#“Sanji looked up at Zoro's face-” nah he didn't
penkura · 2 months
last forever [13/13]
Summary: Zoro only offered to marry you to keep you out of an arranged marriage with a man much older than you. You agreed without realizing how happy you would both become and the family you would create together.
Pairing: Zoro x Fem!reader, mentioned Sanami
Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy and having a baby, that's all
Note: I didn't initially plan this. I was going to stop this fic at twelve chapters, but I felt like ch.12 was getting to be way too long so I broke it up and put the epilogue at the end of thsi one. Do not be surprised if I ever come back to this fanfic universe for one-shots or drabbles. This is shorter than I expected, but I'm happy with how it turned out, thanks for reading this fanfic, I hope you've all enjoyed it! :)
The latter bit is set ten years after chapter 12, Zoro is 31 and Reader is 30.
@misfits1a | @alucardsdaddyissues | @louweasleymalfoy | @fluffybunnyu | @yerrimm09 | @eyes-ofhell | @emmaiscool22 | @xenop0p | @hank88999
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[Ch. 1] ● [Ch. 2] ● [Ch. 3] ● [Ch. 4] ● [Ch. 5] ● [Ch. 6] ● [Ch. 7] ● [Ch. 8] ● [Ch. 9] ● [Ch. 10] ● [Ch. 11] ● [Ch. 12]
Your morning is quiet, despite Nami and Robin sharing knowing looks when you and Zoro entered the galley together for breakfast. Nami swears you're glowing and it grosses her out for a moment when she makes the suggestion to Robin who laughs, and says the three of you will need to have a girls night later to talk. No one asked where two had disappeared to the night before, it seemed like none of them had noticed, which you were grateful for. It kept you and Zoro from having to answer any awkward questions for the time being.
Zoro didn't notice or care, if someone had asked he would've told them, but still keep you from feeling embarrassed or anything, this is all still new to both of you of course. Breakfast goes by without anyone bringing anything up, even as Sanji gives you a smile that you return, discreetly showing him your ring and confirming that he was right, everything turned out okay so far.
Most of your day is spent doing the normal things you’ve always done, the Sunny is docked at an island for a restock, you choose to go into town with Robin and Jinbei, Zoro tried to go along but Nami pulls him back, telling you to go ahead while she takes your husband for help with other things. You don’t question it only because that’s completely normal, you don’t even question Robin in town when she tries to convince you to buy a pretty white dress you seem to be staring at. You try it on but don’t buy it, there’s no reason to.
“Are you sure, [Y/N]? It’d look lovely on you, I’m sure Zoro would think so too.”
“Nah, I don’t need it,” you laugh a bit as you go to look at something else that’s caught your eye, “Zoro doesn’t care what I wear anyway.”
“Mm…if you say so.”
You swear there’s something Robin isn’t telling you, even as you both try of different clothes and buy a few items, deciding you’ll bring Nami by later too, there’s plenty here she’ll like.
You do find it odd when Jinbei tries to get you to purchase a flower crown or a small bouquet of your favorite flowers for yourself, denying again that you really don’t need them. You’re not sure if you were imagining it or not, but you think the two share a knowing look with slight smiles as you head back to Sunny a while later.
When you make it back and see almost none of your crewmates around, you start to get suspicious something else is going on, especially seeing the way the ship deck is decorated to almost resemble a wedding, though with its own Straw Hat character, and Zoro waiting for you.
Face red, in a suit (that fits this time), and a bouquet of your favorite flower surrounded by daisies, heliotrope, and aster.
It dons on you immediately what Jinbei and Robin were doing, they were trying to get you ready for an impromptu marriage ceremony, but you didn’t catch on until now, you feel kind of stupid. Of course the white dress and small bouquet make sense now, even though Zoro hasn’t said anything. He doesn’t even notice you’re there at first, not until you say his name and he finally looks at you.
“Hey…you’re back.”
“What,” You’re trying hard not to cry but you can’t fight the smile that’s starting to creep onto your face as Zoro hands the flowers over to you, still nervous about this and maybe embarrassed over it, “What’s this about…?”
He’s quite for a moment, while you look over the flowers, a bright and happy look on your face. You know he’s had help with this, it’s what he and Nami were probably out buying while the others set things up.
“When we got married, legally, it wasn’t really a wedding,” scratching the back of his head, Zoro sighs just a bit before taking your hand and getting on one knee in front of you, returning the smile you’re giving him, “I know I was a stubborn ass about this for a long time, but you already know my thoughts on this, on us now…so I want to give you as real a wedding as I can. One you deserve.”
You have to stop yourself from laughing when it takes Zoro a minute to dig through the pockets he’s not used to find an engagement ring, one you don’t need but you figure Nami made him buy it just so you had one, even with your wedding band already on your hand.
“We’ve already got rings, and this time real witnesses,” you both can hear Luffy not so quietly asking Sanji for food before he's hushed and told to wait, everyone watching from the various places they’re hiding in, “Luffy’s ready to say whatever he needs to for us to be considered married on this crew, but I still have to ask you. So…will you marry me, for real this time, [Y/N]?”
“Of course, Zoro!” It’s not even something you can pretend to think about, not after everything you’ve gone through now. You throw your arms around him and Zoro hugs you close, there’s obvious relief like he was worried you’d changed your mind overnight while he tells you he loves you.
“Heyyy, can we do the ceremony now and eat?!”
“You idiot, she’s got to get dressed first!”
“Sanji made a great cake, it’s really sweet!”
“We were all glad when you went into town with Robin and Jinbei, we probably wouldn’t have gotten this all done if you hadn’t!”
“This is super great for both of you!”
“Yohohoho, I’ll get ready to play the wedding march then!”
“Mosshead, you better treat her right!”
“It’s wonderful to see you both happy now!”
“I may not have the full details of your circumstances, but congratulations to you both!”
You barely listen to your crewmates, your main focus being on Zoro and how this was pulled off so quickly, but you don’t bother to ask any questions, kissing your husband briefly.
“I suppose I should go get ready!”
“Yeah,” Zoro gives you a slight smirk before kissing your forehead, “I’ll be here, wife.”
Robin and Nami rush you off to your shared room to get you dressed, Robin having been sneaky and showing she’d purchased the dress she told you to buy, along with a small bouquet of flowers for you to carry. It’s nothing fancy, but that works perfectly with your relationship and how you’ve come together with Zoro.
Once they’ve got you ready the two go back to the deck to make sure everything and everyone is situated, sending Sanji after you a bit later, he’s agreed to be the one to give you away essentially, though you stop him just ad you’re about to head to the deck, he gives you a concerned look.
“Sanji, do you…do you think Zoro and I will last forever?”
Sanji takes a breath, before smiling and taking your hand as he lets it out.
“I don’t think I’ve ever met a couple more destined to last than you two. Besides, I don’t think the mosshead is willing to wear a suit for just anybody.”
You laugh and agree, telling Sanji you’re ready before he leads you out to the deck.
It’s not a very long or formal ceremony, Luffy stumbles a few times trying to remember what he needs to say, he even gets choked up a few times when he thinks about how he’s seen you and Zoro go from a marriage born of convenience to now being in love and properly married. It almost gets to you as well, but you keep all your tears back, just a few slipping g out when Luffy tells Zoro to hurry up and kiss you which makes you laugh. You know Zoro hates public displays of affection, but he’s willing to look past it for you, only you he’d justify. After that Luffy shouts for the party to start, you and Zoro laughing together just a bit while he holds you close.
“Thanks for not giving up on me, wife.”
“Hmm, thanks for saving me, husband.”
Chopper is right, the cake Sanji made is sweet, you’re surprised Zoro even has some, that he mostly stays away from alcohol except when you bring him a drink later on. It prompts him to pull you to his lap, pressing a kiss to your cheek to make you giggle.
“What’s this for?”
“Nothing,” he sighs a bit, holding you closer and laying his forehead on your shoulder, “Just glad you’re my wife is all.”
“Forever, right?”
“Forever. No matter what happens.”
Nami and Sanji watch you two from the side, giving each other looks that tell more than anything they know you’ll make it. They’ve both watched you ever since they each joined, seen how Zoro treats you and how much you’ve come to love each other. Even when Luffy comes over and drags you away from your real, permanent husband to dance with your captain, the same look Sanji swore to you he’s always seen on Zoro’s face. Soft and loving, he just watches you while you and Luffy giggle together.
When everyone starts to settle down, you’re surprised by Chisa returning to you after being gone since you arrived in Wano. She stops in front of you with two letters, one you know is from Elias and the other from your parents, finally. You’re not sure what to think, even when Zoro wraps his arms around you and sets his chin on your shoulder.
Pursing your lips, you shrug, before tearing up the letter still in the envelope causing Zoro roll tighten his hold on you. For a minute you don’t say anything, before you sigh and lean back against him with a smile.
“It doesn’t matter anymore. I don’t want care about what they have to say…I only care about you.”
“Hmm,” Zoro kisses tour cheek which makes you giggle before you do the same to him, “That’s my wife, I’m proud of you.”
“Love you, Zoro.”
“Yeah…I love you too.”
You two are going to last forever.
~10 years later~
You have a newborn baby girl to care for now, literally minutes old as she lays next to you and cries, unhappy about her new surroundings. It’s the middle of winter and the only people you’re allowing around her at the moment are the midwives of Shimotsuki Village that had come to help you deliver your baby in the middle of the day. Every one of them praises you for doing so well, but all you care about is your daughter and Zoro getting to see her, to meet her face to face. He’d been more anxious about it as you got closer to your due date, neither of you knowing if you’d have a boy or girl until the moment you gave birth, and now you have her!
She’s perfectly chubby, her little hands trying to grasp at the air while she wails and kicks her feet at the same time, even as you take hold of one of her hands. You want to laugh seeing her hair is just a slightly darker shade of green than Zoro’s, but smile instead as you calm her down.
“Shh, shh, baby girl, everything’s okay. I’m here, sweetheart. Your daddy’s on his way.”
It’s not even five minutes later you hear Nami yelling outside your door about how someone could miss this, while Sanji starts to swoon at her for being so protective of you but asking her to calm down, stress isn’t good for her or their own baby either. You hear Luffy laugh a bit himself, saying something you can’t understand before Usopp and Robin suggest they all leave you alone, as the door to your room opens and you’re so glad to see who’s finally there.
“I’m sorry I missed it, I was asking master something,” Zoro takes your hand you reached for him with, kissing your forehead before he sits beside you, looking at your baby with nothing but pride and love on his face, “We…we have a baby…”
“We have a daughter, Zoro.”
“She’s perfect. Just like her mama.”
Rolling your eyes, you just watch for a few minutes while Zoro takes in the fact you have a daughter to raise now. Honestly, you had been expecting to have a boy, and Zoro never told you what he thought you might have, he said it didn’t matter because it was your child, you made this baby together, he’d love them no matter what. But seeing him gently stroke her hair and let her hold onto his finger, you swear you’re falling in love with him all over again.
“Did you ask your master what we talked about?”
Zoro doesn’t hear you at first, he’s too focused on your daughter and watching her settle down, starting to sleep, before he realizes you spoke to him and asks you to repeat your question. When you do so, he nods, looking back to your daughter.
“He said nothing would make him happier…”
Nodding, you sigh in content when Zoro kisses your forehead again, before doing the same to your daughter.
“Welcome to the world, Kuina.”
You plan to give your daughter everything you never had and more, all the love in the world and no expectations to marry rich unless she decides to. Watching Zoro with her the rest of the day makes you realize this was all you ever wanted.
To love someone and be loved the same, and give that love to your own child forever.
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Better As A Head ~LA!Buggy x Reader~
Summary: You get to know Buggy as you and your friends look for Nami.
Author’s Note: I still can't believe this clown got me simping for him and got me watching the show.
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: age gap (reader is 24 and Buggy is like 36)
Do not repost this anywhere!
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“So what do you have to gain while we find Nami?” You asked as you leaned your head on your hand as you stared at the clown head in front of you.
“Honestly, I’m hoping for my body back,” Buggy told you.
It has been a couple of days since you found out about Nami being one of Arlong's minions and had ran off with the map to the grand line. While you and your crew of friends didn't know where to go, you all luckily (more unluckily) had the head of Buggy the Clown whose body was in Arlong's Park.
While the rest of your friends found him annoying, there was something about him you found kinda funny.
“I like you better as a head. You’re a little more annoying but at least you can’t do anything threatening,” you say with a small smile.
“Aw come on baby. Maybe I can swoon you by the end of our trip,” Buggy smirked as he gave you a wink.
“Don’t count on it,” you tell him before getting up to go up deck.
“Come on. Don’t leave me here alone toots,” Buggy said. You rolled your eyes before picking him up carefully and walking outside to the top deck.
“Don’t know how you managed to tolerate him,” Zoro told you.
“He’s weird in a way. But yet again, so am I,” you tell him with a shrug.
“You’ll fit right into my crew,” Buggy told you.
“Nah. I like this crew better,” you winked before giving the head to Zoro.
He put Buggy’s head in a crate the moment you handed Buggy’s head over.
“Seems like you got an admirer,” Zoro teased.
“It’s nothing,” You assured him as you sat down on a barrel.
By the time you all got to Nani’s home town, you had Buggy in a bag which you carried. Surprisingly, it wasn’t as heavy as you expected it to be.
“Come on, sweetheart. Let me out of this bag,” Buggy said from inside the bag.
“Be grateful I even gave you some air in there,” you tell him.
“Please! Come on!”
You let out a groan as you took him out of the bag. Buggy couldn’t help but find your annoyed face adorable.
“If I feed you, will you shut up?” You asked him as you held a plate of smoked fish.
“I’ll stay quiet. For now,” Buggy smiled.
“You’re really annoying. You know that?” You tell him as you fed him.
“But I’m growing on you right?” Buggy asked you with a smile.
“Nah. I think Sanji has more of a shot than you,” you teased. You looked over at Sanji as he flirted with Nami's sister.
“That fake blonde? Come on. I can treat you better than that shithead!” Buggy claimed.
“Oh yeah?” You smirked.
“Too bad you don’t have your body. You’re just a head. How can you treat me better if you’re just a head?” You teased.
“Oh trust me baby. When I get my body back, I can show you a good time.”
“Right,” you said, rolling your eyes.
Once Buggy reconnected to his body during the fight with Arlong’s fishmen, he looked over at you, Sanji, and Zoro before smiling a little.
“Hey, so, um… I’m gonna get out of here,” Buggy said as he flipped Zoro and Sanji off.
“Hey!” You and Zoro protested together.
“Sorry kiddos. I’d love to make things right but it’s time for me to exit stage left,” Buggy said as he rushed off. You quickly ran over before grabbing the back of his collar. You held your knife to his neck, even though you know it wouldn’t do much to him.
“Leaving so soon?” You glared at him.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be back for you baby,” Buggy said before giving you a kiss on the cheek. You let go of him from being in shock of the kiss.
“I owe you a date!” He called out as he rushed off.
“You really going to date that clown?” Zoro asked you.
“We’ll see how this goes first,” you tell him with a shrug before looking back at the new fish man walking over toward you three. “Besides, Sanji here has a better shot.”
“I have a shot?” Sanji asked with a smile.
“We’ll see,” you say with an unsure look.
“I’ll take my chances,” Sanji smiled proudly.
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ouchmyheart22 · 1 year
Lucky (OPLA! Buggy the Clown x Reader)
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Summary: Buggy thoroughly enjoys making you scowl and squirm as you take the night watch
WordCount: 2.5K
Rating: Semi-Explicit (mentions of sex)
You should've never let them draw straws.
You were too honest to be going up against a womanizer, a pirate hunter and a rubber boy, although you had assumed Luffy's draw was more luck than anything.
Usopp had gone first, holding his breath as he picked between the five matches in Sanji's grip - who had complained his chef's knives shouldn't really be used to chop wood.
Usopp had been satisfied with his draw, releasing the breath he had been holding in a long sigh, wiping sweat from his brow.
Zoro picked from the pile with little interest, as always, though he seemed somewhat relieved with his draw as he tucked it between his palm.
Luffy, stalling, had attempted eeny meeny miny moe before Sanji and you had objected and eventually Luffy brandished yet another long matchstick in between his fingers
Your eyes locked with Sanji as he turned fully to you now, smiling his signature lopsided grin. Sanji winked, stepped closer, almost mocking you as he held the two seemingly identical matchsticks in his fist.
You took a short breath before gripping the matchstick closest to the blonde.
You pulled the tiny matchstick from Sanji's grip with ease, groaning as soon as you saw the size. It was no more than two inches.
The men all let out sighs of relief as you held up the comically small matchstick in front of your face.
'Sorry love. Seems you were unlucky tonight' Sanji smiled, his signature lopsided smirk.
'Luck has nothing to do with it' you mumbled, pressing your back against the kitchen island. Sanji clicked his tongue, shaking his head.
'Ah c'mon fairs fair' he grinned, pressing his now free hands into the counter next to you 'Someone had to watch him overnight'
You'd glanced back towards the bag, sitting atop the table, quiet for once, though were sure that wouldn't last for long.
'Maybe he's suffocated' Usopp tried, attempting to lighten the mood, looking around to gauge a reaction.
'We wouldn't be that lucky' Zoro answered, monotone and seemingly disappointed that the clown was still breathing,
Luffy gripped the strap of the bag, unceremoniously allowing Buggy, or what was there of him, to roll out onto the table. His bandanna askew, his makeup messy and smudged, he was by no means the fearsome leader he had once proclaimed himself to be.
Zoro chose this as his exit as he saluted you all a goodnight, his swords jangling at his waist as he left the kitchen.
'Boggy (Y/N) will be watching you tonight so please be on good behaviour' Luffy had warned, wagging his finger at the clowns head.
Buggy had grinned, allowing his eyes to focus on you, standing between Usopp and Sanji. Somehow between the two taller men you didn't feel small, but under the clown's menacing gaze you couldn't help but shrink slightly.
'Oh well I guess today is my lucky day' he grinned. His eyes darkened as he watched you turn away from his gaze, shifting slightly on one foot.
A nervous tick? Maybe. He wanted to know where they had picked you up from.
'Fucking hell what's with all this luck talk tonight? You guys sound like a bunch of gamblers' you sighed, rolling your eyes in an attempt to seem unbothered by the situation.
'You're just bitter because you drew the short straw love' Sanji commented, nudging your shoulder with his he sent you a sly smile.
'Is it really drawing straws if we did it with matches' Usopp wonders absent-minded, his mouth opening to ponder the question.
'Wanna re-do Usopp?' you turned to him with hope only to see the man raise his hands and shake his head.
'Nah nah I'm good' he started to back away, hitting his hip off the kitchen counter but choosing to ignore it despite the flinch of pain 'Like Sanji said, fairs fair'
Luffy had slapped his hands on your shoulder before following Usopp outside 'Sleep well (Y/N)'
You almost wanted to curse him out, before realising he was too sincere for such harsh words. As if you would be getting sleep with this crazy clown on your nightstand all night.
'Am I really that bad?' Buggy had queried, fake-hurt displayed on his features.
You and Sanji locked eyes instead of answering the jester.
'Just give me a shout if he gives any trouble princess' and with a wink and a snap of his fingers, Sanji had left you alone with the clown.
Buggy had remained in the bag during the short trip to your room, much to his disappointment. Much to his relief, you had drawn the unfortunate task of buggysitting tonight. God, he couldn't decide which was worse - Arlong's crew or being passed around like a beach-ball by a bunch of brats.
'C'mon toots what's so wrong with carrying me huh? Cut a clown a break here' his voice was muffled through the fabric of the bag, though you could make out his ramblings fine. So much for hoping it would help drown out his voice tonight.
You'd placed the black bag on the floor next to your hammock as you started to sift through your own belongings. What little you had brought with you seemed a lot less now as you stared at the contents of your rucksack.
'Hey hey, let me out already. I'm dying in here' Buggy complained.
With a dramatic sigh, you'd opened the bag , briefly holding Buggy's head before setting him atop the small chest next to your hammock. Your fingers were soft, despite your quick grasp, he couldn't help but lean into the touch. The sensation of your thumb grazing his cheek left a satisfying warmth he couldn't deny felt nice. For a second, he wondered when the last time someone had touched him so carefully.
Seeing you crouch back towards the few clothes strewn about the floor Buggy had grinned, his smile elongated by his smudged lipstick.
'Oh I didn't realise I'd be getting a show tonight' he grunted, shaking his head as your eyes trailed up from your few clothing choices to the clown, who seemed very, very pleased all of a sudden.
'What are you talking about clown?' you narrowed your eyes, still crouched on the floor below him.
God Buggy wished he had his body back.
'I love red by the way. Hope you got matching panties. We picking those next?'
Someday, Buggy would learn to keep his big clown mouth shut.
The t-shirt fabric that you'd thrown over his face smelled of lavender and soap, a far cry from the sandy satchel Arlong had kept him in. He could hear you shuffling in front of him, undressing, which Buggy would've killed to see.
From the days he'd spent in the bag (with one ear in Luffy's hat) he'd learned to fine tune his hearing. He almost shuddered at the sound of a bra clasp untie, the shuffle of your feet as you walked forward to pick up a shirt. Buggy waited hopefully, for you to pick the top off his head, giving him an unobstructed view.
He doubted he'd be that lucky.
When you eventually unmasked him, dropping the t-shirt back on the floor, he gave a disappointed frown to see you fully clothed.
'If you're going for a strip tease honey, normally a negligee would be more appealing to me' he advised, baring a toothy grin.
'I don't give a fuck what you find appealing clown' you shot back, your eyes darkened, clearly annoyed with his remarks. Despite your glare, your lips were not pulled into a frown.
A soft plump pout rested just above your chin, pink and perfect, the annoyance never seemed to reach your mouth, despite your eyes showing disgust. Quick-witted and blunt, you hadn't appeared phased by the obscenities that left his mouth.
You had the confidence of a woman who had been at sea her whole life, secure and self-reliant in your skills. But you were young, not much older than your crewmates, still yet to experience betrayal, heartbreak, anguish.
He wanted to see you unravel.
'Ah cmon sweetheart, don't be like that' he whined, his green eyes widening as he pleaded.
Your expression remained icy, you eyes narrowing again and he decides he likes this expression on you. Unsure and untrusting, your eyes remained trained in him as he spoke again.
'We could have a good time tonight. You and me' he offered, his voice lower this time. He raised one eyebrow, cocking his head to the side.
'I seriously doubt that' you scoffed, picking up the newspaper next to Buggy's head.
'Don't knock it till you try it baby'
Honey. Sweetheart. Baby. You tried to think of the last time someone had called you something so fond, and although you knew the clown wasn't sincere, you couldn't help the twinge of anxiety the nicknames gave you.
You laughed, humourless, at Buggy's comment yet he decided he liked the sound.
'I don't think you'll have much takers as a head' you commented
'Believe me sweets, the detachable limbs do it for a lot of women. Trust me' he seemed proud, you seemed disgusted.
'Trust you? Oh that's rich coming from you'
You'd seated yourself in the small armchair in the corner of the room by now, too far away from Buggy's liking. The newspaper obstructed his view of your face, so he trained his eyes on your legs instead, not that he had any objections.
'Hey, I'm the one leading you to carrot top and her fish friends'
'And believe me, that's the only thing you have going for you right now clown. The only thing that's keeping Zoro from throwing you overboard'
He cringed at the thought of mosshead - tall, dark and handsome. No doubt a good fit for a girl like you. He was silent for a moment and you resisted the urge to look up from your book at the stewing jester.
You almost felt bad for him, given his current situation, he was completely at the mercy of you and the crew. No doubt, he'd return the favour as soon as he got the chance.
As you flipped onto the next page, Buggy had left a dramatic sigh leave his Cheshire mouth. You didn't even glance up.
Damn you were fucking pretty. Even in the wooden cabin, only lit by the small oil lamp atop the chest, you looked like you belonged in a painting, an artist's muse.
A few seconds later, a louder drawn out sigh left Buggy's lips. You reread the article line a third time, something about a marine base attack in the north quarter.
Another few seconds, later Buggy had forced another long sigh. You turned the page again before glancing up at him.
'I wouldn't be complaining clown, I let you out of the bag' you raised an eyebrow, bending the newspaper slightly to see his head.
'Oh I'm not complaining baby. What'd make you think that?' Another drawn out sigh, deep and breathy 'I'm just meditating. Good for the mind. Great for the soul'
'Ah yes and you're the picture of health' you folded the newspaper in your lag, allowing the clown a full view of your face now. Your skin was darkened by the shadows of the room, he couldn't read your expression from here.
'I'll have you know I have been the cover model for every issue of Buggy's Bazaar since it's inception' his chin jutted up in pride.
Buggy was in fact the only cover model for Buggy's Bazaar, his very own pirate magazine. Printed in-house, bimonthly (if Cabaji remembered the ink) and distributed in-house, as Buggy was working out the kinks of international distribution right now.
'Never heard of it. You must not get many sales' you were definitely playing along now, he couldn't help but widen his grin.
'Not safe for work. It's usually banned but I could send you a few copies sweets. Help you through those lonely nights' he winked, clicking his tongue.
'Maybe I'll take you up on the offer' your lips had curved up into a smirk, a delicious sort of lopsided smile he found himself thinking about days later. Mischief clung to the edges of your eyes as he searched them for a reaction.
Buggy's tongue almost fell out of his head. He knew you were humouring him but he didn't expect such a bold response. Attempting to regain his cool, his long-distance heart did a somersault as he stared at you.
'I could throw in a few racy pics, if you're interested' he bargained, his own grin turning lopsided to match your own.
You jutted your chin towards him, so Buggy continued.
'First issue is free for new customers. Though I'm sure you'll be a returning' another wink seemed to be overkill but he was working with what he had, no body and all.
'Definitely. Usopp's been complaing we need something stronger to mop the floors with anyway'
You had laughed as his confident smile had dropped, turning into an irritated scowl. Embarrassed and suddenly tense, Buggy began to grind his teeth.
Embarrassed? Buggy was never embarrassed! He had his own show for fucks sake, a crew that followed his every order and more berry than he knew what to do with. Buggy did not get embarrassed.
Especially not by the rejection of a young pretty little thing like you. Right?
You'd wiped tears from your eyes, obviously satisfied with your little joke.
'Consider the offer revoked. I don't think a prude like you would find much interest in my art anyway' he tried to sound nonchalant, his masculinity unchallenged, pretending to both you and himself he wasn't dissappointed.
'Oh you think I'm a prude? Cause I don't want your nudie magazine?' you queried, crossing your arms.
'It's not nude, it's semi-nude. I'm not tasteless' he corrected.
'I beg to differ'
'Is it the makeup? Is that it? You prefer a guy who bares blackheads and all?'
'Enough trying to sell me on your raunchy magazine' you had pushed yourself from the chair, placing the newspaper next to Buggy's head 'And I'm not a prude just because I don't want it'
'Oh sweetheart I think you want it' he wriggled his eyebrows suggestively.
You rolled your eyes before blowing out the small flame in the oil lamp, sending the room into darkness.
'Setting the mood I see? Didn't think all that talk would get you this riled up baby'
He groaned as you sent a harsh slap of the newspaper to his forehead.
'I'm still feeling generous clown, so shut it before I put you back in the bag for the night'
He bit his tongue, hearing you climb easily into your hammock, settling down, your breathing starting to slow into a nice, relaxed pace.
In the darkness of the cabin, you let yourself crack a smile at his comment.
'Let me in that hammock and I'll show you how generous I can be'
Request are open so please send an ask! <3
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akwolfgrl · 2 months
The bet 5
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“All right, everybody! Time for your allowance!” The witch called out. They had just reached an island.
The last few days had been hell. Sanji had turned all his attention and devotion onto him. Zoro wanted to enjoy it, but he couldn't. He knew as soon as they hit an island, the bet would be over, Cook would find some women to ogle over, and it would be all over.
“Oh wow, Nami, you are very generous today,” Sanji praised.
Zoro grinned. “Ha! I win!” Zoro couldn't believe the cook slipped up already. “Calling the witch gorgeous is absolutely flirting!” He felt all eyes on him.
“Oh Marimo,” Sanji turned to him, placing a hand under his chin. “No need to be jealous. I said she was being generous, Nami gave out more money than usual,” Zoro yanked his head back, and he could feel his face turning red.
“Shut up shit cook!” He hid his embarrassment with anger.
“Oh no! Zoro, do you need your ears checked?” Chopper asked worriedly, Zoro looked down at the reindeer, his big eyes filled with concern.
“Nah I'm fine,” Zoro was more embarrassed than anything else. Sanji's flirting was getting to him, making him a little crazy.
Zoro trailed after a happy cook, dragging the wagon behind, loaded up with bags. This was just the first round of shopping for the basics. Once again, the pack mule. He had to suffer as Sanji flirted with every damn shopkeep, man, or woman. It didn't matter. Stupid love cook and his stupid flirting. If only he could sneak off to a bar and drank until he forgot everything maybe even fuck a stranger, just to forget the infrionting blonde.
“Your free to go Marimo unless you want more of my company,” Siad blonde, smirking at him, his blue eye shining with mischief. “Hmm, is that it? Here I was thinking you couldn't stand my company,”
“Fuck off!” Zoro did not flee, he made a tactical retreat to the crow's nest. Sanji's laugher following him as he climbed.
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pure-garbage · 1 month
Breakdown! Unleashed Trauma Of The Lockbreaker
Chapter Warnings: Angst, Violence
Zoro remained rooted in place as the night wore on. Straw hats came and went, various noses stopping to poke into Lana and Zoro's business. Finally, Luffy made an appearance.
"Hey Zoro! There you are! I was looking for you earlier," he grinned in greeting, apparently oblivious to his friend's stormy disposition.
"I've been a little tied up," Zoro scowled, glaring resentfully at the closed door like it alone was the cause of all his problems.
"Me too! I was hoping to get your help! Sanji says this ship came with a dumb waiter... but I've been looking for him everywhere and I can't find him! He must be extra dumb to get lost on his own ship, huh Zoro?"
"A dumb waiter, huh?" Zoro pondered. "If you've been looking all day and haven't managed to find him, he must be more clever than Sanji's giving him credit for."
"Maybe. I was thinking, even though he's dumb, maybe he's also a ninja!" Luffy observed, eyes going wide at his own suggestion. "A dumb ninja waiter... we have to find him, Zoro! If he's gonna live on my ship, he may as well join my crew!"
"Please, as if this crew doesn't have enough idiots already," Zoro groaned.
Lana's voice interrupted their conversation, grabbing Zoro's full attention at once.
"Oh hey Lana!" Luffy grinned. "I'm looking for the dumb waiter! Have you seen him?"
"Him? You mean the little food elevator-thing in the kitchen Sanji was so excited about?" Lana asked, baffled.
"No, I've seen the food-elevator," Luffy shook his head. "I'm looking for a waiter. Sanji doesn't think he's very bright."
"I... see. Got it. I'll keep my eyes peeled. Luffy, can I show you something real quick?"
"In my room."
"Lana..." Zoro cut in, but trailed off.
Lana met Zoro's eyes, the hurt and confusion they held under the thin mask of his irritation rending her heart.
"Not right now," she said, turning away from him. "I... I can't right now, Zoro."
She closed the door again, dragging in a deep, ragged breath as she fought to keep her emotions at bay.
'Devil fruit. Gotta deal with this devil fruit. Just focus on the damn devil fruit.'
"So, whatcha wanna show me?" Luffy asked, one finger probing his nostril idly.
"Well, seeing as you're my captain, I have a duty to let you know when I find treasure," Lana began tentatively.
"Oooh, what kind of treasure did you find?" Luffy asked excitedly. "Is it meat?"
"Well no, but it is edible."
Lana opened the drawer, showcasing her plunder.
"Aw man, a devil fruit?" Luffy groaned. "Fair warning, it tastes awful. I know it looks like candy, but trust me, it does NOT taste like it. Blech."
"Do you want it?"
"Nah, I'm good. I already ate the gum-gum fruit, remember?"
"I do, I didn't mean to eat thought. It's worth a lot of berries, you know. You could sell it if you wanted," Lana pressed.
"Why don't you sell it? You're the one who found it," Luffy puzzled, examining the tip of his finger after pulling it free of his nose.
Lana managed a smile. She'd known Luffy wouldn't take her prize, but loyalty demanded that she check.
"I won't sell it," she told him. "I think... I might eat it."
"Ooh, sweet!" Luffy exclaimed. "Wait, wait, I'll get everyone! Come up on deck in like, ten minutes!"
"Well, I-"
"See you up there!"
Lana's captain was already gone, leaving the door swinging open behind him. Zoro stood just beyond, gaze fixed to Lana. She closed the drawer and finally faced him.
Even with the door open at last, Zoro still didn't move. The door wasn't the true barrier keeping him at bay. He thrust a hand out to lean on the door jamb, but didn't cross the threshold or meet her eyes.
"Lana, can I come in?"
Lana steeled herself. She felt panic welling up inside her, but she swallowed it down. Dread curled forebodingly in her gut along with self-loathing.
'He waited for me this whole time, and that was just to open a stupid door. He doesn't deserve to deal with... whatever this garbage is that I'm feeling. I'm awful, I'm weak, I'm so, so stupid and I can't help it... I can't help any of it.'
"Yeah, Zoro, you can," she sighed shakily.
It was obvious to Zoro that she'd been crying. Even now, her averted eyes were puffy and wet, even more tears threatening to flood over her lashline. Her nails dug into her palms, knuckles white from the force of the grip she had on her on hands, like she felt she could hold herself together if she squeezed hard enough.
Zoro reviewed his proposal one more time. He'd been running the exchange over and over in his mind the entire time he'd spent waiting for her to let him in, but he couldn't figure out what he could have said to hurt her. Now that he saw her, his confusion only grew. She didn't resist his embrace, didn't say a word as his fingers wound their way through her hair. He could feel her trembling in his arms, feel her breathing like she was on the cusp of screaming.
'What did I do that caused this much pain?'
"Lana... tell me what you're thinking," he requested softly. "Please?"
The familiar words were grounding, the comfort of his touch was everything Lana hadn't known she needed. Pride fell away, taking her self-hate with it as she surrendered to his strength.
"I... I feel like I can't think," she admitted shakily.
"Then tell me what you're feeling," he pressed.
Lana struggled to articulate her mixed emotions. What were these sensations, exactly? She'd spent hours pondering, but avoiding the memories that were the root of her agony. The answer eluded her, hidden in a place she refused to revisit of her own free will.
"You must think I'm so stupid," she said instead. Her voice broke against his chest. She muffed a little sob of despair in his shirt and he felt moisture against his skin as her tears finally overflowed.
"If I thought you were stupid, I wouldn't be here," he announced, clutching her tighter while he stroked her hair, as soothing as he knew how to be. He had already decided that she was important to him and that meant he would see this through to the end. "Tell me what's the matter, Lana. I don't understand, but I want to. Help me. Tell me what you're feeling."
"I feel... I feel..."
Despite her insistence that the girl was dead, Lana knew there was still a child who lived in a deep, dark, long neglected corner of her heart. A child who was still crying because of all her broken promises and shattered dreams. Now, that child demanded to be heard and for the first time in five years, Lana went with her to the place where their pain had been born. She needed answers for Zoro and instinctively, she knew that she would only find them hidden behind the shadow of the past that had created them.
She closed her eyes for a minute against her lover's chest and let the awful memory have her.
"Lana! You had me worried for a minute there!" Vigo called, grinning as she flew down the beach toward him. "I thought you chickened out and decided not to come!"
"Don't be an ass!" Lana panted, doubling over from the exertion of running all the way from town. "Mama installed that super lock or whatever. Picking that monstrosity open was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life."
"Tch! I told you she was gonna get it! That just means there's no turning back now," Vigo declared. "Let's go!"
Now that they were at the appointed place, now that the time was upon them, questions and apprehension filled Lana.
"Where are we going, exactly?" she wondered even as she took his hand and let him lead her along the beach. The idea of running away was tantalizing, but they hadn't made any plans beyond where they would meet up to begin their journey.
"Where do you want to go?" Vigo asked. He had no idea either.
"I don't know! I've never been off this island!"
"Me neither! We could just go to Hobbstown. It's only a day's walk on foot."
"How? Mama does business there all the time," Lana realized with a sickening jolt of anxiety. "If we stay on the island, she'll just find me and get the constable to drag me back."
"So let's leave the island!"
"How though? I don't know about you, but I have no money!"
"We'll stow away! Let's make our way to the port and we can figure it out from there!"
Lana had a bad feeling, but she trusted her boyfriend. She would let him call the shots and see where it went.
"Fine, Vigo. Let's do it!"
"Stow away, eh?"
So focused on pressing forward, neither of them had thought to look back. Men melted from the treeline, one of whom was already mere feet from them. Lana gasped and impulsively put herself behind Vigo. She didn't recognize any of these men from town.
"You kids know what captains do to rats they catch stowing away on their ships?" the man went on as his group came closer, surrounding them. "Well, it depends on the captain, to be fair. Most'll make you walk the plank. I once knew a man who was a fan of disembowelment."
Vigo was shaking even harder than Lana.
"Akkis! Is that her?"
One more man strode out from the woods to the beach.
"That's the one, captain Corrin," the first man informed him.
"She's the one who broke that lock from Lofton?"
"That's what the woman was wailing about. And I asked around. She's got herself quite the little reputation in town."
Lana froze solid with fear. They were all looking right at her, sharp, savage eyes seeming to glow in the darkness of night. The crashing of waves behind her was completely drowned out by the thunderous pounding of her own heart. She clutched Vigo's arm with all her strength, but he wasn't any steadier than she was.
"Well that settles it," Corrin grinned, eyeing Lana with an avarice like nothing she'd ever seen before in her life. "Bring her with us. If she's not all she's cracked up to be, we'll just toss her into the sea and let the fish have her."
"Got it, captain!"
One of the men lunged, grabbing Lana and hoisting her over his shoulder like she weighed nothing. Lana had never been so terrified in her life. She screamed and kicked, but the man laughed off the blows and turned to walk away with her. Vigo stood frozen in place, watching with wide, petrified eyes while Lana was carried away.
"Vigo! Do something! Help me!" she screamed, struggling harder the more distance the man put between her and the boy who'd proposed to her only a day before. "You said you would take care of me! You promised you would! Vigo! Vigo, don't just stand there!"
"What's that? This runt said he'd protect you?" Corrin smirked. "Hold up a minute there, Irving!"
The man carrying her stood still, waiting on his captain's orders.
"That true, boy? Is this girl yours?" Corrin asked, wicked amusement glinting in his devilish eyes.
"I- I- she's- we're-" Vigo stammered, but he couldn't even get a full word out past his terror.
"If she's yours, you'll need to fight for her," Corrin went on. He was enjoying the fear of the children he'd stumbled upon, savoring the torment he was causing them. "I'm a fair man. I've got my own honor, and my honor demands only one thing; That a man take anything he desires, and defend what he takes. I want your little girlfriend here, so I'm taking her, understand? Unless you can defend her, she's coming with me and you'll never see her again. So..."
Corrin snapped his fingers and one of his men tossed a cutlass at Vigo's feet. The shaking boy stared down at it with wide eyes and a gaping mouth as Corrin drew his own.
"... What'll it be, then boy?" Corrin sneered.
Vigo met Lana's eyes, wide and streaming with tears, full of expectation that he would keep his promises.
'He said he would take care of me. He said I'd be his forever. And he'd be mine. He'll do it... he won't let them take me, not without at least trying!'
Vigo looked away, avoiding Lana's eyes as he shook.
"Vigo, pick it up!" Lana cried. 'He wouldn't... he couldn't...'
Vigo took a step back, eyes darting around at the pirates fearfully.
"Vigo! What are you doing?!" Lana shrieked. "You promised! You promised me!"
Vigo didn't spare her another glance. He turned and ran, tripping and stumbling through the dunes until he disappeared into the woods. Lana watched him go, screaming his name for a long as she could see his retreating back.
<== Previous Chapter
Next Chapter ==>
== First Chapter ==
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bluskye-27 · 2 years
Hi Skye!! How are you feeling today??
I wanted to ask if you could please do some headcanons with Sabo, Zoro and Marco (and why not whoever you like most if you want 😉) on how they would confess their feelings for a f!reader who is a little shy and doesn’t believe them at first because “it’s too good to be true”, but has the same romantic feelings for them.
Thank you so much for reading and have a great week!!!!
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Sabo, Zoro, Marco & Ace confessing to Fem! S/O
Summary: They like you A LOT. Why can't you just believe them?
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Sabo the Revolutionary:
- Sabo's a calculative man so he'll do his calculations first before confessing to you.
- He knows you're a shy person so he'll do it privately
- Man's have the most beautiful handwriting in the New World and Grandline, no joke
- Must be because of his stupid noble genes...
- Anyway-
- Sabo will definitely take advantage of his beautiful penmanship and write you a cheesy af letter
- "L(ove you)
O(nly you)
V(ery, very much)
U(ntil the end of time)"
- I got this from Google btw, don't know who's the author tho (I added the U because I felt like it)
- Once you got his letter, you almost fainted in shock and embarrassment. Thankfully Koala was there to catch you :3
- You went to Sabo to confirm his confession and he did, giving you a hug and a kiss on the forehead when you arrived at his office
- And you successfully fainted this time :D
- Gosh, you lucky bastard (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)<3
Roronoa Zoro:
- Zoro is a very straightforward person and he'll definitely do it on the most random time ever
- You and your crew would probably be fighting some enemy pirates.
- You didn't notice someone sneaking up to you and when you did, Zoro already beaten them up.
- Mossy would look at you worriedly before accidentally blurting out his feelings
- Must definitely be the adrenaline XD
- "I like you."
- OMG! Girl, you'll definitely be stunned for the next few minutes, not believing what he had just said. You would gape at him like, "Bish, wut?"
- Zoro will smirk at you smugly until he gets kicked on the head by Sanji for "distracting you with his mossiness" or something XD
- Later after the battle, he'll pull you to somewhere and tells you that his feelings were real
- Let's just say Zoro kissed you to make you believe him ⁄⁠(⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠-⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠)⁠⁄
Marco the Phoenix:
- You were one of Marco's division members on this scenario bestie
- Probably one of the doctors too
- Since you were pretty shy and oblivious towards his flirty advances, Marco knew you're pretty serious whenever someone got hurt
- So he pretended to be hurt
- Yep, you heard me right
- Birb here would feign a fever when it's just the two of you in the infirmary
- As a caring person in general, you immediately told him to lay down on a cot to treat him
- When you fawn over him, he'll immediately blurt out a stupid medical pickup line with a serious face
- "I don't want an apple a day because I don't you to go away." And then he smirk
- With that, your face turned so red that it looks like you have a fever XD
- You asked him if what he said was true and motherfucker told you another stupid line
- "My sudden protracted cardiac arrhythmia tells me I love you." *winks*
- Yep, he definitely loves you
(Got those from Google, credits to the Author/s!)
Portgas D. Ace:
- Ace is nervous. Like REALLY nervous
- He would pace around the room to think about ways on confessing his long time feelings to you
- "Oh, how about-! Nah, that's too lame. Or I could- Pfft, sounds stupid. What if I- GAH! I CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING!" Man's so frustrated with himself he sulks all day long
- His older brothers took noticed of it so they pulled him away to know what's up with him
- Marco, Thatch & Izo probably laughed at him first before helping him to think of a plan
- Once they anchored at a new island, Ace would ran off, leaving a huge trail of dust at his wake. He would find the nearest flower shop to buy your favorite flowers. And then he finds you, hiding the bouquet behind his back.
- Ace will take you to a cliff that overlook the sea. You were confused at first until he confesses, it'll be with the bouquet of your favorite flowers literally shoved in front of you with his bashful smile.
- Ace will blush 50 shades of red before blurting out his love for you
- "I LOVE YOU!" His voice probably cracked at the end due to extreme nervousness XD
- At first, you were in disbelief, looks around to search for Ace's possible accomplices because you think it's a prank. And when you didn't find anyone, you'll look back at Ace, gaping
- Flame boi finally regained his cocky confidence and repeated his confession to you
- In the end, you ended up with a clingy and very affectionate Ace by your side when you guys returned to the Moby Dick
- Thatch, Marco & Izo would clap at him, giving him thumbs-up's of approval
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Hello, Anon! So sorry for the late answer! I'm doing fine, thanks for asking! Also, I hope you like this one XO!
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lucciluvr · 2 years
with a s/o insecure about their smile ; scenarios
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contains : self-deprecating language. no pronouns so gender neutral but a lil fem implied with sanji's. comfort. grammatical errors probably.
characters : luffy, zoro, & sanji
headcanon version
a/n : the correct and more comforting version lmaoaoa. except this is sanji falling in love with you and your killer smile. sorry again, anon, but here it is! hope you enjoy this too! also please excuse sanji's short scenario, it's either that or a whole ass oneshot because i love writing this request with him that i have to hold back.
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✧ monkey d. luffy
luffy was observant but never to superficial things. he didn't mind you covering your smile, he thought it was a cute quirk of yours. but he loves making you laugh, and smile, and just happy.
one lazy afternoon, the two of you were hanging out on the deck. everyone was busy indoors despite the cool and cloudy weather so it was up to you to accompany your boyfriend.
you were just lying on the grass and staring at the clouds when you accidentally jabbed his waist, making him snicker and jab yours too.
somehow, luffy ended up on top of you, his arm literally wrapped around your wrists, locking your hands above your head. he looked at you with a grin before his other hand started assaulting your ticklish areas.
normally, you didn't mind a jab or two, but being tickled continously means you can't help but laugh continously too. you begged for him to stop but he didn't took it seriously, that was until he saw the tears from your eyes, and he immediately stopped. you sat up and wiped your tears, panting.
"what's wrong?! did i hurt you?" luffy frantically leaned closer in worry and confusion.
"you saw me laugh," you whispered into your palms, burying your face like there was more to hide.
"what does that have to do with you crying?"
"it's ugly. my smile is ugly; my laugh is uglier." you frowned before looking up at him again with glossy eyes.
"no, it's not! i like seeing and making you happy because it also makes me happy." he shook his head, refusing to agree with your statement.
"i am happy, it's just that i look bad when i am... and that makes me feel, i don't know, bad?" you shrugged and hugged your knees.
"should i stop making you happy then?" he tilted his head, jutting his bottom lip with furrowed eyebrows.
you smiled softly behind your fingers while your other hand reached for his hat and placed it on his head.
"you don't even have to try and you always do." you tilted your head in admiration.
your boy. your man. your special someone. the person who never fails to make you happy.
luffy giggled before slowly pulling your wrist from your face, making your smile smaller. he, not so gently, placed a kiss on your cheek, spit covering your skin when you whined and giggled, wiping his saliva on his top.
"you shouldn't hide your smile when you're happy, plus, you look very pretty!" he grinned.
the sun showed up and rays of sunlight began to hit you and the sea. the ray hit luffy's eyes; you saw yourself in his eyes.
maybe. maybe you do look pretty. you smiled. all you needed was to see yourself in his eyes.
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✧ roronoa zoro
one of your favorite time of the day is post-workout zoro. it was after his workout and after you force him to shower, and the two of you spend some quality time sitting or laying somewhere together. this day, the aquarium was the winner.
it was unusual but anywhere with him is your favorite time of the day, to be honest. you were sitting across him in silence, drinking. your mind was elsewhere and zoro didn't have much to say either. you stared at your drink and watched as the ice melts and create a sound when they topple.
you gaze to your right where you saw yourself staring at you. a sigh escaped your lips as you thought, here we go again. and so it goes, you tried to smile at yourself, seeing what type of smile would suit your face.
smiling with your eyes? no. up your cheekbone? nah. with no eyes? oh, lord. soon enough, you frowned.
"if you like smiling so much, why do you hide it then?" zoro's voice startled you. you thought he was asleep.
"i– no, i don't. i wish i do, that's why i'm trying." you sighed, taking a sip of your now bland drink. sorry, sanji. "and you were awake the other times too? say something, would 'ya?"
"but you'll stop smiling if i do," he scratched his head. "if you don't want me looking or something, just tell me. don't wanna be the one who keeps you from doing so." he shrugged.
"it's not that," you countered as fast as you can.
"then what's bothering you?"
"it's stupid."
"if it's bothering you the it's not stupid." zoro looked over to the aquarium and watched at the fishes swam.
a few seconds of silence passed. he's your partner, you should trust him more, you thought.
"...i don't like my smile. i like smiling, but i hate my smile, if that makes sense." you mumbled.
"because, it's ugly. it's crooked, asymmetrical. it looks out of place from my face and the fine lines makes it worse. it's like there's something wrong." you looked down on your lap, biting your lip. "ah, i'm sorry, i told you it's st–"
"stop saying it's stupid." he huffed before sighing. "you shouldn't sweat the small things, plus not that many people pay attention to your face anyways." ouch.
"smiling is the best you'll ever look, because you're happy. plus, you don't have to look all pretty just to be happy. that's stupid." he looked up the ceiling, yawning.
you stared at him, dumbfounded. because he's right. sure, it won't be that easy, but something inside you clicked.
"i don't have to be pretty to be happy?" you repeated, spacing out to your reflection does that mean i am ugly? you shook you head, you're sure that's not what zoro meant.
you were going to thank him before you saw him fast asleep and heard snoring. you shook your head, a smile creeping from your lips.
you stood and walked to him, placing a kiss on his forehead before gently positioning his head on your lap.
who would've thought that zoro would help you with these type of feelings? you thought you knew him but maybe not, perhaps you should open up to your boyfriend more.
you whispered an apology and thank you as you soon joined his slumber your fingers lost in his hair and a content smile on your face.
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✧ black leg sanji
you were in the kitchen with sanji. he was preparing snacks and you just wanted his company. when he's not lovesick, his company is very relaxing, calming. the perfect background noise and presence when writing or reading.
he placed a plate of your favorite snacks in front of you. you gave him a smile behind you fingers, so that he knew you were smiling but wouldn't have to see your smile.
"i wish you'd let me see more of your beautiful smile!" sanji fake cried.
"beautiful? funny word. my smile is far from beautiful," you rolled your eyes and chuckled behind your flesh again, as always.
"everyone know that's a lie. everyone's beautiful when they smile, except zoro, but that's besides the point." he lit a cigarrete. despite the joke, sanji knew there was a truth to it. his behavior changed.
"well, i am not everyone." you took a bite out of your snack and thanked him. silence. not even a reply.
you started to feel anxious when a loud shout came from him, followed by "I'M THE LUCKIEST MAN ALIVE" as he passes out.
it wasn't long before he woke up inside the infirmary while you waited for him. chopper said there was nothing to worry about, it was just because of extreme emotions.
sanji opened his eyes and sat up, mumbling "an angel... i saw an angel..."
"you idiot! what was that for? you could've hit your head on the table or something!" you scolded him, not only that but you also choked on your snack.
"you shouldn't smile without a warning. a man like me can only take so much." he looked at you like he was actually serious.
you felt heat climb your face and flustered.
"don't say things you don't mean," you looked down to avoid eye contact. a person like you can only take so much.
"i mean what i said, really! you're very pretty and you smiling is something words can't even describe. i really did see angel, i'm looking at one right now." he looked like he was in love, and you couldn't bear to look at his eyes.
you sighed before conceding. you looked up to his eyes and gave him a defeated smile.
"you really know your way with words."
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© lucciluvr
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bansept · 3 years
16 + Zorobin
16 "The beach at night"
I had a demonic screech when I read the ship hehehehehehehe
Since I know people say Mugiwaras don't date each other, I guess you can take this as you wish?
For two weeks now, the Mugiwaras had been at sea, leaving behind the infamous Water Seven. The new ship, the Thousand Sunny, was a proud, strong and beautiful building, and all the crewmates could still feel the spirit of Merry in it.
They did have to stop, however, to gather new supplies and hunt for fresh meat, knowing their captain had quite the stomach for it. There was an island, seemingly free of any marine forces, they decided to step ashore. Franky looked for ways to use the wood of some trees, Chopper was laughing and exploring the island with Luffy and Usop. Sanji stayed indoors, trusting the members to bring new types of food, and Nami was studying a map she managed to steal from a poor soul.
Zoro stood alone in his corner, wondering where did they step foot. The night was starting to fall, so he guessed he would be the first on watch duty.
He looked at the beach, casually crouching down to pick some sand, playing with it. The young man did not expect to hear the calm, slightly teasing voice.
"You don't get used to the sand?"
Zoro didn't turn to look at Robin, especially if she was going to be staring at him in her own special way, trying to analyze him and all.
"I'm used to it. Doesn't stop it from being calming." He muttered, one hand passing the sand to the other.
Robin stood by his side, silent as a shadow, but not threatening and hiding her intentions anymore. When they had first met, he didn't want to keep his eyes off of her because there was so much she could do, so much he didn't trust. Yet now, well, she was part of the crew.
"You don't feel like the anxious type, Mister Swordsman. More of the laid back and action man."
"There's already too much agitation on the ship, don't need me to add more."
Robing chuckled, which made him raise his eyes at her. She was a strange woman, always smiling and chuckling to herself whenever he expressed his mind. Bah, that didn't matter. He stood up, dusting his hands on his pants.
"Don't you want to inspect the island? Look for some lost artifacts or something?"
"Is my presence bothering you?"
Not really. No. Not at all. She was bothering him as much as the fresh wind was bothering a man in a desert. Being alone all the time, he was used to it. He enjoyed it, but he enjoyed his partners' presence more.
They stayed standing for a good minute, watching the sea lick the boat's hull, gently tugging it up and down. The sky was clear, the sun slowly disappearing behind the horizon, leaving them in a world of blue and purple.
"I wanted to say thank you. For coming to my rescue." Robin spoke, arms crossing over her chest. Zoro shifted his face, eyes fixed on hers. "Not only from the Marine, but also from Enel. I know things are even more complicated for you all now that you burned the flag, and that's halfway because of me..."
He spoke her name harshly, to bring her back to earth. It didn't feel like her to apologize. He didn't like that.
"You're part of the crew. You're a Mugiwara. And before you even were one, you were Luffy's friend. We saved you because we wanted to."
"What about you?"
"... I don't want anything to happen to you. That's all."
She smiled at his simple words, and Zoro walked away silently, grumbling, but blushing.
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akwolfgrl · 5 months
I'm a great fuck but better lover part 6
Zoro entered the boys' room. It was late but still earlier than his usual time. When he placed his swords on the coach, he noticed a new extra large hammock strung up. Sanji lay curled up inside. It was safe to assume that this was the surprise waiting for him that Sanji had mentioned during dishes. Zoro slid off his shoes, shirt, and pants, leaving his boxers on before sliding into the hammock next to his boyfriend. He pressed Sanji's slimmer body against his own, his head tucked under his chin, the other man's long legs trapped his own snuggling closer. Zoro could get used to this.
When he woke, Sanji was gone, only Luffy's snores to keep him company, Usopp was on watch last night. Zoro grabbed the clothes he had on yesterday and grabbed his swords from the coach. He went straight for the kitchen, and he paused to look inside before he opened the door the rest of the way. Sanji left it open a cack so Mr. Noodles could come and go as he pleased. He was sitting at the table, a cup of tea by his side, a small plate with half a pice of toast with red jam on top, a cigarette in one hand and his pen in the other. His blond hair with it slight curls glowing in the morning light. Zoro opened the door and made his way inside.
“Your up early today,” Sanji spoke, taking a drag from his cigarette. “Come sit by me, I was just working on your notebook,”
“My notebook?” Zoro decided to lay across the bench the best he could and lay his head in Sanji's lap. His boyfriend's free hand ran his long fingers through his short hair.
“While in town I picked up a pack of colored notebooks to keep records on food prenceses for everyone, right now I'm just transferring the info I already have,” Sanji explained taking a sip of his tea. “Did you want tea or toast before bakefast? I made Rose Jam form the roses you got me."
“Nah, what's for breakfast anyway?”
“Soufflé pancakes and okonomiyaki for you, of course lots of meat for Luffy,”
“Okonomiyaki? I haven't had that in years, thire was a street cart that used to make the best okonomiyaki I had some when I said my goodbyes before I left,” Zoro had spent hours at Kuinas grave knowing he wouldn't see her again until he achieved his goal.
“Zoro, we need to talk,” Zoro sat up, that did not sound good. But he couldn't think of anything that could be worng. He knew he was new to realships but he couldn't have fucked up that badly alredy…the crows nest incident not withstanding. “About sex, we shuld have talked before and more. I really don't want anthoer crows nest cry to happen,”
“Oh…OK? What do we need to talk about? It's just sex?”
“It stopped being just sex when you started spanking me, let alone edging, tieing me up and me choking you with my thighs,” Sanji listed off his cigarette bobbing while he spoke.
“Yah, I guess you've got a point,”
“So I'm no expert, but I know a few things about this, we already talked a bit about what we don't like, I guess add degadison to the list. We need to talk before trying new things I think, as much fun as it was to choke you with my thighs it was pretty fucking treffing, what if you didn't pinch me? What if I didn't feel it in time? Also we need to get better rope for the next time, rope burn is very unpleasant,”
“But I did pinch you, and I didn't pass out,” Zoro pointed out. “But I suppose your right,”
“So I was thinking maybe write down some hard and soft limits to start with maybe stuff you wish to try, like for me a hard limit is the head and face coverings, soft is the gags. I don't like them, but well, we do live in a shared space, so they might be necessary,” Sanji handed him the feathered pen and some paper. “I need to start breakfast, so how about we talk again after dinner,” Sanji gave him a kiss before heading to the fridge, taking his dishes with him
Zoro shoved the papper and the pen in his Haramaki and escaped to the crows nest. Once thire, he took one of his weights and got to work. As he got into the rhythm, he thought about what they had discussed. He had to think back on his prior experience about what he did and did not like.
He honestly didn't like being called Master/Slave/Daddy/Sir he didnt like saying it, ethior. It was just weird to him. Zoro honestly never had thought about this before, but for his Love-Cook, he'd give it ago.
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akwolfgrl · 5 months
I'm a great fuck but better lover 12
Sanji headed out of the kitchen, leaving Usopp behind to hunt down his boyfriend. With the lunch dishes done, he had some time to pick a fight with Zoro. If it didn't last too long, they would even have enough time to have some afternoon sex. He found the walking plant life snoozing in the shade of Namis grove, Mr. Noodles curled up on his chest. A black spot on Zoro's white shirt. Sanji couldn't bear to wake them up. They just looked so dam cute like that. He needed to capture the moment, and he knew exactly who he could ask. Sanji hurried back to the kitchen.
“That was a fast fight,” Usopp commented, looking up from his blueprints.
“I couldn't do it,” Sanji admitted.
“That's really unlike you, oh no! Have you been replaced by some shapeshifter!!” Usopp cried out his hands, hiting his cheeks as he screamed and sobbed.
“Of course I haven't!” Sanji screamed at him, hitting the top of his head with his foot.
“Oww,” Usopp pouted, rubbing his head. “Then what's the matter?”
“Just go get your drawing stuff, and I'll show you. I'll even make you a special treat later if you do me this favor,” Sanji lit his cigarette that he had already prepared for their fight as he waited outside for Usopp to come back.
“OK I'm ready for whatever this is! But if it's a nude, then I want two extra snacks!” Usopp demanded his face turning pink from his blush, and he looked down at his art supplies.
“Nah, nothing like that,” Sanji heads for the Grove Usopp following behind him.
“Oh,” Usopp stopped right next to Sanji, looking at Zoro and Mr. Noodles cuddling under the shade of one of Namis' trees. “if he wakes up, will you defend me?” Usopp asked as he sat down and flipped to an empty page.
“Sure, but we all know when he gets like this, he sleeps like the dead. Otherwise, he'd have woken up by now,” Sanji pointed out while taking a seat next to Usopp.
“Well all right then,” Usopp began to sketch while Sanji enjoyed the breeze blowing the smoke from his cigarette away.
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akwolfgrl · 7 months
Luffy made his way back to the platform, he had gotten blown away earlier but he had a nice nap in the street and a free lunch with Zoro so it wasn't a big deal. Zoro even showed off his cool new swords and told him all about his date with Sanji. Luffy was happy they found each other. He didn't care about romance and sex but he knew that other people did, besides the happier Sanji was the better his food would taste. Luffy also liked seeing Zoro's soft smile when he talked about Sanji, they way the corners of his eyes crinkle with joy, it was a different smile from when he was about to fight or when he found something funny. It made Luffy happy when his nakama were happy.
It was time to climb up and stand where Roger had once stood. Luffy could use his devil fruit to get up there but he didn't want to. He wanted to climb up there unaided by his rubber body, after all gold roger didn't have a devil fruit. Luffy began to climb up the platform once again, this time he made it all the way to the top.
“Wow!” Luffy exclaimed standing on the top of the platform looking out at the people gathered there. “So this is what the King of the Pirates saw before he died!”
“Hey! Get down from there! That is the property of the world government!” A voice shouted below him a man with a megaphone was angry with him. “It's only to be used for executions! So get it done bef…” Luffy watched as a woman in a cloak and hat hit the megaphone guy with a spiked club.
“Oh don't be so uptight about rules Mr. Officer it's not healthy, and Luffy… I've been looking all over for you,” The woman stared up at him and he looked down at her in confusion. She was talking to him as if she knew him personally. “Now, now don't tell me that you've forgotten my face. I'm so disappointed.”
“Wow! She's gorgeous!”
“What a beauty!”
“She has to be the most beautiful woman ever, that's for sure!”
The crowd muttered and exclaimed.
“I don't know any pretty ladies like you,” Luffy told her, still not recognizing her, then again he was the best with faces sometimes. “Who are you?” Luffy asked not liking where this was going.
“Well I most certainly haven't forgotten about you, after all you were the first man to have ever hit my beautiful face.”
“What?! I hit your face?!” He usually remembered people he hit.
“Oh the way you handled me so ugly,” She sighed and placed her hand on her check. “Why did it left me breathless,” She turned to the crowd, her arms spread wide. “Tell me everyone who among these four seas is the most beautiful one of them all?”
“You are!” Everyone cried.
“Nah,” Luffy could easily list why his crew was far prettier, Zoro was pretty like a forest, green dark and mysterious. Nami was pretty like the monarch butterflies, orange free and bright. Usopp reminded Luffy of the pictures of museums in books that Minkao would show him, filled with stories. Sanji reminded Luffy of the lights that danced in the sky when it was cold and clear, the way he always seemed to be dancing around when he was fighting or cooking.
“Yes that's right! It is me! I am the most beautiful among these four seas and even in the Grand Line!” The crowd cheered, Luffy didn't get it. Why is it so important to be the most beautiful? “There is not a single man who wouldn't kneel before me! However I only love strong men, and I will have you be mine at long last Luffy,” And she was back to staring up at him with her hand back on her cheek.
“Shut up you're so annoying,” He grimaced and sneered at her, she was weirding him out, he belonged only to himself and maybe his crew. “Just who the hell are you?”
“You still don't recognize me!?” The woman sounded upset. But Luffy could only shrug, she must not have left an impression on him, that meant she wasn't important or interesting enough for him to care.
“Freeze! This is the police. You, young lady, are under arrest for assaulting a police officer! And you young man get down from there this instant!” More police officers came running. Luffy ignored them, he'd rather stay where he was.
“You actually think you can arrest me?”
“S sir I can't, she is too beautiful..”
“I don't care, do your job!”
Behind the police officers an explosion went off and a huge piece of the fountain headed straight towards the woman. People began to scream and run from the bomb that went off. What was even happening? Luffy was very confused and concerned he didn't want the random lady to get squashed by the fountain but there wasn't anything he could do. Luffy watched as the large chuck of the fountain slid right off her leaving not even a scratch on her, crashing into a building.
“My my that was rather dangerous don't cha think?” She spoke with her other hand resting on her check this time looking towards where the bomb exploded.
“What just happened?” Luffy asked, staring in shock at the woman below him. Another chuckling figure stepped out of the smoke and dust.
“My apologies but I figured with your smooth skin you would remain unharmed, my lovely lady Alvida,” A male voice spoke.
“Alvida? Where?” Luffy put his hand on his gourd and began to look around for the ugly fat lady.
“He's talking about me, idiot!” Luffy looked back at Alvida??? What had happened to the mean fat lady he punched? He hoped Koby was doing good and working hard to achieve his dream.
“Huh? I don't know somethings weird here,” He scratched his forehead, he didn't think it was possible to change your looks so drastically in such a short amount of time.
“Ah so you noticed,” Alvida? put her hand on her hip, her clock pulled back with the other hand. “Thanks to my devil fruit, the sube sube fruit, nothing can damage my beautiful skin anymore, but my freckles did disappear. Thank you for noticing.”
“Yah that's not what I meant,” He honestly couldn't tell from here if she had freckles nor did he care.
“Anyway, if you are to be my man then you still have to prove it, you must be able to defend the man that I've teamed up with, exclusively for the purpose of finding you.”
“Ever since that day where I was blasted away!” A familiar looking man and the cloak figured behind him there, their cloaks off dramatically. “I tenaciously fought my way back to my crew, all the while wishing for the day when I could kill you. And what an adventure it was! For I poor Buggy the Clown lacked most of my body, an adventure or merriment, hellish dangers, and new friendships! A most grand adventure for the little Buggy! After much per…wait why the hell am I telling all of this to you?”
“Hi Buggy, why are you here? I don't need to hear your life story, it's boring.”
“You're still the same cheeky brat!” Buggy yelled at him.
The rest of the Buggy pirates began to terrorize the town, everyone screaming and running. Before Luffy could do anything a large heavy thing of wood came crashing down on his neck, holes for his head arms locking him in place. The man who Zoro had fought sitting on top of it.
“Nicely done Kabaji!”
“What's going on? Let me out!” Luffy demands to try to wiggle his way out.
“It's been awhile, rubber brat, is Roronoa Zoro still around? I’d love a rematch.”
“Now it's time for the public execution! You should be grateful and honored to die in the same place as the pirate king you rubber brat!” Buggy laughed loudly. It grated Luffy's nerves.
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