#Titan Noble-5
blueishspace · 11 days
Looped sun 7
Loop #255
Pearl: What do you mean you spent the last 2 loops redstoning mate?
Mumbo: Grian was better at redstone then me! I couldn't possibly let that stand!
Pearl: Uh huh.
Mumbo: But finally balance is restored.
Pearl: But wasn't it a bit boring? To just do that?
Mumbo: Well I didn't just do that. I built some stuff, got better at it.
Pearl: But?
Mumbo: I guess I was a bit of a spoon. Overdone it... But I don't mind it, I like experimenting with creating machines using redstone! It's fun for me.
Pearl: Hmm... What if you tried to learn other types of redstone?
Mumbo: Other types?
Pearl: You know you have very distinct type of redstone.
Mumbo: Do I?
Pearl: Yeah, maybe you could try to learn other ways of doing redstone. Even of you keep your own style maybe it could be a fun experiment.
Loop #256
Mumbo: Ehm... Zed? Are you home?
Zed: Hello there Mumbo! Came to see my cave of contraptions? It's a bit empty right now but -
Mumbo: Actually I wanted to ask if I could join in?
Zed: Wait, really?
Mumbo: Yeah? It sounded like a fun...way to do some redstone.
Zed: Hmmm I never tought about this happening...hmm, alright!
The dual Mumbo-Zed cave of contraptions ended up being the most interesting base of the season.
Loop #258
Pearl: How do you plan to learn redstone from Tango?
Mumbo: Well... I'll join in decked out!
Pearl: You can't just ...ask him to join in.
Mumbo: No no! I have a plan! I took last loop to learn to play the boardgame version...!
Pearl: ..why?
Mumbo: I'll show you!
Mumbo: Hey Tango, what are you doing here?
Tango: Oh just planning for a new minigame idea.
Mumbo: Oh...same!
Tango: Oh? Do you want to share.
Mumbo: Ehm... do you know the boardgame decked out?
Tango: ... Yeah, I didn't think you would Mumbo!
Mumbo: Was thinking of creating a version of it using redstone.
Tango: No way, that was what I was thinking!
Mumbo: N-no way! We should totally do it together!
Tango: That sounds like a great idea.
Tango: Me and Mumbo are proud to finally show you, Decked Out!
Pearl: ... Mumbo?
Mumbo: Y-yeah?
Pearl: You are...scary good at manipulation.
Mumbo: I am?
Pearl: What do you call that?
Mumbo: Well I...uh
Pearl: Well?
Mumbo: Oh pants.
Loop #259
Grian: Why have you given Mumbo this idea?
Pearl: Because it sound smart at the time mate.
Grian: This is the worst possible timeline.
Pearl: Because Doc and Mumbo have turned Hermitcraft into a redstone nightmare?
Grian: No, because it's a little humid ... Of course It's because of Doc and Mumbo!
Loop #263
This time Grian had started off towards the end of Evo, just in time to go to the end, the plan was simple: Defeat the dragon at record speeds qnd depending on what variant of the watchers it was either join them or tell them off and possibly go sun titan mode on them if they pushed. The plan had lasted 5 seconds until he recognized a familiar mustache on the dragon's snout thing.
Grian: Mumbo!?!?
Mumbo: Hi G... I think It's because of the end crystals back in Last Life.
Grian: Holy... you...
Mumbo: ... Do you think you could stay here? It's a bit lonely here...
Grian: Yeah, of course Mumbo.
Loop #267
Scott opened his eyes to a big room, by the drapery he could tell he was a noble of some kind, looking by how fancy the decor was it was likely some form of royalty. He was also wearing some gloves which was weird considering how warm it was inside. Then he heard two knocks and a voice.
Pearl: Scott? Scott?
Scott: Gem? What's wrong?
Pearl: Do you wanna build a snowman?
And Scott realized exactly were he was.
Scott: I can't believe it.
Pearl: Shut up.
Scott: Gem is Kristoff?
Pearl: I said shut up mate.
Scott: Ah! Never.
Loop #269
Grian: What's with that face? ... What did you loop as last time.
Pearl: Selene.
Grian: The Moon titaness?
Pearl: Yep, you aren't the only that can go titan mode anymore.
Grian: ... If ... If this is linked to our winner titles. And Scar's is the Earth does that mean he is eventually going to end up... looping as Gaia?
Pearl: Oh ... Oh I see what you mean. Yeah that is... Horrific.
Loop #271
Mumbo was an enderman hybrid with amnesia, Scar was a goat hybrid president and Grian was absolutely done with looping into the dsmp. He knows It's because they are both minecraft servers but still...
Loop #272
Mumbo: I don't know mate, are you sure? I never watched tried third life... I'm kinda used to Last Life.
Grian: Ah don't worry you'll do fine!
Mumbo: I... alright, I'll try it.
Grian and Scar had managed to steal the banner when Ren came after them with his army. Mumbo knew they could take care of themselves but he couldn't just...do nothing. It took him seeing the shocked faces of the red army to realize had accidentally shifted to his ender dragon form. At least Scar and Grian looked excited.
Loop #275
Grian woke up in a room he had never seen before... wait. No.
Grian: Scott? Is this another-
Scott: Welcome to the second ever loop proofed escape room!
Grian: ... No.
Scott: Pearl helped built this one.
Gria : No!
Scar: I can't believe it took so long to finish that first room! ... I'm going to be last.
Scott: ... That wasn't the first room.
Scar: What?
Scott: You finished the entire escape room Scar.
Scar: ...
Scott: How does this stuff keep happening?
Loop #277
Grian: I've made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement.
Mumbo: What did you do?
Grian: In this loops Grumbot and NPG aren't sentient so I tried to merge the npc Grian AI with the Grumbot AI.
Mumbo sounds incredibly pained.
Mumbo: Why?
Grian: I don't know.
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mikey ask game, 8 and 13!
(these answers will be about 2k3 mikey unless stated otherwise because he's ~my~ mikey. i apologise for the length of these answers, it seems i had a lot to say?! i also apologise for how much i bring up fast forward here, it seems that i'm fixated on it really hard right now.)
8. what’s your favorite dynamic of him and any other character? what makes it your favorite?
It's so hard to pick just one!!
i thought a lot about this, but i think splinter? he's exasperated that his son can be a bit lazy and distracted from ninja training, but still had him specialise in nunchaku, showing that he believes in his ability to master a difficult weapon. splinter surrendering in the battle nexus so that mikey could advance was so heartwarming and honestly makes me emotional to remember. in the first turtle titan episode even though he doesn't understand why mikey admires superheroes so much he acknowledges that his intentions are noble and he needs to follow the path truest to his heart. veering a little more into headcanon territory, i do think that being the most openly affectionate, baby mikey was a master manipulator in terms of melting his rat dad's heart. i can picture him climbing onto splinter's lap every time he sits down and being the most reluctant to go down for naps. and in a particular au i'm cultivating that delves more into mikey's potential romantic life, i think he would go to his father for advice. splinter may not be well versed in romance outside of his soap operas, but he will always be here for his kids when they need him.
(this, of course, makes me very bitter over the flanderisation of their relationship in fast forward. ff!splinter might as well walk around wearing a shirt that says "i hate my lazy video game addicted son" and it breaks my heart.)
honourable mentions for other characters i think he has a great dynamic with: leo, silver sentry, klunk, serling, angel, april, renet and turtle titan ii.
13. what’s something about mikey that nobody seems to talk about that should be talked about more?
tbh i think a lot of people love mikey and have analysed him in just about every way possible and what i end up saying is probably not the most groundbreaking take, but here is something that i've thought about a fair bit but haven't really seen from anyone else?
in fast forward, mikey is depressed. it is handled by the narrative about as delicately as a bull in a china shop, but it's there.
5 seasons of being bombarded with trauma-inducing storylines culminates in temporarily dying, going full dragon avatar mode to defeat the demon shredder and then finally they are able to relax, breathe easy, process some of these emotions - but noooo, instead they get ripped out of their timeline and dropped 100 years in the future with no way home and the studio execs wouldnt let them rightfully lose their shit at cody so instead we see the turtles bottle that rage and slowly descend into semi-flanderised madness. /lh
mikey in particular becomes very sensitive to rejection (see: losing his goddamn mind and going on an all out offensive against turtle titan ii, after being talked down the first time he raged out, because raph made One Comment about how his successor is better at heroism than he is), prone to emotional outbursts, especially anger (remember that iconic clip of him beating up cops and stealing their cars because they pissed him off?), loses interest in his ninja training, maintains very poor hygiene/living conditions, grows addicted to video games, and in rare moments of vulnerability (namely in graduation day of 2105) he expresses that he sees himself as lazy, unfocused, a 'goofball', and undeserving when it comes to being recognised for his ninja skills like his brothers. my man's self-esteem is in the toilet, he is craving normalcy after years of constantly fighting for his life, and his dopamine is clearly critically low because he is dependent on all the fancy material goods of 2105 to be happy. his method of coping with the difficult emotions being stranded in the future has brought up, while still maintaining the silly funny guy routine that his family expect from him, is to bury himself in VR. and why wouldn't he, when among the uptick in mikey roasts over the course of this season we literally hear splinter say the words "where did i go wrong with that boy?" THOSE WORDS STAY WITH YOU WHEN THEY COME FROM YOUR PARENTS. THEY HURT.
he's very empathetic to leo's own depression in season 4, being the voice of reason at the beginning of samurai tourist when raph is ready to fight him. we also see at several points in seasons 1-5 that his loud ego is a front and he is actually very aware of his shortcomings, especially seen in grudge match. in a different timeline where 2k3 wasn't neutered following insane in the membrane, i do wonder if the turtles would have been able to explore their turbulent feelings regarding the 2105 situation. since mikey and leo are often paired up for adventures in 2k3, it would be an interesting parallel to see leo recognising signs of depression in his brother and helping him, imparting some of ancient one's wisdom (and, in the great year of 2105 where mutants are equal citizens and cody has money to burn, finding him a good cognitive behavioural therapist).
i don't think the writers INTENDED to code mikey as depressed / struggling to cope in season 6 - i think it was a toxic combo of writing more 'mikey is lazy/immature/irresponsible and needs to be taught a lesson' episodes than the usual season average + thinking it was a funny social commentary gag to make him obsessive over video games. but i saw a lot of those traits in myself when i was deep in a depression hole. the show has already told us that the turtles' mental states have been impacted by the ridiculousness they have gone through. why would mikey be any different?
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dreamyeuphoricll · 6 months
Most hated characters according to the internet.
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(I) Pleasure in Battle: Mahito draws pleasure from fights, making him an extremely dark character in the series. It’s frustrating to face an adversary who fights purely for the thrill, rather than any noble motive
(ii) Cold Rationality: Unlike other villains who lose their rationale easily, Mahito remains cool-headed and highly rational. His portrayal as the embodiment of human fear and hatred leaves no room for emotion. This lack of empathy makes him even more unsettling.
(iii) Nihilistic Philosophy: Mahito adheres to nihilism, believing that life lacks inherent meaning. His chaotic worldview stems from evil desires, resentment, and the corruption of humanity
(iv) Manipulative Sadism: Manifested out of sheer hatred and human suffering, Mahito thrives on manipulating human emotions. He takes pleasure in making those around him suffer, adding to his sadistic natu
(I). Sasha’s Tragic Death: She killed Sasha, one of the most beloved characters in the franchise. Sasha’s death was a heartbreaking moment for audiences and other characters in the story.
(ii) Eldian Identity and Marleyan Influence: Gabi is an Eldian, but she despises her own heritage. Born and raised in Marley, she has been surrounded by people who convinced her that Eldians are devils. Despite being one of them, she wishes she were Marleyan.
(iii) Hypocrisy and Aggression: Gabi’s constant aggressive display of hatred towards Eldians, despite being one herself, is seen as hypocritical and annoying by some fans. Her sass, badassery, and frequent screaming have divided the fandom into two camps: those who empathize with her and those who find her irritating.
(I) Inconsistent Character Development: . Despite her raw strength and impressive medical ninjutsu, she frequently relied on stronger characters to save the day. This inconsistency frustrated fans who wanted to see her shine consistently.
(ii) Swinging Between Independence and Dependence: Some fans find Sakura’s character frustrating due to her oscillation between wanting independence and relying on others. This inconsistency can be annoying and contributes to the mixed feelings about her.
(iii) Treatment of Naruto: Early in the series, Sakura was often mean to Naruto. While Naruto’s behavior was initially obnoxious, Sakura’s treatment of him didn’t endear her to fans.
(iv) Obsession with Sasuke: Sakura’s infatuation with Sasuke Uchiha was a point of contention. Her unwavering loyalty to him, despite his actions, frustrated viewers who wanted her to focus on her own growth.
4. Shou Tucker
**Shou Tucker**, the infamous character from *Fullmetal Alchemist*, has earned a special place in the hearts of fans—for all the wrong reasons. Let's delve into why he's so widely despised:
i. Unforgivable Experiments:
- Tucker's most heinous act was fusing his own daughter, Nina with their pet dog, creating a horrifying chimera. The Elric Brothers witnessed Nina's suffering, and her loss became deeply personal for viewers .
- The fact that he did this twice (once with his wife and then with Nina) is chilling.
ii. Lack of Remorse:
- Unlike other villains, Tucker shows no remorse for his deeds. Even the homunculi, with their twisted natures, exhibit some human-like faults. Tucker, however, is a cold sociopath who killed his daughter out of fear of poverty .
(i) Perverted Behavior: Mineta’s disturbingly immature and perverted tendencies are a major point of contention. His attraction toward girls, particularly Momo and Tsuyu, is often expressed in a creepy manner. Fans find this behavior off-putting and cringe-worthy.
(ii) Lack of Character Development:. Some viewers argue that he lacks significant growth or development throughout the series. His perversion tends to overshadow any positive moments he has
(iii) Groping Incident: During the U.S.J. Attack, Mineta’s inappropriate behavior reached a peak when he groped Tsuyu. This disrespectful move upset many fans and intensified their dislike for him.
(iv) Creepiness with Momo: Mineta’s tasteless behavior extends to Momo as well. His use of his sticky grape Quirk for a piggyback ride on her was both weird and uncomfortable. The fact that he didn’t seem to learn from these situations further fueled fans’ frustration.
(I) Lack of Personal Screentime and Character Development:
In the manga, Yuno’s character development is somewhat delayed, with significant focus on him occurring around 300 chapters in.
While it’s been stated that he trains hard and achieves much, the audience rarely witnesses this firsthand, except for filler episodes in the anime.
His sudden power-ups can indeed make him appear overly perfect and less relatable.
(ii) Relationships and Detachment:
Up until a certain point in the manga, Yuno’s significant relationships are primarily with Asta and Bell. Yuno’s introverted nature contributes to the perception of him being boring. While he cares about others, his interactions primarily revolve around Asta.
Fans notice that Yuno’s soul seems to exist only within the context of Asta.
(iii) Overpowered Status:
Yuno’s strength is intentional, serving as a foil and rival to Asta.
However, this can frustrate Asta fans who closely follow his self-improvement journey.
As Asta grows stronger and understands his abilities better, the gap between them narrows.
(Iv) The Spade Arc and Missed Opportunities:
The Spade Arc disappointed you due to unexplored emotional depth.
Yuno’s identity crisis, his royal lineage, and his mother’s survival were intriguing plot points.
Unfortunately, these aspects remained largely unaddressed, leaving fans wanting more.
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theresattrpgforthat · 7 months
Hello, do you know of any ttrpgs where the players fight titans (or any other really BIG things), ideally in a fantasy setting? I've come across two kickstarters that looked really promising but both seem to have dropped off, Reach of Titan and Relic :(
I'm looking more for a Shadow of Colossus-style game than Monster Hunter, if possible.
Theme: Shadow of the Colossus
Hello friend, I have three games that I think you might like, and one game that’s inspired by Shadow of the Colossus, but has a different goal.
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Titanomachy: Legacy 2nd Edition Quickstart, by UFO Press.
Welcome to Hekaton - a jungle-covered planet where stranded colonists hide from titanic monsters.In Titanomachy, the players are survivors living among the ruins of a colony devastated when colossal titans surged out of the planet's jungle and tore apart their space elevator and advanced infrastructure. Generations down the line, the titan Gigas has just fallen after a monumental battle that devastated your families. Now you know the titans can be stopped, but your families are weaker than ever. How will you build a world where you're safe?
This document gives you a jumping-on point for Legacy: Life Among the Ruins Second Edition, letting you try out the core game rules and pre-generated player options before breaking open the full suite of options available in the main book.
As a standalone game, you don’t need to have Behemoths in Legacy, but if you want a world in which they exist, all you need to do is ensure one person is playing The Order of the Titan.
In Titanomachy, you’ll get a taste of what kind of game that might be, and the online version of it is free! Legacy is a game primarily about surviving the end of the world and the way humanity rebuilds over time, so adding in the Titans is a way of providing a major obstacle to the goals of all of the factions involved. If you want a game that places the Titans as simply a piece in a larger story, this might be the game for you.
Facing The Titan, by Nicolas “Gulix” Ronvel.
“We are the Company. Hunters, warriors, mages, scholars, nobles, barbarians, we have been brought together for one purpose: to put an end to the reign of the Titan. Let us get to know each other and rediscover each other after all these years. Tonight, let us share our experiences so that tomorrow those who survive can tell the stories of those who fall.”
Facing the Titan is a GM-less, zero-prep roleplaying game, for one-shots games of about 3 hours. It has been designed and playtested for groups of 3 to 5 people. A solo mode is also available. You will play the Company, a group of heroes whose fate is to face the colossal Titan. And to destroy it!
This game divides game play into five distinct phases, starting with the Companions phase, which introduces your characters, and ends in the Clash phase, which is your Companions’ battle with the Titan. The game has a number of various Titans available for you to fight, with six basic Titans and ten extra Titans that were written after this game was Kickstarted. All of the basic titans look to be from a fantasy setting, but some of the extra Titans may allow you to change the setting of the game!
Trail of the Behemoth, by Dan Felder & Seamus Allen.
The world is filled with monsters that tower over the hills; beings that some call gods… And they want to eat you for breakfast.
As a Hunter, you stand between the monsters and humanity. Each hunt you’ll gather clues about your foe’s weaknesses, then engage in a climactic battle against the colossal beast, a monster so big that its body becomes the terrain on which the Hunters climb. 
This is a game that is designed to run quickly, with simple rules and easy monster creation. The game comes with five adventures that can be combined for a short campaign, or can be used as standalone one-shots. The combat is designed with a push-you-luck mindset, allowing you take more actions as long as you’re able to accept the risk. Once you kill the monster, your characters can upgrade their gear using pieces of the titan’s corpse to strengthen your weapons or armor.
Autumn of Giants, by Melody Saturn.
Autumn of Giants is a collaborative storytelling game of a group of humans guiding and protecting a Colossus on the way to rest and shelter for the Winter. It tells of a desolate and gentle journey through lonely and beautiful places. And of a small group of people who will do everything they can to protect a friend.
Move from location to location, describing the broad strokes of each environment from the colossus's perspective as a group and then zooming in on individual scenes from the humans' points of view.
Describe how your characters change over the course of the journey, using the shift, carry, and shed options. Face daunting Perils or find respite in Interludes with group scenes between locations.
This game has a much calmer vibe to it, being about shepherding a Colossus rather than fighting it. The locations given are very evocative, which I think would be very helpful when it comes to helping the players describe each place they visit. The game is about change; your characters at the start will not be the same by the time they reach The Sleeping Grounds. This game is also GM-less, which might make it a good fit for a table in which everyone wants the same role.
I’d Also Recommend…
The Wildsea, by Felix Isaacs, which has large creatures to fight but is more about adventuring on the Verdant Ocean.
Hellwhalers, by BrewistTabletopGames, a game of nautical horror inspired by Moby Dick.
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hyakinthou-naos · 2 months
Hyakíntha Ritual: The Heortē
1. Ceremonial Garments
As we celebrate the resurrection of Lord Hyacinthus, we adorn ourselves in clothing that reflects our joy and celebration. Jewelry and adornments that honor Lord Hyacinthus and Lord Apollo are worn in abundance as an outward symbol of our joy. Warm shades of oranges, yellows, and whites remind us of the God of Prophecy - and cooler shades of greens and purples remind us of the Spartan Prince.
2. Khernips & Purification
Following the days events, we don our garments and parade to The Temple. We reach the steps and ramps of The Temple's entrance, both adorned with hyacinths, sunflowers, lavender, and larkspur. The Temple's doors are opened wide, music playing from within
The entrance chamber holds a bowl of water where flaming leaves of bay and laurel have been extinguished. The water splashes as we joyfully wash our hands in the lustral water, cleansing ourselves before we enter The Temple's center.
3. Gathering at the Altar
We proceed into The Temple's center; the music still playing softly as we enter. The altar is positioned in the center of the room, behind which stands the Hytheria - dressed in robes of purple. Chairs and pillows for seating are arranged in a semi-circle in front of the altar.
We take our seats
4. Opening Prayer & Deity Invocation
We settle into our chosen seats, as the music and conversations slowly fade away. The Hytheria stands behind the altar and lights the center candle, and speaks:
Hestia, great goddess of the ancients - Daughter of the Titans Cronus and Rhea - She who is honored before all others. We gather here today and ask that you accept this flame, as a humble offering to you. Hestia, goddess of hearth and home Lead our way, and light our path.
The Hytheria then moves to light the second candle, and raises their arms to the heavens, saying:
Lord Apollo, shinning god of light and prophecy Son of Zeus and Leto, brother to Hermes Lover of Hyacinthus, for whom we celebrate today O bright and shining Lord, we ask that you accept this flame and grace us with your presence. We call upon you today, great god of music and healing, to bare witness to our ritual - as we celebrate the return of your love, the beautiful Hyacinthus, Prince of Sparta. May Lord Hermes carry these words from our lips, to your ears, on mighty Mount Olympus. Du et des, we give so you may give.
Lastly, the Hytheria then moves to light the third candle and the ceremonial incense, and raises their arms to the heavens, saying:
Lord Hyacinthus, noble prince of Sparta, Son of Amyclas and Diomede, brother of Polyboia Beloved of Apollo, the divine son of Zeus O strong yet gentle Lord, we ask that you accept these offerings of flame and incense - and be with us today We call upon you, radiant prince of blooming flowers, to bear witness to our ritual - as we celebrate your return into the arms of your beloved. May Lord Hermes carry these words from our lips, to your ears, in the heavens where you live forever more.
5. Hymns & Music
As the Hytheria concludes their prayer, they open a book sat behind the altar - The Temple's book of Hymns. The pages turn as the Hytheria settles on a page, and begins to read:
A Hymn for Hyacinthus [Altered Version]
Oh to the lover of our Lord We see you in every shade of lavender We feel you in every warm spring breeze We understand you every time lovers look into each others eyes. How did he look - the Lord of the Muses - When you ran your fingers through his hair? How did it feel? To touch the sun To feel its warmth Oh how we envy you Oh how we honor you Oh how we rejoice in you Oh lover of our Lord
We Are For You; a Hymn to Lord Apollo [Altered Version]
Lord Phoebus He who shines light into our darkness, He who brings music to our souls. Who would we be without your graces? Who would we be without your love? Oh sweet Lord of all we hold dear - You have been with us - all the days of our lives Waiting patiently for our devotion. And we are here- Knees bent, Eyes closed, Heart open. We are for you, Lord Apollo - We are for you.
The Hytheria finishes his reading, placing the book back from whence it came, and arranges for the music to begin. Before starting the music, the Hytheria speaks:
I invite you all to listen to this music, and think of Lord Apollo, and Lord Hyacinthus. Think of how they love, though interrupted by fate, is everlasting. Think of how their dedication to each other is not diminished by their loving of others. Love is boundless, it is joy and lust and adventure - but it is also work and struggle and pain. All that is, is imperfect, even the Gods. Love is imperfection; love exists in multitudes; love is the power we feel here today.
While today we celebrate romantic love, platonic love is just as powerful - and love need not be romantic to be worth the effort.
I invite you all, in the center of this room or from the seats which you have chosen, to dance and be joyful. For today we celebrate love - in all its many forms.
Music begins to play, and the Hytheria joins the congregation in a dance of youthful joy.
6. Libations
As the music concludes, and the dancers return to their seats, the Hytheria places a large ceremonial bowl in the center of the participants. The Hytheria then returns with glasses filled with liquid, giving one to each of those in attendance. The Hytheria stands in front of the altar and speaks:
In honor and reverence of the ancient ways, we hold before us a libation of milk and water. As we pour these libations, we offer them to Prince Hyacinthus, and Lord Apollo. They who bring us joyous spring, they who show us unending love, they who hold our hands through sorrow - we offer this to them.
We all pour our libations into the center bowl, the liquids swirl and splash, as they all come together as one in the bowl's center.
7. Divination
[Hytheria Aön will be doing a tarot reading for the temple at large, seeing what messages Lord Hyacinthus has for The Temple's patrons and visitors. His tarot interpretation will be posted sometime tomorrow.
Ritual attendees/participants are encouraged to engage in their own personal divination with Lord Apollo at this time.]
8. Closing Prayers
As the pouring of the libations concludes, the Hytheria returns to behind the altar. The Hytheria takes a moment to pause, before speaking:
With joy and laughter, with awe and amazement We conclude this evening rite We give thanks to radiant Lord Apollo, God of music and medicine And his beloved, Hyacinthus, whose beauty and spirit are once again alive Lord Apollo, glorious archer, we thank you for your guiding light, For the wisdom and strength you gift to us, And for the music that stirs our hearts May you continue to inspire and protect us We give thanks to Prince Hyacinthus, he who is noble and pure We honor your return and celebrate you ascension to the heavens Your life, a testament to beauty - a beacon in the darkness, a refuge in the storm May your story echo within us, Reminding us of fleeting life and eternal love
The Hytheria raises his arms to the heavens, and once again speaks:
May the blessings of Apollo and Hyacinthus Guide us our paths, fill our hearts with joy, And guide us in harmony and peace.
The Hytheria lowers his arms and extinguishes the second candle, before speaking for a final time:
Hestia, first -
The Hytheria blows out the center candle.
- and last
And with that, the ritual is concluded.
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illusivesoul · 1 year
Why Leliana is half dwarf
My hc theory on why Leliana is half dwarf.
The rest of the post is under the cut.
1 - Her mom was a servant to an Orlesian noble, and dwarven servants are common in Orlais. Nobles: Don’t be an idiot. How could the Herald of Andraste be a dwarf? Nobles: Maybe it’s just a servant.
The comments Orlesian nobles make towards a dwarf inquisitor in the Winter Palace. 2 - As it's seen in the mission In Hushed Whispers, Leliana has a very strong resistance to the Blight sickness. Dwarves are naturally resistant to the Blight sickness due to their constant proximity to the darkspawn. And in another example, the dwarves of Kal'Sharok have adapted and "become inmune" to the blight disease, similarly to Grey Wardens. So it'd make sense if she had inherited this same resistance from her mom.
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3 - She likes nugs and is very passionate and caring about them. Granted, she doesn't want to eat them like all dwarves do, but still, she's the only human (afaik) in the series who has shown so much interest for nugs. Also, following with the possibility of her mom being a dwarf, I wonder if she told her stories or had figurines or something about nugs and thats why she's so fond of them.
4 - She's in awe of Orzammar and really likes the city.
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5 - The epilogue for lyrium ghost Leliana in Trespasser very much sounds like the song of the Titans, and the corrupted version of it which its what imo prompts the darkspawn to seek out the Archdemons.
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Like this comment that Cole makes about the Titans’s song: “It’s singing. A they that’s an it that’s asleep, but still making music.”
Also, we all know lyrium is a titan’s blood. So a dwarven blooded Leliana becoming a “lyrium ghost” after “dying” could actually be pretty similar to what Valta becomes at the end of The Descent DLC. Also to note is that Valta somehow revived Renn after becoming connected to the Titan and acquiring its “magic”. This could also explain why Leliana returned to life after being killed in the Temple of Sacred Ashes", cause she would have a special connection to lyrium from her dwarven blood.
6 - She has super strong thighs that can break a person's neck. Clear sign of dwarven genes.
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Venatori: "You will break!" Leliana: "I will die first! Or you will"
Thanks for reading my very serious theory.
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dgrailwar · 4 months
Round Δ, Day 3 - 'Faker' versus 'Gatekeeper'
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"Heh, I've been itchin' to go at you, Gatekeeper. Guardian of the Threshhold, my ass. You're just a lapdog, or is that a 'guard dog'?"
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Without a verbal response, the warden Gatekeeper drew her blade in a lightning fast iai, cracking the ground just before the Faker. Faker stepped back, staring at the crack before her mouth split into a wide grin, eyes glinting with maddened excitement.
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"Struck a nerve, did I! As a fellow Servant of the two ancients, I challenge you! My True Name is Hephaestion, though even that is but a shadow of the truth! Warden of Hell, meet the power of the drunken god, and the curses passed down from the titan of witchcraft!"
Such was a declaration of war made by the retainer of the Conquering King, she who served the mad god Dionysus and engaged in violence and revelry alike. The epitome of hedonism, standing before the arbiter who had judged countless hedonists. A death sentence, in every sense of the word.
The faker let out a devastating war cry, slamming her spear on the ground as a massive chariot formed near her.
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Crimson lightning flared and struck the ground, rending it asunder and scorching it bare, as skeletal beings beginning to claw their way out of the ground and lumber towards the sparrow, who took in a deep breath, sharp eyes reading herself.
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"…Ready, Enjaku Battoujutsu Esoteric…the Crimson Vermillion Beni-Enma marches forth!"
The boosts in play are...
Hephaestion: +10%
Vermilion Beni-Enma: +5%
Servant Skills:
Hephaestion (Faker)
For He Is Another Iskandar (Fake) (A Rank): When engaged in a One-on-One, gain a +20% boost, increased to 30% when in a Free-for-All.
High-Speed Divine Words (B Rank): Demerits against her have their effectiveness cut in half. (Note: Skills that 'cut' boosts, such as Gatekeeper's skill, do not count as 'demerits').
Noble Colors - Mystic Eyes of Compulsion (Unranked): Opponents against her are struck with a -10% demerit.
Vermilion Beni-Enma (Gatekeeper)
Suzume Gaeshi - Suzume Rokurin (A Rank): A special technique that punishes the wicked by first cutting their tongues, and then the rest of their bodies. When facing against a Servant of 'non-Lawful Good' alignment, cut their boosts in half.
Faker is categorized as 'Non-Lawful Good'!
Mind's Eye (Fake) (A Rank): When losing against an opponent, if score is within 5% of the opponent above her, avoid taking damage.
Enjaku Battoujutsu Esoteric (EX Rank): Gain a +10% boost to your poll results, increasing by 5% per non-'Lawful Good' aligned enemy present. Additionally, those who fall to Gatekeeper's blade (as in, lose against her in combat) are instantly killed and sent to hell. Such is the fate of the wicked.
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pirunika · 1 year
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Masterpost try #368
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last updated: 31.8.24
Tags :
#sudraws #my writing #xx #music #photography etc.
Art Blog @mandoart
A03 (being revised)
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Fave LIs in no order bc why not :
Lann (Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous)
Heinrix (Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader)
Alistair, Fenris (Dragon Age)
Garrus, Jaal (Mass Effect Trilogy)
Danse (Fallout 4)
Torian, Aric (Swtor)
Elliott (Stardew Valley)
Astraeus, Alain, Reiner, Nav (Lovestruck)
Liod, Andvari, Chris (Romance Club)
Asra, Julian (The Arcana)
Jumin Han, Zen (Mystic Messenger)
Lucifer, Mammon (Obey Me)
Hanzo (Nightshade)
Raze honestly all 3... (Demonheart)
Ernol, Haron (Ebon Light)
M, A (The Wayhaven Chronicles)
Lady Argent, Herald (Fallen Hero)
Blade (Shepherds of Haven WIP)
Laurent all of them (Perfumare WIP)
O, G (Infamous WIP)
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Other Games I Play/ed
Dragon Raja Mobile
Sims free2play, mobile, 3, 4
Black Desert Mobile
Fate Grand Order
Cookie Run Kingdom
Blush Blush
Ikemen Sengoku
Samurai LBP
Saints Row
Elder Scrolls Online, Skyrim
Dungeons & Dragons Online
Lord of the Rings Online
Guild Wars 2
World of Warcraft
Slay the Princess
Fear & Hunger
Cultist Simulator
Samurai of Hyuga
Blood Moon
Tin Star
Relics of the Lost Age
Soul Stone War
Tally Ho
I, the Forgotten One
Fields of Asphodel
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Playlists :
Astraeus (Astoria Fate's Kiss - Lovestruck)
Astoria MC (aka Eos just below)
Sails in the Fog (Romance Club)
Shepherds of Haven WIP IF
Infamous WIP IF Band
Mason (Wayhaven Chronicles)
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Some main-ish OCs/MCs :
Vorawin'ther Vandree 'Vora Winter' (Neverwinter/1/2, Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous — a drow in one and dhampir in the latter) #oc: vora, #oc: vorawin'ther 5"
Ayka Delgerdzaya Aeducan (Dragon Age Origins) #oc: ayka 4'7"
Nino Balkish (Star Wars the Old Republic, Chiss Mando Bounty Hunter) #oc: nino 5'11"
Emija Prizrak (Star Wars the Old Republic, Chiss Republic Trooper) #oc: emija 5'3"
Berra H'akan (Star Wars the Old Republic, Cathar Mando -by birth- Bounty Hunter) #oc: berra 4'11"
Kartili Kelborn (Star Wars the Old Republic, Twi'lek Smuggler mando ) #oc: kartili 5'6"
Yvadin Stagard (Star Wars the Old Republic, Twi'lek Bounty Hunter) #oc: yvadin 5'2"
Lirash Paaran (Star Wars the Old Republic, Togruta Bounty Hunter) #oc: lirash 5'7"
Koalcha (Star Wars the Old Republic, Chiss Imperial Agent token male oc) #oc: koalcha 6'6"
Eos Eremenko surname might vary (MC of Astoria Fate's Kiss / Lost Kisses, various other interactive fiction, Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader & my WIP interpretation of the titan goddess with the same name) #oc: eos ...
Ela (The Arcana, Fictif & Choices stories + the MC of the WIP IF Perfumare: Amalgam) #oc: ela 5'8"
Eve Mac Diarmada (Obey Me / Nightbringer, my interpretation of Eve!) #oc: eve 6"
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Others :
Star Wars Clan H'akan (original Mandalorian clan settled on Werda, led by Danyal H'akan - also the father of Berra) #clan h'akan
Star Wars Clan Strillir (also my Mandalorian clan on Werda, led by Sidar Strillir) #clan strillir
ASOIAF House Dawnbreak (a semi-noble household) here
Cultist Simulator (Follower) OC here
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My Writing :
Homecoming, gen but Lucifer being Lucifer (OBEY ME)
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My Moodboards, Edits :
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calsoutghosthunting · 4 months
Anyway, I decided to write some Darla stuff about self worth and stuff, ya know the sillies. first time writing in a while so enjoy. Be nice please I will cry
The Great Jason Grace; Praetor of Camp Jupiter with his wise knowledge and noble heart, Toppled the black throne and defeated Titan Krios, Bravely slew the Trojan sea monster against the screams of the waves, and aided the seven on their monumental quest.
Of course there's also The incredible Thaila Grace; Defeated an entire horde of monsters, The Clash of her sword haunting their nightmares, Immortal Hunter of The majestic and insightful Artemis, Both frozen in time Infinitely, Aided in the battle of Manhattan with the other hunters, arrows raining from above! She fought THE Luke Castellon under the control of the titan Kronos himself!
And then there's…me. Darla Czajka; if you can't tell, I only share one parent with the Graces (Hint, The parent is the one with the creepy “I'm staring at you while you're sleeping in the corner” statue in Cabin #1 with godly status ).
As far as I'm aware the only child of Zeus with exactly zero heroic accomplishments to be told as tales, chronic shyness so I can't tell my tales if I even had any, and at least I have the most fun thing any Demi-God could have! An autoimmune disease which keeps me from being any help on quests, sent me to the infirmary several times and turned my hair white! Yay..
I've done some studying about my siblings, and some other notable figures come into the history books, Such as probably one of the most well known Greek heroes “Heracles” There's a whole movie about him!
How am I supposed to compete with that? The most heroic thing I've done is help old ladies who smell like salmon across the busy street while cars honk, drivers yell and drive close to scare me (Chicago and New York are fun places to live) .. From what I've heard, everyone at Camp expects me to do something great like my siblings, something noteworthy, something noble, Like defeating a big strong bad guy with big horns and tusks like a scary chort who smells like old fish while cooking the most perfect fresh Pierogi for the whole camp.
I can't do all that.. I wonder what made Zeus want to stay with my mom? From what I remember, she was just a Polish story teller who decided to move to Chicago to start a business illustrating kids books.
What made Zeus think I'd be any good as his daughter?
Can't change fate, im guessing this whole camp learnt that the hard way.
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jumpywhumpywriter · 2 months
A list of some of my favorite quotes and short scenes from my OC named Shadow, a morally gray anti-hero who is the snarkiest, whittiest, most sarcastic and badass person in my in-progress fantasy trilogy. I just love her brutal personality so much!
Let me know what all of your favorites are! 😁
1. "Nice try, but that stuff doesn't work on me, you useless white crayon."
2. "Come on, leave the poor guy alone," Tanner sighed heavily.
Shadow rolled her eyes with an exasperated groan. "He's the kind of stupid, that if I left him alone, he'd probably set water on fire."
3. "I'm gonna kill him," Shadow snarled angrily.
Thomas quickly stepped in front of her. "Shadow, no, you are not murdering anyone on my watch."
"Then look away."
4. "Where are you going?"
"Anywhere you aren't."
5. Shadow: "Open says me." *kicks door down*
Thomas: "Actually, it's open sesame."
Shadow: "Nope, other way around kid. You'll catch on eventually."
6. "Are you always this sarcastic?"
"My level of sarcasm has gotten to the point where I don't even know if I'm kidding or not."
7. "What brings you here?"
"A series of bad choices."
8. "Half of the human city wants you dead," Thomas tried to emphasize.
"Wow, a month ago it was the whole city, things are looking up," Shadow drawled sarcastically.
9. "I am nice until you give me a reason not to be." Shadow's voice was icy and gruff.
"Since when are you ever nice?" Thomas groaned.
"...Eh, fair point."
10. "You give my migrane a headache."
11. "Touch my daggers and I will punch you so hard even Google won't be able to find you."
12. "Guys, we have a problem!" Thomas panted for breath, bursting into the room.
"And it's another Tuesday, what's your point?" Shadow rolled her eyes.
13. "So, what do ya think? Good idea right?" Thomas gestured at the blueprints laid our on the table.
"Whatever floats your titanic." Shadow shrugged.
"...But the titanic sank."
"Yeah, just like your IQ did when you came up with that idea."
14. "If I go to war -- risk my life -- it's going to be because the odds are in my favor. Not otherwise," Shadow rumbled.
"So... it's not because you miraculously feel compelled to be noble and good for once?"
"...You have far too much faith in my moral compass, kid. It's almost scary how naive you are."
15. "Shadow, you have to help me! I had an accident."
"Had an accident? Kid, you are an accident.
16. "Ugh. How do people stand you?"
"They sit."
"You're insufferable."
"No more than you are."
"Would you stop coming up with comebacks and making me look like an idiot?"
"But you are an idiot."
17. "Interrupt me again and I'll interrupt your breathing."
18. "Is two a lot?"
"Depends on the context. Corpses? No. Living humans? Yes."
19. Shadow glared at Thomas. "You know, you probably shouldn't think too hard. Wouldn't want that poor overworked brain cell to have a panic attack."
20. "Yeesh, guess he's not the brightest light bulb," Tanner said with a wince, watching on the security feed as the Jackal guard tried for the fifteenth time to pick the lock on the door to the room Shadow had trapped him in earlier.
"You kidding me? The light bulb isn't even screwed in!" Shadow snarked.
21. Thomas: disagrees with Shadow
Shadow: "You've officially been promoted to victim." *Punches Thomas*
22. "I may be mad, or I may be less mad, but my mood will never be in your favor."
23. "Is that blood?" Thomas paled as he stared at the red smears staining Shadow's leather hero suit.
"That's not a question you're supposed to answer with another question."
"Okay fine, yes -- but don't worry, it's not mine!" Shadow blurted.
"Is that supposed to be reassuring?!?"
24. "We have five people trying to kill us right now, what are we supposed to do?" Thomas squealed.
"Actually, it's more like eight," Shadow corrected.
"Oh, sorry I wasn't specific enough!!"
25. "That's not a happy story," Thomas muttered sympathetically.
"Well I don't live a happy life," Shadow growled in answer.
26. "What are you so afraid of?" Shadow challenged.
"Oh... That's fair."
27. "If your crazy plan gets me killed, kid, I am going to come back and haunt you so hard."
28. Shadow pinched the bridge of her nose with an inward groan. "I am way too sober for this."
29. "Okay, what did I do?" Thomas threw his hands up in defeat.
"What do you mean?" Shadow frowned.
"You look like you want to rip my head off."
"Sorry, that's just how my face works."
30. "Ugh, people don't understand that I literally don't know how not to walk around like I own every place I go to. I'm a walking war machine. How else am I supposed to act?!"
31. "So, uh, there's some bread in the cabinets if you're hungry," Thomas awkwardly offered.
"I don't eat bread, it's usually poisoned." Shadow wrinkled her nose.
"If this is some gluten-free nonsense--"
"No, actual poison."
32. "Come on, Shadow. The city needs our help. You're the strongest of us all -- imagine all the people you'll help save!" Thomas badgered.
"Correction, it needs your help," Shadow said through gritted teeth. "Leave me out of it. Humans can save themselves for once."
"...Do I get wine after dealing with all the horrors of evil?"
"All the wine you want."
"Fine. But doing this is going to give me all the good karma points I'm going to need for the rest of my life."
33. "I'm not human. Remember that next time you want to punch me in the face."
34. "I guess I'll just have to be subtle about it," Thomas said.
Shadow snorted in amusement. "You are the least subtle person I know. Your "I have a secret" vibe is literally visible from mars."
35. "So, you're innocent?" Tanner raised a skeptical eyebrow.
"Innocent as a young child... the kind they use as pickpockets," Shadow said with a dead-serious face.
36. "It costs you absolutely nothing to keep those rude comments to yourself," Tanner snapped angrily.
"It also costs me absolutely nothing to say them, so I think I'm good," Shadow retorted with a smirk.
37. "Can I bother you for a second?"
"You always bother me, but go ahead."
38. "I've met toddlers with more spine than you."
39. "Use your brain, idiot! You do have one, right?"
40. "Come on, it can't hurt to shake things up a bit, don't you think?" Thomas wheedled.
"I'm not anti-change, I'm just pro keeping things the way they are," Shadow growled.
41. "I've seen more formidable foes in temper tantrums."
42. "I'm not shy. I'm just examining my potential target and enemy. Determining friend or foe, you know?"
43. "Look, he's smiling. He's totally fine," Shadow smirked.
"He's smiling because he's terrified," Tanner said dryly.
"...I'm off-duty right now. Your turn to save the idiot."
44. "Wow, somebody needs a Happy Meal," Thomas grimaced.
Shadow glared daggers at him. "If you give me a 'Happy Meal', I will shove it down your throat to kill you and that is what will make me 'happy'."
45. "Shadow... did you have something to do with this?" Thomas cast her an accusing glance, and she bristled.
"Why is it that whenever something bad happens in the city, I'm always the first one you look at?!" She snapped indignantly.
"Because you're like... always sketchy and suspicious... and stuff..."
Shadow seemed to think about it for a second, before relaxing with a shrug. "Ouch. Valid, but ouch."
46. "This place hold a lot of memories for me. Some bad, some... No. No, no, all bad."
47. "Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably."
48. "I don't know what your problem is, but I'm guessing it's hard to pronounce.
49. "Remember when I asked for your opinion? That's right, I didn't."
50. "Thomas, if you had half a brain cell you'd be dangerous."
51. "If you pull out my earphones, I will pull out your lungs."
52. "I'm trying to tell about--are you even listening?!" Thomas huffed a frustrated breath of air.
Shadow merely raised an unconcerned eyebrow, yawning dramatically. "Don't worry, I'm listening to you. I'm just not paying attention."
53. "I'm on vacation. Only call if the world is about to end."
54. "Hmph. Mangy feather duster..." Thomas grumbled under his breath as he stalked off, forgetting that his ally had superhearing.
"What did you just call me?" Shadow snarled after him.
"You clearly heard me."
"And you clearly don't want to take the risk of saying it again."
55. "Sharp as a marble, that kid," Shadow sighed before coming to Thomas's aid. The blasted human never stopped getting himself in trouble, to her dismay.
Masterlist #2
@scoundrelwithboba @lumpofsand @isikedmyself878 @iamheretohurt @fleur-a-whump @otterfrost @sausages-things
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airrareree · 10 months
Ereri Fic Recs Part 6
• No Matter the Cost pregnant!eren, surveycorps 23k
• The Rogue Cipher cyborg!eren 74k
• Amoung the wild blooms titan!eren 7k
• My Moon, Your Sun forest spirit levi, goat owner eren 8k
To Read
• Do Gems Burn, I Wonder? dragon!levi prince!eren 37k
• Love Can Heal cat hybrids, eren on the street 38k
• The Last Noble Breath Eren, son of the emperor, runs away to be a painter but then falls in love with his enemy dundundun, inspired by feudal Japan 133k
• Between drinks and surgeries doctor!eren, bartender!levi 41k
• Puppet Strings artist!eren, levi models, bondage, nsfw 25k
• Eros Eren doesn’t like ending of a book, goes back in time to rewrite 55k
• Help me make the most of freedom (and pleasure) age difference, war 27k
• Life is a Magical Thing fae!eren, human!levi 11k
• Monsters detective!eren, vampire!levi 26k
• Iron modern au, famous levi, dweeb eren 45k
• The Way We Live high school au, traumatized eren, recovery 81k
• When the Ocean Calls, I Answer to You mermaid!levi, language barrier, tentacles 24k
• Kintsugi scars, disability 10k
• Under the Sun abo, titanShifter!eren 64k
• To Love and Protect yaoi, canon divergence 33k
• Still a lover. modern au, spinal injury 12k
• Lift Me Up blind!eren, college au 31k
• Born From The Fire dragon!levi, interspecies romance, unfinished 25k
• Anemoia canon divergence , unfinished 371k
Recs pt 5
Recs pt 4
Recs pt 3
Recs pt 2
Recs pt 1
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sleeplesssmoll · 9 months
Reverse 1999: Mountain Echoes
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Resources and Descriptions
Page of Mineral Wealth: A tattered page. Used for the ritual of Mineral Insight I. They are buried deep under the mountain rocks where a gem is indistinguishable from bits of coal.
Scroll of Mineral Wealth: Incomplete scrolls. Used for the ritual of Mineral Insight II. The rock spits on those with a weak mind. It is the code between instant and eternity.
Tome of Mineral Wealth: A heavy tome. Used for the ritual of Mineral Insight III. A titan's child that emerged from a weeping wound of the Earth vein. It is a steadfast guardian and an indestructible friend. Even the nobles would bow before this sonorous herald.
Themes (speculation based on stage context): perseverance, faith, hope, hardship, conquering challenges
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Stage Descriptions
ME 1
The messenger emptied the shoes of gravel to protect their feet from wear and bleeding.
ME 2
The rock-hard priest of the Sethmordians no longer exists. The great monolith with divine inscriptions was shattered by a meteor shower.
ME 3
The explorers of the new age were filled with hope and conquered numerous mountains.
ME 4
There will always be a higher peak and a taller mountain to climb. It exists south of the snow-locked apex and behind the imposing rock stratum.
ME 5
Turn left thrice, then turn right twice. Give a sincere prayer, elbow the dirt 14 times, and swallow a piece of clean snow.
ME 6
They finally reached the legendary hall. It exists within the rock beneath the broken peak. Within it lies another world.
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satoshi-mochida · 1 month
Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song Remastered International announced for PS5, PS4, and Switch - Gematsu
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Red Art Games, in cooperation with Square Enix, has announced Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song Remastered International, a new edition of Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song Remastered with English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish localizations for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Switch. It will launch both physically and digitally in early 2025 in North America and Europe.
The physical edition will be available for PlayStation 5 and Switch in North America, and for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Switch in Europe. The standard edition will be available at multiple retailers at launch, while limited and collector’s editions will be exclusive to Video Games Plus in North America and RedArtGames.com in Europe.
Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song Remastered International will also be playable at Gamescom 2024, which will run from August 21 to 25 at Koelnmesse in Cologne, Germany.
Get the details below.
■ Physical Special Editions
-Standard Edition
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A copy of the game
Deluxe Edition (500 PEGI-rated copies per platform, RedArtGames.com-exclusive)
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A copy of the game with a reversible cover
An exclusive sleeve with alternate cover art
A manual
A PVC keychain
Special Edition (500 ESRB-rated copies per platform, Video Games Plus-exclusive)
A copy of the game with a reversible cover
A PVC keychain
Collector’s Edition (1,000 PEGI-rated and 1,000 ESRB-rated copies per platform, RedArtGames.com-exclusive in Europe, Video Games Plus-exclusive in North America)
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A copy of the game with a reversible cover
A box with retro-inspired cover art (Switch and PlayStation versions have different boxes)
A Steelcase
An artbook
A manual
Three postcards
■ Fact Sheet
The gods created man and man created stories. The primordial creator Marda brought forth the land of Mardias. In ages past a mighty battle rocked this land, when Elore, the king of the gods, fought three malicious deities: Death, Saruin and Schirach. After a long and drawn-out struggle, Death and Schirach were sealed away and rendered powerless, with the final deity Saruin also trapped through the power of the Fatestones and the noble sacrifice of the hero Mirsa. Now 1,000 years have passed since that titanic battle. The Fatestones lie scattered across the world and the gods of evil are resurgent once more. Eight heroes set off on their own journeys, as if guided by the hand of fate. What tales will these adventurers weave across the vast tapestry of Mardias? You are the only one who can decide! The original Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song included many of the SaGa series trademark elements, such as the Glimmer and Combo mechanics and was considered to be the epitome of the series when it first released. The free scenario system that lets you create your own storyline remains at the core of the game, letting you select one of eight protagonists with completely different origins and backstories, then set off on a unique journey. This remastered edition has evolved in all areas, featuring upgraded high-definition graphics and numerous enhancements to improve playability. And for the first time ever, the game will be fully playable in French, German, Italian, and Spanish. This makes it highly recommended for both fans of the original and newcomers to the SaGa series.
Key Features
Brand new localization in French, German, Italian, and Spanish. (English also included.)
Full high-definition graphical update.
Schiele, Marina, Monica, and Flammar can now be recruited.
Enhanced and more difficult bosses.
High speed mode.
Mini Maps.
New Game+ mode.
■ Staff Comments
Akitoshi Kawazu, SaGa Series General Director
“With the support of Red Art Games, we’re now able to release a new version of Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song Remastered that includes localization into French, German, Italian, and Spanish languages. We are finally able to grant this desire of our loyal fans! We know there’s a big SaGa fanbase and community in the west, so releasing a new localized edition of the game to more of our fans has long been a dream of mine. I hope to continue to fulfill the wishes of our fans, as well as creating opportunities for even more people to play the game.”
Masanori Ichikawa, SaGa Series Producer
“The opportunity for this release all began when Michael Binkowski (CEO, Red Art Games) and Romain Mahut (business development and communications manager, Red Art Games) contacted me directly. Thanks to them, a long-time dream of ours is coming true and I’m so grateful. From visiting the Red Art Games office in France to all the discussions we’ve had on this project, it’s been an amazing experience from start to finish, and I can’t wait for SaGa fans to get their hands on this beautiful game.”
Hiroyuki Miura, Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song Remastered Producer
“Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song Remastered International is a title that allows players to enjoy a great many of the characteristic mechanics of the SaGa series, including the Freeform Scenario system, Glimmer, and Combos. The addition of new localization into French, German, Italian, and Spanish is particularly impactful for the freeform scenario. Now, players globally will be able to experience the story on an even deeper level, in their native language. I’m excited for more people to discover the SaGa series thanks to the additional language support and the physical release of the game. I’m delighted to be partnering with Red Art Games on this collaboration.”
View a new set of screenshots and box arts at the gallery.
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nikrei · 2 months
July Comics Round Up
Trying something new where I actually record this as I read and not all at once at the end of the month.
Hawk & Dove (14-28) (1990-1991)
V v good!! I love Dove she's my baby girl, and by the end of it Hawk was even starting to grow in me like a fungus. Also, thank gawd they stuck to their guns and never did a romance between Hawk and Dove, I really liked their love interests. (Also Babs shows up!!! Love love love) this finished up this run, it was pretty short. 100% recommended reading, especially if you are interested in the lords of chaos/order dynamics.
Doctor Fate (14-31) (1990-1991)
One thing I can say about DeMatteis's run is that despite all the weird "xtianity is the true religion" overtones, the insistence that the center of the universe, the greatest power behind everything, is pure unending joyful compassionate LOVE really gets to me. Could do without the overwhelming unsubtle proselytizing tho. Messner-Loebs follow-up is sooooo good tho holy shit, love love love the social commentary going on.
Starman (20-37) (1990-1991)
Will is such a good boy but he can be so dumb sometimes. Watching him learn and grow is very fun! This run strikes a good balance of drama humor and sincerity.
Doom Patrol (30-44) (1990-1991)
Excellent storytelling, and i got to meet Danny the Street!! Morrisons run is practically crossing itself over with the magnus archives they fit so well together. A little out of step with the rest of dc's mythology but that's sort of the point of it <3
Hellblazer (27-45) (1990-1991)
Most of 1990 I was thinking that John is really not doing a lot of magic stuff, just getting into wierd situations then 91 hit and bam, lung cancer soul selling arc! It was exciting to read after seeing it mentioned in so many places.
Swamp Thing (91-109) (1990-1991)
Okay Wheeler has me feeling all sorts of ways. Obviously his whole deal with planetary afterlifes has me going insane, but also he is so so wierd about christianity like his whole set up of the eden situation with angels that consult god, its all so awkward with established Swamp Thing mythos. Also, the Grey has been introduced and posites that fungus and decay are extraterrestrial life imposed on earth and I sort of hate it. Back in Moore's run, towards the beginning, all discussion of decay was as a part of ecosystems which is true! Having decay be an imposed malicious force is sooooooo dumb I hate it. Wheeler can tell a story but all his subject matter is sus as hell.
The Demon (1-16) (1990-1991)
Does not further my blood/etrigan agenda as much as I would like, but it is pretty fun. Also Klarion and Lobo showed up which was exciting
Batman (443-469) (1990-1991)
It's timbo's time to shine! They really are shilling hard for this kid, but I love him so its okay.
Detective Comics (612-637) (1990-1991)
Frustrating that Jason's name is anathema until tim shows up and then it's all victim blame-y bullshit to make tim look better.
Robin (1-5) (1991)
This is one of the first dc comics I read! So it was very exciting to come back to it with a better understanding of everything going on, especially more Shiva background. Also, new version of Ace the bathound showed up!
Legends of the Dark Knight (1-20) (1989-1991)
Some good stories but I am so tired of the clumsy mystic noble savage trope that these authors love to pull when they involve indigenous folk. Also, the more stories that happen that take up months the funnier i think it is that all of these have to be happening in the first the years of Bruce's career because Dick isn't there yet.
New Titans (65-80) (1990-1991)
Jumped back into the town just in time for my last favorite arc, Wildebeest Jericho, doing my precious baby boy wrong on every possible level. Good slade content yeah, but at what cost? And it gets all mucked up with the Armageddon 2001 event in a way that is just messy storytelling.
The Flash (34-54) (1990-1991)
Wally is my dumb little guy and he is living and learning and trying his best. I'm so glad that he has a full pit crew for his high powered racehorse disposition. Also he got a dog named mercury! So far this run has been a good mix of funny and sincere, action and drama. Deffo recommend.
Suicide Squad (37-57) (1990-1991)
Amanda Waller is really peak boss in these issues. She's softened up in some ways and gotten sharper in others. Very fun to see the squad do the freelance thing. And also BABS IS HERE!! (Oops I mean 'amy') I love her ahhhh
Captain Atom (37-57) (1990-1991)
Finished this one up, all in all it's a good run. Nathan is an interesting hero and there's a lot of themes about truth vs lies and the shitty nature of the us military, but also there are some very funny silly moments. Recommended!
Animal Man (23-40) (1990-1991)
Holy shit Morrison's run was so gooood, 4th wall breaking meta level shit I'm very into it. A very wierd follow-up after that, but it involved Animal Man positing multiverse theory that spit in the face of ordained dc canon (but aligns with my thoughts on the subject hell yeah) But yeah, Buddy is going thru the wars in this.
Green Arrow (29-50) (1990-1991)
They are really leaning into this whole "Ollie kills people now" thing. Also, Dinah continues to be a footnote in service to Ollie's story and I hope she leaves him soon. They aren't bad stories but I think Grell leans too hard into the 'Dark and Gritty.'
The Question (34-36) (1990)/Question Quarterly (1-5) (1990-1992)
If I had realized there were only three issues left on the og I would have just finished it up last time! Proud of Vic for leaving Hub City, truly the worst city in America. Conversely, also proud of Myra for staying and trying to fix things. As far as quarterly goes, I can't believe what they did to Jackie holy hell. Honestly, as far as the whole series goes, the downward spiral of Hub City is so extreme that it really is just a reflection of how everything is getting more uneccessarily dark and gritty on a meta level.
Action Comics (252-285) (1959-1962)
And I am officially back in the silver age!! I started 'Tec/Batman when Batgirl showed up so I figured I'd start Action/Superman when Supergirl showed up! Tbh silver age doesn't really do it for me, so I am skimming these just a bit sometimes, but it really is fun to see just how wacky things could get back then! Also, Clark is wayyy too mean to Kara!! She's always crying wanting to be adopted and have a loving family and he's like! Too bad! Be my secret weapon! Also, these comics have such a messed up idea of adoption and kids having to prove that they're worthy of being loved and the adults shopping around. Is that just what things were like?? Anyway in 285 she's revealed to the world! She has a loving family with the Danvers! It's everything I wanted!!
Superman (130-150) (1959-1962)
Started this at a point to be contemporary with AC. Silver age Clark is certainly a guy, I'm collecting panels of him eating weird things. Also, 60s Lois is the gal of all time absolutely. I sorta can't wait until socials mores move away from "women must want to be married, immediately." Also this current continuity has the Kent's having died before Clark moved to Metropolis, which is sorta wild.
Adventure Comics (247-280) (1958-1961)
The Superboy stuff is honestly really silly when you think of all this shit happening while Clark is a very narrow age range, but also they keep referring to things that happened in previous comics as happening a few years ago in universe. Time isn't real baybee! Anyway I started here because it was the first issue with the Legion! I didn't realize that I was getting Green Arrow and Aquaman backups until I started so that was a fun bonus, especially getting to read Garth's first appearance! Honestly I love that in this time period Arthur is sorta just a homeless loser who has nothing to do with Atlantis but is calling himself the king of the sea anyway.
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen (40-58) (1959-1962)
Jimmy is the sokka of the group sorry I don't make the rules I just say the cursed truth.
Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane (1-28) (1958-1961)
This comic truly is gaslight gaslight girlboss. Aka 66% is Clark gaslighting Lois about superman and the other 34% is Lois being a v 50s/60s girlboss, I love her so much, but oh my gawd this time period goes hard on MARRIAGE. I will be honest the gender essentialism in this does get very annoying. Its in all of the comics but is most focused in this one because it's about Human-Woman Lois Lane.
World's Finest Comics (100-123) (1959-1962)
For the most part I'm not that into these because there's not much actual character interaction, its all just new fight with a new gimmick. This is especially obvious in the Green Arrow backups where they only have 6 pages and it's all to showcase the newest arrow. Didn't read any of the Tommy Tomorrow backups sorry my dude i do not know u i do not care.
Green Lantern (1-10) (1960-1962) + Showcase (22-24) (1959)
This is a lot of fun! I think I like silver age comics like GL and Flash better than batman or superman because they are new characters with no status quo to uphold. Hal can do a lot with his ring, like transmuting matter, that I'm pretty sure can't be done these days, which will be neat to watch develop.
Justice League of America (1-8) (1960-1962) + Brave and the Bold (28-30) (1960)
Fine!! I caved!! I let my terrible completionist nature get the better of me and I'm gonna read the first 75 of these that I skipped last time. Its sorta wild tho, because reading the solos of this time period you'd think that nobody is sharing the same world except superman and batman, and aquaman sometimes, but then there they are on the justice league! (No seriously, superman has been to at least two separate "mysterious Amazon islands" that have nothing to do with paradise island. And he's never made mention of knowing an amazon.)
So my recording as I go experiment has worked, which is honestly a really good thing because I would be really hard pressed to review the stuff from before my time jump right now, oops.
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wadbot · 8 months
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FINALDOOR.wad: Baron Door MAP21: The Sky is Lava (-752, 2176, 192) Author: Biodegradable, Sandwedge, Clippy Clippington, Knifeworld, Dubium, KurryMayo, smeghammer, Kan3, Pisto Date: 2022-09-01 Description: So it all started one day when Biodegradable was like yo can Barons open Doors? Sandwedge then lead a research expedition and it kind of got away from all of us and next thing you know Baron Door became self aware and 96 maps later and many participants - who could have thought we would find so many ways for barons to open doors? Enjoy these maps as pistol starts as they were intended, or play continuously for an easier time but it was not balanced for that. Here is the map list and author information The main event is of course: ***Baron Door*** 1 = red fist of blood by Clippy 2 = Barons o fun by Knifeworld 3 = wheel of misfortune by Clippy 4 = Paradigm Shift by Clippy 5 = Blue Plinko by Clippy 6 = Noble Doormen by Knifeworld 7 = Dead Complicated by Dubium 8 = Kuro Has Barons by KurryMayo 9 = Baron Doors by smeghammer 10 = Takeshi's Doors by Kan3 11 = Humiliated by Dubium 12 = Jersey Shore by Pistoolkip 13 = SCOOBY BARON DOOR by evil scientist42 14 = Prisoners of Woe by Man With Gun 15 = Unlawful Baronial Knowledge by Death Bear 16 = Maraudoor by Chookum 17 = Oops by Zulk RS 18 = Baron Mind by Dubbag 19 = do you even lift by HrnekBezucha 20 = Attack on Titan by Astro X 21 = Baron and Friends by Snaxalotl 22 = Doorception by Pistoolkip 23 = DOORS OF BARONCEPTION by evil scientist42 24 = Barons are Gentlemen by NilsQ 25 = Barend Canyon by Matacrat 26 = The Pizza Guys Are Here! by Chookum 27 = Wrong Turn on Baron St. by Snaxalotl 28 = Village of Barons by Astro X 29 = Baron director's cut Idk man by Astro X 30 = Bio was Wrong by Clippy 31 = Baron Womb by Dannarchy 32 = Is the Sky A Door? by Zulk RS ///// if you completed the above - stick around for some bonus material: ***BONUS DOOR*** 1 = Put Me In The Wiki by Sandwedge (1st map!) 2 = Gothenburg labs by dyshoria 3 = Achterbakse Schavuit by Peccatum Mihzamiz 4 = hoof tip tapdancers by Clippy 5 = Valet of Hell by Blue Phoenix 6 = Baronic Space Elevator by Zulk RS 7 = Get Your TNT Out of My Baron Door by Zulk RS 8 = 41 Barons by Steve88 9 = you_cant_enlarge_without_the_aid_to_dodge by dyshoria 10 = Bludgeonator IV: Blood of the Baron by Clippy 11 = Humiliated (extended original version) by Dubium 12 = The Four Headless Doorsemen of the Apocaclips by Clippy 13 = Train in the Ass by Clippy 14 = They Can't by Pistoolkip 15 = Good Vibrations by Dannarchy 16 = Chase The Light; Barons Chase You Endlessly by Zulk RS 17 = Baron Portal by Knifeworld 18 = HBO's Barry, but it's a Baron instead of Bill Hader by Dubbag 19 = Freak on a Leash by Dannarchy 20 = The Floor is Lava by Astro V 21 = The Sky is Lava by HrnekBezucha 22 = I WAS BARON THIS WAY by evil scientist42 23 = Heart Attack by Dannarchy 24 = Helping Hand by Dubium 25 = Just Like a Baron Ass by Knifeworld 26 = BREDD by Worriedidiot 27 = Simple Memorization Game by Valhen_Saipiam 28 = WTF.wad by Zulk RS 29 = Sectors of Silence by HALFCOOL 30 = Icon of Door by Pistoolkip 31 = Wolfendoor by Clippy Clippingdoor 32 = Baron Doorgasm by Clippy ///////// if you still aren't full enjoy the chaos that is: *** FINAL DOOR: CLOSURE*** 1 = Closing Time by Clippy Close the Door 2 = Final Barondown by evil scientist42 3 = Insatanity by Man With Gun 4 = Baron assaultby Astro X 5 = Snowblinder by Maribo 6 = Hellknight Window by evil scientist42 7 = Simple Memorization Game (original version) by Valhen_Saipiam 8 = Baron Something Something by SuyaSS 9 = Wall of Baron Floors by Knifeworld 10 = Monty Hall Barodox by DiR 11 = If the Baron in the Middle Dies, Bad Stuff Will Happen by Large Cat 12 = Doorjave Desert by HALFCOOL 13 = Barons Meat Tunnel by ClumsyCryptid 14 = The gentlemen by Silent Wolf 15 = Yes, It's Maxable by Rocky 16 = Some Light Reading, Vol. 1 by Death Bear 17 = Some Light Reading, Vol. 2 by Death Bear 18 = Some Light Reading, Vol. 3 by Death Bear 19 = Baronderhalls (of the Damned) by DiR 20 = More Light Reading, Vol. 1 by Death Bear 21 = More Light Reading, Vol. 2 by Death Bear 22 = More Light Reading, Vol. 3 by Death Bear 23 = Baronial Annotations by Death Bear 24 = Lost Pages by Death Bear 25 = Unholy Writ by Death Bear 26 = Some Heavier Reading, Vol. 1 by Death Bear 27 = Some Heavier Reading, Vol. 2 by Death Bear 28 = Some Heavier Reading, Vol. 3 by Death Bear 29 = I�m Done Reading, Now by Death Bear 30 = Closure by Death Bear 31 = Restricted Section, Vol. 1 by Death Bear 32 = Restricted Section, Vol. 2 by Death Bear
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deluluspqr · 2 months
1. Basic Information
Name: Romulus
Epithets/Titles: Quirinus
Domain(s): Rome, roman state, citizenship, civil order and institutions
Symbols: Wolf, spear, wreath crown
Sacred Animal(s): wolf
Patron of: roman citizens
2. Appearance
General Description: A dark haired 30 something man with a short beard
Common Attire: Roman emperor attire
Iconography: Depicted as a boy, with his brother, suckling on Lupa
3. Personality and Traits
Primary Traits: Noble, observant, bellicose, honorable, patriotic, lawful, determined
Notable Strengths: Unstoppable will
Notable Weaknesses: Temperamental
Behavior Towards Mortals: Isolationist, althought prone to listen to prayers or intervene if NR is facing an actual threat
4. Relationships
Spouse/Consort: A sabine woman, Hersilia (Hora)
Children: Prima and Avillius
Allies: gods and demigods
Rivals/Enemies: giants and titans
Relationship with Worshippers: depends on the gravity of the issue (does it threatens Rome intregrity in any way?)
Part of Archaic Triad, with Mars and Jupiter
5. Worship and Cult
Primary Locations of Worship: Temple of the Archaic Triad, shrine on the Quirinal Hill
Major Festivals: Quirinalia, corresponds with the traditional day of Romulus' death
Typical Offerings:
Ritual Practices:
6. Mythology and Legends
Key Myths: The myths concerning Romulus involve several distinct episodes and figures, including the miraculous birth and youth of Romulus and his twin brother, Remus; Remus' murder and the founding of Rome;  the establishment of various Roman institutions; the death or apotheosis of Romulus, and the succession of Numa Pompilius
According to Roman mythology, Romulus and Remus were the sons of Rhea Silvia by the god Mars. Their maternal grandfather was Numitor, the rightful king of Alba Longa, through whom the twins were descended from both the Trojan hero Aeneas, and Latinus, the king of Latium.
Before the twins' birth, Numitor's throne had been usurped by his brother, Amulius, who murdered Numitor's son or sons, and condemned Rhea Silvia to perpetual virginity by consecrating her a Vestal.When Rhea became pregnant, she asserted that she had been visited by the god Mars. Amulius imprisoned her, and upon the twins' birth, ordered that they be thrown into the Tiber. But as the river had been swollen by rain, the servants tasked with disposing of the infants could not reach its banks, and so exposed the twins beneath a fig tree at the foot of the Palatine Hill.
In the traditional account, a she-wolf happened upon the twins, and suckled them until they were found by the king's herdsman. In reality, they were first found by Mars, who ordered a she-wolf and the woodpeckers to care for them until he found them fosterage. He deifies the wolf as Lupa in grattitude.
The brothers grew to manhood among the shepherds and hill-folk. After becoming involved in a conflict between the followers of Amulius and those of their grandfather Numitor, they lured Amulius into an ambush and killed him, restoring their grandfather to the throne.The princes then set out to establish a city of their own.
Romulus and Remus disagree on the principles on which the city should founded. With Romulus being the more militaristic and developmentist one and Remus being more conected to nature and a simple way of living. The conflict escalates and ends with Romulus killing Remus and becoming the first king of Rome.
After a reign of thirty-seven years,Romulus is said to have disappeared in a whirlwind during a sudden and violent storm, as he was reviewing his troops on the Campus Martius, being raised to heaven by Mars and assuming the name Quirinus.
Famous Deeds: Founding of Rome
Historical Influence: He founded that which would be an eternal, and some say the greatest and most influentional, civilization
7. Powers and Abilities
Primary Powers: He has great divine strenght and influentional power
Limitations: He is confined to oversee New Rome
Artifacts/Weapons: Spear, wreath crown
8. Miscellaneous
Associated Tarot Card: The Chariot
Associated Colors: Red, royal purple
Emojis: 🐺🗡️
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