#“Yeah that one will save Neomuna”
wonderwafles · 1 year
11 and 23 for the edgy/misc OC ask! For whoever you want to answer for.
I've got two others for Aryn and, contrary to what she may think, not EVERYTHING is for her, so let's do Astr for this one :D
11. What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
Astr prefers words over violence, if possible, and would rather meet her enemies on the dissection table than on the battlefield; but when she must fight, she favors Winterbite, which she found on Neomuna, for protecting herself with its guard and keeping her enemies from doing anything ill-advised. :D
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
Astr's fear of the unknown drives a lot of what she does. She's deeply mistrustful of the Traveler, and thinks that if she can understand it and map it and predict it she can come up with a plan for any eventuality, including one where the Traveler abandons humanity. (An "Emperor for all outcomes", one might say. ;))
She'd probably admit this pretty freely, actually, but I wouldn't say that makes her well-adjusted about it; in her new life working for the Vanguard she's putting her life in the hands of somebody else for the first time and it's driving her up the walls. She's getting better with it, though, I think. Her sparing her Ghost, Bark, at the end of Lightfall, was kind of a litmus test for how willing Astr is to leap into the unknown; take the certain outcome of saving the universe by killing Bark, or risk everything with him at her side. She still isn't sure she made the right choice (but then, nobody is), but she'd do it again if she had to.
EXPRESSING fear, though? In a healthy and vulnerable manner? Yeah no way
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orbdotexe · 1 year
I feel mildly bad about not answering those asks yet BUT I've been really busy so I'm just gonna leave some old drabbles and other stuff I've collected here
"There is nothing in any vex simulation or psion prediction that could keep me from being a thorn in the side of existence"
-YW, after coming back from the dead, in some probable AU I'll never write
“I’m… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you. But, I’ll be fine, you can-” They hug him tighter as he starts to push away from them.
…They aren’t letting him go, are they?
“...Guardian,” he warns, “Put me down. Now.”
They only let out a garbled hum in response, perfectly happy to squeeze the life out of him.
“We do not have time for this- I will stab you, let-”
“You and what army, old man?” Even through the layers of harsh static, the smug edge to the Young Wolf’s voice was abundantly clear to anyone listening. They were as infuriating and stubborn as ever.
And Saint and that flamboyant Cloudstrider were not helping.
“We- We have work to do, you can show your affections later- Saint! Stop laughing!”
Crow: Why does The Guardian call you babygirl?
Sam Moleyn: how about we stop talking for awhile
Ann, banging on the door: Guys! I need you to hide me! Noble, ushering her in: Ann, what happened?! Ann: G! I spilled bleach on their cloak- Noble, pushing her back out: Not a chance. You’re on your own. Ann: Wait- They’ll kill me-! Noble, slamming the door: Goodbye.
Crow: How do I get revenge? Ann: I am legally obliged to tell you ‘forgiveness’. Crow: Guardian, how do I get revenge? Ruin, “Godslayer”: I am also legally obliged to say ‘forgiveness’, but you- Noble, putting his hand over their mouth: I’m gonna stop you right there.
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Wolf is canonically a little shit but also terrifying. You love to see it
Ann: Let’s apologize on the count of 3. Phyra: I didn’t do anythin- Ann: 1… 2… 3. Phyra: Ann: Ann: see, now I’m just disappointed in both of us Phyra: intense glaring
"In the Age of Triumph, in the final battle, when the light began to wane, one stood. Burned by the embers of Armageddon, their soul blistered by the fires of hell and tainted beyond redemption, they choose the path of perpetual torment. In their ravenous hatred, they found no peace; and with fiery conviction, they scoured the Ascendant realms, seeking vengeance against the dark Disciples who wronged them. They wore the crown of the Iron Lords, and those that tasted the bite of their sword named them... The Young Wolf."
i don't know what i was on for this one, but I rediscover it every once in awhile and alter it a bit
"He's all they've been thinking about, but he's going to have to get used to their absence. The flat will be quiet. The Tower, normal... Their bed, empty.
It's how things must be.
Things could be different in another life, perhaps.
But not this one.
They have to go, one day soon."
-on Crow-YW angst about Wolf's predicted death.
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