
Guilt was unforgiving but so was hesitation. He hesitated to give in earlier, but now? 
“Are you ready?” Heeseung didn’t recognize his voice anymore, a much deeper one coming out. His hands moved on their own when he pulled your legs around his waist, pushing his hips forward until his cock pressed against your lips. 
You nodded once, pushing your legs further apart as you waited for him to make the move. He looked down at you cunt in appreciation, the lord really did take his time creating you. It’s too bad that his favourite creation was going to ruin it.
Heeseung wrapped his hand around his base before giving an experimental squeeze. Heeseung had never touched himself before today, having no idea what was supposed to feel good. 
He ignored his embarrassing inexperience and used his other hand to open you up for him. His mouth watered at the sight of your bare in front of him, you looked so welcoming. 
He tried not to stare for too long because he knew that if he did he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from using his mouth first. But he’d much rather finish it all off by licking you clean, drinking everything you have to offer. 
He tapped the head of his cock against you, watching from under his eyebrows at how you reacted. From the way your hips pushed up, he knew exactly where to touch you. 
He kept his head pressed against you as he pushed down, stopping once he reached your entrance. This was the moment that would change his entire life, he was never going to be the same way he was before. 
And when he finally pushed in, his head fell forward with a loud moan. The blood of the virgin became the blood of the demon, he was no longer considered an angel in the lord's eyes. 
Your hands grabbed his biceps as he pushed in deep, his cock hitting places you’ve never felt before.  He sped up, his hips slamming against yours over and over as he grew into a routine. 
You obviously liked the way he was moving if your moans meant anything. 
“Bring me to heaven.” You managed to plead through your now real choked gasps. Your head was filled with explosions of colours, real pleasure rushing through your blood. His big cock felt too good pushing against your gummy walls, each curve of him fitting perfectly in your crevices. He was made for you. 
Heeseung sucked in a harsh breath, a teasing smile growing on his opened mouth. His eyes were now open, staring into your own as he ravished your body for what it was. 
“But you’re a demon, and we’re already here…” He let out a small grunt at his harder thrust, his eyes closing once again. He’d lost count of the number of times he’d reached this specific spot in your body, but he was certain that once he found it again he wouldn’t let it go. 
“Not that heaven-” your smile matched his as your body burned with the same flame, your impurities mixing with his. You shakily raised one of your hands up towards his face, your fingers wrapped around his jaw as you forced his face close to yours. 
His eyes opened once again, his irises now completely black as he let himself fall into the pit of pleasure. “Your heaven” Your back arched with a moan while your legs tightened around his waist.
Heeseung swore he was in love. With you, and the feeling of you. Nothing could turn him back now. He pulled your legs over his shoulder, his chest pushing away from yours as he pushed all his weight into his legs and hips. 
He pressed kiss after kiss against your ankles, biting down to create indents across your calves. He knew this angle hit deeper into you because finally, he felt that spot and and over.
Both your volumes rose into near screams when you both reached your peaks. Without thinking twice Heeseunf pressed your knees flat to your chest, his neck stretching out to bite against yours. 
Your blood filled his mouth 
Angels too sealed the mating process with a bite, but it was different. The magic was stored in each individual tooth. The pockets of their poison were located in their mamelons. And so when the angel bites into their mate, the pockets open into small needles. Three sharp needles accompanied each tooth, it was the only part of the tooth that got pushed through the skin. 
Heeseung wasn’t lying when he mentioned not craving blood, but now? His arms shook when had to pull himself away from you, the desire to drink from his new mate stronger than anything. “Thank god-“ He didn’t know what he was thanking anyone for, but he needed something to fall back on. It just happened to be the roots that caught him. 
Your broken moans were drowned out by your returning purrs, your eyes white as they rolled into the back of your head. Holy fucking shit, Heeseung marked you first?
Without allowing Heeseung to pull out you flipped him over, his back flat against the bed while you sat flush against him. He looked up through tired eyes, his mind coming back to normal as he softened inside of you. 
“Don’t thank god, he had nothing to do with this.” You growled at the angel before you released more pheromones. They seemed to do their job as he was hard again within seconds. 
You felt him throb inside of you before you rose the tiniest bit, dropping down right away.  Heeseung’s hands gripped your ass, helping your waist move forward and back with each raise and fall. 
His hips buckled to meet yours, loud slaps echoing across the room as you sunk into him over and over. Heeseung forced his head up enough to look at where the two of you were connected and god, the sight didn’t fail. 
There was a thick ring of cum formed around his base, sticky strings connecting the two of you with every new raise. He’d almost come on the spot once again, his body way more sensitive than yours due to his inexperience. 
You saw the way his face scrunched up and automatically knew that he was trying not to cum. You used your mental hold on him to remove his hands from you and pinned them by his head. 
His eyes were wide when they met yours again. He felt his heart stutter at the glare on your face. Has he done something wrong? Is he not pleasing you correctly? 
“Don’t keep anything away from me, give it all to me.” Your hips momentarily stopped, only his tip remaining in as you stared down at him. 
“Breed me.” Your quiet whisper caused an eruption of pleasure to burst through his chest. He had you lying back on your back in seconds, his instincts putting you into the mating press. 
“Don’t start what you can’t end.” He didn’t say more before he pushed into you once again. He leaned his head down to meet yours, his lips pulling your bottom one between his teeth.
He gently tugged at it once before he forced his tongue between your lips, your mouth tasting of his earlier release. “You don’t look like an angel,” He ignored the harsh look you threw at him, giving you a small smile before he pressed his lips against your pulse point. 
He breathed in a deep inhale, his body welcoming your new scent, one that was mixed with his. He bit the skin twice, the second much harder than the first before he soothed the wound with his tongue. 
He trailed small kisses up your neck, all the day until he reached your ear. He pulled your earlobe between his teeth before placing a gentle kiss against it. “But you definitely taste like one.”
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ryuryuryuyurboat · 9 months
'tis the season
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synopsis: got the chills? no worries, pull your hand close to the fire!
genre: fluff
characters: kazuha, neuvillette, wanderer, wriothesley, xiao x gn! reader (separately)
warnings: reader referred to in 2nd person, implied romantic rs but can be read platonically
a/n: hihi @dernier-mystere!! i'm your backup secret santa for @2023gisecretsanta's secret santa event! it is way past christmas, so take this as a new year's gift instead! may this year bring you much joy, and hopefully this gift brings you some warmth in this winter :)) || likes, reblogs and comments highly appreciated!!
©2024 ryuryuryuyurboat. do not repost, translate, plagiarise, or modify in any way, shape or form.
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ah, yes. winter, the notorious hit-or-miss season. while there may be those who love the cold weather, the harsh bite of the blizzards and howling winds in the snowstorms may prove to be too daunting for even the most seasoned warriors in the icy cold. in times like this, what better way is there to wait out the piercing tempest than spending some time holed up with your favourite people?
kazuha smiles a kind smile at you, offering a hand to you. my dove, he calls, won’t you join me by the window? the cold has fogged up the glass of the windowpane, yet you still sit together on the edge of the bed– he gently nudges your head to rest on his shoulder as you listen to the pitter-patter of the snow outside, its gentle rhythm lulling you to sleep. what beautiful scenery, you hear him whisper, but his gaze is fixed on you all the while. “i love when it snows. the world falls completely silent, and we can sleep undisturbed.”
neuvillette, completely absorbed in his paperwork, doesn’t even realise it’s snowing till he shivers when he feels your icy touch on both sides of his neck. the nerve. well, guess it’s a sign for him to take a break! he lets you drag him into the kitchen, where it’s warmer, and watches as you put the pots on the stove. what’re you doing? he asks, and nearly falters at your excited grin as you tell him you’d been wanting to make hot cocoa and share it with him. maybe those documents can wait, he thinks, as he opens his mouth to give the only suggestion on his mind. “snow, in fact, is one of water’s natural self-cleansing mechanisms. but human activity tends to reduce snow’s purity, so do not consume it.”
never tell the wanderer you feel cold. the only reply you’ll get is “well, damn, y/n, i can’t control the weather!” quite the royal treatment. but when you turn away to rub your hands together for some warmth, your nose red from the cold, you feel a comforting weight rest on your shoulders as he grumbles something about “not wanting to deal with a coughing and sneezing you”, and he offers you his wide hat as extra protection from the chilling wind. “i have no need for warmth. save me the trouble and take care of yourself, will you?”
winter with wriothesley, simply put, is warm. it’s homely. with him, it doesn’t matter whether you’re in the comfort of your own home, or if you’re far from your usual lodging — all it takes is the shrill whistling of a kettle a certain someone set on the stove, followed by the gurgling of the water as it’s poured into two patiently waiting mugs, and finally, he pushes a warm mug into your trembling hands. how he managed to find and brew tea that smells exactly like a chocolatey beverage you’re all too familiar with is beyond you. any questions that may have reached your lips are quickly washed away as he clinks his mug with yours and you fight the temptation to down the still-steaming liquid in one go. “cheers, and may the biting frost be melted away by this drink.”
cuddling with xiao? the demon conqueror? the karmic debt-ridden guardian yaksha? why, perish that thought at once! …although, if it keeps you warm, maybe he’ll make an exception. just this once. maybe he’ll entertain your suggestion of building a blanket fort, and maybe he’ll grab the thickest one to drape over you both as you share a bowl of hot soup. the howling wind rattles the windows– he looks out, at the snow falling onto the ground, then back at you. “maybe we can go out soon. the snow looks thick enough to eat.”
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taglist: @yinyinggie @lynyluvr @kazemiya @meidnightrain @https-furina (send ask to be added to taglist!)
if you liked this, do consider dropping me a follow for more :>
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romanarose · 2 months
fic authors self rec! when you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. (if you feel like it, no pressure.) spread the self-love 🌈❤️
Hello love!!!! Thank you for this <3
Rooms on Fire: Triple frontier cult au??? Reader fucking Frankie, Santi, Will and Ben AND most of them fucking each other??? Mysterous side characters, ritualitic sex, manipulation, breeding kink.... what more could we want
Puppet: Joel x Reader. This one didn't do great but IDK, I thought it was one of my best. Its a bit different though, told from Joel's POV, really focusing on buring the pain of being alive in Boston is tight pussy, grasping a false sense of control.
If You Wanna Be Wild: Javier Pena x latina!reader x Santiago Garcia. This started off strong but began to drop readership after it was clear things were getting gay XD but If 1. Javi P stress eating 2. Younger anxiety ridden Santiago garcia 3. Latina reader 4. Mommy kink 5. gay shit, all appeals to you, come join!
Puppy Girl: Dark!Joel Miller x reader, Boston era Joel (and some Tommy) keep reader as a puppy in their apartment. No thoughts, head empty, taken care of
The Wrong Way: Joel Miller x reader, Tommy Miller x Reader. Gotta self rec my most popular, and one of my best works. Readers abusive dad sells readers virginity to Joel to pay off debt, and what starts as a little toy for Joel to play with, turns into something somehow more twisted. "My mom sold me to one direction"
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herotome · 3 months
Devlog #146
Hi-ho, Wudge here.
I put together allllll the possible combinations of Griffin's Driving CG expressions, along with some bonuses all the way to the right with blush/removed glasses. Thank you as always to my Ko-Fi Supporters!
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Of note - I took the trouble to add in some 'far' eyelashes on Griffin's face, (for both closed and open eyes, so you'd see them move when Griffin blinks)...
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only to realize it'll be 100% blocked by her bangs.
Oh well. ... Because I'm not gonna adjust how the layers are set up in the code just to save a few lines of lashes.
The always impeccable Remnantation not only did the full CG art, but also made this gorgeous broken bottle that I have smashed against MC's door:
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I'm absolutely in love with it. I haven't tested it in-game just yet, but I did export it as a PNG and position it to be in line with the food art.
And I did some secret concept art for Myster and the other secret LI
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Andddd took an abundance of pose reference photos in hopes of finally nailing down some proper sprites...!
And then I did some lore planning, mostly cleaned up old notes to try and document it better... Worked on the main antagonist's family tree... ... that's about it I think.
Stay safe and keep warm,
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aquamarineglow · 1 year
Tiny details I noticed from the Layton series:
Katrielle's sofa is shaped like her hair:
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In the Promo artwork for Miracle Mask, you can see Stachenscarfen.
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This man gets so excited about seeing the Bostonius that he rushes out his house and immediately slips on the ice:
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It's not a continuity error that Dean Delmona has white hair in Laytons Mystery Journey. When he's shocked, his hair flies off his head, revealing it to be a wig.
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Ingrid and Matthew have to stand on piles of books to be able to see out the window:
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Duke makes an appearance in St Mystere despite being from Folsense. And being a hallucination.
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The man Grosky fights with in Last Specter can be seen in Prison in the credits of Eternal Diva.
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In Eternal Diva, during Puzzle 001, you can overhear two men arguing about the answer.
The two are looking at a fossil of what appears to be a Ichthyosaur.
You can hear the first man ask, "What about that? Is that old?"
Second man replies, "That's a fish."
The first argues back, "It's a fossil you buffoon!!"
I don't know, I thought it was funny.
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That's all I can fit onto this post.
Please share any small details you've noticed, I love seeing them!
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youngerfrankenstein · 28 days
I love that in Curious Village St. Mystere was supposed to be weird with how many puzzles were in it. And the big twist tied into that. That you were literally interacting with a bunch of robots created by an eccentric rich guy as part of an elaborate puzzle box to find the perfect guardian for his daughter.
And then in the rest of the games it's like "Nah. The whole world is just like this."
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ganondoodle · 10 months
im pretty sure i mentioned all these things before but its too late to start drawing anything and each time i see someone talk about totk i just get sad and frustrated again
literally by FAR the biggest problem about totk is that it REFUSES to connect to botw in any way beyond reusing the same map and character models, and even taking the things botw had established and ruin them entirely
ancient hero? BAM weird sonau dog thing that remains completely unexplained and out of nowhere eight heroine myster- BAM just some guy long gone sonau peopl- BAM here they are and they have zero connection to the ones of botw mystical dragons gracing the skies with their presence- BAM probably some dude who ate a magic pebble once strange mystical nature god you could rarely encounter in one specific spot and the area was made to feel utteraly unsettling but also divine- BAM now hes everywhere and only serves you as a shorthand for man pointing at cave the strange energy all shiekah tech was powered with with certain locations being ones where alot of it was concentrated including beneath hyrule castle clearly stating that somethings up with that- welp theres evil guy donw there but he has zero connection to all that lol
the whole shiekah tech thing, i just- WHY???? LIKE THAT??? there was so much stuff in botw that seemed deliberately placed that there IS more to it and now it all vanished and nothing of that mattered??? i saw a video of someone comparing certain places directly and on some where towers literally broke away tons of debris where just like .. sanded back down like nothing ever happened???; the fuking mechanism of how the towers and shrines and the pillars around the castle worked AND WHAT THE BOTW BOSS ARENA WAS ACTUALLY FOR?? its all gone and replaced with dirt; tHE ANCIENT FUCKING FURNANCES UTTERLY GONE AND REPLACED WITH ROCKS HUH???? so nothing of all that talk about their mystery and mechanism mattered???? the luminous stoens and its connection to spirits and how concentrated spiritual energy might have been what powered the tech- like you could connect things, and they made SENSE, so much sense that that seemed like it was intentionally setting up- only for it all to be just GONE?? to literally say lol it all vanished and that we shouldnt worry about it- like what the FUCK (and it also AGAIN doesnt make sense in itself bc WE SEE GUARDIAN PARTS in the towers, and some parts of them too are made of clearly shiekah tech stuff so it cant all have vanished- all their mystery doesnt matter bc idk it just works i guess lol and its not even called shiekah tech at any point either its just there and also not lol-)
(and even the smaller things like .. where the fuck does link live if everyone treats him like a goddamn stranger in the town you had to buy a house in botw for it to not be demolished and now that house is there but its not yours and noone knows you??? sth i personalyl found strange too that dumsda, the guy you help build an entire town, taburasa, had a very specific talking quirk i loved, and its all just gone in totk too, he talks like any other person all of the sudden
also at the end of botw finally being reunited with zelda and giving you the taste of being in the game WITH her at the same time in the intro to totk- WOOP away she goes! shes your pretty prize at the end and nothing more, what a way to disrespect her and her character..)
imagine if majoras mask didnt have the opening like it has and it otherwise stayed the same and they tried to tell you that its a direct sequel happening exactly where ocarina of time happened in the same world, zelda who?? ganondorf who??? things seem weird and off? lol dont worry about that :)) that would be weird and not make any sense at all now would it??
... sorry going on another rant again, ill just never be able to accept everything from botw didnt actually matter, and despite what some people might say, its pretty hard to ignore totk bc i LOVE botw, and as much as i hate it, they are connected in canon, even if it makes no sense
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